Writing Exercise Send By Email

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 508
  • Pages: 2

Spanish Food Project Exercises 1. Read the first part Spanish Meals and answer the following questions: a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Which is your favourite meal in the day? Breakfast, lunch,........... What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you like milkshake? Which flavour do you prefer chocolate or vanilla? What time do you usually have lunch? Say two things that you always eat or drink for lunch: What do you usually eat and drink for “merienda”? Do you usually watch TV while you are having dinner?

2. Read the second part Typical Ingredients in Spanish Cooking and do the following exercises: a. Classify the seasonings and place them into the columns: Liquid



Read the traditional ingredients of Spanish Cooking and answer the questions: -



Which of them come from animals? Which of them are grown in the country? Which of them are produced by manipulating other products?

Match every ingredient with a colour: Potatoes Milk Beans Chickpeas Lentils Steak Meat Black pudding Wine

Black White Brown Green Red

d. Do you like Black pudding? And lentils? 3. Read the third part of the project Some Examples of Delicious Spanish Dishes and do the following exercises: a. Choose your two favourite dishes. Do you understand all the ingredients? Use the electronic dictionary. b. Choose your least favourite dish. c. Read the sentences and find the mistakes. One in each sentence.

Which is the odd ingredient? -

“Migas” contains potatoes and flour


“Paella” contains paprika, shellfish and bread


“Gazpacho” is prepared with garlic, rice and onions.


“Spanish omelette” contains eggs, potatoes and chicken


To prepare “Anchovies in vinegar” you need cinnamon, parsley, oil and garlic


“Vegetable stew” contains chickpeas, meat and vegetables

4. Read the Spanish Menu and do the following exercises: a. Choose one adjective to describe each one of the three dishes proposed in the Menu:

Fatty Sweet Salty

Shellfish "Plato de los montes" mountains dish Custard “Natillas”

b. Complete the sentences with one of the following verbs: Cut, mix, put, mince, fry, boil, and serve. -

............. the meat into small pieces Do you know how to..........an egg? ............ the eggs and the sugar in a bowl to get “merengue” .......... everything together into a saucepan with some water .......... the bread with a knife .............. it hot or cold Add some water and ............. it for about 30minutes

5. Read the Fast Food part and answer the following questions: a. Do you like fast food? b. Which fast food do you prefer? c. Translate the following paragraph into Spanish: “Young people usually like fast food, hamburgers, chips and ice cream. Young people always drink soft drinks and eat sweets and deserts. We usually eat junk food at weekends in McDonald's, Burger King, burger shops, and pizza shops. We like it because it is tasty and very good but our parents are always saying that too much fast food is bad for our health. “ d. Do you agree with it?

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