Ya Newsletter Sept 28

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 557
  • Pages: 1
MARK D. LAMPLEY Associate Pastor

young adult news

[email protected] | 865-522-9804



Dear Friends,

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

There is a great sadness as we continue to mourn about the tragic death of Christopher Lynn McBath. Chris, who is the son of our sexton, Tony McBath, was a victim of a shooting last Tuesday, September 15. Tony has been a loving and humble servant for this church family for over six years. We are thankful to report that Tony is surrounded by lots of family, being embraced by his many friends (at SHPC and in the community) who are being the spiritual support that he needs. Tony is relying on his strong faith to get him through this incredibly tough time. That said, it’s right and good to remember one of our own in these challenging times. As you may have already heard, our session has agreed to contribute to Chris’s funeral costs. If you would like to contribute also, please make your checks payable to SHPC (clearly marked for “Pastors Fund”) and leave it in the offering plate on Sunday or drop it by or mail it to the church office. Let us remember that “God so loved the world [replace the word “world” with your name and the name of children dear to you]

that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not die but have eternal life.” And from the comforting words of a worship song that we sing at MAPS, “Amazing love, how can it be, that You, my King would die for me?” Causes us to reflect

We are on Facebook!

A C T S 20:35

Please keep in your PRAYERS . . . ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

LAURA HUFFMAN AND HER FAMILY as they grieve the recent death of her paternal grandmother. WOODY WOODSIDE who is recovering from surgery. TONY MCBATH AND HIS FAMILY as they grieve the death of Tony’s son, Chris. KRISTY, MARTY, KELLEY, AND KATIE HAYS AND THEIR FAMILY who are caring for their father, JIM.

The Apostles’ Creed

on the love of Christ in this well known passage: John 11:2526. Peace, for real

Come to MAPS Wednesday (Sept. 30) @ 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel

This SUNDAY September 27 4:00 pm— 7:00 p.m. Food on the grill, music, sand castles, wading & more!

We will provide Hawaiian burgers & hot dogs. Bring a dish to share with the group. For those who want to play softball (adult game only), come to the Farm at 3:00 pm. Bring a glove! No experience needed.

HUNGER HIKE Sunday, Oct. 4th at 3:00 Help raise awareness of hunger by walking around Lakeshore (once). It’s that’s easy. There is no need to raise money - you just walk! If you wish to have a Sequoyah Church tee shirt to wear on the morning of the Hike, you can pick one up in the Narthex. Shirts will be available on the Thursday and Friday before the Hike in the church office. Cost for the t-shirts is $6 each (to help cover the cost).

Softball Anyone?

Have you ever wanted to just play some pick up games? We are trying to get some folks together to have some softball fun. Contact Buzz Jellett (964-7928) for more information.

RSVP to Nancy Furmaniak at [email protected]

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