Xsteel Training Part1

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 8,118
  • Pages: 39
Part 1: modelling


Disclaimer Tekla Oy does not accept any liability whatsoever for loss or damage arising from any errors which might be contained in the documentation, text or operation of the programs supplied. It shall be the responsibility of the customer (and not TEKLA Oy) ¥

to check the documentation, text and operation of programs supplied.


to ensure that the person operating the programs or supervising their operation is suitably qualified and experienced.


and to ensure that the program operation is carried out in accordance with the user manuals, at all times paying due regard to the specification and scope of the programs and to the licence agreement.

Proprietary rights Tekla Oy retains all proprietary rights with the respect to Xsteel program package, consisting of all handbooks, drills, programs recorded or magnetic media and all related materials. Xsteel program package has been provided pursuant to an agreement containing restrictions on its use. Copyright law also protects this publication. No parts of this publication may be copied or distributed, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any human or computer language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, magnetic, manual or otherwise, or disclosed to third parties without the express permission of the Tekla Oy. The confidentiality of the proprietary information and trade secrets of the Tekla Oy shall be construed in accordance with and enforced under the laws of Finland.

Trademarks Xsteel is a trademark of TEKLA Oy.



1. WORKING WITH XSTEEL................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 WINDOW.............................................................................................................................................. 5 1.2 STARTING XSTEEL ............................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 A NEW PROJECT .................................................................................................................................. 6 1.3.1 SPECIFYING THE NAME FOR A NEW PROJECT: ................................................................................... 6 1.3.2 OPEN AN EXISTING PROJECT ............................................................................................................ 7 1.3.3 SAVING THE MODEL ....................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 CREATING VIEWS AND GRID LINES (MANUAL, PART 6) ........................................................................ 8 1.4.1 CREATING VIEWS (WINDOWS) ......................................................................................................... 8 1.4.2 CREATING GRID LINES (MANUAL PART 7.1)................................................................................... 10 1.4.3 GENERATING VIEWS IN 3D (MANUAL, PART 6) ............................................................................. 12 1.4.4 ADAPTING A VIEW TO THE WORK AREA.......................................................................................... 14 1.5 WORKING WITH POINTS .................................................................................................................... 15 1.6 THE SELECTION BOX.......................................................................................................................... 17 1.7 INSERTING COMPONENTS (MANUAL, PART 8) .................................................................................... 19 1.7.1 CREATING COLUMNS .................................................................................................................... 19 1.7.2 OTHER SECTIONS .......................................................................................................................... 20 1.7.3 PARAMETRIC SECTIONS ................................................................................................................ 21 1.7.4 CREATING A CONTOUR PLATE (MANUAL, PART 8.5) ........................................................................ 21 1.7.5 EDITING CONTOUR PLATE SHAPE ................................................................................................... 23 1.7.6 CREATING FOLDED PLATES (MANUAL, PART 8.6) ......................................................................... 23 1.8 CREATING BOLTS (MANUAL, PART 9.3) ............................................................................................. 24 1.8.1 PROCESSING GROUPS OF BOLTS ..................................................................................................... 25 1.8.2 ELONGATED HOLES (LONG HOLES)................................................................................................ 25 1.8.3 SPLIT UP BOLT GROUPS ................................................................................................................. 26 1.9 EDITING SECTIONS............................................................................................................................. 27 1.9.1 WELDING (MANUAL, PART 9.5) .................................................................................................... 27 1.9.2 FITTING ....................................................................................................................................... 27 1.9.3 CUTTING WITH A LINE (LINE CUT) ................................................................................................ 27 1.9.4 CUTTING WITH ANOTHER PART (CREATE PART CUT, MANUAL 9.7 AND 9.8) ................................... 28 1.9.5 CUT OUT POLYGON ....................................................................................................................... 28 1.10 EDITING THE CONTOUR PLATE CORNER FORM (MANUAL, PART 9.9) .............................................. 28 1.11 COPYING, MOVING AND MIRRORING (MANUAL, PART 11)............................................................... 29 1.11.1 COPYING ..................................................................................................................................... 29 1.11.2 MOVING ....................................................................................................................................... 29 1.11.3 ROTATING .................................................................................................................................. 29 1.11.4 MIRRORING ................................................................................................................................ 30 1.11.5 LENGTHEN/SHORTEN .................................................................................................................. 30 1.12 PHASE NUMBERS .............................................................................................................................. 31 1.13 MOVE WORK PLANE......................................................................................................................... 31 1.14 MACROS (MANUAL, PART 9.1)......................................................................................................... 31 1.14.1 SOLE PLATE CONNECTION ............................................................................................................. 33 1.14.2 OTHER MACROS.......................................................................................................................... 35 1.15 CROSS BRACINGS ............................................................................................................................. 36 1.15.1 SHORTENING CROSS BRACINGS.................................................................................................... 36 1.16 USER JOINT ...................................................................................................................................... 36 1.16.1 USING USER MACROS IN ANOTHER PROJECT ................................................................................. 37 1.17 CHECKING THE MODEL.................................................................................................................... 37 1.17.1 COLLISION CHECK ...................................................................................................................... 37 CHECKING THE MODEL VISUALLY .................................................................................................................... 38 1.17.3 CHECKING WITH PART LISTS........................................................................................................ 38 1.18 LOT PROPERTIES ............................................................................................................................. 38 1.19 TIPS ................................................................................................................................................. 39



1. Working with Xsteel The working computers on which Xsteel is installed are connected to a joint UPS system; the UPS station has a powerful in-built capacitor which maintains the supply voltage until saving and shutdown have been properly performed in the case of power failure. Xsteel works under the operating system Windows NT 4.0 or higher. Windows NT is characterised by high stability and excellent network capacity. After the Windows NT system has booted, the user must log into the system, i.e. he or she logs on as a user of this system. This is done by pressing the keys ALT+DEL+SHIFT. After entering a name and confirmation with the password (if available), the user is logged into the system. When closing down Windows NT the user must wait until all files and settings are save by Windows NT. A window then appears with the following message: “It's now safe to switch off the computer”. Another option is to log off, i.e. the user logs out of the system and leaves the system level. In this case the computer is not shut down and it is possible to access the system at any time by logging on (see above). In the case of power failure the UPS station retains the supply voltage for a certain time during which the user can shut down the computer, saving all settings. Any installed printers and plotters are not normally connected to the UPS system.



1.1 Window


Full screen

Title bar


Maximise and minimise screen

The basics relating to using window programs are briefly explained below. Title bar Selecting the title bar (with the first mouse button) causes the bar to be highlighted in blue and the user can then move the whole window. Releasing the mouse button confirms the current position of the window. Double clicking on this bar displays the window across the whole screen.

Icon 1: single line Clicking once minimises the active window – as a pictogram with the window name as a label.

Icon 2: rectangle Clicking once maximises the active window. The title bar now shows the symbol ; by clicking on this icon the user can display the window in the previous size. This is done by clicking once with the mouse.

Icon 3: cross The user can close the active window completely by clicking once with the mouse.

Brief description of the mouse buttons in Xsteel: • Left mouse button:


• Middle mouse button:

Confirms a command and concludes the selection

• Right mouse button:

Selection menu (interrupt, delete, copy etc.)

1.2 Starting Xsteel Before working with Xsteel the user must access the system. To do this double click on the Xsteel icon. The Xsteel window and the 3 DOS windows now appear; these DOS windows 5


should remain open under all circumstances. The user minimises these DOS windows so that they become icons and works with the Xsteel window in the foreground. When Xsteel is closed, these DOS windows are automatically closed again. Immediately after opening, a window appears in which the user can either open existing models or enter new ones. In the right window “Model directories” the current models are specified - in this case euro5_4. If you wish to enter a new model, the default is C:\Xsteel_Models\5.3\MODELNAME. In this case C is the hard disk and Xsteel/5.3 is the directory in which new models are stored. From now on, the following conventions are used in this manual: • “BOLD”, this means that the user must click on this icon. • “NORMAL”, this means that a message appears with the corresponding text on the screen.

1.3 A new project 1.3.1 Specifying the name for a new project: To enter the name of a new project the user must proceed as follows: “FILE” sub-menu “new”. •

Display of content of the directory in \Xsteel_models\

• ; now enter a backslash (\) and then the name of the new model. You type the character “\” by pressing ALTGR and +\”1. • Click on “OK”. A new project has now been opened.


Translator's note: this clauses can presumably be deleted if the users have English keyboards. 6


The following part describes the procedure for opening an existing project. The models should always be stored in the directory Xsteel_models. 1.3.2 Open an existing project Proceed as follows when opening an existing project: • “FILE”, “OPEN”. • Select the model that you wish to open and confirm this selection with OK. Double clicking on the model name opens the model.

1.3.3 Saving the model You can save the model at any time by selecting the menu “FILE”, ”SAVE”. TIP: if you wish to open another model, you must first save the current model. First, click on the menu “FILE” and the command ”OPEN”. The old model is now saved and you can open the desired model.



1.4 Creating views and grid lines (Manual, part 6) 1.4.1 Creating views (windows) Before creating a view in Xsteel it is important for the user to know how the axes are displayed. In Xsteel the co-ordinate system origin is shown in red, and the designation is shown in typeface. A green cube marks the global co-ordinate system. At the beginning of a model the view is GLOBAL; the co-ordinate system origin and the current work plane can be switched at any time, e.g. work plane the roof plane. This work plane is then LOCAL. The work plane at the beginning of a project is the XY plane, i.e. the floor space.



In every project the user can open various windows (and thus also various views). Below you can see an example for the various windows: • Foundation plan • Basic view Proceed as follows: Double click on

The following 2 windows now appear:



The second (larger) window describes the attributes of the view to be generated. Proceed as follows: Click on the window arrow next to standard and select from this list the desired view (in this case standard). Then click on “Load”; Xsteel now loads the pre-set attributes for this view into the program. You can now accept these parameters or alter them. The designations in this window have the following meanings: Designation





Name of drawing

View depth up:


Height from zero plane

View depth down:


View depth from zero plane

Rotate around Z


Rotation around z-axis, here -30 degrees

Rotate around x


Rotation around x-axis, here +20 degrees



Selection, which perspective. 2D (off) or 3D (on)

Administration of the various windows A maximum of 9 windows can be opened at one time. You switch between windows by pressing Ctrl and the TAB key (or by clicking the desired view). If more than 9 windows are open, at least one view must be switched to the background. You do this by clicking on the icon The user can then take various views from the visibility mode. You will find an example of this on the following page.



Example for more than nine views: in the right-hand window new views can be entered again. All 9 “old” views have been cleared here. The user can call views that have been cleared back into the visibility mode at any time.

For further information on working with Xsteel windows please refer to the Xsteel Manual. 1.4.2 Creating grid lines (Manual part 7.1) • From the “POINTS” menu, select the “GRID… ” sub-menu. • Now fill in the “COORDINATES FOR GRID LINES”. The entries for X and Y are always relative, whilst the entry for Z is absolute. • You can enter the grid lines individually or several grid lines that are the same with an entry e.g. 3*5000; this means three grid lines with an interval of 5000 mm. • A convention used in the system is that all grid lines begin with the value 0. All entries are separated by an interval signal - this is how Xsteel recognises the different axes. • The zero point of all global co-ordinate specifications is defined in Xsteel with the co-ordinates (0,0,0). • Now enter the designations for X, Y and Z in the “TEXT FOR GRID LINES” field. • The “LEFT/BELOW” and “RIGHT/ABOVE” fields define the projection of the axes over the last defined line of intersection with another axis. • Select the “CREATE” option and a grid of system axes is generated in 3D. In order to view the axes, a 3D window has to be opened.



Creating a second grid (in addition to the first) • From the “POINTS menu, select ”GRID… )”. The system axis window is displayed. • Now enter a new point of origin for X0, Y0 and Z0 - in this case (9500, 11750,0). • Also change the axis designations to 7,8,9,10,11,12; H,I,J,K,L. • Select the “CREATE” option. • In the next illustration you can now see 2 grids displayed.



1.4.3 Generating views in 3D (Manual, part 6) When working with Xsteel the user will need several windows, front and rear view, views from left and right or various cutaway views. For each of these views a new window is generated. Here you have two options: • with

(create view with two points)

• with “VIEW”,”CREATE VIEW” If you double click on the “ CREATE VIEW WITH TWO POINTS” icon, the window for the attributes of this view is displayed. Load the desired pre-setting, e.g. axis, and confirm the selection with the “APPLY” option.



You receive a vector with which you define the intersection. This vector consists of a starting point and an end point. Both points must be points of intersection of grid lines. The help arrows specify the direction of view. By another selection of the second point the view direction, and thus also the direction of intersection, can be influenced. Second option: Clicking on the “VIEW” menu, “CREATE VIEW” sub-menu, “WITH TWO POINTS” sub-menu gives the user access again to the direction vector for the intersection.

There is also an option to load single plains for components: to do this select “VIEW”, “CREATE VIEW” sub-menu, “TO PART PLANE” sub-menu, “TOP” sub-menu.



1.4.4 Adapting a view to the work area. The system axes and the green cube are now displayed in every window. This cube is identical with the current work area and can in principle be as large as necessary. You can adapt this work area to the current system axes by selecting “VIEW”, “FIT WORK AREA” sub-menu, “ALL VIEWS” sub-menu.

It may happen that the work area is much larger than actually necessary. This can be the case with faulty copying of components. The function “Fit work area”, “Áll views” is not applied in this case. To re-adapt the work area to the relevant parts, proceed as follows: select “VIEW”, “FIT BY PARTS” sub-menu, “SELECTED VIEW”.

If you wish to optimise all windows, select the “ ALL VIEWS” option.



1.5 Working with points reference for the insertion of columns. The user requires a point of reference with all sections and bolts. This is normally set in the line of the system axis, i.e. central. Xsteel automatically generates points of reference at each beginning and end of an added section, e.g. with bolts, columns etc. Where beams are added, the points of reference of the columns are used automatically for the beam. Another option consists in the insertion of construction - help lines or circles. Below you can see a full listing of all options for working with points.

The system axes are needed to function as point of Functions for generating new points

Create point array: When you double click on this icon, you obtain the following window: the X and Y intervals must be entered relatively, Z intervals are absolute. Which entries the user needs to make for the parameters depends on the current work plane (XY, XZ or YZ). Xsteel also asks for the origin; give the co-ordinates for X0, Y0 and Z0 here. Confirm the selection with the “CREATE” option.



Create extension point If you double click on this icon, the following window appears. Enter the distance as a number. Where there are several distances, enter an interval signal after each number. Xsteel asks the user for two points; a new point is selected for the second point. It is only the first point that is important for specifying direction. Create point of intersection Click on 2 lines. Xsteel now creates a point on the point of intersection of these two lines. Xsteel regards these lines as infinite lines in a purely mathematical sense. Consequently, you can create a point of intersection as long as the extension of two lines intersection. Create projection point First, select a line. Then select a point from which the projection point is to be brought to this line. Xsteel then generates a point at the point of intersection of the projection. Create parallel points Double clicking on this icon opens the following window. Now enter the distance between the points. Xsteel then asks the user for two points; select these two points. The new points are generated parallel to the two selected points at the specified distance. Create divided line points Double clicking on this icon opens the following window. Xsteel then asks the user for two points. If you enter 3 in the NUMBER OF POINTS option, three points are created and all 4 distances are equal. Create arc points In this menu new points are created across a curve. The position of the new points can be entered by setting a distance. Where there are several points the values for the distances are separated by an interval signal. Xsteel first asks for the mid-point and then for a point of an intended circle. Each point of the circle is positioned anticlockwise from the last set point.



Generating part corner points With this function you can select free points on a section. This function can be used for each selected section (plate, flat steel, zeta, etc… ). With these part corner points the user can place new sections (plates,… ) directly or generate help lines. Generating construction lines This function creates two construction help circles between two selected points. Generate construction circle This function creates a construction help circle formed on two points. First, select the midpoint and then a point on the circle. Generate construction circle with three points This menu creates a construction help circle formed on three points. These three points must all lie on a curve that matches the position of the circle.

1.6 The selection box Xsteel includes the option to switch all selection mechanisms together or separately (Manual, part 4.3.1). In the case of simple models it is worth activating all selection mechanisms. With more complicated models only the necessary selection mechanisms should be activated. With the selection mechanisms the user can decide whether to select only grid points or only sections.

All objects





Single Bolt

Intersections and Adaptations

Welding joints


Model objects

Joint parts

If the user for example selects several columns, this can be done in the following way: A) Select with window. B) By holding down the SHIFT key and clicking the individual parts. C) By holding down the CTRL key and clicking the individual parts the user can take back individual parts from the selection.

Other menu fields: 17


Snap switches The inclusion setting is used to determine which geometric basic elements (points, lines etc.) can be picked. Points

End points

Intersect Lines ion points


Model objects Joint objects

Both buttons at right for model objects and joint objects have a higher priority than the other icons. The arrangement of the elements from left (points) to right (free) corresponds to the priority that Xsteel assigns to the individual selection modes.

Menu bars and tool bars In the upper area of the window there is a menu bar. The functions of this menu bar are described below.


Undo work

Copy + transl

Dimension line X


Redo plane

Copy + rotate

Dimension line Y


Del. -> view plane,

Copy + mirror

Free Dimension line


work plane

Part list

with 3 points Move rotate

Move transl Move mirror



1.7 Inserting components (Manual, part 8) In Xsteel the user can work with a great variety of types of sections. We will begin with inserting columns. Tip: all columns are added under the designation COLUMN and can be selected again with the filter setting for the column.

1.7.1 Creating columns Double-click on the icon

for inserting columns. The following dialogue appears:

The part position number (part num) always begins with a prefix. By default the Prefix is P and the start number is 1. The issue for the part position number could for example be P.25. The assembly position number (assembly num) always begins with a prefix. By default the Prefix is A and the start number is 1. The issue for the assembly position number could for example be A.25. The name of the section is specified as COLUMN. The section is a HEA240. The user can also select other sections; with the “SELECTION” the polybeam is shown in Xsteel. “S235JR” has been selected as material; with the “SELECTION” option the user can select from several materials in the material database. 19


With the “FINISH” option the user can select the option for the treatment of the finish. With the “CLASS” option you can specify the colour in which the user wishes to specify the section in accordance with the lot. Below is an example for colour: Number
















“BOTTOM LEVEL” and “TOP LEVEL”. In this case the section runs from -500 to 5000 (mm). You can also enter other values e.g. -250 for bottom level and 3750 for height above ground level. The column will then be 4 meters high. With the “VERTICAL POSITION”, “ROTATION” and “HORIZONTAL POSITION” options the column can be moved accordingly in relation to the point on which the column was specified. Another possibility is the “MORE” option and entry in the comment field. This comment is then further used for the corresponding drawings.

Explanation for the use of the various buttons: Applies the dialog properties and closes the dialogue box: Applies the dialog properties without closing the dialog. Modifies already existing part. Loads the settings that are stored in Xsteel. Toggles all the modify filter check boxes of the dialog on and off. Closes the dialog without applying the dialog properties to the default values. The commands referred to here are used very frequently in Xsteel. It is of great importance that the user understands these icons. 1.7.2 Other sections



In addition to the columns the user can add other elements e.g. bolts cross-bracing etc. The most important menus are shown below: The following options can be selected in Xsteel: l

Column (always takes the vertical position)

• Orthogonal beam (always perpendicular to the work plane) • Beam: • Twin profile (e.g. cross bracing) • Beam • Contour plate

The orthogonal beam and the twin profile can be called up in the same way as columns and beams. The curved beam is created with 3 points. All these points are on the same plane. If you want to change the position of the beam, double-click on the beam and change the “RADIUS” field: change the plane XY to XZ and the beam will be shown in the changed plane. The displayed area corresponds to the area that is displayed in the three points. The user can also set the number of segments here. A polybeam consists of several polygonal positions in the same area. 1.7.3 Parametric sections In addition to the Xsteel standard sections you can also work with parametric sections. You will find an overview of these sections in the Xsteel Manual. To specify a parametric section fill in the dialogue box in the “PROFILE” menu. Example: HI200-10-8*150-6*100 or for a plate PL10*200. 1.7.4 Creating a contour plate (Manual, part 8.5) In Xsteel the user can model any form. Go to the following icon: first have generated a number of points.

Note that you must

• Generate a number of points on the XY plane. • Double-click

- the following screen appears:



• Fill in the dialogue box

• Create the plate. • Double-click on the plate. • Change the settings in the plate e.g. from PL10 to PL20 and the LAGE TIEFE (position in depth) from “MIDDLE” to “FRONT”. Now click on the “MODIFY” option and the changes will become visible in the model.



1.7.5 Editing contour plate shape If you want to change the shape of a contour plate, select the command polygon shape from the Edit Now select a contour plate arrangements and the changes will be displayed directly in the model. The old plate arrangement is thereby deleted.

1.7.6 Creating folded plates (Manual, part 8.6) In Xsteel the user can model any form. To do this you must first generate a number of points. You do this in the same way as with modelling free plate elements, i.e. clicking with the mouse. You obtain the menu by double-clicking on the icon: Now create the following plate and model it along the contour plate.



1.8 Creating bolts (Manual, part 9.3) The user can create bolts that run through one or more sections. These bolts are defined by 2 points. The bolts are then displayed in the centre of the plates/sections. You create bolts as follows: • Set 2 points to create the bolts on a contour plate. • Select the icon for creating bolts. • Click on all components that have to be connected to each other and conclude the selection with the middle mouse button. • Set the initial point and end point of the bolts; this corresponds to the X-direction in which the bolts are created. This specification is important for the hole distance.



• The bolts are now created as follows.

1.8.1 Processing groups of bolts If the user has now added a third plate, the bolt group has to be modified. This is set in the “EDIT” menu, “BOLT PARTS” sub-menu. • “EDIT”,”BOLT PARTS”. • Now follow the instructions that appear in the text window.

1.8.2 Elongated holes (Long holes) In Xsteel you have the option of creating elongated holes. Double-click on the bolt group. The current bolt group is now highlighted. You can now create elongated holes in two directions. The length of the hole is defined as the distance of the bolt centre points plus 2 x the radius. This means that if you use an M16 bolt with a clearance of 2 mm and set the bolt distance with a value of 30mm, you will produce an elongated hole with a size of 48*18mm. If a bolt (group) runs through several sections, you can select the number of sections with which the elongated hole is to be created. See the following diagram.



Arrow 1: select which plates the elongated hole is to be created in. If no plate is selected, you will not obtain any elongated hole. Arrow 2: specify the direction in which the elongated hole is to be created.

1.8.3 Split up bolt groups With the command “Splitted bolts” (detailing menu) you have the option of defining bolts on the part through which the drilled holes run. The bolt group is thus split up. In the diagram below two beams (IPE300) with flange plates are connected. The properties of the bolts are specified in the dialogue box bolt properties. In this case 4 rows of bolts are given in direction X. Close the box with the option save and “OK”. Then select the option Splitted bolt from Detailing menu. Now the user must specify the breakdown for the splitting up. First the IPE sections and then the plates are specified in the order 1, 2, 3 (see diagram). Then the points are set with which the bolt group is to be created. Xsteel then splits up the bolt group automatically across both sections. 26


In the diagram below the bolt group is split up across two sections. This is a good way of distributing bolts across several sections.

3 Bolt group Bolt group

1 2

1.9 Editing sections 1.9.1 Welding (Manual, part 9.5) The welding option is needed in order to determine which parts are to be welded together. It is particularly important to know the welding order. If the user does not enter any information for the welding joint, Xsteel calculates the strength of the welding joint as half the strength of the component (e.g. plate). You can also enter a default and save it in the model. When the selection is made, the sequence of the selection determines the division into main parts and secondary parts. Whatever is selected first is the main part. In order to obtain a correct drawing it is important to enter the welding order correctly (first main part, then secondary part).

1.9.2 Fitting With this option a section is lengthened or shortened along a line. In this case the fitting can only be made on the side of a section. With the option “FITTING” the part to be deleted is selected automatically. 1.9.3 Cutting with a line (Line cut) Another possibility is adaptation to a line. In this case it is possible to specify several line cuts in the case of a section end. This is done with a combination of the option line cut and the specification of several cut surfaces. Here the user must manually select which part of the section is to be deleted. 27


1.9.4 Cutting with another part (Create part cut, Manual 9.7 and 9.8) In sections cuts can also be made of different forms. To specify the form, the form of another section is required here. In this way the user can determine the cut line by clicking several points. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that the user can create the cuts in accordance with the form of the sections used. • Create a section that runs through the part to be cut. • “PARTCUT”. • Click on the section that you wish to cut. • Click on the other section. The dark blue lines are the cut lines. By double clicking on the cut line the user can adapt the form and size. It is also possible to delete the section; the cut form and the hole form remain. The cut lines likewise remain. 1.9.5 Cut out polygon · Create a number on points on the section. · “DETAILING”, “POLYGONCUT” · Click on the section that you want to cut. · Specify the form. The dark blue lines, which are now visible, correspond to the cut lines. By selecting and copying you can now create various cut forms. Go ahead and try it.

1.10 Editing the contour plate corner form (Manual, part 9.9) The user can edit the corner by selecting any contour plate. Double clicking on the corner (clicking once highlights the corner in the foreground) brings up the following dialogue box:



In the “TYPE” menu the user can select the form of the corner. Entering the values for x and y defines the distances for the cut objects (seen from the corner co-ordinates). You can see the result with the “MODIFY” option.

1.11 Copying, moving and mirroring (Manual, part 11) When copying beams, columns and other sections Xsteel automatically includes the existing attachments (and bolts). To copy components, the attached sections must also be selected. When a secondary part is moved, the bolts must also be selected. With the commands “COPY”, “MIRROR” and “MOVE” the specifications of asymetrical bolts are not also mirrored. Only the position of the macro is also mirrored. 1.11.1 Copying ·

Select the component(s) to be copied.


Click once on


The following dialog is then opened.


The user can now enter in the dialogue box the distance at which the component is to be copied. The user can also specify the distance directly with the mouse. The calculated distance is then output directly in the dialog box.


Then “COPY”. The components are copied and the original remains.

1.11.2 Moving The same applies to the option MOVE as the steps for copying. The difference is that the component is now moved. The original does not remain. 1.11.3 Rotating With the commands “COPY/ROTATE” and “MOVE/ROTATE” it is possible to rotate and copy/move components. ·

Select the component to be rotated.


Click on (copy rotate).


The following window appears: 29



Entries - rotation angle, rotation around Z, direction, number of copies

• ·

Select number of copies Select “COPY” option.

1.11.4 Mirroring With the commands COPY/MIRROR and MOVE/MIRROR you can mirror the components over a specified axis. ·

Select component(s). If you select only the main part, the macros will be included automatically.


Click on


Select the axis over which mirroring is to take place. (TIP: always look at the current work plane !)


Select the “COPY” option. The components are mirrored.



1.11.5 Lengthen/shorten The lengthening or shortening of profiles is very simple in Xsteel. There are three options: 1.

Every created section has a point at its end. This point is displayed as a yellow cross if it is situated directly on a system axis. The display is red if the point lies outside the system axes. You can easily change a section. Simply move the point and the change of position of the length of the section will match the change of the point.


If you select a profile, the handle in the end 1. will be highlighted with yellow and the handle in the end 2. will be highlighted with red. If you want to change a section, just move the handles. The section is then lengthened or shortened.

3. Double-click the profile (beam). In the dialogue window “BEAM PROPERTIES” you can enter the values for the option “MOVE END 1” and/or “MOVE END2”. Enter the values for Dx.



1.12 Phase numbers If the project is particularly large it may be necessary to divide the project into phases. The user can then work faster. With this option not all phases are displayed on the screen at the same time (faster screen formation). The model can easily be divided into part systems: ·

Select what is to be set in the part system.




A dialogue box opens up.


Enter the phase number.



It is also possible to specify the phase in which the user wishes to work. •


Fill in the dialogue box.


1.13 Move work plane If you have opened a new window, you work initially in the work plane that is set in the global window. If you want to change the work plane, for example to work in a roof pitch, click on the icon and change the work plane with the following steps: • “VIEW”, “WORK PLANE”, ”TO PART PLANE”, “TOP”. Then click on the relevant beam on which you wish to set new work plane. Returning the work plane to the original plane: •


A dialogue box now appears in which you can select the individual work planes. Replacing this plane is likewise done with this icon. Every work plane then corresponds to the plane of the selected window.

1.14 Macros (Manual, part 9.1) Connections can be modelled very quickly with macros. The greatest benefits when you work with macros are: 1) The macro settings can be saved under a certain name at any time. You could for example save all settings for an HEA240 (plus a sole plate) under the name HEA240. These settings can then be used for all projects. 2) When you alter sections in the model, all macros are automatically altered at the same time. 31


3) If you select options such as edit, copy, or mirror, all connections are automatically included. The connections that are copied or mirrored are then exactly the same as the originals. The same applies to plates and bolts. Macros reside on the right-hand edge of the Xsteel screen. By clicking on the user can switch between the various sides, 8 units in total. Xsteel has a macro for most connections. The macros are divided into 2 large groups: macros that connect two or more beams and macros that edit one (!) beam. With the first group the macro asks the user for selection of 2 sections - sequence of clicking of sections (first the main part and then the secondary part). In the case of macros that work with more than two beams, you can conclude the selection of a beam with the middle mouse key. In the case of the second group of macros (= details) Xsteel asks the user for a section (e.g. a column) and for a point for the detail (e.g. a sole plate). This point is the point that lies on the under side of the column. When a connection is saved the user is generally asked in which direction the macro is to be created. The following are available for selection: x,y,z,-x,-y,-z. The direction of the connection is specified by an arrow. The user can find this specification of direction in the macros by clicking on help.

The direction of the macro is of critical importance ! With the settings of bolt groups and elongated holes, Xsteel asks for the bolt distances in the horizontal and vertical directions. For macros the convention is that the direction of the arrow is the vertical direction.



The setting for position numbers, the material and the bolt fittings can all be made in the settings for the macros. These specifications must all be entered in the macro. These settings can be stored as default for this project. When you create a macro with more than one part, Xsteel asks first for the main part and then for the selection of secondary parts. From the relevant diagram in the macro you can see clearly what is a main part and what is a secondary part. The main part is denoted by a thick line (in this case the column), whilst secondary parts are indicated by a thin line. Diagram: end plate joint macro



Main part

Secondary part

1.14.1 Sole plate connection Diagram: entry of a sole plate under the column • Double-click on • The following window appears:

Distance from the column edge

Position of an additional beam



• Load the setting “STANDARD”. • Select the correct direction of the macro. • With this macro the correct direction is indicated in the macro diagram. If the direction is not indicated, call up help for further information. • Click on “GENERAL” and set the correct direction. • “SAVE”,”OK” . • Click on the column. • Click on a point. The sole plate is now created under the column. • Double-click on macro icon for the sole plate. • The settings for the sole plate now appear on the screen. In the case of “PARTS” the thickness of the plate is specified. You can also enter values for the additional beam, landing plate and fitting plate. • When measurements are specified, Xsteel regards this is first priority; the macro reads the measurements for the plate directly from the macro menu. • Click on “BOLTS” The following window appears:



Joint parts selection

Bolt overlap amount Positioning of the bolts on the main part

Count of bolts in a row and distance from the edge of plate

• The “BOLT SIZE” determines the diameter of the bolts. • The “BOLT STANDARD” determines the bolt norm and thus also the associated fittings. In the case of “TOLERANCE” the clearance that the bolt can have is specified. E.g. if 4 mm has been set; the overall value is then 16mm + 4mm = 20mm. • Positioning of the bolts on the main part is set to middle here (both vertical and horizontal). The other options for vertical are “TOP” and “BOTTOM”; for the horizontal option the choices are “LEFT” and “RIGHT”. In this way you specify the direction of the bolts. In the diagram below the bolts are arranged centrally. • In the bottom right diagram the user can enter a number of rows of bolts and columns of bolts as well as the hole distances and edge distances. In this case the selection is 2 rows and 2 columns each with a distance of 70 mm.

1.14.2 Other macros You may already have seen that Xsteel functions with many more macros. Go ahead and try various macros ! The principle of the macros is always the same: • Double-click on the macro that you want to use.



• Load the setting from the option “STANDARD”. • Check whether the direction has been specified correctly. If the correct direction is not specified in the diagram, then click “Help”. In the “GENERAL” part you will find the specification for the direction. • Select “OK”. • Click on the main part and on a point on the main part or on another part. • The macro is created. • Adapt the macro to your requirements.

1.15 Cross bracings The creating of cross bracings is described below. First, select the right work plane for the cross bracing; now create the cross bracing: • Double-click on the command “BEAM”; enter the following data with the section: PL10*50. • With “POSITION IN PLANE” enter the following: “RIGHT” and “5” for the specification of the offset. The bracing is now created – right and with an offset of 5 mm. • “SAVE”,”OK”. • Use the command “BEAM” to draw the cross bracing from bottom left to top right, followed by the part from bottom right to top left. • Position the cross bracing in the system line of the column. • Select a macro to mount the bracing on the column. 1.15.1 Shortening cross bracings Proceed as follows to shorten the cross bracings: select the menu “MORE” and enter a value for shortening.

1.16 User joint You can create your own macro connections that you then use for a joint. However, always try first to use an existing macro before you use a user joint. Creating a user joint 1) You can work from an existing macro and adapt the macro as far as possible.



2) Explode the joint with the command “DETAILING”, “EXPLODE JOINT” 3) Alter the connection according to your requirements. 3) Select all components that are to belong to the new user joint (plates, welding, cut surfaces, bolts etc..) Do not select the main section. 4) Then select from the “Detailing” menu: l

Create joint… : apply with two or more sections.


Create detail l… : apply with 1 main part and 1 point (e.g. sole plate).

5) The following window then appears. Enter a name and click once on “OK”. Xsteel asks for the main part and then for an object with the corresponding point. 6) When the selection is concluded (middle mouse button) a user macro is created. 7) The new user joint is now in the library under the icon: The direction of the macro can still be changed. Select user joint. This macro can now no longer be changed. 1.16.1 Using user macros in another project User joints or details can also be used in another project. In order to do this you must copy the file XSLIB.db1 into the project directory of another project.

1.17 Checking the model You can in principle create the drawings after modelling. Always check your model globally to avoid unnecessary wrong prints. This can be done in various ways: visually, with collision check or by checking the drawings and part lists. 1.17.1 Collision check Select the collision test option under the option “TOOLS”, ”CLASH CHECK”; in this way you can check whether plates, sections and bolts collide with other parts or run through them. When an error has been found, an error message is output and the parts that collide are highlighted in yellow. If you have found a collision, use the zoom option to look for the cause; check the position of the sections and open the macros for a visual check. After removing the cause of the collision, select again the relevant beams and check for collision. However, the collision check does not check all possibilities as to how the bolts have been positioned in a rotation. In the case of sections, the section is checked as a solid body as it is 37


in the model. With many sections the radiuses are not visible in the model and there is no check on this value. 1.17.2 Checking the model visually The user can create a zoom window by clicking on this icon in the 3D window; in this way it is possible to check all joints and all associated components. A zoom window is now displayed. By working with dynamic zoom (see also 12.9), the user can quickly and easily view all joints.

Use the following procedure for the dynamic zoom: First click on the icon, then click on the zoom window and then carry out the movement with the mouse pointer close to the 3D window in the model. The image in the zoom window moves with it, and in this way you can check the model quickly. You can check complex joint points with the 4 views, (with “VIEW”,”JOINT BASIC VIEWS” , select the joint). In these windows you can also work with hidden lines and in this way determine the visibility of bolts, plates etc. 1.17.3 Checking with part lists By generating part lists you can check the following: • • • • • •

Whether all main parts are in the correct position. Whether the assemblies begin with the correct number ( e.g. K100). Whether there are too many plates. Whether all columns, beams etc. are present in the model (also in the overviews). Whether the tonnage is correct: (overall weight of the assembly parts in kg). Whether all plates have been welded to the beams (assembly position list).

The numbering can be set as follows in the menu “SETUP”, “NUMBERING”.

• Enter “TOOLS”, “NUMBERING”, “FULL” • Enter “FILE”, “REPORT”; in the list specify which components in the model the list is to be generated for (or whether it is to be generated for all components in the model). • When you have selected the list and the selection of the parts has been made, go to the option “SHOW” to view the list.

When the checking of the model is complete, drawings can be created. Checking the drawings can prevent the possibility of gross errors in the model (e.g. wrong position of sections due to errors in copying).

1.18 Lot properties When the checking of the model is complete, the model can be divided up into lots. For this purpose you must know the maximum freight weight of the truck. Fill in the lot properties as follows:



1) “PROPERTIES”,”LOT… ”. 2) Enter a number and a name. 3) “INSERT”. Now go to “TOOLS”, “LOTTING”. 4) Select a name. 5) Select the freight with the SHIFT and CONTROL keys. 6) Finish with “APPLY”. Click on the icon for the part lists. From this, select “ASSEMBLY_LOT_LIST”. Now you see the lot numbers to the right of the assembly parts.

1.19 Tips - Use SHIFT key to select components. - Use CTRL key to select and deselect. - Switch windows with CTRL-TAB. - Select with the select box. - You need to use the middle mouse button when you create bolts. - You must select the main part before editing (copying, moving).


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