You Stupid Mutt!

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  • Words: 2,876
  • Pages: 13
“You Stupid 'Mutt!'” By: AsphyxiationX



Kiwi Mandell - Age 16

Trace Adams [Kiwi's Best Friend] - Age 16

Harley Kade Aniston [Kiwi's Boyfriend] - Age 18

Colby Hunter Matthews - Age 17

Aiden Vertovic [Colby's best friend] - Age 18


Lucette Brogovic Age 17

Cherry Mandell Age 18


Chapter 1 I woke up to my alarm clock persistently beeping next to me. With a loud groan I threw the covers off of me, got out of bed, and headed for the bathroom. I washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair and put on my make-up before looking for an outfit to wear today. Quickly, I pulled on my white Etnies shirt followed by my Element hoody and a pair of ripped skinny jeans. Today I wanted to wear my favorite DC shoes, but I had a bad feeling so I decided on my black, white and blue etnies. Lastly I put on my Betsey Johnson Charm Necklace and stood in the middle of my room. (Outfit: ) “Okay.. What am I forgetting?” I tapped my foot impatiently on the floor and bit my lower lip. “Piercings!” I nearly shouted, running to my bathroom and putting on my lip piercings. “Shirt, check. Pants, check. Shoes, check... Necklace and piercings, check... Backpack...” I grabbed my Volcom backpack and slipped it on my shoulder. “Check! Now, all that's left is... Cell phone.. and Skateboard!” Finally after searching my room for my phone and skateboard, I walked out and called for my sister down the hall. “Cherry! Five more minutes or you'll be late!” I heard a loud scream followed by a dull 'thud'. Yup, she fell off the bed again. I shook my head and walked out the house, hopping on my skateboard and heading to school. --x-“Hey Ki!” (pronounced 'key') I was at my locker, putting away my board and other useless crap until I saw my best friend Trace running over to me. “Hey Tracey.” He groaned at my little nickname for him. “Can you not call me that? Seriously Kiwi..” “Sure, whatever.. So what's up?” I shut my locker and walked with him to our first period class which was Biology, ick. “You wanna come over after school? My dad got these new ATVs and I wanted to try them out.” “Yea, alright. I just gotta tell Cherry before I leave.” Briiiinnnggg! The bell rang and everyone else shuffled into the classroom and took their assigned seats. “Alright class, I'll be taking attendance and then you will copy down notes.” Mrs. McPatrick said in her usual dull voice. I just ignored her for the most part until she called me name which I replied by saying 'here.' So, some of you may be a little bit confused. My name is Kiwi Mandell and I am 16 years old. Yes, my real name is Kiwi. I have an older sister named Cherry. Yea, I know.. My parents were


probably high. Anyways, my best friend is Trace Adams, and my boyfriend is Harley Aniston. I wouldn't say I'm popular, but I'm definitely not unpopular... If that makes sense. I guess since everyone loves my sister, they love me. But I do have an enemy, or two. That would be Lucette and Colby. Ever since Freshman year Lucette has hated my guts, and Colby is just a plain jerk to me. Briiiiinng! The next three classes went by fast and the next thing I knew it was gym class. I changed into my gym uniform and headed out to the gymnasium where a few students were already waiting. My friend Alesha saw me and waved me over. “Hey babe” “Hola chickita!” Alesha has been my friend since freshman year. She's Dominican with long dark hair, brown eyes and creamy mocha colored skin. “Wanna hang out after school?” “I would, but I'm already going to Trace's. Maybe next time?” “Yea, alright! Oh, I'm throwing this party on Friday night. Wanna come?” “Definitely, I'll be there!” “Everyone outside! We're running the mile.” Coach Coyne yelled, stopping all chatter.


Chapter 2 Everyone was outside running the mile. Small beads of sweat were rolling down the back of my neck as I jogged the track field. I was up ahead of everyone with Alesha falling behind me. “Come on, Alesha. You can do it!” I grinned at her which only caused her to glare at me. She wasn't the most athletic person, but she can hold her own. “I'm going to kill you one of these days!” I laughed. “You'll thank me later!” I shouted and sped up. I had just half of a mile left. “Why don't you get your fat ass off the track?” I heard someone sneer behind me. “Why don't you eat my dust, bitch.” It was Colby, of course. Who else would it be? I didn't want to listen to his insults so I ran faster until I finally reached the finish line. “Good job, Mandell. Hit the showers.” I barely heard Coach Coyne as I walked back into the school. My breath came out in uneven pants and my face was flushed. Ugh.. --x-Everyone had already showered and left by the time I stepped out with a towel wrapped around my body. I headed towards my locker but couldn't find my clothes. “What.. the fuck!” I smashed my hand against the lockers and pulled out my cell. I was going to call the only person that could help me right now. The phone rang three times before she finally answered. “Kiwi, what's up?” “Nothing Cherry. I um.. Need you to do me a favor..” “Yea, what is it?” “Lucette stole my clothes, I need you to bring me something of yours.” I know it was Lucette, she's done this a few times before. “Alright, I'll be there shortly.” We both hung up and I let out a deep breath. Damn.. I really didn't want to resort to my sister. I love her and all, but her clothing preference was kind of slutty. Finally after 5 excruciating minutes the locker room door opened and in walked my sister clad in a blue midriff top and a short denim skirt. “Cherry is here to save the day!” She chirped triumphantly. “I love you, Cher!” “Of course!” She tossed me a green material.


“What's this...?” I slowly unraveled it to reveal a lime green mini dress. “You've got to be kidding me!” “No. Now put it on.” She shoved me to the bathroom and I reluctantly put the dress on. It was kind of tight and way too form fitting. It also had a low v-neck type thing that showed too much cleavage for my tastes. “Cher, I'm not going out like this.” “Yes you-” She stopped mid-sentence once she saw me. “Here, put these on!” She shoved a pair of green heels into my hands. I just groaned as I slipped them on. I wobbled slightly, not used to wearing heels often. (Outfit: ) “If I trip... I'm going to sue!” “Okay! Now lets go.” Then she left me. I glanced at my cell phone real quick. The bell would ring in two minutes. Shit. I guess it's now or never.. --x-Everyone had been gawking at me ever since I came out of the locker room. They just.. Wouldn't stop staring! It was like I had two heads or something. I stopped at my locker and threw my stuff in before heading to lunch. A few guys whistled at me as I walked past the tables and sat down next to Trace. Some girls were even glaring at me, especially Lucette. That only caused me to smirk in response. “Whoa, Ki.. Look at you!” He whistled. “You know you want me!” I said sarcastically, pointing to myself. “Hell yea I do. Who wouldn't?” He joked. I just shook my head. We ate our lunch while talking about random things such as movies and sports. The bell then rang, signaling us to head to our next class. I had double Photography while Trace and Alesha had Calculus and then Journalism. My teacher had decided we should take pictures of nature, so we spent the rest of the school day outside. Finally, after 6 excruciating hours of school, the bell rang signaling everyone to go home. I stopped by my locker and grabbed my board before heading outside and waiting for Trace.


Chapter 3 Trace and I reached his house in record time. I ran into his house, heading directly to his room and took out a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to change into. Riding ATVs in a dress is so not cool. I stole a pair of his Etnies too before going back down to the Garage where his dad was with two Quads. One was red and white while the other was blue and green. “Hola dad!” I called, running up and giving him a quick hug. “Hey kiddo. I reckon you guys are going to the track?” He smirked. “Yea dad. We'll be back in a few hours.” Trace said, tossing me the key to the red ATV. “Alright, be safe!” I nodded, starting up the ATV while Trace did the same and pulled out of the garage. There was an open field in the back of Trace's house that used to be a track field, so we went there. It had the best terrain to ride dirt bikes and ATVs. “Tracey! Let's race! Ready, set.. go!” I called back to him, revving the ATV a little as I sped up. “That's so not fair!” He yelled back to me. Slowly, he sped up and was now behind me. He kept trying to pass me but I maneuvered the ATV so that he couldn't get by. “It's so on Kiwi!” “Yea, okay..” I faked yawned and sped up more. The wind blew through my brown hair, causing it to whip at my face every so often. Dirt was being kicked back everywhere as I rounded a corner. “Where is the finish line?!” Trace called from right next to me. I thought a moment before pointing to the lake that was a good mile away. “The lake!” I rounded another corner and sped off. I was going at least 95 miles per hour and these quads could go up to 110. I could hear Trace right behind me, speeding up so that he was ahead of me by a hair. “You're going down Kiwi!” Just as I was about to say something, he zoomed up past me, kicking dirt in my face. “Ah!” I screeched. “You're gonna pay for that!” We both made it to the lake, skidding to a stop and causing dirt to fly up into the air. “Hah! I win. Again.” I smirked, getting off the ATV and walking up the small dock. “Yea, yea.. Whatever.” Trace followed behind me, hands in his pockets. I sat down on the pier, looking down at the blue water beneath me. “I just love coming here..” I sighed, bringing my hand down to feel the cold liquid against my skin. I felt the wood creak as Trace took a seat next to me.


“Hey, you remember when we were kids.. And your dad took us to that beach?” Trace suddenly said. “The time when I hopped onto that raft and floated out into the ocean??” “Yea.. Hah, we went crazy trying to get you back. The look on your face was priceless..” I smacked him on the arm. “Don't make fun of me.. I was so scared! And I didn't even know how to swim!” “Ah... Those were the days..” He murmured, laying down onto his back now. “Amore mio proklet bio u srcu mom je brodolom amore mio nisi smio..” I took my iPhone out of my pocket and put it to my ear. “Hey baby..” “What are you doing?” “Nothing, just hanging out with Trace at the lake.” “Oh okay, have fun then. I'll see you in two days, babe.” “Okay... Oh! Wait.. Alesha is having a party on Friday and invited us. You wanna go?” “Yea, sure. Sounds like fun.” “Alright Harley, Love you.” “Love you too, Kiwi.” I sighed as I hung up my phone and slipped it back into my pocket. “Long distance relationships suck..” “No shit, Sherlock..” Trace snickered, causing me to punch him again. “Hey!” “Knock it off Trace... Stupid-out-of-state-colleges..” I mumbled the last part, laying down onto my side.

--x-It was almost nine by the time we got back. I helped Trace clean up the ATVs and put them back in the garage before I went home. Trace's dad offered me a ride, but since I had brought my skateboard, I decided against it. It was peaceful as I rode down the street. The night stars twinkled up in the dark sky, clouds puffing up around the moon. It would be full by the start of spring break. I noticed these kinds of things.. I guess you can say I'm very in-tune with my spiritual side or something like that..


Finally, I got to my house. I left my skateboard by the door, ran up to my room and changed my clothes. I put on a pair of Joe Boxers and a big T-shirt, did all my nightly routines and went to bed.


Chapter 4 “C'mon Hunter! Let's go!” I called, clapping my hands together. A white and tan Eskimo Mix reluctantly walked up to me. “That wasn't so hard now.. What is?” I asked in an annoying baby voice, causing the dog to growl and snap at me. I smacked him on the head. “Knock it off, douche!” “Hey, leave me the hell alone you whore.” The dog snarled at me. “Don't you dare call me a whore you freakin Man-ho!” “Man-ho? What the hell, dude...” He whined. “Knock it off, okay. People are staring..” I sighed, walking up my driveway and into my house. The dog, Hunter, followed me in, tail between it's legs. “Now, be a good little dog and we'll try to figure this shit out.” “It's your fault!” “No it's not!” “Yea it is!” “How?!” “You're such an ignorant bitch!” “What does that have to-- Hey!” “Haha.” I flicked his nose. “Ow!” “Take it back!” “No!” “Yes!” “No!” bring bring! I jolted up in my bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes quickly and looking around. “Fuck man.. I need to lay off the caffeine at night...” I groaned. -xIt was finally Friday night, the night of Alesha's party. Harley's supposed to pick me up in half an hour, he was on his way to get Trace now. I dug into my closet looking for something to wear. Now, keep in mind, I'm not the kind of girl that likes to show off, but I also don't want to look like an effing


slob. Finally after wasting ten minutes of searching, I found the perfect top and skinny jeans to wear. I pulled the top over my head, the thin material falling down my bare skin. It had a U type cut and no sleeves. It had a cool realistic design of chains with clocks and things hanging on the front of the top. I pulled on a pair of ripped skinnies followed by a pair of zebra printed flats. None of my outfits were complete without something from my Betsey Johnson collection, so I put some dangling earrings on. “Sei la mia stella, la mia galacia, la luche dentro occi miei...” I flipped my phone open to a text from Harley. Be there in five. Hope you're ready. Xoxo Quickly I brushed some metallic black eyeshadow on and curled my hair, leaving my bangs flat. Checking myself in the mirror one last time, I grabbed my things and walked out the door just in time to hear a low beep coming from my driveway. ( ) “Hey baby!” I called, opening the passenger door to his car. Trace new the drill, I always get shot gun with Harley. “Hey, how's my baby girl doing?” He pecked my lips twice, causing a smile to spread onto my face. “Great now!” Harley chuckled softly, putting the car into reverse and backing out of my driveway. “Hi Kiwi.. It's nice to see you too..” Trace mumbled from the back seat. I turned around and ruffled up his spiked hair. “I didn't forget you darling!” “Quit it..” He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking out the window. I watching him for a few seconds and smiled, satisfied when I saw a little smirk spread on his lips. -xWhen we got the the music was loud and there were cars parked all over the lawn and driveway. Alesha lived in a 5 story mansion so space was no problem when there was a party. Half of the school was here and it was only 7, the other half would probably show up at 9 or 10.. That's what usually happens anyway. Inside everyone was dancing, bodies were moving wildly, the music pulsating through the


walls. There were neon lights flashing everywhere showing a face or two here and there....


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