Youths For Autism

  • April 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 417
  • Pages: 4
Youths for Autism

WHAT IS Y OUTHS FOR AUTISM? Youths for Autism (YFA) is a student initiated program that involves students from RI(JC) working closely with autistic children from the Pathlight School for Autistic Children. The main objectives of YFA are to foster stronger social and communication skills in the students from Pathlight and to erode the stigma that is commonly associated with Autism. This is done by:

Organising Activities for Autistic Kids

• CIPs • Activities that inculcate social and communication skills Mentoring the kids during camps • Volunteering for a 3 day camps in June and November Raising Awareness about Autism • Organising awareness drives

WHAT IS AUTISM? Autism is a spectrum disorder in that leads to inadequacy in social and communication skills. Contrary to common perception, autistic people are not intellectually disabled. In fact, many of them are highly competent in Math and Science. Individuals afflicted with autism are like the Average Joe in every aspect, except for the fact that they find it difficult to communicate with other people.


Late April





• Art Exhibition in RJ to showcase artistic ability of the kids

• Enrichment Activities for kids at Pathlight • Sports and Fun Camp at Pathlight

• Organising activities for national day celebrations at Pathlight

• Organising activities for teachers' day celebrations at Pathlight

• Organising activities for national day celebrations at Pathlight

You can help light up the life of these kids by volunteering your time and energy for YFA. By being an activity organizer or mentor for the kids, you can bring about a real change in their lives!

EXPECTED COMMITMENT When you join a sub-committee in YFA, you are expected to meet the expectations that your team sets for you and ensure that the project that you are working on becomes a success. You are also expected to ensure that the team morale remains high and that you have some fun while making the world a better place for the kids! To put it in a nutshell, you are expected to be a teamplayer who can commit his/her time and energy to ensure that we get the results we want and have a blast while at it! If you want to make a difference and can commit to YFA, we will be glad to welcome you into our ranks!

QUESTIONS? Emails, Calls or Text Messages are pleasantly welcome!




• 93588912 • [email protected]

• 94795573 • [email protected]

• 82674231 • [email protected]

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