Writing Skills

  • June 2020
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Your school has decided to present a programme on the AIR from the AIR Stadium of your city, in the popular programme “Meet the Young-Artists”. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice-board, inviting talented students to appear for trial for different items on 20th November in the school’s “Open Theatre”. You have invited Mr.Anand Bhosle, the famous Presenter on the AIR. You are Secretary, Cultural Activities Society. The school Principal has accorded his permission for the broadcast.


You are the cultural secretary of your school. You have been asked to inform students of Class VI to XII about an Inter School Dramatics Competition. Draft a notice in about 50 words to be put up on the school notice board, with all necessary details.


Poonam of X A wants to start a school radio programme. The Principal has given her permission to broadcast on the school public address system for half an hour every day. She decides to write a notice for the notice board to get those interested to take part in the programme to give in their names within a week to her. In the space below write out the notice in not more than 50 words. Give the notice an appealing heading. (5 marks)

4. The school has decided to hold a fete in the school playground. The Principal has asked you to write, as the Headboy/Headgirl of the school, a notice about this fete, inviting the students and the teachers to participate in it. The notice should include all necessary details. In the space below, write out the notice in not more than 50 words excluding the heading. 5.

Shikhir Gupta is a student of Sacred Heart School, Guwahati. He is the Student’s Council Member looking after sports activities in his school. The school has been selected as the venue for the National Athletic Meet where students from 100 schools all over India are participating. Write a note asking students o class XI to volunteer for perfect duty for the Meet, which would last for 6 days. Write Shikhir’s notice in not more than 50 words in the space provided. 6. St. Jophn’s School Agra has decided to hold a fete in the school playground to raise funds for the Prime Minister’s Relief fund. The principal has asked you to write ,as the Head boy/Head girl, a notice about this fete , inviting the students and teachers to participate in it. Write in not more than 50 words , the notice including all the necessary details. 7. Ashok Mathur of class X has just passed his annual examination. Two of his books are in fairly good condition and he wants to sell them at reduced prices. He puts up a notice on the school notice board giving all the necessary details. Write

this notice using not more than 50 words. Try to make the notice catch people’s attention. 8. Vaibhav Mitra of Class X is the Secretary of the History Society of Amity International School, which is organizing a ten-day trip to the historical places of Rajastan. He has been asked by the principal to put up a notice inviting students interested in joining the tour. Write this notice not more than 50 words .Try to make catch the attention of the students. 9. You are Julia, cultural secretary of Mother’s school Burdwan . On the occasion of Founders’ Day you school is organizing a variety programme. She puts up a notice on the school notice board giving all the necessary details. Write this notice using not more than 30 words. Try to make the notice catch the attention of staff and students. 10. You are Poonam/ Suchitra a student of Mount Xaviers , Palnpur . You are the cultureal secretary of the school. The school plans to start the newspaper in Education for students of Class VI- X. Write a notice in about 50 words informing them about the same giving necessary details. 11. Shobhana is the Head Girl of N.R.I Senior secondary School, Chennai. Her school would be the host to student delegates from Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan and Malaysia. She has been asked to conduct a meeting of prefects of all houses to plan programmes for the guests. She decides to write a notice asking prefects to assemble for a meeting. Write a notice in about 50 words giving all the necessary details. 12. Sunita Verma, Head Prefect of Loyala Public School, has been asked to write a notice informing all class monitors and school prefects about a meeting with principal and senior teachers to discuss the measures to be taken to make the school environment and the surrounding areas clean. Write her notice in not more than 50 words. 13. You are Raj Kapoor, a head boy of your school. The principal held a meeting of all the monitors of the school and all agreed to celebrate the Independence Day with pomp and show in the school. Being head boy, write a notice suitable for school Notice Board inviting the names of the participants on this occasion. The union Minister of Education will preside over the function. 14. You are Pushpak. As secretary of the social service league of your school you have organized a cultural benefit show in aid of mentally handicapped children of your town Vijayawada. Write a notice in not more than 50 words for your school notice board, giving necessary information about the programme. Give your notice an appealing heading also. 15. You are Radey Sham, the secretary of the ‘Dramatic and Dance Club’ of Subhash Memorial Senior Secondary school. Write out a notice for your school notice board inviting names of those who would like to participate in the proposed Fancy Dress Competition organized by the Club. Mention all the details like entyry dates, prizes etc. Give your notice an appealing heading. 16. You are Shyam Dubeh, the Cultural Secretary of Gandhi Memorial Higher Secondary School. Write out a notice inviting names of those who would like to participate in the proposed programme of light and classical vocal and instrumental music. Mention all the details required.

Post card 1

Aditya, who lives in Delhi, left for Shimla on a week’s holiday on Sunday. On the train he realized that he had forgotten to return his local library books due on Saturday. The library is closed on Wednesday. He decided to write his brother a postcard from Shimla requesting him to return the books , which he had left on his table. Use the space provided below to write out the postcard giving all the details required. Do not add any new information. Write your answer in about 50 words or less. 2. Rohan Khanna studies in a boarding school in Darjeeling. He has booked his tickets for returning home for the summer vacations. He decides to inform his father about the train by which he is traveling, the date of journey and the arrival time of the train so that he can pich him up from the station. He writes a postcard to his father. Write his message in to more than 50 words.

ARTICLES 3. Priya Chaudhry is a resident of Gautam Enclave, Patna. After reading the following newspaper article, she writes a letter to the editor of a local newspaper, giving herstrong views on the disadvantage of this project and making an appeal to the Government to reconsider its decision. (10marks) 4. Navodaya Vidyalaya is celebrating ‘Book Week’ from 1-8 August. One of the competitions to be held during the week will be ‘Book Discussion’. Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen has been chosen for discussion. The competition is open to senior students. Each school is expected to send two participants. Varsha Mehta is the President of the Literary Society of Navodaya Vidyalaya. Put up Varsha’s notice giving all the necessary details. 5. Poonam had gone for a desert trek to Rajasthan covering Jaisalmer, Bikaner and Jodhpur during her winter vacation. She had a unique experience of visiting old castles, temples and havelis. She was particularly impressed by the architecture of the buildings there. The extraordinary beautiful sand dunes and the colourful life of the desert people fascinated her. Write Poonam’s letter-taking ideas mentioned above. 6. Shireen Singh is a student of Sacred Heart Convent, Pune. She recently read several reports about many Olympic sports persons taking drugs and steroids to improve their performance. She feels that this has created an unhealthy competition which has degenerated the objective of sports. Shireen writes an article for her school magazine expressing here opinion on characteristics and qualities of a true sportsman. Write an article in your own ideas.

7. Your school is organizing an Inter House Play Competition. You are the Activity Incharge of your House. Write a notice to be put up on the notice board of your school inviting students (actors) to participate in the play. You are planning to hold an audition to finalize the cast. Students with previous acting experience will be given preference. Giving other necessary details write the notice in not more than 50 words. 8. The world celebrated No Tobacco Day on 31 May. Sudhir read the following press release by then Health Ministry regarding the ill effects of smoking. Later be writes an article for his school magazine highlighting why the young generation is attracted to smoking and what can be done to discourage this habit among the youth. Write Sudhir’s article using ideas from the information provided. Tobacco Endangers Your Life Healthy Youths Say NO TO TOBACCO The young generation start smoking in an attempt to appear smart and Modern. There is nothing attractive about ill health, bad breath, stained Teeth, wrinkled skin, frequent cough, poor exercise tolerance. Smoking makes a person UNATRACTIVE. 9. Manisha recently read the following article on ‘Vermiculture’ in a local Newspaper reading the article she writes to the Editor of a local newspaper expressing her views on how Vermiculture can be effectively used for disposing kitchen and domestic waste. Write Manisha’s letter using information from the given article together with your own ideas. Gardens from Garbage Vermiculture composting is simple technique that can use kitchen waste to Enrich soild. Vermiculture can be practiced even in potted plants kept in a Balcony. It is a process that enhances plant growth while simultaneously Decomposing kitchen waste. This method uses a species of deep burrowing Earthworms. The worms are voracious eater; one pound of worms consume a Pound of organix matter every day. They add oxygen to the soil, making it aerolic, destroying soil pathegens, preventing a stink and the prevalence of pests. They regulate soil temperature and maintain the balance to prevent acidity. They fertilize the soil by adding nutrients like vitamins, growth hormones and antibiotics.

10. Recently Naveen saw an advertisement in a Science magazine for a new device. He feels this new device can safely replace conventional syringes and needles which are often misused and lead to the danger of infections. He writes a letter to public hospitals. Write Naveen’s letter using information from the article, together with your own ideas.

New Inventions Laser Device to give injections a. A painless process, reducing risk from discarded needles. b. Convenient, hand-held, battery operated deivce. c. Uses infra-red light to remove the barrier layer in the skin and allow penetration of liquid drug.


You’re Prashant residing in Mumbai. You’ve been suddenly asked to go to Chandigarh to attend a seminar. So you decided to send a telegram to Nitish, your cousin at Chandigarh informing him of your arrival by IC 405 Mumbai, Chandigarh on 7th July 2000 which reaches Chandigarh at 9.40 a.. Ask him to pick you up from the nairport.

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