Writing Template

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  • Words: 705
  • Pages: 3
Observation Guide: Writing Implementation Directions: Use this same form over an extended period of time, as a data source to help support the study of implementation for educators and administrators trained in this area. Simply place date or checkmark next to item observed. This is not intended for teacher evaluation.

Observer: ______________________ Teacher: _______________________

Grade Level: _______________________ School Year(s): _____________________

Writing The Literate Environment (Observed over time) _ The classroom library is well organized, accessible and inviting

_ The classroom environment is filled with text (30 trade books per student)

_ The classroom is organized so that students have lots of time to read (45-60 min. per day)

_ Conversational talk is emphasized in the classroom

_ There is evidence of rich oral and written vocabulary in the classroom

_ Classroom includes charts, posters, bulletin boards that remind students of reading and writing strategies that they are to use

Teacher Behaviors (Observed over time)

Student Behaviors (Observed over time)

_ Teacher states the lesson objective (by the

_ Students practice concept or strategy with

end of this lesson you will be able to…)

teacher guidance

_ Teacher introduces concept or strategy

_ Students practice concept or strategy

_ Teacher models or demonstrates

_ Students apply concept or strategy to

application of the strategy

_ Teacher guides students in practice and uses observation data to guide next steps

_ Teacher monitors for transfer of concept or strategy to authentic reading situations

_ Teacher frequently assesses what is taught and provides corrective feedback

Literacy Excellence 2007-2008 Resource provided by AEA 267 © 2007 — Permission granted to educational organizations to copy and use http://www.aea267.k12.ia.us/literacyexcellence


authentic reading/writing situations

_ Students have a clear idea of their own progress/success in learning

_ Students apply concept or strategy independently in authentic writing situations

_ Students collaborate with others during a writing workshop


Writing The Literate Environment (Observed over time) _ Multiple opportunities are provided for students to read under teacher guidance

_ Writing is an integral part of the classroom context (45 minutes per day, at least)

_ Within the classroom, safe, conversational talk about writing and the writing process is emphasized

_ Multiple opportunities for students to write under teacher guidance are evident

_ Student written work is displayed throughout the classroom

Teacher Behaviors (Observed over time) _ Teacher introduces concept or strategy in a mini-lesson format for authentic writing opportunities

_ Teacher models application of the strategy, and incorporates needed mini-lessons within a literate environment

_ Writing is an integral part of the classroom context (45 minutes per day, at least), as evidenced by multiple opportunities for students to write under teacher guidance

_ Teacher conferences with students before/during/after the writing process, and is accessible during writing workshop

Student Behaviors (Observed over time) _ Students maintain individual control of writing, deciding which works to revise, edit and bring to final draft form

_ Students maintain a writing folder, adding to pieces and deciding which ones to work on

_ Students makes decision regarding own writing as individuals reflect on multiple drafts

_ Students self-reflect on writing process and individual drafts, coming to know and understand himself/herself as a writer

_ Teacher helps students to maintain a writing folder, containing multiple attempts at writing, with writings at multiple stages and for different purposes

_ Teacher encourages students to believe they are authors and tries to show students what real authors do to complete the writing task

Literacy Excellence 2007-2008 Resource provided by AEA 267 © 2007 — Permission granted to educational organizations to copy and use http://www.aea267.k12.ia.us/literacyexcellence


Writing The Literate Environment (Observed over time)

Teacher Behaviors (Observed over time)

Student Behaviors (Observed over time)

_ Teacher maintains writing materials and a comfortable place and atmosphere in which to write

_ Teacher encourages, supports, and teaches the writing process

_ Teacher teaches students to write different kinds of text (narrative [fiction or fact], expository, explanatory, analytical, persuasive or argumentative), depending upon age and experience of students

_ Teacher considers him/herself a writer and shares models and steps of the writing process with students where appropriate

Literacy Excellence 2007-2008 Resource provided by AEA 267 © 2007 — Permission granted to educational organizations to copy and use http://www.aea267.k12.ia.us/literacyexcellence


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