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(Airee) Publisher Application 3/16/2019

Travel to Shanghai Transportation Inside this issue: Transportation




Food street


Special points of interest:

Shanghai is a world-renowned international metropolis. Its transportation is very convenient. It is very convenient to take either a plane or a high-speed train. Shanghai has two international airports, more suitable for friends from abroad. If you are not far from Shanghai, then high -speed rail is your best choice. There are many high-speed railways to Shanghai, and you can go to almost any place at any time. In Shanghai, if we want to travel, the most convenient transportation is the subway and bus. Shanghai's scenic spots are scattered, so the subway is the most convenient way to get there. On the first day, we can go to the subway station to apply for a transportation card, so that we don't have to wait in line every day to buy tickets.

[Shanghai metro system image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 fromhttps://timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=155280268457 5&di=fd9bed2fb644eaa8628c2e859705ff47&imgtype=0&s rc=http%3A%2F%2Fpic.qjimage.com%2Fchineseview120% 2Fhigh%2F251-7211.jpg

• Shanghai is convenient to travel with various ways of transportations • Shanghai’s attractions are fashionable or classical • Shanghai has a lot food street where you can eat all day

[Shanghai metro system image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 fromhttps://timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1553397497&di=070 1a4f7f7aece881f359a412fa6f2fe&imgtype=jpg&er=1&src=http %3A%2F%2Fwww.sxzyd.net%2FUploadFiles%2FPhoto%

[Shanghai shopping mall in subway image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1552802707724&di= 0be0ce604e907304c720066829be3585&imgtype=0&src=http% 3A%2F%2Fimages.shobserver.com%2Fnews%2Fnews%2F2018% 2F5%2F29%2Fed73e3f5-f064-46b0-83d2-21c70ae08bf2.jpg

Attractions [The Bund image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https:// timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&s ec=1552802491630&di=7e76c2cf063 ea9b255a80f6395b12e24&imgtype=0 &src=http%3A%2F% 2Fimgsrc.baidu.com%2Fimage%2Fc0% 253Dshijue1%252C0%252C0% 252C294%252C40%2Fsign% 3D4be400453f2ac65c73086e30939b d864% 2F11385343fbf2b211e270596bc0806 5380cd78ebd.jpg

There are many interesting attractions in Shanghai. The most famous one is the Bund. Take the subway to Nanjing east road and cross the pedestrian street, then go straight ahead to the Bund. The Bund is full of people, so it is very important to choose a good time to go there. Stand on the Bund and enjoy the scenery, the river breeze and the landmark buildings on the other side. Almost everyone who travels to Shanghai does it. The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower, as the landmark of Shanghai, is also one of the mustsee attractions in Shanghai. The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower has three circular constructions. Generally speaking, if you reach the second circular construction, you will see a beautiful scenery. If you go there at night, you will have a unique night view of Shanghai. (But do not go there in winter, the haze in Shanghai’s winter is very serious recently, go to The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower in winter will only see a layer of white fog.)

[The Oriental Pearl Radio & TV Tower image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https:// timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=1552802437545&di=64bf92ea27f80c5959 5d566b49744010&imgtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fyouimg1.c-ctrip.com%2Ftarget% 2F100v090000003kvfm6DDA.jpg

Shanghai Disney is also one of the most popular places for tourists to visit in recent years. This newly built amusement park attracts millions of visitors every year. Here is a remind for everyone: don’t go to Disney late, otherwise a lot of recreation facilities will be really crowded and you don’t get the chance to play.

[Shanghai Disney image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https:// timgsa.baidu.com/ timg? image&quality=80&size= b9999_10000&sec=1 552802552802&di=0 940a7d91d2dce8013 5122cca4660b6a&img type=0&src=http%3A% 2F% 2Fi0.hexunimg.cn% 2F2016-05-09% 2F183760856.jpg

Of course, if you can't afford to go to the Disney, choose Happy Valley to play, which is also another good amusement park. Except for these must-see attractions, Shanghai has many historic classical architecture tourist areas, such as Yu garden, City God Temple of Shanghai, Shippo Old Street.

Shanghai has a lot of street snacks, but search for the food to find a place to eat is kind of wasting time. Let’s go directly to the food street! The following is a few famous snack streets.

- Yunnan south road food street

- Huanghe road food street

[Food street image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b10000_10000&sec=15527921 80&di=8b662e744830eb0e60afc30e986f134c&src=htt p://img.mp.itc.cn/

This food street give priority to with home cooking foods. There’s a lot of Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, Guizhou cuisine which has been modified according to the taste of shanghainese. This food street is very popular among Shanghainese.

- Wujiang road food street

[Food street image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=155280236 3900&di=629af2f0b322d259a168b67382c237af&imgt ype=0&src=http%3A%2F%2Fww2.sinaimg.cn%2Flarge%

Here is the most popular place for tourists to come. They have Shanghai's most famous Yang's Fried Dumplings and Chinese barbecue.

- Huaihai road food street Different from other places in the ranking of Shanghai food street, this street is a shopping food integration block with various fashion brands, numerous famous entertainment stores and hotel services.

- Xianxia road [Food street image] Baidu. Retrived 3/16/19 from https://timgsa.baidu.com/timg? image&quality=80&size=b9999_10000&sec=155280232 1852&di=27b53f672abe2a5397d9b620a365894a&im gtype=0&src=http%3A%2F%

There are Chinese Taiwanese food, Japanese food, Korean food, southeast Asian food and so on. There are also many tea houses and bars that young people like to go.


The total length of this food street has 250 meters.

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