would rather���÷� һ��would rather��˼�ǡ��Ը����ɡ�����á�����Ϊ�á�����Ӷ��� ��,��ʡ��Ϊ��d rather����ʾ����ѡ���һ�ַ�ʽ �����ʽ��would rather not do sth��would ratherû��� ƺ���ı 仯�����е��˳�һ����would rather�� ��would rather+���� �Ρ���Ӣ���г����һ����þ�ʽ���9�Ӣ���ж���had rather��would (had)� ޡޡޡޡ ��˾���ڴȥ��֮�⣬����һ����̬��ʣ���� �� �ʱ̬ �仯�� �� mr li would rather not listen to rock music. ������Ը����ҡ�����֡� if you��d rather be alone, we��ll all leave here. ������Ը���Դ��ţ������Ƕ��뿪��� he��d rather work in the countryside. ����ɵ�ũ��ȥ���� you would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. ��������ô����ڼжu�� 顣 ���������}���н���ȡ� ��ʾ��� ������ԸԸ ��������� ����ɡ���������˼ʱ�������would rather��than����would��rather than���ľ��� �� i would rather watch tv at home than go to the cinema. ������ ڼҿ����Ӷ�Ըȥ����Ӱ�� the children would walk there rather than take a bus. �������Ը����ȥ�����Ը� ����� ��1 �� ��עwould rather��than��/would��rather than��Ҳ��� �Ϊ��rather than��would����would(rather)��than� Ӳ���to�Ķ��ʲ���ʽ����ѡ�õĶ����� ����ôthan ��Ķ��ʿ���ʡ� � �� i would rather have noodles than rice. ���Ը������Ҳ����� ��� he would rather drink wine than beer�� ��ϲ��� ����Ѿƶ�ϲ����ơ�ơ� rather than work in such bad condition, he would give up. ���������������¹������Ը���� 2)ʹ��would rather��than������ʱҪ �ע⡰ƽ�нṹ��������than ��ǰ��Ҫ��}��ͬ��Ĵʻ���飬 ��}����ʡ�}���ʽ��}���ʶ��� � �� i would rather go to work by bike than by bus. ���Ը�����г�Ҳ��Ը� �����ȥ�ϰ i would rather talk with his mother than with his father. ���Ը������ ���� ����� Ը ���� �������ʾ�ʽ�У�would rather ��would rather��than���е�wouldҪ��������֮ǰ �� would you rather stay here or go home? ��Ը�������� ���ǻ ң� which would you rather have, apples or bananas? ��ϲ����ƻ����� �� would you rather read a novel than read a poem?���Ը��С �� �ʶ�ʫ���� Ը �ġ�would rather+�
��һ���õ������������ would
rather+�Ӿ�,ν��һ���ù�ȥʱ4��ʾ���4�������ڻΪ���Ը����,���ǡ��� ��Щ����һ�����Ը��һ������ij�¡�����Ӿ��that��ʡ� � ���̸����ȥ�Ķ���ʱ��ν�����ùȥ���ʱ�� �� john wants to see me today. i would rather he came to tomorrow than today. Լ��������ȥ���ҡ����Ը������4���Ҷ��ǽ��졣(����came���DZ�ʾ��ȥ���DZ�ʾ��4) we��d rather he paid us the money tomorrow. �����Ը�����츶�������DZ�Ǯ�� don��t come tomorrow. i��d rather you came next weekend. �����4����ϣ��������ĩ4�� ��1 ������̸��� ��עȥ�Ķ���Ҳ���DZ�ʾ��ȥ�Ѿ������������ѡ���ϲ�ǡ������ʱ�����һ��Ϊi had rather
,� that��� ����ù�ȥ���ʱ�� �� would rather you had not done that. ����ϣ����û�����Ǽ��¡� 2�����ֻ�漰��� �˶��漰��һ���ˣ���would rather֮� �that� ���have done�ṹ�� �� i would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night. ����ϣ����������ȥ���� ���Ǵ����ڼ he would rather be poor than have got money by dishonest methods�� �������Ҳ��Ը���ò���ʵ���ֶλ�ȡ��Ǯ�� henry would rather that his girlfriend worked in the same department as he does������ϣ�����Ů���Ѻ�����һ���Ź��� �塢 would rather/sooner��prefer/would prefer����� would rather��would sooner֮��һ��û���� ������Ӵ�������would rather�� ��tom would rather/sooner read than talk�� ��ķ��ɶ���� Ը졣 ̸ �tom prefers reading to talking����ķϲ�������ϲ��̸�졣 ��1 ����עwould rather����to�IJ���ʽ+than+���� to�IJ���ʽ����prefer������+to+����ʡ���ʱprefer����Ҳ�ɸ���ʣ�����would rather֮��Ҫ��ֻ��� �Ρ� �� he prefers wine to beer��= he would rather drink wine than beer�� ��ϲ��� ����Ѿƶ�ϲ����ơ�ơ� i prefer tennis to golf��= i��d rather play tennis than golf�� ��ϲ���������ϲ���� ���� 2��ijЩ prefer+��ʵ�������� would rather��ȫȷ�е 4�����رhe prefers dogs to cats������ϲ������ϲ��è������ he would rather have dogs than cats������������Ը��è��������� ��� � }���� ������ȫ�� ˼ͬ �� 3�� would rather+����to�IJ���ʽ��ʱ�ɴ��� would prefer+�� to�IJ���ʽ�� �� i��d rather fly than go by sea��=i��d prefer to fly�� ���Ը�˷ɻ�Ҳ��Ը� ��� ��}��ṹ��������ʱ���Ҳһ�� �� ��would you like some gin�� ��i��d prefer a coffee��=i��d rather have coffee than gin�� ������ ����� ��� ������
� �/����
4��would rather/sooner��would prefer���涼�ɸ����ʽ������� �to�� �� we went by sea but i��d rather have gone by air=i��d prefer to have gone by air�� �����dz �ȥ�ģ����ұ��� ɻ�ȥ������ ��˷Ը ˷Ը ɻ�ȥ�����ҵ� ��δ��ʵ�
֡������ would
like+����ʽ�����ʽ�е����ƣ�would like+��to �IJ���ʽ�����ʽҲ��ʾδ��ʵ�ֵ�Ը�