Yoga Daily Practice

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 3,056
  • Pages: 11

Running with the synchronising with the breath Same side leg and hand bent Breath in and out every step


Lie down with head down position, arms stretched up (Shastanga Dandavat Position); Total time – count 10 breathing cycle Bend left leg and left arm remaining in the same position, take other arm down; Total time – count 10 breathing cycle Bend right leg and right arm, stretch out left leg and arm: Total time – count 10 breathing cycle Go to shavasana. First concentrate on foot for 10 seconds, then on knees for 10 seconds, then on the seven chakras – 10 seconds for every chakra Description of Chakras:

S. No 1 2

Name of Chakra


Muladhar Chakra Swadhisthan Chakra Manipur Chakra


Anahat Chakra

5 6

Bishuddha Chakra Agnya Chakra


Shashrar Chakra

Position in the Image of Chakra Body End of Spinal Chort Lotus with 4 petals About 2” up from Lotus with 6 petals muladhar chakra Naval Lotus with 10 petals Heart Lotus with 12 petals Throat Lotus with 16 petals Centre between the Lotus with 2 petals eyebrow Head Lotus with 1000 petals

Meditation Agni (Fire) Agni (Fire) Surya (Sun) Surya (Sun) Chandra (Moon) Chandra (Moon) Nirakar (Shapeless, Formless)


Sukshma yoga is done with holding breath inside in each step unless otherwise specified. Holding breath inside is not recommended for persons having blood pressure. They can do it in normal breathing. The steps in sukshma yoga are given below.

Breathing (short kapalvati pranayam) • •

Sit in Bajrasan position. Breath out with a little force but only short breathing. Repeat 100 times. Only focus on exhaling, inhaling will be automatic.

Eyes • •

Holding breath inside rotate eyes clockwise, anti-clockwise and movement of 8 in both directions. 3 times each direction

Nose • •

Force breath out with the hands wiping the nose. 3 times

Ears • •

Holding breath inside stretch the ears in all sides. Few seconds.

Teeth • •

Holding breath inside crunch the teeth with some force. Head should be tightened. Few seconds.

Throat • •

Take breath in, force the breath out from the mouth with full force with tongue stretched out and the mouth wide open. One time.

Gums • •

Holding breath inside, massage gums with rotation of tongue. 3 times each clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise.

Jaws • •

Holding breath inside, rotate jaws. 3 times clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Neck •

Holding breath inside, rotate head from the neck.

3 times clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise.

Shoulder • •

Put fingers on the shoulders and holding breath inside rotate arms. 3 times clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise.

Arms • •

Holding breath inside move arms up and down bending from the elbow. 10 times.

Wrist • •

Stretch arms parallel to the ground holding breath inside rotate hands from the wrist. 3 times clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise.

Fingers • •

In the same position, holding breath inside, stretch fingers in and out. 10 times.

Chest •

Pull arms upto the chest, stretch chest and breath out forcefully from the mouth with tongue bending out and the mouth wide open.

Agnisar (Stomach) • • •

Now stand up with legs 1 feet wide. Breath out and move stomach in and out holding breath out. Few seconds as long as you can hold breath.

Waist • • •

Close you feet in the same position. Holding breath in rotate your waist. 3 times clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise.

Knees • •

Bend knees little bit hands resting on the knees. Holding breath in rotate knees. 3 times clockwise, 3 times anti-clockwise, 3 times in and 3 times out.

Legs • •

Stretch one leg raising little higher from the ground and rotate. Repeat with other leg. 3 times clockwise and 3 times anti-clockwise.

Sit-ups • •

Sit breathing out. Stand up with breathing in and rotating arms from the shoulder. 10 times.

Jumping • •

Jump keeping the body straight with no bending in the body. Breath in while jumping up and breath out while jumping down. 15 times.

Heel • •

Holding breath in walk with the heel. Five steps forward and five steps backward

Shavasana •

Rest in Savasana for about 2 minutes.

ASANA Surya Namaskar

• • •

This is a combination of different asanas and is done in 12 postures. The 12 positions have been shown in the figure. Breathing rule: o First posture: Normal breathing o Second posture: Breath in and hold o Third posture: Breath out and hold o Fourth posture: Breath in and hold o Fifth posture: Breath out and hold o Sixth posture: First breath in and then breath out o Seventh posture: Breath in and hold o Eighth posture: Breath out and hold o Ninth posture: Breath in and hold o Tenth posture: Breath out and hold o Eleventh posture: Breath in and hold o Twelvth posture: Normal breathing

Repeat 3 times.

Asana with standing position Tadasana • •

Breathing in slowly raise your hands up. Stretch legs and arms standing in the toes. Hold the breath in few seconds in final position. Try to see the fingers. Slowly breathe out and come to standing position at the same time lowering the hands down.

Dwikonasana • • • •

Cross your fingers at the back. Breathe in with the chest stretched. Slowly breathing out bend forward from the waist raise the crossed fingers with arms straight. Hold the breath out in this position. Slowly breathe in and come back to standing position with the fingers still crossed. This is the same position as before bending. Slowly breathing out come back to normal standing position.

Trikonasana • • • • •

Keep the feet wide. Slowly taking breath in raise your hands up and parallel to the ground. Slowly breathing out and keeping the legs straight try to touch left feet with right hand bending from the waist, other hand keeping straight up. Try to see the left palm. Hold breath out in this position. Slowly inhaling come back to previous position with the hands parallel to the ground. Repeat the same posture touching right feet with the left hands. Come back to standing position. Slowly exhaling lower the hands in normal standing position.

Ardha-chandrasana • • • •

Slowly inhaling raise the right hand up. Exhaling bend left and hold the breath in the final position. Breathing in come back to previous position. With the breath out lower your hands slowly. Repeat the steps with raising left hand and bending right.

Asana with sitting position Bajrasana • •

Bend your legs and sit on the heels with the legs stretched out from the ankle with the thighs and feet keeping close. Holding the breath in tighten your whole body for some time.

Supta-bajrasana • • • • •

Sit in Bajrasana. Breathing in raise your hand up. Slowly breathing out bend the body back and try to lie down in bajrasana. Keep the breath in normal position for some time in final position. Slowly inhaling come bake to Bajrasana with the support of your hands. Exhale and come back to normal Bajrasana position.

Kurmasana • • • •

Sit in Bajrasana. Breathing in raise your hands up. Exhaling slowly bend your body forward and touch the ground with your forehead keeping the arms on the ground. Hold the breath out. Buttock should not be raised in this position. Breathe in and come back to prevision position with the hands stretched up. Breath out slowly and lower the arms.

Ustrasana • • • •

Sit in Bajrasana. Take breath in slowly and raise your hands and raise your body from the knees. Holding the breath in try to touch the heels with your hands bending the body backward from waist. Put the head backward. Now take out your tongue keeping the mouth out breath out forcefully from the mouth. Hold the breath out for some time. Taking breath in come back to previous position with hands up and raising body upto the knees. Slowly breathe out and lower the body and the hands in Bajrasana.

Gorakshyasana • • •

In sitting position keep your legs stretched out. Bend both the legs from the knees keeping the feet touching. Try to sit over the heels, knees resting on the ground. Breath in normal position.

Padmasana •

Sit in cross-legged position. Put the right leg over left thigh and the left leg over the right thigh.

Matsyasana • • • •

Sit Padmasana. Inhaling raise your hands up. Slowly exhaling bend your body backward from the waist and touch the ground with the head. Back should be raised and should not touch the ground. Hold the breath in. Slowly come back to normal Padmasana with the support of the hand. Breath in normal condition.

Ardha-matsyendrasan • • • • • • • • •

Sit with the legs stretched out. Bend the left leg from the knee and try to sit over the heel keeping the left knee on the ground and in front of the body. Bend the other leg from the knee and place the feet on the ground over the left thigh keeping the right knee raised near the chest. Touch the feet by left hand keeping the left knee at the left side of the left arms. Inhaling rotate the body right from the waist and rotate the head left from the neck. Touch the left waist with the right hand from the back. Hold the breath in for some time. Exhaling slowly come back to normal position. Repeat the same steps with another side.

Gomuknasana • • • • • • • • •

Bend left leg from the knee and sit in position touching with the left heel over the right buttock. Left knee should touch the ground and should be just before the body in straight line. Bend the other leg with the right knee just above the left knee. Keep the left hand at the back with elbow supporting the head from the back. Try to catch the left hand with the right hand at the back. Inhale and hold for a few seconds. Slowly exhale and touch the knee with the forehead. Hold few seconds. Slowly inhale and come back to previous position. Hold few seconds. Take the breath to normal and come back to normal position. Repeat with the other side.

Janu-sirasan • • • • • • •

Bend the left leg from the knee and try to sit over the left heel with the feet out. Keep the right leg straight. Take breath in and raise your hands up. Slowly exhaling bend the body forward from the waist and try to touch the knee with the forehead touch the right toe with hands. Right knee should be touching the ground and not bent. Hold the breath out for some time. Inhaling raise your head and keeping the hands straight and keep up. Exhaling slowing lower the hands. Repeat the steps with the other side.

Asana with lying down facing down position Bhunjangasana •

Lie down with facing down. Keep the palms on the ground parallel to the chest.

• • •

Taking breath in slowly raise your body from the waist. Keep the head back from the neck. Hold in this position for few seconds with the breath in. Slowly come back to the previous position taking breath out. Repeat the steps on the left side then on the right side.

Shalabhasana • •

Taking breath in with the support of hands slowly raise your legs up. The other parts of the body should be touching the ground. Hold on for a few seconds. Exhaling slowly lower the body to normal position.

Dhanurasan • • • •

Catch the legs with both the hands bend the legs. Inhaling raise the body from the front and from the back keeping the stomach touching the ground and rest of the body raised. Hold on for a few seconds. Exhaling come back to normal position.

Asana with lying down facing up position Hridaya-sthambhasana • • •

First lie down with facing up position. Put the finger crossed at the back of the head. Inhaling slowly raise legs and head about one feet from the ground. Hold on for a few seconds. Exhaling slowly come back to original position.

Naukasana • • •

Inhaling raise your legs up upto 45 degrees. Exhaling raise your head from the ground and try to touch the feet with the hands bending forward. Hold the breath out for few seconds. Inhaling lower the head to ground and exhaling slowly lower the legs to ground.

Pawan-muktasana • • • • • • •

Inhaling raise your left leg upto 90 degrees. Hold the legs with arms bending the knee over the chest. Exhaling touch the knee with the head. Hold on for a few seconds. Inhaling bring back the head to original position. Exhaling lower the left leg to ground. Repeat this with the other leg first. Then repeat this with both the legs.

Chakrasana •

With the support of the hands and legs raise your whole body up with the breath in normal position. The final position is like a circle.

After some time come back to normal position slowly.

Sarwangasana and Halasana • • • • • •

Inhaling slowly raise legs to 90 degrees. Exhaling raise your whole body from the neck and support the back with the hands. Keep the feet stretched up. Take the breath in normal position. Hold on for 8 breath counts. Slowly take the legs back and try to touch the ground with the toes. Hold on for 8 breath counts. Very slowly come back to normal position

Bhastrika Pranayama • • • •

Bhastrika is fast breathing in and breathing out. Standing up do fast breathing slowly increasing the speed. Then slowly reduce the speed and end the pranayama. Move the hands forward and backward while breathing according to the speed of breathing.

Shavasana (Rest) • • • •

Lie down facing up. Keep the feet one foot wide. Keep the hands about 6 inch away from the body with the palm facing upward. Keep everything loose. Feel free with no tension on the body. Concentration on the breathing. Do it about 5-10 minutes until the body and breathing comes to relaxed condition.

PRAYANAMA Anulom Vilom Pranayam or Nadi-shodhan Pranayama • •

Sit comfortably with cross-legged position or any other position you feel comfortable. Take in breath from left nostril and take out breath from right nostril. Again take in breathing from right nostril and take out breath from left nostril. This is one cycle.

Kapalbhati Pranayama • • •

Take the breath out with a little force but not with too much force. The body and the head should not be moving while breathing out. Stomach moves in. Let the breathing in be automatic. Repeat the breathing out. The rate of breathing should be about one breathing per second.

Surya-bhedi Pranayama •

Take the breath in from left nostril. Hold the breath in as long as you can but don’t hold forcefully.

• • • •

Take the breath out from the right nostril and hold the breath out for some time as long as you can but don’t use force. Take the breath in from the right nostril and hold in. Take the breath out from the left nostril and hold out. This is one cycle. Start with 3 cycles.

Shitali Pranayama • • • •

Take out the tongue and make it like a channel. Take the breath in slowly through the channel. Hold the breath in. Breathe out from the nostril and hold out. This is one cycle. Start with 3 cycles.

Bhramari Pranayama • • •

Close the eyes and ears with hand. Take the breath in. Repeat the mantra “hum” with the humming sound with the mouth closed. 5 times.

Om kar Japa Pranayama or Udgith Pranayama • • •

Take breath in. Dividing the whole breath into 3 phases chant the matra “a”, “u” and “m” one after the other so that every phase has equal interval. While chanting “a” concentrate on Muladhar Chakra and Swadhisthan Chakra. While chanting “u” concentrate on Manipur Chakra and Anahat Chakra and whild chanting “m” concentrate on Vishuddha Chakra and Aagna Chakra. Repeat 5 times


Stand up with the feet wide about one foot. Exhale and bend the body forward with hands on the knees. Hold the breath out and do the three bandha. The three bandhas are: o Muladhar bandha: Crunching the anus up o Uddiyan bandha: Sucking the stomach inside creating vacuum inside. o Jalandhar bandha: Closing the breath pipe by touching the chest with with the chin. Come back to straight standing position with the three bandhas. Hold as long as you can with the breath out.

NAULI • • •

Stand up with the feet wide about one foot. Exhale and bend the body forward with hands on the knees. Hold the breath out and suck the stomach in by creating vacuum inside.

• • • •

With the force on the hands over the knees take out the muscle of the abdomen (which is called nauli) in the centre of the abdomen. This becomes success after some practice. With the force of the hand in the knees rotate the nauli right and left still holding the breath. Taking the breath in come to normal position. 3 times.


Sit in a corss-legged position or any position you feel comfortable. Meditation can also be done sitting in a chair. Close your eyes and watch the breath coming in and going out. You are not support to control or taking in and out the breath you have to only watch the natural process of breathing. Watch the breathing coming in and going out in the nose. Thoughts come and go, don’t attend to them. Just keep watching the breath. Mind goes to different things but when you remember take it to watch breathing again. Slowly the thoughts will be lesser and lesser.

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