You're Hired

  • May 2020
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You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days!


Bryan A. Jones

Copyright 2005 by e-Life Publishing Company All rights reserved worldwide


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................... 2 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ........................................................................................ 3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................. 5 JOB ALERTS ...................................................................................................... 8 GET HIRED BY A TEMPORARY SERVICE...................................................... 18 CONTACT MANAGERS, VICE PRESIDENTS AND CEO S............................. 19 CONSIDER A HOME-BASED JOB ................................................................... 20 RESUMES AND COVER LETTERS.................................................................. 22 OTHER AVENUES ............................................................................................ 24 CB MALL .......................................................................................................... 25 1000 WAYS TO MAKE MONEY ........................................................................... 27 EMERGENCY CASH GENERATORS ....................................................................... 28 ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ................................................................................... 31 Start A Catering Business ............................................................................ 31 Start A Bed and Breakfast Business ............................................................ 31 Office Cleaning Business ............................................................................. 31 How To Start a Lawn Care Business............................................................ 31 Starting Your Own Home Daycare Business................................................ 31 You Can Become at Consultant ................................................................... 31 Work At Home Jobs Directory ...................................................................... 31 Step-by-Step Guide for Starting Your Own Translation Business ................ 31 Job Search Software Program ..................................................................... 31 Sports Team Jobs ........................................................................................ 31 51 Ways to Find Your Next Job Fast!........................................................... 31


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

About The Author

Bryan Jones is extremely happy to be married to Stephanie, his wife of 25 years. They are the blessed parents of 12 children (five boys and seven girls) and grandparents of four grandchildren. Bryan has served in a variety of positions and industries and he has become proficient in gaining and creating jobs for himself and others. He has successfully served and worked as an avionics technician in the aviation industry; an electronics technician, a network analyst, a systems consultant and a systems administrator in the information technology and telecommunications industries; a pastor, Bible teacher, musician and corporate administrator in the religious and non-profit arenas; an appraiser apprentice and a field inspector in the real estate and insurance industries; a teacher assistant and an administrator in the educational arena; and finally a published author and business consultant in the internet marketing industry. Bryan s passion is helping those in need, especially those who have lost financial and economic capacity to live successful lives. Bryan believes that with the right instruction and direction ANYONE can find sources of income and a sense of fulfillment above and beyond what they would normally expect. It s because of this passion that Bryan writes instructional articles, books and publications to help ANYONE succeed in life.

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You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Important Copyright Notice: You re Hired! How to Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! is copyrighted (c) 2005 by e-Life Publishing Company. All Rights Reserved. e-Life Publishing Company will take action against copyright violators to the fullest extent of the law. This work is in the process of being officially registered with the US Copyright Office, thereby giving e-Life Publishing Company the right to be awarded punitive - as well as actual - damages for every instance of copyright infringement. Disclaimer: Neither the author nor the publisher will be responsible for the use or misuse of the information contained herein. The information contained in this book is for information and entertainment purposes only. It is not intended as professional advice or a recommendation to act. Before engaging in any activity mentioned in this book, seek the advice and consultation of a competent professional and only act upon that counsel. Although the best efforts have been undertaken to ensure the information contained herein is accurate, neither the author nor the publisher makes any such warranties as to that accuracy. There are some companies and/or web sites that are mentioned in this book, but only for the purpose of providing additional information to aid you in your own research. Neither the author nor the publisher endorses any of them, or makes any official claims on their behalf. In any entrepreneurial endeavor, there is the risk of loss. Any suggestions of how much money can be made in any activity listed in this book should be considered strictly anecdotal and atypical. The actual amount that you might make may be more or less, including a net loss of capital. Please research any moneymaking plan that you might be considering with the same due diligence that you'd apply to any potential business activity. All trademarks mentioned herein are the property of their respective trademark owners.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones


Finding a job can be a great experience but also a challenging one. Some jobs are readily available to anyone above the age of 16 while some of the higherpaying, most-sought-after jobs are not as easy to get. Some positions require prior training while others will train you in a specific area of expertise with on-thejob (OJT) training. In either case finding adequate employment is one of the most exciting experiences in a person's life. This book was written to help YOU find the job YOU are looking for. One of the amazing things about life is that there are opportunities all around you and sometimes it takes a different perspective to see what s available. Due to the Internet the world has become a "smaller" place. What once took hours or even days to accomplish in the past can now be done in a matter of seconds. For example, in my most recent business as an online entrepreneur I have had customers as far away as Australia and New Zealand (I'm in the USA) buy products from me. These were people I've never met but they purchased from me and added to MY bottom line! What do you think of that? Isn t that amazing? So the opportunities are there if you're willing to take a chance and try them. You are at a crossroad right now and very rarely do you have this type of chance to positively affect your life. In this book I will give you some of the necessary tools to help you find your perfect job. This book is written by someone who has had success in finding good jobs time after time - ME! The perspective of this book is from the job hunter's point of view. Human Resource professionals or executive recruiters who spend all of their time on the other side of the desk write many job search books. I will show you what has been successful for me and for many others.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

First Things First This book is designed to be a practical guide about finding employment but there are some personal aspects of job hunting we must address first to make this book complete. Success in life, no matter who you are or where you come from, is dependent upon what I'm about to tell you. There are no exceptions to this, no matter what any person may say. Here it is in the form of a question: "Who is FIRST in your life?" If your answer is "me" or "my wife," "my husband," "my children" or any other person other than God, then true success will only be a sorrowful dream that never comes to reality. God MUST be first in your life for true success to be a reality you experience. I know that some who are reading this book may not be believers in God and that may be you. But don't let that stop you from listening and considering what I'm saying. If you're looking for employment right now you need to consider a couple of important points about your job search. One is an unchanging truth and the other is an unchanging instruction. The unchanging truth - God owns everything! In the Bible it says, "The earth is the LORD s and the fullness thereof; the world and they that dwell therein." Psalms 24:1 In another psalm the Lord asserts His ownership of all things by saying, "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the world is mine and the fullness thereof." Psalm 50:10-12 Another verse says, "The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, says the LORD of hosts." Haggai 2:8 It doesn't matter whether you are a believer in God or not or agree with the statement or not, this is a universal truth - God owns everything and everyone. It can be a truth with a positive effect on your life, though, if you believe and live according to it.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Take for example the law of gravity. It doesn't matter whether you believe in or agree with gravity. If you don't respect its influence upon you, jumping off a 20story building without a parachute will not be a positive experience! Your lack of belief or agreement will not change the results! Believing that God owns everything is the first positive step to finding the employment you are looking for. Now here's the unchanging instruction - Seek God first before seeking anything else. "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33 The instruction is to seek God first. Let Him become the most important person in your life. Life cannot be lived successfully without Him. We create for ourselves much pain and frustration when we don't place God first in our lives. Who needs the frustration and stress? I don't and I'm sure you don't either. Now notice the last part of the sentence because it is very important. " And all these things will be added to you." It says if you seek God first He will bring the things that you need. And you can add employment and income to that list, too! So let first things be first. Remember, God owns it all and seek Him before you seek anything else. Now let s move on to some of the more practical aspects of this book.

Here s what I ask of you: 1. Use this book. Click on the links while you re connected to the Internet. Sign up for the services. The beauty of this ebook is that it is interactive. 2. Read and re-read this ebook. Even if you only have time to re-read certain sections, you ll find information here that will help you be successful not only in finding a job, but also in life. 3. Set goals. Always write down your goals and review them often. This is one of the keys to a successful life. I ve made mistakes and learned from them. I have hired good employees, but also bad ones. I have received good, and not so good, job offers. My intention for this book is to help you succeed in finding your perfect job!


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Job Alerts Job Alerts are one of the best ways for you to find a job. In fact, the best way to describe job alerts is that they help a job to find you! Why must you do all of the work looking for available positions? There are easier ways and this is one of them. In this chapter we will discuss how to set up a job alert. A job alert is a system set up by different job boards to email you information about positions that fit the profile you set up. You have the ability to input specific information that fits the kind of job you looking for such as: job location (city/state), job category (i.e. accounting, public relations, customer service, etc.), full-time or part-time, etc. Some job boards even give you the option to choose how often you want them to alert you when they find a job that fits your profile. For example, Monster®.com gives you the option of daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly email alerts. I m going to show you step-by-step how to set up a job alert with two of the major job boards in the world so that you can find that perfect job in as short a time as possible. I have screen shots of the actual web pages with arrows pointing to the places you should click on. Are you excited? Are you ready? Well let s get started!


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

The first job board we will use is Monster®.com. I am sure you have heard of them before. They are a major company in the human resource industry and they do a lot of advertising about their services. To get started let s open up your Internet browser and type in or click

The first page you will see will be like Picture 1 below. 1. Find the tab that s labeled Find Jobs. As you place your mouse over this tab a drop-down menu will appear with three choices. Choose and click on Job Search Agents.

Picture 1


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

2. Now you should see a page like Picture 2 below. You will see two boxes one labeled Already a Member? and the other Not a Member Yet? I m assuming you have never joined Monster®.com so click on the Continue button in the Not a Member Yet? box.

Picture 2


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

3. Now you should see a page like Picture 3 below. It is the Create Account page. Make sure you fill in all of the required boxes labeled with an orange * asterisk. When done then click the Create Account button at the bottom of the page.

Picture 3


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

4. Now you should see a page like Picture 4. This is where you create your Job Search Agent. This will be the way Monster .com contacts via email when they have a job that fits your customized profile. Click on Create Search Agent.

Picture 4


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

5. Now you should see a page like Picture 5. This is where you can choose the different options for the search agent to find you that perfect position. In both the Job Location and Job Category lists you can choose multiple selections by holding down the key on your keyboard (the key is the last key at the bottom left of the keyboard.)


Picture 5 The Keyword selection is important. This will further customize your search agent. Keywords are words that may be in the title of the position or in the description of the position. For example, when I was searching for a computerrelated position some of the keywords I used were computer , network , Windows , etc. So for every position advertised that had one or more of these words in it, Monster .com would send me an email alert of that position. So take a few minutes and think about what kind of words would best describe the kind of job you re looking for.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

At the bottom it asks you for a Search Agent Title. Give it a name that basically identifies the selections you made for the agent. This name should be something that will help you remember what you have chosen. Here s why because you can create multiple search agents with different selections! You can have 5, 10 or more search agents if you want! So name the search agents something descriptive and memorable. When this is done click on Save Agent button at the bottom of the page.

6. You should now see the Good News! page like Picture 6 below. This is showing that you have successfully created a job alert. Congratulations! Now all you have to do is sit back and wait on the email alerts sent to your email box. Apply for the positions and get that job you ve always wanted!

Picture 6


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

The next major job board we will look at is . This is another nationally recognized job board with thousands of jobs. This process will be a little shorter than the last one but the concept is the same. We want to enter into the CareerBuilder system customized information about the perfect job we want. CareerBuilder will email alert us when those jobs are being advertised. So let s get started! Now open up your browser or just click the following: The first page you will see will be like Picture 1 below. Under Set Up Job Alerts click on Add a Search/Job Alert.

Picture 1


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Now you should see a page like Picture 2 below. Enter all of the information including those important keywords, then click on the Create Job Alert button.

Picture 2


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Now you should see a page like Picture 3 below. Enter in all of your contact information and click on Save Job Alert & See Results. You have successfully created a job alert with . Congratulations! Now the amazing thing about job alerts is that you can create as many as you want to find that perfect job. So don t be shy! Create and Find!

Picture 3 As we close this chapter there are a number of job boards on the Internet that will give you the same options. Listed below are just a few more job boards that allow you to create job alerts: Many Others! Go to my special Search Engine at and type in the words jobs or employment and you will find a lot more information for your job search. Happy hunting!


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Get Hired by a Temporary Service There is a great market for temporary employees, especially in the U.S. If you are currently unemployed then a temporary service may be a positive step in the right direction. Many of the major temp services have contracts with large corporations. These corporations would rather pay a temp service a nominal fee for temporary employees rather than hire new, permanent employees directly. Many people do not understand that an employee is a high cost for a company. Along with the salary a company pays to an employee there are other costs such as federal, state and local taxes (beyond what the employee pays); health benefits, retirement benefits, workman s compensation and other employeeassociated costs. This can be very expensive for a company and its one of the reasons you see lay-offs and downsizing today. Generally an employee costs about 2½ times their salary. So a corporation will contract with a temp agency and the temp agency, rather than the corporation, will pay all of those costs. Now you can use these facts to your advantage and I have done this two times in my career. Temporary agencies do a lot of advertising for open positions and there are even unadvertised positions they have as well. After you get prequalified with the agency they will send you on interviews with companies looking for your skills. This is the time you need to begin evaluating your future. You need to ask questions such as: Would I like to permanently work for this company? Does this company have the kind of jobs/positions I am looking for? These are very important questions. If your answer is yes to any of these questions then do your best to get in the door. The job interview the temp agency referred you to may not be the dream job you re looking for, but it may be the next step towards the job you want. You would be surprised how far you can go once you re inside a company. Getting to know people and understanding the culture of the company can help you find your dream job. This can be virtually impossible sometimes from the outside. For example, many open positions within a company are not posted to the outside public. Because you re on the inside you now know what s available before anyone else. You are still an outsider because you work for the temp agency but you have inside information. This is the time to start applying for those open positions before anyone else does. Temporary agencies are a goldmine if you know how to use them. I have learned new industries and gained valuable skills and experience using this technique. I encourage you to give it a try.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Contact Managers, Vice Presidents and CEO s I learned a valuable principle that has helped me many times in my adult life. It is always go to the top. Basically what it means is to find the person who has authority to make decisions concerning the issue at hand. We are conditioned to deal with people who normally do not have decisionmaking authority such as customer service personnel, tellers, secretaries, receptionists, etc. These positions have their place because they allow those in management to deal with higher priority issues. For example, you don t need a Vice President of Financial Operations who manages 100 bank employees handling a relatively small problem such as a $2 mistake on a deposit slip. A teller or even a teller supervisor can adequately handle this problem. But if a 5000-employee corporation deposits its weekly payroll and thousands of dollars are missing, then that Vice President of Financial Operations better get involved really quick! In fact, the executive of the company who is missing the money would not even talk to the teller about the problem. They would bypass the teller and go directly to the Vice President of Financial Operations to get some answers about the missing money. They will always go to the top! Now this principle works when job-hunting as well. In the last chapter we recommended trying a temporary service to locate a job. We said that once you re inside the company you re able to get inside information on what jobs are available. Now use this position to your advantage and find out who s in management, especially those who are in charge of the kind of position you re looking for. Go as high up the management structure as you feel is necessary to get what you re after. If you need to talk to the CEO then schedule an appointment with him or her (I did!). You have everything to gain and nothing to lose! I have discovered that people are people, no matter what position they hold. Yes, there are people who find their worth in their titles and will treat you with disrespect because you re lower than they are, but most people will treat you with respect and listen to what you have to say. Ask for a job! It s been said in the Bible, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Consider a Home-based Job Have you ever considered a home-based job? Notice I didn t say home-based business. I said home-based job. There are many companies who offer homebased positions, real work-at-home jobs. Companies do this for a number of reasons such as saving money on office space, desks, cubicles, etc. This works out for them but more important, this works out for you. Just think, your commute to the office is reduced from 20-40 minutes down to a few steps to your home office (i.e. kitchen, den, living room, you choose!) One of the companies I highly recommend is HomeJobStop. I recommend them because I have found positions with this company myself. HomeJobStop supplies jobs that you can do from your own home. They offer an extensive Job Bank of work from home jobs, an exclusive online guidebook, email update reports, and more. If you've spent any amount of time looking for work online, chances are you've spent most of that time dismissing junk ads and poor offers. At HomeJobStop You will not find an exhausted list of companies that may be hiring. You will not find pyramid schemes, chain letters, or other well-known schemes. You will not find paid ads disguised as job ads. You will not find job opportunities that offer shopping points or coupons as the only form of compensation. At HomeJobStop You will find active, up-to-date jobs working for real companies. What makes HomeJobStop different? They are one of the few job boards on the Internet that successfully maintains a support-based structure that is completely free of paid advertising. They don't make outrageous claims and they do not permit outrageous claims to enter their Job Bank. Additionally, those who submit poor information, require payment or offer unfair compensation are prohibited from posting with HomeJobStop. Who can use HomeJobStop? HomeJobStop is for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning a career from home, you're sure to find opportunities in their Job Bank that is right for you.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Here are some testimonials from others who are members of HomeJobStop like me: I just want to let you know I can not say enough good stuff about this site. The first day I applied for work I secured two - that's 2 - jobs. One I will do during the day and one at night. I now do not have to worry about my daughter not ever seeing her Mom. THANK YOU so much. " A believer in You, Laura T.

"I found my current job at your site and am looking for other things too! It really is excellent to have a central site that is so well organized. I appreciate your work and the help it provides." James, NC, USA ________________________________________________________________ "I have been a member of your site for quite some time, and I just wanted to drop you a note to let you know that I am still very impressed with your website. You do such a wonderful job helping people like me find work from home positions. Take pride in a job well done -- you deserve it." Heart felt appreciation, Shannon ________________________________________________________________ "I've been with your site for about three months and I just want to say thank you! I found my current job at your site and now that I work at home and I can finally devote more time to my own projects!" George Kent ________________________________________________________________ "Hi I just wanted to say thanks for your site and all the work that goes into it. I just started a new job (operator) that I found on your website and I so far I am loving it! I will definitely recommend this site to other people I know!" Robyn M., US

So rush over to and become a lifetime member today. Your next job is awaiting you there!


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Resumes and Cover Letters What would an employment guide be without a chapter on resumes and cover letters? Well there are some excellent experts I have placed my trust in for cover letter and resume advice. Their advice has helped me get the interviews I needed, even when my experience and background left something to be desired. Many people approach creating resumes and cover letters with the wrong mindset. Most people write their resumes with self in mind rather than the employer in mind and they wonder why they don t get the interview, much less the job. Have you ever heard of using the Big Bang theory when writing your cover letter? Jimmy Sweeney has written an excellent resource on writing the perfect cover letter. His book is called Top Ten Secrets of the

World s Greatest Cover Letter

Attract Job Interviews Like a Magnet!

Here s one of Jimmy s cover letter tips. It s #9.

To whom it may NOT concern Dear Job Seeker: Which of these greetings should you use to start your cover letter? Group 1: Dear Sirs: Dear Sir/Madam: Dear Gentlemen: To whom it may concern: Group 2: Dear Hiring Manager: Dear HR Director: Dear Human Resources: Group 3: Dear Mrs. Smith: Dear Mr. Jones: Dear Lilly Thomas: Answer: Group 1 is the worst of the bunch. Group 2 is better. Group 3 is exactly what you should strive for. The typical, To whom it may concern concerns no one in particular. Address your cover letter to a specific person whenever possible! Make the extra effort and find out TO WHOM you should address your cover letter. For jobs posted online this can prove to be a difficult task but at the bare minimum make sure to address your letter to the proper company entity. Example: Hiring manager; HR Director; etc.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones Cool Cover Letter Greeting Tip: If you cannot find the specific name of the person most likely to review your letter, use one of the greetings from Group 2 and add this special sentence (example below) to the top of your letter tailored to your particular situation.

Example: PLEASE NOTE: I apologize for the impersonal greeting. I wanted to address this cover letter to you by name but it was not provided online and I was unable to obtain it. I am very interested in the position of [insert job opening title here]. Now you can insert your main headline below this sentence as I discussed last in the last chapter. Main Headline Example: (Should be centered and in bold text). THREE reasons why I believe I may be the candidate you are searching for regarding the [insert job opening title here]. Do you think this one-two punch would grab a person s attention? Absolutely! This is a prime example of turning a negative into a huge positive. The bottom line: When you target your cover letters to a specific person by name, you increase your odds of landing the job interview several times over. So before you write your next cover letter, ask yourself this question: To whom does this letter concern specifically? Then do your best to answer it!

Jimmy lists 10 of the most amazing, yet simple secrets to help anyone write a compelling cover letter. It will take you less than 15 minutes to read the book and you will be equipped and ready to write your first cover letter masterpiece. And because you are a friend of mine now I can give you a FREE copy of the book. Just go to: and download your free copy.

If don t have time to read a book but need a cover letter in the next 3½ minutes, then go to Jimmy Sweeney s site by going here:

Another person I recommend for expert resume help is Kevin Donlin. Kevin is responsible for revamping my entire resume and making it an excellent marketing tool of my skills and abilities. If you are serious about getting a new job then you need to get his resume help today. To get more information go to:


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Other Avenues There are a number of other ways to earn the money you need to create a stable income for you and your family. Sometimes you have to think outside the box in order to get what you re after. That s why I m including this Other Avenues chapter. Some people are not interested in a 9-5 job but they have an entrepreneurial craving to satisfy. Some people also understand the principle of multiple streams of income. For most families one income just will not do to keep their heads above water. With the unstableness of companies and layoffs becoming the norm, it s good for people to take matters in their own hands. Creating another source of income is not only wise but necessary. So my suggestion to you is to consider this chapter one of the most important chapters of the book. After you find the job you want you also want to develop another source of income YOU control. For example, I have taught my teenage sons not to solely depend on me for income. So they have an Odd Job business. They advertise their services in our local community by flyers and even a web site (if you want to take a look go to So far they have done very well financially, but more importantly they are also learning a valuable, lifetime lesson you can create income for yourself, no matter how old you are! So as you look at the information presented in this chapter I strongly recommend you take advantage of every avenue mentioned. Just think. You can look a few years down the road and be in the same condition you are in now -OR- you can be in a position where your full time income is coming from your successful part-time business. Which would you rather have? Let s Get Started!


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

CB Mall

Looking for more streams of income? I know I'm always on the lookout for a new income stream that can generate profits without a lot of work. When I ran across CBmall, I knew I had found a program that hits the nail on the head. Most affiliate programs have only one way you make money. You send them traffic, and they close the sale (hopefully). The best of them will add another stream with some follow-up emails. That's much better. But CBmall actually has 15 different ways to make you money. This is one powerful revenue engine. And here's the beautiful part. CBmall does virtually all the work. All you need to do is drive some traffic. The mall does the rest. The CB in CBmall stands for ClickBank. The mall sells thousands of the topselling, most popular products on the ClickBank network. These are the best of the best. They got there because they convert browsers into buyers. And they are all available in one place. You get the power of this system by promoting one simple URL. CBmall's automation is amazing:


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

* No html required - you don't even need a web site * TONS of support and marketing ideas to help * They do all the support * ClickBank handles all the credit card processing * Newsletters and eCourses that make YOU money from your traffic * Automated income streams all over the place I could go on, but a better idea is to sign up for a FREE eCourse called: 15 Powerful Ways CBmall Makes You Money. This course details the power and sophistication behind CBmall. Understand this, and you'll see why CBmall represents a new trend in affiliate programs. You'll also see some major names in Internet Marketing on the testimonial page at CBmall. Terry Dean actually called CBmall, "the perfect second stream of income". Pretty high praise. So if you're interested in more profits, check out the CBmall. I did and I m glad I did. It has made some unexpected money for me.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

1000 Ways To Make Money by Rob Rednalab

If you're an entrepreneur... or you want to be... you probably spend lots of time trying to think up new ideas for making money, right? Personally, I do it all the time! But there's just one problem: The only ideas that I can come up with on my own are limited by my personal experience and imagination. In other words, your brain can only generate money-making ideas based on concepts that you already know. Because in the vast universe of untapped opportunities and unexplored possibilities, the handful of ideas that any one person can think of is really rather pitiful. And until you extend your reach... and tap into the ideas and brainpower of others, you're going to spend most of your entrepreneurial life "stewing in your own juices," as my father used to say. But Here's a Solution That Works! One of the benefits of being an entrepreneur for 18 years is that you make lots of contacts in the entrepreneurial community. And I have the good fortune of knowing some of the top entrepreneurs... in all areas of expertise... all over the world. So here's what I did: Instead of trying to come up with money-making ideas on my own, I spent a year asking these people one question... "Everybody has one big money-making idea. So what's yours?" The flood of ideas was amazing. Some of the stuff I already knew, but many of the ideas people sent in were things I would have never thought of... regardless of how long I racked my brain! If you're searching for a new money-making plan, I'll go on record as saying that this is the ultimate resource... as well as the ultimate value. Every idea is totally explained and fleshed out in a full paragraph and I edited each one personally to make sure everything is as plain and clear as possible. This is not the same old rehashed stuff you've heard a million times! I was actually amazed at how cool and innovative some of these ideas are! For more details go to:


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Emergency Cash Generators By James Jones

Wouldn't it be nice to know how to create income anytime you needed to? If you have a few minutes to spare I want to show you some of the ways I have discovered to make extra money. Little tricks and techniques that I use to bring in money anytime I need some additional spending cash. I know, you're probably thinking... "These will be the same old unworkable schemes I have seen a million times before."

Give me seven minutes and I think you'll see these techniques are really different! For example... Have you ever heard of this technique? It's called the eBay Arbitrage... It's a simple technique that allows anyone with a computer and internet connection to earn extra money {at home} using a free eBay account. The special twist I discovered is a secret way that allows anyone to make money on eBay without finding suppliers, stocking inventory or shipping products. More about the eBay Arbitrage technique in a minute... It's just one of the techniques you'll find in my latest Insiders How-To Package: Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0-- 93 101 Little-Known Ways to Generate Cash Quickly. Take my buddy Mike, for instance...


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Mike loves to travel. While vacationing in Florida one summer he stumbled onto a great little money making idea that netted him $50,000 his first year -- while he was traveling around goofing off and having fun. Now Mike travels all over the country -- from Key West, Florida to Salem, Oregon -- doing this business and makes all the money he needs. You don't have to travel to do this. You can do it right in your own hometown if you want. And the market is wide open because hardly anyone else is doing it. (see Emergency Cash Generator #2 for complete details) Here is another one: I'll show you how to collect $20.00 bills from local businesses in your area for a very simple "no-brainer" service you perform for them. You see, if they did the service themselves it would cost them much, much more than $20.00. But, you can do this service for all of them at once and save them a bundle. While at the same time raking in $400.00 - $500.00 for yourself. (see Emergency Cash Generator #3) Here are a few more examples of what you will find in "Emergency Cash Generators:" A product that you can buy locally at a certain retail shop I will tell you about -- that you can turn around and sell for double, triple or even more. (See Emergency Cash Generator #12) How a camera, a few trash bags and a letter written to a certain group of people can put wads of cash in your mailbox. (See ECG #11) Crafty way 3 men make up to $4000.00 a week visiting yard sales. (See ECG #13)

When you order Emergency Cash Generators you'll receive these 3 Sensational Bonuses! BONUS # 1 - Special Report: "How To Find Lost And Hidden Treasures in Your Neighborhood" When you order "Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0" I'll give you a copy of "How To Find Lost And Hidden Treasures in Your Neighborhood" for free. You'll learn stuff like:


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Techniques to find unlimited lost valuables! How to find DIAMONDS and other gemstones under your feet! Where to find hidden valuables at Thrift Shops and Estate Sales! Where and How to look for hidden treasures. Over $4 BILLION DOLLARS in hard U.S. Currency and Coinage disappears into secret hiding places or is lost each and every year according to the Federal Reserve Board. Find out how to recover your share of this immense treasure! A METAL DETECTOR IS NOT REQUIRED for any of the secret methods disclosed in the book. BONUS # 2 - Special Report: "Fast eBay Cash" This is an almost unknown report written by my good friend Andy Brocklehurst that reveals the secret world of drop shipping. It goes way above and beyond what other guides reveal, walking you step by step through the process of selling goods on eBay and purchasing them only AFTER you've collected your payment, and then having the supplier send them direct to the customer. This report sells for $19.95 on it's own (you can read all about it at BONUS # 3 - Shocking eBook: "The Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time." If you want money, you only have to do one thing. It's the one thing some of the wealthiest people on the planet have done and are doing. It's the one thing written about in various ancient cultures and still promoted today. It's the one thing that will bring money to anyone who does it but at the same time most people will fear doing it. What is that one thing? You'll find out when you read -- "The Greatest Money Making Secret of All Time." Yours for free. When you order Emergency Cash Generators Version 3.0 today! For more details go to:


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Additional Resources Start A Catering Business

Start A Bed and Breakfast Business

Office Cleaning Business

How To Start a Lawn Care Business

Starting Your Own Home Daycare Business

You Can Become at Consultant

Work At Home Jobs Directory

Step-by-Step Guide for Starting Your Own Translation Business

Job Search Software Program

Sports Team Jobs

51 Ways to Find Your Next Job Fast!

***If you can t find what you re looking for than go to my special Honest Businessman Search Engine by going to: and I can almost guarantee you will find EXACTLY what you re looking for.


You re Hired! How To Find the Job You Want in Less Than 14 Days! By Bryan A. Jones

Thanks for purchasing this book! I hope it has been a help to you in finding that dream job you are looking for. We are always available to you. If you have questions or need to contact us for any reason just give us a call or send us a note. Our contact information is:

Bryan A. Jones e-Life Publishing Company 206 Academy Ct., Suite 100 Gahanna, Ohio 43230 Phone: 614-470-9672 Email: [email protected]

NOTE: If you received this book as a gift, feel free to pass it on to as many friends, family and associates as you wish.


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