Worlds Apart

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  • Words: 7,078
  • Pages: 20
Worlds Apart You will not have me!" "Oh but my fair Allison, I will!" He continued to drag her through the forest. "My heart belongs to another Cade, never to you!" Allison struggled against him. "Tis not your heart I want. Only your body and you as my queen." "Never!" Allison slapped him with everything she had in her. Cade's eyes grew to fury. He grabbed his jaw where the slap landed to soothe it. "You dare lay your hands on me in that way." He reared back to hit her. "You whore!" "Strike her and you die where you stand." "Dorian." Allison said in relief and desperation. Dorian had his bow drawn and the arrow aimed directly at Cade's heart. "Release her." He said with a fierce calmness. Cade didn't. Dorian drew the bow tighter. "Release her." Cade did so and none to gently. Allison fell to her knees. She scurried up and moved quickly over to Dorian. She stood behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "My love," He turned to place a kiss on the top of her head, but his eyes never left Cade. "Did he hurt you?" "Yes, a little." "I should kill you for putting your hands on her. She belongs to me Cade, forever. You'll not have her." "Ill have her Dorian at your death and she'll be there when my hand sheds your blood." He took a step forward. Dorian moved the bow to shoot.

"Dorian, don't. Not this way." Allison placed her hand on the one he was using to aim. "He'll not have me.... ever. Even at your death." "And I'll see to that." He lowered the bow and kissed Allison once again. This time on her lips. It was long and soft and Cade's blood, as did his temper, soared. He wanted a taste of her, he wanted all of her and one way or the other, he would have it. Dorian placed his arm around Allison and looked back to Cade. "Leave now before I change my mind." They eyed each other for several seconds and then Cade whistled. From out of the trees came his horse. He mounted it and looked directly at Allison. "You'll be mine fair Allison...soon." He blew her a kiss that sent nasty chills up her spine. He then laughed evilly and rode off. Dorian put down his bow to wrap his arms around Allison. "My sweet Allison," he kissed her forehead. "Are you okay?" "Now that you're here, yes." She looked up into his eyes. "I've never had anyone love and protect me that way that you do, why?" He framed her face with his hands. "You ask me that question when you already know the answer." He kissed her gently. "We've only been together a few months, I just don't understand your passion for me. I don't deserve it." "Oh Allison," He began. "Allison! Allison! Wake up sleeping beauty you're gonna be late for class." Her older brother flung the covers off of her. "Knock it off!" Allison rolled over and pulled the covers up again. "Ally, don't make me do this the hard way." He opened her curtains. "God Russ, you're an ass! Go away!" She buried herself under the covers. "Alright, I warned you." He walked over to her, flung off the covers, swept Allison up and over his shoulder and hauled her into the bathroom. "Ooo, you jerk! Cut it out!" She hit at him. "I love you too Sunshine! In you go!" and he tossed her into the shower and turned the water on full blast. Allison muttered numerous curses at him as she fumbled to turn off the water.

"Never quite heard those phrases strewn together like that. I taught you well." Russ grinned proudly. "Hurry up and get dressed, I'll make you breakfast." "You can take breakfast and-" "30 minutes Sunshine, that's all you have to get to class on time." And Russ left the bathroom singing. "Ass." She murmured and then proceeded to undress to shower correctly. Allison and Russ were 23 and 28 years old. Since their parents' tragic death 4 years prior, they were it for each other. They still lived in the house they grew up in and because of their parents' death they were set financially. Russ worked at a local high school as the assistant football coach for the varsity team. Allison was working on her masters in Cinema Arts. She also worked at a salon a few days a week for spending money, not that she really needed it, and for the fun of it. Since Allison was 16 years old, she's had a fascination for fantasy. That's the main reason why she chose cinema for her major. For the last few years, she's had this recurring dream about a placed named Faraway ruled by an evil king named Cade. There was also a warrior named Dorian who was fighting to rid Faraway of this king. For the first couple of years while Allison dreamed, she was never in it. There were other women, but not she. Just last year, she appeared in this dream. She started as one of Cade's servants. When he set his sights on having her, Dorian rescued her and later claimed her as his. In the dreams they had made love numerous times and each time it was amazing. In real life Allison was still a virgin and if she could ever find a lover of Dorian's stature, she truly would be in a dream world. It was Saturday and Allison was hanging out at home alone. Russ was off with a few buddies at a baseball game. It was a comfortable spring day and Allison was relaxed in the hammock. She'd been reading one of her fantasy novels when she drifted asleep. Something stirred her and she awoke. She opened her eyes slowly and then rubbed them. For some strange reason, she could have sworn she felt the earth move. "We are in California." She thought to herself. Maybe it was a little tremor. She swung her feet off the hammock and placed them on the ground. As she went to stand, the earth tremored again. "Dammit." She placed her hand on the tree for balance. The tremor increased and in the center of her yard a vortex appeared. "What the hell?" She questioned slowly looking to it. Moments later, a man walked from out of that vortex. He was dressed in a tunic and a cloak. Both were royal purple. He wore boots and had a sword at his side. His hair was long, past his shoulders and black. He was six four and had a very muscular build. And those eyes, Allison loved his eyes, were green as emeralds. Allison knew this man. He was the one in her dreams, but how could he be standing in the center of her backyard.

He looked around to try and orient himself. His journey was long and he never thought he'd make his destination. But when he spotted Allison, he knew he had. He smiled at her and everything inside of her went nuts. Slowly he walked over to her. "I thought I'd never find you," he started as he approached her. "But finally I have." He took her by the wrist and pulled her to him possessively. "My beloved. How I've longed for a taste of those sweet lips. It's been too long." He leaned down and kissed her hungrily. He fisted his hands in her hair and pulled back to take more. Allison could do nothing but moan. In surprise and in pleasure. She kissed men before, but never like this, only in her dreams. She was finally able to touch Dorian. This is who it was. She fisted her hands against his chest and let him take as much as he wanted. He trailed kisses along her jaw line and her throat. He was murmuring something to her too, but Allison couldn't understand anything he was saying, only what he was doing. One of his hands was at her back, stroking her, the other still in her hair. God what amazing hand he had. Just take me, here and now. He pulled out of the kiss slowly but still remained only inches from her face. "Just as I remember," He placed a gentle kiss to her lips again. "Like peaches and cream." He looked deep into her eyes with that look he only had for her. "D-Dorian?" she could finally speak. "Yes my beloved." He smiled and stroked her cheek. "I-I don't understand." She shook her head. "But you're not real." "I stand her don't I?" Allison nodded her head unsurely. "And you feel my arms around you don't you?" Again she nodded. "And I kissed you didn't I?" He did so again. Allison almost purred and again nodded. "Then I'm as real as it gets my love." He brushed her hair off her cheek. "I need to sit down." "As you wish." He helped her to the hammock and then crouched down in front of her. "You've been in my dreams for 3 years. I've held you." She reached for his hand. He linked his fingers with hers. "I've touched you." She toyed with his hair. "I've kissed you." He leaned forward so she could do so. She did, softly. "And I've made love to you." She sighed. "And now her you are, with me, in my world." She reached for his other hand and linked fingers. "How long do we have?" "Such an intelligent one you are my sweet Allison. It's another reason I love you so." Her stomach knotted and her heart nearly stopped. He really did love her. "Our time is short, only till sundown on the seventh day."

"That's all?" "I'm afraid so," He brought her hand to his lips to kiss it. "But we'll see one another in your dreams again." She couldn't speak. Only a week. It wasn't fair. "Your eyes are sad, I must change that." He stood and pulled Allison with him. "They'll be no more sadness while I'm here. I'll make love to you everyday to be sure of that." He chuckled softly. "Now come," He put his arm around her. "Show me this world of yours. It is much different that mine." "That it is." Allison's mood was cheering up. "What can I show you first?" He chuckled seductively and turned her towards him. "How about you? I've missed that delicious body of yours in bed and I won't wait much longer for it." "In-in my world, I'm still a virgin." She dropped her head. He placed a finger under her chin and raised it gently. "I know." He said softly. "How?" "I know all there is to know about you Allison." He kissed her gently and then in one fluid motion swept her off her feet into his arms. "Take me to your bed my beloved. I have a fire for you that I must quench." "Dorian." She bit her lip and placed her hand on his cheek. "Through the door, up the stairs, and the second door on your left." She kissed his cheek. In her bedroom, Dorian placed her gently on the bed. He removed his cloak and sword and placed them on the chair. "This will be like the first time I made love to you in your dreams, only better." He knelt down in front of her and placed his hands on her legs. She was wearing shorts and when he placed his hands and started to gently rub, Allison lost a breath. He moved one of his hands to go underneath her shirt. "Also like I remember it, soft, delicate, and warm." He caressed her stomach. Allison closed her eyes. "No, no, open those eyes fair Allison so I can see what my touch does to you." He found her breast and smiled when she shuddered. "I will make you mine once again, but this time when you awake, I'll be next to you for real." He leaned in to kiss her torso. He pulled off her shirt as he did so. Allison gasped and placed her hands on his shoulders. "I-I don't want to disappoint you."

Dorian continued kissing her torso as he spoke, "You said that in your dreams and you did not, could not disappoint me then." He pulled back to remove his tunic. "You say it now and you could not, will not disappoint me now." His chest was incredible. It was lucky she was sitting down because the rest of his body was unbelievable. And it was hers. She could see each muscle and knew what they would feel like against her. He stood her up to undress her. As he removed her bra and let it fall to the floor, he kissed each of her shoulders. "Delicious." He said deeply. "I'm going to take my time making love to you, even more than I did the first time in your dreams." He slid her shorts down. "I've missed seeing you like this." She was naked now and Dorian found her breathtaking. She was five eight with a slender, but curvy frame. Her skin was the color of ivory and to his touch as smooth as silk. She had long blonde hair and her eyes were hazel with specks of brown in them. She also had the most interesting birthmark above her left breast in the shape of a crescent moon. He ran his hand along her thigh. She moaned softly. "I've missed hearing you do that." He leaned in to kiss at her ear. He bit the lobe and Allison threw her head back and moaned again. "I've missed doing this." He stroked her breasts. She purred. "I've missed you Allison." He pushed her gently back to the bed to show her just how much. Never did she imagine it would be anything like this in real life. Dorian loved her tenderly and passionately. He said things to her that brought tears to her eyes and made her feel as the most special woman in the world. After an hour of loving, Allison fell asleep only to be awakened by Dorian in the most wonderful of ways. "I need you again." He said softly as he slipped inside her. "Dorian." Allison sank her nails into his back. "I can never love you enough. Give yourself to me again." He leaned down to kiss her. Her breath caught in her throat deliciously. "I'm-I'm yours Dorian." "I'll have you now and for eternity Allison. You'll belong to no other man. Not in my world or yours." He began to move in her fiercely. She writhed underneath him and lost herself to the pleasure. "Tell me you love me as you do in your dreams." He clenched his teeth. She was so warm and wet and felt incredible underneath him. What little control he had, he was losing. "I need to hear it." "I love you Dorian." Allison gasped as the first orgasm hit her. "Only you." She continued breathlessly.

They showered together. Something they didn't do in his world. "You call this," He gestured to the shower nozzle. "A shower?" "Mmm-hmm." He was washing her hair and it felt glorious. "Think I like it. "He ran his fingers through her hair. "Almost as much as I love you." He turned her to face him. "You really love me?" She pushed her hair out of her eyes. "It's why I came to find you." He framed her face. "All of my heart and all of my soul is yours," He kissed her deeply. "Eternally." Allison threw her arms around him. She returned the kiss with just as much passion. "Do they make love in your showers here in your world?" He was backing her against the wall. "Some do." She smiled lustfully. "Wanna see if you can manage it?" He put her arms up over her head and his eyes darkened with desire, "Let's see if you can handle it."

She handled it alright. Right up until their second time in the shower and Dorian had to carry her out. Allison decided if they were going to go out, she'd better put Dorian in something other than a tunic. He was close to her brother's build, but in the chest department, that would be close. "There!" She brushed at the shirt she put on him. "You're just as handsome in my brother's clothes as your own." Dorian looked at himself in the full-length mirror. "You call this clothing jeans and a T-shirt?" He placed his hands on his hips. "Mmm-hmm." Allison walked up behind him and wrapped her arms around him. "I like it on you." He placed his hands on hers. "And I like what you have on." He turned to look at her. She was wearing a simple sundress that was flowered and had different colors of pastels. It came just to her mid thigh and was strapless. Dorian placed a kiss to her bare shoulder. "Mmm...I like you much better out of it." He started to slide it off of her. "Dorian!" She grabbed at his hands and laughed. "We'll kill each other if we attempt it again."

"My beloved, you forget," He kissed her other shoulder. "I'm a warrior in my world. There's nothing I can't do once I set my mind to it." He pulled her tightly against him. "Again." He kissed her and literally caused her knees to buckle. When she was able to speak, "You cannot know what it does to me to have a man want me as much as you do." She ran her fingers through his hair. "In your world, other men haven't?" He stroked her hair. "There was this one guy when I was 21 who tried to convince me he did." Dorian's body tightened with jealousy. He wanted no man's hands, past, present, or future, on what was his. "What happened to him?" "He convinced someone else the same thing." Allison rolled her eyes. "That may be all for the better." He fisted his hand in her hair and drew her head back. "Because I'd hate to have to find this man and kill him for touching what's mine." He kissed her aggressively. After a few moments, Allison got herself together. She blew a deep breath and spoke, "Oh my." She placed her hand on his cheek. "That really does a women's ego good to have a man like you so possessive of her." She smiled at him. "I love you, should it be any other way?" "No," She wrapped her arms around his neck. "It shouldn't." And this time she kissed him with a passion he'd released in her. Slowly Dorian was backing her to the bed. "Dorian." She was trying to back out of the kiss. "Dorian?" "Yes my love." He pushed her to the bed. "You'll never get to see anything of my world except this bedroom if you don't stop." She placed her hands on his chest. Not in protest, but for a breather. "Is that a problem for you?" He was sliding her dress off and she wasn't even aware of it. "No, but I have so much to---oh my, how'd you do that?" Her dress was off and at her knees. She was kneeling on the bed. "My secret." He chuckled seductively and knelt on the bed in front of her. "Let me love you again Allison. I have so much inside of me to give." He placed his hands on her hips.

"Oh I suppose I can show you my world, much later." She went to pull off his shirt. "Much, much later." She ran her hands across his chest. "I suppose you can.' He leaned in and ran his tongue from her torso to her neck. "Oh---god." Allison fell back on the bed. "You're mine sweet Allison." He straddled her. "Let me show you." Allison figured she and Dorian better get out of her bed before her brother got home. "Come on, I'll feed you." She took his hand to lead him downstairs. "She makes love with me numerous times today and then in the end cooks for me too!" Dorian swept her into his arms and carried her down the rest of the stairs. "No wonder I love her so!" He planted kisses all over her. The moment was shattered instantly when her brother came in. He stopped dead at the front door with his key still in it just staring at his baby sister in another man's arms. "Oh Russ." Allison flushed at the cheeks. "Put me down Dorian." She patted his shoulder gently. "Russ." She nervously fidgeted with her dress. "Allison." He took his key out of the lock and closed the door. He dropped his keys on the stand next to him. Oh-oh, he's in big brother mode. Work this carefully Ally girl. "Russ, I'd like you to meet a friend of mine, Dorian." He didn't like the use of the word friend, he was more than that to her, but he stepped forward anyway. "Dorian," Allison took his hand. "My brother Russ." "Russ, a pleasure to meet you." Dorian extended his hand. "Dorian." Russ took his hand as he continued to survey the man that was just moments before all over his sister. "Your sister was getting ready to cook for me, would you like to join us?" "Ally, cook?" Russ looked to her. "I cook." She cleared her throat.

"Not without me twisting your arm in all kinds of directions." Russ raised a brow. His sister was glowing a bit too much for his liking. "The fellas and I caught a burger after the game, so I'm fine." "Maybe next time," Dorian said easily. "Come my beloved, feed me and satisfy my other appetite." He took her hand. Allison winced as Russ shot her a look and then narrowed his eyes and looked to Dorian. "Other appetite?" "Later Russ." Allison pulled Dorian to the kitchen quickly. "Have a seat." She gestured to a chair at the table. "You're embarrassed." He was amused. "A little, yes." She fumbled through the fridge. "My brother thinks I'm still a virgin." "You were, in this world, till a few hours ago." He walked up behind her. "Dorian, I have to figure out the best way to tell Russ about you, about us." She turned holding bacon and eggs and bumped directly into Dorian. "You'll work it out love," He kissed her nose. "I have no doubt." He moved to her lips. "Mmm, Dorian. Not now, my brother's home and could walk in any minute." He continued kissing her. "D-Dorian." "Yes." He said as he moved to her neck. "My---my brother---" "Wants to talk to you. Now." "Dammit." Allison tried to pull away, but Dorian had her caged between him and the fridge. "Dorian, please." "If you could unglue yourself from my sister for just a few minutes, I'd appreciate it." Russ was pretty annoyed now. Dorian knew and respected the feeling as he had three sisters himself. He stroked Allison's hair and moved aside. She instantly saw the look in her brother's eyes...murder. She had to diffuse it quickly. She placed the eggs and bacon on the counter and opened the cabinet behind her. She took out some cookies and chips for Dorian. "Here," She placed them on the table. "Munch on these till I get back. There's juice, milk, soda, and beer in the fridge, just uh, help yourself." Russ was no calmer. "I'll be back shortly." She

placed her hand on his chest. He started to kiss her but thought better of it. "Come on Russ." Allison walked past him. He was still eyeing Dorian. "Russ!" He turned and followed Allison into the study. He closed the door behind him. "Who the hell is he Allison?" "Russ, just give me a minute." She held up a hand for peace. "This isn't easy to explain." "Try! I come home and find my baby sister in the arms of some man I've never seen before and he's planting kisses all over her. Then I walk into the kitchen and he's got you pinned to the fridge devouring you!" He stepped towards her. "Are you sleeping with him? "Russ." "Answer me Allison." He demanded between clenched teeth. "Did that man take your virginity?" "No...I mean yes, but-" "I'll kill him!" Russ turned to go after him. "Russ no, wait!" She ran to grab his arm. "It's not like you're thinking!" He shot her a look. "Just wait." "You have 60 seconds to explain Allison, then I'm going in there to rip him apart." "Russ please." She took his hand. "I need more than 60 seconds." He just looked at her. "Please." Her eyes were pleading and that got him every time. "Alright," He squeezed her hand. "Talk." "Let's sit down. When I'm finished you'll need to be." She led him to the loveseat. She started from the beginning from when her dreams started and the gist of them. She ended with Dorian walking through a vortex in the center of their yard. "Wait a minute. Wait a minute!" Russ ran his fingers through his hair. "You're trying to tell me that the man sitting in our kitchen is not from this world, but from your dreams." Allison nodded. "And that in seven days at sundown he'll step back into the vortex and go back to Faraway, is it?" "Yes." "Allison-" Russ shook his head. "Have I ever lied to you?" He raised a brow. "When it's mattered, when it was really important, have I ever lied?"

"No." "Then believe me." She reached for his hand. "I'm trying to Ally, but this is just unreal Sunshine." "Come on." She stood still holding his hand. "Ask him yourself." In the kitchen, they found Dorian at the table with the cookies gone, most of the chips gone, and two empty beer bottles in front of him. "I like this," He checked out the label once again. "Budweiser. Better than the ale we have." He took another long sip. Allison smiled at him lovingly. "I told Russ everything." She walked over to him and placed her arm across his shoulder. "Everything?" Dorian looked to Russ as he reached for Allison's hand. "Everything." She answered. Dorian kissed her hand. "What else do you need to know?" Dorian asked Russ. "Do you love my sister?" "With every fiber of my being." He pulled her gently into his lap. "And you come from another dimension named Faraway?" Russ went to sit down. "No, I come from another world named Faraway. In your time I've been gone for nearly a day. In my world I've been gone for nearly a year." Allison looked to him quickly. "A year! One day here equals one year in your world?" "It does." He pulled her closer. "It'll be 7 years later when you return home?" "Yes." He said simply. "That doesn't bother you?" Russ asked suspiciously. "No. I'm able to hold and love the woman of my dreams. So I'll take losing 7 years if it means having 7 days with her." Dorian looked into her eyes.

"Dorian." Allison said gently as he placed her hand on his cheek. She kissed him lightly. "Now do you believe Russ?" "I need more proof." "Russ." Allison sighed. "It's alright my love. I can give him that." Dorian gestured for Allison to stand and then did so himself. He turned toward the entryway of the kitchen. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He raised his left hand, palm out and slowly waved it in front of him. The entryway to the kitchen began fading and another world appeared. Dorian slowly opened his eyes. "Oh-my-god. Faraway." Allison stepped forward and clasped on to Dorian's arm. She'd seen it in her dreams, she knew what she was looking at. "Holy---shit." Russ shook his head from disbelief. He now stood. It was his village and there were people everywhere. Children were playing, men working, and women cleaning. Allison recognized some of them from her dreams. "Is that," She pointed to a lady off to the right with a basket of flowers in her hand. "Your mother?" "It is." Dorian smiled warmly. "And there are my sisters." He gestured to three females coming out of a cottage. The oldest was Allison's age and was pregnant. "Clarissa is pregnant?" "Yes. She and Maxim are over the moon." Dorian smiled again. "Dorian." Allison stepped in front of him. "The next time you see her, the baby she's carrying will be 7 years old. That's not fair, it's not right." Tears fell from her eyes. "As much as I love you and want you here, I can't ask you to stay." She shook her head. "Whether you ask or not, I'm staying." He brushed her tears away and kissed her gently. "Everyone understood the time I would be gone. They were sad as was I, but we all accepted it." He took both of her hands and linked fingers. "While I'm gone Maxim and Quentin keep our village safe from Cade." Allison jerked at his name and Russ instantly noticed. "Who's Cade?" "He's king of Faraway and since Allison came to our world through her dreams, he's taken a liking to her. He's kidnapped her twice already." Russ tensed up. "No need to worry big brother, he'll never have her. Not in this world or mine." Dorian kissed Allison's fingers. "This world?" Allison thought about it. "Can he come here too?"

"If he finds the right vortex and knows the right incantation he can." Now Allison tensed. "No need to worry my love, he won't. I saw to that before I left." Russ looked back to the vision and out of curiosity reached his hand forward. The vision wavered and caused Russ to go dizzy. Dorian reached out for him. "You cannot reach my world through this vision, only through the vortex in your backyard. Are you alright?" "Yeah, yeah." Russ nodded and ran his fingers through his hair. "Have you proof enough?" Dorian asked. "Yes." Russ looked at him respectfully. As before, Dorian closed his eyes and waved his left hand. The vision disappeared. "Well," Russ started after taking a long breath, "Welcome to San Diego." Allison smiled appreciatively. "San Diego? This is the name of your world? "No, the name of the world is Earth. The area of the earth we live in is San Diego." Allison said walking over to put her arms around Dorian. He wrapped his tightly around her. "So what happens when you leave?" Russ asked going to the fridge. "Allison and I will meet in her dreams." He kissed her. "Can you come back?" Russ asked pulling out two beers. "Perhaps." He answered accepting one of them. "How do I live in this world, how will I survive knowing I may never see you here again?" Allison looked up at him. He took a long drink, and then answered. "We'll not think of that now. I still have six days to be with you and I want you to show me as much of your world as you can." "Okay." She buried herself in his chest. "We'll, I'll leave you two alone." Russ turned to leave the kitchen. "I still have to cook for Dorian, you can join us."

"Why don't you take him out instead?" Russ took another sip of beer. "I can cook." Allison was offended. "I know you can Sunshine," He winked at her. "But I figure six days isn't near enough time to show someone as Dorian San Diego, so you better get started." "Thanks Russ." "No problem." "Russ." Dorian called to him. Russ turned to look at him. "Your sister is the only woman I've ever loved, the only woman I will love. Whether I make it back here or not, I need you to believe that." "I do." "Thank you." Dorian bowed his head. Russ left the kitchen. "I love you." Allison threw her arms around him. "And I you." He leaned down to kiss her long and sweet. "Now take me and show me this San Diego." She took him to dinner and a movie. They had pizza, two large in fact, and Allison decided an action flick would best suit Dorian. She enjoyed explaining to him that people weren't really shoved into the screen, but that they were images. Being as she was a cinema major she could go in to great detail. He may not have understood completely, but he enjoyed hearing her talk about it. During the movie he also had fun distracting her by running his fingers along her thigh and nibbling her ear. "I desire you again." He said as he continued nibbling on her ear. They were in the back row so that was a good thing. "Dorian." She wrapped her arm around his neck. "You've had me five times today already." How incredible that made her feel. She angled her head when he moved to her neck. "And I'll have you five again before the day is over." He kissed her and moved his hand to caress her breast. "God." Allison couldn't breath. "I don't think my body can handle much more of you." She placed her hand on his as he continued to caress her. "You're insatiable."

"I am. When it comes to you." He moved to kneel down in front of her. "Give me what's mine." He placed her hands on his shoulders and stroked her arms. Allison's blood instantly went hot. "Here." He stretched out her legs and wrapped them around him. "Now." He leaned in to take her mouth. How arousing to have a man want her as much as Dorian did and had. "Dorian," She struggled for the words. Even in the dark of the theater, she could see the passion in his eyes. "There are laws against that here." "Laws against loving one another?" He bit her bottom lip, then the top. "In public, yes." "Then perhaps we should go back to your place." He sucked on her neck. Her eyes rolled back in her head. "Too far away." She fisted her hand in his hair. "I can show you what we call hotels and their many uses." She found his mouth. "Show me now." He said standing offering his hands so Allison could stand too. "But the movie's not over." "It is for us." She checked them into the Hilton. The looks they got from the receptionist delighted her. Dorian couldn't keep his hands off of her and the receptionist couldn't keep her eyes off of him. Allison loved that. MINE she thought. "What is this box we travel in?" he asked as he pinned her to the wall. "It's called an elevator and it helps travel between floors quickly." "Why aren't we moving?" He looked around. "Because you haven't let me push the button to take us to our floor." She pointed to the panel behind him. He grinned, stepped aside to let her do so. The elevator beeped and proceeded to move. "There we go." Dorian pulled her back to him and began kissing her neck from behind. She angled her head for easy access. "Behave yourself my warrior, there's a chance other will join us in this box." She giggled as he continued nibbling.

The door opened and an older couple stepped in. They caught Dorian nibbling Allison's neck and grinned. Newlyweds, they thought to themselves, how delightful. The elevator stopped again. "Here's our floor." Allison said taking Dorian's hand. She led him down the corridor to their room. "Is our location close?" "Right here." She answered taking the key card out of her purse to open the door. She turned on the lights as they walked in. Dorian nodded in approval. You could fit half his cottage into one of these suites. Allison walked over to the phone to call Russ. "You are making a call?" She'd already explained to Dorian about phones when he asked about one in the restaurant he saw someone speaking in to. "I'm going to call Russ to let him know-I'm okay." She grinned at her explanation. She sat on the couch and dialed the number. Dorian knelt down in front of her. "Hey Russ. Yea we're fine." Dorian removed her shoes. "To have pizza and a movie. Uh-we didn't quite finish it." She chuckled and then gasped when Dorian ran his tongue along the arch of her foot. He smiled at her reaction and continued. "No, no I'm fine." She fisted her hand in the pillow next to her. He then proceeded to outline her toes with the tip of his tongue. "Umm, we won't be home tonight." She fell back on the couch and nearly dropped the phone. "Because-uh-because..." Dorian was now trailing kisses from her feet to her thigh. "Yea, okay. See you tomorrow." She fumbled to hang up the phone. "Everything okay?" "Mmm-hmm." "Then you're mine for the rest of the evening?" He moved between her legs. "Yes." She ran her hands up his chest and then around his neck. She linked her fingers behind it. "You are and incredible lover." "Takes one to know one my love." He leaned in to kiss her. "It was never like this with us in my dreams." She kissed the corners of his mouth. "This is a thousand times better." He ran his fingers through her hair. "Love me Allison." She wrapped herself around him and did just that. The next day Allison treated Dorian to breakfast in bed and some other luxuries of the hotel.

Around noon they visited the San Diego Zoo. It was one of the first times Allison saw sadness in Dorian's eyes. "You keep all your animals in cages in your world?" "No, not all." She linked her arm with his. "Most of these animals are here because where they were wasn't safe for them." They stopped in front of some Bengal tigers. "They are beautiful." Dorian said eyeing one of the tigers. "They are." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I still do not understand your need to cage them even if where they come from wasn't safe." Allison looked up to him. "We can leave my love if it saddens you." "It does. Show me other parts of San Diego that will make me smile." "Sure," She leaned up to kiss him. "Come on." Their next few days together were amazing. Allison couldn't remember the last time she saw so much of San Diego. Even though she lived there all her life, there we just certain places she went and certain things she did that fit into her schedule. When she was in school, Dorian hung out with Russ at the high school. He was introduced as an old friend from back east. Their nights together were filled with loving and to Dorian's delight Allison's hunger for him became insatiable. The last day had finally arrived and Allison was filled with grief. They were lying in her bed together after just making love. She was snug against him and did nothing to stop the tears. "I don't want you to go." "We'll meet again in your dreams my sweet." He kissed her forehead. "It's not the same." She looked into his eyes. "I need you here." "My love." He kissed her gently. Allison sat up and framed his face with her hands. "Just hold me Dorian. Hold me." She kissed him passionately. "Hold me till we meet again." "As you wish." He wrapped his arms tightly around her.

It was minutes until sundown and they were in the backyard. Russ was there too at Dorian's request. He didn't want Allison alone when he left. He wore his tunic and cloak again. "Is there anything special you have to do?" Russ asked breaking the uneasy silence. "No, the vortex will appear on it's own and I'll have 60 seconds to walk through before it closes." Allison was holding on to Dorian as though her life depended on it. He pulled her back to look at him. "I love you." "I love you too." She said tearfully. "Will you be back?" "I have to," He place his hand on her stomach. "You carry our child." "I---what?" "You're carrying our son." He rubbed her belly. "How could you know either thing this early. That's she's pregnant and carrying your son?" Russ asked in shock. "I just do." Allison placed her hands on top of his. "Our son?" "Yes." He kissed her. "He won't be a part of your dreams, so I have no choice but to come back to be with the both of you." She was speechless. The vortex opened. Dorian looked to it and then back to Allison. "Take care of yourself my beloved and our son you carry." He leaned down to kiss her belly. He looked to Russ. "Protect them both until I return." "I will." Russ nodded his head and patted Dorian's shoulder. "Go, before it closes." "I love you Allison. I love you both." He kissed her lips. "Dream of me till my return." He brushed her cheek, turned and through the vortex he disappeared. She still stood where she was, hand to her belly, staring at where the vortex was. Russ moved closer to her and put his arm around her. "You okay?"

She looked at him slowly. "His son." "That's what he says." Russ kissed her cheek. "Seems to me he has no choice but to return." "His baby. I'm going to have his baby." Allison threw her arms around Russ and cried from joy. Russ stroked her hair. "No matter what happens now Russ, I'll always have a part of him here." "Yes you will." Allison stood back and wiped her tears. "I didn't feel it till Dorian mentioned it, but he's there Russ." She put both hands to her belly. "He's there." She smiled and turned to look back where the vortex was. Dorian would be back, she had no doubt now with the life growing inside of her. She reached for her brother's hand as they turned to go back inside.

The man of her dreams became a reality. And he left her the most precious gift of all.

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