Year 1 – Lesson
Grade : 1
Da tes: March 28/April 4
Object ives :
1. Students can begin to learn about countables and uncountables 2. Students will review comparisons, and Superlatives (Biggest)
Ma teri als : Overhead, Projector
Acti vity 1: Sing in g a so ng/S ayin g Of The Week (10 minutes)
The teacher and the students will go over the lyrics to the Beatle’s song ‘Love Me Do’.
The teacher and students will sing the song together.
Saying Of the week – ‘You are what you eat’
Acti vity 2: Rev iew Of C omp ari so ns and Su perl ati ves
(5 minu tes)
The teacher will go over the last lesson in a quick review with the students.
Acti vity 3: Intr oduct io n to c oun tab les and un cou ntab les (10-15 minu
The teacher will introduce the basic concepts of countables and uncountables.
(Ie: A Pencil, An Apple, Some Juice).
Acti vity 4: The Mixed Up Superm ar ket Game (10 minutes)
Students will be given a list of food items, and will be asked to make a chart, and to sort the items into, ‘A’, ‘An’, and ‘Some’.
Each row will work together to complete the chart first. Students will check with the teacher for the correct answers.
The class will take up the answers
Acti vity 5: I’m Hung ry (5 minu tes)
The students will use the food list to make requests for specific foods. ‘I’m hungry, I want some ice cream.’ ‘I’m hungry, I want an apple’