Year Plan Ab Initio - Course Design.docx

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  • Words: 2,200
  • Pages: 11
Course design (2 YEAR PLAN) (FRENCH IB 11 AND 12) Theme 1 : Identities FIRST YEAR OF AB INITIO COURSE : Topics Conceptual understanding 1. Personal Audience: Students attributes explore how to Apparence introduce themselves personnelle to other people • Personnalité • Vêtements • Détails personnels : adresse, âge, nationalité, langue(s) 2. personal Audience: Students relationship explore how to Voisins communicate about • Famille family to other people • Amis • Travail/Affaires • Animaux

3. eating and drinking

Purpose: Students understand the link


Links to TOK and CAS

Students will know how to introduce themselves, their friends, their house and their family with relevant adjectives.

TOK: How does the language impact the way we define and introduce ourselves?

Students can communicate in a basic way about their family and make others understand the relationships within the family

TOK: Does our family impact the way we learn a language?

Students are able to talk about what they eat for the different

CAS: Students paint an image describing themselves.

CAS: students exchange their family for a weekend and must do some activities with them. TOK: Is there a link between culture and

International mindedness Students get to know the profiles of different people around the world, with other features and personalities

Number of hours 10 hours

Students discover how family systems around the world are impacted by culture

5 hours

Students discover eating and drinking habits of people in

10 hours

Cuisiner : équipement, between culture and ingrédients, directives, eating/drinking quantité, ustensiles • Alimentation saine, mal bouffe, allergies, restrictions alimentaires • Boutiques, marchés et supermarchés • Restaurants et menus • Traditions culinaires 4. physical wellbeing Corps • Santé : style de vie, fitness, régime, stress • Personnes travaillant dans les soins de santé (médecins, infirmiers/infirmières, spécialistes, chirurgiens, etc.) • Maladies, dépendances, troubles

Purpose: Students discover how to have a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle

meals of the day. They are able to order food in a restaurant and buy food in a shop (shops, food/drink ítems, verb “to go”, expressions of quantity, “I would like”)

Students will be able to talk about their lifestyle and health.

what we eat/don’t eat? CAS: All students choose a recipe they would like to make other students discover, explain the recipe in class. They make it at home and the food is then brought to less fortunate families. TOK: Is physical wellbeing related to healthy mind? CAS: Students all bring a healthy lunch to eat during break and explain their choice in front of the class.

France and other francophone countries

Students discover healthy ways of living that are originating from other cultures

5 hours

de l’alimentation, obésité • Médicaments : pharmacies, prescriptions, traitements Theme 2 : Éxperiences Topics 1. Daily routine À la maison • À l’école • Dans le milieu de travail • Achats : argent, achats en ligne, boutiques • Interaction sociale : introductions, politesse • Activités du weekend Journées de la semaine • Adverbes de

Conceptual understanding Context: Students learn how to talk about their routines and discover other routines from other cultures


Links to TOK and CAS

International mindedness Students can talk TOK: Do we learn more Students discover about their daily if we follow a routine their model of routine (time, or if we sometimes routine is not the activities, expressions break it? same all around the of time) world CAS: Ask students to stay back every week to help those who are week in French.

Number of hours 5 hours

fréquence • Dire l’heure 2. Leisure Activités et passetemps • Installations et lieux • Sport : équipement, événements, types • Sédentarisme (jeux vidéo, visionnement en rafale, rapport avec l’obésité) 3. Holidays Logement • Activités et excursions • Types de vacances : plage, ville, aventure, famille, éco-tourisme • Coutumes locales, nourriture, traditions • Information touristique • Voyage : arrangements, tarifs, réservations, plaintes

Context: Students learn about their personal and cultural differences regarding leisure

Students can exchange ideas about leisure with other teenagers

CAS: Students give after-school reading class to illiterate children so that they may enjoy reading

Meaning: Students explore the importance of traveling and meeting other people from different cultures

Students can communicate about past and future holidays (perfect tense, near future tense, activities, description of places)

TOK: Does a human need vacation or is it an invention?

Students discover similarities and differences between leisure of French and Indian teenagers

5 hours

Is there eco-tourism 5 hours in the target country? What are the tourist attractions in your CAS: Every student target country? spends a day of Students learn about vacation with under many different places privileged children and in the world and what teach them French can be done over songs/ craft there.

4. Festivals and Celebrations Célébrations familiales (anniversaires, mariages, etc.) • Festivals (carnaval, folklorique, religieux, etc.) • Fêtes : nationales, publiques, religieuses • Rites de passage • Traditions Topics 1. Transport Conduite et régles • Directions et signalisation • Urgences et accidents • Moyens de transport • Transport public 2. Entertainment Art • Célébrités, paparazzi • Télévision, séries et films

Context: Students learn about the relation between languages, cultures and festivals

Students can describe TOK: Do humans need different festivals and festivals to express celebrations from their culture? different cultures CAS: Students celebrate their birthday with poor families and relate their experience orally in front of the class

Theme 3 : Human Ingenuity Conceptual Objectives understanding Purpose: students Students are able to understand the talk about tranport positive and negative they use and positive impacts of different and negative points transports in their life for each of them

Context: Students discover that learning a language through entertaining channels is posible

Students are able to talk about what they like/dislike to watch and read

Links to TOK and CAS CAS: Ask the students to imagine and create in 3D the model of their ideal means of transport ans talk about the advantages in French

Students get to see that their festivals and celebrations are not the best and that there is a tight link between culture and festivals

4 hours

International mindedness Students learn about transport issues that are common to many countries

Number of hours 6 hours

TOK: Can humans learn Students discover through similarities of tastes entertainment? in entertainment in Europe and India

4 hours

• Musique et concerts • Théâtre • Lieux

3. Media Publicité • Nouvelles et presse • Partialité • TV et radio • Types de programmes • Gens dans les médias • Internet • Médias sociaux 4. Technology Cyber relations : cyber intimidation, partage, vie privée, rencontres • Cyber sécurité • Jeux en ligne • Internet : service bancaire, divertissement, recherche, shopping

Meaning: Students learn that media have an impact on the perception people may have of a country or culture

Students are able to understand news on TV or radio about basic random topics

Purpose: Students discover how their life is impacted by technologies

Students are able to talk about internet and other technologies impacting their life

CAS: Students create a video about their favorite book or movie to make other students understand the story, plot and characters in French TOK: Are people influenced by what media presents? Can media enable effective learning? Mostly, do they have a positive or negative impact on us?

Students understand that some cultures/countries negatively presented by most media are actually not what they seem

6 hours

TOK: Do we learn more Students understand / faster / better with the global impact of technology? technology on the citizens of all CAS: Students research countries about all technologies in their life, create a giant poster and display it in the hall of

8 hours

• Téléphones mobiles • Utilisation de la technologie : éducation, loisirs, travail, divertissement, communication • Avantages et inconvénients SECOND YEAR OF AB INITIO COURSE : Topics 1. Neighbourhood Types d’habitation : appartement, maison, chalet, studio • Installations : banque, poste, récréation, recyclage, espaces ouverts, boutiques • Municipalités : ville, grande ville, village • Activités communautaires • Voisins • Problèmes

Conceptual understanding Context: Students discover how to be actively involved in their neighbourhood life and to have an impact in their direct enrironment

the school. Labled in French.

Theme 4: Social organisation Objectives Links to TOK and CAS Students are able to describe their house and neighbourhood (prepositions, house, neighbourhood, events)

International mindedness TOK: Does the Students become neighbourhood we aware that were born in or lived in everybody’s own impact our way of involvment and speaking? action in their own neighbourhood can CAS: Students take impact the whole care of an isolated world elder person in their neighbourhood on a weekly basis during a whole semester

Number of hours 6 hours

(pollution, déchets, sans-abris, circulation) • Transport public • Directions 2. Education Types d’école (privée, d’état, mixte, pensionnat, école à domicile, etc.) • Équipement et fournitures • Examens et évaluation • Installations • Matières scolaires, horaire et activités parascolaires • Calendrier scolaire • Uniformes • Règlements • Niveaux (jardin d’enfants, université, etc.) 3. Workplace Métiers et professions • Qualifications • Chômage • Applications

Context: Students learn Students are able to about the different talk about their educational systems school facilities, school routine, teachers and subjects

Variation: Students learn about language used in the world of work

Students are able to tell what they are going to do later on and why (Jobs, justifying, simple

TOK: Are there many ways of learning? Are some school systems enabling students to learn more or more effectively? How? CAS: Students draw their ideal school, present it in front of the class and defend their choice

Students become 6 hours aware of different school systems and their own benefits and of the issues students face at their level all around the world (what subject is difficult, what they like, what teachers are like, homework,…)

TOK: Does the workplace requires a different language? How much do we learn in a workplace

Students learn the 8 hours similarities in all workplaces around the world but also the differences of work

• Conditions de travail : collègues de travail, salaire, horaire, stress, avantages sociaux, promotions

4. Social Issues Questions d’identité sexuelle • Discrimination • Stéréotypes et préjugés • Crime et système de justice • Sans-abris • Mariage et famille • Santé publique • Chômage Topics 1. Climate Changements climatiques • Désastres naturels

future and conditional tenses)

Context: Students understand their role in the society

compared to what we learn at school?

CAS: Students work as internees in different organizations during winter break and relate their experience in front of the class Students are able to TOK: Where do social talk about dfferent issues come from? social issues in France How can we treat them? Can social issues bring changes?

Theme 5 : Sharing the planet Conceptual Objectives understanding Purpose: Students Students are able to understand the impact talk about human men have on the impact on the environment, how it environment and are

Links to TOK and CAS TOK: How do humans impact the environment? Can pollution ever be

cultures in order to get prepared for later on

Students become more aware of social issues that have affected or are affecting France in order to understand the culture and French people better

6 hours

International mindedness Students realize the earth is the common cutody of all humans and that only a

Number of hours 20 hours

• Saisons • Météo : conditions, conséquences sur la vie quotidienne, prévisions

2. Physical Geography Caractéristiques géographiques de base (montagne, colline, vallée, rivière, champ, île, etc.) • Zones rurales • Zones urbaines • Continents, pays, capitales, (cartes) 3. Environment Espèces menacées • Ressources naturelles • Pollution

affects the students’ life and what students can do to protect biodiversity

able to wrire and talk in order to convince other people how to change their habits to save the planet

Purpose : Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of living in different geographical areas

Students will identify the physical features of the target culture.

Purpose : Preserving the environment, facing the challenges

Students identify measures to be taken to improve conditions around them

justified? In the long run, does economic development depend on effective protection of the environment? CAS: Students visit poor communities to convince them of the benefits of recycling for the environment and themselves social media posting

Creation of a promotional video to limit the environmental impact

collective action will slow down or reverse the destruction process of the environment

Compare the physical 5 hours geography of the target culture compared to the student own culture

Environmental issues of the target culture compared to the student own culture

5 hours

• Recyclage et réutilisation • Durabilité • Déchets 4. Global Issues Organismes de charité/de bienfaisance • Énergie • Droits de l’homme • Migration : immigration, réfugiés • Paix et guerre • Population • Pauvreté • Terrorisme

in school, to be presented in assembly

Purpose : What can we do to reduce the misery in the world.

Students identify the global issues and give advice to improve conditions around them

Debate: can today’s global issues be tackled also at a local level?

Discuss the global issues in relation to the target country

5 hours

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