You Can Smelt Too

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  • Pages: 59
For: Metallurgists, Mineralogists, Geologists, Engineers


In Memory of Wm. L. De Carbonei, Engineer of Mines (Berkeley University) John Costello, Columbia University. Walter Van De Mark. Michigan University Metallurgist. (Pyro.) Charles Hoffman, Engineer of Mines, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado.

FOREWORD J. S. Wisdom printed his first edition ( Booklet ) Laboratory Hints and Efficiencies in 1958, this is a reprint explaining in detail Vol. 2, four steps in field identification of minerals , rocks and ores, assaying, and smelting reduced to lay terms which any high school student or prospector can under stand . This book gives the small mining operator the opportunity to enter in to the field of smelting never before offered. From Canada to South America this writer observed the need for thousands of prospects , small mines and small operators who could not ship ore at a profit , there was too little ore occurrences , too little or no water, or too small a vein .or deposit to work by a company. However all mines were prospects at one time, and the science of mining has been taken from the prospector who has to rely on the custom smelters or mills to process his ore - mineral, therefore many small mines in out of the way places could not be prospected especially in so called backward or undeveloped countries. This printing allows the prospector , the student , the small-operator to enter into the field of mining, milling and smelting on a small scale. Thence wet or dry, my units may be packed in to the prospect area and worked at a profit, due to the fact the money is in the processing. This booklet to be issued to customers using the Wisdom Chemico - Thermo process, equipment , mill - smelters of my design, under my patent rights , Copyrights and Trade Marks in process . The booklet has been developed over the years from research of this need from a saddleblanket practical on the spot experience in Australia, we call it the outback, in western U. S. A . , the hills, in Central and South AmAmerica, the jungle and in Canada , the bush. These printings are not filled with elaborate technological terms, college professors degrees, theory, but reduced to economic methods within the reach of the small man in terms he can understand. Therefore thousands of little plants may produce , as was the case in the days of the Spanish Conquistadores. Whereas in the old mine camps one today observes the arrasta, the horse whim, the little coke furnace. These arts are lost today , or have been digested by the big companies who have put the small man and prospector out of business. However it must be remembered these thousands of small mines in the years past built the great democracies, republics and stabilized their economies, only to be gobbled up by the big companies. My book now makes it possible for the little man to enter into the mining field from A to Z , and process his prospect to a saleable state either in c o m m ercial bar , or develop a prospect to a mine state of commercial consequences. It is to be remembered that the money is in the processing, and the thousands of small operations of yesteryears made great our countries of today. Repetition is now possible under my Trade Marks Patents ( International) and book of instructions. This reprint entails field tests, prospecting, mining, milling and most important , smeltingfuming. Condensed, simplified on the important minerals, metals, elements and rare m e t a l - elements heretoforeinaccesible to the small mining operator, prospectors and mine owners. The book contains chemical tests , hydro-metallurgical processes, floatation, spectroscopy, assaying. This is not just another technical book on minerals, rocks, geology, engineering, but a simple quick test system for field identification prospecting for, and processing the important minerals, elements within the reach of the small man, 98 elements, more than 300 ores- minerals. I am not a white collar man in some college or mining school who never saw a mine, much less produce, dealing with book theory, which work in laboratories, but in the bush, or back country but I go in to the practical end on mining-milling - smelting on any small prospect and my whole set up can be packed anywhere and moved the same day. This book of instructions deals with rocks, minerals, elements, ores as they are found in n a t ure alloyed, complex, black sand and hidden values, regardless of complexity or what part of the world are found. The writer has a production record, based on years of field experience, using developing and researching as well as working for the major companies including the A . E . C . I have taught in adult classes dealing with metallurgy, chemistry and field prospecting and as a matter-of-fact several major mines-mills-smelters were founded on my process including Olivine Exploration Ltd. a major platinum gold producer. My production record includes major companies I worked for, and a personal production record in my own mining interests and companies. YOU TOO CAN SMELT - J. S. Wisdom, Tulameen, B. C, Canada

Incoming ore from the Bell Feed to a rubber lined Slurrey Mixer where the silver sulphates are put in to solution. A Slurrey Pump at the bottom of the screen conveys water soluable silver to the Ionic Migrator.

The gold, silver and platinum is caught in mercury traps on the Migrator with 15,000 volts static electricity positive field with a 6 - volt negative field.

The sands from the screen are dewatered and belt conveyed to the Tube Conversion Furnace which empties on to a low density Magnetic Separator. The low density Magnet ic Separator leaves the slightly magnetic i l m enites and slightly magnetic platinums in the non magnetic pulp. While the magnetite comes off as a high grade oxide of iron a m enable to making sponge iron.

The non-magnetics and the sponge, gold, silver and platinum which is caught on the Ionic Migrator is blended to proper inquartation to obtain the proper metallurgical balance and is furnaced down to bar, using a 25% lead collector , while the magnetite after leaching in the blast furnace to pig iron carrying a 1% cobalt and nickel content.

Tests being carried out in the ultra-modern lab. An assimilated test can be run for the entire mill

A view of the ultra modern Laboratory right in the mine building.

SMELTING VS MILLING AND GROSS ORES Marketing and sale of ores and concentrates is problematical for the following reasons. Impurities and the fact that most smelters do not pay for the bi-products , such as lead smelters being open hearth do not pay for copper. Zinc smelters do not pay for the copper. While antimony smelters do not pay for the antimony, while copper smelters being reverberatory furnaces or cottrell precipitators penalize on b i products, and all pay for gold-silver but none pay for the platinum, and rare metals are smelted and a specialized ore that must be handled by comapnies specializing in rare earths. Now the U. S. Mint pays for Au-Ag. 200 fine up (20%) up to 1,000 fine but does not pay other than for Gold-Silver. Many mines shut down today could be made to pay , should the operators use smelting at end of circuits, as in smelting one may fume off rare earths, platinum, oxides and reduce in fuming tanks to pentoxides, sulfates, oxides and trioxides. The volatized matter is caught as fume dust and readily saleable to drug, chemical industries, while the elemental bars are caught and made in to saleable bars. Therefore this writer will try to explain the simplicity of the Wisdom Chemico- Thermo Process, Smelting with Fuming units to reduce ores and convert to the values depicted above. Using smelters on my make and design, you have a ready market through private refining companies known to this writer whereas by eliminating the middle man one may now reduce his ores or concentrates and sell bar direct , the oxides, pentoxides, tri-oxides go to the chemical industry , thereby making it possible to sell and recover up to 99% of values from Head Feed, whether dry processed or wet processed. You realize up to 99% of total values by processing. By smelting the operator leaves the non-values in slag dumps. It costs just as much to haul and handle silica non-values as it does in smelting pure bar and attending products. Also it must be considered that in shipping to smelters you pay the mining, milling, hauling, smelter fee, and in most cases pay a penalty in excess iron, sulfur, lime and other impeding impurities along with shrinkage, moisture and insoluables. Making in most cases on either Con's or Gross ore up to 50% deductions from face value. Most mines will not pay unless you concentrate dry or wet . This is true ; however if a mine prospect justifies a mill, it also deserves a smelter of my manufacture, design e t c . as a 5 ton unit c o m plete only costs $8500.00. This price includes fuming units with myself or my engineers personally installing same and placing same in to operation along with one years servicing plus instructions. Never before has an offer of this sort been made by any company in the U. S. A. This is now possible because smelting is the X end result of a mine venture in fact the cash register. My smelters are portable or semi-portable whereas they may be moved easily without destroying their usage for another operation. Not so with conventional m i l l - smelters. In smelting Hi-grade or concentrates these are the advantages you have . My five ton furnace is semi-portable as explained above. The outlay is small. Water may be hauled as only 500 g . p . per day is required making it possible to dry mine, and any value the fire will not recover is not there, Thence in considering the water problems, and most ore values are not within a reasonable proximity to power, water or railway, then its the only way - SMELT! When you consider conventional smelter - mills charge $150, 000 for a 100 ton floatation plant, plus the added expense of developing - drilling for v a l ues - water , then the cash outlay will eliminate most mine ventures and prospects. Then should this outlay be met, and ore values Call you leave in conventional mills- smelters valuable equipment that is sold as junk. Such an experience has happened to this writer in the cherokee mill, pidgeon mill at my loss of over $100, 000.00. This has happened many times in mine ventures, whereas over the years this writer has proved that my equipment does the job, runs on little water, wet or dry concentrates and should mine fail, you can move within a matter of hours. Smelting is relatively simple. Not so milling, floatation of complex ores. Cyanide is the best method to reduce Au-Ag. but water and proximity of power and other essentials prevent for the most part an operation of commercial consequences. Another factor is the fact that only a few oxides or free golds will cyanide, or chemically amenable to cyanide due to coppers and other impeding impurities this applies to silver ores as well. Because my mill is moveable, simple to operate and cheap to run, coupled with conventional methods tell the story. The grade and nature of ores and mineral deposits together with the degree of treatment and benefication no way compare with Pyro - Metallurgical reductions. To meet specific requirements one must evaluate by a series of tests ( this applies to smelting } mapping, drilling - profiling based on well founded laboratory tests create a serious and in most cases insurmountable cost most mine operators will not venture to gamble. This Company specializes in tailings, dumps and dry mines both lode and placers where the element of risks are deleted as you have the values in sight. On the other hand produce a wet sheet, concentrate and reduce in my smelters without problems if concentrates dried damp dry. The specific needs of refiners are in no way related to custom smelters This main point reveals the refiners will for the most part pay for all values/within 10% of face values. In shipping crude ore there is no way in which you can eliminate the penalties . Cost of shipping, m i l l ing and smelting . You pay the smelter regardless and the smelters will deduct their treatment charges. first. The miner gets what left. Usually 50% of the values less the bi-products. Crude ores and concent-

rates lose the above only in milling. The operator gains the cost of hauling the waste to the smelters and saves the mill charge. Granted , but you still lose on penalties , moisture and shrinkage dross loss. This loss is a guarantee. For instance if ore is shipped to a lead smelter there is no pay for copper, if shipped to a copper smelter, there is no pay for lead and so on. Smelters deduct the following reducing ores, referee, sampling, handling, smelting, bullion freight, refining, marketing , profit, costs, r e t urn of capital, labour, fuel, depreciation, insurance, taxes, plant and other overhead expenses, pins a lot of high paid staff. * Also as mentioned before, no pay for rare earths or platinum, plus bi-products herein mentioned. Gold - silver - platinum should be removed in any case. Amalgamated is retorted, the pulp r e duced to Dor'e and shipped to U. S. mint. The Mint will not pay for the platinum . Therefore its a simple matter to catch the Au- Ag. in mercury traps or amalgamated copper plates. The Platinum is caught by charging the mercury with sodium metal. After the free amalgamated A u - A g . caught in traps amalgamated* copper sheet charged with sodium metal readily catches the platinum. In the case of bi-products or rare earths the pulp should be sold to private refiners by select methods of treat ment followed by direct smelting. In cases of copper smelting cementation followed by smelting conductive in cases of azurite, malachite, cuperite, native copper oxidizing flame with coke and flux does the job. The iron- copper matte which also acts as an efficient collector for A u - A g . together with the impurities such as arsenic , antimony, and bismuth. The molten matte is tapped from the furnace from time to time, and fed with silicious ores as a flux and fed to converters for oxidizing. The sulfur associated with ihe iron and copper blister is produced in the converter and cast to ingots 9954 pure. Dross loss on copper slight , ranging from 4.5% to 6% and A u . - A g . 1 to 394. Lead smelters concentrating ores mainly lead sulfides ( galena) generally contain gold-silverzinc and sometimes copper, bismuth, arsenic, antimony creating a metallurgical problem. Lead sulfide concentrates are fumed by roasting or sintering, then concentrates fed in to blast f u r n a c e . The amount of coke or fuel required depends on the ore. The copper will go in to the lead matte if sulfur is not controlled and bar will carry up to 4094 copper. This may be sold to private refiners in most c a s es, drossing pots will part the lead-zinc-gold- silver, and all metals must conform to specific needs of the refiners. Such sales or contracts are consumated by samples submitted . This report does not deal in detail with zinc or antimony. Rare metals . This is far too technical to enter in to herein. This report deals essentially with basics to lead credence to my statements any mine not worth smelting is not worth mining.' This report is designed to create interest in my three sized smelters ice.

anyone can use with p r a c t -

FORMULA This formula was developed for black sands essentially, however it will recover hidden complex values based on eight years of laboratory tests, thousands of pilot smelting research tests , and the last three years it was used successfully in several mines that heretofore was considered worthless. The V u l chure in Wickenburg, Arizona, the Salton Sea, Goldfield Nevada, Albany, Oregon, Kabab Utah, Honduras (Olancho and Esperanza) Leadvale Canyon, Nevada, and presently, Tulameen B. C.Canada. Camsell stated in his memoirs in 1902 to 1906 that when metallurgical sciences advanced , the trapped magnetites in the Lodestone and Otterman Granites could be successfully parted, it would become a highly commercial area, there being billions of tons of the black sands available on the Olivine holdings and adjacent areas in the Lodestone area carrying platinum, gold, silver, mercury, petroleum, coal , with abundant timber and river water. Camsell also stated after four years of professional prospecting for diamonds of industrial grade, in the typical kimberlite blue clays, which exist on the Olivine Exploration holdings six miles N.W. of Tulameen , B.C. that they exist in considerable quantities. This writer spent eight years checking sands from the N . W . Territories to South America, concentrating this past three years in Goldfield Nevada . While there worked in laboratory with many assistants of high repute , primarily Walter Van De Mark, a well-known smelter man in U. S. A. Mr. Van De Mark built three smelters; the last being the Berg Smelter in Los Angeles, California, which he was Superintendent for two years before retiring. I paid this metallurgist a salary for two years to aid me in this vast source of wealth , prevalent in the great Canadian gold shield ( Sir Archibald Geikie ) which exists from Alaska , through British Columbia south in to Venezuela, South America. This writer has traced through Canada , Alaska, the western U . S . A . , Mexico, Gutamala, San Salvadore, Honduras, C.A, Costa Rico, Nicaragua, thence the great Canadian Gold Sh ield dips under the Carribean , thence into the Gran Saba, Venezuela thence easterly in to parts of western Brazilia. Sir Archibald Geikie the father of Geology bears out these facts. William Wells, 1850, Explorations and Adventures in Honduras, C . A . memoirs also lends credence to the statements herein, along with many Engineers, Geologists, Metallurgists of high repute and experiences. They all confirm generally along with Camsell of Tulameen, B.C. the fact that in the prevalent black sands ( magnetic and non- magnetic) carry for the most part Gold-silver-platinum, rare earths and a tremendous cource of iron as an X end product after removing the nobel values, reducing same to pig iron , the backbone of the country. The importance of iron now coming in to its own because of the depletion of the Canadian- American Masabe range. It is a fact that this writer is aware of that billions are b e ing spent developing taconite ( a secondary low grade source of iron) is being conducted both by the Canadian and U. S. A. governments. Now therefore the significance of my discovery. During 1959 in the Goldfield area, in dry lake beds, placer deposits , and in Goldfield Nevada proper 1 discovered mercurous tellurites in most cases covered by several inches of blow sand up to several feet deep, vast deposits of clays containing black sands , complex tellurides ( Ransome ) spoke of tellurates , complex, of nickel, cobalt, palladium, mercury, boron, phosphates, selenium, zirconium-hafinium, ( Albany, Oregon area) and in the Tulameen area diamonds in kimberlite blue c l a y s , associated with peridotite, tellurite complex , with nickel -cobalt, and the platinum group, mercury(mercurous tellurites) silver salts a highly metamorphosed silver sulphate derived from ignious ( primary source ) then later trapped by the Otterman granites ( Camsell) whereas in recurrent turbulences , faults and intrusives trapped and displaced placers ( glacial ) in high benches, terraces l a t erial moraines, which were over thrusted, faulted, cross faulted, then metamorphosed to todays state leaving the rivers and creeks rich in salts, compounds, colloidions, some free platinum-gold, while the original sulphides, altered whereas the sulfuric acids decomposed the original igneous veins so trapped and trapped both by vulcanisism,, glacial , turbulence, and acid digestion, the lead was m e t amorphosed to carbonate ( water soluble ) the silver was metamorphosed to sulfate, and in some cases-reduced to salts by continuance of general alteration, as depicted above, while the gold-platinum group was altered to. colloidals, partially leaving little free gold-platinum, and the hidden values were left insoluble to the general action and locked in to the magnetites and heamitites , which were not as solubIe as other host values and rocks, I call stockwork. Now therefore as is the case in Goldfield Nevada, the Central Americas, Canada, Mexico, and South America, these general conditions prevail based on this writers personal investigations-and l a b oratory analysis, tests, in developing the Wisdom Chemico-Thermo process. Water has a great part in present day observations, ice, expansion (summer- contraction winter, erosion, and the fact this earth expands each 24 hour period and contracts 24 feet by natural action, then with due consideration of these other actions both eleuval and alleuval, chemical, volcanic, glacial and natural erosion clarifys partially the geological picture along with the chemical picture herein described. The great slide area near Hope, B.C. is a ( Man's life span) geological picture which today may be observed to lend credence to statements made by this writer. While water is not a basic element, it is however one of the best oxidizing products. Cavendish studied water in 1781. He later used static electricity as one of his laboratory tools. He also used a

a large globe to study the effects of static electricity upon other liquids and gases. In one test he filled this globe with five parts of air and two parts of hydrogen, obtained by dissolving metal in acid. Next he applied an electric spark using Priestley's newly discovered oxygen in place of air. The electric spark produced the first principle of internal combustion . Then when the liquid was analyzed it converted to pure water, (H20) thence Cavendish proved water was not a basic element. This writer has designed and tested an impactor that will accelerate to 5000 R. P. M. pneumatic ( 200 pounds pressure) in a few seconds eliminating friction 90%, thus heat, and will explode the hardest ore mineral in ultra-sonic phase to dust faster than sound. This is my THUNDERBOLT MILL for grinding ores. One pass, volute classification. No tramp iron as is with ball milling, and little maintenance due to 15,000 Lbs. izod impact rating. This mill literally explodes the ore minerals and leaves same, sharp and angular. Thus eliminating slimes and tramp iron experienced in conventional milling. A ten ton unit in Nevada has tested ores of the hardest nature this past three years. There is nothing like it on the world market. The outlay of cost to build is ten per cent of conventional mills and crushers of comparable size and capabilities. The cost per ton is ten per cent of conventional crushing - milling types on the market. This Tornado mill is counter balanced and needs no expensive concrete revetment to operate from. It can be easily moved. Not so with conventional mills the world over. By using three million pounds per square inch silver oxide may be converted to a metallic state. At higher pressures iodine will also convert. The electrical conductivity is approximately l/50th. of copper, but in converting phosphorus to metallic state as is with iodine, it will increase these metallics conductiveability a billion times. There is 8 trillion tons of gold, platinum and silver in the oceans of the world. These are effected in principle the same as is explained on land locked values in this explanation of my process. Each principle has relativity ( Einstien) the facts states above were proved by Von Haber and Einstein of Germany before World War 1,. After World War 1, Von Baron Von Richthofen ( World War 1 Ace) father a scientist geologist who called to the attention of the Chinese Government the abundant oil shales of China.(China has 75% of the worlds oil shale) comparable to the Olivine shales. Relativity as with chemical affinity in ore minerals is another principle involved in the Wisdom Chemico -Thermo process, whereas caustic solutions - acids simply force oxidization in minutes. Whereas it required ions of years for mother nature to accomplish the same results , thence we replace the missing ion to create the metallurgical balance , as is required in conventional reduction of ore mineral. However in converting ions, colloidions, compounds, salts these are the basic principles required and to be recognized. PRINCIPLE 1: Colloidions, silver as salts, highly metamorphosed micron ( hemi-colloidion) to sulfate, water soluble . Must be converted to sulfide to reduce conventionally or in some cases chloride. These colloidion -salts are recovered in charcoal ( precipitated) in an inert atmosphere, ( Resin Exchanger principle) the carterage after removing all minerals is then placed in my furnace and fluxed and reduced at 4200 D . F . in inert atmosphere as per sketch attached which is an integral part of the drawings submitted in 1958, and is a part of the Wisdom Chemico -Thermo process. PRINCIPLE 2: Conversions of black sands, magnetic and non-magnetic, whereas I convert sands in a tube furnace at 1850 D . F . for one hour. This frees hidden values of Gold - Silver- Platinum(Tulameen is the principle producer of platinum in the North American Continent) Camsell report 1902 to 1909. Now by using charcoal ( Note charcoal is the reducing agent with iron throughout my process) This iron in Olivine ores , coupled with lime I add, and placed in tube furnace( inert atmosphere) reduces iron to oxide , this conditions iron ( specular Heamitite , magnetite e t c . to an oxide( some is oxide but this conversion converts all as part of the host rock is not metamorphosed , second, I reduce in inert atmosphere the Eu - colloidals and hemi-colloidals ( instable as it ) to a stable state. Now I may remove nobel values in ionic migration. Ionic exchange unit tube furnace discharges in to. Here we add caustic soda, and sodium sulfide. This releases the mercurous tellurites that were converted in tube furnace to elemental quicksilver. This value is filtered, condensed, flasked and is ready for sale. Now the mercury serves another purpose. It is amalgamated on copper plate charged with sodium metal. Copper plate is first etched with sulfuric acid dipped in acid steel wool. This scrubbed on copper plate cleans and amalgamates copper plate, but first I charge mercury reduced as above, with sodium metal, thence we have a sodium -mercury amalgam. This amalgamated on copper plate as depicted above will then catch the platinum that was freed in the tube furnace. Now-the gold-silver also amalgamates too in amalgamated plate. However it requires twenty-two parts of gold to a m a l gamate or alloy mechanically with the depicted charge. This is inquartation required to create the proper metallurgical balance. The diamonds of industrial grade from plate waste is caught in.another trap greased with lard. PRINCIPLE 3: NOW discharge non-amalgamated (pulp) to the ionic migration unit in mill circuit. We have now freed hidden values. We have now converted all pulp to oxide. The silver sulfate is now a silver sulfide.amenable to Pyro-metallurgicarreduction in inert atmosphere as sketch shows. The colloidal gold-platinum is now stable as semi-elemental elements. Sal ammoniac is added at this point and an emulsion added. The pulp is now in a homo-polar state and the radi between Pt. and Au. is within 15%. ( Lyophobics) do not attract the dispersed phase which is now solid, but does not attract the dispersed medium. The protection" involved chemically is that these substances - conditioning - tube firing as process shows by cyclitic action has now added or has augmented it's stability

THIS IS THE KEY TO CHEMICALLY CAPTURING AND CONVERTING COLLOIDIONS - SALTS to a stable state. We now have a molecular valence within the micron tolerance , to create by chemistry and conversions , molecules which now have lengths as great as the untreated colloidion-salts particles. PRINCIPLE THREE: Professor Colin G. Fink,Ph,D. of Columbia University , and Professor Aolphe Wurtz, Ph D. of Germany , along with Dr. Fritz Haber Ph.D. of Germany , the latter scientists who won the Nobel Peace Prize did work basically in my process. In fact Dr. Von Haber in 1919 won the Nobel Peace Prize and was considered the outstanding chemist of the world. He plated a ships propeller by conditioning , but could not turn the ship's propeller fast enough to be of commercial value. This brings in ultrasonics , under a magnetic field in the Wisdom Chemico-Thermo process, on the sodium charged plate explained previously. An ultra-sonic device is installed . This permits Au- A g - Pt. in amalgam to drop into a trap off the plate after reaching a saturated state.( Mercury will dissolve several times its weight then globulize . The ultrasonic device will self clean plate by consol operation and frequency wave l e n gths and valance control.) COLLOIDAL STATE: A system of particles in a dispersing medium , in which the mean size of the particles lies between molecular size and a size great enough to be visible to the eye under a microscope. The colloidal systems ( salts - compounds- colloidions - sulfates etc.) are associated with distinctive properties and behaviour , as is explained herein. REAGENT FOR COLLOIDIALS: 10g Stannious chloride in 95 ml h20 , 5 0 ml HC1, to which 10g pyrogallol is added. The impregnated fibers acquire a red violet color in solution containing gold-platinum . Now Olivine sands will reverse in tube furnace should deceleration point not be reached . In other words we fire at 1850 D . F . just under the melting point of gold, but platinum must melt at 4200 D . F . , but if pulp is reduced in an inert atmosphere , then melted as sketch depicts herein, we may maintain an irreversible state as pulp and other attending values in Olivine ores will remain insoluables when once separated from the dispersed system as shown. While at the Idaho School of Mines , Moscow, I explained to the Dean that there is no real theoretical distinction between the classes for the phenomena . It depends upon the velocity with which the atoms, molecules, form grains of micron size, and all such reversible colloidions, then become irreversible. THUS THE SECRET OF MY STATEMENTS- GOLD - SILVER - PLATINUM- or any element will fume under certain complex conditions. PRINCIPLE 4 : In my Ionic Migration Unit under a magnetic field, utilizing ultrasonics , conditioning with caustics as explained. We have unlocked the secrets of the greatest source of wealth on earth. Nam ely the oceans of the world, and the land locked values of complex nature. The Ionic Migration Unit simply migrates the conditioned pulp as herein explained back to traps against gravity. By reverse polarity 6 volts , to the sodium charged plate the ultrasonic device cleans automatically all electronically controlled by console. My departure from conventional thinking , I fear, brands me as a crackpot' , but the men I name earlier in this process fully agree with my work. I also reduce the gold and NOBEL values to prove FACT. PRINCIPLE 5: Olivine magmatic crystallization , glacial , mesomorphic placers, high benches, land locked values as well as Hen Creek loaded with colloidal as well as the Eraser River Delta which the B.C. Government spent millions in discovering these values, I can recover with the Wisdom Chemico¬ Thermo process as follows: The empirical rules apply to magma tic crystallization and ionic solids{ After I convert as explained herein) my work in substitutional and ' interstitiall alloying . First convert to within 15% radii, as explained herein, then we begin to understand the terminology I use in hidden elements locked in igneous ore values. These values are world wide. But the greatest concentration is from Western B.C. , Canada, Western United States, Mexico and Central America on to South America. ( The great Canadian Tertery Gold Shield) of which all great mines in this area occur regardless of the cross faults, mountains and over thrusts. In the case of Olivine ( Glacial after igneous volcunisism.) Cam sell. The major values are locked both mechanically and chemically. (Where there is a chemical affinity and solubility) and are hidden and whereas the chemistry is complex and the atomic radii is out of equilibrium Gold has 50% protons, 50% neutrons, surrounded by electrons ; therefore in perfect equilibrium. These nobel values are micron and were developed chemically by geologic actions; periods; by fractional crystallisation . The sequence of phase separation is depicted as the temperatures drop and as the composition of the elements changes. In this volcunism( cooling stage) these elements -metals metamorphose. Thus two elements combine and become another element . My process simply forces oxidizing ( after conversions to stable state) in minutes where it requires nature ions of years to create by cyclitic action. I simply unlock, convert to stable state , then reduce Gyro-metallurgical reduction ( smelting) under an inert atmosphere. Now as the composition ( chemicals change) so does the e l e m ents by cyclitic action. This accounts for free values and complex values. This phenomenon is descriptive, not explanatory . It does show however the principles , geological and chemically . Now the hydrogen sulphides are the major metamorphosing reagents appertaining to Nobel metals and under certain conditions and ions of time , will fume, oxidize and metamorphose gold and other NOBEL elements. Metals regardless of the conventional thinkers of the world will fume even though many men with m a j or degrees say they won't. After the major action takes place then the replacements and minor elements come in the ore. These I call hidden values locked in complex; normally in arsenic, bismuth, sulfides and will fume in smelting unless conditioned as herein explained. Thence the principle of my process. Whereas the u l t imate X end result depends upon thermodynamic considerations for energy changes involved in nature thence in my process. This involves the assembling of ions within the radii, making them if not a m e n able in reduction , segregating and collection in carrier until all are captured in bar. Since atomic rad-

ii are not comparable in different or dissimilar ore values. The ions differ. Therefore the Radii differs with valences - chemistry e t c . This is to say in each crystal lattice. Thence we find crystallization is essentially the ordering phenomenon. Crystals hold the degree of order arranging lattice in each category in melt arrangement of the ions. Though not at random because of the low degree of order. Therefore Wisdom- Chemico- Thermo process simply controls the energy and entropy changes in conditioing and final pyrometallurgical reduction. PRINCIPLE 6: If two ions have the same radii and the same charge they will enter in a given crystal lattice with equal facility . If two ions have similar radii and the same charge the smaller ions will enter a given crystal lattice ( Amenable) . If then ions have a different charge the ion with the higher amenability to such charge more easily. Therefore when a minor element in a magma tic crystallization , the following may be said( a minor element with the same radii and charge) to the major element. This is my terminology of hidden values in conventional treatment of ores the world over. PLATINUM: Tulameen is the principle producer of platinum in North America. If requires 4, 200 D.F. to melt. Platinum is difficult to detect in complex and rarely occurs free ( excepting T u l a meen). These platinum metals are for the most part alloyed with other elements and nobel metals including rare metals or earths; irridium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, cobalt, chronium, nickel, copper and lastly sperrylite. This is the only platinum which is found chemically combined with a r senic. While ruthenium is the only platinum alloy or state that will readily fume. All will fume if locked in goldieldite, famatinite or complex of arsenic, bismuthine e t c . Platinum recovery is amenable to the Wisdom Chemico- Thermo process even though thousands of chemists over the world have carefully investigated platinum conventional methods are considered far from satisfactory . Their correct determination is considered the most difficult analysis in the realm of organic and inorganic chemistry. All six platinums have been found in one ore value. Then with gold-silver alloyed this creates another difficulty , as gold-silver is usually associated with this group. Along with the values above the conversion, collector reduction of my process greatly relieves this factor and simplifies . Spectroscopy, X-Ray diffraction - Flurescence are necessary along with volumetric. But conversion in my process has proven better than conventional identification so as to better reduce pyrometallurgically. SEE SKETCH BELOW: As is shown on the drawing submitted. This is the principle after capturing the colloidion-salts in resin exchanger . I place non-oxidizing carterage in furnace , flux , then spray nitrogen into melt. This prevents oxidation, conversions in tube furnace on way as soon as you add this to the integral part on the standard flow sheet. REGULATOR

GOLDNEVA E N T E R P R I S E S , J. S. Wisdom, Pres. Helen Wisdom, Sec. -Treas. Directors: Leo Brown, John Costello, Thos.Young

Phone 82,



Box 8 2 8 ,

T O N O P A H , NEVADA December 25,

19 5 9 .

REPORT ON BROWN WONDER & PYRITIC ORES IN THE PALMETTO MINING DISTRICT. COMPLEX'S. The ores in the Palmetto Mining District are prevalent and rich; due to the lack of water, power and paved highways, little or no prospecting has been done, - plus the pyrometallurgy unknown until recent times in the West. It is reported and true that these prevalent and rich ores have suffered great penalizing from the smelters, when shipped in the crude, and as I will list below. The last ore I shipped to Toolie, Utah, went as follows:SMELTER GROSS VALUE SMELTER PAID TREATMENT FREIGHT $ 3 4 . 0 0 Ton $27.77 Ton $12.50 Ton $12.50 Ton Then it is obvious that concentrating is the next step. However, centrates, whether they carry Au-Ag. or barren.

PAID TO MINER $ 0.77 Ton

the pyrites are in the bulk con-

This troublesome pyrite because it varies in value, and will show in the bulk concentrate as Iron-Sulphur as tabulated below :FREIGHT AND PERCENT of Fe. VALUE TREATMENT RETURNED TO MINER 5 $28.50 $ 3.00 $ 25.00 10 $28.30 5.50 22.80 15 $27.70 8.80 18.90 20 $26.20 11.50 14.70 25 $26.20 14.30' 11.90 30 $25.60 16.50 9.10 Then it is obvious that the mining (underground) is ten dollars a ton, and the cost of the milling is five dollars a ton, then we must produce a concentrate, then the ore must have less than 20% Fe. to break even and less than 10 percent Fe. if money is to be made. Thence the ore shipped went 20% F e . Fe2o2 and Pyrites, plus 0.50 Au.

5.0 Ag. 2.0% Cu.

The bulk concentrates from this ore assayed- Au 1.03 Oz. Ag. 9.8 Oz. 3.9% Cu. 50% Fe2o2 B.C. From each 100 cons of crude ore, 46 tons of bulk concentrates was produced. This shipped to Toolie, netted approx. $ 1, 473,00. This showed out of 100 tons mined, shipped and treated, a head value of $28.50 with a return of $ 14.70 a ton. This proves that my Pidgeon mill is impractical due to troublesome pyritic content, due to high Fe. So, had the bulk concentrates produced had less than 10% Sulphur Iron content, then a profit would have been made. A pre-roasting unit, with flotation behind the concentrator was indicated, yet this would not eliminate the Fe. content. (Magnetic separation will eliminate this F e . to below 10% contained, however this is not ideal as the magnetic separa.tor pulled out a great amount of Au-Ag. still locked in the roasted chlorides. . .

The above flow sheet is practical if Fe. Sulphur and Fe202 less than 10% in bulk concentrate.

Since we have 50% Fe. combined in bulk concentrate then this method is recommended, selectively mine the vein, separate the sulphites-sulphides from the oxides, then stockpile each ore, this can be easily done in the case of the BROWN WONDER, then run each ore separately. Since miners will take out everything that glitters, and this proves metallurgically impractical, then we will separate the ores and segregate, and run separately. Thence the pyritic ore will be stockpiled with the sulphides and run thru mill, while the oxide ore will be run separately. The oxides and sulphides are run thru the WISDOM-CHEMICO-THERMO-PROCESS at Pidgeon Springs, Nevada 5 miles over roads distant from the mines. The oxides will be wet concentrated and smelted, the pyritic ores and sulphides will be concentrated, and treated as follows:

Sell the pyritic residues to sulphuric acid producers, (Anaconda at Yerrington, Nevada), the iron-pyrites to Kaiser at Fontana, California for fusing ignition and iron. The sulphides carrying the Cu-Au.Ag.Ph. S Zn. is smelted in the WISDOM SMELTER and shipped to Toolie, Utah for refinement. In the case of high pyritic ore, (over ten percent in bulk concentrates ) a FLOW sheet as follows is required. Gravity concentration, selective flotation, and cyanidation, carefully designed to insure the maximum monetary returns with inconsequential variations, regardless of the quantity of pyrites or complex's. The flow sheet is not new, but the procedure is, the mining, dry concentrating, wet benefification and smelting is in the state of art, arranged to take advantage of each process in its proper place and with proper sequence. FLOW SHEET PROCEDURE METALLURGICAL BALANCE ON HIGH-PYRITIC ORE, BROWN WONDER AND LEADVALE CANYON PROPERTIES The first step will be to produce copper concentrate, by selective flotation. This consideration first is to recover the copper, in order to remove the copper from the iron pyrites as possible, not only for economic reasons, but to avoid trouble later on, as the Cu. will digest the cyanide. The higher the Cu. grade is, the higher the loss can be afforded up to a limit, to obtain the copper recovery. The recovery of the oxides and gold-silver is of no consequence at this point, plus the lead which will concentrate with the oxides. The first take off of the sulphides containing the Cu. little Au-Ag. ( head feed $ 28.50 a v . ) . will be approximately A u - 3 . 3 oz. Ag. 58. 0 Oz. Cu. 28% and Fe. 32.096 from 100 tons of ore the dry concentrator will produce 6 tons of this concentrate. The second step will be to recover the pyritic, and all remaining sulphide values, this will be a con centrating table, with middlings to a second flotation unit, this treatment will take off the gold also, with the tailings from table, being disposed of at this point. This concentrate should assay approx. Au- 75 oz. Ag. 3.1 oz. C u . 0 . 4 %. Fe. 42 %. From each 100 tons of middlings 40 tons of this concentrate will be recovered. It is estimated that 95% of the Au-Ag. can be extracted from this concentrate by cyanidation, at a cost of $ 2.50 a ton of concentrates or $1.15 a ton from head feed, containing 20% Fe. When the pyritic concentrates have been relieved from this concentrate (Au-Ag, recovered} the residue is dried to a damp pulp and shipped to Anaconda for the manufacture of sulphuric acid, my checking shows that a constant flow of this type material is welcome, where there is a constant specification. Tentative market price is Diesel truck, $ 2 .50 a ton.

6.00 ton f. o . b . Yerrington, Nevada. Transportation cost via our

When this flow sheet is set up and used, the operators can expect a return of $27.90 ton, with a head feed of $ 28.50 run thru concentrator, open pit and selling the co-products would increase profits measurably. However, this calculation is based on underground, as underground I feel we must go to in time. On the following sketch and layout I show the calculations using this method, and plant plan. DOLLARS PER TON CRUDE ORE


Cu. Con's


Cu. Con's.



$1.50 PLAN

Pyrites $2.00



( see following page)


















Now at 20 tons a day, the company would derive, or corporation would derive, a profit of approx. $ 558.00 a day ( 8 hours) or at 300 days a year, this pilot plant would derive approx. $167, 400.00 per year. I have already reported in sight 6' x 15' x 1,000 ft., would block 4,090 tons, thus at 20 T . P . D . (8 hours) we would have a certainty of available ore on the BROWN WONDER No. 1 Claim, this ore would last approx. 7 months, or adequate time to shake down the ore, get flow sheets worked out and set up and get into production in April or May of I960. The preliminary work should be The equipment needed is a D-8 complete drilling equipment, powder, rippers, in order to rip the vein out as

started at once. cat, loader, a truck dump, a compressor, at least 227 ft.Diesel, cap and fuse. The loader should be at least a Hd.5 or larger with far as possible, e t c .

A trailer (house or cabin) should be built or moved in for the miners to live in. There is adequate housing I own at Mill Site for six men. I own plenty of water, that will furnish 100 G . P . M . for the milling and cooling the Tuyere's on the smelter. The Tuyere's require cooling, as well as water needed to spray on the molten metal, e t c . , cool cast moulds, e t c . Refer to Walter Van de Mark 100 ton coke smelter that can be installed later if mine ore tonnage justifies, e t c . Then my Pidgeon lease will support water up to 100 G . P . M . This water has been pumped, along with my land below Pidgeon which will make water over 100 G . P . M . as this land and water course is presently being used by the Sterling placer plant, below my land in Sylvania Canyon. Thus we have the silicate, fluorspar lime and raw materials to support this mine, mill and smelter, (pilot) with adequate roads, water ana facilities to place our production to 400 T . P . D . and this production would support a 100 T . P . D . smelter (coke). The job at hand is to equip and finance the opening of the BROWN WONDER CLAIMS 1-2-3, this should open ore to justify larger productions later, e t c . Referring to the Wm. L. De Carbonel report, we should open these claims, then if new discoveries and controls justify, then go ahead with benefication plant, (wet) at Pidgeon Springs, and smelter as outlined in this preliminary report. The pilot smelter recommended is the Lindberg-Fisher Simplex rotary tip furnace, this will take care of all available concentrates recovered by the Bonberg Impact Dry Mill on the mine site. Thence impact (dry) beneficiate in the WISDOM PORTABLE CONCENTRATOR, then smelt in the Lindberg-Fisher smelter. This pilot operation is justified by my tests and this report, as within the last ten years I have shipped to all the western smelters, Selby, McGill, Toolie, U . S . Smelting at Magma. Respectfully submitted.

(signed) J . S . W I S D O M , Owner and Partner, Controlling Interest in Gold Neva Corporation.

Member S.A.M.E. Consulting Geologist-Engineer

Wm. L. De Carbonel, Tonopah, Nevada.

INSTRUMENTATION The Berylometer itself, which is cylindrical, is about 8 inches in diameter, 13 inches high, and weighs about 11 pounds. (Fig.l). The principal components, from bottom upward, include: 1.

A disc of wax one-half inch thick, to moderate (or "thermalize") neutrons.


A 5-inch boron-enriched polyester-zinc-sulphide fluorescent screen. This material produces strong flashes when struck by thermalized neutrons but only weak flashes from gamma rays.


A 5-inch photomultiplier tube.


An electronic circuit, complete with one small 7 1/2-volt dry battery. The photomultiplier tube and electronic circuit convert neutron, flashes to electrical impulses, but gamma ray effects are almost completely eliminated. A variable "discriminator" permits adjustment for maximum efficiency as the gamma-ray source ages and deteriorates.

The impulses can be detected with ordinary ear-phones but are most effectively recorded and counted on a small, portable, battery-operated counter and scaler, which has been designed especially for use with this instrument. The counter, which is about 6 inches by 5 inches by 5 inches, weighs about 3 1/2 pounds, including two 7 1/2-volt dry batteries. The gamma ray source, 80 millicurles of Antimony 124 when fresh, comes in a small stainless steel capsule which is embedded in a lead disc about 1 inch thick and of the same diameter as the Berylometer. It is connected to the bottom of the Berylometer by bayonet fittings. The disc weighs about 25 pounds. When not in use the disc is kept and transported in afti Interstate Commerce C o m m ission-approved stainless steel and lead shield which weighs about 100, pounds. Antimony 124 has a half-life of 60 days, which allows a useful life of about 4 months for each 80 millicurie charge. If the suppliers are informed some time in advance of the renewal date they will send out a fresh source in another shield, and the old assembly can then be returned for credit. Government regulations concerning the handling and disposal of the partially spent isotope are then met by the supplier. The source can be regenerated by several weeks exposure in an atomic pile or neutron generator. WORKING DISTANCE AND SENSITIVITY The effective working distance of the instrument is closely limited by the principles governing its operation. The law that radiation intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance is double invoked in this application, since it governs not only the gamma rays emanating from the source but also the neutrons which might be released by any beryllium bombarded by those rays. In addition to the attenuation caused by the distance itself, there is the further limiting factor that gamma rays can penetrate only about 1 1/2 inches of solid rock. The instrument is thus limited to testing only the 1 1/2inch thick surface layer of exposures, and surface irregularities can strongly affect the response. We found that stationary tests were necessary in the field, since even in relatively high-grade zones the effective terrane-clearance is too small to permit continuous mobile scanning. The sensitivity of the instrument is directly related to the duration of each test. In common with all nuclear reactions, individual events are erratic and must be considered statistically. Therefore, timed counts are required for determinations of beryllium content. A series of standards are supplied with the instrument. The standards consist of mixtures of BeO with pulverized feldspar and quartz, in metal containers ranging from 2-inch ointment cans to 7-inch, 35-mm film cans. Beryllium content is directly proportional to the impulses counted. If all other factors, such as geometry, mineral density, packing density, and counting period, are alike for the standard and the material being tested, the ratio of the beryllium content of the unknown to that of the standard would be equal to the ratio of the net neutron count of the unknown to that of the standard. Careful control of all conditions would produce analyses dependable to several decimal places over a wide range of beryllium contents, and it is probable that laboratory equipment will be designed and used for this purpose. Close controls and high accuracy in analytical results are not required for reconnaissance purposes. Even with very rough surfaces or poor packing in broken materials, we found no difficulty in detecting moderate beryllium mineralization. As an example, background counts range from 5 to 20 per minute, while a 5-inch diameter standard sample of 0. 5% BeO content gives from 60 to 90 net counts per minute (depending on strength of gamma ray source and on ambient temperatures). The principal source of concern in the field is the detection of low-grade mineralization. This is primarily a matter of how long a count must be made in order to determine whether a test area does or does not contain a significant amount of beryllium. Surface irregularity then becomes a significant factor since it can appreciably reduce the response. When expected responses are not much greater than background, relatively long time-counts may be required - five minutes in some instances. Several sets of five-minute counts of background, standard sample, and a tailings dump gave reproducible results indicating a grade in the hundredths of one per cent BeO.

RADIOACTIVITY Regulations Antimony l24 is highly radioactive and even though the maximum strength used in the Berylometer, 80 millicuries, is relatively small compared with many other applications of radioactive materials, it is subject to federal, state, and provincial regulations. Suppliers can release sources only to companies or individuals holding U . S . A . E . C . By-Product Materials Licenses or, in Canada, Atomic Energy Control Board Radioisotope Material Licenses. In order to obtain such licenses, the persons directly engaged in the supervision of the use of the inctrument must prove their qualifications for radioactive materials handling through knowledge of the hazards, appropriate precautions, and the pertinent regulations, gained either through formal courses or practical experience. Various suppliers of radioactive material give short, formal courses pertinent to the type and application of the particular isotope. Some states and provinces require the filing of forms covering the use of radioactive sources within their boundaries and have regulations governing the handling and storage of radioisotopes. Federal regulations require that all radioactive source configurations and installations be monitored. Exposed personnel are required to wear dosimeters or film -badges, and records must be. kept of the dosage received by each individual. In Canada, the Department of National Health and Welfare requires that its own film-badge be worn and the film sent in at specified intervals. During the field operation we wore pocket dosimeters at boot-top and pants- pocket levels and r e corded dosages daily. We found that dosages, both short-term and long-term, were far below the limits set by the various public health agencies. For instance, the total "extremities" exposure for L.Moyd during the full six months of the program was only 655 milliroentgens. The limits now recommended by the National Committee of Radiation Protection of the AEC are 1440 milliroentgens per week for extremities and 96 per. week for body. It must be noted, however, that the instrument was not in everyday use during the program-since considerable time was taken up by travel and conferences.

SCANNING OF ROCK AND MINERAL SUITES Before starting the field work we scanned our own fairly extensive collection of suites of rocks, minerals and ores. This proved advantageous for two reasons. First, it permitted us to become familiar with the capacities and limitations of the instrument, from which we were able to establish safe and efficient procedures for its use in the field. And, second , many of our suites were sufficiently representative of occurrences we considered to be geologically favourable for beryllium deposits that negative results enabled us to eliminate those occurrences from the field schedule, with substantial savings in time, cost, and effort. The scanning device was homemade, constructed from material readily available at the t i m e . Although jerry-built and subject to innumerable improvements and refinements, it proved satisfactory for our immediate purpose. The general configuration and dimension's were based on the radiation "map" of the instrument which was furnished by the manufacturers. A radiation survey of the completed installation proved it to be safe. The Berylometer was mounted bottom up, the surface of the source-holder flush with the upper side of a 1/2-inch plywood sheet, 4 feet wide by 9 feet long. The sheet was mounted as a table-top on boxes of rock and brick (for shielding) and was tilted at about 15 deg. away from the operator, thereby taking advantage of the shielding afforded by the source -holder. The sample -feeder consisted of a 1 foot by 2 foot cardboard tray held in a frame, with an extended, bail-type handle 8 feet long. Because of lightness and availability, the aluminum-alloy extension rods from our sampling-auger set were used for the handle and part of the frame. The surface of the plywood table was dusted w i t h talcum powder to reduce friction. Specimens were aligned in the tray, then traverses were made at about 2-inch intervals. A plumb-bob suspended over the gamma ray source was of value in maintaining the traverse lines and in pinpointing the specimens which gave responses. A standard 1% BeO sample was fastened into the corner of the tray and was included in each run to serve as a check on the traverse speed and sensitivity. A traverse speed of about 4 feet per minute detected the standard on every run. Each time an impulse or surge of impulses was recorded, the traverse was repeated at a much slower rate, or in very small increments with short pauses, in order to determine whether the response was caused by beryllium in one of the specimens or was merely part of the unavoidable background which then averaged about 5 impulses per minute. In addition to the systematic scanning, a series of tests were made with simulated drill core in core trays of various types and thicknesses, and with spacers of various thicknesses under rich specimens in order to determine the effective range of the instrument. During the scanning program, personnel dosimeters were worn in cap brim, on the wrist, and in the watch pocket. Dosages were found to be almost negligible a total of 33 milliroentgens in two weeks.

FIELD PROGRAM Areas and Types of Deposits The field itinerary was based on the results of the literature survey and interview program. In principle, we wanted to check rock and mineral associations which were favourable for the occurrence of substantial deposits of beryllium minerals. Although the program was North-America-wide, there were priority restrictions based on degree of accessibility, and on certain geographic preferences e x pressed by our clients. Well established beryllium occurrences of various types were examined for our own education and to check the response of the instrument. Our field reconnaissance ranged from Northern Quebec, down through the Appalachians, and through much of the Cordilleran area of the U. S. Environments examined included granitic and syenitic pegmatites and aplites, alkaline complexes, veins, greisens, tactites and skarns. INSTRUMENTATION Carrier: In order to minimize radiation dosages to the operators and to facilitate the handling and p l a c e ment of the Berylometer, a homemade litter was constructed of plywood. The Berylometer was clamped into a box, with a thin sheet-aluminum "window" to prevent .scarring of the isotope-holder. The handles were 10 feet long and constructed in sections so that they could be broken down to 6-foot lengths for transportation, although we never had to do this in the course of the present program. A frame and clamps in the centre of the litter were designed so that the Berylometer box could be mounted vertically for ordinary traversing, or horizontally for scanning cliff-faces or the walls of underground workings. Transportation: The litter was carried on a mount on top of a Willys station wagon. The Berylometer itself in the plywood box, was carried on the floor, near the center of the wagon to minimize shocks and vibration. In transit, padding was placed between the Berylometer and box bottom, in the space occupied by the source-holder when the instrument was in use. The source-holder, locked in its heavy shipping container, was carried at the extreme back of the wagon. Radiation reaching the front seat was almost negligible. Field Procedure 1.

The instrument was assembled and mounted in the carrier.

2. A background determination was made in a beryllium-free zone. For this purpose the instrument was usually set up on a stump or log, or on a grassy or mossy hummock, but holding it a foot or so above the ground was equally effective. Background counts ranged from 5 to 25 impulses per minute, depending on the strength of the source, the discriminator setting, and the temperature. Once the machine "warmed up" and came into approximate temperature equilibrium, the background counts remained fairly constant, within two or three counts per minute. 3. In the same beryllium-free zone, the 0.5% BeO standard sample was centered under the instrument and a one or two minute count was made. 4. Traverses were then made, usually with one person selecting and preparing new sites while the second was making timed counts on the previous site. Whenever possible, flat, smooth surfaces were selected as test sites. In the case of large boulders, a flat side was turned uppermost, if possible. Allowances were made for responses from rough, irregular surfaces. On talus slopes and dumps, sites were prepared by removing the courser particles, flattening the surface, and then working the instrument down a bit to insure maximum . contact. In ordinary reconnaissance, a site was generally occupied for no more than a quarter to half a minute if counts were found not to exceed the background range. 5. Rough assays were made in the field by crushing samples and putting them in cans similar to those containing the standard samples, then making timed counts of up to five minutes duration. Background counts were subtracted before the ratios were determined. CONCLUSIONS A field instrument for the detection of beryllium is almost indispensable in the search for and e v aluation of beryllium deposits. We found that the Berylometer met this need admirably. My examination of various known deposits of beryllium minerals, including the Harding pegmatite of New Mexico with its white beryl; Iron Mt., New Mexico, with disseminations of microscopic grains of helvite; the Boomer Mine in Colorado, with disseminations of microscopic grains of bertrandite; and checks on specimens from Mt. Wheeler, Nevada, (J. S. Wisdom's discovery, sold to Anaconda Copper), with disseminations of microscopic grains of phenacite, proved that all of these deposits could have been discovered by use of the instrument.

Original discoveries which can be directly credited to this instrument include an outcropping orebody on the Boomer property, consisting of microscopic bertrandite disseminated through an altered aplite. Other bertrandite discoveries in the same region are now being explored. In addition, the instrument was able to prove the absence of significant amounts of beryllium from a number of occurrences in which it had been reported erroneously, usually on the basis of faulty chemical or spectrographic analyses, or incorrect mineral identifications. Since huridreds of test sites can be occupied within a few hours, subjective factors, other than those which govern the original selection of the area itself, tend to be minimized. Without a field instrument only a limited number of samples or even composites could be taken and submitted for analysis. Selection would necessarily be somewhat colored by the sampler's notions on which associations were most favorable for the occurrence of beryllium. Although such views might hold down the cost of assaying, they would not lead to the discovery of unknown or obscure types of beryllium mineralization. This advantage of the instrument can be illustrated by our experience in a relatively inaccessible, glaciated area where the bedrock is not exposed but is represented by a boulder field. The boulders are weathered, rough, and irregular, with lichen-covered surfaces. After more than a hundred such boulders were checked, one, then several in its immediate vicinity were found to contain rich concentrations of acicular white beryl. The beryl was not recognizable on the surface and was found only after the blocks which reacted were split open. What would have been the likelihood of our discovering this occurrence if we had been l i m i t ed to the usual procedure of chipping off samples and sending them away for assay? My experiences show that the gamma ray-neutron beryllium detector, in its present form, has the following advantages in the search for and exploration of beryllium deposits: 1.

The instrument can be used directly on outcrops, in mine workings, on dumps, and on drill cores and cuttings, to detect and delineate beryllium mineralization in any form.


The instrument can prove the absence of beryllium from occurrences in which it had been erroneously reported.


The instrument can provide rough quantitative analyses immediately, in the field.


The reactions are completely specific for beryllium. No other elements can interfere.

Compared to various other types of geophysical tools used in reconnaissance there are some disadvantages. These include: 1.

The use of a radioactive source necessitates special training and licensing, and precautions must be taken in handling, storage and transportation.


The radioactive source deteriorates at a definite rate, regardless of whether it is used or not, and it must be replaced periodically.


The effective depth of rock penetration is less than 2 inches and effective terrane clearance, in ordinary use, is less than 1 inch, so that tests must be made directly on exposures with little or no overburden, and static tests must be made instead of continuous scanning.


The instrument is too heavy and bulky to be carried along at all times on routine reconnaissance.

These restrictions, individually or all taken together, are not really serious drawbacks to the use of a tool which has so many favorable characteristics. We fully believe that the gamma ray-neutron beryllium detector will do for beryllium what the portable ultraviolet lamp has done for tungsten, and the Geiger and scintillation counters have done for uranium, thorium, and indirectly columbium.

FOR WHOM THESE INSTRUCTIONS ARE INTENDED INTRODUCTION If you are a Prospector hunting commercial or industrial minerals or ores as a business; or a Mine Owner who would like to know how to check up on your own mine for other valuable minerals which you may now be overlooking; or a Mining Engineer or Geologist seeking a quick and accurate means of checking mineralized zones or formations; or an Assayer seeking a quicker method of qualititative a n a l ysis; or a Mineral Collector seeking a quick method of identifying and classifying your mineral specimens; or an Amateur or Greenhorn who knows nothing whatever about prospecting, minerals, rocks or ores at present but would like to learn something about this interesting and profitable business - these instructions are for you ! They will teach you a new and amazing system which takes all the "guess-work" out of mineral identification, easy, simple, quick and accurate! A complete "Short Course in Prospecting and Mineral Identification" by this new system of prospecting for, hunting, finding and identifying of of the most important mineral elements and their 300 or more important minerals, rocks or ores'. A system which requires no higher education to understand; or no previous experience or special ability to do; and which requires no previous knowledge whatever of chemistry, or minerals, rocks or ores, and no costly laboratory or test equipment to buy - you can carry your complete laboratory in a shoe box! A system so easy to understand and so simple to follow that we absolutely guarantee that any average 14 year old boy can do the work! A system which is revolutionizing the prospecting and the mining business; A system by which the prospector may now systematically look for, accurately identify, and thus successfully find 35 or 40 mineral elements with no more time and expense than he has been spending in the past in looking for 5 or 6 by the old hit-and-miss methods. A system by which the mine owner may now quickly and accurately check his own mine, find all the values it may contain, and thus increase his chances for success in the mining business; A system by which the Mining Engineer or Geologist may quickly and accurately check up on m i n eralized zones and formations. A system by which the Assayer may make a quick absence or presence check-up on all rocks in a few minutes time, and thus, not only save time and expense on blank quantitative assays, but may also discover unsuspected elements and by suggesting assays on the same to his clients, greatly increase his assaying business. A system by which the Mineral Collector or Specimen Hunter may not only quickly and accurately identify and classify his mineral specimens, but may also combine his hobby of specimen hunting with a knowledge of commercial or industrial minerals which may lead to the discovery of a rich mine and a fortune! A system which requires no previous knowledge of minerals, rocks or ores, and thus gives the greenhorn an equal chance with old time prospectors regardless of their years of experience in hunting minerals by old methods.






SUCCESSFUL PROSPECTING: This, contrary to the general conception, or at least practice, is not a question of merely chasing around over the hills, covering a lot of. territory and the picking up of a lot of rocks, which is just what the majority of prospectors are doing today, and which accounts for the fact that most of them are failures! Successful prospecting consists of two very important things: First, what to look for and where to look for it. Second, its identification - the identification being 90 per cent of the business. Both branches of the business will be taken up and explained in these instructions, concentrating on the identification end of the business. For this purpose these instructions will be divided up into three parts. PART TWO: This contains our "Quick Qualitative Analysis" in the identifying of minerals, as the "Method of Procedure" given there is the one we always follow in testing out any unknown rock or ore. This is the main part of, and the secret of success with our system not found in any other book ever published. This is the identification end of the business - and thus the object and purpose and chief value of our complete course. Part Three is merely a supplement covering individual and confirmatory tests for each of the 39 elements in Part Two, so may be considered part of the same.

As the "Method of Procedure" in Part Two is the one we always follow in testing out any unknown rock, it is 90 percent of our system; the two most valuable features being: the simplicity of explanations, and the condensed form in which the tests are written. So we will keep this separate and do all of our explaining beforehand, which is the object and purpose of Part One. PART ONE: In this we will take up the prospecting, hunting and finding of minerals, and the basic principles of their identification; covering everything you need to know about minerals, rocks and ores, chemistry, your few pieces of test equipment, and how to use them, and thus successfully follow our "Method of Procedure" in the identifying of the 39 elements covered in Part Two. Prospecting and mineral identification do not depend upon any one particular thing but upon a number of equally important things. This may be compared to a chain consisting of a number of links; as each of these links are of equal importance it will not be a question of learning any one particular link first or in any particular order, but will be a question of learning each link separately and then putting them all together to form the chain of our system. First, read both Parts One and Two over carefully, to get the general idea of the system as a whole, then concentrate on Part One until you understand everything in it before taking up the actual work .in Part Two. Remember - Preparedness is half the battle! LESSON






If you knew of a farmer who had 40 acres of good fertile ground, who went to the time, trouble and expense, to plow and plant that 40 acres, then let 30 or more acres grow up in weeds for lack of cultivation - because he did not know a cornstalk from a thistle, then in the fall harvested but six, eight or ten acres of his crop, what would you think of him as a farmer? Would you say he was indolent, shiftless, lazy - or just plain nuts? But if you are the average prospector or small mine owner, maybe you had better not express your opinion for a few minutes - for that may be just what you are doing in your MINERAL FIELD today! So just read it over again then let it sink in for awhile, we will come back to it again in just a few minutes and find out - just where YOU come in the picture. PROSPECTORS


A few years ago, literally speaking, there were but a half-dozen or so important mineral elements to look for - Gold, Silver, Copper, Lead and Zinc, were the "Big Five". It all started with the Gold Rush of the 'Forty-Niners'. Many of those who got in on the ground floor in virgin territory made a fortune. Thousands of others who heard of the fabulous fortunes being made overnight in that magic stuff called Gold rushed to join them until the prospectors swarming over the mountainsides looked like ants on an ant-hill, and thus, in time, all the big surface "gold bonanzas" were found. Those who came too late for the big surface strikes, started digging thousands of holes in the h i l l sides; all "kidding" themselves that just over the next hill, or the next three feet in that hole, they were going to find the "Mother Lode" - where they could cut the yellow stuff out with a hatchet! While a few made the big surface strikes, for each one who hit the golden jack-pot there were many thousands of others who, all they had to show for their years of efforts was - just a 'worthless' hole in the hillside! What is a worthless hole? A so-called "worthless" hole does not necessarily mean one containing nothing of value, but is simply one where the digger did not find the particular thing for which he was seeking; and all the gold hunter knew about, or was interested in, or was seeking for - was Gold! Then came the "silver Boom" ! History repeats itself; many of those who got in on the ground floor in virgin territory made a fortune; many of those fortunes were made from the old "worthless" and abandoned prospect holes and mine dumps of the gold hunters; many of these became the big "Silver Bonanzas" of the "Eighties' and 'Nineties'. All lying there where they were abandoned by the gold hunters, either through the lack of knowledge of their identification, or passed up in their "pipe-dream" search for greater riches - just as the average prospector is doing today; passing up sure financial independance - for a million-dollar "Dream". Then came Copper, Lead and Zinc! History repeats itself, as it always has and always will; many of those who got in on the ground floor in virgin territory made a fortune; many of those fortunes were from the old "worthless" abandoned prospect holes and mine dumps of the gold and silver hunters; cast aside or passed up in the hills, either due to the lack of knowledge of their identification, or because they had no value at the time, or as in many cases, due to the wild dream of easier and quicker fortunes! Many of the later generation, reading the "rosy-stories" of the Big Five and the fabulous fortune'' made overnight, became fired with the desire and ambition, or at least desire to do the same thing. Once more the prospectors swarming over the mountain-sides looked like ants on an ant-hill, and thus, in time, all the rich surface deposits of the Big Five were found. Those who came too late, as many did, and maybe you, started wildly digging more "worthless" holes in the hillsides-and they are still at it!

Do not misunderstand us; we are not trying to tell you that all the Big Five have been found, and that there are no more to look for; these are neither the facts nor our intentions. Many of the oldtimers will tell you, "There is more gold in them thar hills than has ever been discovered" That is, no doubt true; but you will note we state and are dealing with "surface discoveries", or in the reach of the poor prospector or small mine owner with but limited capital, and so must depend, more or less, upon surface outcrops for their discoveries. Here are the records. The records show that 60 per cent of all the big surface deposits discovered in the past 100 years were found in the 30 years between 1850 and 1880; 30 per cent in the next 30 years between 1880 and 1910 and only 10 per cent in the past 30 years between 1910 and 1940! Also, that in the last 30 years only one Big Fiver in 7, 500 ever hits a real paying mine. That is the mining situation of the past and up to the present t i m e . BUT





Yes, a new day has dawned for the prospector and the small mine owner; a day of greater opportunities and greater possibilities than ever existed in the boom days of the Big Five. By this we do not mean, more chances to make greater fortunes, but we do mean - greater chances to make more smaller fortunes - to increase YOUR chances for success in the prospecting and mining business! Here is the situation as we find it today: This is the age of the alloy metals. Our modern highspeed age calls for stronger, tougher, and more durable materials. Most of these are obtained from the newer, rarer, and less known elements, as covered in our instructions; these are the "overlooked fortunes" which the average prospectors are walking over in the hills today'- and the Big Fivers have been throwing on their waste dumps for the past 100 years! Today, get this, today there are some 40 or more valuable minerals elements to look for - all of which the prospectors of today have a chance to find and C A S H IN on in the hills;

Not one prospector in 1000 knows anything whatever about the majority of these new minerals; all are just waiting there for some "modern" prospector to come along with the proper knowledge to find their hidden values and turn them into paying mines. History will repeat itself: many of those who get in on the ground floor in this new virgin field with these new minerals will make a fortune; many of these fortunes will be made from the old "worthless" abandoned prospect holes and mine dumps of the Big Fivers. 40 MINERAL ELEMENTS TO LOOK FOR! Yet today we still find many prospectors, in fact the m a j ority, and maybe you, still roaming the same old hills, stepping in the footprints of the thousands of others who have gone before them - all looking for the same Big Five. In recent years a few may have added two or three more to their list, such as fluorspar, manganese and maybe tungsten; a few of the more progressive ones may be looking for as many as 10 - TEN OUT OF A POSSIBLE 40! What did you say about the farmer at the beginning of this lesson? But if you are the average prospector or small mine owner, that may be the embarrassing question - let's put it this way: How many acres are YOU cultivating and harvesting the crop from in this 40 acre MINERAL FIELD OF YOURS? How many of these 40 mineral elements are YOU looking for? How many would YOU be able to recognize and PROVE YOU WERE RIGHT if you found them in your mine, prospect hole, or in the hills - are there as many as 10? What about the other 30? Are they just "overlooked fortunes" as far as you are concerned - just growing up in weeds because you do not know a cornstalk from a thistle in your mineral field? Just lying there waiting for some "modern" prospector to come along with the proper knowledge to find their hidden values and maybe make a fortune, - a fortune which could have and should have been yours - IF you had just spent a LITTLE TIME in gaining the necessary knowledge to find and identify them! The question now is -WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Your success as a prospector of tomorrow will d e pend on your answer, and what you do TODAY! « This short "Course in Prospecting and Mineral Identification will tell you, show you, and teach you what you CAN DO to better your condition; how you can identify and quickly gain the necessary knowledge in a few days time, in fact as little as 10 days time, how to tell a cornstalk from a thistle in this vast new mineral field, and thus make it possible for you to start gathering the FULL CROP from the 40 ACRE MINERAL FIELD OF YOURS! On the cover of part Two we show you 39 of the most important elements to look for today. On the next page we will tell you of some of the fortunes you may be overlooking, and why. Under "Systematic Prospecting" we will show you where to prospect and how to find them. In our "Method of Procedure" in Part Two we show you how any and all of them may be quickly and accurately identified by our new system WHICH ANYONE can follow and use.




Here are a few of the many you may be walking over - and why ! HINTS - IDEAS - SUGGESTIONS : We will give here a few examples of overlooked fortunes' and a few of the chief causes why generally overlooked, and offer a few hints , ideas and suggestions , which if you will read slowly and carefully and pause at the end of each question and do a little serious thinking , may recall to your mind similar cases in your own past experience, and by going back and investigating them - maybe hit the ' jack-pof. Or, we may offer valuable information which may put you on your guard and thus cause you to find a fortune in the future - which you may have otherwise overlooked. A FEW CHIEF CAUSES: Are you still following the old horse - and - buggy day method of trying to identify your rocks or ores by their physical properties, such as. Specific Gravity, Hardness, Color, Streak e t c . as worked out by Dana in 1837, and still used in most books on mineralogy? This, and the use of the magnifying glass, are, no doubt, responsible for overlooking more fortunes than all other causes, for the various reasons as explained in Lesson Three under "Mineral Identification", and due to the following conditions. 1, Do you know that Gold, Silver and the Platinum Minerals, and in rare cases, but seldom in commercial quantities. Iron, Copper, Bismuth, Antimony, and Mercury, are practically the only ones of the 92 elements which ever occur in the metallic state in nature? You never see any metallic lead, tungsten , molybdenum, nickel, tin, e t c . in any rock or ore with a magnifying glass, and thus the only way to find their hidden values is by the use of chemicals or other means as.given in these instructions. Volume Two. 2. Do you know that many valuable ores of nickel, cobalt, bismuth, vanadium, uranium, titanium, and many others , including gold and silver, may look just like common country rock - showing no m i n eralization whatever? 3. Or that certain ores of Platinum, palladium, iridium, osmium, ruthenium, nickel, cobalt, tin, arsenic, copper, bismuth, and many others including gold and silver, may look just like common Iron Pyrites, " and usually mistaken and discarded for the same? 4. Or that certain ores, such as columbite, tantalite, smaltite, samarskite, pitchblende, microlite, niccolite, cobaltite, cassiterite, bismuthinite, wolframite, ferberite, hubnerite, and many others including gold and silver under certain conditions, may look just like common black, brown, red , or white iron? The above four conditions, and the use of the magnifying glass are, no doubt, the cause of throwing more valuable "mines" down the mountainsides ever year than are ever discovered! On the following pages we will give a few of the many minerals usually passed up due to one or more of the above cases, some of which may apply in your own particular area. A FEW


Do you know that " black heavy stuff" you are walking over every day and calling "worthless iron" may be one of these " Overlooked Fortunes"? Are you sure it is not columbite, the chief ore of the e l e ment columbium which may look like common black iron but may be worth $1. 25 a pound as mined, or $2, 500 per ton? Or tantalite, which looks like black iron; or microlite, which looks like brown iron, but are both valuable ores of the element tantalum, and that some ores may contain as high as 76% tantalum as m i n ed , and worth $2.50 a pound or $5,000 per ton? Or wolframite, ferberite, orhubnerite, all of which look just like common black or brown iron but are all valuable ores of the element tungsten, and may be worth $3 a pound, or $6,000 per ton? Or pitchblende, which looks like black iron but is the chief ore of the element Uranium , the stuff they get radium from, also the material for the atomic bomb, and maybe atomic power of the future, and be worth $5,000 to $10,000 per ton, with a government bonus of $10,000 for new discovery? Or what about those black, brown or red nodules which stick in your gold pan or sluice box, and which have been discarding as 'hematite' or "magnetite" iron , but are you sure they are not casiterite, the main ore of the element tin which is worth $1.00 per pound for the contained tin, and thus a 50% ore which is not uncommon, is worth around $1,000 per ton at the present time? Or what about that red or brown rock with the black specks which your "expert" friend examining with a magnifying glass classified as " biotite granite"; may be he was right on the granite part, but are you sure those black specks were not cassiterite and maybe a high grade tin ore? Or maybe columbite, tantalite, samarskite, or a half dozen or more other rare minerals which may occur as black specks or nodules in granite - then test them out to make sure? Do you know the best mineralogists in the country today do not attempt to tell any of the above from iron merely by looking at them, and that only a chemical test will tell? The "free" advice of the "experts", either friends or strangers, have been the cause of many an "overlooked fortune" ! Do not guess - make a test.! Or what about that yellow "bronzy" looking stuff which you "knew" was "just iron pyrites" - so got rid of it pronto before someone accused you of thinking it was gold! But are you sure it was not pyrrhotite, which might look like iron pyrites but is a valuable ore of nickel? Or maybe platinum? Or maybe osmium? Or may have shown good values of gold if you had first roasted it before panning! Or are you sure if was not sperrylite, which might contain 56.5% platinum? Or chalcopyrites which may contain 34. 5% copper? You, no doubt, have learned by experience , "all that is yellow is not gold" !

It is now time to learn and add, "Neither is it always Iron Pyrites" - then test it out to make sure! Or what about that red-brown rock which you called " iron oxide", crushed and washed hoping to find a $50 a ton gold mine, but seeing no metallics - threw it away; but are you sure it was not bismite, which may contain 88 to 80% bismuth worth $2 per pound. Or that soft yellow rock, which you "analyzed" ( with a glass) , and seeing no metallics called it "sandstone"; but are you sure it was not carnotite, which occurs in sandstone but is a valuable ore of vanadium and uranium and worth maybe $1,000 or more per ton? Or that green rock which you "guessed" was too low grade copper to work so passed it up; did you "guess" it might be garnierite or zaratite, both green ores of nickel worth maybe $100-$200 or more per ton? Or what about those white or gray particles which stuck in your gold pan, which you threw away cussing your "luck" when you found they were not silver worth 70c an ounce; but are you sure they were not platinum, palladium, iridium, or other minerals of the platinum group worth $24. to $175.00 or more per ounce? Many a prospector has starved out on the Big Five trail looking for 70c an ounce silver, while throwing away $70 or more an ounce platinum minerals! The big question is - are you SURE you are not doing the same tiling? Or what about those heavy steel-gray chunks which you found in your mine, prospect hole or in the hills and threw away when that old prospector told you they were "just white iron", but are you sure they were not niccolite containing 43.9% nickel, or cobaltite or smaltite containing 28% to 35% cobalt; or bismuthinite containing 61.2% bismuth - all worth $100 to $500 or more per ton? Or that rock with the silver-white specks which you panned for gold without success and called "just more white iron" , but are you sure those silvery-white specks were not tellurium? If it was , it may be one of the richest of all gold or silver ores, and may contain $1,000 or $10, 000 or more per ton in gold or silver - and yet never see a color in a gold pan! And so you throw it away and then start digging another "worthless" hole! That is just what prospectors have been doing for the past 100 years, and so their gold and silver tellurides are still lying there upon their abandoned prospect holes and mine dumps, waiting for some "tester" to come along with the proper knowledge to find their hidden values and maybe discover another Cripple Creek. Maybe you! We could go on and on - these are just a few of the 300 or more rocks or ores which may contain one or more of the 39 elements as covered in these instructions; just a few of the "overlooked fortunes" which you and others, are walking over every day, simply for the lack of a little knowledge to find their hidden values - all of which can now be gained in as little as ten days time in study and practice with these instructions, as explained later. In the following pages we will show HOW and WHERE to find them then later on we will show you how ALL may be quickly and accurately identified - and thus start cashing in upon them! LESSON TWO SYSTEMATIC PROSPECTING WHERE TO PROSPECT: Next to the question " what to assay for" we find this the most frequently asked question, not only by the amateur and greenhorn just starting out in the business, but also by most of the old timers, who, having no "luck" where they are at are looking for greener pastures! The answer to this depends upon two things: Prospecting for what, and how? There is an old and true saying, "If you are looking for gold, go where gold has been found." This will also apply to most of the others of the Big Five; but in this remember, we will have to take our chances pretty much on"skimmed milk" from which others have taken the "cream" ; which accounts for the fact that only one Big Fiver in 7, 500 has found a paying mine in the past 30 years. But with most of the newer and rarer minerals covered in these instructions and the picture is much different - for the man who knows how to find and identify them, and thus the man who gets in on the ground floor in this virgin field has a chance to do some "Cream Skimming" himself just as the old t i m ers did with the "Big Five" ! With 35 or 40 elements and their some 300 or more rocks or ores in which they may occur to look for, some of them may be found most anywhere, and thus, the district one mile from your home or camp may be as good or better than that " dreamland" 100 miles away. Another valuable feature of the newer and rarer minerals, especially for the man with limited capital is: while the most valuable deposits of the Big Five near transportation have been found, we are just apt to find some of the newer minerals alongside of, or near a good highway as we are 50 miles back in the hills where it would cost a small fortune to get it out if we found it! Also, many of these are sold by the pound instead of the ton or carload, and thus bring in quick and ready cash on which to expand. We will now take up the systematic end of the prospecting business. This will consist of two i m portant parts: First , the Field Work in which we find our rocks and ores. Second, the Laboratory end in which they will be identified. The Laboratory : First get all your test equipment, then start in and practice up on your "Known Samples" as explained under "Quick Method of Learning, " and thus be prepared to make a complete qualitative analysis on all the rocks picked up in the field. Field Work: For this we should have all the following equipment ; A prospector's pick. A pack sack. 6 or more sample sacks, say six by ten inches made of strong canvass. A few tobacco sacks or cans for dirt, clay, or fragile materials. A roll of common white adhesive tape. A note book and an indelible pencil. And a magnifying glass, which, by our system, may best be left at home! We are now ready to start out and do some real systematic prospecting.. WHERE TO






FIRST: If you are a prospector who has been at the business for any length of time, jump in on that rockpile of " overlooked fortunes" behind your house, or those few or many "pet rocks you have been saving as you "just know" they contain "something" of value but do not know just what-. Maybe you will find

something of far more value than what you picked them up for - providing you can remember just where you got them. That is the object of the adhesive tape, note-book and indelible pencil, which we will come to just a little later on. SECOND: The old "worthless" and abandoned prospect holes and mine dumps of the Big Fivers! You will find these fertile fields. They have already found the most likely deposits - and done your digging! Pick up all the different looking rocks you find, put them in a sack - with written notes showing just what hole they came from and its location. DO NOT look at them with your magnifying glass or you are apt to say "no good" - remember that is just what the other fellow did Also do not attempt to "guess" what they might contain, then proceed as in part three , always start in at Test No 1, Part two and make a complete analysis. CAUTION: In the above , also always watch for gold and silver; remember ores which would not pay to work fifty years ago in the days of the pack-mule and no roads, may be considered a "bonanza" today with our modern highways and truck transportation. So always watch all old holes for the Big Five as well as the newer minerals. ;' WILDCATING: This is the roaming of the hills picking up our rocks where we find them; or prospecting a new district in which mines have not been previously discovered; or prospecting an old district, trying to find something the other fellow overlooked. In prospecting a new district the most important tiling is to find one which shows mineralization. •* MINERALIZATION: This does not necessarily mean one in which mines have have previously been found. Most mining districts are based chiefly on the Big Five, and a district which is unfavorable for any of these may be ideal for some of these newer minerals. The first sign of mineralization to watch for is Iron and Quartz. There is an old and true saying , " In prospecting for metallic minerals if you find no iron or quartz you just as well move on." To just reverse this we might say, any place you find iron and quartz is a good place to start looking for metallic minerals. FORMATIONS: While each element has its most favorable rock formation, it does not mean that it is always found in that formation, or never found in any other. Example: Quartz is often referred to as the "mother rock of gold", simply meaning quartz is the most favorable rock formation, however all quartz does not carry gold, and it has been found in practically all other rock formations. So in our work we pay little attention to rock formations, but go entirely on Geological formations. There are just 5 G e o logical formations in which all metallic as well as non-metallic minerals are found. GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS WHERE TO LOOK While there are some fifty or more rock formations in which minerals may occur, such as quartz, porphyry, monzonite, limestones, e t c . , there are only five geological formations to look for: Veins, Dikes, Outcrops, Ledges, Deposits. All minerals, either metallic or non-metallic will be found in one of these. While some of these are closely related, they are all different for our purpose. All of these will be e x plained below; but we will first give the "key" for their identifications All of these but deposits are where we find a formation between two other formations; or we might say, like a piece of meat between two pieces of bread - it is the meat we are after. So the first and main thing is to look for a change in the general formation of the ground. Note: the following may not be all technically correct, but will do for the purpose. 1. VEINS: When the old earth cooled; or other causes, cracks were formed; at a later date the heat, steam, and pressure from below forced other materials up through and thus filling these cracks; in many cases carrying valuable metallic elements forced up from below, in which case the vein matter in the cracks will be different in character than the wall rock on either side, and thus easily identified if e x posed on the surface, as given below. 2. OUTCROPS: This is the surface or exposed part of a vein or deposit, and the main thing to watch for in prospecting , and as stated above is easily seen and identified as it will be different than the wall rock on either side. 3. LEDGES: This is a flat body known as a "blanket formation" found between two different formations; usually found on hillsides or on the walls of canyons. Many minerals occur in this kind of formation. Or what may be mistaken for a flat body may be the exposed part of an incline-vein, and so should be i n vestigated, 4. DIKES: These are also outcrops, usually in a vertical position, formed much the same as veins, but usually wider and extend some distance above the ground. However, they differ from veins due to the fact that the mineral values are usually found on one side or the other in contact with the wall rock, and thus is the best place to take your samples rather than on top or center. One of the most important of these are the " Pegmatite Dikes", as explained in our book "Beryllium and the Rarer minerals , "these contain a greater variety of minerals than any other one formation. In fact, most all metallic as well as many of the non-metallic minerals may be found in Pegmatite and thus one of the most important of all formations to watch out for. 5. DEPOSITS: These may be in the form of placer, such as gold, or may be in solid rock, such as the great copper deposits of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico. No doubt many of these newer and rarer m i n erals will be so found when prospectors learn how to identify them. 6. FLOAT: This may also be included to watch for as many of the largest mines were so discovered. Here is the idea: If we are walking over say a mountain side where the formation is all the same, then come upon an odd looking rock which is entirely different , it may be a piece broken off a vein or dike, or from a deposit, which has rolled down from the same. In which case you go up the hill to see if you can find where it came from. The above are the places in which all minerals have been and will be found.

PROCEDURE IN SYSTEMATIC PROSPECTING 1. Always have a name for your camp or district. Here is a personal experience for illustration. I was in the Black Mountains looking for a place to camp. I found a big tree under which was an old . stove, - so I called this my Stove Camp; a definite location I would always remember. All rocks picked up while in this camp will be listed in my note book under this heading. 2. I start out with my field equipment, as previously listed. I am looking for the geological formations as previously given. 3. I come to a dike in which the formation is different from that on either side; if there are any m i n erals in this district I know this is one of the logical places to find them. I know I am going to test out a sample of this rock regardless of what it might look like - so I do not bother to look at it with a glass. I also know that many valuable mines have been lost depending on memory in which the prospector could not go back to them; I take no chances on memory - I have no "lost mines" if I once find them. I simply proceed as follows: 4. I knock off a chunk about the size of my fist (I may take two to a half dozen more from different parts of the deposit before I leave). I now cut a small piece off my adhesive tape, paste it on the first rock, dampen with tonge and with indelible pencil mark it No. 1 and throw it in my sack. I now take my note book and make a record, which may look like the following. 5. Stove Camp; dike, about 6 feet wide. On second ridge, near center, about 1 mile northwest of camp; big standing dead tree about 50 yards north, two rocks at dead tree. (Before I leave I will put two rocks at dead tree). And so I continue for the rest of the day -recording each rock as I pick it up. 6. At the end of the day or when I get this sack full, I then tear the pages from note book and put them in this sack and tie it up. However, before tearing out last page of notes, I write the next number on the blank page to follow for my next sack, and thus have no two rocks with same number. 7. Results: When I get ready to test the notes will tell me just where each rock came from, type of formation, e t c . If I find anything of value in testing I can go back and investigate it. FINAL RESULTS That is all there is to the prospecting business. First, veins, dikes, outcrops, ledges, deposits, and float, in which all minerals will be found, and all of which will be different from the surrounding rock formation, and thus may be easily seen and distinguished. The keeping of notes where each one is found, and thus - no "lost mines" after once we find them. Any greenhorn who will follow this procedure has just as good a chance as the old timer; in fact a better chance, due to the fact that most old timers know just a few pet rocks and formations and will pick up no rock unless it conforms to one of these. While the greenhorn following these instructions will cover the ground more thoroughly, and thus - if there is anything of value in that district exposed on the surface he will find them. We now come to the important part - their identification! This is 90 percent of the business, all of which will be taken up and explained in the following lessons. LESSON THREE MINERAL


NOTE: As explained in the previous pages, this does not consist of any one particular thing but of a n u m ber of equally important things, in which there is no particular order of either writing or learning them, and thus is simply a question of learning the each link separately; then put all together to form the chain. WHAT TO ASSAY FOR? This is the most perplexing and serious problem facing the prospector of today with all the newer elements coming into use and all their various minerals of which the average prospector knows nothing about about. That is the object and purpose of a qualitative analysis: to find out WHAT valuable element or elements your rock or ore contains in order to know what to have it assayed for. There is a difference between an assay and and analysis, and also a difference between a Qualitative and a Quantitative Analysis. An Assay is to determine the percentage or value of only certain specified elements, such as gold, silver, tungsten, e t c . An Analysis is to determine the absence or presence or ALL elements your rock or ore may contain, and may or may not include the percentage or value of any, depending on kind of analysis m a d e . A Qualitative Analysis is to determine the absence or presence of all elements, but not the percentage of any. A Quantitative Analysis is to find every element present, and the percentage or value of each of the element found. A Qualitative Analysis usually costs from $5 to $15, and in many cases the money spent only to find out your rock or ore contains nothing of value, in which case your money is simply thrown away; but if you do not have it made, then you worry and wonder if you are passing up a fortune - and maybe you are. Very few people can afford to send all their rocks away for a complete Qualitative Analysis and so the majority of their valuable ores wind up behind the house in the rockpile of "overlooked fortunes" !

That is the object and purpose of these instructions - to help the little fellow;the poor prospector or a small mine owner who cannot afford to send all his rocks away and pay out $5.00 to $15.00 for a complete qualitative analysis, or cannot afford a costly laboratory or a hired assayer to do his testing. These instructions now make it possible for ANYONE to make a complete qualitative analysis on all his own rocks, or ores, in a few minutes time and at a total cost of less than $0.05 per rock. If any of the 39 elements covered in these instructions are present in that rock or ore he can find and identify them. RESULTS: If you can find anything of value, you can then afford to send it away and have it assayed for just what you already know it contains; if you find nothing of value you have then not only saved $5 or $15, but have also relieved your mind of wondering and worrying if you have passed up a fortune!

THE ELEMENTS The 92 Things from Which Everything in the World is Made" Alphabetical List - With Their Symbols Actinium Aiabamine Aluminum Antimony Argon Arsenic Barium Beryllium Bismuth Boron Bromine Cadmium Calcium Carbon Cerium Cesium Chlorine Chromium Cobalt Columbium (niobium -Nb) Copper Dysprosium Erbium Europium Fluorine Gadolinium Gallium Germanium Gold (Aurum) Hafnium

Ac. Ab. Al. Sb. A. As. Ba. Be. Bi. B. Br. Cd. Ca. C. Ce. Cs. CI. Cr. Co. Cb. Cu.

. Dy. Er. Eu. F. Gd. Ga. Ge. Au. Hf.

Helmium Holmium Hydrogen Illinium. Indium Iodine Iridium Iron (Ferrum) Krypton Lanthanum Lead Lithium Lutecium Magnesium Manganese Masurium Mercury Molybdenum Neodymium Neon Nickel Nitrogen Osmium Oxygen Palladium Phosphorous Platinum Polonium Potassium Praseodymium Protoactinium

' He. Ho. H. II In. I. Ir, Fe. Kr. La. Pb. Li. Lu. Mg. Mn. Ma. Hg. Mo. Nd. Ne. Ni. N. Os. O. Pd. P. Pt. Po. K. Pr. Pa.

Radium Radon Rhenium Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Samarium Scandium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Strontium Sulphur Tantalum Tellurium Terbium Thallium Thorium Thulium Tin

Titanium Tungsten Uranium Vanadium Virginium Xenon Ytterbium Yttrium Zinc Zirconium

Ra. Rn. Re. Rh. Rb. Ru. Sa. Sc. Se. Si. Ag. Na. Sr. S. Ta. Te. Tb. Tl. Th. Tm. Sn. Ti. W. U. V. Vi. Xe. Yb. Y. Zn. Zr.

IMPORTANT: Anyone studying minerals should first learn all the elements by name and other symbols; this will take but an evening or two's study, and will be found valuable in all mineralogy. THE SYMBOLS: These are the abbreviations of the elements, used for the sake of brevity instead of writing out the full name as found above, following the names of the elements. FORMULAS: These are the grouping of the symbols following name of a. mineral or compound, denoting all the elements it may contain. If we first learn the symbols of the elements we can then easily and quickly read the formulas of the various minerals and chemicals and thus know what they contain Example: if in chemistry we see Hydrochloric Acid (HCI), we know H is the symbol for Hydrogen and CI the symbol for chlorine, so we know by the formula that it is made up of hydrogen and chlorine. If in minerals we see hessite AuTe. -we know it contains gold and tellurium, e t c . THE ELEMENTS The Foundation of all Mineralogy This is the foundation and starting point not only of mineralogy, but of everything in the world! It is with the identifying of the elements with which we deal in our new system of mineral identification. When the student once understands the importance of the elements, their relationship to, and the part they play in the construction and formation of minerals, it will then be easy to see and understand why our system is not only the easiest to understand and quickest to do, but also the most positive and so most practical of all methods of mineral identification.

THE ELEMENTS: When old Mother Nature made this world she used just 92 things - THERE ARE NO MORE! These 92 things man has called ELEMENTS. That is, everything in this world, including the human body, everything we eat, drink, wear or use in any manner; all dirt, rocks, sand, clay; or to be brief, everything IN or ON or ABOVE the earth - are all made up of just these 92 elements, used either alone or in different combinations. WHAT IS AN ELEMENT? An element is a single thing in a pure state which is complete within itself; that is, which cannot be divided up into anything else nor can anything else be taken from it. Example: gold is an element; if pure it contains nothing else but gold, therefore, cannot be divided up into a n y thing else but gold nor can anything else be taken from it, and so is complete within itself and thus an element. It is the same with all the other 91 elements, as listed on the previous page. COMPOUNDS: We seldom if ever find any one of the elements alone or in a pure state in nature, but in practically if not all cases are mixed with and thus a combination of two or more elements; a c o m b ination of two or more elements is called a compound. Results: while there are but 92 elements, these may be mixed in different combinations and proportions to form millions of compounds; just as we may form millions of sentences with the 26 letters or the alphabet; Compounds may be divided up into two classes. A: Compounds mixed by nature. B: Compounds mixed by man. COMPOUNDS OF NATURE: While there are many compounds mixed by nature, such as water, gas, oil, air, e t c . , we are interested in the present work only in those found in the crust of the earth, such as dirt, rocks, sand, clay, e t c . ; all of which are made up of just two or more elements in which case they are called minerals. MINERALS: A mineral may be considered as any solid part of the earth containing any two or more of the 92 elements. These may be further classified as dirt, rocks, ores, etc. However, minerals, rocks and ores, all mean the same thing for our purpose, and so may be referred to, for sake of brevity, as rocks. There are some 5000 known named and classified rocks in the world! (Keep this in mind as we will come back to it again a little later on). COMPOUNDS OF MAN: Man takes the compounds mixed by nature, such as rocks or ores, spearates and saves the elements in which he is interested from the others which have no value for his particular purpose, then mixes them in different combinations, but in definite proportions, to make all of the different things of our man made world; such as different kinds of steel, medicines, e t c . It is the rocks or ores containing these elements mixed by nature for which the prospector or mine owner are seeking in the hills. CLASSES OF MINERALS: Minerals, for identification purposes as well as uses, may be divided up into two classes: A: Metallic Minerals. B: Non-metallic Minerals. This is important to under stand in this work, as we use a different method of determination for each of these two classes. It is due to misunderstanding of these two classes of minerals and their identification which accounts for the fact that so few prospectors ever find any of the metallic minerals and thus make a failure of the prospecting business; and also why you may have studied minerals for years, and wind up just where you started, as will be explained later. METALLIC MINERALS: These are minerals which are mined and used for their metallic content, or more properly speaking - for their metallic elements; such as, the mineral Cassiterite for the element Tin; Columbite for the element Colunibium; Pitchblende for the element Uranium, and so on. In other words, with metallic minerals it is the ELEMENTS which we sell and get paid for - not the particular minerals. Example: Lead is an element; Galena is an ore. We do not sell and get paid for galena, we sell and get paid for, and only for the quantity of Lead which it contains. So in this case it is the elements which we should be looking for and learn how to identify instead of the rocks or ores it may be in. NON-METALLIC MINERALS: These are minerals which are mined and used for purposes other than for their metallic content, or might say, not for the particular elements which they contain, but for the compounds mixed by nature "as is", such as coal, cement, mica, asbestos, dumortierite, perlite, etc. Example: Dumortierite is a compound mixed by nature consisting of the 4 elements: aluminum, silicon, hydrogen and oxygen; one of its chief uses is in making spark plug porcelains or other insulating material, in which case it is simply ground up and used "as is" without the separation of the different elements. Therefore, in this case, it is the compound dumortierite itself for which we are seeking, and not the particular elements which it may contain. The same applies to practically all other nonmetallic minerals. However, there are a few non-metallic minerals which m a y b e used either for their element content, or for both. Example: Lepidolite is a mineral containing t h e element lithium; may sometimes be used for the extraction of the lithium, such as used in medicines, but mostly ground up and used "as is" in the making of "heat-proof" glass, etc. MINERAL IDENTIFICATION: There are two general methods, ways or means, used in the identifying of minerals. A. By physical properties. B. By the use of chemicals or other means.

IDENTIFYING MINERALS BY PHYSICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL PROPERTIES: This is the identifying of minerals by the characteristic look or general appearance as they appear to the eye, that is without the aid of chemicals. This consists of some 50 or more different things, such as: specific gravity, hardness, crystal form, e t c . But in this we must remember - the physical properties for minerals as given in books are for PURE minerals or minerals in a fairly pure state. In this we will find the following conditions, not generally understood. 1. Non-metallic minerals ARE usually found in a fairly pure state in nature, or must be so found to be of any commercial value, and thus can usually be fairly accurately identified by their physical properties alone - by an experienced mineralogist. 2. Metallic minerals are seldom found in a pure state in nature, or at least in commercial quantities but are found mixed with, and thus their values hidden by much rock and other impurities in which case they can NOT be identified by their physical properties alone. In this case, remember, we are looking for metallic elements; the average prospector spends much time looking at his rock with a magnifying glass and, if he sees no metallics, he throws his rock away as worthless; which a c c ounts for the fact that more valuable mines are thrown down the mountain sides every year than are ever discovered! For reasons explained below. 3. Here is the situation: gold, silver, the platinum metals, and in rarer cases, copper, iron, bismuth, antimony and mercury are practically the only elements ever found in the native or metallic state in nature. The first three are practically the only ones ever found in commercial quantities, and even gold and silver are more apt to be found mixed with or in chemical combinations with other elements, with the following results: 4. With the exception of alloys, when a metallic element is in chemical combination with Another element it is no longer in the metallic state. Example: sodium is a metallic element, but, when in chemical combination with chlorine,, it is no-longer in the metallic state, and makes up our common table salt. The most common element found in chemical combination with metals in nature is oxygen, acting much the same as above with the following results. 5. Trying to see with a magnifying glass the metallic elements in chemical combination with oxygen, is like trying to see metallic sodium in common salt. It just cannot be done as the e l e m ent, whatever it may be, is not in the metallic state. Yet, that is just what prospectors have been trying to do ail these years, and on seeing no metallics - their "mine" goes down the mountain side. . 6. Here is a tip which may be of value: Whenever you see the letter or letters O . T e . or S. in the formula following the name of a mineral you know the main element, whatever it may be, is not in the metallic state, and thus cannot be seen or identified with a magnifying glass. However, these are not the only cases in which the elements occur as a salt instead of in the metallic state, but it covers most of the metallic elements. In any one of these cases the only way to identify a metallic element is by the use of chemicals or other means. This is the method used in our system, which will now be explained under "Chemical Tests". IDENTIFYING MINERALS BY CHEMICAL OR OTHER TESTS (This is the method used by our System) OUR SYSTEM: There are three chief ingredients towards success in any business or line of work: First: to believe in what we are starting out to do and that it CAN BE DONE;. Second: faith and confidence in our ability TO DO IT. Third, and most important: to get started DOING IT. On the cover and elsewhere we have made you many broad and seemingly impossible statements. We have told you we have a new system which takes all the "guess-work" out of mineral identification, easy, simple, quick and accurate; that it requires absolutely no previous knowledge whatever of chemistry, minerals, rocks or ores; that it is all so simple any average 14-year-old boy can do it, and that it can all be learned in the short space of 10 days t i m e . In the following pages we will PROVE all these statements, and thus prove that it CAN BE DONE and that YOU CAN DO IT -the starting in to DOING IT will be up to you! 1. BASIC PRINCIPLES: The basic principles of our system may be explained in a few words: We deal with the identifying of the ELEMENTS - not rocks or ores. In the previous pages we have learned first, that there are some 5,000 known named and classified rocks in the world; second, that there are just 92 elements in the world from which everything in the world is made. We will now show how they may be quickly and accurately identified. 2. IDENTIFICATION: We now come to the important part of the business: THERE IS A "KEY" TO EACH ELEMENT BY WHICH IT MAY BE IDENTIFIED! The "master key" or basic principle will be explained in the following paragraph: this is the foundation and starting point of the whole business; the better you understand this one single paragraph below, the easier it will be to understand our system and the information and instructions to follow, in which we will show how these things are brought about. Now get this! 3. The "Master Key" : Each element, under certain conditions (such as the use of chemicals or other means) will produce its own individual and characteristic reaction (such as color, e t c . ) , which is entirely different than that produced by any other element under the same conditions.

4 RESULTS: As there are but 92 elements in the world from which everything in the world is made, if we had a simple "key" or test for the identifying of each of these 92 elements, we could then, naturally identify anything and everything in the world - including each of these 5,000 known named and classified rocks. 5. ELEMENTS COVERED: In these instructions we do not cover all the 92 elements for the following reasons: First, with the exceptions of chlorine, fluorine, sulphur and carbonates, we deal only with metallic elements. Second, we cover only those metallic elements for which we have a simple test which has been tried and so proved that any average 14 year old boy can make it - all with an inexpensive "Field Test Kit" which even the poorest can afford to buy. 6, EXAMPLE No.l: For Vanadium. Vanadium is an element; for the "key" of its identification proceed as follows: 1. Place a little vanadium, or ANY rock or ore containing vanadium in a porcelain dish or test tube. 2. Add 3 or 4 drops of cold strong hydrochloric acid. Results: The element vanadium will cause the solution (acid) to turn red or brown i m m ediately. As no other element but vanadium will give this same reaction (color), under these same conditions (cold hydrochloric acid) we have the "key" to its identification. The "key" or test, which are the same) simply means - what to use - what to do - how to do it - the reaction (color) produced - and what element it represents for its identification. 7. EXAMPLE No. 2: For Tungsten. Tungsten is an element; for the "key" of its identification proceed as follows: 1. Place a little tungsten, or ANY rock or ore containing tungsten in a porcelain dish or - t e s t tube. 2. Add a little strong hydrochloric acid. (Note: we will not get a red or brown color as in above test for vandaium). 3. Add a small piece of pure metallic tin. 4. Boil over lamp flame until solution turns colorless or blue. RESULTS: The element tungsten, together with the boiling hydrochloric acid and tin, will cause the solution (acid) to turn blue. As no other element but tungsten will give this same reaction or blue color, under these same conditions (boiling hydrochloric acid and tin) - we have the "key" to its identification. 8. CONDITIONS: In Example No.l for vanadium, the condition was merely cold hydrochloric acid. In Example No. 2 for tungsten we changed the conditions, that is, added tin and boiled the acid. And so we continue to change the conditions, use something different or do it in a different way for each of the other elements. 9. FINAL RESULTS: If we were to take any unknown rock or ore we might pick up in the hills or elsewhere, and proceeded as in the Example No. 1 above and got a red or brown color we would know that the element vanadium was in that rock or ore. If we proceeded as in Example No. 2 and got a blue color, we would know the element tungsten was in that rock or ore - regardless of what that rock or ore might look like, or whether we knew anything whatever about minerals, rocks or ores, or not. 10. WHAT TO TEST FOR? By the old method of chemical tests, you first had to identify your rock or ore in order to know what element or elements to test for. Example: you took your rock or ore, e x amined it with a magnifying glass, then proceeded to try and figure out by its physical properties which one of the 5,000 known named and classified rocks it resembled. If you "guessed" it might be a tungsten ore, you looked up the test in the book, and then proceeded to test for tungsten. If no tungsten present, you then proceeded to 'guess' and test for something else. Results: If you did not find what you "guessed" it might contain, you threw it away as "worthless", and so maybe threw away a fortune -simply because you did not 'guess" the right thing. 11. OUR SYSTEM: By our system we do no "guessing". We pay no attention whatever to what any rock or ore may look like. In Part Two we will find the tests are all arranged in a systematic order by which we identify the various elements - AS WE COME TO THEM in the systematic series of tests. Example: In Test No.l we identify the two elements, vanadium and manganese, and also catch the sulphides and carbonates. In Test No. 2 we identify molybdenum, lead and oxide. In test No. 3 we catch tungsten. I:_ Test No. 4 we catch tin. In test No. 5 we catch silver, lead, bismuth, thallium, tellurium, nickel, cobalt, copper, molybdenum, arsenic and sulphides if they are present in ANY rock. And so we continue until we have covered all the 39 elements as given in our "Method of Procedure" in Part Two. 12. " METOD OF PROCEDURE" This is the secret of success with our system not found in any other book ever published, and the one we always follow in testing out any unknown rock or ore. You simply proceed as follows: Just take your rock or ore (any rock or ore regardless of what it may look like) and powder up a little of it as fine as possible. You then start right in at Test N o . l , then proceed to make each additional test as given until you have completed your analysis for all the 39 elements covered there. RESULTS: If any of the 39 elements covered in these instructions are present in that ore or rock, you can and will find and identify them WHEN YOU COME TO THEM in the tests - regardless of what that rock or ore may look like, or whether you know anything whatever about the various minerals, rocks or ores or not. You simply follow the method of procedure as given under "systematic prospecting" in part One for finding your rocks; you then follow the "Method of Procedure" in Part Two for their identification.

FINAL RESULTS - AND THE PROOF 1. Observing the simplicity in examples 1 and 2 on previous page for the elements vanadium and tungsten, you can see why we can say, "So simple any average 14 year old boy can do the work".Also why we need not know anything whatever about what any certain mineral, rock or ore, may look like. Also why it requires no higher education to understand, or special ability to do the work. 2. Also why no previous knowledge of chemistry is required; all acids and chemicals are in labelled bottles, so if our instructions say "use 20 drops of hydrochloric acid", you simply take 20 drops from the bottle labeled hydrochloric acid. And so on. 3. Now the most seemingly impossible of all that - "learning in 10 days time" business. As we cover but 39 elements in these instructions we have but 39 "keys" or tests to learn, and in noting examples one and two above and their simplicity, we think you will admit that anyone who could not learn 39 of these in 10 days time would be pretty dumb indeed. However, you do not have to LEARN any of them; with Part Two before you, you just simply start following the instructions and making the tests the first day you get the instructions and your test equipment; In the following lessons we will teach you everything you need to know about chemistry, and your few pieces of test equipment and how to use them - and thus be prepared to make a complete qualitative analysis on any unknown rock or ore you may pick up in the hills or ANYWHERE.



TEST EQUIPMENT - AND ITS USE General Information NOTE: In this and the following pages we will cover everything you need to know about chemistry, your test equipment and its use. Read this over carefully before buying your chemicals or equipment, or preparing your reagent solutions as given on the following pages. 1. QUANTITIES: The quantities given under "Dry Reagents and Powders" on following page are, in most cases, not the quantities actually needed, but the smallest quantities one can buy. Example: 1 ounce of cobalt nitrate crystals may make 5 gallons of solution; as this is used but seldom, and then only one drop per test, this would last a dozen prospectors for a number of years; but as one ounce is the smallest amount one can usually buy, it is so listed. The same applies to many of the other chemicals as listed. 2. REAGENT: This means any material used in testing to bring or help to bring about a chemical or other reaction. 3. REACTION: This means simply a color or other effect brought about by the use of chemicals or other means. 4. SOLUTION: This is where we dissolve chemicals or any other material in water, acid, or other liquids. 5. SATURATED SOLUTION: This is one in which the liquid will dissolve no more of the material. Most home-made solutions, as given later on call for a saturated solution; so if quantities given in the the instructions do not all dissolve after much shaking, ok. 6. HANDLING SOLUTIONS: The handiest method is to use common medicine droppers, which may be obtained at most any drugstore. 7. CC: This is the abbreviation for Cubic Centimeter, a given quantity used in measuring liquids in chemistry; but as this means nothing to the average prospector, let us say - 20 drops with a medicine dropper equals approximately 1 cc. or near enough. 8. CC SCALE: Take small board, say 1"x2"x6". tack thin strip of wood upright on one end as high as test tube. Now take test tube, place against upright; add 20 drops of water and draw a line at water level, mark 1 cc. Add 20 more drops and mark 2 cc; and so continue to near top of tube. Results: Now if a test calls for 2 cc of acid, place tube against measure and fill to the 2 cc line. 9. USING DROPPERS: One should have a separate dropper for nitric acid, Ammonia, dimethylglyoxime, and cacothelin solutions, and use for nothing else. The rest not so particular if rinsed out well each time. Keep glass of water handy for this purpose. 10. C . P . ; This means chemically pure, Always use C.P. chemicals and acids if possible to get; but USP or ACS will usually do.

11. ACIDS: All strong acids such as hydrochloric, sulphuric and nitric should be kept in glass stoppered bottles; original containers will do but best to have one ounce bottles for handy use. 12. OTHERS: Other liquids, containing no strong acids, may be kept in common cork , or better, in screw-cap bottles. 13. STABILITY: Most reagent solutions will deteriorate in time, some quite soon, some will last for months, so always best to mix in smaller quantities, as given later. Best to have one ounce bottles for handy use, then fill but 1/2 full, then renew more often, 14. HANDLING ACIDS: Many people are afraid of acids and hesitate to take up this work for this reason. Acids like a gun, are not dangerous if properly handled with proper precautions; in our some 16 years of experience we have never had a serious burn on hands, face, or in the eye - it is simply a matter of being careful. 15. CAUTION: Always keep mouth of test tubes pointed away from face in adding an acid to a m i n eral, a mineral to an acid, or in boiling solutions. Never add ammonia to a hot solution. 16. GLASSES: It is best to always wear a cheap pair of glasses in testing, and thus protect the eyes in case acid "pops", or from hot particles when heating materials on charcoal. 17. HOLDER: In handling acids in test tubes in boiling over the lamp flame, one should always use a holder as explained later on under "Home-Made Test Equipment". 18. TEST TUBES: These are used for boiling solutions over lamp flame. 1/2" x 4" best size for our use. In heating it is best to pass tube back and forth through lamp flame until starts to boil, rather than holding steadily in flame. Where "slow heating" is called for, hold tube or dish higher above or to one side of the lamp flame, so solution just keeps boiling. 19. EFFERVESCENCE: This is a boiling or "fizzing" action which takes place when acids are added to some materials, such as carbonates; in this case add minerals slowly to acid, or vice versa, then heat very slowly until fizzing stops or tube will boil over. 20. EVAPORATING DISHES: These are small porcelain dishes used for boiling or evaporating solutions; No.000 best size for our purpose. These are handier to use, easier to clean, and in most cases can make test quicker than in test tubes, as given later. 21. CLEANING: Tie a rag around a small stick to use as a swab for cleaning test tubes, then rinse well. To remove stains from dishes, use a little common kitchen scouring powder. 22. IMPORTANT: Be sure everything is clean before starting any tests; dishes, test tubes, charcoal, platinum wire, e t c . Especially if a reaction was obtained in a previous test; if no reaction, they need not be so particular. If a reaction is obtained in any test, then clean everything thoroughly, then repeat test to make sure it was not "salted" or due to a previous test. 23. LAMP: It is always best to keep lamp sitting in a saucer in making tests, then if tube should break the saucer will catch the acid, and thus keep from your table or work bench. 24. FILTER PAPERS: Used in filtering solutions. Get round 3" or smaller, usually 100 in package. To use in glass funnel: fold twice in centre, this makes 1 thickness on one side, 3 on other. 25. " SPOT PAPER" : This is a filter paper cut in say 1" squares, or cut 3" paper twice in center making 4 pieces. To use for spot test It is best to place paper on a piece of clean glass. 26. POWDERED MINERALS: Usually takes but very small quantity for making tests, as explained later. For use we give quantities which are generally understood, such as a grain of rice, size of a navy bean for approximate amounts; more or less is immaterial, 27. WHERE TO BUY: All acids and liquids (which cannot be sent by mail) can usually be obtained at most drugstores. For chemicals and test equipment, see classified section in Popular Mechanics or like publications for addresses of chemical houses.


Supplies )

1 Alcohol Lamp with wick; small 2 ounce best size for our use. 1 Blowpipe; just common plain brass is as good as any. 1 Platinum Wire, with glass holder; for making bead tests. Porcelain Mortar and Pestle; for powdering up fusions. Small Glass Funnel; small 2" top for filtering solutions. Package 100 Filter Papers; round 3" or smaller best size. Pair Tweezers; for handling tin or small objects. Charcoal Blocks (sticks) for making fusions and color tests. Small Porcelain (evaporating) dishes; #000 best size. Test Tubes for chemical tests; 1/2" by 4" the best size. 1 One ounce glass stoppered bottle for hydrochloric acid, 1 One ounce glass stoppered bottle for nitric acid. 1 One ounce glass stoppered bottle for sulphuric acid. 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for dimethylglyoxime solution. 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for cacothelin solution, 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for strong ammonia. 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for silver nitrate solution. 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for cobalt nitrate solution. 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for sodium sulfide solution. 1 One ounce screw-cap bottle for prepared "Charcoal Flux".

NOTE: See "Additional Equipment Made at Home" on Page 33.


(ready mixed acids and liquids - c a n n o t be sent by m a i l ) Pound Hydrochloric acid (CP). 1 Ounce Strong Ammonia. Pound Nitric Acid (CP). 1 Ounce Pure Grain Alcohol Ounce Sulphuric Acid (CP) (or Acetone, see later) Ounce Acetic Acid (Glacial) 1 104: Hydrogen Peroxide. 1 Pint Denatured Alcohol; for operating the Alcohol Lamp, 1 Pint Pure Distilled Water to prepare Reagent Solutions.

(Dry Chemicals and Powders) 1Oz . Sodium Carbonate 1 Oz. Tannic Acid Powder 1" Powdered Borax 1" Ammonium Carbonate 1" Pyrolusite (MnO) 1" Charcoal Powder Sodium Hydroxide. 1" Pure Tin Metal 1" 1" Zinc Metal Powder. (Caustic Soda) 1 " Pure Sulphur; sublimed. 1" Sodium Nitrate. 1 " Pottassium Iodide. 1" Sodium Sulfide. 1" 1 " Potassium Nitrate Cobalt Nitrate 1 " Potassium Hydroxide. I " Lead Acetate (Caustic Potash) 1" Salt of Phosphorous. 1 " Potassium Ferrocyanide. 1 Gram Silver Nitrate. 1 " Potassium Pyrosulphate. 10 " Dymethylglyoxime, 1 " Potassium Chlorate. 10 " Cacothelin, NOTE: Under "General Information" previously given, and "Solutions to be mixed at home" on the following page we take up and explain everything you need to know about the above and their uses.

SOLUTIONS TO BE MADE AT HOME 1. MATERIALS: The following solutions are all made up at home by using Dry Chemicals or Powders as listed on previous page. NOTE: See "General Information" before preparing solutions. 2. PURE WATER: In all cases where solutions are to be prepared with water we should use pure distilled rain, snow or other water free as possible from injurious impurities; most common injurious. impurity, especially in testing for silver or lead in Part Two, is chlorine, usually due to salt as found in most well or other common water. Can usually get a pint of pure distilled water at most any drugstore for for around 104 for making up reagent solutions, then first chance catch a gallon or two of rain water. Test this for chlorine with Silver Nitrate Solution as given below; if free of chlorine, keep in well closed glass jugs or bottles. Use this in all tests, especially for silver or lead, where water is used.


SILVER NITRATE SOLUTION: To prepare. 1. Fill an ounce bottle about half full of pure distilled water. 2. Add silver nitrate crystals equal to 2 or 3 grains of rice. 3. Shake bottle to help dissolve. This keeps for a long t i m e .


TO TEST FOR CHLORINE IN WATER. 1. Place about 2 cc of water to be tested in a clean test tube. 2. Add 8 or 10 drops of pure nitric acid. 3. Heat to boiling; let set until cold. 4. Now add one or two drops of silver nitrate solution. RESULTS: If chlorine in water it will have a curdy,milky-white or opal-like color. If so, cannot use in preparing reagent solutions, or in making silver or lead tests. See Part Three. 5.

CACOTHELIN SOLUTION: To prepare - for Tin Test. 1. Fill one ounce bottle about 1/2 full of pure water. 2. Add Cacothelin powder equal to about 2 or 3 navy beans. 3. Shake bottle to help dissolve (all may not dissolve, ok)'. STABILITY: Keeps well; but as use only 1 drop per tin test 1/2 ounce lasts long time; so if stood over three months check stability before testing unknown ores. To check see Stannous Chloride below. 6.

STANNOUS CHLORIDE: To prepare solution. NOTE: We seldom ever use the crystals as the solution does not keep well. Here is the idea: When we dissolve metallic tin (Sn) in hydrochloric acid (HCI) we have stannous chloride (SnCl). So when needed we place say 2 cc (or amount needed) of HCI in a test tube, add 1 or 2 small pieces of metallic tin, and boil slightly. NOTE: This also does not keep well, so should always be prepared fresh, say within 8 hours of using. TO CHECK: If cacothelin solution is known to be good, can check stability of SnCl as follows: Place a piece of spot paper on a piece of clean glass; add a drop of cacothelin solution; now add a drop of SnCl. RESULTS: A lavender spot if SnCl is good. NOTE: Can also check stability of cacothelin solution in same manner with freshly prepared solution of stannous chloride. 7.

. DIMETHYLGLYOXIME: To prepare solution (for nickel test ). NOTE: Should be mixed with pure grain alcohol if possible: but as this is sometimes hard to get, we find acetone will do about as well, and can get an ounce at most drugstores for around 10 cents. 1. Fill an ounce bottle about 1/2 full alcohol (or acetone). 2. Add dimethylglyoxime powder equal to 2 or 3 navy beans. 3. Shake bottle to help dissolve (all may not dissolve^ o.k.) NOTE: Use one drop of this per nickel test; see test no. 6. STABILITY: May keep year if bottle well corked; but if stood over, say 3 months, should always check stability before testing any unknown rock or ore for nickel. TO CHECK: Make test with known sample nickel ore as is given in Test no. 6 in our "Method of Procedure" in Part Two. 8. COBALT NITRATE : Dissolve crystals equal to about 2 or 3 navy beans in 1/2 ounce of pure water. This is seldom used. 9. SODIUM SULPHATE; Dissolve crystals equal to about 2 or 3 navy beans in 1/2 ounce of pure water. This is seldom used. 10. Other, solutions: The following are seldom used, and then only a few drops per test, and as they do not keep well in water solutions< it is best to mix in a test tube as needed. 11: AMMONIUM CARBONATE: Dissolve powder equal to about 1/2 the size of navy bean in 2 or 3 cc of pure water; shake to help dissolve. 12. POTASSIUM FERROCYANIDE: Dissolve flakes or powder equal to about 1/2 navy bean in 2 or 3 cc. of pure water. 13. CHARCOAL FLUX: This is not a solution, but as it is to be prepared at home, will be given here. This is used in all tests in Part Two where fusions are made, unless otherwise stated. It will work on practically all minerals, and thus save making up a different flux for each element, as was required by old methods. TO PREPARE: Mix thoroughly 4 volumes of powdered borax; 4 volumes of sodium carbonate (anhydrated, not common baking soda), and two volumes of powdered charcoal. NOTE: As this is much used a good idea to keep an ounce bottle of this made up for handy use, rather than making up as needed. 14. BISMUTH FLUX: This is another powder mixture to prepare at home. It is used in the testing of bismuth, or to distinguish bismuth from lead, as given in Test 25, Part Three. As it is used mostly as a confirmatory test, best to mix up as needed. TO PREPARE: Mix equal parts potassium iodide and sulphur.

15. GYPSUM TABLETS: While "Bismuth Flux" may be successfully used on charcoal, the colors, especially for low-grade lead or bismuth, will show up much plainer on white gypsum tablet. Can also test antimony or arsenic by first blackening the tablet by holding in smoky flame, such as with match or coal-oil lamp. TO MAKE: See "Equipment to make at home" below. TO USE: See Test No. 25, in Part Three.

ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT TO BE MADE A HOME 1. BOX - for "Field Test Kit"; this should be about 7" high by 7" wide by 12" long. Has one tray and a 2 piece lid; one piece for cover fastened at back with pair small hinges; one peice for "flap" for front of box fastened to lid with another pair small hinges so will raise with lid, and thus make everything handy to get at in testing. TO MAKE: 1. Nail bottom and back to end boards. 2. Cut a board 1-1/2" wide and nail to front of box at bottom. 3. Cut board to fill in front of box, but do not nail. 4. Cut cover and fasten at back with small hinges. 5. Now fasten above front board to cover with another set small hinges so will raise with lid. TRAY: Place tallest article in box for height, then make tray to fill in rest of box flush with top. ' Use thin boards for tray, also for partitions to hold everything in proper places. 2. TEST TUBE STAND: A: Take a thin board or plywood for top 2" wide and 6" long; space out and bore 6 holes just large enough for test tubes to slide in and out easily. B: Take a 1" board of same size for base. C: Tack pieces on the ends so top and bottom are about 2" apart so solution colors can be seen in test tubes. 3. TEST TUBE HOLDER: For holding hot tubes over the lamp frame. A: Take a piece of single strand insulating wire (as used for electric lights); bend this in middle so ends are even. B: Now bend each and rounding so the two will form a loop size, of test tube. C: Fasten with small wire above loop to hold ends in place. 4. GYPSUM TABLETS: For purpose: see previous page. One should make up a couple dozen of these and have handy. TO MAKE: 1. Get 2 or 3 pounds of plaster of Paris. 2. Now take a common window glass or any flat glass; make a frame around the same about 1/4" higher than glass. 3. Now take amount of material you think will take to fill space; be sure and have enough as it costs practically nothing. 4. Add plenty of water and mix quickly, make into thin sloppy paste, 5. Pour on glass, then immediately take a long knife blade or piece of tin which will reach to both frames, and level off smooth; by wetting knife blade or tin make slick as possible. 6. When thoroughly set,-remove from the frame, mark oil and with hacksaw cut into blocks about 1" by 2-1/2" 5. CROCKERY: Some fusions made with flux may sometimes be made on cockery(or flat piece of chinaware, such as broken plate), and thus save charcoal blocks. Have peices about 1" square or may be larger; can usually pick up around home or,$rash dump. 6. HOLDER: For holding gypsum tablets, Crockery or small pieces of charcoal for heating with blowpipe. A: Take a piece of fairly heavy galvanized iron 1" wide by 5" long; bend up one end about 1/4". B: Take a piece of tin can about 2" square; bend one end of this about 1/4" to match longer piece; cut where necessary and bend around long piece, so will slide back and forth on the long piece to act as a clamp to hold pieces of crockery, e t c .

THE BLOWPIPE :ITS PURPOSE AND OPERATION NOTE: The operation of the blowpipe is the only thing in our complete instructions which requires any skill or practice. However, this can all be learned in an evening or two: practice by following the instructions given below, and well worth the time spent as we may identify more elements in less time than by any other method; and also important in other tests where fusions are required. See "Tests Made on Charcoal" in Part Two. OBJECT OF BLOWPIPE: To change the normal vertical lamp flame into a horizontal direction controlled by the operator, and thus concentrate the heat of the lamp flame into a long slender cone which m a y be directed against the assay or object to be tested. FLAMES: It will be noticed there are two cones to the flame; each has a different color, and each one used for a different purpose: A: An outer yellow cone which is called the Oxidizing Flame. B. An inner blue cone which is called the Reducing Flame. NOTE: Place a cardboard behind lamp to better see flame colors.

THE OXIDIZING FLAME: Some substances when Oxidized produce certain reactions, as explained on Page 40 Part Two, which is the object of this flame. The best point for oxidizing purposes is within the yellow flame just outside the blue cone with the blowpipe. THE REDUCING FLAME: Some substances when melted, fused or reduced to the metallic state, produce certain reactions as explained on pages 40, 41, Part Two. The object of this flame is to fuse Or melt the object being tested. The best point for this purpose is just within the tip of the blue cone. We will also find some materials must be melted or fused with some flux before they will become soluble in water or acids, as explained in Part Two. OPERATING THE BLOWPIPE One of the first and most important things to learn in operating is to blow a steady blast of air, and thus produce a steady flame. The following will give the general idea, and may be learned with just a little practice. NOTE: The blast of air is not produced by the lungs, but by air held in the mouth, replenished by a gulping action as explained below. You simply proceed as follows: 1. Place the mouthpiece between the lips; lips closed, 2-. Now place tip of blowpipe just within flame of lamp, to the right hand side and just above the wick.' 3. Now distend or blow up cheeks. 4. Breathe in through the nose - never through the blowpipe! 5. Exhale, slowly, through the blowpipe (little air is required) at same time breathe naturally through the nose. 6. When more air needed in cheeks, make a sort of gulping action with cheeks. (Do not suck air through the blowpipe.) 7. Keep cheeks distended at all times, only the fraction of a second necessary for the gulping • action; the object is to try to blow as steady a stream of air as possible, with as little break as possible. Practice extending time between gulping actions. Practice on making actual fusions and bead tests. LESSON


QUICK METHOD OF LEARNING THESE TESTS General Information The best way to learn anything is by PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE, and so the easiest, quickest, and most practical way to learn how to make all the tests in our "Quick Qualitative Analysis" in Part Two, is to practice on KNOWN SPECIMENS; that is materials which you know do contain the elements being tested for. This is the method we use in teaching this business under our personal instructions in our laboratory, and so will be included here. Here is the idea: After you have learned how to test, and how to recognize the characteristic color reactions of the elements in the known specimens, you can then, naturally, do the same if present in any unknown rock or ore you may be testing. For practice purpose you should buy your known specimens from a reliable dealer, or use those you have previously had assayed and so know the elements in question are present in your rock or ore. in buying • them,in. test No.6 tungsten,

The main object in this work is to learn how to identify all of the ELEMENTS listed, and so specimens for this purpose, in most-cases, we do not care what particular rock or ore we find Example: There are some 10 ores of nickel; any and all of these will be identified by our one in Part Two and so ANY one nickel ore will do for our purpose. The same with lead, cobalt, silver, uranium and most of the other elements.

However, there are certain cases in which we will also want to identify our particular rock or ore, due to the fact that some are more valuable than others. Example: Galena-PbS may be more valuable or easier sold than Cerussite-PbCO; or molybdenite-MoS more valuable than Molybdate-MoO. For this reason the carbonates and sulphides are included in this work, as well as certain tests to distinguish MoS from MoO or MoPb.,etc., and so should be considered in buying your known test specimens for practice purposes. . On the following page we will give a list of the 26 elements and minerals we use for practice purposes all of which may be bought at reasonable prices from specimen dealers. Many of the others we cover in this course, such as the 6 platinum group minerals, gold, thallium, e t c . , being too rare and costly for the average person to buy; but they will not be necessary, for by the time you have gone through the first 26 you will have the idea of testing, and will have no trouble with the others if present in any rock or ore you may be testing - simply follow the instructions. The minerals of the other e l e ments covered in this course may be found in most any good book on mineralogy. Using: In making the tests the minerals should always be well powdered; so you simply break a piece off your known specimens, powder them up as fine as possible, then using the amount stated in the instructions you proceed to make your tests as given.

KNOWN SPECIMENS FOR PRACTICE TESTS NOTE: In the list below we will take up the 26 elements and minerals we will use for practice purposes in learning to make the tests. These will be listed in the order of their identification in our "Method of Procedure" in Part Two; so your known specimens should be arranged and numbered in like manner, in order to best follow the procedure in practicing tests on the following pages. 1. Carbonates CO 2. Sulphur - — - - S. 3. Vanadium V. 4. Wulfenite - •- -MoPb.. 5. Tellurium - - - - T e . 6. Tungsten - - - - W. 7. Tin — Sn. 8. Copper — - - -Cu. 9. Nickel -Ni. 10. Lead - - - - - - - Pb. 11. Bismuth - - - - Bi. 12. Cobalt Co. 13. Molybdenite - MoS 14. Arsenic As. 15. Silver — - . - -Ag. 16., Antimony — - Sb. 17. Cadmium — - -Cd. 18. - Zinc -".— -— - Zn. 19. Aluminum Al. 20. .Magnesium — -Mg. 21. Columbium - - -Cb. 22. Tantalum -, - - Ta. 23. • Titanium -- - - -Ti„ 24. Chromium — - Cr, 25. Uranium U. 26. Mecury - - . - — H g .

Calcite-CaCO will do for this test. Sulphides; any ore with S in formula. Ca. rnotite, or any vanadium mineral To distinguish from Molybdenite-MoS Any ore containing tellurium will do. Scheelite-CaWO, or any tungsten ore. Cassiterite-SnO, or any tin ore. Bornite-CuFeS, or any copper ore. Garnierite-NiMgSiO, or any nickel ore. Galena-PbS,. or any other lead ore. Bismite-BiO, or any other bismuth ore Cobaltite-CoAsS, or any cobalt ore. To distinguish from MoPb or MoO. Realgar-AsS, or any other arsenic ore. Native silver, or any silver ore. Stibnite-SbS, or any antimony ore. Greenockite-CdS, or any ore with Cd. Zinc Blende-ZnS, or any ore with Zn. ' Bauxite-AlO, or any non-fusible ore. Magnesite-MgCO, or any magnesium ore. Columbite-CbTa, or Tantalite-TaCb. Tantalite-TaCb, or Columbite-CbTa. Rutile-TiO, or any titanium mineral. Chromite-CrFeO, main chromium ore. . Pitch blende -UO, or any uranium ore. Cinnabai-HgS, main ore of mercury.

NOTE: In Part Two we will find many elements will give a reaction in more than one test, so we should learn them all, then if we overlook a reaction in one test we may catch it in another so make all tests for each element as is.given on the following page. It is also a good idea to use fairly lowgrade samples to practice on, and thus learn to watch for slight reactions, as we may find them in lowgrade materials in testing unknown rocks later on. POWDERED MINERALS; Most people have the idea that they must use a lot of powdered mineral and a lot of acid to get a good reaction in testing, and that the more of each they use the better will be the reaction obtained. However, just the opposite is usually true! In most all cases we will get a much . better reaction (plainer to see) by using powdered mineral equal to from. 1 grain of rice up to one navy bean in 2 c c . of acid than we will be using a teaspoonful of powdered mineral in an ounce of acid. Remember this in practicing on your known specimens, and thus, save your specimens as well as your acids. Use the approximate quantities as given. :


Any mineral with CO in the formula will 1 do for this test; try Calcide-CaCo,

SULPHUR-S (Sulphides); if sulphur is present in any ore in the form of Sulphides (sulfides) you must first roast your mineral before panning for gold. Any ore with S in. the formula will do for this test, try Galena-PbS; or Zinc Blende-Zns, by Test N o . l . Then make Test 11. Then Test 12. Then try Test No. 5. • 3.

VANADIUM-V. (any ore): Make test N o . l ; confirm by Test 60-D in Part Three.


WULFENITE-MoPb. (Lead Molybdate): Make Test No. 2 for Mo. Then make tests 5 and 7 for lead. Then tests 11 and 12 for lead. Then make Test 13 for Molybdenum ( a red or rose any Mo,ore).


Then make Test 17

TELLURIUM-Te: Any mineral with T e . will do for our purpose. Make Test 3, then confirm as given there. Then make Tests 5 and 9 to learn reactions there. NOTE: If Tellurium is present . you must roast mineral thoroughly before panning for gold.


TUNGSTEN-W. (any ore): Make Test 3. Then try 13-A and 13-B


TIN-Sn. (any ore). Make Test 4. Then try-Test 12. (Also see Test 56 in Part Three, for additional information).


COPPER-Cu. (any ore): Make Test N o . 5 ,


NICKEL-Ni. (any ore): Make Tests 5 and 6. (See Test No. 42 in Part Three and proceed as given there.


LEAD-Pb. (any ore): Make Tests 5 and 7. Then 11. Then 12. Then confirm by Test No. 25 in Part Three.


BISMUTH-Bi. (any ore): Make Tests 5 and 7, Then 11. Then 12. Then confirm by Test No. 25 in Part Three.

12. 13.

Confirm by Test No. 14.

COBALT-Co. (any Ore): Make Tests 5 and 8. Then try Test 16. MOLYBDENITE-MoS: To distinguish from MoPb or MoO. Make Tests 5 and 9. Now try Test 13 ( a red or rose with any Mo. ore.)


Arsenic-As. (any ore): Make Tests 5 and 9. Then 11. Then 12.


SILVER-Ag. (any ore): Make Tests 5 and 10; proceed as given.


ANTIMONY-Sb. (any ore): Make Test No. 11. Then try Test 12.


CADMTOM-Cd. (any ore): Make Test No. 11. Then make test 12.


ZINC-Zn. (any ore) : Make Test No. 11. Then make Test No. 12. in Part Three.


ALUMINUM-A1. (any non-fusible ore): Make Test 11; reaction N.


MAGNESIUM-Mg. (any non-fusible ore): Make Test 11; reaction O.

Confirm by Tests 61-A and B.


COLUMBIUM-Co. (any ore): First read notes page 12 Part Three. Make Test 13-A. Then try Test 13-B {most positive test).


TANTALUM-Ta: See page Part Three. Make Test 13-A. Then try Test 13-B for Columbium; This is usually sufficient, but can try Test 53, Part Three, but usually unnecessary.


TITANIUM-Ti. (any ore): Make Test 13-A. Then try 13-B. Then try Test No.57-A Part Three (most positive test for Ti).

24. 25. 26.

CHROMIUM-Cr. (any ore): Make Test 17. Then Test 27 Part Three. URANIUM-U. (any ore): Make Test 16. Then 17. This is usually sufficient, but can make Tests 59-B and 59-C:. MERCURY-Hg. (any ore): Make test 40 Part Three (positive).

FESTAL RESULTS: With the above known specimens to practice on the average student usually learns all the tests in three to 5 days time, then ready to test out any unknown rock or ore they may pick up ANYWHERE by following the "METHOD OF PROCEDURE" in Part Two.





This, Part Two, contains our "Quick Qualitative Analysis" as the "Method of Procedure" given here is the one we always follow in testing out any unknown rock or ore. In this, the tests are all arranged in systematic order by which we identify the various elements AS WE COME TO THEM, and thus we no longer have to first identify each rock or ore in order; to know what element or elements to test or have assayed for as was necessary by old method of identifying minerals by physical properties. By our system we pay no attention whatever to what rock looks like - we simply proceed as follows: "Method of Procedure": Simply take your rock or ore(any rock or ore regardless of what it may look like) and powder up a little of it as fine as possible; you then start right in at Test No. 1, then proceed to make each additional test just as given until you have completed your analysis for all the e l e ments covered there. Results: If any of the elements covered there are present in your rock or ore, you identify them AS YOU COME TO THEM, regardless of what your rock or ore may look like. Example: In Test 1 we identify the two elements, vanadium and manganese, and also catch the sulphides and carbonates. In Test 2 we catch molybdenum-lead and molybdenum-Oxide. In test 3 we catch tellurium and tungsten (any ores). In Test 4 we catch tin (any ore). And so on until we have completed our analysis for all the elements covered in Part Two. First Procedure. In this all tests are first made on the "crude ore", not concentrated, or we would wash out some of the lighter elements, such as the oxidized ores in which the elements do not occur in the metallic state in nature; next to the "Method of Procedure" the two most valuable features of these tests are : The simplicity of explanation, and the condensed form in which the tests are written. So to keep the tests as condensed as possible, we will first give here all explanations, rather than at time of testing. Read this as well as all of Part One over carefully before starting in on the actual tests as given in the "Method of Procedure". 1. Confirmatory Tests: To confirm means to verify or prove. In our method of procedure we will find many of the elements will give a reaction in more than one test, but in some plainer than others. That is, while most tests in Part Two are positive, some are merely indicative, in which case, or any case where there is a doubt, we confirm by other tests and thus make sure before having quantitative assays made. 2. If you do not get at least a slight reaction called for, there is nothing to confirm, so proceed with next test. 3. We will sometimes find that two or more elements will give the same reactions in some tests, but no two elements will give the same reactions in all tests, and thus their individual identification. Example: columbium and tungsten in Test 13 both give a blue color; In Test 3 tungsten gives a blue color, but columbium will not, and thus identified. It is the same with all other elements under like conditions. 4. To identify minerals: Example; In Test 13 the element molybdenum will give a red or rose color with any ore. There are three main ores: molybdenite ( MoS); wulfenite (MoPb); and molybdate (MoO ) Test 9 gives a blue color for MoS, but not for MoPb or MoO; Test 2 gives a blue for either MoPb or MoO but not for MoS. If molybdenum in Test 2 and lead in Test 7 our ore is MoPb; but if no lead in Test 7 then our ore is MoO. Thus we identify our particular rock or ore. 5. If a color does not show up as listed it does not mean the element is not present; it may be too low-grade to show up in that particular test; the colors are given merely to show what they mean if they do show up in the tests. 6. In this work we are interested only in commercial minerals, or those in which one or more elements are present in paying quantities, not mere traces. While most elements will give a reaction on very low-grade ores, very few will show a mere trace, and thus save money on worthless assays. All the tests are positive if the elements are present in anything like commercial quantities. 7. Quantitative: Most of the tests are semi-quantitative; that is poor, fair, or good. Example: In Test 3 for tungsten: If whole solution turns blue quickly, high-grade ore. If the solution turns blue only after standing until cold or longer, fair grade ore. If just a slight blue ring on dish, and no blue solution, very low-grade ore. And so on with all the other elements. If, by using the same amount of m a t erial, and comparing with an ore of known percentage, a fairly accurate percentage- of the unknown may be arrived a t . 8. With but few exceptions, such as cinnabar, it is a poor policy to "guess" what any metallic mineral

might contain, then proceed to test it out for just that element alone by tests given in Part Three; in most cases these are intended for confirming the reactions found in Part Two. Remember many minerals may contain two or more valuable elements, and some a half dozen or more; make all tests just as given in Part Two, If a reaction in any one test, do not stop at that point - always complete your a n a l ysis. The object is to find ALL the valuable elements your rock or ore may contain, then have them assayed for quality or value.



No. 1: For vanadium, manganese, sulphides, carbonates. Use amount of powdered mineral equal to 3 grains of rice. Plate above in clean porcelain evaporating dish. Add 3 or 4 drops of cold strong hydrochloric acid.

RESULTS A: If a sulfide the odor of sulphur, resembling rotten eggs may be detected, (We catch sulphides again later on). B. If a carbonate, powder will effervesce (bubble or 'fizz"), NOTE; Sulphides will also sometimes effervesce, but can be distinguished by the odor of sulphur as given above. C. If vanadium is present both powder and acid will turn red or brown quicklv. If so confirm by Test No. 60. D. If manganese (all black ores) solution will be a greenish-black. If so, confirm by Test No, 39, Part Three. NOTE: If there is, or is not, a reaction above, use same dish and powdered mineral for next Test No. 2. TEST No. 2: For molybdenum-lead or molybdenum-oxide, 1. Use same dish and powdered mineral from test No.l above. 2. Add 1 cc or slightly more strong hydrochloric acid. 3„ Boil over lamp flame; while boiling watch for blue or green stain on dish; boil to dry if necessany. Remove dish from flame and let set for a few minutes to cool. RESULTS NO 1: Blue stain on dish , hot or cold , is positive test for Mo Pb ( Wulfenite) or MoC (Molybdate), A green stain in dish indicates one of the above may be present. If so, confirm by Test 41 Part Three which will prove yes or no, RESULTS NO . 2: If no blue or green above test is complete as no Mo Pb or MoO present, so proceed' with Test 3 below. But if blue or green see 4 previous page to find if MoPb or MoO. NOTE: If there is, or is not, a reaction above, use same dish and powdered mineral for next Test No. 3 below. TEST No. 3: For, tellurium, or tungsten; and and all ores. 1. Use same dish and powdered mineral from Test No, 2 above. 2. Add 2 cc hydrochloric acid; boil slightly over lamp flame. 3. Remove from flame and while hot add small piece tinfoil. RESULTS No. 1 for tellurium: If much tellurium is present solution will turn black; if but little T e . just a dark solution around tin. In either case confirm by Test 54„ NOTE: The above is dark solution - not coating on tin. Now continue test for tungsten, as followsj 4. Place dish back over lamp flame and boil until solution changes colonthen a little longer. Do not boil to dry. RESULTS No. 2 for tungsten: A blue solution is a positive test for tungsten; color may not show up until cold, depends on grade of ore; solution may first be red, but will tarn blue on standing. See Test 58 Part Three. NOTE: MoO or Mo Pb may also give a red color, but will not turn blue on standing. TEST No. 4: For tin. Any ore or m e t a l . Very positive test. 1. Place powdered mineral size 2 or 3 grains of rice in dish. 2. Add powdered zinc metal of about equal quantity. 3. Add 8 or 10 drops hydrochloric acid ( this is Test Solution) 4. Place 2 or 3 drops of above Test Solution in another dish. 5. Add 1 or 2 drips of cacothelin solution. RESULTS: A pale to dark purple spot if tin is present; the darker the color the more tin. This is a very positive test, even for very small quantities of tin, and may be made semi-quantitative by making test on spot paper as given below. NOTE: If no sign of purple color above, skip the following: 1, Place a piece of filter paper on clean piece of glass, 2, Place i drop of Test Solution above in center of paper. 3, Add i drop of cacothelin solution in center of paper.

TEST NO. 4 (contd.) For tin. RESULTS: A small pale-purple spot if very low grade ore. A large pale-purple spot, or a small dark-purple spot if fair grade ore. If high grade ore the spot will be dark-purple and at least size of a dime. By using same amount of powdered mineral and comparing with a sample of known percentage, a fairly accurate percentage of the unknown may be estimated. TEST NO. 5: NOTE: This is a "master test" by which we catch from one solution below the following 11 elements: sulphur, copper, nickel, lead, thallium, bismuth, cobalt, tellurium, molybdenumsulphide, arsenic, silver. ( in the order listed) NOTE: Results Nos. 1-2 and 3 below are not intended as positive tests, but are given to show what they indicate if present. TO PREPARE TEST SOLUTION 1. Place 2 cc of strong nitric acid in a clean test tube. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to about one large navy bean. 3. Boil about 3 minutes; a little longer rather than less. 4. Remove from flame and let set about 2 minutes or so. RESULTS No. 1: A spungy mass rising to top of the solution shows sulphides are present. Confirm by Test No. 1. RESULTS No. 2: Green solution indicates copper or nickel or both. Confirm nickel by Test 6; copper by test 14. 5. Now add 3 cc pure water free of chlorine (see page in Part Three). Heat slowly and c a r e fully just to boiling. RESULTS N o . 3 : A rose-color indicates cobalt; See Test 8. NOTE: We will call this test solution S for reference in making the following 9 tests from this one solution. TEST 1. 2. 3. 4.

NO.6; For Nickel (for any and all ores). Spot test. Place a piece of filter paper on a piece of clean glass. Place 1 drop dimethylglyoxime solution in center of paper. Add I drop of Test Solution 5 above to center of damp spot. Add 1 drop of strong ammonia to center of above spot. RESULTS: A red or rose color, which will not fade, is a positive test for nickel. (Iron will sometimes give a red or rose, but will fade out within a few minutes). The brighter the color the more nickel present, (see Test 42, Part Three). NOTE: The color, especially for low grade nickel, can usually be brought out plainer if wait until the paper is dry and then add another drop of strong ammonia to center of paper.

TEST NO. 7. Lead, thallium, bismuth, or bismuth and lead. 1. Place 2 drops of test solution 5 in an evaporating dish. 2. Add about 6 or 8 drops plain water to dilute solution. 3. Add few crystals potassium iodide (KI.); see FOOTNOTE. RESULTS A: For lead or thallium: If either present even in small quantities, there will be a yellow or brownish precipitate. Confirm lead by Test 25. Confirm thallium by Test II-J. CAUTION: Do not mistake a yellow solution for precipitate; if a precipitate it will settle out in bottom of the dish, which may be plainer seen after has set for a few minutes. B. For bismuth: If much bismuth solution will turn black. NOTE: This is not a positive test for bismuth, but merely indicative, as too strong acid, or other impurities will sometimes cause solution to turn black with potassium iodide. But if there is a black color, and to be sure and not overlook bismuth, confirm by Test 25, Part Three. C. For both lead and bismuth sometimes found in same ore. If much bismuth solution may first be black, but on setting for a few minutes black color will leave in which the yellow or brown precipitate of lead may easily be seen in dish. Confirm either lead or bismuth by Test 25, Part Three. TEST NO. 8: for cobalt (any and all ores). 1. Place 10 drops test solution 5 in clean evaporating dish. 2. Boil over lamp flame until dry; just a little longer. 3. Remove from flame, while hot add 1 cc hydrochloric acid. RESULTS: a green solution is a positive test for cobalt, any and all ores; but may confirm by Test No. 16. NOTE: Use same dish and acid for next Test No. 9. TEST NO. 9; For tellurium, molybdenum sulphide, arsenic. 1. Use same dish and acid from previous Test No. 8. 2. Place over lamp flame and boil off 1/2 solution. 3. Remove from flame and immediately drop in small piece of pure tinfoil while hot; tip dish and slowly rotate once. RESULTS A: For tellurium: If much T e . solution will turn black. If but little T e . a dark color around tin; Watch closely!

TEST NO. 9: (contd.) For tellurium, molybdenum sulphide, arsenic: B. For molybdenum sulphide: Blue stain on dish is positive test for MoS, needs no confirming. There will also be a red or rose-colored solution after dish has set for some t i m e . C. For arsenic: A brown film or scales on dish or floating on solution indicates arsenic. Confirm by T e s t N o . l l - A . TEST NO. 10: For silver, or lead, or both if together. 1. Now take tube with remaining test solution 5. 2. Warm slightly; filter into clean test tube, let cool. 3. When solution cold add 1 or 2 drops hydrochloric acid. RESULTS: A white "curdy" precipitate or mass, or a milky-white or opal-color, all indicate silver or lead or both; color depends upon amount of either or both present. NOTE: To determine if silver or lead or both, see pages Part Three, and proceed as given there. TESTS MADE ON CHARCOAL TEST FOR : As. Sb. Cd. Se. Os. Ge. S. Pb. Bi. T l . T e . Sn. Zn. A l . Mg. Au. Ag. ( F e . N i . C o . ) . TEST NO. 11: CHARCOAL - NO FLUX. (Tests made with blowpipe). 1. Use powdered mineral equal to 2 or 3 grains of rice. 2. Place on end of charcoal block (stick). 3. Heat steadily and for some time in the Oxidizing Flame. RESULTS: See, "Reactions to watch for" as listed below. 4. If no results in above, heat in the Reducing Flame 5. Now note if any reactions as listed below. NOTE: For reactions of different elements see next page. TEST NO. 12: CHARCOAL - WITH FLUX. (Tests made with blowpipe). 1. Use powdered mineral equal to 2 or 3 grains of rice. 2. - Mix with "Charcoal Flux" equal to a large navy bean. 3. Make into paste with drop of water; place on charcoal. 4. Fuse to liquid state with Reducing Flame, then, while hot, run knife blade under fusion, turn over then fuse some more; a good fusion is quite necessary. RESULTS: The same as in Test 11, and as listed below; some minerals which show little or no reaction without flux, may show a good reaction with flux; so both should be tried. NOTE: For reaction of different elements see next page. REACTIONS TO WATCH FOR (Both with and without flux) A; SUBLIMATE: (Coating). If heavy or light; color; if near or distant from assay; color while hot color when cold. B: VOLATILITY: If easy, fairly easy, or non-volatile; first in Oxidizing Flame; then try Reducing Flame, C; FLAME COLORS: Note if any change given off by the assay itself; or sublimate if touched with the Reducing Flame. D: Touch sublimate with R . F . (for instant only); note if a change in color, or colored flame; if so, what. E: ODORS: Note if any; example: garlic-like odor indicates As. A radish-like odor indicates selenium, e t c . F: .SMOKE OR FUMES: Example: heavy white smoke indicates Sb. Fumes smart the eyes (good test) indicates Os. e t c . G: ASSAY: Note if any change in color or appearance; if so, what? Inspect hot; inspect cold. H: FUSIBILITY: (No Flux): If easy, fairly easy, or hard to fuse, or infusible. Important in testing for aluminum or magnesium with cobalt nitrate; See Test 38 Part Three, I: GLOBULES: Note if any small metallic beads; if so, their color, hot and cold. J: SECTILITY: If globules are easy, fairly easy, or hard to cut with knife, (Such as Pb. Ag. Sn. Bi. e t c . ) . K: MALLEABILITY: If globules will flatten, or are brittle. L: MAGNETISM: Test powder with magnet before heating; then after heating in R . F . Test mass after fusing with flux. NOTE: AFTER FUSING WITH FLUX SAVE FUSION FOR TEST NO. 13.

REACTIONS ON C H A R C O A L (With or Without Flux; try each; see previous page) NOTE: First 7 elements are positive; need no confirming. As White light coat, distant assay. Very volatile. Garlic-like odor. (Odor is most positive test) — As. B: White heavy coat, near assay, bluish out-border. Volatile. White smoke - continues after heating ' Sb. Cs Red or brown coat with bright blue border — Cd. D; Steel-gray coating, red outer-border. Volatile, If coat touched with R . F . an azure-blue flame; a peculiar radish-like odor; odor is positive test. Se. E: Sharp bromine-like odor; fumes smart the eyes Os. F: First, pure white coat near assay, if more heat moves further out, assumes greenish to brownish or lemon color; if examined with lense coat presents a glazed or enamel-like surface. Small milk-white globules scattered on charcoal near the assay Ge. G: A very sharp pungent suffocating odor --D, NOTE: Following are indicative; should be confirmed. Yellow coating near assay; non-volatile. Small metallic beads on assay; malleable, easy cut •- — I: Yellow coat near assay; non-volatile. May be small metallic beads on assay; harder to cut than lead (Confirm either lead or bismuth by test No. 25) ' J: A slight white coat and an INTENSE green flame (Confirm thallium by Test No.7) K. Heavy white coat, blue out-border with yellowish cast, black band between; all burn off with bluish flame, which is also yielded by the assay itself (Confirm tellarium by Test N o . 3 ; most positive) L: Yellow hot, white cold coating; non-volatile, smallmetallic globules. If coating moistened with cobalt nitrate solution and assay strongly heated coating will become bluish-green when cold - •— M: Yellow hot, white cold with blue border. Non-volatile. No metallic globules. If coating moistened as above and reheated, coat becomes a bright green - — {Confirm Zinc by Test 60, Part Three) N: No flux; Infusible. If heated then assay moistened as in L. above and reheated, assay becomes green — O: No flux; infusible. If heated then assay moistened as in L. above and reheated, assay becomes pink (Confirm magnesium by Test No. 38, Part Three) P: With flux: red metallic looking mass or specks — (Confirm copper by Test 14; most positive test) Q: Yellow, soft, malleable globule, bead or button ---— (Confirm Gold by Test 34, Part Three) R: White malleable globule, beads or button - — (Confirm silver by Test 52, Part Three) S: A magnetic residue after heating in R . F . and let cool indicates either iron, nickel, or cobalt present.



Pb. Bi. Tl.


Sn. Zn. Al. Mg. Cu. Au. Ag.

13-A: For C b . , T i . - any ore. (Also W. Mo. V. C o . ) . ALL these but C b . and T i . should have been found, if present, in previous tests, so main object here is to cover C b . and T i . However, reactions for others will also be given here to watch for. Some colors may occur quite soon, some only on standing until cold or longer -so watch both, TO TEST: use same fusion from Test 12, or make a new one. 1. Pulverize fusion from. Test 12, or the new one. 2. Place in clean test tube with 2 cc hydrochloric acid. 3. Add a small piece of metallic tin (Tinfoil best). 4. Boil till solution changes color; then a little longer. NOTE: Add more tin if solution does not change color, RESULTS A: Light-blue solution indicates columbium; may not show up until cold or longer. Color brighter if let set few minutes then add powdered zinc metal equal to 2 grains rice. B. Dark-blue solution indicates tungsten. To determine if W. or C b . : W. gives a blue solution in Test 3, C b . will not. C; A lavender solution indicates T l . Confirm by Test 57.

TEST NO. 13-A:


For C b . , T i . - any ore. (Also W . M o . V . C o . ) .

-D. A red or rose solution if Mo. present. Positive test. E. A green solution indicates V. or Co. Confirm V. by tests 1-17 and 60. Confirm C o . by tests 5-8 and 17, NOTE; In above, charcoal may remain in suspension and thus make colors hard to distinguish; if so, may proceed as in Test 13-B for C b . and T i . If no color above can skip 13-B. TEST NO. 13-B: Special test for Cb. and T i . If in doubt above. 1. Place a piece of chinaware in adjustable holder. 2. Place on same powdered borax {or borax glass best) equal to about 1/2 size of common pea (more or less). 3. Add powdered mineral equal to about 2 grains of rice. 4. Add sodium hydroxide (pellet best) equal 1/2 size pea. 5. Fuse well with blowpipe, while hot turn over with knife blade and fuse again. A good fusion is necessary. 6. While hot remove fusion and crush in porcelain mortar. 7. Place in test tube with 2 cc strong hydrochloric acid. 8. Add 1 or 2 small pieces of metallic tin (tinfoil best). 9. Boil until solution changes color; then a little longer. RESULTS: Same as in Test I3-A, but colors plainer seen. Let set a few minutes then add zinc powder size 2 grains rice. TEST NO. 14: For copper, any ore; most positive test for Cu. 1. Place small piece scrap charcoal in adjustable holder, 2. Place on same small piece mineral size of match head. 3. Heat to redness in oxidizing flame of blowpipe. 4. Add 1 drop hydrochloric acid; now reheat with blowpipe. RESULTS: a blue or green flame if any copper present. TEST NO. 15: For mercury (Hg). Method of procedure, NOTE: Cinnabar is only main ore; it is very characteristic color (usually vermilion-red or scarlet; very few rocks even resemble it. Should have known sample cinnabar, then test for Hg. only when your rock resembles same, in which case see Test 40 Part Three, and proceed as given there.


BEADS: Made on platinum wire, as follows: Heat end of platinum wire in flame of the alcohol lamp. While hot quickly touch to borax powder. Reheat in lamp flame until fusion stops, While hot touch again to borax, then reheat; repeat this until bead is about the size of a small grain of rice. 5. Now heat with blowpipe until bead clear and transparent, 6. While hot touch to few specks of roasted powdered mineral. 7. Heat for some time in the O . F . (Oxidizing Flame) of blowpipe. Note the color, if any, while hot and when cold. 8. Now heat in R . F . (Reducing Flame): note color, hot, cold. 9. If no color, add few more specks of mineral; try again. Repeat this until bead is saturated (opaque) RESULTS: If an appreciable amount of element is present a point will be reached where color v. ill show up as listed on following page. NOTE: In making or heating bead, hold wire horizontal to remove bead hold wire vertical, then heat. SALT OF PHOSPHOROUS BEADS: These are made same as Borax beads, except salt of phosphorous is more liquid when hot, and thus harder to hold on the wire; beads must be built up slower, using less material at a time. In building up bead, hold higher above lamp flame, then gradually lower.

AMOUNT OF MINERAL TO USE: From a very few specks in most cases, up to the amount where the bead is saturated (opaque). This depends upon kind of mineral, quality and impurities. Generally speaking just a few specks are sufficient. ROAST MINERALS FIRST: All minerals should first be roasted on charcoal before making bead tests, otherwise bead may be dark or brown. TO ROAST: Place a little mineral on charcoal, heat to red in O.F. then in R.F. ;wind up by heating in the O.F. -CAUTION: Note results, if any, for following reasons: RESULTS: If any smoke or coating on charcoal in roasting, continue to heat in O.F. then in R . F . until all smoke and sublimate cease; otherwise volatile minerals will alloy with the platinum; this will not "salt" the wire, or cause any color in future tests, but will make the wire brittle, and cause it to break oil and thus waste the valuable wire.

CAUTION: A clean wire must always be used, or may "salt" the wire from a previous test, that is providing a color was obtained in a previous test; if no color in previous test then need not be as no danger of "salting". TO TEST 'WIRE: Make a bead in usual way (without using any mineral). Heat in O.F. then in R . F . RESULTS: If no color shows up the wire is ok; but if color then clean wire. TO CLEAN WIRE: Boil in a little hydrochloric acid then wash well by shaking back and forth in clean water. NOTE: For bead colors of the elements see following: BEAD COLORS OF THE ELEMENTS -With Borax and Salt of Phosphorous ABBREVIATIONS

: Yel. means yellow; Cls. means colorless. O.F. is oxidizing flame. R.F. is reducing flame (blowpipe). NOTE: All these elements but U. and Di. were covered in previous tests; but colors given here will help to confirm. TEST NO. 16:


CHROMIUM - Cr. O . F . : Yel. hot; green cold. R . F . : Green hot; green cold. Confirm by Test 27 as given in Part Three. VANADIUM - V. O . F . : Yel. hot; green cold. R.F.: Green hot; green cold. Confirm by Test 60 (Any ore containing V. should also be assayed for uranium as they many times occur in same ore). URANIUM - U. O.F. : Y e l . hot; Ylsh-green cold. " R . F . : Green hot; green cold. Confirm by Test 59, but above is always worthy of assay. DIDYMIUM - Di. NOTE: Is a mixture of neodymium(Nd) and. Praseodymium ( Pr.) O . F . : Rose Hot; rose cold. R.F.: Rose hot; rose cold, We have no confirmatory test for Di; usually none needed. COBALT - Co. O . F . Blue hot; blue cold. R . F . Blue hot: blue cold. This is a very positive test; but may confirm by Test 8. IRON - Fe. O . F . Y e l . hot; cls. cold. R . F . : Y e l . hot; cls. cold. NOTE: May be pale-green cold; see Test 36 in Part Three. TEST NO. 17: SALT OF PHOSPHOROUS BEADS NOTE: Borax beads are best for practice, but salt of phosphorous covers more elements more accurate; so best to use. Confirm same as Borax above, unless otherwise stated below. CHROMIUM - Cr. O . F . : Green hot; green cold. R . F . : Green hot; green cold. VANADIUM - V. O . F . : Yel. hot; yel. cold. R . F . Green hot; green cold. NOTE; Yellow in O.F. when cold distinguishes V. from Cr. URANIUM - U . O . F . : Yel. hot; y e l - g r e e n cold. R . F . : Green hot; green cold. MOLYBDENUM OXIDE - MoO. O . F . : Yel. hot; cls. cold. R . F . : Green hot; green cold. Confirm molybdenum oxide by test no. 2; most positive test. COLUMBIUM - Cb O . F . : Y e l . hot; Cls. cold. R . F . Brown hot; brown cold. Confirm by Test 13 -B; most positive test for columbium. DIDYMIUM - Di. O . F . : Rose hot; rose cold. • R . F . : Rose hot; rose cold. COBALT - Co. O.F. Blue hot; blue cold. R . F . : Blue hot; blue cold. IRON - F e . O . F . :; cls. cold. R . F .; cls. cold. Note: Iron with saturated bead may be pale-green cold.


TEST MADE ON CONCENTRATES -General Information 1. After completing our Qualitative Analysis on the crude ore, as given in previous pages, we then proceed to concentrate our rock in a gold pan, then re-check for the heavier elements, such as gold, silver, lead, bismuth, nickel, tin, tungsten, uranium, tantalum, columbium, platinum minerals, e t c . , which due to their high value may be present in paying quantities, but did not catch in the first procedure on the crude ore due to small quantity material used in testing. 2. Note: If any sulphides or tellurium found in the first procedure, roast ore thoroughly before panning. 3. To Roast Ore: Place crushed or powdered ore in a metal container, such as an old frying-pan, pie tin or shovel, place over open flame, such as camp fire, stove with lid removed, or better in a blacksmith forge. Heat, and hold to a dull redness for 10 to 30 minutes, or until no more smoke or any sulphur fumes given off; keep stirring ore while roasting. 4. Another good method: For any and all rocks. Heat rock for some time, to red if possible, in camp fire, stove or in blacksmith forge; then stand back in case rock explodes and toss in bucket of cold water. This will help free rock of sulphides and tellurium, also reduce certain elements to the metallic state, such as lead, bismuth, gold and silver tellurides, e t c . Also make rock easier to pulverize later on. 5. To prepare ore for concentrating: Take a pound or more of your rock, crush in iron mortar or other means until all will pass through window screen, then place on a buckboard and with muller pulverize to flour fineness. 6. Buck-board: Any smooth flat piece of iron will do, such as old stove lid, but larger the iron, the quicker the work. 7. Muller: For rubbing or grinding ore on buck-board. Any piece of smooth flat iron will do; the bottom plate of an old discarded electric flat-iron is ideal for this purpose. 8. Panning: A 6 inch frying pan with handle cut off is a handy pan for l a b . work. Fill an extra pan with water. Place powdered mineral in gold pan, fill with water, shake vigorously to settle heavy m a t erials; now by lowering and raising pan in water, wash off lighter materials; stop and shake pan often; repeat this until only a spoonful or less remains. 9. Results: If any heavy concentrates in pan, especially if non-magnetic, as explained on this and following page, recheck for heavier elements as given in paragraph 1 above. Also check for gold and platinum minerals by tests 18 - 19 - 20 - 21. GOLD AND THE PLATINUM GROUP MINERALS - General Information 1. Gold: The first thing to remember , and this will apply to old timers as well as greenhorns: While pure gold is always yellow it is seldom if ever found in the pure state in nature, but is always associated with other elements which may change its color; such as alloyed with silver or mercury, in which case it may have a bronzy white color; or in chemical combination with tellurium, in which it will look silver - white or gray; ir associated with iron oxides , in which it may be coated brown or red; or may be coated jet-black if found in manganese, and thus mistaken for black iron. So to make sure all concentrates should be checked for gold by chemical tests. 2. Platinum Minerals: There are 6 minerals known as the Platinum Group: Platinum , Palladium, Iridium, Osmium, Rhodium and Ruthenium, listed in the order of their frequency of occurence as well as uses. We seldom if ever find any one of these in the pure state in nature, but in practically all cases will find two or more alloyed together, and in some cases traces or more of all six. This greatly simplifies our work in their identification, in the following manner: In practically every case each one will contain either Platinum or Palladium, or both. In Part Three we give tests for all 6 elements; while the tests for iridium, osmium, ruthenium, and rhodium are all fairly accurate on the pure elements, they are not always accurate as found in nature due to impurities; but the tests for Platinum and Palladium are always accurate in all cases, regardless of impurities , with the following r e sults. We first test for Platinum and Palladium only: If both of these are absent in our concentrates, and while there are possible exceptions, we can usually quite safely assume that rone of the other 4 are present. If we find either Platinum or Palladium, or both, v\e then have our ore or concentrates assayed for Iridium and osmium as well as platinum and palladium. Rhodium and ruthenium usually accur in small quantities and are obtained as a by-product in the refining of other platinum minerals , and are seldom if ever paid for. The natural colors of platinum and palladium are silver-white or gray, but as found in nature, due to other impurities , they may tarnish black , resembling black iron, or may have a yellow or a bronzy

cast resembling iron pyrites. For these reasons all heavy concentrates should always be tested for Pt. and Pd. regardless of color. 3. Characteristics : Gold , platinum and palladium are all quite soft and malleable ; may be cut with a knife and will flatten without breaking. Iridium is also somewhat malleable, but harder. The only other soft malleable elements occuring in nature are native silver, bismuth and copper, all of which can be easily eliminated as follows: Silver, copper, and bismuth are all soluble in nitric acid; gold and platinum are not soluble in any single acid, but are both soluble in Aqua Regia, so if your material dissolves in nitric acid you can be sure it is not gold or platinum. Palladium is somewhat soluble in nitric acid, giving a wine-red solution, and completely soluble in aqua regia , and thus, gold , platinum and p a l l adium can all 3 be detected if present in any aqua regia solution by the four simple tests 18-19-20 and 21 as given on the following, TESTS FOR GOLD - PLATINUM - PALLADIUM TEST No. 18 : To prepare test solution for Au. Pt. Pd. 1. Pick out particles suspected of being Au. Pt. Pd. or use concentrates equal to about one navy bean or pea. 2. Place the above in a clean test tube. 3. Add 1 cc Nitric and 3 cc Hydrochloric Acid ( Aqua Regia) 4. Boil over lamp flame for at least 5 minutes or longer. RESULTS : Gold, platinum or palladium, if present , are now in solution , from which we will make the following 3 tests. NOTE: To become familiar with the various colors and other reactions in the following tests, one should first practice on known samples of gold, platinum and palladium, TEST No. 19: For Gold - Au. Spot Test with stannous chloride. 1. Place a piece of filter paper on a clean piece of glass. 2. Place one drop of Test Solution 18 in center of paper. 3. Add one drop freshly prepared stannous chloride solution. ( To prepare solution see article 6, Part One). RESULTS: If gold is present there will be a purple or rose colored spot when paper is dry; color d e p ending on amount of gold present ; the darker the dolor the more Au. Color will show plainer , especially for low grade ores, if let paper dry then add another drop of stannous chloride solution. TEST N o . 20: For Platinum- Pt. with potassium iodide - K1 . 1. Place about 20 drops test solution 18 in evaporating dish. 2. Boil over lamp flame until dry; then just a little longer. 3. Let dish set few minutes to cool so will not break dish. 4. Add 3 or 4 cc plain water; reheat just to boiling. 5. Filter solution into another clean evaporating dish. 6. Add potassium iodide equal to about one grain of rice. 7. Warm solution slightly over lamp flame, watch, for color. RESULTS: If Pt. is present the solution will turn a light or dark rose color, either at once or after set few minutes; the more Pt. present the quicker and darker the color. NOTE. Sulphides or other impurities may sometimes give a red color which may be mistaken for a rose, in which case proceed as follows: boil off say one-half solution to hasten evaporation, then let dish set until dry, then add few drops plain water. RESULTS: If Pt. a bright rose color; if sulphides or other impurities solution will be colorless. This is the most positive test for Pt. If solution appears red, add a few cc's plain water to better see rose color. TEST No. 21: For Palladium - Pd. With Potassium Iodide. NOTE: If in above test for Pt., and upon adding KI and warming (lines 6 and 7), if Pd. present the solution will turn dark colored or black , depending upod'Pd. present; the more Pd. the darker the color. There will also be a black precipitate in bottom of dish, which upon adding an excess of KI will disolve giving a wine-red color. However, the dark solution is the main test for Pd., otherwise a red color means nothing for reasons explained in test 20 for Pt. PART THREE INDIVIDUAL AND CONFIRMATORY TESTS TEST NO. 22: Aluminum - Al. NOTE: Mineral should be light colored, or become so on ignition: MUST BE INFUSIBLE: Test for fusibility first. 1. Place on charcoal piece size of 2 grains of rice. 2. Heat steadily on hottest part of the blowpipe flame. 3. Inspect with lens; note if fused even slightest on edge. RESULTS: If any sign of fusion, test will not apply, as any fusion will turn blue with cobalt nitrate solution. If no sign of fusion, proceed with test: 4. Replace piece of mineral on charcoal. 5. Apply 1 drop of cobalt nitrate solution to assay. 6. Heat in hottest part of blowpipe flame; note results. RESULTS: If assay turns blue indicates Al. but possibly zinc; check Zn. If no Zn. it proves

TEST NO. 22 (contd). Aluminum - Al. presence of aluminum. If no blue by above test, proceed as follows: 7. Powder mineral: dampen with drop cobalt nitrate solution. 8. Heat in hottest part of blowpipe flame. RESULTS: Same as results above. TEST NO. 23: Antimony - Sb. TEST A: Charcoal - No Flux (See Test 11). 1. Place on charcoal small piece about size 2 grains rice. 2. Heat steadily in the Oxidizing Flame of blowpipe. RESULTS: Heavy white volatile sublimate near assay; white smoke; smoke may continue after heating ceased; smoke and sublimate is a positive test for antimony TEST B: Charcoal - With Flux, (See Test 12). 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Mix with "Charcoal Flux" equal to two navy beans. 3. Heat and fuse in the Reducing Flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS: Same as in Test A. (See Test 12 for reason why). TEST No. 24: Arsenic - As. TEST A: Charcoal - No Flux (Some arsenic minerals). 1. Use small piece of mineral size of 2 grains of rice. 2 . P l a c e on charcoal; heat in the Oxidizing Flame. RESULTS: Light white sublimate, some distance from assay; very volatile; GARLIC-LIKE ODOR; positive test. TEST B: Charcoal - With Flux (See Test 12). 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Mix with "Charcoal Flux" equal to large navy bean. 3. Dampen with water; place on charcoal block. 4. Heat and fuse in the Reducing Flame; note results. RESULTS: Same as in Test A. (See Test 12 for reason why). TEST NO. 25: Bismuth - Bi. WITH BISMUTH FLUX: Equal parts potassium iodide and sulphur. 1. Place bismuth flux equal to about a large navy bean in a porcelain evaporating dish. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to about two grains of rice. 3. Dampen to thick paste with a drop of water and place on a charcoal block of gypsum tablet. (Gypsum tablet best for detecting small quantities of bismuth -easier to see). 4. Fuse thoroughly in the reducing flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS: Yellow coating near assay, bright red border. This is most accurate test for even small quantities of Bi. NOTE: This is also a good test for lead which gives a yellow coating near assay -no red border. TEST NO. 26: Cadmium - Cd. TEST: To detect 1% or less of cadmium even with much zinc. (Cadmium is found associated with some zinc ores) 1. Use powdered mineral equal to about two grains of rice. 2. Mix with sodium carbonate equal to about one navy bean. 3. Make into a thick paste with a drop of water. 4. Place on charcoal block and heat steadily in the reducing flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS: Reddish-brown coating near the assay with a blue border; usually iridescent(Peacock) if only a little of the sublimate forms. Sometimes seen best when cold. Note: Zinc being less volatile the white coating of Zn. forms only after continued heating. Check zinc by Test 61. TEST NO. 27: Chromium - Cr. TEST A: With salt of phosphorous bead. Note: For making bead tests see instructions in Part Two. 1. Oxidizing Flame: Dirty-green hpt, emerald green when cold. 2. Reducing Flame: Dirty-green hot, emerald green when cold. TEST B: Where iron, e t c . , interferes with the above test. 1. Place sodium carbonate, equal to one navy bean and same amount of potassium nitrate in an evaporating dish. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to about 2 grains of rice. 3. Mix above thoroughly and dampen with a drop of water. 4. Place on charcoal block and fuse thoroughly with blowpipe. RESULTS: Fusion usually yellow if much chromium present. 5. Place 3 cc of water in a test tube and heat to boiling. 6. Add powdered fusion to water and reheat to boiling. RESULTS: Chromium now in solution (usually yellow). 7. Filter solution into a clean test tube. 8. Add about 6 drops or so of glacial acetic acid. 9. Add a few small crystals of lead acetate. RESULTS: A yellow precipitate if much chromium present. To confirm: Shake tube and filter; let paper dry, then test precipitate with salt of phosphorous bead by Test A. above.

TEST NO. 28: Cobalt - Co. TEST A: Made with either borax or salt of phosphorous beads. 1. Oxidizing Flame : Blue hot, blue cold. 2. Reducing Flame: Blue hot; blue cold. TEST B: Quick test with nitric and hydrochloric acids. 1. Place about 1 cc nitric acid in an evaporating dish. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to about 2 grains of rice. 3. Boil to dry over lamp flame; remove and let dish cool. 4. Add about 1 cc hydrochloric acid; warm dish slightly. RESULTS: A green solution if Co. Confirm by Test A above. TEST No. 29: Columbium - Cb. TEST: With borax fusion, hydrochloric acid and metallic tin. 1. Place borax powder size 2 navy beans in evaporating dish. 2. Add finely powdered mineral equal to about 2 grains rice. 3. Dampen with water, place on charcoal block, or chinaware. 4. Fuse thoroughly in the Reducing Flame of the blowpipe. 5. Turn over and fuse again. A good fusion is necessary. 6. Crush fusion and grind to powder in a porcelain mortar. 7. Place in test tube with 3 cc strong hydrochloric acid. 8. Add a small piece of pure metallic tin (Tinfoil best). 9. Boil until solution changes color; then a little longer. (Add extra tin if necessary to change color of solution). RESULTS: A pale-blue solution if columbium is present. Color may not show up until solution is cold or longer. the colorlor may be brought out plainer if let dish set few minutes then add powdereded metallic zinc equal to about 2 grains rice. NOTE: Tungsten will give a dark-blue solution in this test. To determine if Cb.. or W; Tungsten will give a blue color in Test 3, columbium will not, and thus their identification. TEST NO. 30. Copper - Cu. TEST A: Made in test tube with nitric acid and ammonia. 1. Place about 2 cc strong nitric acid in a clean test tube. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to about 1/2 navy bean. 3. Boil over lamp flame for about a minute or two. RESULTS: A green solution if Cu. (Sometimes if nickel). 4. Add about 4 cc plain water; let set until cool. 5. Add 1 cc strong ammonia; filter into another test tube. RESULTS: A blue solution indicates copper (or nickel). Check nickel by tests 5 and 6; check Cu. by Test -B below. TEST B: Most positive test for small quantities of copper. NOTE: Use small piece charcoal, not regular charcoal block; discard if reaction obtained; can use again if no reaction. 1. Use piece (not powdered mineral) 1/2 size pea, or less. 2. Place on charcoal, heat to redness in oxidizing flame. 3. Moisten mineral with 1 or 2 drops hydrochloric acid. 4. Reheat in either oxidizing or reducing flame of blowpipe. RESULTS: A blue or green-colored flame if copper present. TEST NO. 31: Didymium - Di. NOTE: Didymium is a mixture of neodymium and Praseodymium also associated with cerium and lanthanum. All are valuable. TEST: Borax or salt of phosphorous beads (See instructions). 1. Oxidizing Flame: rose while warm; rose when cold. 2. Reducing Flame: rose while warm; rose when cold.


TEST NO. 32: Fluorine - F. NOTE: Fluorine is not a metallic mineral, but fluorspar -CaF. is not only an important, but also a much needed mineral at the present time; so will be included in these tests. TEST: By the etching of glass (with sulfuric acid). 1. Coat one side of a piece of glass with melted paraffin. 2. With a pointed stick make a number of scratches through the paraffin without scratching the 3. Place some fine powdered mineral in an evaporating dish. (glass 4. Add a little sulphuric acid and mix powder into a paste. 5. Add paste to scratches in paraffin; press lightly to make sure the paste reaches the glass. 6. Let set for an hour or longer. 7. Warm paraffin and remove from glass with a soft cloth. 8. Wash glass with warm water. RESULTS: Hydrofluoric acid produced by the fluorspar eats or etches the glass; inspect with a lens. A positive test.

TEST NO. 33: Germanium - Ge. TEST: Charcoal - no flux. (See Test 11). 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two or three grains rice. 2. Place on charcoal ; heat in Oxidizing Flame. RESULTS: Germanium volatizes; first it gives a pure white coating near the assay; on prolonged heating moves further out, and assumes a greenish or brownish, but mostly a lemon yellow color. When examined with a lens the coating has a glazed or enamel-like appearance. Small fused transparent globules may be seen scattered on charcoal near the assay. TEST: No. 34s Gold - Au. TEST: With aqua regia and stannous chloride (Spot Test). 1. Place powdered ore or concentrates size of pea (or any particles suspected of being gold) in a test tube. 2. Add 1 cc nitric and 3 cc hydrochloride acid (aqua regia). 3. Boil slowly about 5 minutes or longer over lamp flame. 4. Let set until fairly cool, or better until cold, 5. Place a piece of filter paper on a clean piece of glass. 6. Place one drop of above solution in center of paper. 7. Add one drop freshly prepared stannous chloride solution. RESULTS: A dark purple to a pale pink spot if gold present; the darker the color the more gold present. For testing Pt. from same solution see "Second Procedure" Part Two. TEST NO, 35: Iridium - Ir. NOTE: Iridium is usually associated with platinum. TEST: With sodium nitrate and aqua regia. 1. Pick out particles suspected of being Iridium. 2. Place in an evaporating dish. 3. Add sodium nitrate equal to three navy beans. 4. Fuse thoroughly in dish over lamp flame. 5. Add 4 cc of aqua regia. ( 1 nitric;3 hydrochloric acid). RESULTS: Deep red or reddish-black solution if iridium. TEST NO. 36: Iron - Fe. TEST A: Magnetic properties. 1. Powder mineral real fine: test with a strong magnet. RESULTS: If magnet does not pick it up proceed as follows as most iron is not magnetic in its natural state. 2. Place powder on charcoal; heat thoroughly in R . F . RESULTS: Practically all iron ore will now become magnetic and can be removed with a magnet. TEST B: To remove iron from acid solutions. 1. Use powdered mineral equal to one navy bean. 2. Place in test tube with 6 cc dilute nitric acid.(2 cc nitric acid: 4 cc water). 3. Boil for some considerable time; let set until cold. 4. Add 2 cc more water. 5. Add 2 cc strong ammonia. RESULTS: Iron will be precipitated as a brown or red mass; this may be removed from solution by filtering. TEST NO. 37: Lead - Pb. TEST A: On charcoal - with "Charcoal Flux". 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Mix with charcoal flux equal to two navy beans. 3. Make in paste with water; place on charcoal block, 4. Fuse in the Reducing Flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS: A yellow coating on charcoal near the assay; small globules of metallic lead; if globules are not visible in heating, crush and carefully wash off the residue, confirm by Test B. (Bismuth will also give a similar reaction). TEST B: A quick accurate test for lead. 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Place powdered mineral in an evaporating dish. ice. 3. Add 3 drops of strong nitric acid. 4. Let set for about 5 minutes or longer., 5. Add 3 cc of cold water. 6. Add a few small crystals of potassium iodide. RESULTS: A dark yellow precipitate if much lead (Do not mistake a yellow solution for a precipitate). Try on galena. NOTE: If white curdy precipitate - test for silver. TEST NO. 38: Magnesium - Mg. TEST A: For most light-colored Mg. minerals, if infusible. i. Place piece of mineral size 2 grains of rice on charcoal. 2. Heat in hottest part of blowpipe flame - try to fuse.

TEST NO. 38 - Magnesium - Mg. (contd) 3. Examine carefully to see if slightest fusion, if so this test will not apply; if no fusion, proceed as follows. 4. Moisten mineral with drop of cobalt nitrate solution. 5. Reheat in hottest part of blowpipe flame; note results. RESULTS: A faint pink color if a magnesium mineral. TEST B: For any magnesium mineral, regardless of color. 1. Place 3 cc strong hydrochloric acid in a large test tube. 2. Add 2 drops nitric acid, and 6 cc of pure water. 3. Add powdered mineral equal to about one large navy bean. 4. Heat to boiling over lamp flame; let set until cold. 5. When cold add about 2 cc of strong ammonia. 6. Filter solution into another test tube (Mg. in solution). 7. Add ammonium carbonate equal to about two navy beans. 8. Filter into another test tube (Magnesium in solution). 9. Add sodium phosphate powder or crystals size of 1/2 pea. RESULTS: A white crystalline precipitate if magnesium. TEST NO. 39: Manganese - Mn. TEST A: For all black or dark colored manganese ores. 1. Place powdered ore size 1 grain rice in evaporating dish. 2. Add one cc strong hydrochloric acid; heat to boiling. RESULTS: A black to greenish-black solution if manganese TEST B: For any manganese ore regardless of color. 1. Place sodium carbonate size of pea in evaporating dish. 2. Add a few very small specks powdered mineral; very little. 3. Moisten to a thick paste with a drop of water. 4. Place on charcoal; heat in oxidizing flame of blowpipe. RESULTS: A blue or greenish-blue bead if manganese. NOTE: If bead turns black, try again, use less mineral. TEST NO. 40: Mercury - Hg. TEST: By coating on Copper; most positive test for Mercury. NOTE: The main ore of mercury is cinnabar (mercury sulphide). Color: Vermilion-red or scarlet. We test for mercury only when a rock contains or shows some shade of red. 1. Place powdered mineral size of pea in evaporating dish. 2. Add an equal amount of powdered pyrolusite (MnO). 3. Add one cc of strong hydrochloric acid. 4. Heat over lamp flame to boiling; add 2 cc of cold water. 5. Take a copper penny, place in another clean evaporating dish, add 6 drops of water and 6 drops nitric acid; when penny is clean remove and rinse well with clean water. 6. Now take the cleaned penny, hold upright with fingers and immerse the lower half in the solution being tested. RESULTS: Metallic mercury, if present, collects on copper giving it a silver-plated appearance. Very positive test. TEST NO. 41 : Molybdenum - Mo.TEST: For any and all molybdenum ores. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Place Charcoal flux equal to about size of pea in dish. Add powdered mineral equal to about two grains of rice. Mix thoroughly and dampen to paste with drop of water. Place on charcoal block, fuse thoroughly with blowpipe. Remove fusion and crush to powder in a porcelain mortar. Place 3 cc strong hydrochloric acid in clean test tube. Add powdered fusion (5 above) to the acid in test tube. Add a small piece of metallic tin (tinfoil best). Boil over lamp flame slowly until solution changes color; either colorless, red or rose. Let set until cold. RESULTS: A red or rose color if molybdenum present. To determine type or ore, see article 4, Part One. NOTE: Titanium may give similar color; check T i . Test 57. TEST NO. 42: Nickel - Ni. TEST A: To prepare solution for test with dimethylglyoxime. 1. Place 1 cc nitric acid in test tube, add 2 cc water. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to about one navy bean or pea. 3. Boil over lamp flame about 3 minutes or more; let set for few minutes to settle. This is test solution for Tests below. TEST B: Ouick spot test: very positive for all nickel ores. 1. Place a piece of filter paper on a clean piece of glass. 2. Add 1 drop of dimethylglyoxime solution to center paper.

TEST NO. 42: Nickel (contd). - Ni. 3. Add 1 drop test solution (A. above) to center of paper. 4. Add 1 drop of strong ammonia to center of the paper. RESULTS: A red or rose color which will not fade when paper is dry if nickel present. The color, especially for low grade ores, will show plainer if let paper dry, add 1 drop ammonia. NOTE: Some iron ores will also give a red or rose, but will fade out when paper is dry. See Test C. below. TEST C: To remove iron from test solution. 1. Add 2 cc or more strong ammonia to Test Solution A. 2. Filter this solution into another clean test tube. RESULTS: Nickel in solution; iron on paper, discard. 3. Add 6 drops dimethylglyoxime to the filtered solution. RESULTS: A rose-colored precipitate which will settle to bottom of tube after setting for some time; best over night. By using same amount of mineral of known percentage a fairly accurate percentage of the unknown may be estimated. TEST: No. 43: Osmium - Os. TEST: On Charcoal - No Flux. 1. Place particles suspected of being osmium on charcoal. 2. Heat in the Oxidizing Flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS': An exceedingly penetrating and disagreeable odor; fumes attack and smart the eyes much like peeling onions, if osmium present. NOTE: Sulphide ores may give a similar odor. Check sulphides by Test N o . l , Part Two. TEST No. 44: Palladium - Pd. NOTE: See "Second Procedure" Part Two regarding palladium. 1. Place particle, or concentrates size of pea in test tube.2. Add 1 cc nitric and 3 cc hydrochloric acid, (aqua regia). 3. Boil over lamp flame 5 minutes or more, then let settle. 4. Place about 25 drops solution in clean evaporating dish. 5. Boil over lamp flame to dry, then just a little longer. 6. Let dish cool, then add 3 cc water; reheat to boiling. 7. Filter solution into another clean evaporating dish. 8. Add potassium iodide equal to 1 grain rice, or smaller. RESULTS: If Pd. present solution will turn black; also black precipitate which turns red on adding more potassium iodide. TEST NO. 45: Platinum - Pt. NOTE: See "Second Procedure" Part Two regarding platinum. 1. Place particle, or concentrates size of pea in test tube. 2. Add 1 cc nitric and 3 cc hydrochloric acid, (aqua regia). 3. Boil over lamp flame 5 minutes or more, then let settle. 4. Place about 25 drops solution in clean evaporating dish. 5. Boil over lamp flame to dry, then just a little longer. 6. Let dish cool, then add 3 cc water; reheat to boiling. 7. Filter solution into another clean evaporating dish. 8. Add potassium iodide equal to about 1 grain rice, or less. RESULTS: If platinum present, a rose-coloured solution, at once or after dish had set for 30 minutes or more. NOTE: Sulphides may give red color; proceed as follows: 9. Let dish set until dry; add 2 or 3 more drops of plain water RESULTS: A rose-color if Pt.; no red or rose if sulphides. TEST No. 46: Rhodium - Rh. NOTE: See "Second Procedure"Part 2 regarding Pt.minerals. 1. Place potassium Bisulphate size 2 peas in porcelain dish 2. Add particles suspected of being rhodium to above dish. 3. Fuse in dish over lamp flame, let set until dish cool. 4. Add 4 cc aqua regia; boil 5 minutes or longer; let cool. 5. Filter solution into a clean test tube. 6. Add a few drops of pure grain alcohol. RESULTS: A black precipitate if rhodium is present. TEST No. 47: Ruthenium - Ru. NOTE: See "Second Procedure" Part Two regarding Pt.minerals. - 1. Place potassium hydroxide equal to 2 peas, and same amount potassium chlorate in a clean evaporating dish. 2. Add particles of suspected ruthenium to above dish. 3. Fuse in dish over lamp flame for some time; let cool. 4. Add 3 cc hydrochloric acid; boil 5 minutes or more. 5. Let set until cold, then filter into a clean test tube. RESULTS: An orange-colored solution if Ru. is present. 6. Gradually add a little nitric acid - a drop at a t i m e . RESULTS: A black precipitate of Ruthenium is present.

TEST NO. 48 : Selenium - Se. TEST A: On charcoal: Odor ; Sublimate: Flame Color. 1. Place a little mineral on a charcoal block. 2. Heat first in O . F . : note results; then R.F: note results. RESULTS: A: ODOR: very curious odor resembling radishes, or decayed radishes; this odor is so pronounced that a very minute amount of selenium may be detected. B: SUBLIMATE: Brown smoke; a silvery coating some distance from the assay; may have brown or red border. C FLAME COLOR: If coating touched with Reducing Flame, the flame will have a beautiful azure-blue color. TEST B: SPOT TEST: With sodium carbonate and sodium sulphide. 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Place in test tube with 8 drops of strong nitric acid. 3. Heat just to boiling. 4. Add 25 drops of a saturated solution of sodium carbonate. 5. Boil slightly and filter. (Selenium is in the solution). 6. Place a piece of spot paper on a piece of glass. 7. Place 1 drop of above solution in center of spot paper. 8. Add 1 drop of a saturated solution of sodium sulphide. 9. Add 1 drop of strong hydrochloric acid. RESULTS: An orange to red spot if selenium is present. TEST NO. 49: Sulphur - S. NOTE: To find if a mineral is a sulphide. TEST A: On charcoal - No Flux. 1. Place a little powdered mineral on a charcoal block. 2. Heat in O . F . : note results; heat in R . F . : note results. RESULTS: Odor if much sulphur; may. be a blue flame. TEST B: With nitric or hydrochloric acid. 1. Place small amount of powdered mineral in a test tube. 2. Add a little nitric or hydrochloric acid. RESULTS: An odor somewhat resembling rotten eggs. 3. Boil for some t i m e . RESULTS: A yellow or black spongy mass rising to top of t u b e , indicates the mineral contains sulphur. TEST C: Darkens silver after fusion with sodium carbonate. 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Mix with sodium carbonate equal to one navy bean. 3. Dampen with water; fuse on charcoal in Reducing Flame. RESULTS: Note if an odor of sulphur. 4. Crush melt; dampen with drop of water; place on a bright piece of silver; let set one-half hour or longer. RESULTS: A black stain which will not wash off indicates S. NOTE: A very positive test if no T e . or Se. is present. Check tellurium by Test 54, selenium by Test 48. GENERAL INFORMATION ON TESTING SILVER: OR SILVER-LEAD ORES 1.

Silver must be fairly high grade to get a reaction without first concentrating; the best method is to take two or three pounds, pulverize to a fine powder, concentrate in a gold pan to a spoonful or two, then test the concentrates.


Silver and lead are often associated together, both are soluble |in dilute nitric acid, and both are precipitated by adding a chloride, such as hydrochloric acid, salt, e t c . The p r e cipitate is then silver chloride or lead chloride.


Silver precipitates will turn dark on exposure to light; lead precipitates will remain white, usually crystalline.


Silver chloride precipitates are soluble in ammonia, but are not soluble in hot water.


Lead chloride precipitates are soluble in hot water, but are not soluble in ammonia.


Silver chloride precipitates, dissolved in ammonia, may be re-precipitates by adding a few drops of nitric acid.


Lead (Chloride precipitates, dissolved in hot water, may be re-precipitated by adding a few drops of sulphuric acid.


Due to the above characteristics one may determine if the chloride precipitate is silver or lead.


In testing silver or lead ores with dilute nitric acid, the diluting water must be free of chlorine; all water to be used for this purpose should first be tested for chlorine.

TEST NO. 50: TO TEST FOR CHLORINE IN WATER. 1. Place 2 cc of water in a clean test tube. 2. Add 8 or 10 drops of pure concentrated nitric acid. 3. Heat to boiling; let set until cold. 4. Add 1 or 2 drops of silver nitrate solution. RESULTS: A: A curdy, or milky color proves chlorine present in the water, and cannot be used in Test A: in Test 52. B. If no chlorine present, then water may be used in Test A: C: If chlorine present, proceed with test C. Test 52. TEST No. 51: TO DETERMINE IF A MINERAL IS A CHLORIDE. 1. Place powdered mineral size of a pea in a test tube. 2. Add 2 cc of water known to be free of chlorine. 3. Add 6 drops of pure concentrated nitric acid. 4. Boil slightly; let set until cold. 5. When cold add a few drops of silver nitrate solution. RESULTS: A milky color, or curdy mass proves CI is present. TEST NO. 52:. Silver - Ag. TEST A: In dilute nitric acid; precipitated by a chloride. 1. Use powdered mineral (or concentrates) size navy bean. 2. Place in test tube with 1 cc nitric acid; 2 cc water. (Water must be free of chlorine - See Test 50) 3. -Boil for some considerable time to dissolve the silver. 4. Filter; let set until cold. 5. Divide the filtered solution in two test tubes. 6. TUBE #1: Add few drops of hvdrochloric acid (or salt). RESULTS: A: A white precipitate if silver (or lead). ;. ? B: A milky or opal color if very low grade. C. A thick curdy mass if high grade. D. If Ag. will turn dark if exposed to light some time. E: If lead the precipitate will remain white. 7. To further confirm Pb. or Ag. proceed as follows: 8. Let set until all precipitate has settled to bottom. 9. Pour off as much liquid as possible without disturbing the precipitate in bottom of tube. 10. Add 2 cc of water and heat to boiling. RESULTS: A: If lead chloride the precipitate will dissolve. B: If silver chloride the precipitate will not dissolve. C: If does not dissolve, confirm silver as follows: 11. Pour off water without disturbing precipitate. 12. Add 1 cc strong ammonia. Shake tube slightly. RESULTS: If silver, precipitate will now dissolve. 13. Add 2 cc of water. 14. Add 2 drops of nitric acid. RESULTS: The silver will be re-precipitated. TEST TUBE #2: Use this in making Test B. TEST B: SPOT TEST: Using test solution in Tube #2 above. 1. Place a piece of spot paper on a piece of glass. (Squares of common filter paper used for this purpose). -2. To spot paper add 1 drop of test solution (Tube #2). 3. Add 1 drop of hydrochloric acid (or salt water). 4. Add 1 more drop of test solution. RESULTS: If Ag. spot will turn dark after setting awhile. TEST C: If no water free of chlorine for diluting acid. 1. Use powdered mineral (or concentrates) size navy bean. 2. Place in test tube with 2 cc strong nitric acid. 3. Boil for some considerable time to dissolve the silver. 4. In another test tube place 2 cc of chlorine water. 5. Filter the nitric acid solution containing the silver into the second tube containing the chlorine water. RESULTS: The same as in Test A; a white precipitate if Ag. (or P b . ) . Proceed as in last half of Test A to determine if silver or lead; however the fact that silver precipitates will turn dark on exposure to light is usually sufficient.


53: Tantalum - T a .

General Information Tantalite is the main ore of tantalum; columbite is the main ore of columbium; each contains both elements; if either one present it should always be assayed for both. If an ore contains more tantalum than columbium it is called tantalite; if more columbium than tantalum it is called c o l umbite. Both look just like common black or brown iron ore; no doubt much overlooked for this reason - only a chemical test will tell. Both ores are exceedingly heavy; columbite, specific gravity, 5.5 to 7; tantalite 6 . 5 to 7 . 3 . (common iron ores usually less than 5). All heavy iron-looking rocks should be tested. For columbium see Test 29. The following tests will show a reaction for either one or both. Tantalite, if pure might: contain as high as 86% tantalum pentoxide; the balance made up of various percentages of columbium, iron, manganese and other impurities. Tantalite and columbite are usually found in pegmatite formations associated with feldspar and mica. TESTS 1. Use powdered mineral equal to about two grains of rice. 2. Mix with potassium pyrosulphate equal to large navy bean. 3. Place on piece broken plate. (May be on charcoal but it sinks in badly and thus hard to remove after fusing). 4. Fuse in reducing flame of blowpipe until fusion stops, then turn over and fuse until assay turns 5. Pulverize fusion in porcelain mortar (to use later on). (dark. 6. Place one or two cc of water in a clean test tube. 7. Add tannic acid powder about size of two grains of rice. 8. Shake well until all the powder has been dissolved. 9. Add 6 drops of strong sulphuric acid. (Shake to mix). 10. Now add the powdered fusion ( 5 above). 11. Heat, just to boiling; let set until cold. RESULTS: A yellow or orange precipitate if much tantalum or columbium present, NOTE: Iron and some other elements may give similar precipitate; proceed as follows. 12. Let set until precipitate has settled to bottom of tube. RESULTS: Almost a colorless solution unless much iron or other impurities present, then may be yellow solution. 13. Shake tube and pour solution and precipitate into a clean evaporating dish; rinse tube with little water into dish. 14. Place dish over lamp flame and boil just to dry. 15. Add 2 cc strong hydrochloric acid; boil for short t i m e . 16. Add 1 or 2 small pieces of tinfoil; boil until solution changes color - colorless or blue. RESULTS: A blue solution indicates columbium or tantalum. Color may or may not show up until solution is cold or longer; may show plainer by adding a very little powdered zinc. ' NOTE: Tungsten will also give blue solution in this test, but no yellow or orange precipitate as in results 11 above. Confirm tungsten by Test 3, "Method of Procedure", Part Two. TEST NO. 54: tellurium - T e . NOTE: Telluriumis the only element in which gold is found in chemical combination in nature, in which case an ore may be rich in gold, yet none visible, either in the rock or in the concentrates in a gold pan. Also found in silver and in bismuth ores. Any ore containing tellurium should a l ways be tested for all 3 elements. See "Second Procedure" Part Two. TEST A: In evaporating dish with hydrochloric acid and tin. 1. Place powdered mineral size 1/2 pea in evaporating dish, 2. Add 2 cc strong hydrochloric acid. 3. Boil for about a minute or so over the lamp flame. 4. Add a small piece of metallic tin (tinfoil best). RESULTS: If tellurium is present the solution will turn dark or black, depending on the amount of tellurium present; the darker the color the more tellurium. NOTE: Remember to watch for dark solution, not merely dark coating on tin. TEST B: In evaporating dish with contentrated sulphuric acid. 1. Place powdered mineral equal to 2 grains rice in dish. 2. Add about 2 or 3 drops of concentrated sulphuric acid. 3. Heat over lamp flame until white fumes start to appear. 4. Remove from flame and rotate dish to spread the acid.__ RESULTS: A bright red color if T e . present, either while hot or upon cooling. Very positive test. If but little T e . just small red specks; disappear on cooling; watch closely. TEST NO. 55: Thallium - T l . NOTE: There are but two known ores of thallium: Crooksite - containing Tl, Se, Cu, Ag. Color, lead-gray; hardness, 2.5 to 3 (very soft). Specific gravity, 6.9 (extra heavy and Lorandite - containing Tl, As, and S. Color, carmine-red; hardness 2 to 2. 5 (soft). Specific gravity 5.5 (heavy). NOTE: The average iron ore is usually less than 5.

TEST NO. 55: Thallium - T l .


TEST A: On Charcoal - No flux. 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Place powdered mineral on one end of a charcoal block. 3. Heat in the Reducing Flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS: A slight white coating; an INTENSE GREEN FLAME. NOTE: Tellurium and some copper ores will also give a green flame; check T e . by Tests 54-A and B; Check Cu. by Test 30-A. TEST B: On Charcoal - with Bismuth Flux. BISMUTH FLUX: Equal parts of potassium iodide and sulphur. 1. Use powdered mineral equal to two grains of rice. 2. Mix with bismuth flux equal to a large navy bean. 3. Dampen with a drop of water and place on charcoal block. 4. Heat in the Oxidizing Flame of the blowpipe. RESULTS: A yellow-green coating; an intense green flame, NOTE: Lead iodide similar - but no green flame. TEST NO. 56: Tin - Sn. Tin is never found in the metallic state in nature, but is obtained by smelting certain ores in which the tin occurs as oxides or sulphides. While there are several ores in which tin may occur in commercial quantities, cassiterite (SnO) is the most important. It is usually black or red, much resembling common iron ores, but may be white, yellow or green, in which it may be mistaken for common rock. It may be found in placer form, in which it usually occurs in fairly pure nodules or nuggets, or in lode form in small veins or specks in the rock. Usully found in some form of granite, rhyolite or pegmatite. Specific gravity around 7 when pure, and may contain up to 76 per cent tin dioxide (Sn02). Tin,' if present in any rock, even in small quantities, will be detected by the following tests. TEST A: Most positive test for all tin ores. Test made in evaporating dish with cacothelin and metallic 1. Place powdered ore size 2 grains rice in evaporating dish. * (zinc. 2. Add same amount of powdered zinc; shake dish to mix. 3. Add 8 or 10 drops hydrochloric acid (this is Test Solution). 4. Place 2 or 3 drops of above Test Solution in another dish. 5. Add 1 or 2 drops of cacothelin solution. RESULTS: A purple or lavender colored solution if tin is present; exact color hard to describe but very characteristic and easily remembered if once seen, and for this purpose one should first practice on a known sample of tin ore. NOTE: This test may be made semi-quantitative, to the extent of telling if ore is poor, fair, or good by Test B below. However, Test B would not be made unless at least a slight tin reaction is obtained in Test A above, as some other elements may give a somewhat similar reaction, thus deceiving. TEST B: Spot Test. A semi-quantitative test for tin ores. 1. Place a piece of filter paper on a clean piece of glass. 2. Add 1 drop of cacothelin solution to center of paper. 3. Add 1 drop of Test Solution from dish prepared for Test A. RESULTS: A purple or lavender spot if Sn. present. The brighter the color and more surface covered the more Sn.; from a very dim small spot for a trace of very low grade ore, up to a . bright spot at least the size of a dime for high grade or commercial tin ores. By using the same amount of material and comparing with a sample of known percentage a fairly accurate percentage of the unknown may be estimated. TEST C: By coating of metallic tin on cassiterite nodules. 1. Place nodule or tin ore at least size of pea in test tube. 2. Add an equal amount of powdered zinc or zinc metal. 3. Add, very slowly, about 2 cc of strong hydrochloric acid. 4. Let set few minutes, remove nodule and rinse with water. RESULTS: The nodule will have a silver-white coating of metallic tin; will become brighter if rubbed with soft cloth. NOTE: This test is not as accurate as Test A, but can be made if you do not have cacothelin; always make Test A if possible. TEST NO.

57: Titanium - T i .

NOTES 1. There is a little titanium found in a great many minerals but only a few in which it is found in commercial amounts. 2. ORES: Rutile, ilmenite, titanite, are the most important; one should have a specimen of each of these for comparison; if an unknown ore resembles one of these, and shows a good reaction in Test A, then it may pay to have it assayed for titanium; especially if there is a fairly large deposit. 3. Hydrogen peroxide loses its strength and becomes stale if exposed to air for some time; bottle should always be kept tightly closed when not in use.


57: Titanium - T i .


TEST A: For all Commercial Ores. 1. Place sodium carbonate equal to about large navy bean, or size of pea, in an evaporating dish. 2. Add potassium nitrate about 1/2 amount of above. 3. Add powdered mineral size 2 grains rice; mix all well. 4. Dampen with drop water; place on charcoal or chinaware. 5. Fuse thoroughly in Reducing Flame of the blowpipe. (When fusion stops, turn over and fuse some more). 6. Crush and powder fusion in a porcelain mortar. * ** * 7. Place in test tube with 3 cc strong hydrochloric acid. 8. Add 2 or 3 small pieces of pure test tin. 9. Boil until solution becomes colorless (or lavender). RESULTS: A. A lavender colored solution if T i . ; darker the color the more T i . (Color seen best when solution cold). B: If molybdenum, a somewhat similar color, but more of a red or rose; further tests will determine. 10. When cold add an equal amount of cold water. 11. Add 5 or 6 drops of fresh hydrogen peroxide. RESULTS: A: If much titanium a bright red band on top of solution. B: A green band will appear under the red band. C. After setting for some t i m e , green band will widen and settle, and change to a yellowish or amber color. D: If molybdenum (either MoS of MoPb) there will be no red or green band, but a colorless band, which will gradually settle until all the solution becomes colorless. TEST B: To detect small amount of T i . in other minerals. 1. Proceed as in Test A; from 1 to 6 ( Note * **,*) 2. Now place 1 cc of water in a test tube. 3. Add 1 cc of strong sulphuric acid. 4. Add powdered fused mineral; boil until clear. 5. Add 2 cc more water. 6. Let set until solution is cold. 7. Add 4 or 5 drops of fresh hydrogen peroxide. RESULTS: A yellow or orange colored ring on top of solution; the darker the color the more titanium is present. TEST NO. 58: Tungsten - W. General Information There are 4 main ores of tungsten : wolframite, ferberite and hubnerite, each containing up to 75 per cent tungstentrioxide, and scheelite containing up to 80 per cent tungsten trioxide. The first three are all dark colored ores, much resembling common black iron ores. Scheelite is usually white or yellow, much resembling common quartz, barite or calcite, or may be green if associated with copper ores. All may be quickly and accurately identified as tungsten ores by the one test given below. TEST: In evaporating dish with hydrochloric acid and tin. 1. Place powdered ore size 2 grains rice in evaporating dish. 2. Add about 2 cc of strong hydrochloric acid. 3. Add a small piece of pure metallic tin (tinfoil best). 4. Boil over lamp flame until solution changes color, then a little longer, but do not boil to dry. (See Note 1 below). RESULTS A: A blue stain on dish and blue solution if W. is present. NOTE: This test is semi-quantitative, indicating if ore is good, fair or poor, by the following reactions. B: If good ore t h e solution will turn dark blue while boiling. C: If fair ore there will be a blue stain on dish and the solution will turn blue after setting for a few minutes. D: A small blue ring or specks on dish, but the solution will not turn blue after setting, very poor or low grade ore. E: Some tungsten, especially the black ores, due to iron and other impurities, the solution may first be red, but will gradually turn blue after setting for some t i m e . In this case the ore may be high grade even though the solution does not turn blue until after setting for some t i m e . F: Some molybdenum ores, such as MoO or MoPb may also give a blue or greenish-blue in color or specks on dish, but in this case the solution will turn red or rose instead of blue after setting a short time, thus distinguishing from W. G: If the solution turns black on adding tin and heating it indicates tellurium is present. Confirm by test No. 54.

TEST NO. 58 - TUNGSTEN - W. NOTES: 1. When any powdered mineral containing much iron is added to hydrochloric acid, the solution will usually turn yellow, brown or red, but upon boiling with metallic tin the solution will a l ways turn colorless before the blue of tungsten shows up; so always boil until solution turns clear, then a little longer in making all tests. In some cases it may be necessary to add more acid and tin to bring about the color change. 2. Testing samples: Pure tungsten ores are seldom found in commercial quantities, but usually occur as large or small particles in other rocks containing less than 10% tungsten; 2% tungsten ore is considered good if found in large quantities. For these reasons one should always powder up several small rocks, or pick out the black or brown particles suspected of being black tungsten ores, or light colored particles suspected of being scheelite for testing purposes. TEST NO. 59: Uranium - U. The "Key" to Prospecting for Uranium Ores In this work we are interested only in commercial uranium ores - those which may be mined for their uranium contents. Uranium may be found in some 150 or more different rocks, but only a half dozen or so which have any commercial value as uranium ores. These may be black, red, brown, green, e t c . , but in practically every case will show some form of yellow which is the "Key" to hunting uranium. This may be the natural color of the rock itself, as with carnotite, but usually occurs as a soft yellow coating, much resembling common sulphur, either on the surface or in cracks or seams when the rock is freshly broken, and may be in large spots or in small specks, so watch closely. While you may find many yellow rocks which do not contain uranium, you will seldom find a c o m m ercial uranium ore without some yellow as explained above, and thus furnish a valuable "clue" as to what rocks to pick up and test for uranium. NOTE: This coating is sometimes very soft and easily r e moved, and for this reason may not show up on the surface of rocks exposed to the weather. TEST A: With Salt of Phosphorous Bead ( See Part Two) 1. In oxidizing Flame: Yellow hot, yellowish-green cold. 2. In Reducing Flame: green hot; green cold. NOTE: The following elements may sometimes give a similar color. A. Chromium: confirm by Test No. 27. B. Molybdenum; confirm by Test No. 41. C. Vanadium; confirm by Test No. 60. NOTE: U. is often present in V. ores, so if V. present always also assay for uranium. . D. Iron: can usually be eliminated from powdered minerals with a Magnet for Test A. but not necessary for Test B below. E. Confirm uranium by Test B below - most positive test. TEST B: With Aqua Regia, Ammonium Carbonate, Potassium Ferrocyanide. NOTE: First prepare the last two solutions above, as follows: A. Place ammonium carbonate size of pea in test tube and add 2 cc plain water; shake to dissolve; let set until needed below. B; Place potassium ferrocyanide size 1/2 pea in test tube and add 1 cc water; shake to dissolve; let set until needed below. 1. Place 10 drops of strong nitric acid in clean evaporating dish. 2. Add 30 drops of strong hydrochloric acid, (this is aqua regia)., 3. Add powdered mineral equal to about 3 grains of rice. 4. Boil over lamp flame until perfectly dry; remove; let cool. 5. Add the 2 cc of ammonium carbonate; reheat just to boiling. 6. Filter into another evaporating dish (uranium in solution). •NOTE: If filter paper is over 2", fold and trim off the top with scissors, or it will absorb too much of the solution. 7. Add 2 drops of hydrochloric acid (this is Test Solution). 8. Place 2 drops of Test Solution in another clean evaporating dish. 9. Add 1 or 2 drops of potassium ferrocyanide solution, RESULTS: A pink, brown, or dark red solution if uranium present. NOTE: This test is semi-quantitative to extent of telling if our ore is poor, fair or good; a faint pink solution if very low grade; a brown solution if fair grade; a red solution if high grade. TEST NO. 60: Vanadium - V. TEST A: With Salt or Phosphorous Bead. See Test No. 17. NOTE: Some other elements such as chromium, molybdenum, iron, and uranium may give similar beads; confirm V. by tests below. TEST B: A quick test for most all vanadium ores. 1. Place powdered mineral size 2 or 3 grains of rice in dish, 2. Add 4 or 5 drops of strong (not dilute) hydrochloric acid. RESULTS: If V. a red or brown solution; will turn green if let set for a few minutes. Confirm V. as follows. 3. Add 1 or 2 drops cold water: red-brown color will leave. 4. Add 1 or 2 drops fresh hydrogen peroxide; red color will reappear, but lighter than first. Confirm by Test C next page.

TEST NO. 60: Vanadium - V .


TEST C: Test for all Vanadium Ores, especially for low grade. 1. Place in dish sodium carbonate equal to 1 navy bean, and potassium nitrate equal to 1/2 navy bean; mix thoroughly. 2. Add powdered mineral size 2 grains rice; mix thoroughly. 3. Dampen with drop of water; place on charcoal block; fuse well with blowpipe; remove and powder fusion. 4. Place 2 cc water in a test tube; add powdered fusion and heat to boiling. Vanadium, if present, now in solution. 5. Filter solution into a clean test tube. 6. Add 4 or 5 drops of strong hydrochloric acid. 7. Let set until solution is cold. (The colder the better). 8. When cold, add 2 or 3 drops of fresh hydrogen peroxide. RESULTS: A bright red solution, or a red band at top of the solution if vanadium is present. Very positive test. TEST No. 61: Zinc - Zn.


TEST A: On Charcoal - With Flux. See Part Two. 1. Place charcoal flux equal to 1 large navy bean in dish. 2. Add powdered mineral equal to 2 grains rice; mix well. 3. Make paste with drop of water; place on charcoal block. 4. Fuse thoroughly in the Reducing Flame with the blowpipe. RESULTS: White coating near assay; narrow blue border. 5. Place 1 drop cobalt nitrate solution on white coating. 6. Reheat assay steadily in rather broad Reducing Flame. RESULTS: Bluish-green coating if Zn; seen best when cold. NOTE: Tin somewhat similar. Confirm Zinc by Test B below. TEST B: In test tube with Ammonia and Sodium Sulfide. 1. Place 1 cc strong hydrochloric acid in a clean test tube. 2. Add 1 drop of strong nitric acid. 3. Add powdered mineral equal to 2 or 3 grains of rice. 4. Heat slowly just to boiling; let set for a few minutes. 5. Add 2 cc cold water; let set until solution cold. 6. Add 2 cc strong ammonia (Be sure solution is cold). 7. Filter into another test tube. (Zinc is now in solution). 8. Add 2 or 3 drops of sodium sulfide solution. RESULTS: Throws down white curdy precipitate if zinc present.

The End.

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