Year 2007

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Year 7 Curriculum Handbook

September 2008

YEAR 7 CURRICULUM HANDBOOK INTRODUCTION This handbook is designed for parents of Year 7 students. It contains important information about the content and objectives, and evaluation procedures which will be included in this year’s courses. The handbook is intended to be a reference resource so that you may feel better informed about the work that the students are doing in class. This will enable you to discuss your child’s work with him/her and the teachers more knowledgeably. You will also be able to refer to this curriculum booklet when you receive progress reports on your child’s achievements. The guide gives an overview of the topics that will be studied during this year at school. Please read it through carefully. In Years 7, 8 & 9, the British School follows very closely the National Curriculum of England and Wales, Key Stage 3. This is a challenging curriculum, which at the same time, provides opportunity for students of all abilities. BSQ results in the Key Stage 3 examinations are measured against results from the United Kingdom and other British curriculum schools around the world. Students present formal examinations each year. At the end of Year 9, they present the QCA SAT tests in Science, Mathematics and English, which give a very precise indication of academic performance, before going on to the Pre-Diploma course at BSQ. Parent support is one of the most important factors influencing a child’s levels of attainment in school. Good communication between home and school is of great importance to us here at the British School. If you have any questions about your child’s attainment levels, home or class work, or if you would like to discuss any aspect of the curriculum, please contact your child’s tutor in the first instance. We are, of course, also always available to discuss issues, as is the Director of the School.

John Osborne

Ben Schiller

Secondary Coordinator

KS 3/Pre-Diploma Coordinator

Leilana Dela Cruz Tutor

ENGLISH KEY STAGE 3 Year 7 CURRICULUM OUTLINES 2008/9 Miss Kathleen Borrowman The following is a general overview of the subject material students can expect to experience in year 7. The programme is designed to meet the requirements of the three attainment targets of the National Curriculum for English, which are: Attainment Target 1: Speaking and Listening Attainment Target 2: Reading Attainment Target 3: Writing Year 7. There is a great deal of flexibility in the topics chosen each half term. We use exercises taken from Skills in English Book 1. These exercises incorporate skills such as reading comprehension, responding to a variety of texts, group discussion, individual responses, class presentations, writing reviews, note-taking, writing booklets and writing for children. Other texts studied in Year 7 may include: Stories from Two Centuries, The Girl and the Snake (Short Plays), Axed Between the Ears (Poetry), Windmill Book of Short Stories and various class readers (see below) The topics we teach for English Language are fully integrated with, and often derive from, the class readers. These texts change each term. They are chosen in order to expose students to a representative variety of English Literature, taking into account the correct reading level for the age and competence in English of a given group of year 7 students. Studies in poetry and other forms of prose are integrated on an ongoing basis. Teachers of English make use of differentiation so that each student can complete challenging and stimulating work. In class and out of class support is given to English as a Second Language students depending upon individual circumstances. New students are also integrated into the class with their individual needs in English taken into account. Curriculum term by term. Term 1 Units of work include:

Term 2 Units of work include:

Term 3 Units of work include:

Friends and Family Audience and Purpose of writing

Magic and mystery

Poetry Exploding a poem Finding ways in!

Descriptive, Imaginative and Creative Writing


Other countries’ writing

Class Reader The Daydreamer

Class Reader Danny, the Champion of the World

Class Reader Skellig

Class Exercise Book: Skills in English I Students will also have aspects of Media Studies and Drama integrated into the curriculum throughout the year. Attainment assessment: Students will be evaluated by their performance in the following areas: Homework and in-class assignments – 30%; projects – 30%; tests, quizzes, and final exam – 40%

Drama Course

Year 7

Miss K Borrowman

This is a half-year course designed to give participants an overview of theatre skills, as well as increase self-awareness, ability to work in a group, public speaking skills, writing skills, and self-confidence all via dramatic activities. Daily: Warm-ups – to practice working together (listening and following, cooperating); doing silly things in front of each other, warm up the voice and body in preparation for more demanding activities. Improv – improvisational skills – to practice building a scene without a plan or script – not all acting is scripted, in face, up to 90% is improvised. Improv involves paying attention to others, reacting logically to what’s happening, etc. Throughout the course: Skills – stage-specific skills including vocabulary of theatre, maximizing voice, movement, use of stage space, stage fighting, sword fighting, possibly make-up if time permits. Critique – includes an awareness of some existing forms of drama, some classic works, and vocabulary and skills to discuss drama critically. Projects: Straight-forward scripted } Finishing or developing a script from existing materials } and perform, Developing a script from scratch } in groups Homework: From time to time the students will be asked to do some written work, such as reflective or critical writing regarding class work, and sometimes students will elect to practice or otherwise work on their dramatic productions at home. Grading: Effort and Conduct grades will be based on daily in-class performance, and attitude towards homework. Attainment grades will be based on daily participation, written work, and contribution to projects.

AÑO 7 ESPAÑOL María del Carmen Zavala OBJETIVOS El Programa de Lengua y Literatura en Español para el año 7 se enfoca en el desarrollo de destrezas que necesitará el estudiante para el programa de Pre IB. El alumno tendrá la oportunidad de alcanzar los siguientes objetivos: - Familiarizarse con los diferentes tipos de textos literarios. - Escribir en variedad estilos. - Reforzar estructuras gramaticales, ortográficas y de vocabulario. - Desarrollar destrezas y estrategias de lectura para comprender y responder a una variedad de textos. - Desarrollar pensamiento crítico para defender su posición. - Desarrollar destrezas para escuchar y hablar en público. - Reflexionar sobre su comportamiento para adquirir hábitos y valores.

CONTENIDOS Literatura Narrativa: Cuentos, leyendas, mitos, novelas. Escritura

Textos informativos: la exposición, el reportaje, la entrevista. Textos artumentativos, cartas, anuncios, poemas. Gramática Oraciones, el sujeto, el predicado, el verbo, el adverbio, la preposición, la conjunción, los complementos y el análisis morfológico.

Ortografía Uso de mayúsculas, palabras homófonas, sufijos, palabras agudas, graves, esdrújulas y sobreesdrújulas, la tilde, confusiones ortográficas, signos varios de puntuación

Expresión Oral Presentaciones orales, discursos y destrezas para escuchar y hablar en público. Textos de apoyo: Lengua 6, Editorial SM Comunicarte 7, Editorial Norma Lenguaje y Comunicación 7, Editorial Marenostrum

EVALUACIÓN Todas las tareas serán evaluadas según la siguiente rúbrica: 40 % Trabajos escritos, proyectos y tareas 20 % Pruebas y exámenes 40 % Participación en clase

Year 7


Mr Peter Flynn OBJECTIVES 1. To encourage students to develop a sense of place and time. 2. To encourage students to understand the relationship that has existed and still exists between humans and the physical environment. 3. To develop in students the skills and techniques required to analyse and interpret a range of relevant information and communicate the results of this analysis in a variety of appropriate ways. 4. To stimulate students to think critically and question the world they live in based on a detailed knowledge and understanding of the way the world functions today, and the way it functioned in the past. 5. To provide students with the freedom and confidence to conduct relevant geographical enquiries and investigation.

TIMETABLE 2 x 40 Minutes each week; 1 homework each week

COURSE OUTLINE Content • Map Skills • Settlement • Plate Tectonics • Football • Rivers • Flooding Skills (integrated into all subjects and units) • Interpretation of text, and other written sources • Use of graphs, diagrams, tables etc. • Interpretation of maps, photos, videos, satellite images and the internet

ASSESSMENT 25% Review of class and homework. 25% Project assignments. 25% End of unit assessments and tests. 25% End of year synoptic examination.

Year 7


Mr. Anthony Barnett

OBJECTIVES 6. To encourage students to develop a sense of place and time. 7. To encourage students to understand the relationship that has existed and still exists between people and the past. 8. To develop in students the skills and techniques required to analyse and interpret a range of relevant information and communicate the results of this analysis in a variety of appropriate ways. 9. To stimulate students to think critically and question the world they live in based on a detailed knowledge and understanding of the way the world functions today, and the way it functioned in the past. 10. To provide students with the freedom and confidence to conduct relevant historical enquiries and investigation.

COURSE OUTLINE History • The Roman Empire • England in the Middle Ages

Book •

Contrasts & Connections supplemented by other material

Skills (integrated into all topics) • Interpretation of sources, including written and pictorial • Evaluate the causes and consequences of event in the past • Describe the main features of events from the past

ASSESSMENT 80% Specific Assessment Tasks undertaken in class. 20% End of year synoptic examination.


Mr. Andrew Richards OBJECTIVES The objective of the year 7 KS3 course is to revisit some of the ICT work done at primary level and look at the main software applications in further detail. Learners will learn new skills and learn about the importance of checking the accuracy of coursework and to ensure that all coursework is backed up wherever appropriate. The objectives for this year are: Learn about different computer systems and how computer systems function; Identify different forms of data and combine them to create new worthwhile information; Further develop skills in office style application software; To use criteria or benchmarks to assess the effectiveness of their own and other’s publications and presentations; To investigate and make changes to a model by entering rules and formulae, formatting and labeling data appropriately, and predict results by changing input variables; To combine different tasks into a cohesive presentation.

TIMETABLE Three periods a week, one single and one double (total 120 minutes).

COURSE OUTLINE Computer Basics The different types of computer are studied, as well as the different types of users and the typical tasks they perform. To do this, learners will understand about the different parts of a computer system, how they connect together and how the capacity and performance of these devices are recognised. Learners will look at different types of software applications that allow users to perform the tasks they need to do and systems software (such as the operating system and utility programs) that manage computer resources. Developing Intermediate Skills in Office Style Applications The learner will be able to identify individual software application used in the work place and recognise which applications are best suited to a given task e.g. a word processor to type a letter. The learner will also compare the use of individual software applications with those of integrated office suites; looking at cost viability, bundled programs, features and functions. The learner will develop intermediate skills in the use of fundamental office applications such as a word processor, a spreadsheet, and a database and presentation software. The learner will use associated features such as spell-checkers and proof-reading tools to check the quality and accuracy of work, and learners will recognise the importance of keeping copies of work to backtrack to a previous file version or to show draft development of documents. Pop Idol Project The Pop Idol unit enables learners to understand and apply basic project skills to a unit. Learners will be expected to plan, choose and complete an individual project aimed at utilising software skills developed in the previous unit. The planning of the project is key and learners will focus on the production of a project plan (timeline) that will be used throughout the project. There are a number of aspects to the plan – the stages, deadlines and resources required. The final part of the unit involves the production of materials identified in the planning stages by the deadlines proposed. 1

ASSESSMENT All coursework units are assessed out of a raw grade of 16 marks and then converted to the equivalent end of year reporting grades. Short tests will be undertaken by students throughout the year. At the end of the year, all students will sit a timed paper based on the skills attained in the year.

Year 7


Mr. John Osborne, Mr. Paul Tonkinson & Mr. Roy Badham

OBJECTIVES The BSQ key stage 3 science scheme of work offers opportunities for pupils to: • • • • • • •

build on their scientific knowledge and understanding from key stage 2 and make connections between different areas of science; use scientific ideas and models to explain phenomena and events; understand a range of familiar applications of science; think about the advantages and drawbacks of scientific and technological developments for the environment and in other contexts, considering the reasons for different opinions; carry out investigations of different types, on their own and in groups, making use of reference sources and evaluating their work; communicate what they did and its significance; learn how scientists work and the importance of experimental evidence in supporting scientific ideas.

COURSE OUTLINE The following topics will be covered. Cells Reproduction Environment and feeding relationships Variation and classification Acids and alkalis Simple chemical reactions Particle models of solids, liquids and gases Solutions Energy resources Electric circuits Forces and their effects The solar system and beyond Further information about these topics can be found at:

ASSESSMENT Assessment will be based on student’s classwork, coursework, topic tests and final end of year exam.

Year 7 MATHEMATICS Ms. Yvette Gillespie

OBJECTIVES To develop skills in: • Number and Algebra • Shape, Space and Measures • Data Handling and to be able to apply these confidently in a range of contexts.


Students at Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) follow a National Curriculum course incorporating the Mathematics Framework from the Key Stage 3 Strategy. This is delivered through the Impact Maths scheme. Students follow a text book based course, supplemented by a range of additional materials. Work is differentiated to meet the needs of each student, with extension and support material used as required on an individual basis. The text book they work from depends upon prior attainment. This ensured that the work is both manageable and challenging, providing both continuity and progression. The text books used in Year 7 are: Impact Maths 1R (Revision of National Curriculum Level 4, Mainly at Level 5) Impact Maths 1G (Revision of National Curriculum Levels 2 & 3, Mainly at Level 4) See the contents page of your child’s text book for more specific details of the topics covered. Students are expected to have a Scientific calculator (not Graphic Display) such as one from the Casio V.P.A.M. range.

ASSESSMENT Students are assessed throughout the year on a wide range of homework tasks. In addition to this they are tested on each chapter of work from the text book. At the end of Year 7, students sit the Q.C.A. Year 7 Optional Test which gives an indication of the National Curriculum Level at which they are working. The final report grade is based on the following weightings: Chapter Tests 40% Investigational Coursework 10% Q.C.A. Year 7 Test 40% Concept 10%

Year 7


L. Dela Cruz

OBJECTIVES N.B. Each term is divided equally between Art and Drama 1. To encourage students to develop an understanding and application of the elements of art and design, specifically line, shape, tone, colour, texture, space and form. 2. To encourage students to experiment and develop a variety of art based skills, including proportional drawing of the face, perspective, printing techniques, digital imaging, clay, weaving and dyeing and papier-mache. 3. To study and understand the changes made throughout art history, with reference to specific artists. 4. To develop an art based vocabulary to support the new skills and techniques that they are learning. 5. To provide students with the freedom and confidence to discuss, present and critique art work, individually and in group sessions. 6. To understand the need for, and how to use sketchbooks for developing ideas.

COURSE OUTLINE Topic 1 Self Image • Collage work, sketchbook and discussion work about self-image. • Looking at the work of various artists to examine self image including Frida Kahlo , Chuck Close and Van Gogh • Portraying self-image in a variety of ways, which could include drawing, clay, digital imaging, collage, and paint. • Looking at how colour evokes mood and emotions in artwork. Topic 2 What’s In a building • Observational drawing of school buildings - drawing from photographs and comparisons. • Building facades, made with clay, clay techniques. • Looking at buildings in art and architecture, variety of styles, looking at the development of perspective. • Talking with a local architect, and looking at house designs and plans, and how from 2D plans a house is developed. • Studying the work of various architects, which could include Frank Lloyd Wright, Mackintosh, Sir Christopher Wren and others. Topic 3 Recreating Landscapes • Examine local landscape in a variety of ways, looking at macro and micro. • Explore variety of art landscapes comparing mood, colour, form and effect. • Look at local textile crafts and represent the landscapes around them using natural materials. • Developing watercolour work in landscapes. • Looking at art in nature, Andy Goldsworthy,

ASSESSMENT 70% Specific Classroom and Homework Tasks 30% End of unit assessments and tests.

Año 7 CIENCIAS SOCIALES Gabriela Ponce Padilla OBJETIVOS GENERALES 1. Valorar el conocimiento histórico como una herramienta útil para la cotidianidad y principalmente para conocer y apreciar nuestra identidad. 2. Conocer la forma de vida de los primeros habitantes de América y reconocer el alto grado de desarrollo de sus culturas. 3. Reconocer y valorar la influencia actual de estas culturas en la conformación de nuestra identidad, nacional y americana. 4. Estudiar el escenario geográfico donde se asientan estas culturas. CONTENIDOS Primer Trimestre 1) Tema general propedéutico: Utilidad del conocimiento histórico. Utilidad del conocimiento geográfico. Objetividad del conocimiento histórico. Visión general del proceso histórico y ubicación espacio – temporal. 2) Pobladores Tempranos de América. 3) Orígenes de la Agricultura y la organización social en América. 4) Entorno geográfico de América. Segundo Trimestre 1) Grandes culturas indígenas prehispánicas. Mesoamérica: Antecesores de los mayas. 2) Grandeza y caída de la cultura maya. 3) Los Aztecas. Tercer Trimestre 1) Grandes culturas indígenas prehispánicas. Región Andina: Mochicas, Tihahunaco, Chimu, Chapín de Huantar, Nazca. Incas. 2) Los Incas en el Ecuador. 3) Regiones naturales del Ecuador. EVALUACIÓN Tareas: 40% Producción escrita: 30% Producción oral: 20% Participación en clase 10%

Year 7 PSHCE Mrs. M. Moscoso

OBJECTIVES PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) is a vital part of a child’s development. Together with their form tutor students will explore a number of diverse personal, social and global issues. These topics are designed to challenge students and to make them think about their place in the world.

COURSE OUTLINE Term One Areas Covered - Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Unit One Emergency Aid (2 weeks) Unit Two Personal Health and Hygiene (2 weeks) Food and Health, eating wisely, hunger and malnutrition Unit Three Self Esteem (2 weeks) You and your dreams. Achieving your goals. Unit Four Communication. Emotions and dealing with anger. (2 weeks) Self-Image, shyness, confidence Unit Five Changing Bodies and Reproduction (3 weeks) Term Two Areas Covered - Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Unit Six Government Elections and Voting (2 weeks) What is Government? Unit Seven Debating Global Issues (3 weeks) The environment. Rich world/ Poor world. Unit Eight The Media and Society (3 weeks) Bias in the media Unit Nine Waste and Recycling (2 weeks) Throwaway society, recycling, waste watcher. Unit Ten You and Your Money (2 weeks) Pocket money, budgeting and saving. Term Three Areas Covered - Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Unit Eleven Smoking and Alcohol (3 weeks) The facts about smoking. Passive smoking. The costs of smoking. Unit Twelve Beliefs (2 weeks) Different religions. What does justice mean? Unit Thirteen Places of worship (2 weeks) Visit to a place of worship Unit Fourteen Bullying (3 weeks) Why people are bullied? Prevention. Building a safe school environment.

ASSESSMENT Students are expected to keep a portfolio of their work and assessment will be of a formative nature.

Year 7 EDUCACIÓN FÍSICA Y NATACIÓN Sr Adolfo Barzola - Sr Fernando Ruiz

OBJECTIVES Tomando en cuenta los perfiles de salida de acuerdo a las características físicas en la edad de estos alumnos, buscaremos incrementar el desarrollo de la flexibilidad fortaleciendo los cartílagos, tendones y ligamentos, además de un aumento del riego sanguíneo y una mejor elasticidad. De esta manera, obtendremos mayor volumen corporal y capacidad de resistencia frente a los esfuerzos. Como consecuencia de los parámetros coordinativos, lograremos correctos desplazamientos, apoyos adecuados, buen desarrollo motor y postura correcta en educación física y natación.

TIMETABLE La cantidad de horas de clases es tres (3) horas por semana.

COURSE OUTLINE Los alumnos realizarán en la fase inicial durante las clases, ejercicios de estiramiento, traslación de diferentes formas y estilos, complementando con juegos colectivos como: waterpolo, voley, básquet, fútbol, hockey. De esta forma, a través de trabajos individuales y grupales con los diferentes elementos, reafirmaremos los procesos de traslado, dominio, recepción, definición, táctica y conocimiento de los reglamentos en estos deportes.

ASSESSMENT Los porcentajes de la evaluación son los siguientes: 25% actitud. 25% capacidad de superación. 25% técnica individual. 25% participación colectiva.

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