
  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 8
Aim of the Experiment : To study the open circuit & short circuit parameter of a 2 port network. Apparatus Required : Sl. Items No. 1 Two port network Parameter Kit 2 Ammeter 3 Multimeter 4 Connecting wines



(a500) MA Digital

1 1 1 As per required

Theory Two port network If a circuit consists of two input and output terminals, it would be classified as a two port network. Open Ckt parameter (z) : It is also called as Z parameter for the two port network, the input and output voltages V1 and V2 can be expressed in terms of input and output currents I1 and I2 respectively as : [V]=[Z][I] V1 = Z11 I1 + Z12 I2 V2 = Z21 I1 + Z22 I2 Where [Z] is the impedance matrix and Z=





[V] = V1V2

[I]= I1I2

Where Z11 = V1I1 I2 = 0

Z12 = V1I2 I1 = 0

Z21 = V2I1 I2 = 0

Z22 = V2I2 I1 = 0

Short ckt parameter (Y) : It is otherwise known as Y parameter. In a two port network, the input currents I1 and I2 can be expressed in terms of input and output voltages V1 and V2 respectively as : [I]=[Y][V] I1I2=Y11Y12Y21Y22V1V2 I1=Y11V1+Y12V2


Y = Y11Y12Y21Y22 = admittance matrix Where : Y11 = I1V1 V2=0

Y21 = I2V1 V2=0

Y12 = I1V2 V1=0

y22 = I2V2 V1=0

Procedure For Z parameter : ➢

Apply +12v and +10v to input & output terminal respectively.

To measure Z11 and Z21 parameter, the output was open circuited i.e. there is no connection between e and f. i.e. I2 = 0

For Z11 connect voltmeter between C and Ground and ammeter between a and b terminals.

The voltmeter will read value V1 and ammeter I1 so using this calculate Z11 as Z11 = V1I1

For Z21 connect voltmeter between d and Ground and ammeter between a and b terminals.

Voltmeter will read V2 and ammeter I1 so calculate Z21 = V2/I1

To measure Z12 & Z22 so terminal a and b will be open so to make I1 = 0

For Z12 connect voltmeter between c and Ground and ammeter between e and f.

Voltmeter will read voltage V1 and ammeter will read current I2 so calculate Z12 = V1I2

For Z22 connect voltmeter between d and ground and ammeter between e and f.

Voltmeter will read V2 and ammeter will shown I2 so calculate Z22 = V2I2

For Y Parameter : ➢

Apply +12v and +10v dc supply to input & output terminals respectively.

To measure Y11 andY21 short the output i.e. connect d and ground using patch chords.

For Y11 connect ammeter between terminal a and b and voltmeter between c and ground.

Ammeter will read I1 and voltmeter will read V1 so Y11 = I1/V1

For Y21 connect patch chord between a and b. remove patch chord between d and ground and connect ammeter between d and ground. Connect voltmeter between c and ground.

Ammeter will read I2 and voltmeter will read V1 so Y21 = I2/V1

To measure Y22 connect patch chord between c and ground. Connect ammeter between e and f and voltmeter between d and ground.

Ammeter will read I2 and voltmeter will read voltage V2 so Y22 = I2V2

Calculation :

Conclusion :

Aim of the Experiment : To study the hybrid & transmission parameter of a 2 port network. Apparatus required : Sl. No. 1 2 3 4

Items Two port network parameter Kit Multimeter / multimeter ammeter Ammeter Connecting probes



Digital/(0-500) MA 0-500 MA

1 1 1 As per required

Theory Two port network : If a ckt consists of two I/P and two O/P terminals then it is known as two port network. h parameter : it is also known as hybrid parameter V1I2 = h11h12h21h22 I1V2

V1 = h11I1 + h12v2 I2 = h21I1 + h22v2 For

h11 = V1I1V2=0

h12 = V1V2I1=0

h21 = I2I1V2=0

h22 = I2V2I1=0

Procedure : For h parameter : ➢

Apply +12v and +10v supply to input and output respectively.

For h11 connect e and ground using patch chord i.e. output is shorted (V2 = 0)

Connect voltmeter between c and ground and ammeter between a and b.

Voltmeter will read V1 and ammeter will read I1 so h11 = V1I1

For h21 remove chord from e and ground and connect a ammeter between e and ground to calculate I2

Now connect the patch chord between e and ground and a ammeter between a and b to read I1

So h21 = I2/I1

To measure h12 & h22 mats the terminal a and b open to make I1 = 0

For h12 connect a voltmeter between c and ground and short e and f using patch chord to read v1 in voltmeter.

Now connect the voltmeter between d and ground and find V2 so that h12 =

V1V2 ➢

To find h22 connect a ammeter between e and f and voltmeter between d and ground.

Voltmeter will read V2 and ammeter will read I2 so h22 = I2/V2

Calculation : h11 = V1I1=

h12 = V1V2=

h21 = I2I1=

h22 = I2V2=

Conclusion :

Resonance in RLC series ckt. : Aim of the Experiment : To study the resonance condition in RLC series circuit. Apparatus Required : Sl. Items No. 1 RLC series circuit Kit 2 Multimeter 3 Connecting chords




1 1 As per required

Theory : Resonance in RLC ckt is the condition at where the current on voltage in the circuit is maximum or minimum at the power faction of unity. I=vz=vR2+(XL-XC)2

At resonance XL = XC ωL = 1ωC ω2Lc = 1 fr = 12πLc Properties of Resonance in RLC series : ➢

The applied voltage and the resulting current are in phase

Power factor is unity.

Net reactance is zero.

Impendance have resistive port only

Current is maximum i.e. VRA

Frequency of resonance is given by F0 = 125LC hz

Procedure : 1.

Connect point a and c this will bring capacitor C1 in series with R1 and L1.


Connect a 10VP-P since wave signal at the input Vin (for series RLC resonance circuit) and Gnd.


Observe the output waveform on Oscilloscope between test point tp1 and Gnd CH 1.


Gradually increase the frequency of input signal from OHZ to 10KHZ and note the respective output signal amplitude (put Oscilloscope in XY mode to get exact amplitude readings) in given table.


Calculate the resonance frequency using equation 1 and crosscheck the results.

Result : S. Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Frequency (HZ)

Voltage (VP-P)

Theoretical value of resonant frequency = fr=12πLC=………………………HZ