X. Community Organizer..

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 3,892
  • Pages: 31
The Community Organizing Committee

Leader: Debbie T. Ramilo Members: Marlene Grace B. Agustin Jaqueline T. Pacis Ma. Jessica Denette C. Ramos Patrick P. Saludares

Community Organizing Committee, the committee that is responsible for organizing the community. So, as members of this team, we aim to help the community improve and grow. We are composed of different kinds of talented people that are willing to share each other’s knowledge to be of service to Balubad Uno. The projects we proposed are linked towards the improvement of the community’s cleanliness, organization and health. a. Cleanliness For the improvement of the cleanliness of Balubad, we proposed the “Basahin Mo, Gawin Mo” project. It is putting up of wooden signboards around Balubad Uno that says, ‘ SA AKING TAPAT, DAPAT WALANG KALAT’. This aims to influence and inform the people of their responsibility. This will hopefully lessen the trash seen along the road especially the animal manure. b. Organization To help the community be organized and informed, we first proposed to beautify the new prospect for the CORE group office. We plan to add more benches and to paint it with their color: sky blue. Also, we planned the “Dikit Ko, Basa Mo”. This is putting up a community bulletin board in the Core group office. This way, people passing by will get the chance to be updated of certain activities, announcements or past events especially when it’s related to the school, health center or baranggay issues. c. Health To help the community with some health issues, we proposed the Fitness First. We will be teaching the core group a morning exercise routine that they can also teach to other community people. Also, to be able to implement other proposed projects, we proposed the “Prince and Princess of Hearts 2007”. It will not only help finance our committee’s projects, it will also help the other committees’ proposed plans. Especially the beautification of the school clinic and health center. Also, this will be a big help in supplying the 2 clinics with medicines. In the hope of approval and success of the following proposals, we would like to be of great help to the baranggay.

Title: “Prince and Princess of Hearts 2007” Objectives: To raise funds for the implementation of proposed project. Duration: The project will start immediately on Jan. 16, 2007 up to February 1, 2007 (Coronation Night) Beneficiaries:  Core Group –construction or improvement of core group meeting area -construction of bulletin board  Community – “Sa Aking Tapat, Dapat Walang Kalat” program: production of sign boards.  Health Center & School Clinic – to provide for equipments, medicines and other medical supplies Background and Justification: The core group leaders of the community, currently has no official meeting place; if ever their temporary meeting place will be permanent it would be needing further renovation and beautification. A bulletin board will be constructed; this will serve as an area wherein announcement and other community activities will be posted for every one to see. This will be constructed beside the core groups meeting area. Also, other field of health services in the community needs funding and support, such as supplies for the health center, school clinic and for the construction of sign boards to be used for improvement of community cleanliness. Proponent: FEU-IN, BSN732 Group127&128 – CO Committee. Project Implementation Plan: Activities Time Frame Canvassing for prizes: Divisoria (trophies, crowns and sash). Canvassing 5:00PM-7:00PM for other supplies (cork boards, decorations)  Inform Teachers and students in school about the upcoming event.  Canvassing for flowers in the market  Meeting with parents of candidates  Envelopes will be given to candidates.

 Coordinates with

Resources Man power Money: Fare

Expected Outcome Successful canvassing of supplies and prizes  Observe cost efficiency.

Man power Money: Fare

 To have as many candidates as possible.  To get/provide flowers for event that is less expensive.

Man power Materials: envelopes

 To have successful meeting with the candidate’s parents.  To establish good relationship and cooperation of the parents.  To have necessary

Man Power

principal/president of core group for the event (venue, sound system, lights) *Buy the necessary supplies needed (Decorations, other Material)  Canvassing of the Money  Decoration of the Venue

equipments needed for the event.

Man Power Materials: construction materials, decoration materials. Man power

 Coronation night

 To buy all supplies needed.  Observing cots efficiency.  Come up with sufficient funds for the proposed projects.  Successful Coronation Night

Budget: 2500.00php Title: Objectives:

“Fitness First” To serve as added health program of the community people. To serve as a form of socialization [and interaction of community people. An exercise program for the community people who needs an additional exercise program for their health improvement. Duration: The project will start immediately on Jan. 16, 2007 to February 1, 2007 Beneficiaries: The community people.  They have a new form of socialization.  They additional exercise program for those who need it for their health improvement. Background and Justification: This morning exercise will serve as an added morning activity for the community people. With the help of this program the community people will be ahaving a new health program applicable to all ages. It will help the community more health conscious and it also serves as away of socialization for the community people. Proponent: FEU-IN, BSN732 Group127&128 – CO Committee. Project Implementation Plan: Activities Time Frame 1-2 hours  Passing of the communication letter for signature  Training of the core group leader

1-2 hours

Resources Man Power

Man power Money: Fare

Expected Outcome  The communication letter was signed by the barangay captain, core president and our CI.  The training committee together with the CO committee will be able to start and train

well the core group.  Informing the  The community community people of people will be well the “Fitness First informed of the said Program” program and the schedule of the program itself. 1-2 hours Man Power  Assemble and  The participants Materials: CD exercise proper will be able to assemble meeting venue on or before the call time the program will be implemented just on time. Budget: The budget for this project will be generated from the contribution of the group for about 100php. 2-3 hours

Man power Materials: catolina, colors, pentel pen

Project Evaluation:  The project will give additional activity to the community people.  Serve as another form of socialization for the community people.  A fitness program for those who needs an exercise program for their health improvement. Title: Objectives:

“Basahin mo, Gawin mo” To be able the community people to be informed and aware on how to maintathe cleanliness of their surroundings. Duration: The project will start immediately on Jan. 17, 2007 to January 18, 2007 Beneficiaries: The community people are the one who will be benefited from this project. Background and Justification: Since there are lots of garbages in the streets in the community, sign board of “Sa Aking Tapat Dapat Walang Kalat” will help the community people to be informed and aware in maintaining the cleanliness of their community. Proponent: FEU-IN, BSN732 Group127&128 – CO Committee. Project Implementation Plan: Activities Time Frame 4-5 hours  Making of sign boards “Sa Aking Tapat, Dapat Walang Kalat”

Expected Outcome  The CO committee will be able to make sign boards “Sa Aking Tapat, Dapat Walang Kalat” within 45hours. 1-2 hours Man power  Posting of Sign  The CO Materials: Boards committee, will be Nails, hammer, able to post the signboards signboards a1-2hours Budget: The budget for this project will be generated from the project “Prince and Princess of Heart 2007” fund raising program for about 500php. Project Evaluation:

Resources Man Power Mateials: pencil, ruler, paint plywood, saw, folder(pattern)

 This project will be able to inform the community people and make them aware on how to maintain the cleanliness of their surroundings

Title: “Dikit ko, Basa mo” Objectives: To serve as the source of information about the activities of the day and or any announcement to the students, community people or barangay officials. Duration: The project will start immediately on Jan. 13, 2007 to January 24, 2007 Beneficiaries: The students, core group members and officers, barangay officials and community people are the one who will be benefited from this project. Background and Justification: Bulletin boards will give information to the students of the schedule of the activities of the day. Also announcement of the activities of the community people and updates of the programs implemented by the core group officials. It is an easy access of the students and community people to acquire information of activities/programs within the community. Proponent: FEU-IN, BSN732 Group127&128 – CO Committee.

Project Implementation Plan: Activities Time Frame 2-3 hours  Making of the bulletin board.

 Posting of of the bulletin board at the core group meeting outpost

1-2 hours

Resources Man Power Mateials: Styrofoam, illustrayion board, colored papers, sand paper, push pins, letter cutouts, paste or glue, glue gun, glue stick, scissors, erasers and pencils. Man power Materials: Nails, hammer

Expected Outcome  The CO committee will be able to make a bulletin board within 2-3hours.

 The CO committee, will be able to post the bulletin board at the core groups meeting office within 1-2hours Budget: The budget for this project will be generated from the project “Prince and Princess of Heart 2007” fund raising program for about 300php. Project Evaluation:  This project will be able to give information, announcement about the activities within the community, to the core group, students, officials, and community people and barangay officials. Title: Relocation and beautification of CORE group office or meeting area. Objectives: To provide a formal meeting area for the core group members and officials.

Duration: The project will start immediately on Jan. 30, 2007 to January 31, 2007 morning. Beneficiaries: Core Group officials and members. Background and Justification: The core group will need a formal meeting place where important meetings will be held. This will also serve as a headquarters, so that when community people needs help with something the core group officials will have a place to deal with the community peole. Proponent: FEU-IN, BSN732 Group127&128 – CO Committee. Project Implementation Plan: Activities Time Frame Resources Expected Outcome 2-3 hours Man Power:  Ask help for the  To find people that Laborers materials needed. can help to construct Mateials: > Try asking or improve the Wood, nail, paint. community people for meeting area. the materials such as  To have less wood, nails etc. expense as much as > Laborers. possible. 1-2 hours Man power  Coordiante with  To get the the core group for the cooperation of the set up. core group members. Budget: The budget for this project will be generated from the project “Prince and Princess of Heart 2007” fund raising program for about 1000php.




January 11, 2007

PM- Making of communication letters for all the proposed project

January 16, 2007

AM- Submit the entire communication letter to the Barangay Chairman for approval of the proposed project.

The group was able to finish the entire communication letter for all the proposed projects. The group was able to submit the entire communication letter to the Barangay Chairman for approvgal of the proposed project.

PM- Get the communication letter and start to inform the core group about the pageant. - Go to school; get the permission of the OIC for tomorrow’s activity January 17, 2007

AM- Start of our fitness first program. - Go to school, invite and give waivers to the students of grade 4, 5 and 6. - Start making of the sign boards “Sa Aking tapat dapat walang kalat”.

The group was able to get the approved communication letter and started to inform the core group about the pageant and ask permission to the OIC of the school for tomorrow’s activity. The group was able to start the fitness first program, invite and give waiver to the students of grade 4,5 and 6 and start making of sign boards. The group was able to


January 18, 2007

January 23, 2007

January 24, 2007

PM- Continuation of making of sign boards. Half of the committee locates a place where the sign boards can be placed/ posted. AM- Fitness first program requested by the core group officers. - Go to school to get and collect the return slip of the waivers of the students - Post the 34 sign boards throughout Baludad I ( Purok 4, 3) PM- Continuation of posting of sign boards in Purok 2,1. - Meeting with the parents and gave envelope to each candidates PM- Follow- up each candidate if they have any questions/ clarifications about the pageant. AM- Fitness first program - Start making of bulletin board - Go to the house of each candidate to update their parents and gave envelopes for canvassing. PM- Paint the core group meeting office.

January 25, 2007

AM- Parade of the candidates starting

locate a place where the sign boards can be placed.

The group was able to have the fitness first requested by the core group, collect the return slip from the students and post sign boards in Purok 4, 3. The group was able to post all the sign boards in the entire barangay.

The group was able to orient the candidate about the pageant.

The group was able to have fitness first program, started the bulletin board and do house to house for each candidate to update their parents and give envelopes. The group was able to paint the core group meeting office. The group was able to have the parade of the

January 30, 2007

January 31, 2007

February 1, 2007

from the school going to purok 2 and 3.

candidates in the barangay.

PM- First canvassing of the “Fund Raising” PM- Second canvassing - Pre- judging of casual wear of the candidates. - Preparation for the pageant AM- Continuation of the preparation of the pageant. - Prepare and design the venue - Practice/ Dry run of the candidates.

The group was able to have first canvassing. The group was able to have the second canvassing, the prejudging of the casual wear and the preparation for the pageant. The group was able to continue the preparation of the pageant, prepare and design the venue and had the practice and dry- run of the program with the candidates.

PM- Last canvassing - Pageant “Prince and Princess of Hearts 2007” AM- Posting of the bulletin board to the core group office

The group was able to have the final canvassing and successfully finished the pageant. The group was able to post the bulletin board in the core group office.

PM- Endorsement of funds to the core group officers.

The group was able to endorse funds to the core group officers

DATE January 11, 2007 January 16, 2007

ACTIVITIES PM- Making of communication letters for all the proposed project AM- Submit the entire communication letter to the Barangay Chairman for approval of the proposed project. PM- Get the communication letter and start to inform the core group about the pageant. ** Content of the meeting:  Inform CORE group of the purpose of the pageant.  Beneficiaries of the pageant.  Inform them that we will talk to the principal about the pageant.  Ask the CORE group for any suggestions towards the event. - Go to school; get the permission of the OIC for tomorrow’s activity  We talked to Ms. Gonzales about the plans for the pageant, since the CORE group decided it would be better if the pageant would be a school activity.

January 17, 2007

AM- Start of our fitness first program. (7:00 a.m) o Led by Jessica Ramos;  With the help of training committee. - Go to school, invite and give waivers to

the students of grade 4, 5 and 6.  We went to each section and asked if anyone is interested on being a candidate for “the prince and princess of hearts 2007”  Inform students about the purpose of the pageant.  The requirements to join the pageant.  Titles to be won  Awards and prizes were also discussed.  Distribution of waivers to each student  Inform the students and their teachers that the school clinic, health center and beautification of the community will be the beneficiaries of the project. - Start making of the sign boards “Sa Aking tapat dapat walang kalat”.

January 18, 2007

PM- Continuation of making of sign boards. Half of the committee (Jacque and Patrick) locates a place where the sign boards can be placed/ posted. AM- Fitness first program requested by the core group officers. (7:00 a.m) - Go to school to get and collect the return slip of the waivers of the students - Post the 34 sign boards throughout Baludad I ( Purok 4, 3) PM- Continuation of posting of sign boards in Purok 2,1.

January 23, 2007

PM- Follow- up each candidate if they have any questions/ clarifications about the pageant.  We went to the house of each candidate to talk to their parents about the pageant.  We informed the parents about: • Purpose of the project. • Beneficiaries of the project. • Mechanics of the pageant. • Titles, awards and other prizes to be won.

• •

January 24, 2007

We stressed that 10% of the total amount gathered will go to the winner of the pageant. Criteria for judging. Informed the parents about the dates of canvassing.

AM- Fitness first program - Start making of bulletin board.  At Debbie’s foster home. - Go to the house of each candidate to update their parents and gave envelopes for canvassing.  We continued with the house-tohouse informing their parents about the event.  Distribution of envelopes.  Informed the parents where to get the envelopes and the official persons who will be responsible for the money to be gathered.  List of the official candidates: • Vennus Lagula • Sarrah Joy Capili • Kathleen Mendoza • Kate Portagana • Airah Joy Buendicho • Karren Mae Magbanua • Laarni Handayan • Princess Anne Curioso • Andrea Portagana • Jonvic Alcantara • Sean Re Bedua • Ken Rae Costa PM- Paint the core group meeting office.

January 25, 2007

AM- Parade of the candidates starting from the school going to purok 2 and 3. (7 amupto 8:30 am) 6am – briefing of parade assignment to the committees. ** In –charge committee per grade level:

Grade 1 – Community Organizing Grade 2 – Planning committee Grade 3 – Training committee Grade 4 – Health Care Provider Grade 5 – School Nurse ** Speaker: Rexyl Xavier 9am – thank the teachers and student PM- First canvassing of the “Fund Raising” (3:00 p.m upto 7:00 p.m)  Meeting with the parents. • Patrick, Jaqcue & Debbie were responsible for the meeting.  We discussed the Criteria for judging  Informed them about: o Purpose of the project. o Beneficiaries of the project. o Mechanics of the pageant. o Titles, awards and other prizes to be won. o We stressed that 10% of the total amount gathered will go to the winner of the pageant. o Criteria for judging.

CRITERIA FOR JUDGING:  Canvassing -----------50%  Talent -----------------20%  Q & A ----------------15%  Gown -----------------10%  Audience impact ---- 5%  Jessica, Ace, Ate Cecile & Ate Ialine where the official treasures for the funds. January 30, 2007

PM- Second canvassing (3:00 p.m upto 8:00 p.m) - 2nd batch of parents meeting.  Informed them about: o Purpose of the project. o Beneficiaries of the project. o Mechanics of the pageant. o Titles, awards and other



prizes to be won. We stressed that 10% of the total amount gathered will go to the winner of the pageant. Criteria for judging.

CRITERIA FOR JUDGING:  Canvassing -----------50%  Talent -----------------20%  Q & A ----------------15%  Gown -----------------10%  Audience impact ---- 5% -

Practice for the pageant. From 4:00 p.m upto 6:00 p.m. • Stage director: Rizza Tuazon with the other embers of training committee and the planning committee. • Modeling: Krystel Yap & Rizza Tuazon.

PRE-JUDGING OF: • Mr. & Ms. Friendship • Casual wear • Ms. Photogenic JUDGES OF THE PAGEANT:  Ms. Rosalie I Catanghal  Mr. Christian G. Aragon  Mr. Mars Allan R. Sanidad  Mr. Rexyl Y. Xavier  Ms. Patricia Rae S.P. Roque January 31, 2007

- Preparation for the pageant AM- Continuation of the preparation of the pageant.     

Setup of lights and chairs: Mr. Eulogio Panganiban. Sound system: Mr. Kevin Magbanua Snacks: Health care provider Sash: C.O committee and training committee. Flowers: Ethel & Debbie

  

Registration: Jacque & Nathaniel Sound system: Ace & Mars Candidate Assignments: Krissel –Vennus Ethel – Sarrah Farrah – Kathleen Kristel – Kate Jill – Karren Jeddah – Airah Rhea – Laarni Giselle – Princess Chiradee – Andrea  Escorts: Mike & Alvin  Ushers: CORE group  Emcees: Patrick, Jessica & Kathleen  Doxology: Christian  National Anthem: Patricia  Opening remarks: Mr. Neftalie Toledo  Closing remarks: Debbie

- Prepare and design the venue.  Stage design: Jessica Ramos & Debbie Ramilo.  Stage design: members of training team. -

Practice/ Dry run of the candidates. From 8:00 a.m utpo 1:00 p.m


call time for the candidates: 4:30 p.m


PM- Last canvassing (4pm- 5pm)

Start of the pageant: 6:30 p.m “Prince and Princess of hearts 2007” - end of program: 9:00 p.m -

“Prince of hearts 2007” Sean Rem Bedua “Princess of heart 2007” Princess Anne Curioso 1st runner up (female)

Airah Joy Buendicho 1st runner up (male) Ken Rae Costa 2nd runner up (female) Andrea Portagana 2nd runner up (male) Jonvic Alcantara 3rd runner up Vennus Lagula

Mr. & Ms. Friendship Jonvic Alcantara & Sarrah Joy Capili People’s choice awards Sean Rem Bedua & Airah Joy Buendicho Mr. & Ms. Q&A Jonvic Alcantara & Laarni Handayan Darling of the crowd Jonvic Alcantara & Andrea Portagana Ramp models of the night Ken Rae Costa & Princess Anne Curioso Mr. & Ms. Talent Jonvic Alcantara & Karren Mae Magbanua Best in Casual Wear Princess Anne Curioso Miss Photogenic Andrea Portagana Prettiest Smile award Kathleen Jane Mendoza Best in Gown Vennus Lagula Best Costume Kate Portagana February 1, 2007

AM- Posting of the bulletin board to the

core group office PM- Endorsement of funds to the core group officers.

i. “Basahin mo, Gawin mo” Signboards

ii. iii. Tracing


Finishing touches

Nailing of signboards unto bamboo sticks Post Time!!!

To purok IV

Around all the purok in Balubad Uno

Welga? Rally? ;p

End Product!! YEY!!!Ü

Last house in Balubad ( just before the bridge)

ii. Fitness First

Morning exercise teaching for the CORE group with the help of Training Committee

iii. Dikit Ko, Basa Mo Bulletin Board


Beautification of the CORE group Office

Painting from afternoon till past dinnertime


Prince and Princess of Hearts Pageant

Inviting students to join the pageant and distribution of letters for their parents

Tatay Eli’s Tricycle designed and used by CO to call the attention of residents to watch parade

Fixing candidates for parade

- The Candidates -

- Coronation Night -

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