World History 7 - Lessons 91-120

  • August 2019
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  • Words: 486
  • Pages: 1

LESSON 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120


ASSIGNMENT Read pp. 312-315, up to A Spectator from France. Answer p. 317, questions 1-6 Read pp. 315-317, up to The Second Great Awakening. Answer p. 317, questions 7-8. Complete Chapter 17 Review (Map Skills, questions 2-9). Assigned current events reports are due Read pp. 317-320. Answer p. 321, Check Up questions 1-6 Complete Chapter 17 Review (Multiple Choice, Matching) Study chapter 17 for Test 7 Read pp. 324-326. Answer p. 328, questions 1-4 Read pp. 327-330, up to The Reign of Louis XIV. Answer p. 328, questions 5-7, and p. 332, questions 1-4. Assigned current events reports are due for lesson 101 Read pp. 330-332. Answer p. 332, questions 5-10 Read pp. 333-335. Answer p. 335, questions 1-6. Geog. Proj. 10 is due Read pp. 336-338. Answer p. 339, questions 1-5. Assigned current events reports are due Read pp. 339-342, up to The Tyranny of Napoleon. Answer p. 339, questions 6-7, and p. 342, questions 1-8 Read pp. 342-344. Answer p. 347, questions 1-5 Read pp. 345-347. Answer p. 347, questions 6-9. Answer the Identify terms on p. 347 Read pp. 348-352. Answer p. 352, questions 1-5. Complete Chapter 18 Review (Map Skills). Assigned current events are due L106 Complete Chapter 18 Review (Completion and Matching). Assigned current events reports are due Complete Chapter 18 Review (Time Line Challenge). Begin reviewing chap. 18 for Test 8 in L108 Study chap. 18 and Geog. Proj. 10 for Test 8 Read pp. 362-365, up to Founders of Modern Science. Answer p. 368, questions 1-4 Read pp. 365-368. Answer p. 368, questions 5-10 Read pp. 369-373, up to Darwinism. Answer p. 376, questions 1-5 Read pp. 373-376, up to The New World of Industry. Answer p. 376, questions 6-10. Assigned current events reports are due L113 Read pp. 376-378, up to The Industrial Revolution. Answer p. 381, questions 1-3. Complete Chapter 19 Review (Concepts to Consider, questions 1 and 2). Current events reports are due Read pp. 378-380. Answer p. 381, questions 4-7. Answer the Identify terms on p. 381 Read pp. 381-384, up to Improved Communications. Answer p. 386, questions 1-8 Read pp. 384-386, up to Captains of Industry. Answer p. 386, questions 9-12. Answer the Identify terms on p. 386 Read pp. 386-380. Answer p. 280, questions 1-6. Complete Chapter 19 Review (Concepts to Consider, question 5). Assigned current events reports are due for lesson 118 Complete Chapter 19 Review (Multiple Choice). Assigned current events reports are due Read pp. 392-395, up to Isaac Watts. Answer p. 398, #1-5 Read pp. 398-402. Answer p. 403, questions 1-8. Assigned current events reports are due for lesson 122 Read pp. 403-405. Answer p. 405, questions 1-6. Assigned current events reports are due

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