Your Daily Dose Of Zarahness-120605-121706

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Sunday, December 17, 2006 6 hours before the concert. butterflies in my stomach. cold sweat. nervous attack. but it's not about us Lord; it's ALL for YOU. may YOU be glorified with our praises tonight. **excited lang ako!!! :p** Posted by zarahlim at 3:13 AM 0 comments Labels: blab

Thursday, December 14, 2006 yesterday, i met with yna and her friends at sm valenzuela for the first meeting of our cell group. yna approached me last sunday and asked if i could help her out in starting a cell group with her friends. of course i agreed. i mean, i miss being with her and with my original cell group (caloocan/valenzuela/binondo group). she told me afterwards that she has been praying for this group to happen ever since so i'm glad that i was given the opportunity to reach out and share the word with her friends, and also to help yna to develop as a leader. the church in valenzuela will be open soon and i believe that God is preparing her to be one of the leaders in their youth group. i'm glad i could be a part of the church planting project in valenzuela with a simple task as this helping out and assisting her. i know she can do it coz i've seen her lead sunday school and she has also been leading cell group discussions back when we were still groupmates in carecell. i'm excited with what the Lord's doing for the valenzuela group. i'm glad our church has stepped out in faith and heeded God's call to go out and share the word. *thanks din pala ke lawrence for going with me yesterday, kht may prelims go padin. i guess we both realize that this is the KAIROS moment for yna and her friends.

**firebrands christmas concert this saturday! can't wait! i've never been this excited ever since apaw tradition started. :p something GOOD is going to happen. Posted by zarahlim at 9:41 AM 0 comments Labels: cell

Wednesday, ovember 29, 2006

i need a break!! 6 months as a working girl stresses me out! unfortunately, i cant rest as much as i want coz i'm working full time plus other responsibilites outside work are waiting for me. but you know what? i enjoy having lots of things to do. coz it's not the work that's stressing me out. it's the PEOPLE around me. i just pray for God's love to overflow through me so i can deal with these people better. Posted by zarahlim at 8:17 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, work

Thursday, October 05, 2006 *senti mode* i miss my high school days. Posted by zarahlim at 1:46 AM 0 comments Labels: blab

Sunday, July 23, 2006 it's been four weeks since i started working here at hchs. it's a great learning experience. at the same time, it's nice to get paid to do the things i love - layouting, making videos, taking pictures, etc. and it's really a nice feeling every time my superiors appreciate my work. i thank God for giving me the wisdom and creativity that i need to excel in this job. last week, 3 of the congratulatory banners i made were put up outside the school. it's a dream come true - for people to see the "fruits of my labor" and actually appreciate it. this week, i made a memorial video for our late former principal, Ms. Gregoria Go Beltran. she was the principal from 1970-1997. my boss told me that her relatives, as well as other people, were touched by it. it's a weird feeling, coz Ms. Beltran was the principal when i first entered HCHS as a nursery student, and of course back then, i didnt know that i would be the one doing her memorial video.. it makes me sad just thinking about it. atleast, i'm sure that she's with the Lord now. Posted by zarahlim at 1:15 AM 0 comments Labels: work

Monday, July 03, 2006 You Are Kermit

Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality Test Posted by zarahlim at 1:21 PM 1 comments Labels: quizzes

Wednesday, June 28, 2006 i started my FIRST DAY at work YESTERDAY (at hchs, as a marketing asst.. they called me last saturday and asked me to go to the office on monday). yey!!! i thought the HR was just going to talk to me about the salary & other requirements. but i was asked if i could start today, so i said YES. haha. :) praise God for the answered prayer. :) Posted by zarahlim at 9:43 AM 0 comments Labels: work

Sunday, June 25, 2006

okay's bday gift to kim & me. parang nakakahinayang kainin... hehe.. ganda! nyahaha! thanks po!! :)

Posted by zarahlim at 3:08 PM 0 comments Labels: blab

Saturday, June 24, 2006

this is me during my birthday last saturday (june 17). i didnt know that they had a surprise for me (duh! kung alam ko eh di ndi na surprise!!!). i look happy, dont I?? i was so touched... awww... they're so sweet. :) just wanna say thanks to my friends in church for the bday surprise. mwah!!!* =) Posted by zarahlim at 4:12 PM 0 comments Labels: blab

Monday, June 19, 2006

june 12 , 2006 YOUTH outing @ Tanay, Rizal more photos here. Posted by zarahlim at 9:37 AM 0 comments Labels: blab

Sunday, June 18, 2006 i obviously miss UST...

i miss school. sana mgkatrabaho na ko pra mkapag-aral na ko ulit.. Lord.. ang tagal... :(

**yey ayus na internet namin!! nkakapagupload na ko ng pix!!! and ndi na sha naddc agad.... :)

Posted by zarahlim at 4:30 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, school

Posted by zarahlim at 4:16 AM 0 comments Labels: school

no job yet. i'm getting restless and frustrated. i'll just have to keep on reminding myself to think on the bright side -- God has something better in store for me. Posted by zarahlim at 4:05 AM 0 comments Labels: blab

Wednesday, May 31, 2006 CAPTAI SMALLVILLE MAY 26, 2006 10:35pm i've just seen the trailer of GMA's new teleserye, Captain Barbell, and i have to say i was annoyed with what they did. why? coz it's OBVIOUSLY COPIED FROM SMALLVILLE. as in obviously obvious!! the makers of the show doesnt know the meaning of subtle. what they copied from smallville: 1. krypton 2. kryptonite 3. kryptonian symbols 4. clark coming to earth in a spaceship 5. clark found by the kents 6. kent's red truck 7. clark holding up a tractor 8. clark saving lex luthor 9. clark ripping off the car door (of lex) 10. clark's friends chloe & pete 11. lana's mannerism of hugging herself when she's upset. 12. clark pounding the wood in the ground for their fence and that's only from the trailer. eew. super no originality. it's so pathetically trying hard. cant they have a concept of their own to work with? couldnt they have twisted the plot a little bit? *i'll keep my eyes open for more copying (PLAGIARISM as my dad said) -- it wouldnt be hard to do that, considering the extent of their obviousness.

may 27, 2006 10:30am saw Capt. Barbell's trailer again.

more obvious scene stealings: 13. lana's braided hairstyle (Ok i admit this is not that obvious since a braid is not that uncommon.. but still!) 14. kent's farm 15. chloe's hidden desire for clark 16. chloe's message to clark: "there's someone out there for you" duh...

may 28, 2006 in philstar's entertainment section, richard gutierrez was featured by ricky lo for some Q&A's. there were some pics from their new series, the ever-famous capt.barbell. i noticed (again) that lana's hairstyle, the half pony thing, was also copied by the leading lady. eew.. that makes it obvious scene stealing #17. Posted by zarahlim at 9:05 PM 0 comments Labels: inis

Saturday, May 20, 2006 the interview with mr. young went well. thank you Lord for your favor. i have a pretty strong feeling that i'm in. i hope. i have a good feeling about this; i have peace when i think of working at hchs, unlike when i think of working at pageshop. at accenture, it's okay, but i'm worried because of the schedule and the distance of the workplace to where i live -- very inconvenient. and the work is NOT related to what i've learned in college. working at hope will be a great experience because i get to practice what i've learned at UST. i will also be doing what i love most -- writing and venturing into publication (as the job would require me to write news releases, make brochures, banners, promotional gimmicks,etc. -- very IMC-ish.) i really hope i get to work there. i SO WANT TO BE A MARKETING ASSISTANT FOR HCHS coz i LOVE the nature of the work that i'll be doing. i'm being redundant, i'm sorry. i'm just SOOOOO excited and so amazed because i can really feel God's hand working in my life. for months now, i've been praying that God would SHOW ME WHERE HE WANTS ME TO WORK, coz i know that that's the only place where i'll be most fulfilled. applying at pageshop and at accenture brought about different emotions within me. i DO NOT want to work at pageshop -- i dont feel comfortable working there, i dont know why. i just dont feel that it's where God wants me to be. for my accenture application, i felt okay, but not really excited about it, coz i know that working there would require me to compromise my time for ministry -- and i certainly dont want that because working for a secular job is just second priority for me. i'm not trying to sound holier-

than-thou here. it's what i believe in. cutting me off with my church ministries would seem as if i lost a part of me. i mean i grew up in church, working and serving God, and no matter what job comes, it would ave to be second compared to my service for God. GOD COMES FIRST IN MY LIFE!!! this job offer from hchs is a miracle in itself. i sent out my resume to hchs during the last week of april. i applied for a teaching position (as an English and Bible teacher) but i didnt expect a call from them because as you notice, it's already too late for them to get a new teacher, with the start of the school year just a month away. so imagine my surprise when i received a call from ma'am tina. she told me that instead of working there as a teacher, i could work there as a marketing assistant, since i'm a comm arts graduate. upon reflecting on this surprising offer, i realized that God is working in my life. i mean, i could have gone to ifugao with the other youth members for the mission trip, but i didnt. it turned out to be a blessing because if i went with them, i wouldnt be able to accept the offer. ( i understand it's not yet final that i'm working there, but just allow me to speak in faith, okay? coz i REALLY want this job!) another thing is that i didnt know that a job as a mktg.asst. actually exists in hchs. so being offered to do something that i LOVE doing is a miracle from God. every prayer meeting, kim's (my prayer partner) prayer for me is that i'll have a job where i'll be able to enjoy the tasks i'm given. so in short, this job-hunting experience taught me this lesson: when you pray, EXPECT GOD to answer (just make sure that you're praying for His will to happen). dont lose hope or be discouraged if you think that God is taking His time answering your prayers -- His answers are always ON TIME; God's timing is always the right timing. Posted by zarahlim at 6:48 AM 2 comments Labels: work

Friday, May 19, 2006 went to makati yesterday for an interview @ accenture. after the 30-minute interview, went to glorietta for a medical exam which lasted for 5 HOURS! could those people at Patient First Medical Center work any slower??? today i got a call from ma'am tina of hchs regarding my application as an english/bible teacher. she asked me if i'd want to work there as a marketing assistant, since it's related to my course in college. she then asked me to go there so she could explain the details to me personally. when i got there, she explained to me what my job (if ever i get accepted) would be, working as a marketing assistant -- basically doing the layouts, writeups and promotion of the school. i seriously want to work there after i heard what i would be doing. it's way better than working at accenture (working for the latter would require long hours of travel, not to mention money and effort). i love working on our youth newsletter, so working as a mktg.asst. at hope would bring this passion into a whole new level. another advantage is that i get to learn more of what i love doing and i would be able to put my education to use. i really hope i get accepted (it still depends on what mr. young, the principal, would say. i'm waiting for their call re: an interview with mr. young). but i guess there's no need to worry because if this is God's will for me and if this job really is for me, then it will happen. Posted by zarahlim at 7:38 AM 0 comments

Labels: work

Tuesday, May 16, 2006 i went to my pre-employment exam for accenture yesterday at makati. there were other applicants aside from me. we took up three exams. one is for technical solutions and the other two are for business process outsourcing. i enjoyed answering the last two exams -- an IQ test and an english proficiency exam. after 2 1/2 hours of sitting there shivering in the super cold room (unfortunately, i didnt have a jacket with me), we were finally done and were told to wait for 2-3 weeks for results. surprise! surprise! i received a call just now from accenture and they told me that i passed the exam! i'm scheduled for an interview tomorrow. that was fast! i thought i still had a long week of relaxation ahead of me. i guess not. work's calling out to me already. the funny thing is, back in college (yabang! kala mo naman kelan pa grumaduate! haha!!) i was the one who was adamant of working at a call center. i remember myself saying hinding hindi ako papasok sa call center. but i didnt realize how hard getting a job REALLY is -- especially if you dont have any experience. so i guess this is another blessing from God, these call centers. they give the majority of fresh graduates, who really dont have any work experience at hand, a chance to work and gain experience. anyway, i want to get into the HR department so i think it'll be more of paperworks rather than the usual call center jobs. Posted by zarahlim at 6:04 AM 2 comments Labels: work

Sunday, May 14, 2006 i got a call early this afternoon from accenture. they asked me to go to their office on monday for a pre-employment exam. i'm nervous coz this is my first time to do this and i have NO IDEA of what im about to go through. im actually looking up their website, coz i really dont know anything about this company. personally, i still want to work for publishing/books/magazine, but since i still havent gotten any calls, i'll take this opportunity, if not for the job, then for the experience of taking the exam and being interviewed (FYI, i havent been to a formal interview ever! how pathetic does that sound?!) meanwhile, i forgot to write about our BIG move here in nueva. we were informed that our rented apartment in alvarado will be demolished coz it's already an old building so all tenants would have to find a new place to stay. it's good that we got to rent a place so close to church. it would be so hard to live far away from bfgfc since i spend lots of time there, especially during weekends. i was actually surprised when we left alvarado coz after all my rantings about how irritating our neighbors were becoming, I ACTUALLY MISS THEM! yup! especially NOREEN. hahahaha!!! now, our neighbors are okay, except for the noisy kids. one particular kid stands out.

i think his name's RUDY coz he's R-U-D-E. it's a good thing i was able to control my temper yesterday when he stared at me and said something bastos about me and my sis because when i got to church for prayer meeting, i was convicted. i felt that God was telling me to be nice to the kid and win him for the kingdom. and it made sense when my mom told me that she also felt the prompting of God that night. help me, Lord. i'm having a super hard time controlling my temper... :( i love doing our youth newsletter!!! i just wish i'll get to be a writer/editor someday SOO6. Posted by zarahlim at 12:59 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, work

Thursday, May 11, 2006 yey may internet na kme ulit!!!! got my diploma this afternoon. still jobless. (i'm still deliberating about working at pageshop.) gotta go! meeting with youth staff in 6 minutes! Posted by zarahlim at 8:54 AM 0 comments Labels: blab

Friday, March 10, 2006 i got my grades for 2nd sem today. my grade for thesis defense is -------- 1.0 YEY!!! PRAISE GOD!! gagraduate na ko!!! =p i'm actually thinking of going back to pageshop to work as a copywriter... but im not yet sure since i really want to work for summit media... i dont want to wait until after graduation coz i'm so bored here at home and i already want to earn money ASAP.... i already applied at a publishing company which produces textbooks for elementary and highschool but i havent received a call yet.. i also applied as a subtitler.. nyak super desperado magkatrabaho.. but that's just for fun.. i'm not seriously thinking of working there.. part-time maybe... Posted by zarahlim at 11:08 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, school

Saturday, March 04, 2006 ive been busy finishing all my requirements for finals. tomorrow's our last day of class. :'( *senti mode*...

my favorite project for this sem was our magazine. we had to produce an actual magazine, complete with our own layouts, our own writeups and of course our own pictures. i SUPER enjoyed doing it! and the best part was that i learned photoshop from this project! yey!!! :) our theme was RETRO. i did the writeups for movies and tv shows during the 70s and 80s. it was fun, fun fun!!! i miss brady bunch and THE WONDER YEARS! oh my gosh that's my favorite when we still had cableTV. i also modeled for apol's section, retro hairstyles.. hehe... since no one was available/willing to do it, and i wanted to do it, i did it, for the sake of our magazine, not to mention to fulfill my lifelong dream of seeing myself in a magazine. hehehehehehe.. am i vain or what!?! sory.. Posted by zarahlim at 1:59 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, school

Tuesday, February 07, 2006 SATURDAY POST DEFENSE stress i thought i was gonna die!! i couldnt breathe!!! then when mark, candy, and richard brought me home, my eyes started to swell. in an hour, i looked like an alien already. eew!! i wonder what caused that mysterious attack?? stress? something i ate (which is impossible coz i didnt eat anything that i was allergic to)? hmmm.... all i can say is THANK GOD that kim was able to bring me my ventolin puff immediately. after three puffs, i was able to breathe normally. whew! Posted by zarahlim at 2:45 PM 0 comments Labels: blab

Saturday, February 04, 2006 FEBRUARY 2, 2006 BROADJOURN CLASS UST-AB ROOM 104 7:30pm Ewan ko kung pano ang takbo ng utak ng prof na ito. 6APAKAPLASTIC!!! Dumating si Ma’am Arriola to evaluate her. ABA!!! 6AGBAIT-BAITA6!!! Tapos nagpagames pa!!!! HELO!!! 6akuha pang magpalaro eh WLA pa shang naituturo ever since 2nd sem started! Absent na nga ng O6E WHOLE MO6TH, tapos pinagreport kami the whole month of January. E kamusta naman, PEBRERO 6A!!! Pero hindi parin tapos ang reporting! At talagang wala pa shang tinuturo! Sayang ang binabayad namin sakanya.

Wlang ka-order order ang klase niya dahil sa mga games niya. Hello!! We’re GRADUATING STUDENTS, NOT elementary students!!! We CANNOT afford to waste precious time especially since we’re already SOOOOOOOOO far behind the lesson. Not to mention na THIS IS A MAJOR SUBJECT! BROADCAST JOURALISM for Pete’s sake!!!! I was really looking forward in learning a lot from this class coz I really want to be a (news)writer. And this subject was supposed to be a great help (if only we had a responsible professor!) At hello!! WALA PA SHA6G SYLLABUS na binibigay hanggang ngayon!!! Dahil ndi daw sha yung gumagawa ng syllabus. Departmental daw kse.. DUH! Sana nagturo parin sha ng lesson na alam nyang magagamit namin. I REALLY HATE THIS PROFESSOR! Super 10x better pa skanya si Sir JoeGar kc atleast si Sir, kaht papano, may tinuturo, at kaht konti, may natutunan ako! 3 meetings left before final exams. Ewan ko kung ano pa ang matututunan namin dito. Buti pa yung ibang section na under sa ibang prof, super dami na nilang natutunan sa broadjourn nila. Sana s Ma’am Pusta na lang ang prof namin dito sa subject na ito. SHE’S SO PLASTIC!! When Ma’am Arriola was still here in the room, she’s all smiles. Now, after Ms. Arriola left, she’s back to her bitchy self. She just told us, in her bitchy voice with matching bitchy face, that all the reports would be included in the finals since we didn’t have any prelim exam with her. DUH!!! KASALA6A6 BA 6AMI6 6A WALA KAME6G PRELIM SAKA6YA?! EH ISA6G BUWA6 SHA6G 6DI PUMASOK AT DALWA6G BUWA6 SHA6G DI 6AGTURO!! Anong ie-exam namin sakanya eh wala nga kameng natututunan sakanya?!?!? *** 8:15 pm Her first shot at actually teaching us with a bonafide lesson about conglomerates and she cant even do it well!!! She cant even read the figures of the total assets of the top media conglomerates in the Philippines. She messed up with the way she read figures in millions and billions. I mean that’s really pathetic! If she really knew her lesson, if she’s really prepared to teach us this lesson, she would know how to read those figures!! She even had the nerve to give a PATHETIC EXCUSE like this: “kaya nga masscomm ang kinuha kong course eh.” HOW INSULTING!! I beg to disagree that masscomm students, COMMUNICATION ARTS students for that matter, are incapable of reading figures reaching the billion levels. HI6DI KAME BOBO 6O!!!! I’m practically seething with anger and disappointment as of this moment!! STUPID PROFESSOR! I don’t know how she got a job as a professor in this university, considering her attitude at work, her relationship with other profs (which I happen to know is not that okay..), and her mere incompetence. Calling the attention of AB’s administration. Do something about this prof will you?! The students are literally wasting their time coming to Palma’s class!! Posted by zarahlim at 4:05 PM 0 comments Labels: inis, school

Thursday, February 02, 2006 FEBRUARY 4 Thesis defense 10-11am FEBRUARY 17 Media Law Term Paper 5pm FEBRUARY 21-24 CASA Film Festival FEBRUARY 25 CASA Awards Night 6pm FEBRUARY 28 CFAD Fashion Show 6pm MARCH 1 Start of Final Exams MARCH 3 Magazine 6pm MARCH 29 GRADUATION!!! 2pm PICC kamusta naman ang buhay ko.. ngaragan ito. hay.... Lord help me!!! Posted by zarahlim at 2:37 PM 0 comments Labels: school

Monday, January 30, 2006 what's with the letter H??? why do some people need to put an H after the first letter of their names? examples: jHenny, bHabes, aHbby, jHonny, LHen, aHnne, kHen, bHenjie, etc. you can usually find these COOL names on pedicabs, taxis, jeepneys, etc.

you can also see these names on the stalls of public toilets, usually accompanied by a number. examples: jHen 20, bHabes_katorse, aHbby_bente-uno, jHonny_01, etc. AG COOL O?!? it's okay if that's the real spelling of their names.. but to put it there just for the "coolness" of it?? duh.. more like "jologs-ness" of it! Posted by zarahlim at 11:10 PM 0 comments Labels: blab

Wednesday, December 28, 2005 dec 26 2005 4 AM the stupid "pimp" is here again waiting for his girlfriend! (hello!!! look at the time!!!) his stupid, noisy, and cheap (jologs!) car is keeping kim and me awake. it's been going on for about 30 minutes now. it's disrupting my beauty sleep. 4:30am i went down to where his car was, and just stood there, waiting for him to shut off his stupid engine. it's not entirely his fault coz his gf really took her time primping and "beautifying" herself. the guy was getting impatient and went out of his car. he got out, went inside the girl's house, then after a while came back.. that's when he saw me and, thankfully, he turned off his engine. at least he had the decency to turn the engine off after he saw me. he's been here, keeping us awake, for a few weeks now. what's amazing is that it's always after midnight that he comes and picks up his gf. i wonder where they're going? Posted by zarahlim at 5:25 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, inis

Saturday, December 24, 2005 yesterday, i woke up to lots of shouting and feet-stomping courtesy of our ever-thoughtful neighbor who lives just above us. from what i heard,they're having a party of some sorts. they were playing "Bring Me" with their kid-relatives. i decided, since it's Christmas, to let it go. i was able to endure it for a couple of hours, but when the noise still went on and i was starting to have a headache, i wasnt able to control myself - i went upstairs and confronted "noreen" (my noisy neighbor who looks like noreen from attic cat! bwahahaha) I might be able tolerate their shouts, but i really couldnt stand the stomping of their feet and clattering of their furnitures -- it seemed as if our roof would cave in on us because of all the commotion. and this is not the first time they've done that. everyday, you can expect these

irritating sounds to haunt you. Meanwhile, aside from the noise, our "peaceful and beautiful" neighborhood suffers from a variety of exotic aromas, courtesy of our GI neighbors. Posted by zarahlim at 5:57 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, inis

Wednesday, December 21, 2005 Paskuhan. My last Paskuhan as a UST student. Good thing the fireworks display is back! Last year was rather boring coz there were no fireworks. My Film Production professor won in the raffle – a MagicSing. But who I really envy is my Spanish prof, who won a LAPTOP! Imagine that? What luck! Faculty members and the priests must really have an advantage when it comes to the raffle draw. Could it be that they buy more tickets than the students (each student is required to buy 10 raffle tickets)? Or are they really just lucky? Oh well... I guess it’s not yet my time to own a digicam, a laptop, or even a MagicSing, for that matter. Maybe next time. Posted by zarahlim at 3:30 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, school

Tuesday, December 20, 2005 Finally! Our final thesis manuscript is already finished. It has already been submitted to our adviser and our panelists. But what was supposed to be a relaxing day turned out to be a frantic one. When I arrived in school, our thesis was already bound and ready to be submitted. Our group met at 10am, an hour and half early for the scheduled submission to our class president. When we met our thesis adviser at about 11am, we were faced with a very big problem – he pointed out lots of things that displeased him regarding our work. He wanted us to change something in every chapter of the thesis. And he even had the nerve to throw a tantrum right there in the faculty room, with all the professors looking at him. He banged the chairs, slammed our thesis on the table and shouted at Frank and Apol, for everyone to hear, until only his voice could be heard in the room. That was really a very crazy move from him because he was acting in front of all the professors, perhaps wanting them to think that he’s such a good and helpful adviser, when he really is NOT!! He didn’t help us at all! All he did was criticize us and ask us to change this and that, without explaining what our mistakes were. We didn’t even have a consultation with him that lasted for at least 30 minutes. He always seemed very busy, or about to go somewhere else. And when the time came for us to submit our thesis, just when we were finished, he ACTED as if we didn’t follow his advice (comments and suggestions) regarding our thesis. All I can say is -- advice?? What advice? He just lost my respect. If that is what being PR practitioner is all about, being plastic and superficial (coz that’s what he is, as to what I have witnessed during this thesis experience), then I don’t want to be in that field; but if ever I’m led in that career, I definitely wont take after his example. Anyway, it’s a good thing we were able to finish the revisions before 5pm (which is the real

deadline for submission). At least we were able to submit our thesis on time. There was another group who had to write a letter informing the authorities that they won’t be able to submit their thesis on that day. Now we only have the defense to prepare for. Graduation is just around the corner – yey! Posted by zarahlim at 11:25 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, inis, school

Saturday, December 17, 2005 this is very me!!! *wink* You Have a Melancholic Temperament

Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything. You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life. You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you. Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace. You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life. Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times. At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you. You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others. You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. What Temperment Are You? Posted by zarahlim at 1:15 PM 0 comments Labels: quizzes

our PR group (events management) was part of the technical staff for the AB Faculty Show 2005. i'm one of the camera(wo)men. ang saya! :p sbi ni frank may future daw ako sa pagiging cameraman. hahaha.. Posted by zarahlim at 1:11 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, school 2:52pm THESIS FIALIZATIO ongoing ktabi ko c eds, next computer c apol. c frank (na napakabait dahil nanlibre ng cake at may monopoly sa kanyang bagong techie gadget) nasa tapat ko. c kai nasa malayong comp. at ang katamaran ko'y umiiral. imbis na tumulong ay nagbblog. BAD!

Posted by zarahlim at 6:55 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, school

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

omega worm. haha. it figures. coz im addicted to omega pain killer. (corny! nyahaha!) Posted by zarahlim at 10:42 AM 1 comments Labels: quizzes

You are a Brainy Girl!

Whether you're an official student or a casual learner, you enjoy hitting the books.You know a little bit about everything, and you're always dying to know more.For a guy to win your heart, he's got to share some of your intellectual interests.A awesome book collection of his own doesn't hurt either! What Kind of Girl Are You? Posted by zarahlim at 10:31 AM 0 comments Labels: quizzes

Tuesday, December 13, 2005 You Are Co met

A total daredevil, you're the reindeer with an edge! Why You're Naughty: You almost gave Santa a heart attack when you took him sky diving Why You're Nice: You always make sure the sleigh is going warp speed Which of Santa's Reindeer Are You? Posted by zarahlim at 3:40 PM 0 comments Labels: quizzes sbi nila maarte ako sbi nila maingay ako sbi nila kj ako dahil ndi ako mahilg sa games sbi nila flirt ako sbi nila weird ako sbi nila masungit ako at madalas ay bitchy pa sbi ko naman... PAKIALAM 6IYO?? Posted by zarahlim at 3:29 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, inis Arty Kid

Whether you were a drama freak or an emo poet, you definitely were expressive and unique. You're probably a little less weird these days - but even more talented! Who Were You In High School? Posted by zarahlim at 3:20 PM 0 comments Labels: quizzes Your Monster Profile

Omega Worm You Feast On: Olives You Lurk Around In: Closets You Especially Like to Torment: Your Exes

What's" Your Monster Name? Posted by zarahlim at 2:41 PM 0 comments Labels: quizzes the deadline for the submission of our thesis manuscript is fast approaching (dec 19) and we're not yet ready. we're trying to get outside help (from other willing profs) coz our adviser doesnt seem to be interested in helping us. maybe he just doesnt like our topic. im so disappointed coz he's one of the best profs i've ever had. Posted by zarahlim at 10:57 AM 0 comments Labels: blab, school

Tuesday, December 06, 2005 my professor in broadcast journalism looks like love añover. In media law, it's senator cabalfin / tata madz. I dont mean to be insulting, i think it's cute. Especially sir lopez. He's very competent, very knowledgeable of the course, very intelligent, and VERY ARTICULATE. I just wish i could say the same thing with my broadjourn prof. She was absent for three meetings (well, we cant really blame her coz she wasnt allowed to teach coz she lacked some requirements since she's new). Personally, i think that the moment when she came to class last thursday, she should have explained why she couldnt come to class or at least said she was sorry (even if she doesnt mean it, as long as she said it), even if it wasnt her fault. Instead, she just went on as if nothing happened; and she even had the nerve to be bitchy at the end of the 3-hour class. To top it off, she dismissed us 45 minutes late. She was supposed to dismiss us at 8:30pm but she let us out at 9:15pm. How inconsiderate! I mean, it's okay if she was absent for just 1 meeting; but 3 meetings? Hello!!!! The last semester for graduating students are veeerryyy short, as in super short (14 weeks in all, including holidays!). I just hope that she’ll turn out to be a competent professor. ****************** i like the new Chowking and Piattos TVCs. Posted by zarahlim at 4:52 PM 0 comments Labels: blab, inis, school

get ready for the big move.... for the nth time! decided to move to blogspot (again) so that i could easily manage my blogs . i've been using friendster and multiply blogs, but it's such a hassle keeping 3 blogs all at once. just click on these links to read my previous posts. zarah's friendster blog; original blogspot blog; multiply blog Posted by zarahlim at 10:18 AM 0 comments

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