Y4 Unit 3.docx

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  • Words: 1,897
  • Pages: 13
Subject /Class




Focus:Listening and Speaking Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Topic: Yesterday and Today Learning Standards: 1.1.4 Able to talk about related topics with guidance 1.2.4 Able to participate in guided Subject

conversations with peers


Objectives:.Pupils should be able to talk


Attendance: __/__

___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

orally in 1-3 sentences based on the picture Class


Year 4

Teaching Aids: Textbook/ Worksheet

Teacher’s action:

CCE/EE: Mastery Learning Constructivism Time 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

Activities: Activities : 1) Teacher asks the pupils to name the electrical appliances that they have at home. 2) Teacher asks them to refers to pictures in text book and give their opinions. (pg 21) 3) Pupils read the text and identify the main ideas and details. 4) Discussion on the content with pupils. Pupils list out the new words. 5) Pupils answer the comprehension questions. 6) Closure-pupils compare and contrast the things of the past and present.

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to

Subject /Class




Subject English

Focus:Reading Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends


Topic: Yesterday and Today

Year 4

Learning Standards: 2.2.2 Able to read and understand phrases and



sentences from: (a) linear texts Objectives:.Pupils should be able to read the text with correct pronunciation and intonation

Attendance: __/__

___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

based on teacher’s guidance 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

Teaching Aids: Reading Charts / Worksheet CCE/EE: Mastery Learning

Teacher’s action:

Activities: 1. Teacher refer to textbook and asks the pupils to read carefully. 2.Teacher and pupils read together 3. Pupils listen to the pronunciation and intonation. 4.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try. 5.Find the vocabulary/ meaning 6.Teacher guides pupils to fill in the blanks

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to

Subject /Class




Focus:Writing Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Subject

Topic: Yesterday and Today


Learning Standards: 3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a


variety of media with guidance:

Year 4

(a) non-linear


Attendance: __/__

(b) linear Time

Objectives:.Pupils should be able to form 3 short paragraphs based on teacher’s guidance Teaching Aids: Word Charts / Worksheet

___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

CCE/EE: Construtivism Activities: 1. Teacher distributes a sample of a

Teacher’s action:

paragraph in making choices and asks the pupils to read it carefully. 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

2.Teacher and pupils read the text together 3. Pupils are chosen at random to substitute the words underline with words in the table. 4. Teacher divides the pupils in groups and asks them to discuss their answer. 5.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try 6.Each group paste their answers and teacher discusses the answers with the pupils. 7. Pupils write short paragraphs based on the teacher’ guidance

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to

Subject /Class




Focus:Language Art Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Topic: Yesterday and Today Learning Standards: 4.1.2 Able to sing songs and recite jazz


chants and poems with correct stress, pronunciation, rhythm and intonation Subject

Objectives:.Pupils should be able to recite a


poem with correct stress and rhythm and construct new poem based on teacher’s



Year 4

Teaching Aids: Literature book

Attendance: __/__

___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

CCE/EE: Mastery Learning Time


Teacher’s action:

1. Teacher asks the pupils to listen to the poem entitle ‘ Wood pecker’ and asks them 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

to follow. 2.Teacher and pupils about the poem and which animals have strange behaviour 3. Pupils works in groups of three to create a poem based on the animals they had discussed 4. Teacher calls at random and asks them to read the poem. 5.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try 6.Teacher corrects pupils stress and rhythm.

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to

Subject /Class




Focus: Grammar Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Topic: Yesterday and Today Subject

Learning Standards:


5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and


appropriately: Class

(a) possessive

Year 4

Objectives:. Pupils should be able to substitute the pronoun into possessive


pronoun Teaching Aids: Notes / Worksheet

Attendance: __/__

___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

CCE/EE: Mastery Learning Activities: 1. Teacher gives examples to the pupils

Teacher’s action:

using the realia. 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

2.Pupils read the sentence stripes 3. Teacher explains the use of the possessive pronoun and gives more examples. 4. Teacher gives each group different examples and let the discuss about the answers 5.The group leader reads their answers 6.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try 7.Teacher corrects pupils answers

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to



Subject /Class


/Topic Focus: Listening & Speaking Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Topic: Yesterday and Today Subject

Learning Standards:


1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:


Attendance: __/__


(a) asking and answering questions

Year 4

Objectives:. Pupils should be able to ask and

___/__ pupils were

answer 7 questions given based on teacher’s

able to achieve the




Teaching Aids: Reading Charts / Worksheet CCE/EE: Mastery Learning Activities:

Teacher’s action:

1. Teacher distributes picture cards and asks 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

the pupils to look at it carefully. 2.Teacher and pupils check the picture 3. Teacher posts questions to the pupils and

*Today’s lesson will

let them try to answer

be carried forward

4. Pupils work in pairs and practise asking and

due to

answering questions session. 5.Teacher calls at random and ask them to read their answers. 5.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try 6.Teacher asks the pupils to fill in the answers correctly based only the pictures given.


Subject /Class


/Topic Focus:Reading Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Subject

Topic: Yesterday and Today


Learning Standards:


2.3.1 Able to read for information and Class

enjoyment with guidance:

Year 4

(a) fiction


Attendance: __/__

(b) non-fiction

___/__ pupils were

Objectives:.Pupils should be able to choose

able to achieve the

articles based on their interest and read for


information and enjoyment with guidance Teaching Aids: Reading Charts CCE/EE: Mastery Learning 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

Teacher’s action:

Activities: 1. Teacher distributes reading cards and asks the pupils to pick the cards according to their interest.

*Today’s lesson will

2.Pupils read the cards and answer the

be carried forward

questions at the back of the cards

due to

3. Pupils shows their answers to the teacher and teacher marks them 4. Teacher calls at random and asks them to read. 5.Teacher guides the pupils to fill in the information needed in the Nilam’s book 6.Teacher marks their books.


Subject /Class


/Topic Focus:Writing Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Subject

Topic: Yesterday and Today


Learning Standards: 3.3.1 Able to create simple texts using a variety


of media with guidance:

Year 4

(a) non-linear (b) linear


Attendance: __/__

Objectives:.Pupils should be able to write three different text based on teacher’s guidance Teaching Aids: Worksheet CCE/EE: Mastery Learning Activities:

21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview


___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

1. Teacher distributes a sample of a paragraph and asks the pupils to read it carefully. 2.Teacher and pupils read the text together

Teacher’s action:

3. Pupils are chosen at random to substitute the pictures in the text with words in the box. 4. Teacher divides the pupils in groups and asks them to discuss their answer. 5.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try 6. Each group paste their answers and teacher discusses the answers with the pupils. 7. Pupils write short paragraphs based on the teacher’ guidance

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to

Subject /Class




Focus:Grammar Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Subject

Topic: Yesterday and Today


Learning Standards: 5.1.2 Able to use pronouns correctly and

Class Year 4


appropriately: (a) possessive

Attendance: __/__

Objectives:.Pupils should be able fill in the Time

blanks with the correct possessive pronoun Teaching Aids: Worksheet

21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

CCE/EE: Mastery Learning

___/__ pupils were able to achieve the objectives.

Activities: 1. Teacher puts up the chart on pronoun. 2.Teacher and pupils read the chart together

Teacher’s action:

3. Teacher explains the connections of the each group of pronoun and when to use them 4. Teacher gives examples and they practice in groups. 5.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try 6. Each groups discuss and paste the answers on board . 7. Teacher and pupils discuss the answers together

*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to

Subject /Class




Focus: Language Art Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Subject

Topic: Yesterday and Today


Learning Standards:


4.2.1 Able to respond to literary texts: Class

(a) characters


Year 4

(b) place and time


(c) values Time 21st CENTURY ACTIVITIES Think-pairshare Round Table Gallery Walk Hot Seat Stay-stray Think-pairsquare Numbered Head Together Jigsaw Fan and Pick Rally Robin Round Robin Guess the Fib Three Step Interview

Objectives:. By the end of the 6-year primary

___/__ pupils

schooling pupils will be able to express personal

were able to

response to literary texts.

achieve the

Teaching Aids: Worksheet


CCE/EE: Mastery Learning Activities: 1. Teacher refers to the textbook pg 30 and asks

Teacher’s action:

the pupils to recite the poem carefully. 2. Recognise words on sight and understand the meaning. 3. Teacher divides pupils into groups and discuss *Today’s lesson the answer together.

will be carried

4. Teacher shows the sample and asks them to

forward due to

identify other rhyme words and create two line poem and practice among them. 5.Teacher guides the pupils and encourage them to try. 6. Teacher distributes some papers and pupils write their poem neatly. 7. Each group perform their poem. 8.Teacher displays pupils’ work.

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