Ya Newsletter May 13

  • May 2020
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Dear Friends, Fall break is a colorful time of the year. It often reminds us of the varied aspects of God: His creations, His character and His revelations.

young adult news

Mark D. Lampley Associate Pastor [email protected] Office: 522-9804, Ext 113

Dear Friends,

“Whosoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child in my name welcomes me.” MATTHEW 18:4-5

Can you say Spring fever? I’m sure we are all glad to see certain things come to and end: winter’s short days and chilly nights! Along with that comes excitement of school getting out! With that comes new beginnings such as the explosion of outdoor colors these last few weeks with our Dogwoods. It’s great to be able to enjoy blooming plants lighting up our neighborhoods each day.

Mason and Frances Bagley, the son and daughter of Burt and Katie Bagley, received the sacrament of baptism on Sunday, May 10.

We are clearly enjoying a cycle of seasons (and that’s partly why I love living in the South). Those who wrote the Bible interpreted time more in cycles than in a linear time line. The writer of Ecclesiastes says this, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven...a time to weep and a time to laugh,...a time to love and a time to hate…”

Please keep in your

We, too, are in special seasons in our church: Once again, we are doing a new church directory. Oh, how this church family has grown. Through the dedicated efforts of our Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC), we are again prayerfully discerning which pastoral candidates we would like to call to serve our congregation. It’s been quite a few years since we last did this! We have recently celebrated a glorious Easter in April and on May 31st, we will celebrate Pentecost, which is when we recognize the coming of the Holy Spirit. We are always learning — and sometimes re-learning over and over again. In this season of your life, what are some of the lessons God is teaching you? Lessons about trust? Hope? Obedience? Prayer? God has infinite patience, so let Him help you with your lessons, even if you have to learn them all over again. He is there for you! Always!

Amy Wilson’s father who is in the hospital.

Jim Mitchell and family as they grieve the loss of his uncle, Pat Roddy, who died recently;

Cameron Peterson’s grandfather, Charlie Zirkle who is recovering from a stroke;

Karen Carty and family who is grieving the recent death of her mother, Virginia;

Kelly Hairrell and family as they grieve the loss of her father, David MacLemore, who recently died;

Klair Kimmey who continues with cancer treatments.


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Young Adults & Youth Cook Out @ Admiral Farragut Park 9950 S. Northshore Drive 37922

SUNDAY, MAY 31 (6:00—8:00 P.M.) Come rain or shine. Amenities include: fishing, biking, pickup games, etc. Bring a dish to share. SHPC will provide drinks and main dish. BT will grill! Invite a friend! To reserve a hotdog or hamburger contact Mark Lampley at [email protected].

prayers . . .

We need you in our NEW church directory! There’s just a few days left to have your portrait made!

Photo sessions are planned for May 14—17 and June 3—4 (late afternoon and evening times are available)

SCHEDULE YOUR SESSION TODAY! (by clicking on sign up box above) Each family will receive a FREE 8 x 10 portrait!

If you have no computer access or need assistance, please contact the church office (522-9804).

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