World Peace Removal Of Terrorism

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 2,391
  • Pages: 6
Shri Dattaswami WORLD PEACE (REMOVAL OF TERRORISM) There are two root causes for the entire chaos and terrorism in this world. One is the thirst for earning money and the other is the religious fanatic. Due to money, people are quarreling, whereas due to religion, countries are quarreling. Unless these two root causes are eradicated we cannot achieve world peace. The tree will not die by cutting leaves and branches. It dies only by cutting its roots. There is no use in earning the extra money. Due to excess money, quarrels, mental worries and several other problems arise. Finally, it ends in loss only and not in any profit. You have to leave all this extra money here only and quit this world alone. Your issues may lose that money given by you. Such sinful extra money brings problems not only to you but also to your children. Neither yourself nor your children will be happy and peaceful. This entire world is the property of God and take whatever is required from it. This is said in Gita, (Yavanartha…). In these days, buffet system is followed during feasts. In this system, large vessels contain various food items and people take food from these vessels according to their requirement. Similarly, God created this entire world and you can take the wealth from it according to your requirement. People are not following the same system when they are taking wealth from this world. The peculiarity is that most rich people follow this buffet system in the feasts but do not follow the same when it comes to earning the money. ‘Esavasya Upanishad’ says that one should return back this extra money to the Lord. Otherwise, the Lord will give the troubles. In buffet system, if one takes extra food in his plate by over ambition and ignorance for a moment, he returns back immediately before starting eating. Veda says that you must return back the extra money for the God’s work if taken by ignorance. In the buffet system if you eat the extra food, you will suffer from diseases. Similarly, if you enjoy the extra money, God will punish you in several ways. In this world, people belonging to any religion think that their religion only is the true religion. They think that the God of their religion can alone give

the salvation and the worship of that God should be according to their religion only. They also condemn other religions and invite people to convert people into their religion. They do lot of work to establish their religion only in the entire world which shows their ambition. It is just like Alexander’s ambition to make the entire world his kingdom. Alexander wanted to extend his kingdom. But, even he returned back after fighting with Porus (Purushotama) on seeing the loss of life in the battle. But, the ambition of religious fanatics is not subsided on seeing any amount of loss of life. Religion is considered to be backed with spiritual knowledge and the religious people are expected to be free from ambition. We can excuse ambition of any ignorant person like Alexander. The heart of a religious fanatic will not change by any amount of kindness or love expressed in the appeals. Such appeals can change only the heart and the change in the heart is always temporary. Change in the intelligence brought by knowledge based on logic is always real and permanent. Intelligence (Buddhi) is considered to be the driver of this body, which is like a chariot running by the senses, which are like the horses. If the driver is convinced, the entire chariot along with the horses is in the correct path. The terrorist will not change by love or kindness shown to him. He becomes the terrorist due to the wrong knowledge that enters his brain. He was convinced by that knowledge. That knowledge can be changed only by the right knowledge. A diamond can only be cut by another diamond. Similarly, one type of knowledge can only be replaced by another type of knowledge. Then only, he will be convinced and changed forever. So far, the trials made to change the terrorist were beating around the bush and therefore, they did not have much effect. This knowledge, which is given below, hits the bird directly in the bush and so this should be spread all over the world. Today, SRI GURU DATTA is giving the right knowledge to remove the religious conservatism. I am giving the right knowledge taking the Hindu terrorist as an example. But, the question put by Me applies to all the religious fanatics who become terrorists. If I take the terrorists of other religions, they may misunderstand Me, thinking that I am criticizing their religion. Since I am born in this Hindu religion, the fellow Hindus consider me as a Hindu. So, Hindus consider Me as their man and will also not misunderstand Me. Really, I do not belong to

any religion. I belong to all religions equally. Now, the real knowledge is explained here. I am in the role of a foreigner talking with a Hindu terrorist. Hindu terrorist: You will get salvation only if you worship God Narayana. No other God can give salvation. Oh foreigner! Leave your religion and accept my religion. You will get salvation; otherwise you will go to hell. Foreigner (Myself): I will certainly convert myself and become Hindu. I will definitely worship God Narayana and get salvation. But, one question. About 1000 years back, our country came to know about India. Before that, our forefathers did not know about the existence of India, not to speak of God Narayana. Therefore, my forefathers could not worship God Narayana. It was not their fault in not knowing God Narayana. Had they known God Narayana, atleast some of them would have worshipped Him and got salvation. But, for no fault of them, they had gone to hell. At that time, God Narayana was introduced to all over India. So God Narayana was partial to India and He is prejudiced. Therefore, you charge your own God Narayana to prejudice? You are poking your eye with your own finger. Hindu Terrorist: This defect applies to your religion also. Your religious fanatics also say that those who did not worship your religious God will go to hell. This blame is common in all the religions. Foreigner (Myself): Because this defect is present in all religions, this defect cannot become merit. A defect is always a defect, whether it is present in one person or in several persons. If this defect is not cleared, Gods of all religions are blamed and so God in general is blamed. Showing the defect in all is not the solution. We have to prove that God in general is always impartial. That means God of any religion should be impartial. Hindu terrorist: When there is no solution, you have to neglect this aspect. Foreigner (Myself): But there is a solution. In all the religions, the same God is worshipped in different forms. So, God in general i.e., God in every religion is impartial. Since the same God expressed Himself in different parts

of the world at the very beginning of this creation itself and gave the same message in different languages, all the people got the equal opportunity from the beginning of this creation. At no time, no part of the world was favored particularly. Hence, Gods of all our religions i.e. God in general, becomes impartial. Except this solution, there is no other solution to solve this problem. Hence, this solution must be accepted. In such a case, there is no need of conversion from one religion to another religion. Since, the same syllabus of a particular class is present in all the languages, there is no use of changing the language. Even if the student changes the language, he will be in the same class. All classes are present in all the languages. So, you need not change the language at any stage. You have to go from a lower class to the higher class in the same language. Similarly, every religion contains the lower, higher and highest levels of spiritualism. You can achieve the goal by rising vertically to the higher level in your own religion. What is the use of travelling horizontally by leaving your own religion and accepting another religion? By doing so, you are at the same distance from the goal. I have given the Hindu terrorist as an example here. Please do not forget that the same analysis applies to the terrorists (religious fanatics) of all the other religions also. WORLD PEACE (Discourse by Swami) Why did God express Himself in different forms in a single Hindu religion in India? In the universe, God expressed Himself in a single form in every religion. In Christianity, there is only one expressed form i.e. Jesus. In Islam, there is only one expressed form i.e. Allah or Mohammad. But in Hindu religion, there are different expressed forms of God like Vishnu, Shiva etc. Diversity in the forms of God is only the first point in Hindu religion. The next point is the unity in all these forms that also exists in Hindu religion. People criticize the Hindu religion showing only the first point. Why don’t they see the second point? The concept is not complete by the first point. Now, the question comes, “Why should there be diversity at all and make the unnecessary effort to bring the unity? Why Hinduism is not having a single

form of God as in Christianity or Islam?” All right. Let us assume that there is a single form in Hindu religion and let us assume that Vishnu is that single form. Then, does this solve the problem when you take the entire world? Now, there are three forms of God i.e. Jesus, Allah or Mohammad and Vishnu. Now, if you take the world as your system for studying, is there a single form of God for the entire world? Even if we solve the problem at micro level i.e. Hinduism, but the same problem is appearing at the macro level i.e. the world. The solution at macro level is very important than at the micro level because in India, wars never took place between the followers of Vishnu and the followers of Shiva. But in the world, wars have taken place and are still taking place between the followers of Islam, Christianity, Hinduism etc .The problem at the micro level never disturbed the peace. But, the problem at macro level always disturbed the peace of the world. To use a medicine on human beings at macro level, it is first tested in the laboratory on a micro system like a rabbit. When the medicine is proved in the case of the rabbit, it is administered to all the human beings. Similarly, the concept developed in the unity of various forms of God in Hinduism should be taken totally by all religions in the world. As the medicine cured the disease of the rabbit, it cures the same disease in all the human beings. Similarly, the knowledge of unity of various sub-religions in the Hindu religion should be applied as it is to the case of all the universal religions. This knowledge is the medicine. The fanatic is the disease. This knowledge not only cures various fanatics in the Hindu religion, but also cures the various fanatics of religions in the world. In fact, there is only one God in Hinduism i.e. Lord Datta who appears in various forms like Vishnu, Shiva etc. Actually, God Datta purposely created the diversity in the forms of God in Hinduism to teach the unity in diversity in all the religions in the world. This is just like a mini model prepared to represent the entire world. The same design in the mini model appears as a huge building when constructed. Similarly, the concept in Hinduism is the message for the entire universe. Lord Datta is the teacher for the world. A teacher praises his student in one subject and praises another student in another subject. He will ask them to help each other. Similarly, India should learn the sacrifice from abroad and the rest of the world should learn about unity in diversity from India.

One has to take the good aspect from every religion. I do not belong to any religion but belong equally to all the religions. I do not support or condemn any religion blindly. I pick up the pearls from all the oceans. I criticize Hinduism for several points like not doing the sacrifice of money or work for God, caste system etc. As per the point of unity in diversity is concerned, I praise Indians. I criticize the rest of the world. So, irrespective of the name of the religion, one has to pick up the good points from every religion. Are you rejecting the diamond from a foreign country? Diamond is a diamond anywhere in the world. You cannot differentiate an Indian diamond and a foreign diamond. The logic in the unity of Hinduism is based on the same God appearing in various forms and qualities to satisfy the tastes of different people when He comes in human form. The nature of Vishnu is ‘Sattvam’ i.e. soft nature. So, soft people like Vishnu. The nature of Shiva is ‘Tamas’ i.e. emotional nature. People of such nature like Shiva. When there is synchrony in nature of the devotee and the human form of God, the attraction and adaptability is more. Then the message of God to that human form reaches the devotee easily. The message is same but the forms of God are different. The same milk is given in different types of cups. Somebody likes a ceramic cup and somebody likes a glass cup. The form of God is as per your liking, but the divine message preached by all forms of God is the same. It is just like the same syllabus present in different language mediums. The unity in diversity in Hinduism is actually practiced by almost all the people. In every house, people celebrate the festival of Vishnu and the festival of Shiva. In every house, the photos of almost all the forms of Hindu God are worshipped in India.

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