Written Fairy Tale Grid

  • October 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 399
  • Pages: 2
Date: __________________

Name: _______________________ Group: ________________________ FAIRYTALE PROJECT Competency-Based Evaluation Form

Part A – Written Presentation Language A Genre, features (format Very clear in language) appropriate for the story a fairytale

Vocabulary/ word choice (addressed to children)

Always appropriate, varied

Mechanics (Grammar / Sentence structure / Punctuation, verb tenses)

No errors

Content A Steps of the project All the main (brainstorming, elements outlining, draft…) mentioned Plot

The plot is well developed and includes all parts


Ends well the story and is logical More than asked

Creativity/ Originality/ Attractiveness

Degree of mastery B C D Generally Somewhat Not very clear clear clear. Not totally obvious that it is a fairytale Generally Numerous Wrong appropriate, errors in words, somewhat word choice, highly varied little variety repetitive Few errors Several Frequent errors errors

Degree of mastery B C D Few elements Several Too many are missing elements are elements are missing missing The plot is mostly developed, with a few part left out Good Good

E Not clear at all. Not related to a fairytale

No words linked to a fairytale Incomprehensible

E No elements included

The plot is not fully developed and is missing major parts

The plot is not developed and is missing many major parts

Nothing is done

Does end the tale somewhat properly Somewhat creative

Does not end the tale properly

No conclusion

Could have easily Not attractive been better

Part B. Reinvests Understanding of text

A Structure Narrative text


All the events Most of the are well events are organized organized logically

Coherence Text is linked with Easily adapts Adapts ideas the exposure, the ideas from from the text narrator and verb the text appropriately tenses are respected Drawings

The drawings easily lead to the understanding of the story and include all parts of the plot

The drawings mostly lead to the understanding of the story, with a few parts of the plot left out

Degree of mastery C



A few events are organized logically

The events are mentioned, but not organized logically

No logical order

Selects information to support basic ideas

Select some of the basic information, without support

No information selected, no support.

The drawings are not fully developed and lead to interpretation of the story, major parts of the plot are missing

The drawings are Nothing is done not representative and lead to interpretation, many major parts of the plot.

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