Writing Essay

  • October 2019
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PART 1: BASIC EXERCISES ng b t k thành ph nào, ng i ta u ph i ng u v i nh ng t c không ph i là tr ng h p ngo i l . Thành ph càng ông ng i thì ng. Có r t nhi u ng i nh p c g c t nh l n nh cu c s ng thành nh ng ng i công nhân lao ng chân tay. Trình h c v n c a h có theo b n, âu là nh ng nguyên nhân khác? - To settle down - Encounter - Blue-collar workers - Social evil - Educational background - Exception - Limited - Crowded - Causes - Provincial immigrants

n n xã h i. B o b o l c càng gia ph . a s h là gi i h n. V y thì

Living in any cities, people must encounter with social evils. Violence isn’t an exception. The more crowded the city is, the more violence increases. There are many the provincial immigrants settle down in the city. Most of them are blue-collar workers. Their educational background are is limited. According to your opinion what are the different causes What are the other causes in your opinion then? Note: Using “encounter”: - We encountered with four enemy aircrafts: Chúng tôi ch m trán v i 4 phi c ch. (verb) - An encounter with four enemy aircrafts: m t cu c ch m trán v i 4 phi c ch. (noun)

phân bi t i x gi i tính c bi t là t t ng tr ng nam khinh n các n c ang phát tri n và kém phát tri n c n ph i c xóa b . M c ích c a vi c làm này là nh m m o s bình ng gi a nam và n . - Sexual discrimination - Eliminate - Male chauvinism /’ niviz m/ - To ensure equality of opportunity for... The sexual discrimination especially male chauvinism in the developing and underdeveloping under-developed contries must be eliminated. This action purpose The purpose of this is to ensure equality of opportunity for men and women.

Ph i ch ng u duy nh t mà ngày nay ng i ta quan tâm là làm ra th t nhi u ti n? Tôi không có cùng quan m này. Ng i ta nh ng l a tu i khác nhau quan tâm n nh ng lãnh v c khác nhau, ch ng h n nh : s c kh e, gia ình, công vi c, h c v n, thi c , tình n, tình yêu, gi i trí... - To be concern about - This point of view - To share - Area Is the only thing that people are nowadays concerned about making much more money? I don’t share with this point of view. People at different ages are concerned about different areas such as health, family, job, study, examination, friendship, love, entertainment, etc.

Nam và n ph i c h ng nh ng nhân quy n nh nhau. Trên th c t , nam và n th i nay không c i x nh nhau. Chính s phân bi t i x gi i tính ã d n n s bùng dân s . - In reality /ri:’æl ti/ www.tinhvi.com -1

Women and men have to inherit the same human rights. In reality, women and men haven’t been treated like other are not nowadays treated alike. It is sexual discrimination lead to population boom that has led the population explosion.

Có nh ng gì khác mà chúng ta nên quan tâm n nh m khi n cho cu c s ng chúng ta có ý ngh a h n? Chính cách x s , o c, nh ng ho t ng xã h i và nh ng công tác t thi n ã làm cu c s ng có ý ngh a. - Moral standard - What else - Charity work - To make our life worth living - Behaviour What else that we should interest should we be interested in to make our life worth living? It’s our behaviour, moral standard, social activities, and charity works work that make our life worth living.

Tình tr ng tham nh ng ang lan tràn trong nhi u công ch c n c ta. B n có ngh r ng nh ng hình ph t thích áng có th ng n ch n c nh ng công ch c tham nh ng không? Nhà n c nên ph t n ng nh ng ng i mà út lót các công ch c. Nhà n c ph i giáo d c và nâng cao nh n th c và o c c a các công ch c. - Corrupt (v,adj) Corruption (n) - Those who - To bribe - Rampant - To raise sb’s awareness - Official - Moral standard - Severe The corruption has been rampant among many officials in our country. Do you think that severe punishments would be prevented corruption can prevent corrupt officials? The government should punish severely those who bride bribe officials. The government ought to educate and raise officials’ awareness and moral standard.

thành th có quá nhi u xe c và b i. M t trong nh ng v n mà ng i ta ph i ng u là cu c s ng xô b . thành th có quá nhi u ng i. Vi c u tiên hàng u là ph i thu p kho ng cách gi a giàu và nghèo. - The top priority - Traffic - To reduce - To encounter - Gap - The rat-race There are a lot of is too much traffic and dust in the city. One of the problems which people must encounter is the rat-race. There are a lot of are too many people in the city. The top priority is to reduce the gap between poorness and richness poor and rich.

Máy vi tính ã em n cho chúng ta m t s l i ích và m t s b t l i. Máy vi tính ã d n chúng ta n m t cu c s ng ti n nghi h n. Ng i ta có th u hành công vi c v n phòng t h n, nhanh h n và có hi u qu h n. Tóm l i, khoa h c và k thu t/công ngh càng hi n i và v n minh thì cu c s ng con ng i càng thú v . - Effective (adj) Effectively (adv) - To run - Office work (n) - Civilized (adj)

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Computer bring has brought us several advantages and disadvantages. It has led us to a more comfortable life. People can run office work better, more quickly and more effectively. Totally, science and technics are more and more modern when our life become interesting To sum up, the more modern and civilized science and technology are, the more interesting human life is. Note: better (adj, adv), quickly (adv), effectively (adv)

more + adv/adj

Ngoài m t s l i ích, máy vi tính ã em n cho chúng ta nh ng phi n toái ngoài ý mu n. Virus có th làm h ng nh ng d li u và thông tin c l u gi trong máy. S d ng máy vi tính liên t c trong nhi u gi li n nh h ng n th l c c a chúng ta và gây ra au l ng. Thêm vào ó, các b c nh kh a thân trên internet u c tr em và kích thích s tò mò a tr em. m t góc nào ó, công ngh thông tin càng ti n b bao nhiêu thì chu n c o c c a con ng i càng suy i. - To put the wrong ideas into one’s mind - Unexpected problems - To stimulate - To ruin - Consecutive /k n’sekj tiv/ - Curiosity - To some extent - To afffect - Advanced (adj) - Sight - Moral standard - A bad back - To decline - In addition - Nude Apart from some advantages, computers have brought us several unexpected problems. Viruses can ruin data and information stored inside of in computers. Using computers in consecutive hours affects our sight and causes a bad back. In addition, nude pictures on the internet put the wrong ideas into children’s mind and stimulate their curiosity. To some extent, the more advanced information technology is, the more people’s moral standard declines. Note: information, extent không thêm “s” khi dùng nh là s ít/s nhi u.

Ti n b c không th mua c h nh phúc, nh ng ti n b c là m t trong nh ng y u t chính khi n cho chúng ta duy trì h nh phúc. Ti n b c làm cho cu c s ng t t p h n. Ti n b c th a mãn nhu c u v t ch t c a con ng i. Ti n b c có th a mãn nhu c u tinh th n c a con ng i không? ng làm nô l cho ng ti n. Hãy làm ch ng ti n. - Material demand (need) - Factor - Spiritual demand - To enable - Slave - To stay / To maintain - Master - To satisfy Although money can’t buy happiness, it is one of the most factors enabling us to stay happiness. Money makes our life better. It satisfies the human material demand. Does it satisfy the human spiritual demand? Don’t be money’s slave. Be money’s master. Don’t be a slave to money. Be its master. Note: Slaver (n): ng i buôn nô l ; Slave (n):ng i nô l Samples: - To make sb happy (adj): làm cho ai ó h nh phúc. - To make sb president (n): tôn/phong ai ó làm ch t ch.

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c sách giúp chúng ta m mang c sách óng m t vai trò quan tr ng trong cu c s ng. ki n th c. Ngày nay ng i ta c sách ít h n tr c ây. Ph i ch ng ó là vì nh h ng c a video, TV, internet, games online? Ng i ta quá b n r n làm ra ti n nên h dành r t ít th i gian cho vi c c sách. Sách là m t kho thông tin b ích. - The influence /’infl ns/ - To play an important role - To broaden (không dùng To open) - A storehouse of useful information - Due to Reading book plays an important role in our life. It help us broaden our knowledge. People nowadays is reading less than before read less than they used to. Is it due to the influence of video, TV, the internet, games online? People is so busy to earn money that they are lack time for reading People are so busy earning money that they spend a little time reading. Books are a storehouse of useful information. Note: To help + Verb...


c Verb không c n “to”)

Theo b n thì th nào là thành công trong cu c s ng? Ph i ch ng chúng ta ánh giá s thành công v ph ng di n thành t v t ch t, a v , s yên n hay là h nh phúc? Chúng ta nên ánh giá s thành công v nhi u m t nh : s c kh e, trình h c v n, o c, ng nh thái c a chúng ta i v i cu c s ng, công tác t thi n và công tác xã h i. góc nào ó, m t ng i thành công không th không s ng có ích cho xã h i. - Educational level - Measure - Attitude - In term of - Charity work - Material gains - Can’t help + V.ing - Security - Aspect In many aspects - Lead a meaningful and useful life According to you, how is success in life In your opinion what is success in life? Do we measure success in terms of whether material gains, or position, or security or happiness? We should measure success in many aspects such as: health, educational level, moral standard as well as our attitude to life, charity work and social activities work. To some extent, a successful person can’t help leading a meaningful and useful life to society. Note: Lead (v): lãnh o, ch huy, h ng d n...; tr i qua (cu c s ng). To lead a meaningful and useful life: s ng m t cu c s ng có ý ngh a và có ích. To lead a quiet life: s ng m t cu c s ng êm m. Note: Charity (n) charity work. Charitable (adj) charitable institution: vi n t b n, h i t ng t , t ch c t thi n. Social (adj) social work.

Phiên b n d ch khác: B n nên ánh giá s thành công nh ng ph ng di n nào? Ph i ch ng chúng ta nên ánh giá s thành công v m t h nh phúc, a v , v t ch t và s yên n? Ngoài ra, chúng ta nên nhìn v n này v m t s c kh e, trình h c v n, o c ng nh thái c a chúng ta i v i cu c s ng c a chúng ta, công tác t thi n và công tác xã h i. m t góc nào ó, chúng ta không th không ánh giá s thành công c a t ng i v nh ng m t thành tích c a anh ta. - Charity work - Aspects - Can’t help + V.ing - Educational level - Achievement - Attitude

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In what aspects should you measure success? Should we measure success in terms of happiness, position, material and security? Besides, we should consider this matter in terms of health, educational level, moral standard as well as our attitude to our lives, charity work and social work. Up to a certain point, we can’t help measuring one’s success in terms of his achievements. Note: Lives (plural of life). Up to a certain point = To some degree = To some extent.

Li u m t ng i ph n ã l p gia ình có th v a t n t y v i s nghi p v a t n t y v i cu c s ng gia ình c a cô y c không? u ó ph thu c vào cách th c mà cô y t xoay s và cách th c mà cô y thu x p m i th có khoa h c/h th ng. S thành công c a cô y l thu c nhi u vào th i khóa bi u linh ng và thích h p c a cô y. Cô y nên h c cách thích nghi v i m i hoàn c nh nhanh chóng. - In a systematic way. - To be devoted. - Flexible. - Career. - To adapt to new conditions. - To manage oneself. Can a married woman be both devoted to her career and family life? It depends on the way that she manages herself and arranges everythings everything in a systematic way. Her success depends much on her flexible and suitable schedule. She should study learn how to adapt to new conditions quickly.

Ng i ta chia ô nhi m môi tr ng ra làm 3 lo i nh sau: ô nhi m không khí, ô nhi m n c và ô nhi m ti ng n. gi i quy t v n ô nhi m không khí, các c p chính quy n c n ph i cho tr ng cây xanh càng nhi u càng t t. Cây xanh h p th khí cacbonic và th i ra khí oxy. Nh ng ng i mà x rác n i công c ng ph i b ph t vi c nh n ng. C n ph i có nhi u nhà máy x lý ch t th i và nhà máy x lý rác. - To emit - Environmental pollution - To drop/leave litter - As follows - To fine - Green plants - To absorb / b’s :b/ - Waste treatment plant - Carbon dioxide /da ’ ksa d/ - Garbage treatment plant People divided environmental pollution Environmental pollution is divided into 3 kinds as follows: air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution. To solve air pollution problem, the authorities have to plant as many green plants as possible. Green plants absorb carbon dioxide and emit oxygen. Those who drop litter public places ought to be severely fined. There ought to be many waste treatment plants and garbage treatment plants. Note: C u trúc: Verb + as many... as possible. Make as many sentences as possible: Làm càng nhi u câu càng t t.

Nhà n c nên khuy n khích ng i dân s d ng ph ng ti n giao thông công c ng nh m n ch tình tr ng t c ngh n giao thông vào gi cao m. Các c p chính quy n nên giáo c ý th c c ng ng v vi c nghiêm ch nh ch p hành lu t giao thông. V t èn hi n nay r t ph bi n thành ph chúng ta. - Public transport - Public awareness - Rush-hour - To go into the red light www.tinhvi.com -5

The government should encourage people using to use public transport for restricting traffic congestion in order to minimize traffic jam in rush-hour. The Authorities should educate public awareness of obeying traffic law strictly. Nowadays going into the red light is popular common in our city.

Nh ng tr ng h p vi ph m lu t giao thông hi n nay r t ph bi n thành ph chúng ta. Nh ng ng i vi ph m lu t giao thông c n ph i b ph t thích áng. C n ph i có nhi u CSGT n n a. u quan tr ng nh t là các c p chính quy n ph i giáo d c ý th c c ng ng. n ph i có nhi u chi n d ch tuyên truy n h n n a. Ý th c c ng ng càng cao thì tai n n giao thông càng ít. l p l i tr t t (giao thông), CSGT nên c ng r n h n n a. gi m tai n (giao thông), ng i dân nên có ý th c v vi c tuân theo tín hi u giao thông nói riêng và lu t giao thông nói chung. - To be fully aware of - Public awareness - Traffic signs - Propaganda campaigns - In particular - To restore order - In general - Tough Nowdays, violations of traffic law in our city are nowadays very common. The persons who don’t obey the traffic law traffic law violators must be severely punished. There ought to be many more traffic police. The most important thing is that the authorities have to educate public awareness. There ought to be many more propaganda campaigns. The higher public awareness is, the fewer traffic accidents decrease. To restore order, traffic police ought to be tougher. To reduce accidents, people should be fully aware of obeying traffic signs in particular and traffic law in general. Note: Using Many/Much and More: More: (adj): khi là tính t , More là c p so sánh h n c a Many/Much; (adv): khi là phó t , More t o th so sánh h n More + Adj/Adv (lo i âm ti t dài) c dù ta có c u trúc b ngh a: adv adj noun. Nh ng cách dùng “much more” và “many more” l i r t ph bi n. Xem các ví d sau: -

I haven’t got much money: tôi ch ng có nhi u ti n. Much the same: nh nhau, ch ng khác gì nhau. Much more expensive: t ti n h n nhi u. He was very much surprised: Anh ta r t là ng c nhiên.


There are too many mice: có quá nhi u chu t. Many people think so: nhi u ng i ngh v y. Many more dogs will die: thêm nhi u con chó n a s b ch t. I don’t need many more: tôi không c n nhi u n a.

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(much=Adj) (much=Adv) (much=Adv) (much=Adv) (many=Adj) (many=Adj) (many=Adj) (many=Adj) (many không là Adv)

PART 2: ESSAY – WRITING dài c n thi t cho m t bài lu n ng n th ng là 250 t , bao g m 3 ph n: - Introductory paragraph (5 sentence). - Body. - Concluding paragraph. 1) Introductory paragraph: Sample topic: Smoking is harmful. Do you agree?


Have you updated the latest news on the net recently? A great number of patients have been reported dead due to tuberculosis (ho lao), cancer (ung th ), pneumonia (viêm ph i). As a matter of fact, they have been addicted to tobacco for ages. Is smoking, therefore, really dangerous for human health? We are, in this limited composition, to demonstrate the above mentioned matter, at great length (= in detail).

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Phân tích n v n trên: - Câu 1: t 1 câu h i d a trên ph ng ti n i chúng (mass media). ây ng i c ch a th y có quan h gì v i ch . M t câu m u i th ng vào ch không ph i là cách m u t t và không g i c tò mò. - Câu 2: Tr l i câu h i trên (nh ng v n ch a c p gì n ch ). ây là câu khó nh t vì có nhi m v k t n i gi a (1) và (3). c tính c a câu này là g n v i ch nh ng v n ch a b c l ch . Trong th c t làm bài, nên tìm ý t ng cho câu này tr c tiên (m c dù nó là câu th 2), vì sau khi tìm ra câu này r i thì ng nhiên s vi t c câu 1. - Câu 3: “As a matter of fact, ...” nêu ra ch chính c a topic. - Câu 4: t l i 1 câu h i v i ch , nh ng nên bi n i m t ít không ph i chép nguyên xi bài. - Câu 5: Câu chuy n ý. c thu c các câu chuy n ý sau: § Let us, in this limited essay, illustrate the above-mentioned problem in detail. § We are going, in this limited composition, to clarify the above-mentioned matter at great length. Topic 1: Young people, these day, tend to be more permissive than they used to be. Do you agree? Have you watched TV these days? There are a lot of youths in dancing clubs, or on the roads overnight. Actually they have been tempted into bad activities. Do they really tend to be permissive? We are going, in this limited composition, to clarify the above mentioned point at great length. Permissive (adj): d dãi; cho phép, có th ch p nh n. Permissiveness (n): tính ch t d dãi; tính ch t có th cho phép/ch p nh n. Permission (n): s cho phép, s ch p nh n; phép, gi y phép. Topic 2: Will Vietnam benefit anything from joining WTO? Did you hear the latest news on the newspapers this morning? Vietnamese farmers have just been sued due to their catfish dumping. As a matter of fact, it is really the barriers of US farmers to prevent the imported goods from Vietnam. Is it, therefore, really true that Vietnam will never meet again that absurd story, and we will receive much benefit from www.tinhvi.com -7

joining WTO? We are, in this limited composition, to demonstrate the above-mentioned matter at great length. Topic 3: Moral decline among young people seems to have been reported. What are the causes? Have you heard the latest news on the radio recently? More and more today’s young people have been arrested due to robbery, violence, drug-abuse, sex films. As a matter of fact, they have been strongly affected by modern lifestyle. What causes have led to this problem? We are, in this limited composition, to demonstrate the above-mentioned matter at great length. 2) Body: Ph ng pháp: - Tr c khi vi t ph n body, ph i chu n b s n outline (phác th o dàn bài). ây là vi c có tính ch t s ng còn i v i bài vi t, vì nó giúp bài vi t có h th ng ch t ch và rõ ràng, các ý y mà không b trùng l p. - Sau khi ã có outline thì vi t câu hoàn ch nh theo các ý có trong outline. Dùng các adverb sau tách ra cách ý chính: firstly, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, fifthly... Lastly (ho c là Last but not least). Gi s ta ã có outline d

i ây, t

ó s vi t ph n body.

Outline: Advantages of living in the city. - Education: school (university), teacher, teaching equipment. - Economy: trading center, living standard, job opportunities. - Health care: hospital (clinic), doctor, modern diagnosing facilities. - Entertainment: sport, music, movie. Nh v y ta c n vi t 16 câu: m i ý chính có 1 câu cho ý chính ó và 3 câu cho 3 ý ph . Firstly, living in the city, we can be able to inherit an excellent educational system. Parents feel free to choose the best school for their children. Teachers are good skills and experienced. Modern teaching equipments are consecutively updated. Secondly, economy is great evaluated. A big city is viewed as a trading, commercial and cultural center. The city people’s living standard is high. Job opportunities are available to job-seekers. Thirdly, health care is found fantastic in the cite. Hospitals and clinics are everywhere to serve patients of various diseases. Doctors of years of experience are ready to give best treatment. Up-to-date diagnosing facilities are highly recommended. Last but not least, city-dwellers are able to enjoy a wide range of entertainment after their hard-working day. Sports lovers take part in any sports activities which keep them fit and healthy. Theatres and music shows welcome audiences of different ages. In addition, latest films are shown in any cinemas. - Last but not least: cu i cùng nh ng không kém quan tr ng. - City-dwellers: th dân, c dân s ng thành ph . 3) Concluding paragraph: Sample topic: Advantages of living in the city. To sum up, living in the city enables us to lead a comfortable life. In addition, health care is highly appreciated. City-dwellers are able to enjoy a wide range of form of entertainment. It is sensible of us to keep our city clean and tidy. The more we love our city, the more we paint it a colorful picture. www.tinhvi.com -8

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Phân tích n v n trên: - Câu 1: To sum up, nh c l i ch chính th 1 (c a ph n body). Có th thay To sum up b ng In conclusion, In brief, In short, ... - Câu 2: Nh c l i ch chính th 2 (c a ph n body). - Câu 3: Nh c l i ch chính th 3 (c a ph n body). - Câu 4: Nêu ra m t l i khuyên, m t ngh . It is sensible of us to/not to: chúng ta nh n th c r ng ph i làm/không làm... It is responsible of us to/not to: trách nhi m c a chúng ta là ph i/không ph i... - Câu 5: Bi u l m t c m xúc tích c c (không c k t thúc b ng c m xúc tiêu c c). Note: S

d ng c u trúc “The more... the more...” Adj: fantastic, wonderful, amazing... (v i các Adj ng n thì the more

The more we love our city, the more



nicer, fewer...)

we paint it a colourful picture.

EX1: The adj.er + sub + verb, the more + adj.er + sub + verb - The older he get, the weaker he is. Ông ta càng già thì càng y u.

(tính t ng n)

EX2: The more + adj + sub + verb, the more + adj + sub + verb. - The more miserable he is, the more diligent he becomes. Anh ta càng nghèo kh thì càng siêng n ng.

(tính t dài)

EX3: The more + clause, the more + clause. - The more she knows him, the more she loves him. Cô ta càng bi t h n thì càng yêu h n.


EX: - The more we get together, the happier we’ll be. Chúng ta ( /làm) v i nhau càng ông thì càng vui. - The less diligent the boy is, the less progress he will make. Th ng bé càng ít siêng thì nó càng ít ti n b . - The more you know about her, the less you respect her. Càng bi t nhi u v bà ta b n càng ít kính tr ng bà ta.

(h n h p)

Note: S d ng c u trúc “more and more” - The weather is getting colder and colder. Th i ti t càng ngày càng tr l nh. - It becomes darker and darker. Tr i m i lúc m t t i. - She becomes more and more beautiful. Cô ta tr nên càng ngày càng p. - Our lessons become more and more difficult. Bài h c c a chúng m i ngày m t khó. - The storm is less and less violent. C n bão m i lúc m t b t d d i. - It is less and less cold. Tr i càng ngày càng ít l nh.

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(tính t ng n)

(tính t dài)

PART 3: OUTLINE SAMPLES Topic: Advantages and disadvantages of living in the city A – ADVANTAGES - Government Traditional government becomes E-government To shorten the time of administrative formalities Help the large-scale works: Census University entrance exam Other statistics - Science: Scientific research Weather forecast (is calculated by super-computers) - Communication: Internet: “no computers, no internet” email, chat... Mobile phones, international call, satellite television: using digital technology (need alot of computers) - Entertainment: Computer games Multimedia (music, film,...) Surf the web - Studying and working: Dictationary (in computer) Offfice softwares (Word, Excel...) Design softwares (AutoCad, Corel...) - Convenience: On-line shopping Credit card Book the tickets via computers Advertisement on computer networks - Art: Art-photographs: designed by software “magic” movies: computers are indispensable B – DISADVANTAGES - Military Elaborate weapons (controllable by computer) - Dependent on computers (big problem !) Finance, banks, telecommunication... (being disaster if computer’s fail) - Entertainment: Nude pictures, nasty films... spread rapidly (due to computers) Copyright infringement (because of illegal copying) Misuse games (especially game on-line) - Economy Juggling and stealing by using computer network Spend much money (for upgrade the computers) - Society www.tinhvi.com -10

Appearing the ‘hi-tech’ crime Appearing the ‘virtual’ world (someone can become strange in his real life) Social unsafeness: terrorize on-line, DDoS attacks *Note: DDoS = Distributed Denial of Service

Topic: There is a saying: “Money can’t buy happiness, but it can help”. Do you agree? “Money can’t buy happiness” - Examples: (not everyone) The rich’s families: divorce, extra-marital affairs... The rich’s sons: addicted to drug, illegal races... The rich’s daughters: snobbishness, go dancing a lot... - Psychology: According to psychologists: Mental factors overbalance physical factors In reality: People’s demand: job, position, family, money... (lose one of them unhappiness) “But it can help” - Base on reasoning: Can’t be happy if: Too poor Losing fundamental requirements (eating, drinking, residence) - Opposition: (if we’re poor) work all day for earning money Have no time: for relaxing, for make friend. having serious diseases: no money for full treatment. be suffered all life-time. - What can money help? Help our plannings to become successful. Help our healing treatments Help our entertainments (tourism, movies...) Help our charity work. - Other (conclusion): Happiness needs both mental and physical factors Happy life’s requirements: job, friend, family, social relation... Money can’t make them, but it can help them. Of course, don’t misuse the money unhappiness rapidly

Topic: disadvantages of living in the city Environment: - Air pollution (dust, smoke) - Contaminated water - Rubbish www.tinhvi.com -11

Traffic: - Traffic jam - Danger ( by careless drivers, by very old trees/decayed trees) - Expensive (10 times more than in comparison with countryside) Society: Relation: - More complex (because of money, promotion, competition) - Closed families themselves (nothing helps each other) Social evil: - Violence so much. - Foul language of youth people - Illigal motorcycle race - Prostitution Career: - High pressure - Demanding many things: office skill, foreign langguage skill... Family: - Need a lot of money - Divorce at a high rate - A wide generation gap Entertainment: - Easy to find bad entertainment: sex movies, gambling - Disguised evil: “cuddle” massage, “cuddle” karaoke... Education: - Cheating at exams by “hi-tech” equipments (mobile phones, calculators...) - Lazy to do student’s homework (because of easy copying) - Effected of market on education o Disadvantageous position of Social sciences o Excessive development of some careers (easy to get money/promote...)

Topic: How do you measure success? Do you consider it in terms of material gains, position, security or happiness? - Material gains: Need for: businessmen, the persons who are family’s mainstay... Helpful: family life, conveniences... How? property, profit, the title (e.g. “the richest man”) - Position: Need for: anyone who have a job Especially need for: politician, actor/actress What? designation, job title (e.g. “star”, “super star”) Improving: high salary - Security: Need for: everyone Making mental easiness losing security stress alot - Happiness: Need for: everyone www.tinhvi.com -12

Why? Everything aims to seek happiness - Addition - Knowledge: Need for: pupils, studen, scientists The scores is student’s achievement Investment for future (success in the future) - Society: What? charity work, social work, civic responsibility Why? “win the hearts” Establishishing good relations - Health: Need for: everyone It’s fundamental demand Need health to perform any success - Achievement: Make publicity easier Make pleasure himself/herself a successful meter of career - Other mental factors: Respect from everybody, family happiness, children’s success Note: Success can be measured by many different ways. - Some ways are needful for everyone, others are just for someone. - Depending on people’s job, people’s age...

Topic: Should violations of traffic regulations be severely punished? What should we do to restore order and reduce accidents in the city streets? “Should violations of traffic regulations be severely punished” Why/because of: - Bad people’s awareness - A very low fine at present - Mostly uncontrollable state of traffic - Traffic accidents at high rate “What should we do to restore order and reduce accidents in the city streets?” Education: - At school (strictly ban over-50cc motorcycle) - At home (control of children’s schedule) - Games show (e.g. “I love Vietnam”) Propaganda: - Propagandic panels - Delivering traffic law documents - The young volunteers (on streets) Punishment - Punish strictly: racing, going into the red light... - Policemen patrol regularly - Raising the level of fine. Government: - Build the new roads www.tinhvi.com -13

- Expand the old narrow streets - Improve the policemen’s salary.

Topic: Describe what can be done to prevent pollution in our country? 1) Direct solutions - Air pollution planting green trees moving the polluted factories To reject very old vehicles. smoking strictly forbidden (in narrow rooms, libraries, cinemas...) - Water pollution To dredge the obstructed canal/river protecting the river: Industrial waste, household garbage - Noise pollution To forbid the big-volume horns noisy limitation: dancing clubs, karaoke clubs, musical coffee bars Reducing trucks/lorries on the downtown’s streets 2) Permanent solutions: - Changing dwellers’ hobby: Bad hobbies: - living nearby the streets (noisy, dusty, smoky) - multi-purposes of the house: habitation, business, production... - Using personal transpotation Modern lifestyles: - Living in the residental area (far from street) - Living in the apartment building - Using public transpotation - Investments: - Build metro/subway. - Build new downtown (with high environmental standards) - Build more waste treatment plant. - Build more garbage treatment plant. 3) Education/Propaganda: - Warning of “greenhouse effect” - Set up “environment subject” in the school. - “green, clean and beauty” campaign 4) Technology: - Applying EURO4 in stead of EURO2 standard (automobile industry) - decrease using the fossil energy - Increase using the regenerative energy(solar energy cars) - Using self-destroying materials - Applying biological technology into waste treatment (useful virus, enzyme...) 5) Authorities: - To establish the environment police - Strictly punish: drop litter, messy crap

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Topic: How can a working woman be devoted to both her career and her family life? Arrangement: - in a systematic way. - flexible schedule. - suitable to her possibility herseft - Balance between family and job. Adaptation: - New surrounding is always changing Adapt to circumstances - Both her career and family require her doubled attempt. - Adaptability assists in reducing stress, increasing successful capacity Strong will and Ability: - Overcome herself: motherhood, social role, female characteristics - Overcome temptations: Decoyed/Enticed by her boss, male colleague - Having good skills: Using equipment for saving time at home. Microwave, automatic equipments Using equipment for job’s effect PDA, computer Psychological skill: Convince her family of her career. Help: - From her husband, her family (very important) - From modern comforts: saving her time Online shopping no need to go to the market daily. Mobile phone, computer, quick vehicles (motor, plane...) Household appliances: washing-machine, electric cooker, microwave oven... Society: - Prejudice (male chauvinism) Difficult places: Irak, Apganistan (Islamic countries) Advantageous places: Europe, North America Normal places: Vietnam - System of laws: Social welfare/security Sex Discrimination Act Crime: prostitution, child-abuse

Topic: People nowadays read less than they used to because of the influence of video, television, the internet, games online, etc. Do you agree with this view? ( WHO’s people?) AGREE ? YES – In the majority - Statistics - person’s spending: (*) o Internet: 200 hours/year o TV (cable & aerial): 1800 hours/year Missing to read tens of books. www.tinhvi.com -15

- The rhythm of our life: - Video (especially action movies) - Rock, rap... on TV - Violent games Partially making our life to bustle Reducing the slow rhythm activies: reading, folk-song, writing poems... - Cinematize: best-seller books change into movies, games... (Eg. “Harry Potter”, “The Godfather”) Reducing original book’s readers (even seeing the movie without reading the original) NO – In case of specific definition - Definition (Who are people?) - Pupil: read much - Engineers: read very much - Researchers: read no end of - Depend on person’s characteristics: Earning money: read a little Collecting knowledge: read a lot - The one pend a little time reading - The other spend a lot for it ADDITION Not only TV, video, internet... to blame - For studying: Traditional source of information: book Nowaday: internet, TV, radio, storage disk... Decreasing in reading’s time. - Society: shorten people’s free time (because of high pressure) No more time for reading, relaxing... - Hoping: Mental demand is more and more Modern bookstores are ever more Complement the bad effects of TV, video, games...

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