Your £50 Plan Item
Plan A
Create a 3-5 page website - (Home, Contact, Services, plus 2), Plus £10/additional page
Plan B
Find a URL and a website within your budget (you pay any fees), Publish your Plan A
Plan C
SEO start-up then £50/ 4 mth
Plan D
Google ads - up to 30 phrases, plus google’s fee, Plus £10/mth
Plan E
Adsense - up to 50 ads, plus Google’s fee, Plus £10/mth
Plan F
Writing web copy - up to 3 pages
Plan G
Daily blog £50/mth
Plan H
Social media £50/mth - Facebook, Twitter and 1 other, at least once daily
Plan I
Daily blog £50/mth
Plan J
Create a 10-page eBook – research and publish, plus £10/page
Plan K
Business Document Design - business card, letterhead, invoice
Plan L
Design a newsletter template
Plan M
Create a 4-page e-newsletter
Plan N
Design a 3-fold leaflet
Plan O
Design a flyer and send to your contact list (up to 300)
Plan P
Send a publication to your contact list (up to 300)
Plan Q
Call 100 contacts – plus phone bill using cheap rate
Plan R
Photos editing – up to 20 images
Plan S
Research 5 hours with report on findings
Plan T
List up to 50 items on Ebay – supply pictures and description (use our form)
Plan U
Virtual PA services £50 per day (typing/phoning/diary)
Plan V
Logo Design
Plan W
Animate an existing logo and your company text (for PowerPoint or Web)
Plan X Plan Y Plan Z Additional services, priced to order A1
Prepare a book from InDesign ready for publication
Create a PowerPoint presentation
Create a Prezi presentation
Full company branding service
For further details, see our website: or contact
[email protected] Or phone 0777 0000000