Yorkshire Gold

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Yorkshire Gold

Yorkshire and Humber’s Strategy for Seizing the Opportunities of the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games Secretariat Yorkshire Culture, Round Foundry Media Centre, Foundry Street, Leeds LS11 5QP Telephone 0870 420 2484 www.yorkshire-culture.co.uk/yc2012games

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Foreword What a thrill it was to be a part of Yorkshire and Humber’s ‘Back the Bid’ campaign to see London win the right to host the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. It is a wonderful feeling to know that in under seven years we would be witnessing the world’s biggest sporting event on home soil. It really is a fantastic once in a lifetime opportunity for the whole of the UK to have the Games in London in 2012 which is why it is an immense privilege for us to have the chance to help the Yorkshire and Humber region capitalise on this opportunity. Yorkshire is a region of great sporting heritage. Sport matters so much to us it’s fair to say that sport is engrained in the DNA of the region; our identity has been formed through sport. Whether it be the steel workers and miners of South Yorkshire who went on to form the first Football League clubs or the early exponents of cricket who went on to form the Yorkshire County Cricket Club, the Corinthian spirit of honesty, endeavour and fairness still informs our thinking to this day. In recent years we have seen the region become a hotbed of adventure and extreme sports. Our superb facilities and natural environment of coastline and national parks act as a magnet for thousands of thrill seekers, athletes and day trippers alike.

come. The Games will also help bring the nation together in celebration of the Olympic spirit and in celebration of the world coming to the UK. As a region though, we need to do more. We were a vocal and enthusiastic supporter of the London bid and we have built upon those ties both within and without the region to begin to lay the foundations of a cohesive regional response. We must seize this chance to make the Games work for us. The aims of this Strategy are to increase the region’s participation in sport and physical activity, to connect local communities to teams and nations across the world, to improve the region’s status as a cultural and tourist destination and to ensure our businesses have the best chance to win some of the thousands of contracts on offer. With this document we begin to map the process of how we achieve our goals, aligning our existing targets and priorities alongside those of our contemporaries and partner organisations. We have a lot of work to do to make sure we are positioned to capitalise on this opportunity and we look forward to working with you all to sustaining a legacy as a result of the 2012 Games.

The great strength of the region is, and has always been, our people. We have a strong mix of skills ranging from artists to industrialists, from scientists to entrepreneurs. This, twinned with our passion, diversity and pride, is what makes Yorkshire special. The measure of success for Yorkshire and Humber will not only be realised in Gold, Silver or Bronze, but in the depth of the legacy of the Games. How they affect our people, communities and businesses. We cannot do this by merely continuing to plough our own individual furrows - our agencies, authorities and companies have converged to form the Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games. But we must raise the bar once again to take the project on to the next level if we are to truly reap the benefits of the Games. It is already recognised that the Games will have a positive effect on London, regenerating East London and creating world class stadia and facilities that will nurture and support generations of athletes to

Peter Box Chair Yorkshire and Humber Assembly

Martin Havenhand Executive Chair Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games

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Lighting the torch



This Strategy starts with the finish in mind. For Yorkshire and Humber, the true test of success is securing a legacy of tangible outcomes that enhance the region’s well being and prosperity. That translates into better sports facilities enjoyed by diverse and inclusive communities. To growing businesses, and a population that is fitter, healthier and happier. To active young people eager to make the most of their lives.

The region has much to build on. Assets like the first rate sports facilities in Sheffield, further enhanced after hosting the 1991 World Student Games, spring to the fore. And an audit in 2005 concluded that the region has 63 international standard facilities covering the majority of Olympic Games and Paralympic Games disciplines. These are spread across the region, especially in the cities. Yorkshire and Humber’s geography and environment is itself a major advantage. We have a concentration of some of the biggest cities in the UK close to the most extensive area of National Parks in England. This combination is a distinctive plus.


This Strategy is about how Yorkshire and Humber can make the most of the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in London. We believe the Games present huge opportunities for this region as well as the nation. Yorkshire and Humber is determined to play its part in making the 2012 Games a resounding success, and to derive real benefits from them before, during and long after the event itself.



The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are a festival of sport and culture. They are so much more besides. From their beginnings in ancient Greece, the Olympic Games have been about the society they are rooted in and shared values and aspirations. Think of the Olympic ethos and we think of endeavour, ambition, excellence, fair play and teamwork. The balance of body, will and mind, as the Olympic charter puts it. We think of the world coming together in a carnival that sees no divides of colour, creed or faith. We think of athletes who are role models of seeing and realising their full potential. All of these values are as relevant to individuals, communities and businesses as they are to sport.

This region was vocal and enthusiastic in its support of London’s bid to host the Games. Our enthusiasm burns even brighter now, and the region has set up a high level Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games, chaired by Martin Havenhand, and bringing together leaders from key organisations and major cities. The group has led the production of this document to chart the way forward, to agree clear and meaningful outcomes, and to coordinate activity.

3 For Yorkshire and Humber the 2012 Games can stimulate direct benefits – like tourism, business opportunities, or simply enjoying sport at every level. We believe it can also inspire long term gains that are about culture, confidence and aspirations. The gold medal for our region is to make the most of this once in a lifetime opportunity, and to use the talents of a vast spectrum of people, public agencies and businesses to shape and deliver a better region. This is a genuine opportunity for ‘Team Yorkshire and Humber’ to work together and win together.

5 Delivering Yorkshire Gold will be about building on, refining and extending existing plans and one of its principle approaches will be to forge new and dynamic cross Strategy and cross agency activity stimulated by the added impetus of London 2012. Yorkshire Gold will be about changing the pace and creating a new context for activity in the region. In keeping with this approach we will not only look to align multiple resources for its delivery but look to new business models and approaches utilising a mix of private and public sector resources. Yorkshire Gold is about using the inspiration of the 2012 Games to develop new ways of working.



We see five Golden Opportunities to achieve these outcomes through activity in the region before, during and after the 2012 Games. These map closely with existing regional goals and plans and with national objectives (see annex). All five will be closely linked and integrated, as very often an activity in one is connected to an outcome in another.

Legacy is captured in the long term outcomes that front every section. Engaging young people and communities of every background is a touchstone throughout. And the quest for excellence will be made real in the way we implement every action.

9 The next section shows how we will progress these Opportunities, including actions and responsibilities. The region’s integrated approach will support sustainable development. Everything we do will be hallmarked by quality, have an eye to the future, and show that good environmental practice is part and parcel of creating wealth and well being. This is summed up in three Guiding Principles that run right through what we will do: • Ambition – inspire people to see and attain their full potential • Inclusion & Diversity – reach and bring together all of our communities • Legacy – deliver lasting social, economic and environmental benefits

11 This Strategy covers 2007 to 2017 – five years either side of the 2012 Games. It reflects the need to prepare from the word go and the desire to secure benefits that burn bright for many years after the closing ceremony fireworks have faded. The time span covers two full four year Olympiad cycles and these are important milestones in the Strategy.

12 The region’s approach to 2012 will be animated through ongoing press, media and wider communications activity. In keeping with our overall approach this we will support the wider ambitions of the Games but focus on the benefits and activities for the region in line with the outcomes of this Strategy. A key element of this approach will be to establish a regional Ambassadors programme utilising high profile individuals from across the five Strategy areas. The region’s approach supports the London Games and the Olympic ethos. We are wholeheartedly behind making the 2012 Games a triumph. And the more successful the Games, the greater the benefits for our region will be. Just as for sportsmen and women, we will get out as much as we put in. With determination, planning, and perspiration, Yorkshire and Humber can reap real rewards and make the London Games our Games too.

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I am delighted to see that Yorkshire is making the most of this opportunity and is already planning to ensure it achieves strong legacy benefits that will last long after the 2012 Games are finished. I urge you to continue to be vociferous in your support in the run up to the 2012 Games. Sebastian Coe Chairman of The London Organising Committee for the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games

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1 Putting Sport Centre stage 2 Healthy and Cohesive Communities 3 A Carnival of Culture 4 Enhanced Profile and Tourist Potential 5 Winners in Business

We see five Golden Opportunities to achieve these outcomes.

Well being and Wealth

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Putting Sport Centre Stage Outcomes – Increased participation in sport and active recreation, especially amongst those who currently do least – More successful athletes in and from Yorkshire and Humber

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15 The right facilities for sport are essential at all levels. They include school sports halls, leisure centres, and venues for elite and professional sport. The regional position is mixed. On the plus side, an audit of facilities pointed to 63 facilities that meet international standards in the region covering 27 of the 38 Olympic and 16 of the 20 Paralympic disciplines. For professional sports, the region has quality venues that attract international cricket and rugby league matches to Leeds, Hull and Huddersfield, and which host professional ice hockey and basketball teams in Sheffield. However it lacks world class football stadia that attract the same level of competition. This is most likely to be an issue if it prevents the region staging major events and developing a strong sporting profile.



The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are the biggest celebration of sport on the planet. All this will create a huge buzz, not just in London but across the nation. Sport will be centre stage and will attract many people’s attention in an unprecedented way. There is a huge opportunity to use this interest in sport – around the Games themselves, but also in the build up to them – to encourage people to do more sport and active recreation.

There is a widely held view that despite some welcome improvements, the overall stock of local public sports facilities is in decline. The region needs to upgrade facilities to coincide with and support the promotion of sport and active recreation in the run up to 2012. Resourceful courses of action will make best use of limited resources and apply local good practice (e.g. community use of school facilities linked to Building Schools for the Future). Sport England will lead delivery working with local authorities, as well as sports clubs and the private sector who also make important contributions to the facilities and provision in place.

14 Physical activity of any kind can have big health benefits, both mental and physical. More people enjoying sport is a good thing in itself, and has a crucial role to play in the drive towards a more active region. The Yorkshire Plan for Sport provides the foundation and there is scope to escalate both action and benefits reaped. The Plan is about children and young people, adults, and elite competitors alike and covers sport and active recreation. This is important as informal activities like walking and cycling attract most participants and offer easy routes into activity that complement the opportunities a panoply of sports clubs provide. Sports not included in the Olympic and Paralympic Games, such as adventure sports, rugby league and notably cricket – which has special resonance and cross cultural interest in Yorkshire – have a key role too. The same can be said for dance, which can attract people who are not so interested in sport, including many from groups who currently do least physical activity (e.g. women, young people, over 50s, people with disabilities, certain ethnic and faith groups).

Physical activity of any kind can have big health benefits, both mental and physical. Delivery Table A Key areas of action and the lead responsibilities for them


Sport & Physical Activity Opportunity

Overall Lead: Sport England Yorkshire


Strategy Link

i) Enhance sports facilities and access to them

Sport England Yorkshire (SEY)

Yorkshire Plan for Sport + MES1

ii) Enhance people based skills/capacities that support sport and physical activity coaching, teaching, volunteering, etc.


Yorkshire Plan for Sport

iii) Support development of clubs and activities and delivery systems for sports and physical activity


Yorkshire Plan for Sport

iv) Promote and market sport and active recreation, especially to under represented groups


Yorkshire Plan for Sport + ‘Active Living’

v) Develop sporting talent in the region


Yorkshire Plan for Sport

vi) Establish appropriate mechanisms and resources to secure and deliver high quality Pre-Games Training Camps.


MES/Strategic Framework for the Visitor Economy

Action 2007 start and ongoing unless stated

17 Organised sport and some forms of active recreation depend on having enough people with the skills, capacities and interest to run clubs, leagues and classes; to teach sport in schools; and to coach promising and talented performers. Volunteers are essential and getting the very best coaches is central to attracting competitors to train here. It is estimated that the region has over 500,000 active volunteers and coaches, but more are needed. Sport England will lead on working with all the relevant parties to get yet more people involved and to enhance the skills and availability of sports volunteers, teachers and coaches. Volunteers can come from all parts of the community, for instance including people involved in things like helping out a children’s football team or running a disability sports club. This also represents a large and diverse pool of talent and energy to tap into in the wider work on volunteering. 1A

Major Events Strategy for Yorkshire, prepared by MJA Matchpoint, August 2005

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18 Connection between people who want to be active and the facilities that allow them to be isn’t automatic. Often ‘delivery systems’ are needed to join them up – such as planned activities and clubs and the resources to support them. Better delivery systems will mean more people are more active. Research shows that the chance to try out a wide range of activities helps people find ones they like or do well at. This in turn can lead to higher levels of participation and performance. So systems will be planned to allow people, and especially children, to have a go at many different types of sport and active recreation, even if their school or club doesn’t have the facilities itself.

19 Work to reach communities who do least physical activity – such as older people, women and some BAME* communities – also has a key role. Religious and cultural codes and peer pressures can affect participation, so working with faith groups to create positive messages and appropriate opportunities is important. The potential of particular sports and activities to attract diverse groups will be exploited. Those that appeal to people of different genders, cultures, ages and physicalities and allow them to play together will have special value for widening participation and community cohesion.

20 Participation in sport and physical activity across the region is not high enough, with only a minority doing the recommended minimum of 5 sessions of 30 minutes or more a week. There is a far higher ‘drop off’ in young people being active after they reach 16 than in other countries. Tackling this is critical given the need to reverse an upward spiral in obesity, and to realise the region’s ambition for its young people to be fit, active and healthy. More and more people (and especially young people) appear to make lifestyle choices based on factors like peer pressure and advertising. So facilities and activities that allow people to be active are not enough. The desire to actually use them is all important.

21 Much stronger promotion and marketing of sport and physical activity is needed to generate positive attitudes that will prompt people to enjoy more sport and active recreation/lifestyles. The benefits of being active need to be as widely appreciated as those of quitting smoking or adopting a healthy diet. There have been some trial campaigns in the region and beyond. Strong promotion that builds on these is required.

* ‘BAME’ refers to Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Communities

This will include work on sport and active recreation championed by Sport England in partnership with local authorities and the health sector, and coordinated with wider work on active lifestyles. Promotion is not just about advertising. Creating interest and excitement in sport, for instance through media stories and links between top sportspeople and schools has a big role to play. Experience in Australia suggested physical activity increased before the 2000 Games but fell afterwards. Hence there will be focus on not only boosting activity rates in the run up to 2012, but sustaining changes in lifestyles afterwards.

22 Supporting elite athletes is a task that will be led nationally, and which the region can support. Yorkshire and Humber will do more to nurture our talented athletes and to help them reach the very top levels. We are keen to attract more elite athletes to train here too. Achieving this is rooted in having top coaches and good sports equipment/facilities. Excellent relationships with National Governing Bodies are a big plus, as is location of their centres of excellence within the region. The dividends of having elite competitors in or from the region go beyond their sporting merits. They include capturing the attention of schools and the media (e.g. based on Olympic/Paralympic competitors training here), widening public interest in sport, and building a profile of Yorkshire and Humber as a sporting and successful region.

23 ‘Active Living’, the region’s Physical Activity Framework aims to increase co-ordination, capacity and commitment between organisations to create conditions that will encourage more people to be more physically active more often. It takes a ‘whole systems approach’ to interventions that supports the focus of this Golden Opportunity on sport and active recreation as well as wider physical activity covered in the next section on Communities.

24 This section covers the Sports and Youth priorities of the 2012 Games. It links to other parts of this Strategy including hosting Pre-Games Training Camps and major events in the Tourism section, whilst sport and active recreation will also deliver Community outcomes including better health.

Harrison Brown from Halifax 2012 Gold Medallist?

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Healthy and Cohesive Communities Outcome – Active, healthier and inclusive communities with bright prospects for the future

Golden opportunity

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We want to make physical activity appeal to a wider population, especially children and young people Delivery Table B


Key areas of action and the lead responsibilities for them

More active lifestyles and increased participation in active recreation are crucial to getting the region more active. Only by focusing on these areas are we likely to engage the least active and sedentary. Walking, cycling and swimming attract more participants than even the most popular participation sports (e.g. football) and are things people can do without having to join a club, find somebody to play with or make a booking. Local environments have a particularly big influence on how far people walk or cycle. Good footpaths and cycling routes and facilities can prompt more people to walk or ride rather than use the car – with transport, environmental and health benefits. Likewise ‘safe routes to school’ can help reduce ‘school run’ traffic and encourage more children and young people to walk or cycle as part of their everyday lives.


Communities Opportunity

Overall Lead: Local Government Yorkshire and Humber


Strategy Link

i) Manage local environments to encourage physical activity (e.g. cycling, walking, swimming, active play)

Local authorities

Local plans/ frameworks

ii) Develop and roll out pilot projects that enhance children’s learning by exploiting interest in sport (e.g. applying good practice in teaching methods and lesson content that motivates children to learn and perform well)


Regional Economic Strategy (RES)

iii) Use sport, local sports teams and international links (e.g. training camps) to promote community engagement and cohesion

Local authorities + sports clubs

RES + local plans/ frameworks

iv) Enhance capacity and skills within the health sector to increase the incidence and effectiveness of physical activity interventions and to promote healthy workplaces.

Health Sector

Active Living + RES

v) Establish a Yorkshire Volunteers Programme


Local frameworks +MES

vi) Use the Physical Activity Framework to drive progress towards a more physically active community

Regional Physical Activity Board

Active Living

Action 2007 start and ongoing unless stated

25 There is great potential to use the 2012 Games and the spotlight it shines on physical activity to benefit communities. Local environments can make active recreation easy, accessible and attractive. Education can use sport and culture to make lessons more engaging for teenagers. Sport and events can create life enhancing experiences for volunteers. And the power of sport to tackle racism and bring communities together as equals and friends is immense. This Golden Opportunity is about progressing and joining up all those activities that local areas are best placed to deliver, building on things they are already doing. This will translate into real improvements in education, health and community cohesion.

26 Partnerships are central to making things happen and key structures are in place. County Sports Partnerships will support coordinated planning in sub-regions and combine sport and physical activity, health and educational interests. Community Sport Networks will back these up at a district level, ensuring grassroots priorities drive delivery. Local views and proposals have informed this Strategy and (as Part 3 details) Local delivery plans for the 2012 Games will be a key route for taking it forward. These will connect clearly with overall local co-ordination mechanisms such as Local Area Agreements, Strategic Partnerships and Community Plans.



LGYH to coordinate/prompt action through schools and colleges/LEAs and teacher training bodies

Other aspects of the local environment can also make a big difference. Safe and accessible green space will promote all manner of games – football, cricket, rugby and running included. Including features like tennis courts, boating lakes, basketball hoops, skateboard or BMX areas and active play equipment in parks can make physical activity appeal to a wider population, especially children and young people. Allotments can facilitate active lifestyles for those – sometimes in deprived communities – who lack garden space themselves. Local authorities and their partners are in pole position to enhance such amenities and develop supportive transport policies for cycling and walking, between now and 2012. Doing so will complement work to improve indoor or formal sports facilities. This approach will be integrated into the region’s far reaching ‘renaissance’ programme for how our towns and cities are planned, designed and managed.

29 By enabling children to do a good amount and range of physical activity, schools and colleges can do a lot for sport. Sport can do much for education too. It can help children and young people to develop generic skills and attributes that are important in life and work – teamwork, leadership, persistence – as well as self-belief, including for those who are more gifted physically than academically.

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30 Furthermore, sport can promote international links and outlooks. Hosting Pre-Games Training Camps for the 2012 Games will help to arouse media and popular interest, and to connect local communities to teams and nations across the world. For example, Hull – the home of William Wilberforce – is creating positive links with countries once connected to it by the slave trade such as Ghana and Sierra Leone by hosting their athletes ahead of 2012. Other work to forge links between communities and international teams and tourists will help to involve local people, widen horizons, and make visitors feel welcome.


An active lifestyle is key to improving and maintaining health. Evidence shows that being just a little bit more active can help to improve quality of life – and reduce the risk of serious health problems such as coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer. Increasing opportunities to be more active in our home lives and at work is critical. Health sector and other partners can help by developing strong, effective social marketing to encourage more people to be more physically active. Other key actions include enhancing the capacity and skills of health sector workers so that they can increasingly promote the benefits of physical activity and encourage effective interventions. Businesses can help too, for instance through workplaces and policies that boost productivity by encouraging staff to adopt healthy lifestyles – such as walking or cycling to work.

32 Cohesive, inclusive communities are ones that are not divided by lines of colour, class or wealth and where ‘social capital’ – people knowing plenty of friends and neighbours locally who support each other – is high. This means ensuring all the action taken to deliver this Strategy and others reaches the whole community. For example, it is important to make sure a range of physical and cultural activities is available that allows everybody to find something that suits them, regardless of gender, age, disability, faith or racial background.

33 Sport can be used to promote community engagement and cohesion and assist skills, inclusion, regeneration and health. There is proactive work that can be done. Programmes such as ‘Positive Futures’ use sporting interests to reach disaffected young people, build their sense of purpose and help steer them away from drugs or crime. In other instances, high profile sports clubs (e.g. cricket, football, rugby league) work with local bodies and communities to engage with and inspire young people. Sport schemes can also be set up to combat racism and division and to bring people of different cultures together.

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Yorkshire and Humber has some of the lowest GCSE pass rates at 16 in England, with related issues about exam pass rates for boys and deterioration in pupil performance between ages 11 and 16. The 2012 Games provide a real opportunity to inspire learning and skills development in young people. Assisting teachers to build content related to sport (or other areas of culture like music and drama) into lesson plans across the curriculum can be one of the most effective ways to motivate reluctant learners and improve their performance. For instance the ‘Creative Partnerships’ programme enables schools in deprived areas to work with creative practitioners to develop a relevant curriculum and learning tailored to the needs and aspirations of children.

The Regional Economic Strategy calls for similar work to enhance educational performance and there is scope to build on national resources in developing and rolling out projects in schools. Many of the facets of sports psychology such as visual preparation, goal setting and confidence building can also be used within teaching techniques. Whether it is to do with what is taught or how it is taught, stronger links will be made between sport, culture and education – with priority on schools where performance at GCSE is lowest – to stimulate healthier, happier and more successful pupils.

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35 The 2012 Games will create great volunteering opportunities. We will make sure Yorkshire and Humber people can have life and career enhancing experiences by taking them. Businesses too can use providing volunteers or secondees as a way to develop their staff, networks, profiles and future business opportunities. The London Games is the most prominent but by no means only occasion where enthused, able volunteers will add to success. The Indian International Film Academy awards and other major cultural and sporting events here will need them too. The region will create a high profile Yorkshire ‘VIPs’ volunteering programme that recruits people to support events and initiatives, to act as ambassadors for the region, and to develop their skills, capacities and prospects in the process. The Volunteering Programme will build on existing local and regional volunteer structures (e.g. Sport England’s) and learn from good practice such as in the Manchester 2002 Commonwealth Games. It will feed grassroots interest and enable more people to be proud that they have helped to make the Yorkshire and Humber's contribution to the 2012 Games remarkable.

Volunteering can provide an important route into jobs and other posts for those from disadvantaged communities. The region will make sure volunteering opens up opportunities to all by engaging with under represented groups (e.g. BAME communities) and addressing barriers to their taking part. A pre-volunteer programme will support these individuals to volunteer in the region and subsequently the Games. The National Volunteer Strategy hopes that 10% of those on pre-volunteer programmes will go on to support the Games. The Learning and Skills Council is piloting a scheme in London in 2007 whereby those who successfully complete the volunteer programme are guaranteed a Games volunteer interview and a job interview. The volunteer programme will lead to a nationally recognised qualification and will be rolled out to all regions.

37 This section covers London 2012 priorities about volunteering, sport and health links, and education. It has strong links to other areas of activity including those about sport and culture.

inspire The 2012 Games provide a real opportunity to inspire learning and skills development in young people

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A Carnival of Culture

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Outcome – Enhanced perceptions of Yorkshire and Humber as outward facing, culturally rich, and internationally connected – in short a great place to live and visit

38 The Olympic and Paralympic ethos envelops culture well beyond sport. Music, dance, drama and the visual arts in all their myriad forms provide a backdrop of colour, passion and creativity to the sporting spectacle itself. The heritage so intimately bound with the people and places of the host nation is at the forefront of a world stage – beamed to viewers around the globe, and an essential part of the tourist draw that attracts visitors from far and wide. The region can grasp this potential to show how sport and culture are at the heart of what makes this region special, publicising imaginative work by local authorities and others to build our reputation in the field.

39 The Golden Opportunity for Yorkshire and Humber is to make sure its cultural offer of attractions and experiences around the Games stimulates people who live here and seduces tourists to visit. The region must be part of the ‘Cultural Olympiad’, complementing activity in London and making our own unique contribution. Culture will add too to the way other opportunities are delivered, bringing an edge of creativity and surprise that makes the region stand out. We want people to look back on 2012 as the most exciting year for Culture Yorkshire and Humber has ever seen!

40 The region will work with the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad to help deliver the overall festival. We will ensure that this region’s cultural community is a vital part of the national festival and ensure that the region’s cultural talent is part of the planning and delivery of the Cultural Olympiad. We will work to ensure that the Cultural Olympiad provides a platform for developing and showcasing Yorkshire’s cultural talent and assets. This will include our creative individuals and culture companies as well as our physical assets.

The region will stage a four year cultural programme, culminating in the summer of 2012 – prompting lasting popular interest and a reputation for culture in the region at home and abroad. Planning will begin in 2007 and link with the revision of the Yorkshire Cultural Strategy. The qualities the programme will embody are clear. It will be a high profile, multi-faceted carnival of all that is best about culture in Yorkshire and Humber. It will transcend all the arts, and as with access to sport, there must be something for everyone – spanning the worlds of commercial and popular culture to the cutting edge and contemporary. It will showcase local talent and bring in international excellence to attract visitors and inspire communities – including as volunteers.

These assets will be vital to attracting tourists to the region in the run up to, during and well after the Games. We will work with partners like the Heritage Lottery Fund to upgrade and restore the built and natural heritage we already have, whilst ‘renaissance programmes’ in major towns and cities will contribute to their unique allure and success. By 2012 visitors will see the region at its very finest.

45 This section covers the London 2012 Culture priority. It has strong links to other elements. Cultural interest will be part of what attracts tourists and volunteers, and a sharp cultural edge can turn activities throughout from ordinary to exceptional.

42 The programme will build momentum as it goes, and just as with sports facilities, our tourism offer, and our heritage, it will climax in 2012. We will complement not compete with London’s cultural offer. Instead our programme will have a distinctive edge that thrills, provokes and entertains and makes the region stand out amongst the crowd. We will make sure artists are fully involved, that we pick up on and fuel sparks of grassroots activity, and take the risks required to stage work with a genuine wow! factor.

43 The region will put a real focus on youth and fire young people with a passion for culture and unprecedented interest in sport and activity. Making the most of assets like museums, galleries and libraries will be important, as well as outreach to go out to people’s own turf. Planning how these places look, what goes on and how they are promoted to get more children and young people through the door is the startpoint. Putting on exhibitions and activities that get them excited and make them feel they are living through a special year is a victory in itself. But instigating change that lets young people see themselves and the world differently, gets them excited about a future shining bright with possibility, and prompts them to become more active in whatever sphere inspires them is the real prize.

44 Yorkshire and Humber has some of the best built and natural heritage in Britain – including more national parkland than any other English region, the historic city of York, heritage coastland, historic houses, battlefields, fascinating industrial architecture, and world heritage sites in Saltaire and Fountains Abbey.

Delivery Table C Key areas of action and the lead responsibilities for them


Cultural Opportunity Action

Overall Lead: Yorkshire Culture Lead

Strategy Link

DCMS agencies

London 2012 Cultural Olympiad

2007 start and ongoing unless stated

i) Ensure that the region’s cultural community contribute to the delivery of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad

ii) Deliver a Cultural Programme to DCMS tie in with the run up to and staging agencies of the 2012 Games (2008-2012) and local authorities

Regional Cultural Strategy

iii) Stoke young people’s interest in sport and culture (through schools, arts, museums, etc.)

DCMS agencies and local authorities

Regional Cultural Strategy

iv) Ensure the region looks its best for 2012, through upkeep and enhancement of built and natural heritage

Local authorities & partners

RES and local frameworks

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Outcome – Higher visitor spend than otherwise, especially from targeted countries and in niche markets about active leisure and events

Golden opportunity

Delivery Table D Key areas of action and the lead responsibilities for them


Tourism Action

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Enhanced Profile and Tourist Potential




Overall Lead: Yorkshire Toursit Board Lead

Strategy Link

i) Develop and deliver a Media and Marketing Plan to secure coverage of Y&H in UK and overseas media

Yorkshire Tourist Board

Tourism Marketing Strategy

ii) Attract tourists visiting the 2012 Games to Y&H

Yorkshire Tourist Board

Strategic Framework for the Visitor Economy+RES

iii) Places and activities that make Y&H a great place to experience the 2012 Games (albeit from a distance)

Cities/local authorities

Local frameworks

iv) Stage major events that attract public interest and raise the region’s profile in the UK and overseas

Cities/local authorities + MES Delivery Body


v) Maximise value from accommodating targeting Pre-Games Training Camps in Yorkshire and Humber



vi) Host a successful UK School Games in Sheffield in 2011



2007 start and ongoing unless stated

46 The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games will bring together a vast number of participants and still more people in their support teams. They will attract an abundance of spectators, tourists and volunteers, many from this region. And the TV audience will cover hundreds of millions from all corners of the world. With visitor interest and the media spotlight primarily on sport in London, our challenge is to ensure the widest possible audience picks up positive images, awareness and messages about the glories of Yorkshire. Other places will be trying to do likewise for their areas, so this region will work with imagination and vigour in the way it raises Yorkshire’s profile, enhances perceptions of the region and achieves lasting tourism benefits. Positioning the region as a place where exciting sports and cultural activity happens will bolster both awareness of the region and its reputation in the UK and abroad.

47 Yorkshire and Humber’s Major Events Strategy (MES) sets out opportunities with a combination of hard analysis and visionary zeal. A core team/body (to be confirmed and described as ‘MES delivery body’ here) will work with cities to lead implementation of the MES and relevant elements of this Strategy such as events and PreGames Training Camps. Attracting more tourists and their spending power is the prime goal. Content here reinforces the region’s ‘Strategic Framework for the Visitor Economy’’ which puts a focus on visitor spend, quality, sustainability and innovation. It builds on ongoing work by tourism bodies and businesses to improve the places, experiences and standards of services we offer to the visitor. It is focused on how we can use the 2012 Games as an extra way of raising the region’s profile and as another reason for tourists to visit Yorkshire and Humber. Activity will support and be supported by place marketing activity, notably to promote the region’s cities.

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Work with imagination and vigour 48 Yorkshire and Humber will secure extra media coverage in the UK and abroad on the back of the 2012 Games. Benefits will include civic pride and a positive climate for inward investment and trade. However, the primary focus will be on an enhanced regional profile that stimulates tourism, particularly in new and high value markets. The countries we prioritise for media coverage will be those we are targeting for tourism purposes anyway. Yorkshire Tourist Board (YTB) will lead on devising and delivering a media and marketing plan to do this, building on the Yorkshire Brand and its core and emerging values. Options to secure further coverage include sponsorship of athletes/the Games by Yorkshire companies, and developing relationships and stories for journalists (based on big events, athletes from the region, teams training here, etc.). We will refer to the 2012 Games and Yorkshire and Humber’s proximity to them in planned overseas promotions or adverts in the run up to the Games, and connect to wider North of England marketing overseas when appropriate.

49 Most people visiting the 2012 Games will initially set their compass for London. Yorkshire and Humber will work hard to make sure a good proportion of these visitors are aware of what the region has to offer, and schedule in a visit here as part of their trip or in the future. YTB will lead on planning how best to do this. Key points for consideration include the importance of train links/tickets to London, the potential for ‘package’ style promotions to make visiting the Games from this region easy, and ensuring a Yorkshire and Humber presence in London to promote the region.

50 The attractiveness of combining time in the Capital watching the Games with time away from it will be a key selling point. Yorkshire and Humber will use a tempting cultural offer, distinctive identity and our unmatched combination of vibrant cities and outstanding countryside to attract visitors. We will make and market ourselves as the perfect place to follow the Games whilst escaping the hassles of a crowded host city. Our tourism industry, led by ‘Destination Management Organisations’ will strive to ensure the reality of what visitors experience more than matches expectations – whether that be where they go, what they do, or how they are served. We want tourists impressed enough to come back again and tell their friends!

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51 Yorkshire and Humber will make itself a great place to enjoy the Games (from a distance) for residents and visitors alike. Our major cities will play a key role and establish areas in their city centres where people can sit down and watch the events on screen, enjoy a drink or bite to eat, and take in a friendly and lively atmosphere. The cities themselves will decide how best to do this, often building on facilities that are already in place. Large towns and coastal resorts may choose to plan similar areas. This will create an uplifting ambiance in places across the region and a feelgood factor around sport. The region will use these places as a pull factor in promoting the region to visitors and tourists.


Staging major cultural and sporting events is big business. Regular high profile events held here include cricket test matches in Leeds, the World Snooker Championships and international swimming in Sheffield, and rugby league tests in Hull, Huddersfield, and Leeds. Yorkshire and Humber has built on these by making a success of Royal Ascot at York, securing the forthcoming Indian International Film Academy Awards, and attracting the ‘Clipper’ Round the World Yacht Race to Hull. This is a track record the region can start to shout about and use as a foothold for more and even bigger events in the future.

Often individual national sporting federations choose where to go themselves, sometimes whole teams go together. There will be some direct economic benefits from hosting camps. Two other benefits are likely to be more important. First, the potential to raise regional profile (and in turn tourism prospects) in countries whose athletes become based here. Secondly, to create prompts for media stories and community links in this region that foster an outward and international outlook and a passion for sport.


The region will establish a MES Delivery Body to lead in securing (and sometimes creating) more high profile events. Staging big events that attract the media eye will create business opportunities and strengthen our profile as a region where exciting things happen. The MES will guide the approach, including what delivery mechanisms to use and the differing potentials across the region. Initial priorities for events will be established by summer 2007. They will reflect the major impact and media interest that sporting events can generate and will include commitment to holding a spectacular event in 2012 that creates excitement locally and grabs attention well beyond. Planning will include how to build on city events strategies and how to make events sustainable – environmentally and in terms of how a share of financial returns can be ploughed back into future events.

The region will strive to accommodate Pre-Games Training Camps, making good use of facilities in major cities like Sheffield. The cities will have the lead role in developing and delivering the sophisticated and multi faceted approach, partnerships and leadership needed to attract and host the world’s elite athletes. Key factors in targeting will be: match with the facilities we can offer, strength of community links with countries, and the potential for tourism from and trade with them. The largest countries may often not be the best targets due to competition, security needs, and their bargaining power. The region will further consider and develop a long term approach to the hosting of athletes, teams and sporting bodies. This will include consideration of ongoing hosting opportunities for events beyond the 2012 Games – whether multi or single sport in nature, and potentially in nearby areas of Europe as well as in England. Throughout, we will ensure teams who come enjoy a warm welcome and excellent service.



There is consensus that outdoor and adventure ‘sports’ is a key opportunity, especially around the national parks and coast. This fits with the regional brand, shows off beautiful places, and builds on natural assets that make Yorkshire and Humber a great place for activities like mountain biking, climbing, surfing, caving, fell running, paragliding, rafting & canoeing, sailing, hiking, horse riding/racing and multi-sports events like triathlon and adventure racing. The approach to these will build on relevant studies* and link to tourism brand values. It will target new audiences with wider benefits too. For instance promoting exciting outdoor activities that are a magnet for younger people could help address the projected ageing population profiles in many rural and coastal areas.

The region is determined to host a successful UK School Games before 2012. We have the desire and the assets to deliver an outstanding event, and staging the School Games fits with the focus on youth running through this Strategy. Hosting them will draw in the interest of schoolchildren, their families and communities – making the 2012 Games something that ordinary people talk about and care about. Spin-off benefits will include increased receptivity to messages about doing more physical activity, or opportunities for volunteering in sport and the 2012 Games. Our proposals from Hull and Sheffield to host the School Games were marked by real commitment, demonstrate the organisational nous to make them run smoothly, and include distinctive edges such as strong Paralympic content.



Preparation and Pre-Games Training Camps to help competitors acclimatise and feel at home in the host country ahead of major sporting events like the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games are increasingly common.

This section covers the London 2012 priorities on Tourism and Pre-Games Training Camps. Whilst there is a special focus on profile here, other parts of the Strategy also contribute to profile – such as sporting performance and cultural attractions.


* e.g. Transforming Outdoor Adventure in North Yorkshire, PLB Consulting Ltd, January 2006

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Golden opportunity


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Winners in Business Outcome – Outward looking businesses that export more, and a strong sports industry sector with growing numbers of firms, jobs and increasing output



A massive breadth of work is required to stage the London Olympic and Paralympic Games. There will be contracts for everything from construction to cans of pop, from event management to entertainment, from sports clothing and equipment to souvenir flags. But amid any frenzy of expectation it is important to maintain realism. Some markets may be short term and limited. Other long term business contracts will have already been agreed. Many of the opportunities will be downstream in supply chains. Companies who do win business will need to be world class at what they do, have the right relationships, and be sharp at snapping up contracts.

The region’s sports sector is well established and benefits from strong university input. Sheffield has a powerful combination of facilities, sports businesses and intellectual muscle brought together across South Yorkshire in ‘SportsPulse’, and benefiting from the spectrum of sporting expertise at Sheffield Hallam University. Successes include Sheffield companies that are world leaders in products including skating blades, fencing foils and basketball hoops, whilst the £28m English Institute of Sport Sheffield is the largest multi-sport hub site in the EIS national network. The percentage of South Yorkshire’s economy (GVA) based on sport is twice the national average. In Leeds, the city has a positive profile, a wealth of facilities, and another major centre of expertise in the Carnegie faculty of Sports and Education at Leeds Metropolitan University. Hull University’s strengths include sports science, and the city has a unique visitor offer including potential for waterfront events. Business strengths in the Humber include healthcare and food and drink.

60 The real opportunity is to see the Games not as a one-off, but as just one close to home expression of a growing global industry in sports and major events. If there are contracts to be won for the Games, there will be many more for a galaxy of other national and international events. This region sees the business opportunity in that light. Other parts of this Strategy will catalyse less immediately tangible but potentially invaluable benefits for businesses too. Better qualified more go-getting people equals more productive employees. Positive attitudes to risk and opportunity equate to entrepreneurship. A global outlook and positive regional profile means better export opportunities.

62 The region will expand its sports industry, building on SportsPulse and joining up with wider sporting expertise and related areas like healthcare. The region will take an integrated approach that fosters innovation, enhances skills, develops supply chains and brings together all those who can add value and facilitate the growth of sports business.

Yorkshire Forward will lead action and early research that assesses sports business markets, their value, which ones this region is best placed to compete in, and the key requirements for doing so. The Virtual Enterprise Network (VEN) concept and national Business Opportunities Network approach will underpin this work.

63 Contract opportunities extend well beyond sports business. Many markets based on supporting major events are only indirectly related to sport. As the MES makes clear, the London Games is but one large and relatively local example of an events industry that is global and growing. The region needs to be realistic, focused and canny to win its share of business, in markets that span many of the region’s key sectors and clusters – including construction, financial services, environmental technology, health care, food & drink, advanced engineering and manufacturing and creative and digital industries. Good intelligence and networks are important alongside track record and capacity.

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The 2012 Games will act as a catalyst for the region to develop its sports industry

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64 The region will set up an opportunity spotting and signposting initiative to help businesses win contracts. This will fall within the Business Link framework and link to the national 2012 Business Opportunities Network. It will identify contract opportunities (initially) for the London Games, and ensure relevant businesses – particularly the SMEs that will most need support – are aware of these and have access to the right contacts and networks. This will link to the current support for clusters and sectors and regional supply chain initiatives (ie the ‘VEN’ approach) that help businesses to club together to win large contracts. It will be informed by assessment of how well placed specific businesses are to win contracts, and stay focused on these. As markets for events are global, activity will promote outward looking businesses and export activity. Already, Yorkshire and Humber and Queensland (Australia) have agreed a Statement of Intent to bolster co-operation in areas of trade and investment – a deal sparked by earlier work together on the economic benefits of sport and events.

67 Delivery Table E Key areas of action and the lead responsibilities for them


Business Opportunity Action

Overall Lead: Yorkshire Forward Lead

Strategy Link

i) Use mainstream business support and wider networks to maximise business potential - including sports and related businesses

Yorkshire Forward + Sports Partners


ii) Help businesses to win contracts for the 2012 Games and major events by signposting opportunities and linking to regional supply chain initiatives

Yorkshire Forward


iii) Utilise specific business opportunities and the ‘can do’ spirit around the Games to promote enterprise

Yorkshire Forward


iv) Enhance key generic business skills such as leadership, and management

LSC + related SSCs


v) Identify and respond to skills needs in sectors which are key to 2012 and offer long term growth/employment potential

LSC + related SSCs


vi) Observer and learning programmes that build and capitalise on knowledge about sports and major events

Yorkshire Forward + Yorkshire Futures


2007 start and ongoing unless stated

65 The region will capitalise on both supply opportunities and the mood created by the Games to promote enterprise. The Games will shine a spotlight on successful sportspeople and their qualities of initiative, endeavour and leadership – attributes just as vital for going into business. The region will not need new enterprise initiatives because of the 2012 Games, but it will use the Games as a catalyst that boosts ongoing work to promote new business starts.

66 As part of an integrated approach, the region will enhance skills and capacities within the sports businesses sector. Investments are scheduled to do this based on workforce development plans in all four sub-regions, and further investment will focus on coaching and other key support. There is potential to match a national focus on sport around 2012 with the sporting interests and competitive instincts of many business people. The region needs to do better in areas like leadership skills. It will use sports examples and psychology within courses aimed at heightening these skills to increase uptake and effectiveness. 3

Regional Economic Strategy, 2006-2015

The Learning and Skills Council (LSC) will work with Sector Skills Councils (SSCs) and employers to identify and respond to skills needs. SSCs are carrying out their own work on the Games and have published a strategy in December 2006 detailing this. The LSC will work towards a regional response with SSCs. One example to date is its work with Skills Active to produce the Advanced Apprenticeship in Sporting Excellence to support the vocational and educational needs of aspiring competitors. Another key area is celebrating the talents of young people. London will host the 2011 World Skills competition, which covers a host of technical and craft skills. This competition brings together countries from across the world to pit the skills of their young people against the best the world has to offer. We will ensure that Yorkshire’s young people have the opportunity to showcase their skills in the run up to the 2012 Games.

68 Once organisations in the region have gained insights and experience through the 2012 Games, others who are staging major events in the future or looking to win contracts will want to learn from them. Yorkshire and Humber will build a learning programme with two elements to capture intelligence: inclusion of business learning within the signposting initiative (para 64); and a focus on impact and learning points from initiatives that use sport and activity for social and economic benefits within Yorkshire Futures ‘what works’ activity. Input from academic experts in the region will be valuable, adding to contributions made to date.

69 This section covers the Business and Skills priorities of the region in relation to the 2012 Games. Business will also benefit from other aspects of the Strategy, including a raised regional profile and more educated, active and ambitious young people.

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London 2012 may come a little late for my career but I am sure Yorkshire will be well represented and we should use the opportunity to demonstrate our proud sporting heritage. Leon Taylor Olympic Silver Medallist Men's synchronised Diving Athens 2004

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Bringing home the medals 70 So how does Yorkshire and Humber win the race it has entered and know that it has passed the finishing line? The answer is about Delivery, Intelligence and Monitoring.

Delivery 71


This Strategy is intentionally high level. Its focus is on strategic direction, outcomes, key activity areas, linkages and leadership. Decisions about the detail of what exactly will be done to deliver it – including where, when and by who – are better taken by the bodies best placed to lead action in their area of interest. This includes local bodies (e.g. local authorities) and regional agencies (especially the lead agencies specified in this document), as well as partnerships that bring together organisations across a number of topics or local areas. The principle of subsidiarity holds true for delivery. Action will be at the most local level possible where the desired impact can be gained in a coordinated and cost effective manner. Making sure communities and businesses can easily get involved will be vital. Many of the best ideas and bundles of energy can spring from individuals, groups and firms working at a local level. Communicating and engaging with people of all backgrounds is fundamental to achieving the reach, animation and critical mass this Strategy needs to drive change.

Local delivery plans for the 2012 Games will be developed that implement the priorities in this Strategy. These will detail what will happen, how it will happen, and what results are expected. Local partners will monitor the implementation and impact of these Plans in ways that fit with local goals and allow benefits to be powerfully communicated. Yorkshire Gold is based on utilising existing mainstream funding streams (from European to local level) and using the excitement of the 2012 Games as a catalyst to achieve more through them, for instance by bringing partners together and raising ambitions. So a key role of the Local delivery plans for the 2012 Games will be to build support for making work and investments that support Yorkshire Gold a high priority. The Plans will be a lever that encourage agencies to do more than otherwise planned and to use the one-off opportunity of the 2012 Games to make a lasting difference to communities.


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Yorkshire and Humber’s wealth of large towns and cities is unsurpassed in England. Our major cities in particular have a concentration of key assets, wide catchment areas and the capacity to lead action. The work done by cities and their partners during 2006 has been of immense value in building momentum and showing how strongly Games related opportunities can connect with local aspirations. They have been to the fore in leading this Strategy and in forging local responses and the cities of Leeds, Sheffield and Hull are all committed to leading the preparation of Local delivery plans for the 2012 Games. There will be great value in working with partners in neighbouring districts to cover a wider area or sub-region and this will be encouraged as the norm in Local delivery plans for the 2012 Games (e.g. the work led by Sheffield will cover South Yorkshire). The Delivery Plans will cover the same spread of issues as this Strategy, with flexibility on exact form kept open to allow fine tuning to local circumstances. Ongoing co-ordination will ensure local action and regional Strategy continue to be dovetailed.

Thematic Delivery Plans for the 2012 Games have been prepared by the lead regional agencies to highlight the action that will be taken under each Golden Opportunity, these can be found in the annexe towards the end of this document. Together they map out the integrated set of priorities that will deliver this Strategy and its key outcomes and make a difference in our cities, towns and rural areas.

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Yorkshire and Humber’s wealth of large towns and cities is unsurpassed in England

76 The Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games is a high level group that combines local and thematic based interests. It is well placed to lead public sector action to support the Games and is an embodiment of ‘Team Yorkshire & Humber’. Its role in steering action over the course of the Strategy will be vital. Clear resources and responsibilities will be put in place to support the Committee – to coordinate implementation; to provide intelligence; and to report on progress in implementing the Strategy and its Delivery Plans. Avenues for private and voluntary sector input will complement its operation.


74 77

Other cities such as Bradford and York offer great opportunities, are keen to make the most of them, and are actively involved in regional planning to benefit from the 2012 Games. Equally, there are large areas of North Yorkshire, including within the Yorkshire Dales and North York Moors national parks, that have key roles to play and which attract visitors from well beyond their own boundaries. The region will ensure that local action to deliver Yorkshire Gold stretches far and wide and covers all of these areas, either within Local delivery plans for the 2012 Games led by the cities or parallel plans if required.

Yorkshire and Humber will continue to support and connect to national planning of the 2012 Games. Key Links are with the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games (LOCOG), the Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) and the Government Olympic Executive. This Strategy covers all the key topic areas used nationally (see annex for how they fit) and the region will deliver national lead roles on sport/youth and cultural diversity. Links will be made with other regions and the North too when relevant.


The Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games and Delivery

1 Sport England Yorkshire 2 Yorkshire Forward 3 Yorkshire Culture 4 Local Government Yorkshire & Humber 5 Yorkshire Tourist Board 6 Learning & Skills Council Yorkshire & Humber 7 Government Office Yorkshire & Humber

Cities Links to national London 2012 structures

Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games Secretariat and specialised support

Bradford Leeds* Sheffield* Hull* York *Committed to preparing Local Delivery plans for the 2012 Games

Communication will be all important. The Strategy, key actions to be taken, and the benefits reaped will be broadcast loud and clear. The prime audience is the spread of Yorkshire and Humber stakeholders and organisations who can contribute to delivery. National Government is another important audience as we need to ensure that work here and elsewhere in the UK continues to be mutually supportive. And vitally, it will be important to let people and communities in the region know what is planned, how to get involved, and what results to expect. The Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games will develop a communications plan in order to raise the profile of the Games, and our efforts towards them, in the region. We want people across the region to hear about Yorkshire Gold activity, see what is going on and feel in their hearts an attachment to the 2012 Games.

79 Good intelligence will inform delivery. This will take a number of forms including: • Learning and observer programmes and involvement in key networks and visits to major events we can learn from, e.g. in Beijing, Qatar, Delhi and Vancouver; • Collation of ‘what works’ information (e.g. case studies and evaluations) that report on how well different approaches to securing benefits work and learning points from them; • Commissioning research to inform our approach, for instance on modelling of economic and wider benefits from other Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (e.g. Sydney 2000); • Creating an ‘ideas bank’ of good ideas for delivery; • Maintaining strong links to utilise the valuable expertise within the region’s universities; • Connection with intelligence networks and activity nationally; and • Monitoring and reporting against key indicators of progress.

80 Working with Yorkshire Futures in their capacity as the region’s intelligence network, Yorkshire Culture will make the resources and responsibilities for delivering this work clear.

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Monitoring and outcomes 81


The outcomes at the start of each Golden Opportunity will be the test of whether this Strategy makes the lasting difference it aspires to. From the Strategy’s start to its culmination in 2017, the region will have built a tangible legacy of improvements to show for its efforts. There will be practical things people can see and experience for themselves – better facilities, high profile events, activities for all parts of the community to try out and enjoy. Activity will contribute to key regional goals spanning diverse areas like business and tourism, physical activity and health. And it will include change that is hard to measure but just as important – like nurturing positive and outward looking perspectives, garnering a reputation for being rich in cultural and sporting endeavour, and being home to communities that are cohesive, contented and inclusive. The change Yorkshire Gold inspires will live long beyond 2012.

This Strategy does not set new targets. But it will make a difference. It will catalyse local action, brew synergies between hitherto separate areas of work, and encourage and assist agencies to raise levels of performance and to hit and surpass existing targets. For instance it will directly contribute to the Yorkshire Plan for Community Sport targets for increasing participation in sport and physical activity, narrowing participation gaps between different groups, and upping the number of sportspeople from the region in their national team. It will also contribute to the region’s tourism target for raising visitor spend.

82 Outcomes will be delivered as an integrated set and in line with the principles of Ambition, Inclusion & Diversity and Legacy. Applying these Guiding Principles will ensure activity contributes to sustainable development – a goal which Yorkshire and Humber consistently promotes and this Strategy wholeheartedly backs. The Strategy will support the region’s new Integrated Regional Framework. Its long term approach, and content on key social and economic issues will progress key aspects of sustainable development. Although there is less focus on physical change in the region than in a host city that has to construct major Games venues, where activities here do have significant environmental impacts we will adopt high environmental standards in keeping with a ‘one planet approach’. A focus on sustainable construction and locations that can be reached without a car (e.g. in city centres) will further minimise travel impact, as will serious promotion of walking and cycling.

83 Against all of its outcomes, the region will achieve more than otherwise planned. Buy-in, prioritisation and co-ordination will mean scaled up benefits will happen sooner and last longer. The detail of what will be achieved, the value added, and how we combine realism and lofty aspirations will be made clearer and stronger in every review of this Strategy. The diagram on page 41 of this document summarises the legacy of outcomes Yorkshire Gold will catalyse.

85 The Strategy will further support and amplify progress towards other goals that are just as important, if not cemented in the form of regional targets. These include reducing obesity; improving perceptions of the region as a good place to live, visit and do business; improving educational performance in targeted groups and schools; raising export levels; and growing the sports business sector. In some of these areas (e.g. sports business) the impact of the Strategy will be clear and direct, in others it will play a more subtle role alongside other factors (e.g. influences and actions beyond those in this Strategy will affect success on issues like levels of obesity, education and exports).

86 Yorkshire Futures will ensure relevant indicators are tracked alongside other forms of intelligence to allow change to be assessed as the Strategy moves forward. Qualitative as well as quantitative perspectives will provide insights, and evaluation of impact will look out for unexpected outcomes as well as those that are planned. Effective tracking of delivery and outcomes will mean the region can report progress against planned action annually. This will be communicated within the region as well as nationally.

Against all of its outcomes, the region will achieve more than otherwise planned

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Yorkshire is my home and where I’ve trained from an early age, I hope we can both make 2012 a Games to remember. Jessica Ennis 2007 Commonwealth Games Bronze Medallist, Heptathlon

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Early wins 87 It will take years rather than months to achieve the transformational change we seek. The period during and just after 2012 itself will be especially crucial to realising the region’s Olympic ambitions and seeing the full measure of change that takes place. Given these inevitably long time horizons for achieving stretching outcomes, other actions that take place much sooner are important in delivering early returns and building momentum and support.

88 Within a year of Yorkshire Gold’s launch there will be progress to point to. In fact, a groundswell of enthusiasm around the advent of the Games is already starting to build. Businesses, agencies and individuals have all been motivated to get involved and active and to do things they otherwise wouldn’t have. The examples that follow are just a taste of what already has been, or shortly will be, delivered to back up the region’s will to support the 2012 Games and to secure benefit from them: • Sport England Yorkshire will agree Priorities with 21 Community Sport Networks across the region to invest £18m over the next three years into community sport in Yorkshire, funding local projects that will make a real difference. • A Kirklees Youth Games will be a key part of the Council’s initiative to enhance health, well being and achievement by galvanising children and young people to get involved in sport. Work from 2007 onwards will include activities in schools, a ‘sporting spectacular’ at Galpharm Stadium in 2008, and refurbishment of leisure and sports facilities. • Screen Yorkshire has launched a film and multimedia project following the fortunes of young athletes in the region aspiring to take part in 2012.

• Yorkshire and Humber have agreed to work with Queensland on trade and investment, with the two regions’ interests in the impact of the Games being the spark for their joint work. • Sheffield is establishing itself as a top venue for Pre-Games Training Camps. During 2006 it hosted the Saudi Arabian wheelchair basketball team and GB teams for Athletics, Basketball, Volleyball, Handball, Boxing, Wheelchair Table Tennis, Boccia, Diving and Figure Skating. • A new £16.5m Leeds swimming and diving centre providing a 50 metre competition and training pool, diving pool and fitness facilities is scheduled to open in summer 2007. • The region has pursued sporting and other major events with renewed vigour, securing the Indian International Film Academy Awards’ in 2007, and the ‘Clipper’ Round the World Yacht Race to Hull. • Sport England Yorkshire will lead the roll out of four sub-regional workforce development plans that will provide a clear picture of skills and training priorities and invest £4.2m into those who make the sports industry work - volunteers, coaches and other staff. A further £4.2m ‘pathways to participation’ investment will boost the quality of coaching and support. • Sports moving national offices and performance programmes into the region include Boxing, Volleyball and Handball, all of which will have a base in Sheffield by 2007. • There will be ongoing partnership between public and private sectors to foster the growth and to help the region’s businesses win relevant contracts. • The Royal Armouries in Leeds is issuing an annual ‘sporting challenge’ to visitors each February in the years ahead of 2012 – to test their skills at archery, fencing, martial arts or even medieval sportsmanship to see if they’ve got what it takes to be a champion.

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Review and development 89


Like the Yorkshire Plan for Community Sport, this Strategy will be reviewed at four year intervals coinciding with the four year Olympiad Cycle (i.e. 2008, 2012 and 2016).

Our combination of monitoring, intelligence and review will enable the region to check we are on track, learn as we go, and ensure our combined efforts make the most of the once in a lifetime opportunity the 2012 Games presents. We believe we have the chance to change the region for the better and we are determined to take it.

• This first version of the Strategy is a high level entry point with a focus on championing the opportunities around the 2012 Games and garnering wide ownership. Fine detail is less important than getting the region off the starting line quickly, heading in the right direction, and having the commitment in place to ensure we will build momentum as we go. • During 2008, the sporting world will shift its attention from who wins medals in Beijing to the next Games in London. The 2008 review will further ensure our plans for 2012 are clear, tangible and ambitious. The prime purpose will be to tighten the detail of who will deliver what and how it will add value. It will be a chance to look at this Strategy and the Delivery Plans that support it together, to learn from early intelligence, and to link with and influence reviews of other regional strategies, goals and targets. This will foster a coordinated and aspirational approach in the run up to 2012 itself. • 2012 will be the year when activity peaks. The Cultural Olympiad will climax and the spectacle and success of the Games themselves will have a major bearing on the rewards we reap in this region. The review in 2012 will be about assessing success and locking in legacy by keeping the momentum going and ensuring benefits last after the Games. A further focus will be on how to capitalise on the experience and intelligence we have gained in supporting – and benefiting from – the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. • In 2016, we will reflect on the last 10 years and the lasting difference that has been made. It will be an opportunity to learn from our collective experience and to celebrate successes. It will be a time to decide whether and what further work will be valuable, and how it can be taken forward in the mainstream without the need for a specific Games related Strategy to lead action. By 2017 Yorkshire Gold will have done its job – the benefits will long outlive the Strategy itself.

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Annex: Linkages between National themes and Regional outcomes

Yorkshire Gold has adopted a clear, simple and fundamentally integrated approach to how the themes and actions it covers fit together. Links within the Strategy are covered at the end of each Golden Opportunity. For instance, more physical activity will lead to community benefits such as health, whilst communities will be interlinked with the region’s cultural programme, which in turn is a major asset for tourism, which is itself rooted in business. The diagram below shows how the five Golden Opportunities this Strategy is shaped around fit with the seven 'National Themes'. Both cover essentially the same terrain and use slightly different structures according to their particular needs and audiences. In addition, Yorkshire and Humber will enthusiastically take forward its national lead roles on cultural diversity and sport/youth.

Yorkshire Gold outcomes Business

Sport & Profile & Physical Activity Tourism




National Themes

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Skills & Education Sport & Youth

Feeds into many Yorkshire Gold themes, notably Business and Community ‘Youth’ also runs through all of Yorkshire Gold

Tourism Culture Volunteering Legacy Ambition Diversity

Legacy, Ambition and Diversity are all Guiding Principles of the Yorkshire Gold Strategy

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Putting Sport Centre stage

Actions for The Sport & Physical Activity Opportunity: Develop the new Yorkshire Plan for Community Sport in consultation with partners to maximise the benefits for Community Sport and to secure a sustainable legacy from the 2012 games for the region. Launch and begin delivery of the Yorkshire Plan for Community Sport and Legacy from the 2012 Games (2009-13).

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Healthy and Cohesive Communities

Lead & Partners Sport England Yorkshire (SEY) with regional, sub-regional and local partners Sport England Yorkshire (SEY) with regional, sub regional and local partners

Actions for the Communities Opportunity:

Lead & Partners

Phase One activities are mainly concerned with identifying linkages and opportunities and building infrastructures and capacity.

i) Enhance sports facilities and access to them Use the Active Places facilities database to enable local authorities to guide future investment into new and existing community sports facilities.

Dept of Communities & Local Government (DCLG)/Dept of Culture Media & Sport (DCMS)/Dept for Education & Skills (DfES)/SEY/Local Authorities (LAs)

Pilot a Facilities Improvement programme (Wakefield) supporting local authorities to improve the quality and accessibility of community sports facilities. The programme will be extended to at least four more authorities in 2007/08.

SEY/ Wakefield Metropolitan Borough Council / five cities (Bradford, Hull, Leeds, Sheffield, York)

Work with Local Education Authorities and Local Education Partnerships to create a legacy of accessible community sports facilities across the region through the Building Schools for the Future programme.

SEY/Governing Bodies of Sport (GBs)/Local Education Authorities (LEAs)/Local Education Partnerships (LEPs)

To further scope out resources for each action strand.

Local Government Yorkshire and Humber (LGYH), Local Authorities

To seek out examples of innovation and share good practice across the region.

Local Authorities

To promote leadership of the work by the Cultural Services 'Portfolio Holders' Network.


i) Use sport, cultural and international links to promote the community engagement and cohesion legacy ii) Enhance people based skills/capacities that support sport and physical activity - coaching, teaching, volunteering etc.

Link to local activity and strategies on community cohesion.

LGYH, Local Authorities, Sport England Yorkshire

Evaluate the impact of major cultural and sporting events across the region for community engagement and cohesion legacy. (Use consistent methodology and share data between Local Authorities).

LGYH, Local Authorities, Sport England Yorkshire

Link to universities' community engagement outreach departments.

LGYH, Local Authorities, Sport England Yorkshire

Link into the Regional Pre-Games Training Camps Strategy to maximise opportunities for community engagement.

LGYH, Local Authorities, Sport England Yorkshire

Yorkshire Sports Board will invest £4.2m of Club and Coach Funding into at least 20 sports to improve the pathway for young athletes to achieve their potential. Within two years there will be a substantial increase in the number of high quality coaches and high quality sports clubs.

SEY/Governing Bodies of Sport (GBs)/County Sports Partnerships (CSPs)/Community Sports Networks (CSNs)

Yorkshire Sports Board will invest £4.2m of Workforce Development funding across the 21 Community Sports Networks (CSNs). Within two years there will be a more skilled workforce (paid and volunteers) delivering sport across the whole region.


Implement regional and sub-regional Workforce Development Plans to improve the quantity and skills of the people, both paid and volunteers, who deliver sport in Yorkshire. Use London 2012 to inspire more people to volunteer and to promote careers in sport in the region.

SEY/CSPs/CSNs/LSC/SA/Higher Education (HE)/Further Education (FE) sectors/LAs/Volunteering England

Work with Universities and Colleges to enhance their contribution to sport across Yorkshire. Help them to: increase their numbers of students, staff and local community members who take part or volunteer in sport; deliver quality training to the sporting workforce; and improve the support services that they deliver to talented athletes in the region.


UK Centre of Coaching Excellence and regional Coaching Centres will be announced and established to improve the quality of coaching in Yorkshire.

SEY/(CSPs)/(CSNs)/SportsCoach UK (SCUK)/Learning and Skills Council (LSC)

Deliver the Volunteering Strategy as agreed by the Board. Phase One actions include:


Investigate and map out the existing infrastructure and capacity within the region. This will include utilising existing Learning and Skills Council (LSC) mapping on training for sport and HE/FE mapping 'activities that will increase participation'. It will key into Sport England, Yorkshire Culture, MLA, Arts Council (Yorkshire) and LSC mapping and workforce development planning and Sector Skills Councils (specifically Skills Active and the Creative and Cultural Sector Skills Council).

Promote sporting opportunities using the inspiration of the 2012 Games to inspire people to take part in sport and physical activity, especially amongst hard to reach groups.

SEY/LOCOG/Local Government Yorkshire & Humber (LGYH)/CSPs/CSNs/LAs

Undertake specific capacity and relationship building activity with organisations, councils and communities as appropriate. This will include ensuring employers are engaged with the Strategy to enable people at work to connect with sporting volunteer opportunities.

Help Children's Services to benefit from the partnerships between school sport and local clubs for disaffected children and young people.

SEY/LAs/Building Schools for the Future (BSF)/LGYH/Youth Sport Trust (YST) CSPs / CSNs

Ensure the local Community Sports Networks (CSNs) support Bradford, Hull and Sheffield to deliver the Respect pilot scheme aims.


Map out a calendar of potential events and activities requiring volunteers in the region in the run up to the Games. This will build on the existing sub-regional key events calendars which offer the opportunity to 'have a go' at volunteering.

All 21 Community Sports Networks (CSNs) will lobby for sport within the Sustainable Community Strategies.


Create a network of Youth Volunteer Projects building on the existing network of projects and work in the region.

(ii) Develop and implement a Yorkshire Volunteering Strategy to create a volunteering legacy

iii) Support development of clubs and activities and delivery systems for sport and physical activity Through the CSN Investment Plans the Yorkshire Sports Board will invest £21.4m into community sport and physical activity in Yorkshire, especially for underrepresented groups. Sport England aims to secure £2 of additional investment for every £1 spent. iv) Promote and market sport and active recreation, especially to underrepresented groups

Support the production of local strategies and plans.

Responsible organisations for each action will be identified as part of the work on developing the Strategy.

Ensure that volunteers from Yorkshire & Humber are able to become 'game time' volunteers.

v) Develop sporting talent in the region

Ensure a legacy of enhanced network, structures and capacity to support volunteering within the region.

Work with Governing Bodies of Sport and UK Sport to strengthen the sporting pathways for talented athletes and ensure these pathways are seamless in Yorkshire.

SEY/UK Sport/Governing Bodies of Sport

Maximise the effectiveness of the Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme at Yorkshire Universities by linking value added support services that can be provided by Universities.

SEY/HE sector/SportsAid/GBs

Sport England Yorkshire will take over the lead responsibility for the English Institute of Sport (EIS) Sheffield and its support services.

SEY/UK Sport

Use the SportsAid charity to attract and invest donations and funding for promising athletes in the region.

SEY/SportsAid/LAs/Private Sector

Liaise and link with the Schools Sports Partnership to develop a learning strategy and action plan.

LGYH, Local Authorities, Sport England Yorkshire

Use national and regional sporting events to maximise the promotional opportunities for Yorkshire's talented athletes aspiring to compete in The Olympic Games and Paralympic Games in 2012.

SEY/Media/sports sector/LOCOG/CSNs/LAs

Link into the specialist sports science education institute to develop activities.

LGYH, Local Authorities, Sport England Yorkshire

Ensure that volunteers in the region have access to training and development opportunities. (iii) Develop activities that support children's and young people's exploring interest in sport to create a learning legacy

vi) Establish appropriate mechanisms and resources to secure and deliver high quality Pre-Games Training Camps Establish a Yorkshire Committee for the 2012 Games working group to determine the Committee's approach to the securing and delivery of Pre-Games Training Camps for the region; agree a delivery plan that identifies and prioritises the next steps and determines appropriate resources.

SEY/Cities/Yorkshire Culture/Yorkshire Tourist Board

Complete assessment process of regional training camp applications in line with national timelines and agree regional sporting facilities for inclusion in the national Pre-Games Training camp manual - to be launched at the 2008 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Games.


This Plan recognises that there are areas of overlap with the other Yorkshire Gold Action Plans, including: the Communities Opportunity (all actions, with volunteering improvement work already underway); the Business Opportunity (particularly skills and the enterprise network); the Tourism Opportunity (sport and tourism) and the Cultural Opportunity (cultural programme).

(iv) Use the Physical Activity Framework to drive progress towards a more physically active community and deliver a region wide community legacy To raise the visibility and support the delivery of the objectives of the Physical Activity Framework.

LGYH, Regional Directorate of Public Health, Sport England Yorkshire

To better connect councils to the work of the Physical Activity Partnership and the work on the 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games.

Sport England Yorkshire

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A Carnival of Culture

Actions for the Cultural Opportunity:

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Enhanced Profile and Tourist Potential

Lead & Partners

Actions for the Tourism Opportunity:

Lead & Partners

To work with London 2012 to deliver the region's contribution to the Cultural Olympiad programme through the existing mechanisms for the key strategic objectives of the regional cultural strategy (deep roots, real achievements, lofty ambitions).

Yorkshire Culture / Regional cultural agencies

Work with and through the Destination Management Organisations (DMOs) and regional tourism delivery structures on delivering the PR and Marketing Plan.

Yorkshire Tourist Board (YTB)/Destination Management Organisations (DMOs)

Use the 2012 Cultural Olympiad programme to reference broader 'modelling sustainability for the cultural sector' principles and the Winners in Business Opportunity, in keeping with Yorkshire Culture's 2007/08 Business Plan.

Yorkshire Culture / Yorkshire Forward

Develop and promote contact database and network of key partners and sporting and cultural venues - set up communications distribution channels.

YTB/all regional tourism partners and networks

To be cognisant, from the outset, of wider London 2012 legacy benefits therefore establishing and developing particular relationships to major events activity, the tourism framework and wider cultural planning initiatives at regional and city level.

Yorkshire Culture / Yorkshire Forward / Yorkshire Tourist Board / Cities / Cultural agencies / LOCOG

Work with partners to create an image bank of key sporting activity and venues in the region to produce a comprehensive database of images to support all regional marketing activity in this area.

YTB/Cities/sporting venues across the region

i) Develop and deliver a Media and Marketing Plan to secure coverage of Yorkshire & Humber in UK and overseas media i) Ensure that the region's cultural communities contribute to the delivery of the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad

Circulate draft PR and Marketing Plan to all partners and key stakeholders and revise according to feedback.

YTB/DMOs/regional tourism delivery structure

Determine, and act upon, the opportunities for the region's cultural sector engagement with the LOCOG organised Beijing hand over ceremony.

Yorkshire Steering Group for the Cultural Olympiad (YSGCO)

Produce the Marketing and PR Action Plan 2007 – 2017.

YTB/DMOs/regional tourism delivery structure

Develop the brand proposition/ commercial sponsorship policies with which relationships may be explored and established, in line with LOCOG communications principles.


Ensure all partners and key stakeholders incorporate 2012 into marketing and communications plans for 2007 onwards.

YTB/DMOs/regional tourism delivery structure

Confirm additional PR opportunities and incorporate into PR schedule, such as the region’s Ambassadors programme.

YTB/DMOs/regional tourism delivery structure /Yorkshire Gold Strategy partners

ii) Deliver a Cultural Programme to tie in with the run up to and staging of the 2012 Games (2008-2012)

ii) Attract tourists visiting the 2012 Games to Yorkshire & Humber

Establish the region's core cultural reference group; the Yorkshire Steering Group for the Cultural Olympiad.

Yorkshire Culture

Determine core regional 'creative programme' principles including the scope and range of activity in line with agreed national protocols.


Appoint regional 'creative programmer' including identification of joint resources, input on job specification and recruitment issues. The Creative Programmer will manage the overall programme of activity working with the Yorkshire Steering Group for the Cultural Olympiad and the national Cultural Olympiad team.

Yorkshire Culture / YSGCO / LOCOG

Establish Terms of Reference and strengthen partnership mechanisms for delivery of Yorkshire's Cultural Olympiad through detailed discussions with all partners including the identification of resource needs and legacy opportunities.


Co-ordinate and host a stakeholder event / regional update meeting to engage wider cultural organisations and institutions including the region's voluntary and cultural provision.


YTB/Tourism partnerships

iii) Places and activities that make Yorkshire & Humber a great place to experience the 2012 Games (albeit from a distance) Work with cities to promote carnival of culture activities.

iii) Stoke young people's interest in sport and culture (through schools, arts, museums, etc.)

YTB/Cultural Olympiad Steering Group

iv) Stage major events that attract public interest and raise the region's profile in the UK and overseas

November 2007 - August 2008

Utilise core steering group expertise, networks and relationships to ensure education sector engagement led by Creative Programmer.


In keeping with the review of the Yorkshire Plan for Sport the relationship between cultural and sporting activity will be established and enriched during this period.

Yorkshire Culture / Sport England Yorkshire

Work with partners to develop backgrounders on key venues and cultural attractions.

YTB/Yorkshire Forward/Yorkshire Culture / Cities

Ensure photography commissions for the region include key sporting activity and venues.

YTB/regional Major Events Teams/Sports bodies/Contractors

Seek confirmation of cultural carnival activities for 2008-2012.

YTB/Cultural Olympiad steering group

Build relationships with key regional, national and international journalists - including hosting FAM trips in the region.


v) Maximise the value from accommodating targeted training camps in Yorkshire & Humber Issue press releases for UK and international media working with England’s North Country once regional Pre-Games Training Camps have been secured.

iv) Ensure the region looks its best for 2012, through upkeep and enhancement of built and natural heritage Utilise the Historic Environment Forum (HEF) and related networks to develop a programme as part of the overall regional cultural Olympiad offer.

Work with tourism partnerships to develop and promote marketing packages to encourage Games time tourists to be based in the region.

November 2007 - August 2008


vi) Host a successful UK School Games in Sheffield in 2011 and maximise the benefits to the region from this

YSGCO / HEF Key activity post August 2008.

YTB/Sheffield Major Events Team/Sheffield 2012/ regional partners & media

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Winners in Business

Actions for the Business Opportunity: Agree PMF stage 3 full Business Plan for funding as part of the Culture and Major Events Team funding programme; submit to panel for approval and secure access to Yorkshire Forward funds.

Lead & Partners Yorkshire Forward Culture and Major Events Team

i) Use mainstream business support and wider networks to maximise business potential - to include sports and related businesses Work with the Business Opportunities Network (BON) programme, led by the East Midlands Development Agency (EMDA), to identify opportunities.

Yorkshire Forward

Link into the other identified Golden Opportunities to maximise economic benefit.

Yorkshire Forward and Yorkshire Gold lead partners

ii) Help businesses to win contracts for the 2012 Games and major events by signposting opportunities and linking to regional supply chain initiatives Undertake a Supply Chain study to determine relevant contract opportunities for Yorkshire and Humber businesses and to determine a future strategy for action.

Yorkshire Forward

Tender opportunities website to be promoted by Yorkshire Forward and partner organisations to the region's businesses.

Yorkshire Forward

Increase the number of Yorkshire and Humber businesses signing up for the business e-alert on www.london2012.com.

Yorkshire Forward

‘A Major Events Strategy for Yorkshir e’ Yorkshire’ Yorkshire orkshire Forward Forward

Communicate opportunities presented by the Games to Business, ensuring the message is broadcast as widely as possible, working via regional media and partners as appropriate.

Yorkshire Forward

‘Yorkshir e’s s Olympic Prospectus: ‘Yorkshire’ Prospectus: Sports technical report’ report’ Yorkshire orkshire Forward Forward ‘Yorkshir e Plan for Sport 2004-2008’ ‘Yorkshire Sport England Yorkshir e Yorkshire

iii) Utilise specific business opportunities and the 'can do' spirit around the 2012 Games to promote enterprise Engage more of our young people in enterprise education initiatives and programmes by promoting the clear synergies between what it takes to be enterprising and what it takes to be successful in sport. Namely, team work, ambition, seizing the initiative, leadership, motivation and self-belief.

Yorkshire Forward

Ensure business support is fit for purpose, supporting entrepreneurs with aspirations to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the 2012 Games.

Yorkshire Forward

Work with the region's business and community support organisations to promote the strength, capability and diversity of those social and community organisations in Yorkshire and Humber that operate in the sports and leisure sector. Focusing particularly on their success in using sport to engage with some of our most disadvantaged groups, and in fostering community cohesion in some of our more deprived areas.

Yorkshire Forward

Develop the Statement of Intent between the Department of State Development and Trade, Queensland Government and Yorkshire Forward Regional Development Agency.

Yorkshire Forward, Department of State Development and Trade - Queensland Government (Australia)

‘Transforming ‘Transforming Outdoor Adventure Adventure in North Yorkshir e’ Yorkshire’ PLB Consulting Ltd, January 2006 ‘Regional Economic Strategy, Strategy, 2006-2015’ Yorkshire orkshire Forward Forward

‘Cultural Olympiad Strategy’ LOCOG ‘Deep Roots, Real Achievements, Lofty Ambitions’ Yorkshire orkshire Culture Culture

Yorkshire Forward, Learning and Skills Council (LSC) + related Sector Skills Councils (SSCs)

v) Identify and respond to skills needs in sectors which are key to the 2012 Games and offer long term growth/employment potential Undertake a skills scoping study to determine how partners can respond to the skills needs identified in the region's Yorkshire Gold Action Plans. Any proposals will take into account national strategies on education, volunteering, skills and employment.

‘Bold V ision, Bright Future, Future, Tourism Tourism Marketing for Yorkshir e and Humber Yorkshire 2006-2010’ Yorkshire orkshire Tourist Tourist Board Board

‘Delivering Legacy’ Sheffield Sheffield Hallam University

iv) Enhance key generic business skills such as leadership and management The Learning and Skills Council in collaboration with Yorkshire Forward will link business opportunities and skills to ensure companies that are bidding for contract work have the right skills to give them a competitive edge. This will involve signposting them to existing programmes, such as Train to Gain and Yorkshire Forward Higher Level Skills.

Strategy Bibliography ‘Active Living’, the Physical Activity Framework for Yorkshir e and Humber’ Yorkshire Sport England Yorkshir e Yorkshire

LSC, Yorkshire Gold partners, regional skills stakeholders

‘Strategic Framework for the V isitor Economy’ Yorkshire orkshire Tourist Tourist Board Board Photography courtesy of: Yorkshire Tourist Board Yorkshire Culture Leeds City Council Marketing Leeds

vi) Observer and learning programmes that build and capitalise on knowledge about sports and major events Make the impact of sport a priority in ongoing 'what works' activity to identify good practice and research that can inform interventions.

Yorkshire Futures

Carry out key pieces of research to assess economic benefits of the 2012 Games and major events (e.g. in Queensland, Australia).

Yorkshire Forward

Learning links, collaboration and benchmarking with regions in countries that have recently hosted major sporting events or will do prior to the 2012 Games.

Yorkshire Forward, Yorkshire Futures

Monitor and communicate progress on key outcome indicators highlighted in Yorkshire Gold on an annual basis.

Yorkshire Futures

Strategy prepared by

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