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YU-GI-OH! GX NAME: Jaden Yuki JAPANESE NAME: Yuki Judai AGE: 15 at debut, currently 17 STATUS: Third year student DORM: Slifer Red RELATIONS: None VOICE ACTOR: Matthew Charles SEIYUU: KENN DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games SEASON 1 15-year old Jaden joins the Duel Academy - a school established by Seto Kaiba sometime after the events of the Duel Monsters season. While on his way to the entrance duel, he runs into his idol, Yugi Muto, who, in the ten years since we last saw the character, has become a worldwide celebrity and duelist sensation. Jaden receives from Yugi the Winged Kuriboh card, which he uses to defeat Dr. Crowler in the entrance exam. This stunt gains Jaden the immediate respect and admiration of his classmates, and he becomes one of the greatest duelists in the school (though occasionally underappreciated, due to his status in the "Slifer Red" dorm, the lowest dorm). Jaden's Joey-like enthusiasm for dueling makes him a valuable asset in the fight against the threats that he faces in Season 1, including the Shadow Riders and the Sacred Beasts. SEASON 2 After passing all of his end of year exams, Jaden and friends return to Duel Academy for a second year. Jaden still has his enthusiastic personality, but regains much character development in Season 2, especially after meeting Aster Phoenix, a new first year who seems to match his calibre in dueling. Although, things quickly take a turn for the weird, and Jaden, after losing to Aster, becomes depressed and loses the abilty to see his cards. After returning from Neospace with new monsters, he manages to defeat Aster and rediscovers himself, continuing a fight against the evil and mysterious Society of Light. SEASON 3 Although still a carefree duelist, Jaden appears to have more serious

following the events of Season 2. After he and his friends are strangely transported to a different dimension, Jaden uses this newfound seriousness to keep his cool when his friends become duel zombies and his friend Jesse is sacrificed in the wake of a new (or perhaps old) threat. Blaming himself for this, Jaden begins to question himself as not just a duelist, but a human. NAME: Syrus Truesdale JAPANESE NAME: Marafuji Sho AGE: 15 at debut, currently 17 STATUS: Third year student DORM: Ra Yellow, formerly Slifer Red RELATIONS: Zane Truesdale (Brother) VOICE ACTOR: Wayne Grayson SEIYUU: Suzuki Masami DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games Syrus is the weaker younger brother of Zane Truesdale, who is in the Obelisk Blue dormitory. He himself joined as a student in the Slifer Red dormitory along with Chumley Huffington and the main character, Jaden Yuki. He is a decent duelist, but has a great deal of self doubt, hindering his performance. He is later promoted to the Ra Yellow dorm after he defeats Ran, an Obelisk Blue student, in a duel. He was meant to spend his third year in Obelisk Blue after gaining a high score on his end of year exams the year before, but decided not to remain there. NAME: Alexis Rhodes JAPANESE NAME: Tenjoin Asuka AGE: 15 at debut, currently 17 YEAR: Third year student DORM: Obelisk Blue RELATIONS: Atticus Rhodes (Brother) VOICE ACTOR: Priscilla Everett SEIYUU: Sanae Kobayashi DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games Alexis is a strong female duelist from the Obelisk Blue dormitory at Duel Academia; Alexis, along with Zane Truesdale and Chazz Princeton, is in the best dormitory of the academy. She is regarded as

the queen of Obelisk Blue, yet she does not follow the crowd nor does she regard herself as better than other people. NAME: Dr. Vellian Crowler JAPANESE NAME: Professor Chronos De Mediz AGE: 35 at debut, currently 37 STATUS: Department chair of Techniques DORM: Obelisk Blue RELATIONS: None VOICE ACTOR: Sean Schemmel SEIYUU: Sanae Kobayashi DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games Think of Yu-gi-oh! GX as Harry Potter - You have Jaden (Harry), Syrus (Ron), Alexis (Hermione) and Chazz (Malfoy). Dr. Crowler? He's the Severus Snape of Yu-gi-oh! GX. The one teacher who picks his favorites among the students and picks on the others. He believes that only the extremely skilled duelists should be students, and he is always trying to find ways to get Jaden expelled. Oh and he has a PHD in dueling and hates Cats. NAME: Chazz Princeton JAPANESE NAME: Manjoumi Jun AGE: 15 at debut, currently 17 STATUS: Third year student DORM: Slifer Red, formerly Obelisk Blue (see below) RELATIONS: Slade & Jagger Princeton (Brothers) VOICE ACTOR: Sean Schemmel SEIYUU: Sanae Kobayashi DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games As I mentioned before, Chazz is the Draco Malfoy of Yu-gi-oh! GX. He is jealous of Jaden ever since he saw his performance in the entrance exam (clearly better than his performance) and will stop at nothing to prove he is capable of beating Jaden. Originally in Obelisk Blue, he temporarily transferred to North Academy for several episodes (and became Jaden Yuki's opponent in the annual "School

Duel") but transferred back to Duel Academy following this. Under this technicality, he was forced into Slifer Red (as students joining mid-year cannot take an entrance exam and must "start from the bottom"), much to his dismay, and has remained there ever since. NAME: Zane Truesdale JAPANESE NAME: Marafuji "Kaiser" Ryo AGE: 17 at debut, currently 19 STATUS: Former student, now member of pro-duelist league DORM: Obelisk Blue (at graduation) RELATIONS: Syrus Truesdale (Brother) VOICE ACTOR: Scottie Ray SEIYUU: Maeda Takeshi DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games Duel Academy has had hundreds of amazing duelists residing on its campus, but none as highly superior as Zane Truesdale. Zane was one of the most highly respected and top ranked duelists at Duel Academy. He is also the only person whom Jaden has been unable to defeat, although he came close in "Graduation Match", with the duel ending in a tie. After being beaten for the first time by Aster Phoenix, Zane lost all faith in his dueling skills and became the worst player in the league, before a brief but intense stint in the illegal "Underground duelist" leagues (a result of his desperation). Following this, he regained his old skills, but became a different Zane - a cold, heartless duelist who abandoned any respet he had for his cards. Then, he disappeared. NAME: Bastion Misawa JAPANESE NAME: Misawa Daichi AGE: 15 at debut, currently 17 STATUS: Third year student DORM: Ra Yellow RELATIONS: None VOICE ACTOR: Eric Stuart SEIYUU: Yuuki Masuda DEBUT: Episode 1 - The Next King of Games

Bastian Misawa was the strongest duelist in Ra Yellow, and considers himself one of Jaden's closest friends. Although Jaden feels the same way, Jaden is sure that he is stronger than Bastian. In Season 2, Bastion became a follower of the light, but was freed after his love of science made him remember his old life and break the curse, in a similar way that Chazz was freed. After this, he ran off with his mentor and disappeared without a trace. In Season 3, after Jaden and the gang were transported to another dimension, it is revealed that Bastion was also trapped there after an experiment went wrong, and was able to use his intellect to assist the gang's return to the real world. NAME: Tyranno Hassleberry JAPANESE NAME: Tyranno Kenzan AGE: 15 at debut, currently 16 STATUS: Second Year Student DORM: Ra Yellow RELATIONS: None VOICE ACTOR: Unknown SEIYUU: Hiroshi Shimozaki DEBUT: Episode 53 - Back to Duel Tyranno Hassleberry was first depicted as a bully who picked on Jaden and his friends, despite being a year younger than them! He thought he was unbeatable, but when Jaden disproved that theory, he came to idolize Jaden, even taking to sleeping in the same room as him at the Slifer Red dorm, despite being in Ra. He is the son of a great army general, and therefore likes to pretend he is in the army, referring to his dorm as "The Yellow Barracks" and speaking with a sterotypical texan accent. He and Syrus often fight over who is a better friend of Jaden. He is a dinosaur duelist, and his favorite movie is Jurassic Park, as he can be seen wearing a Jurassic Park T-shirt in various flashbacks. NAME: Atticus Rhodes JAPANESE NAME: Fubuki Tenjoin AGE: 16 at debut, currently 18 STATUS: Third year student (See below) DORM: Obelisk Blue RELATIONS: Alexis Rhodes (Sister)

VOICE ACTOR: Jason Anthony Griffith SEIYUU: Kouji Yusa DEBUT: Episode 29 - Doomsday Duel (Part 1) Atticus is Alexis' brother. A great duelist and a babe magnet, he's always there for anyone who needs him, especially his sister. He went missing before Alexis' came to Duel Academy. He was revealed to have been taken in by Kagemaru and brainwashed into becoming a Shadow Rider known as Nightshroud. After Jaden defeats him, he returns to normal, but briefly reprises this role in Season 2. He studies at the same level as his sister, despite being a year older, since he missed a year when taken by the Shadow Riders. NAME: Sartorious JAPANESE NAME: Sakuma Taiou AGE: Unknown STATUS: Former Third year transfer student, current status unknown DORM: Obelisk Blue VOICE ACTOR: Maddie Blaustein SEIYUU: Takehito Koyasu DEBUT: Episode 53 - Back to Duel Not much is known about Sartorious. He has a knack for reading Tarot cards and is believed to be the leader of the Society of Light (White Organisation in Japanese).

NAME: Aster Phoenix JAPANESE NAME: Edo Phoenix AGE: 15 at debut, currently 16 STATUS: First year student DORM: Obelisk Blue RELATIONS: Father (Deceased), Kyle Jabels (Legal Guardian - deceased) VOICE ACTOR: n/a SEIYUU: Akira Ishida DEBUT: Episode 53 - Back to Duel

Aster Phoenix is a child prodigy. One year younger than Jaden, he has accomplished much in his 15 years of life. Not only is he a sporting legend, but his also has two PHD's! He is a good friend of Jaden when he comes to the school (at least it seems that way), but their views of duelling differ highly. Whilst Jaden believes that the thrill of duelling comes from the luck of the draw, and never knowing what's going to happen next, Aster believes that our future is set and that our destiny is written, hence the Destiny Heroes he uses. Although his story is resolved in Season 2, he becomes a recurring character and makes occasional appearances.

NAME: Jesse Anderson JAPANESE NAME: Johan Andersen AGE: 17 STATUS: North Academy exchange student DORM: n/a RELATIONS: None VOICE ACTOR: n/a SEIYUU: Kanako Irie DEBUT: Episode 106 - Jewel of a Duel (Part 1) Jesse Anderson is an exchange student from Duel Academy during Season 3. He is considered the Jaden of the north, posessing his enthusiasm towards dueling, carefree attitude, heroic personality and ability to see duel spirits. After the academy is sent to another dimension, Jesse is taken with them and assists Jaden and the gang in finding their way home. Although not clear at first, Jesse plays a large part in Jaden's character development; after he is sacrificed to Yubel so that the gang can return home, Jaden blames himself due to Yubel being his monster. This trauma plays a large part in Jaden's growing up.

NAME: Axel Brodie JAPANESE NAME: Austin O'Brien AGE: 17 STATUS: West Academy exchange student

DORM: n/a RELATIONS: Father VOICE ACTOR: n/a SEIYUU: Naru Kawamoto DEBUT: Episode 106 - Jewel of a Duel (Part 1) Axel Brodie began his life at Duel Academy as an exchange student from it's western franchise. He was originally the right hand man of Professor Thelonius Viper, but after Viper revealed his true intentions, he began assisting Jaden and the gang when they were trapped in the other dimension, as well as when they returned to find Jesse. Growing up, Axel trained with his mercenary father and now applies these techniques to dueling, claiming that the reason he duels so well is because he has trained his mind to duel as if his life depended on it. This mercenary background is reflected in his Volcanic Burn deck and unique Duel Disk (possibly of his own design) that takes on the appearance of a hand-held cannon when in standby.

NAME: Jim "Crocodile" Cook JAPANESE NAME: (Same) AGE: 17 STATUS: South Academy exchange student DORM: n/a RELATIONS: Shirley (Pet Crocodile) VOICE ACTOR: n/a SEIYUU: Naoya Iwahashi DEBUT: Episode 106 - Jewel of a Duel (Part 1) An exchange student from Duel Academy's south branch down under, Jim "Crocodile" Cook is the stereotypical Australian, reflected in his accent, his boomerang-like Duel Disk and the crocodile he carries on his back. He accompanies the gang to the alternate dimension, and is one of the few who do not become "Duel Ghouls", despite being seldom-seen throughout the ordeal. Of all the exchange students, he has been seen the least, but begins to play a vital role in the plot once the true nature of the situation reveals itself.

NAME: Yubel JAPANESE NAME: (Same) AGE: unknown STATUS: unknown DORM: n/a RELATIONS: Jaden (former owner) VOICE ACTOR: Priscilla Everett SEIYUU: Hisao Egawa/Hiromi Tsuru DEBUT: Episode 130 - Unleash the Dragon (Part 2) Yubel is the primary antagonist of the third season, though not actually revealed to be so until late in the season. Until then, she begins as the mysterious voice that haunts Jaden in his sleep from below the academy. She then manages to posess Marcel, the french friend of Blair and uses this human appearance to fight on her own behalf. Using Marcel's body, she takes Duel Academy to the alternate dimension where enough energy is gathered by her in her duel with Jaden (especially due to the large energy generated by the Sacred Beasts, which she unearthed from their resting place) for him to discard Marcel's body and personify herself in a physical form, revealing her true identity to Jaden and continuing her rampage to the extreme.

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