Workshop Session 9 Summarizing Skills Key

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English for Academic Studies (Workshop) Semester 1, 2009/10

Session 9: Summarizing Skills © PolyU HKCC

Circle the letter of the title that best summarizes the following selection.


summarize the paragraph. Domestic violence has become a burgeoning problem in Hong Kong. that local news have frequently reported cases of domestic violence.

It is unsurprising Victims, in most

cases women and children, have frequently endured years of physical and emotional abuses before any intervention is done.

In some cases, the much needed intervention

simply comes too late. It is often felt that more things, like stepping up the penalties and amending the existing law, should be done by the government to reduce the number of domestic violence incidents.

While stricter policies may help deter certain forms of abuses such as

physical and/or sexual abuses, educating the public about the signs and seriousness of spousal abuses is indispensible to the prevention of them.

Enabling the abused spouse

to recognize abuse at the initial stage is particularly vital.

Experiencing excessive fear

of one’s partner or having an extremely controlling partner may already be a telling signal of having an unhealthy, and/or even, abusive relationship.

Simultaneously, the public

should be encouraged to listen to those abusive stories and speak up if they ever suspect that someone is being abused by his or her partner. If more people can notice and acknowledge the seriousness of domestic violence earlier, fewer people need to suffer at the hands of their abusers. 1. Which would be an accurate title for this selection? a. Domestic Violence b. Seriousness of Domestic Violence c. Domestic Violence and Ways of Prevention 2. Summarize the selection: While the government may introduce more stringent policies to reduce the occurrence of domestic violence which is growing in number in Hong Kong, educating the public about signs and seriousness of domestic violence is


English for Academic Studies (Workshop) Semester 1, 2009/10

Session 9: Summarizing Skills © PolyU HKCC

even more vital. (Answer may vary) ! Since the purpose of writing a summary is to shorten and revise the original materials, we should follow the following steps in drafting a summary: Step 1:

Read the whole selection and pay particular attention to its title, headings, and first and last paragraphs.

Step 2:

Re-read the work and identify areas of importance (main ideas).

Step 3:

Take note of the important points and remove all the unnecessary details.

Step 4:

Draft the summary using synonyms and new sentence structures.

Step 5:

Revise the summary so as to make sure the summary is phrased very differently from the original text.

" "



Exercise C1: Reduce the following sentences into one without changing their meaning. 1. Of all the regrets in my life so far, one of my greatest regrets is that I didn't spend enough time to have fun and enjoy my life when I was young and this perhaps explains why I always crave for more adventures and excitement, and why I always emphasize happiness should take precedence over other aspects like career, money etc. Key Idea: As I didn't spend enough time to enjoy my life before, I always crave for fun and excitement nowadays. (Rewrite the key idea in your own words. Answer may vary) 2. I always believe that unhappiness is caused by irrational thoughts and unrealistic expectations.

For example, some people may experience tremendous pains when

their love terminates prematurely or beyond their expectations. However, if they can stand apart and reflect rationally, they will realize that love is by nature short-lived and it will come to an end, either through death, divorce, betrayal etc., sooner or later.

If they can perceive the truth, it is clear that their pain can be

assuaged. 2

English for Academic Studies (Workshop) Semester 1, 2009/10

Session 9: Summarizing Skills © PolyU HKCC

Key Idea: Unhappiness is caused by irrational thoughts and unrealistic expectations. (Rewrite the key idea in your own words. Answer may vary) 3. Although there is no single formula leading to success, a person’s ability to perceive things differently and thus behave diversely from the majority appears to be quite essential.

When people dare to undertake a different course of action, they tend to

leave a stronger impression upon others. Key Idea: People who dare to be different from others often have a higher chance of being success since their actions always leave a stronger impression on others. (Rewrite the key idea in your own words. Answer may vary) Exercise C2: Read the following article and then write a one-paragraph summary of 50 words. Give a title to your summary. Although the Internet has frequently been characterized as a male-dominated domain, recent evidence indicated that the gender gap in the Internet use has been rapidly diminishing.

Nowadays, both men and women appear to have equal access to the cyber

world. Despite the equal accessibility, some differences are still perceivable in terms of the Internet use between the two sexes.

One of the obvious differences lies in the type

of information that males and females search for or spend time on.

While men tend to

spend more time on exploring new information such as sports news, weather information, news on stocks markets etc. through the Internet, women use it for sharing information (through blogs and/or Facebook) and/or communicating with others (through email and/or MSN).

Such difference surely reinforces the established stereotypes we find

between the genders, which females are predisposed to connecting, communicating and caring others and males are less sensitive to human relations and are more adept at logical analysis and calculations. Title: Gender Difference over Internet Use (Answer may vary) Key Ideas: Although both sexes enjoy equal accessibility to the Internet, women generally spend time on using the Internet to connect with others while men tend to use it to search for new information.

Their differences over the Internet use appear to

reinforce the established gender stereotypes. (Rewrite the key idea in your own words. Answer may vary) 3

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