Youth Seva Report (jakarta)

  • November 2019
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  • Pages: 14
YOUTH SEVA REPORT JAKARTA 2005 HEPATITIS B VACCINATION PROGRAM Hepatitis B is a serious disease caused by a virus that attacks the liver. This virus can cause lifelong infection, cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver, liver cancer, liver failure and ultimately death. The best protection against this disease is by giving the Hepatitis B vaccination. Unfortunately a large number of children suffer from the dreaded diseases in the country. The Youth of Sai Study Group Jakarta resolved to inoculate the less fortunate children against the dreaded Hepatitis B virus. Each program has a duration of 4 months and is divided to 3 phases. The second shot is given after a month’s gap from the first shot, while the third shot is given after four months from the date of commencement. The youths helped in administering the children’s details and entertained the children to distract them from pain while the doctors injected them. Bread and milk were provided to them too. In Year 2005, The Hepatitis B Vaccination program was conducted in a public school called SDN PAPANGGO 01 PAGI; SDN PAPANGGO 02 PETANG; YASPI in a rural area called PAPANGGO, JAKARTA UTARA. The program was conducted in three phases between 19th march 2005- 30th july 2005. In the first phase, 729 children were inoculated, in the second, 668 children received the vaccination and in the third phase, 601 children received their last shot.

JAVA YOUTH CAMP A 2-day Youth camp was held for the youths from different centers in Java, Bali and Sulawesi. The camp was conducted in the Sai center in Jakarta and the theme of the camp was based on Swami’s famous dictum – UNITYPURITY- DIVINITY. 150 youths attended the sessions which comprised of inspiring talks on Sai teachings, workshops, interactive sessions and video screenings. The objective of holding such a regional camp was to facilitate a more intensive and concentrated session for Sai youths of the respective regions.

I-CARE SEVA The increasing number of under- privileged students needing spectacles for a clearer vision, got the attention of the Sai Youths in Jakarta. This started a seva program called the “ I –care”. 2005 On the 13th and 14th of August, the students of grade 4-6 of SDN Tugu Selatan 02 in Semper, Plumpang got their eyesight examined by professional opticians. Spectacles were prescribed to those with poor vision, The children were allowed to freely choose the colours and shapes of their spectacle frames. The spectacles were delivered to them the following week. A local doctor was invited to advise the children on how to take good care of their eyes. Thus The I – care program has completed its first series of seva by providing spectacles to 33 students and 15 teachers with poor vision in the government school which provides free education to 200 children. The second phase of I-care was held on the 21st of January 2006 at SDN Papango 01,sunter,Jakarta utara, where more than 250 students with poor Vision were served. A VISIT BY BRO. SURESH GOVIND FROM MALAYSIA. Bro. Suresh Govind visited the Jakarta Sai Center. In his brief visit, he succeeded in motivating Sai Youths in Sai’s mission. The youths volunteered in organizing the program. BABA’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS Baba’s 80th Birthday celebration was held on the 11th of Dec 2005 at the Mahatma Gandhi School Hall. The Youths put up a dramatic play titled “Follow the Master, Face the Devil, Fight to the End & Finish the Game”. The play revolved around Sai’s avataric descent and mission in the present time. 50 youths participated in the inspiring musical play. 2006 MAKE A WISH! 1 & 2 The Sai youths commenced the year 2006 with a heart-warming Seva activity for the ailing children in a hospital. The seva was titled “Make a Wish!” and it involved the youths visiting the ill children in the hospital, and asking them what they wished for. One youth attended to one child on a personal basis. The children happily voiced their wishes of dolls, toy cars,


roller blades, soft toys etc. The following week, each youth lovingly offered their respective gifts for their little ailling patients who received them with great enthusiasm and joy. The second phase of ‘make a wish’ was held in the month November to commemorate Baba’s birthday celebrations. The joyful smiles of the children at the fulfillment of their simple wishes was the highlight of the seva. SHIVRATRI SEVA To commemorate the auspicious occasion of Shivratri, a bunch of youths drove around the city on the holy night and distributed packets of plain milk to the less fortunate street children. The children were overjoyed to receive free milk and excitedly rushed to the youths for more.


Bhagavan Baba states that Health is the primary requisite for all activities – physical, mental, intellectual and spiritual. Every effort should be made to keep the human body healthy. Health is wealth. Therefore the wealth of the nation undoubtedly depends on the health of its people. People in the third world countries are sick because they are poor and in many cases they are poor because they are sick. Meager incomes do not allow for expensive healthcare costs when basic sustenance itself is a question. This then affects productivity, which in turn retards the progress of the nation. Swami further adds that any injury or illness that affects the health of a being adversely must be attended to with loving care. This emotion that pours out to the suffering and the afflicted is compassion. When compassion covers best of skills and the best of medical technology and is given with love and kindness, it transforms mere MEDICARE from the process of disease curing to complete-healing. This when made into a movement to provide care free of cost to the masses becomes a potent force, and brings both health and dignity to many for whom it would otherwise be beyond reach.

Indonesia is one of the countries where ‘MEDICARE’ is highly required. Majority of the population live under unhygienic conditions. Apart from the low standard of living, the masses also possess a low literacy rate causing a general low level of awareness on personal hygiene and health. FREE OPERATIONS Swami says, “Service to Mankind is Service to God.” And it was this quotation that inspired the youths of Jakarta-Indonesia to take up this massive task of serving the Lord through service of His children by way of conducting operations for the needy. The drive for this project was set off when the youths first decided to conduct this seva as an offering to the Bhagavan on HIS 75th Birthday. But, with the grace of the Divine Lord, this project did not just stop there; in fact, it has been a continuous effort on the parts of the youths. The Operation seva project involves several stages. In the first, the team conducts extensive and thorough surveys throughout the city and even neighboring cities. Here, they look for those patients in dire need of medical help but do not have the means or resources to do so. In the second stage, these patients are brought to qualified doctors and surgeons for preliminary check-ups. They are subsequently registered in a hospital and the surgeries are duly performed. The last stage involves post-operative visits and required medical treatment at the doctor’s. Throughout every phase, the youths are always by the side of the patients. And throughout every start, Bhagavan is by them! Majority of patients are treated for tumor, hernia, lymphoma, Cancer (6 cases) and Heart Ailment (3 cases). As of January 2007 a total of 358 patients have been operated on. The seed of love sown years ago at the commencement of the project has grown to a beautiful tree, bearing fruits of love and satisfaction which the youths themselves are enjoying, for, hasn’t Bhagavan himself said, “Service

to man…will gladden your heart and make you feel that life has been worthwhile.”

BRO. JEGADEESAN’S VISIT TO JAKARTA. Bro. Jega visited Jakarta in the month of May. 2006 Since his visit coincided with th Mother Easwaramma Day on May 6 , the Youth put up a short play based on a Mother’s Unconditional Love. The play highlighted aspects of how some modern day youths commit a grave sin by neglecting a Mother’s love. A youth couple traditionally honored their parents by dedicating their pure efforts in the form of a book on Hinduism to them. YOGYA SEVA (additional reports to be provided) As Sai devotees across the country rushed to aid the unfortunate victims of the tragic quake in Jakarta, The youths of Jakarta too offered their help by carrying urgent medicines to the stricken area, on the day following the disaster, They visited Dr. Sarjito Hospital, located in Yogyakarta, and Cakra Husada Hospital, located in Klaten. Medicines were distributed at these two hospitals, including thousands of antibiotic doses, thousands of syringes, bandages and other necessary medical items. GURU PURNIMA SEVA To commemorate the auspicious festival of Guru Purnima, the youths & teens of Jakarta Sai center held a memorable seva activity for the inmates of an Old Folks Home, at Pantai Laras II, Cijantung. 143 old folks warmly welcomed the youths with happy songs. The teens & youths cooked the traditional ‘fried rice’ in the Sai center, and personally served them the rice together with milk and bananas with lots of love. The inmates were very touched with the gesture and invited the youths to visit them often. The Youths made huge contributions of rice, oil, sugar, noodles, napkins disinfectants and other basic items which were much needed by the home. The seva carried sweet memories for the inmates as well as the youths.

CIPANJALU FOOD DISTRIBUTION On the 27th of August Swami had first lead the Jakarta youth to Cipanjalu in Bandung where he showed the plight of hundreds of families, who were in


great suffering ; as circumstances had kept them without any source of income for the past 3 years, which resulted in a great lack of food. food distribution was carried off successfully to over 600 families on the 27th of august when the bandung and Jakarta youth joined hands to make On the 30th of August, an idea was conceived that the youth should help the plight of these families by bringing them food supplies. 12 tons of food supplies was targeted to be distributed to the six hundred families there. With Swami’s grace , within 2 weeks 12 tons of food supplies were collected. And on Sunday 17th of September the second phase of the seva was held when the Jakarta and bandung youth set out to distribute these supplies. This Seva has been nothing short of a miracle. Swami lead the youth beautifully. with Sai force of over a hundred people. Everybody joined hands, from the youth of Jakarta to the Mahilla Vibag, to the balvikas, elders, helpers, friends, family members and Bandung youth. everone worked hand in hand with the local residents in the village as though all were a family. Every house was entered, every heart touched and every hungry child can now be fed. The youths went from house to house giving a little food and spreading a lot of love.

X’MAS SEVA 23rd of December 2006 at an orphanage that shelters over 38 children. The age of the children rangesd from infants to 4 yrs. To co-incide with Christmas crlrbrations, the youths got together and arranged a special Christmas party of the happy bunch of kids. Music, games and Surprise gifts personally distributed by Santa Claus were a happy part of the occasion.





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