Writing C Rubric

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 598
  • Pages: 2
Writing C Ortega

Essay Rubric

10 A 9

8 B 7

Organization & Focus writing has sharp focus and displays sophisticated command of structure and organization writing has clear focus and displays strong command of structure and organization

Development & Vocabulary & Word Specificity Choice uses interesting uses sophisticated examples with vivid vocabulary and has details that effectively no errors in word address the writing choice or word form prompt

Sentence Structure & Grammar consistently employs a wide variety of sentence structures and has native-like command in grammar uses relevant uses sophisticated employs a range of examples with vocabulary; word sentence structures precise details that choice or word form and has a near appropriately errors do not neative-like address the writing interfere with command in prompt effective grammar communication writing has uses relevant uses higher-level controls a range of consistent focus and examples with vocabulary; word sentence structures; displays strong convincing details; choice or word from has occasional command of may have difficulty in errors do not grammatical errors structure addressing the interfere with that do not interfere writing prompt effective with communication communication writing focuses on uses examples with attempts higher-level controls a range of the topic but may specific details, vocabulary; sentence structures; drift; has good though some occasional errors in has occasional command of examples may not be word choice or word grammatical errors structure relevant; may not form may be that do not interfere appropriately distracting but do not with meaning address the writing interfere with prompt meaning

Spelling & Mechanics has sophisticated command of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics has strong command of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics

has command of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics

has command of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics

Writing C Ortega

Essay Rubric

C 6


4 R 3

2 1

writing addresses topic but relies on formulaic structure

development is uneven; may support some ideas with specific detail

has good command of vocabulary; errors in word choice or word form occasionally interfere with meaning

uses a range of sentence structures; has some grammatical errors, but they rarely interfere with meaning writing addresses demonstrates uses a range of uses a range of topic, but may not development, but vocabulary; word sentence structures; maintain focus and may lack specific choice or word form has grammatical has uneven structure details errors occur errors that may throughout and may interfere with interfere with meaning meaning writing does not attempts uses common uses a very limited maintain focus and development, but vocabulary; word range of sentence has little structure may be very general choice or word form structures; has or limited to one errors may interfere grammatical errors example with meaning that interfere with meaning writing is very brief shows some uses some common produces basic and has no structure evidence of vocabulary; errors in sentences and development word choice or word makes several form interfere with grammatical errors meaning that interfere with meaning writing is a string of shows little evidence uses limited lacks control of most words or sentences of development vocabulary; does not aspects of grammar with no clear use appropriate word relationship choice or word form writing consists of shows no evidence uses very limited lacks control of all words or simple of development vocabulary aspects of grammar phrases

has good control of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics

has general control of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics

shows some control of sentence boundaries, spelling, and mechanics

has several errors in spelling and mechanics

shows no control of spelling or mechanics shows no control of spelling or mechanics

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