Yemolar Q4 Bm History

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JUNE 14, 2009

The Philadelphia Times White House Goes Green

War Death Toll Raises to 28,000 After another another bloody weekend the number of casualties from The War in the Middle East has risen past 28,000 with the current number of casualties being 28,009. This increased number comes from this weekend after a deadly suicide bombing outside of the United States Embassy in Iraq where 12 United States soldiers died along with 4 French Soldiers. The United States death toll is currently at 8,284 and the French death toll is currently at 14,253. It is believed that this is part of the terrorist group called the Kurdistan Workers Party. This is a strange attack on the United States Embassy because this group known as KWP has never threatened or attacked American forces only turkish forces and western europe diplomats. The Kurdistan Workers Party’s is a terrorist group that was founded in the late seventies. Their main goal was to try and get Kurdistan to become an independent country. (CONT. PAGE 2)

As of yesterday the White House has become a carbon neutral building. After 13 months of renovations the work is finally complete. Some of the green renovations include solar panels, wind turbines, and a water purifying system. In an address that President Gore gave at the reveal of the new renovations to the White House he stated that he hoped this would set an example for the rest of the country. He said “I hope that the rest of the country and other counties around the world will follow by our example of going green and saving our great Earth. Global Warming is not a problem that can be solved with only 1.6% of buildings in this great country being carbon neutral everyone needs to join this movement to save our planet. (CONT. PAGE 2)

Former President Bill Clinton to Remarry Bill Clinton is to marry his girlfriend of six years this weekend in Syracuse New York. On tuesday Bill Clinton and Jane Luchu will be getting married at St. Martha of Calvary Church in Syracuse New York. President Clinton and Jane Luchu met in early 2003 at an event to raise money for aids in London. From there they have stayed in close contact. Since then there have been many reports that they were dating

but they never came out and said that they were dating. Just on saturday they came out and made it official that they have been dating since 2003 and that they are planning on getting married on Tuesday. In the address there was no reference to Bill Clintons former wife and if she was invited to their wedding. This year marks 12 years since Bill and Hillary Clinton got a divorce because of the Lewinsky scandal.



JUNE 14, 2009

WAR DEATH TOLL RAISES TO 28,000 (CONT.) In a statement made by President Gore, he referred to the group as “an increasing threat to the safety of the United States.” President Gore went on to say that the United States and French troops will take some offensive steps by moving into the area where it is believed many of terrorist from this group reside. This is just one of a terrorist groups that just seems to be getting larger by the week. Although the number of terrorist groups continues to grow President Gore still remains confident that the United States and France will be able to bring peace and stability to all of the areas of the middle east. President Iraq until Saddam Hussein is captured and Gore stated that the United States would stay in stable government is brought into the area.


The new and improved r e n o v a t e d W h i t e Ho u s e includes a set of Solar panels on the roof that provides 72% of the White House’s energy. The solar panels line the west side of the White House right above

President Al Gores office in the west wing. Along with Solar Panels the Whit House now also boasts 3 new miniature solar panels that provide another 30% energy for the White House. The the wind turbines are 25 feet in height and reside on the east end of the white house’s lawn. The face the west to get as much wind as possible. One last major change to the white house is the new garden

that is in front of the White Ho u s e . T h i s n e w g a r d e n includes all kinds of vegetables and fruits and spices that are later consumed by the president, his family, and other people inside of the White House. All of these renovations added u p m e a n s t h a t t h e W h i te House is now a carbon neutral building. This is now the first federal building to be carbon neutral.

If You Have Any Questions or Concerns about Going Green You Can Contact the Going Green Advancement Agency. Phone: 1-888-GO-GREEN (1-888-464-7336) Website: THE PHILADELPHIA TIMES

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