Working With Databases

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  • Words: 8,591
  • Pages: 239
Databases in SQL Server 2008

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

This Chapter

• What this chapter covers – Databases, data bases and DBs • Creation and management

– Database file structure – An overview of configuring the database

This Chapter

• What this chapter does NOT cover – Every single database option available – Performance tuning and optimizations – Monitoring

This Chapter

• Pre-requisites to this chapter – You should already know how to create a database using the GUI

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

SQL Server Databases

• SQL Server databases have at least two files – Data files – Transaction Log files (commonly called “log files”)

• A database has at least one of each – We’ll look at when to have multiples of each later

SQL Server Databases

• Data files store everything that a user needs such as – The data – The indexes – Source code for routines (stored procedures, functions) – Security information (users, roles, permissions)

SQL Server Databases

• Transaction log files are used to protect SQL Server databases from “failure” • Failure could be – User error – Disk failure – Software failure – Dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)

SQL Server Databases

• Every write in a database is done inside of a transaction • All transactions are written first to the log and then to the data file • This is known as “Write Ahead Logging” –

SQL Server Databases

• You begin a transaction with the BEGIN TRAN statement • A transaction may include many statements

SQL Server Databases

• A transaction remains “open” until either you: – COMMIT TRAN – ROLLBACK TRAN

(called “rolling back”)

• Once “closed”, the transaction may never be re-opened

SQL Server Databases

DECLARE @ProcessingHistoryId INT DECLARE @PayAmount DECIMAL(19,2) = $1.94 BEGIN TRAN INSERT PayrollProcessingHistory VALUES (‘Whigham’, ‘2009-04-01’, @PayAmount) SELECT @ProcessingHistoryId = SCOPE_IDENTITY()

INSERT ChecksToWrite VALUES (@ProcessingHistoryId , @PayAmount) COMMIT TRAN

SQL Server Databases

• Transactions in SQL Server are durable – Once the transaction is committed, the transaction will remain in the database even in the event of a system crash

• Demo of write-ahead logging

*More on transactions in our “SQL Server 2008 Programming” course

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Databases in SQL Server 2008

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

System Databases

• SQL Server uses SQL Server for configuration – Some configuration is in the registry – Some configuration is in XML files

• The majority of database and instance configurations are stored in the five system databases

This Chapter

• The five system databases: – master – model – msdb – tempdb – Resource

• Let’s look at each one

The master Database

• The master database: – Is the first database “loaded” by SQL Server service on start – Stores instance-level configuration such as memory, CPU, and the info set by sp_configure – Stores information about each database on the server – Stores the logins into the server – Stores routines that are shared among all databases

The model Database

• The model database: – Is a template for new databases – Whatever objects are in model will be created when a new database is created – Useful for standardization

The msdb Database

• The msdb database: – Stores any and all automation configuration and information • Log shipping, mirroring, jobs, alerts, mail • History of all of the above

– May optionally store SSIS packages – Stores history about backups – Used heavily by SQL Server Agent

The tempdb Database

• The tempdb database: – Is what the name implies: temporary storage – Temp tables are created here – Row versioning is done here – Is “wiped clean” at shutdown and created at startup • You can actually delete the database files on the hard drive after shutdown and SQL Server will create them anew

The Resource Database

• The resource database: – Hidden from view; must view at the disk level – A read-only database that contains all of the “system objects” in SQL Server • Each database has “pointers” to these system objects

– Makes it easy to upgrade • During upgrade, MSFT can just replace the resource database and immediately all databases on server have latest source code and objects

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Databases in SQL Server 2008

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Types of Databases

• Databases are either: – System databases – shipped with SQL Server; from Microsoft – User databases – everything else; not an official term

• A typical SQL Server has many user databases

Types of Databases

• User databases can fulfill many different functions – Customer Relationship Management (“CRM”) – Payroll – Document storage – Website analytics package – Configuration – Project management – Instrument measurement & Quality Control

Types of Databases

• Each of these databases has multiple needs – A CRM database needs to provide • Heavy read and reporting capability • Light to Moderate write capability • Could be anywhere from 5 reads for every write (5:1) up to 50:1 reads to writes

Types of Databases

• An instrument measurement database needs extremely fast write capability – 250+ writes per second – Reads are done at reporting level • Defect reports, abnormalities

– Could be 1000:1 writes for every read

Types of Databases

• A website analytics package might use multiple databases – One database needs extremely fast write capability to capture real time data – Another database needs extremely fast read capability for reporting

Types of Databases

• Database needs change with time – End of month reporting – End of year reporting – Tax season

Types of Databases

• Databases are classified as having one or more of these attributes: – Online transaction processing (“OLTP”) – Online analytical processing (“OLAP”)

• A database might serve both needs • It is generally better to serve a single purpose

Types of Databases

• A data warehouse is an example of an OLAP database • Data warehouses are “fed” by the OLTP systems on a scheduled basis – This ensures that the reports will be up to date – Often called a “batch load” or a “bulk load”

Types of Databases

• SQL Server Analysis Services (“SSAS”) stores a multidimensional data warehouse – Requires installing SSAS – Stores data in “cubes” – Use SSIS to load data from the SQL Server OLTP and/or OLAP database into the cubes * More information can be found in our SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services course

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Creating Databases in SQL Server 2008 Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Creating Databases

• You can create databases: – In the GUI (SSMS) – Transact-SQL scripts – Using SQL Server Management Objects (SMO)

Creating Databases

• The GUI is great for one-time use • Scripts and SMO are great for standardization and re-creation – A software vendor that wants to create a SQL Server database during setup – A DBA needs the same database installed on multiple servers

Creating Databases

• Transact-SQL scripts can be executed in – SSMS – sqlcmd.exe – .NET, Java, or any language that can connect to SQL Server – 3rd party query tools

Creating Databases

• SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) can be used – .NET, Java, or any language that can reference the necessary assemblies

Creating Databases

• Databases are just files – Data files – Transaction log files

• Files must be local – No mapped drives or UNC paths

Creating Databases

• Data files come in two flavors: – Primary data file: the first data file created • Generally has an “.mdf” extension

– Secondary data files • Generally have an “.ndf” extension

Creating Databases

• There is only one transaction log regardless of how many physical log files • Log files generally have an “.ldf” extension

Creating Databases

• “When do I need more than one data file and/or more than one log file?” – Two reasons: • Too much data to store in a single data file or extreme logging needs mean that too much logging for one single file • Performance

Why should I use multiple files?

• Space and file management – May not have space available for growth on current drive; add new drive and new file – Data or Log file may be too large for one file – Data or Log file may not be easily re-created on another machine if it gets too large • When restoring a database, you cannot split files!

Why should I use multiple files?

• Performance – The more disks, the faster performance – SQL Server can read two files on two separate disks in parallel • Can nearly double read and write access

Why should I use multiple files?

• Files can be added dynamically – Instant access – Essential at a time when you’ve run out of log space!

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Creating Databases in SQL Server 2008 Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Creating Databases

• After the database has been created, all file manipulation is done by referring to the logical file name – Adding space to a file – Shrinking a file – Removing a file

Creating Databases

• The logical file name is an abstraction layer – It need not refer to the database by name

• Physical file names cannot change while database is online – Logical file names can change at any time without affecting database status

Creating Databases

• Autogrowth is a safety net to prevent your database from preventing users from doing their jobs • The file will not grow until the file is 100% full – It then grows according to the file growth parameters

Creating Databases

• Autogrowth parameters: – Grow the file by a percentage of current size or a fixed amount (in MB) – Set maximum size

• Hint: Always set a maximum size – Do not let the file grow until it fills up the disk

Creating Databases

• Best Practices for Creating Databases – Create the database the size that you expect it to be in 12-18 months • This prevents autogrowth from happening during peak hours

– Do allow autogrowth • Keep parameters small and easy so that database can grow quickly and be usable quickly

Creating Databases

• Best Practices for Creating Databases (cont.) – Have a plan for growing the database in 12-18 months (or before autogrowth kicks in) – Always, always keep an eye on the file sizes • Particularly the transaction log

Creating Databases

• Expanding a file is easy and dynamic • We’ll take a look at working with multiple file databases in an upcoming video

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Creating Databases in SQL Server 2008 Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading



• A data file belongs to a filegroup • A filegroup contains n data files • A database may have n filegroups – A data file belongs to only one file group

• Filegroups allow you to do data placement and backup/restore on an entire filegroup

Creating Databases

• Each database has a PRIMARY filegroup – The primary data file belongs to the PRIMARY filegroup


• Transaction logs do not belong to filegroups

Multiple File Databases

• One advantage of filegroups is data placement – Tables can have “Regular Data” on one filegroup and “Text/Image” data on another CREATE TABLE dbo.MyTable ( MyColumn nchar(10) NOT NULL, MyVarColumn varbinary(MAX) NOT NULL ) ON RegularDataFG TEXTIMAGE_ON ImageDataFG GO

Multiple File Databases

• Filegroups can also be marked as read only – Any objects on the filegroup are read only while the rest of the database remains read/write ALTER DATABASE LearnItFirst MODIFY FILEGROUP [Sales2001] READONLY


• When there are multiple files in a filegroup, SQL Server uses a proportional file strategy – SQL Server does not fill up one file and then fill up the next file • Doing so would kill performance on a system that had files on separate drives

Filegroup Example

• LearnItFirst database has two data files in the MyFG filegroup – DataFile1: 100MB free – DataFile2: 200MB free

• SQL Server will write one extent to DataFile1 and two extents to DataFile2 – An extent is eight pages

Filegroup Example

• Once all files in the filegroup are full, it will expand the first file and write until it is full before expanding the second file

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Creating Databases in SQL Server 2008 Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Multiple File Databases

Multiple File Databases

• Adding a log file is easy – The log will now be “striped” across all log files – Can be done using GUI, TSQL or SMO

• Adding a data file is just as easy – The data will now be ”striped” across all files in the filegroup – Can be done using GUI, TSQL or SMO

Multiple File Databases

• When you add a new file to the database, it defaults to the PRIMARY filegroup – Best practice for multiple data file databases is to create a separate filegroup for user data and leave the primary data file as the sole file in the PRIMARY filegroup

Multiple File Databases

• Removing a file is hard – Requires “emptying” the file – Emptying the file requires you to move the data on the file to other data files in the same filegroup

• Demo of – A database filling up – Adding/removing files

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Configuring Databases

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Configuring SQL Server Databases

• Instance configuration affected every database on the instance – A single SQL Server instance may serve 1,000+ databases

• Each database may serve a different purpose and may benefit from individual configuration

Configuring SQL Server Databases

• SQL Server databases are autonomous; any configuration to one database has no effect on other databases • Different functions require different configurations – OLTP, OLAP, BLOB storage, Historical data only, mix

BLOB: Binary Large Object

Configuring SQL Server Databases

• This section focuses on the individual database configuration • We’ll cover the main options only – There are more than 30 different options

• We’ll cover upgraded databases in an upcoming section

Database Configuration

Database Configuration

• Database options are set by choosing between a predefined set of values – Most common is True/False

• Some database options override instance options – ANSI NULLs, Quoted Identifiers, et al

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

• Let’s take a look at each of these in the next video!

Configuring Databases

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Automatic” Category control how SQL Server proactively manages your database – “Auto Close” – Takes the database offline when the last user leaves the database • Defaults to FALSE

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Automatic” Category (cont.) – “Auto Create Statistics” • Statistics are used by SQL Server to compute the fastest route to data • If TRUE, SQL Server will create statistics on columns the first time they are referenced. • Defaults to TRUE; Do not change unless you know this will help your situation

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Automatic” Category (cont.) – “Auto Shrink” • If your database has free space, SQL Server periodically will remove the free space and give it back to the operating system • Defaults to FALSE

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Automatic” Category (cont.) – “Auto Update Statistics” • Statistics can get out-of-date (“stale”) due to large amounts of UPDATEs and INSERTs • When SQL Server encounters a query with out-of-date statistics, the statistics are updated prior to the query execution – This can cause a lag

• Defaults to TRUE

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Automatic” Category (cont.) – “Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously” • Statistics are updated when encountered but the query does not wait for the statistics update command to complete • Defaults to FALSE

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Cursor” Category control how SQL Server behaves with cursors – Few applications use cursors today – Be careful about testing before/after you change

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Configuring Databases

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

Database Configuration

• Some settings in the “Miscellaneous” Category override Instance-level defaults – Can set “Default Connection Options” at instancelevel – Can be override at both database-level and connection-level WARNING: Some apps depend on certain settings so do thorough testing when making changes

Database Configuration

• Other settings in the “Miscellaneous” Category are database-specific – Date Correlation Optimization Enabled • Used for foreign keys on DATETIME columns • Defaults to FALSE SELECT * FROM Parent p JOIN Child c ON p.DateTimeKey = c.DateTimeKey

Database Configuration

• Other settings in the “Miscellaneous” Category are database-specific – Cross-database Ownership Chaining Enabled • Covered in next chapter

– Trustworthy • Covered in next chapter

– VarDecimal Storage Format Enabled • In SQL Server 2008, all tables use the VarDecimal Storage Format • Was a changeable setting in 2005

Database Configuration

• More settings in “Miscellaneous” – Parameterization • • • •

Specifies how SQL Server works with query plan re-use Two choices: SIMPLE or FORCED Defaults to SIMPLE Can be overridden at query level

Database Configuration

• Parameterization continued… – When parameterization is SIMPLE and SQL Server recognizes a query that it thinks will be used in the exact same way but with different SARGs (Search ARGuments), it will attempt to create a reusable execution plan • Previously called “auto-parameterization”

Database Configuration

SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Production.Product WHERE ProductID = 1

SQL Server recognizes that this query will likely have multiple variations SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Production.Product WHERE ProductID = 1 SELECT * FROM AdventureWorks.Production.Product WHERE ProductID = 5

SQL Server creates a reusable, parameterized query plan that satisfies both queries

Database Configuration

• In SIMPLE parameterization, SQL Server will only create reusable plans for queries that it believes it can be reused • In FORCED parameterization, any literal in any SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement is parameterized

Database Configuration

• FORCED parameterization can offer a tremendous performance gain for applications in which the database is not auto-parameterizing queries

Database Configuration

• FORCED parameterization can slow down databases as well due to a bloated plan cache or reusing sub-optimal plans • See this article for more: –

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Configuring Databases

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Recovery” Category control how SQL Server verifies the contents on a “page” – SQL Server stores data and indexes on “pages” – The “Page Verify” option tells SQL Server how to check that the data/index page is not corrupt – Data can become corrupt due to incomplete I/O writes and/or disk errors

Database Configuration

• “Page Verify” has three choices: – CHECKSUM (the default) • SQL Server computes a checksum of what the page’s checksum would be if the wrote was successful • After the write, SQL Server compares the checksum values • If they are not the same, the page is logged in msdb’s suspect_pages table

Database Configuration

• “Page Verify” has three choices (cont.): – TornPageDetection • SQL Server writes a “flag” bit for every 512 bytes • By counting the “flags”, SQL Server can determine if the page has the correct number of bytes • However, it cannot determine that the data is corrupt inside of the 512 bytes – It just counts that 512 bytes were written

Database Configuration

• “Page Verify” has three choices (cont.): – None • No page verification is done

• Suggestion: Leave the default setting asis (CHECKSUM)

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

Database Configuration

• Settings in the “Service Broker” Category control… well, the Service Broker • Service Broker allows for messaging and queuing applications

Database Configuration

• There are 6 categories of configuration – Automatic – Cursor – Miscellaneous – Recovery – Service Broker – State

Database Configuration

• “State” controls whether SQL Server database is – Online or Offline • i.e. accepting connections or not

– Read-Only or Read-Write

• Databases default to Online, Read-Write

Database Configuration

• “State” also controls whether SQL Server is – Single-user, Multi-user or “Admins Only” • “Admins Only” is technically called RESTRICTED_USER

– Whether “Transparent Data Encryption” is enabled • More on this later (requires more setup)

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

An Overview of Indexes and Partitioning Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading


• SQL Server has three types of indexes • (or “indices” if you prefer)

– Clustered indexes – Nonclustered indexes – Full-Text indexes • Not covered in this course


• Most tables have both clustered and nonclustered indexes – Only tables that store large/wide text columns that need frequent searching would use Full-Text

• The purpose of an index is to speed up searches


• Queries use “Search Arguments” or SARGs SELECT PhoneNumber FROM PhoneBook WHERE LastName=‘Whigham’ AND FirstName=‘Scott’

• To satisfy the SARGs, it helps if the data is sorted in LastName, FirstName order


• A clustered index is really how the actual data is stored – A clustered index on “LastName, FirstName” means that the actual data on the page is sorted in alphabetical order by LastName, FirstName

• When you create a primary key, the default is to create a clustered index on that key


• Consider this query: SELECT LastName, FirstName FROM PhoneBook WHERE PhoneNumber = ‘+1(214) 555-1212’

• Would having the data sorted by LastName, FirstName order help this query?


• Solution: create a nonclustered index on PhoneNumber! – A nonclustered index is a copy of the index keys and the primary key sorted by the index keys – Now a copy of the PhoneNumber column is created along with a pointer back to the primary key


• Indexes use a fill factor to determine how full to create the page – A fill factor of 50% means that the page will be created 50% full (thus leaving 50% for new rows to be written to the page)


• A full index/data page cannot have any more data written to it – Imagine a phone book page full of “Smith” entries – No room to write any more – Next page is a full page of “Sullivans”

• A new “Smith” moves to town – How does this record get added to the PhoneBook table?


• Solution: A Page Split! – When a page split occurs, a new page is created (somewhere on the disk) – Half of the original page’s data is “cut and pasted” onto this new page along with the new row

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

An Overview of Indexes and Partitioning Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading


• Page splits cause poor performance in multiple ways – The time it takes to allocate a new page (and maybe even having to grow the database) – The time it takes to “cut and paste” (and log) – The pages are not contiguous any longer thus causing more work at the disk level

• This is called “Index Fragmentation”


• Solution: You need to Rebuild or Reorganize Your Indexes Periodically – Called “Defragmentation” – Speeds up performance


• An index “REBUILD” creates the best performance • SQL Server re-creates the index internally again • Once complete, the existing index is dropped • There is a period of time where the index/data is unavailable (“locked”) • No pages are split after running – all are contiguous


• An index “REORGANIZE” does a “best effort” defragmentation but leaves the data online • Reorganizes the “leaf nodes” of the index • Some fragmentation may still exist since it does not fix page splits


• To rebuild an index, use the ALTER INDEX command -- Rebuild all indexes on table ‚Members‛ ALTER INDEX ALL ON Members REBUILD WITH(ONLINE = ON) -- ONLINE=ON keeps the table available -- during the rebuild process


• To rebuild an index, use the ALTER INDEX command -- Rebuild only the primary key index ALTER INDEX PK_Members ON Members REBUILD WITH(ONLINE = ON, FILLFACTOR=50) -- Keeps data available but uses a new -- fill factor of 50%


• To reorganize an index, use the ALTER INDEX command -- Rebuild only the primary key index ALTER INDEX PK_Members ON Members REORGANIZE -- Reorgs are always online operations


• Index defragmentation needs to be part of your normal maintenance – How often you do each requires a thorough understanding of your table data and usage

• You will create jobs and maintenance plans to do this work using Transact-SQL scripts


• Scenario: “Members” table adds 10,000 new rows per week and is heavily read – Primary key is an auto-incrementing IDENTITY – Fill factor for all indexes is 75% – One primary key (on IDENTITY column) – Six nonclustered indexes to cover common queried columns


• Should we rebuild or reorg? – Wrong question! – Start with the idea that you want to rebuild but will “fall back” to a reorg in the event that the table is too heavily used • In this event, scheduled maintenance windows (if possible) can be the time that you do rebuilds


• Frequently Asked Questions – How often should I defrag? • As often as possible without affecting users • When the table becomes fragged!

– Should I rebuild/reorg all indexes at once or do them individually? • It’s easier management-wise to do all at once • Large indexes/tables may require separate operations


• Let’s do a demo!

An Overview of Indexes and Partitioning Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading


• Large tables often have data that is used in different ways – An “Orders” table might have 2-10 years of data – Some data is heavy read/write while other data is read-only


• With large tables – Index maintenance can take hours – Queries against large tables can take a long time • In a table of 200,000,000 rows, how long would it take to find all orders placed on Jan 1, 2001 at 23:43:23.243?


• Large tables can be partitioned into smaller, more manageable subsets – An “Orders” table can be partitioned into one partition per year – A query for rows WHERE OrderDate = ‘Jan 21, 2001’ now only needs to access a single partition

• Indexes can be partitioned as well


• Partitions allow you to create subsets of the data and to place them strategically – Partitions can be spread across multiple filegroups – Queries only need to access the partition(s) that serves their data


• Partitions can be spread across multiple filegroups – Some partitions can be read-only while others are read-write – Can backup more heavily-written-to partitions more frequently


• Rows are partitioned horizontally – This means that the entire row is in a single partition

• Time is a common partitioning strategy – One partition for each year – One partition for each quarter – One partition for each month

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

An Overview of Indexes and Partitioning Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading


• Creating partitions requires: – A Partitioning Function – A Partition Scheme – A table/index


• Partitioning Functions define “what goes where” – You define boundaries and ranges

• Boundaries define the number of partitions • Ranges define how the boundaries are defined




• This partition function can be used for any table/index that has an INT column • Three partitions will be created above • RANGE defines how the partitions are defined


RANGE RIGHT FOR VALUES (2007, 2008) Partition 1

Partition 2

Partition 3

WHERE TheYear < 2007

WHERE TheYear >= 2007 WHERE TheYear => 2008 AND TheYear < 2008

TheYear is an INT column in the above table


RANGE LEFT FOR VALUES (2007, 2008) Partition 1

Partition 2

WHERE TheYear <= 2007 WHERE TheYear > 2007 AND TheYear <= 2008

Partition 3 WHERE TheYear > 2008

Partition Schemes

• A Partition Scheme maps the partition function(s) to a filegroup(s) – Partition functions can belong to multiple partition schemes – One partition scheme can only contain one partition function



Partition Schemes

• The preceding sample mapped the three partitions from “ScottsPF” to two different filegroups TO (myFilegroup1, myFilegroup1, myFilegroup2)

• Partition schemes can also map all partitions to the same filegroup ALL TO (myFilegroup1)

Partition Schemes

• You can partition tables and/or indexes – If you partition the table, the indexes are partitioned by default (unless otherwise specified during index creation)



Partition Schemes

• Let’s do a demo!

Managing Database Files

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Managing Database Files

• We’ve already seen how to grow databases – By adding space to an existing file – By adding additional data or log files

• Now it’s time to see how to make our “footprint” smaller!

Managing Database Files

• Up first: Removing a Database • When you remove a database, you are removing – Users – Data (tables, indexes) – Stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc

Managing Database Files

• Removing a database deletes the files – Once a database has been deleted, it cannot be un-deleted! • Edit -> Undo will not help!

• You cannot delete a database that is in use

Managing Database Files

• To delete a database in the GUI, right click on the database and select Delete • To delete a database using Transact-SQL: DROP DATABASE MyDb

Dropping a database

Managing Database Files

• To protect ourselves from dropping databases, we employ two strategies: – Backups – Scripts

• We’ll look at backups in an upcoming chapter • Let’s look at scripts now!

SQL Server Scripts

• Sql scripts can do almost anything – Create, alter, drop databases – Create, alter, drop tables, functions, stored procs – Insert, update, delete rows

• All “real” DBAs use scripts • Scripts are typically stored in .sql files

SQL Server Scripts

• Scripts can be executed – In SSMS – Using sqlcmd.exe – Inside of any custom or 3rd party app that can connect to SQL Server – In batch files (that call sqlcmd) – SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) – PowerShell • Which can handle it’s own scripts and sql scripts!

SQL Server Scripts

• You can also generate scripts – Create, alter, drop databases – Create, alter, drop tables, functions, stored procs – Insert, update, delete rows

• Script generation can be done – In SSMS – “By Hand”

SQL Server Scripts

• Let’s demo!

Managing Database Files

Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

Managing Database Files

• Shrinking databases is a sometime necessity • You can shrink – Individual data files or log files – An entire database (all files)

• Shrinking can be done with the GUI, TSQL, or any of the other methods

Managing Database Files

Shrinking a Database

• There are two options for shrinking an entire database 1. Remove all free space after the last page • PROs: Fastest, least impact • CONs: Not likely to remove as much as the 2nd option

Shrinking a Database

• There are two options for shrinking an entire database (cont.) 2. Reorganize the entire database to compress the pages at the “front” of the file, then remove free space • PROs: Removes maximum amount of free space, can specificy a “Target Percentage” of free space (“I want 10% free space left in file”) • CONs: Slow, performance hog

Managing Database Files

Shrinking a Database

• To shrink a database using Transact SQL, use DBCC SHRINKDATABASE DBCC SHRINKDATABASE ( database_name [ , target_percent ] [ , { NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY } ] )

Shrinking a Database

• NOTRUNCATE – Compress pages to “front” of file – Does not release freed space to OS – Only available in T-SQL

• TRUNCATEONLY – Does not compress the pages to the front of the file – Releases freed space after the “last” page to the OS – Default in SSMS

Shrinking a Database


Shrinking a Database

• Shrinking individual files offers more flexibility – Can specify target sizes, truncation options or empty individual files DBCC SHRINKFILE ( { logical_file_name | file_id } { [ , EMPTYFILE ] | [[ , target_size ][ , {NOTRUNCATE | TRUNCATEONLY }]]} )

Shrinking a Database

• EMPTYFILE – Moves pages to another file in the file group

• target_size – Cannot compress data – Defaults to MB – If not specified, uses the creation size

Shrinking a Database

• Let’s demo!

Suggested Changes After the Upgrade Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

After the Upgrade

• After your upgrade is complete, there are still critical steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patching the new SQL Server installation Verifying/changing configuration settings Testing Implement any changes that testing uncovered Testing Acceptance/sign-off

After the Upgrade

• After your upgrade is complete, there are still critical steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patching the new SQL Server installation Verifying/changing configuration settings Testing Implement any changes that testing uncovered Verifying configuration settings Acceptance/sign-off

After the Upgrade: Patching

• It’s likely that, after your upgrade, there are hotfixes, patches, service packs, etc available • It is often difficult to determine which is needed – How do you know you are experiencing a bug until you test your server?

After the Upgrade: Patching

• Remember that: – Service packs are the most-tested – Cumulative Updates are the next-most-tested – Critical Updates are the least-tested

• You don’t have to install the most recent updates – Unless there is a specific security issue

After the Upgrade

• After your upgrade is complete, there are still critical steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patching the new SQL Server installation Verifying/changing configuration settings Testing Implement any changes that testing uncovered Verifying configuration settings Acceptance/sign-off

After the Upgrade: Compatibility

• The first and most obvious thing to understand is compatibility level • SQL Server allows a database to use one of three compatibility levels – 80 (SQL Server 2000) – 90 (SQL Server 2005) – 100 (SQL Server 2008)

After the Upgrade: Compatibility

• Changing a database’s compatibility level provides partial backward compatibility – Setting a database’s compatibility level to 80 makes that database behave as though it was on a SQL Server 2000 instance – Allows you to upgrade to SQL Server 2008 without making breaking application changes

After the Upgrade: Compatibility

• When you upgrade a database/instance, the previous version remains as the compatibility level – If you upgrade “Northwind” from SQL Server 2000 to 2008, the Northwind database remains in SQL Server 2000 compatibility level • All other databases on SQL Server 2008 are in SQL Server 2008 compatibility level

After the Upgrade: Compatibility

• Let’s demo!

Suggested Changes After the Upgrade Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

After the Upgrade

• After your upgrade is complete, there are still critical steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patching the new SQL Server installation Verifying/changing configuration settings Testing Implement any changes that testing uncovered Verifying configuration settings Acceptance/sign-off

After the Upgrade

• If you upgraded from SQL Server 2005 – There are no database-level configuration changes needed

• If you upgraded from SQL Server 2000, you might want to make changes

After the Upgrade


After the Upgrade

• After your upgrade is complete, there are still critical steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patching the new SQL Server installation Verifying/changing configuration settings Testing Implement any changes that testing uncovered Verifying configuration settings Acceptance/sign-off

After the Upgrade

• What should you test? – Have the developers unit test any applications using the database • Not always possible with 3rd party apps

– Reports should be verified to ensure that they run – SQL Server jobs should be run to ensure they still “work” as expected – DTS and/or SSIS packages

After the Upgrade

• Known trouble areas – SQL Server jobs • If jobs point to specific files/folders, verify that – SQL Server service(s) have access – The file/folder paths have not changed or, if they have, change job definition

– DTS to SSIS – Database compatibility

After the Upgrade

• After your upgrade is complete, there are still critical steps 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Patching the new SQL Server installation Verifying/changing configuration settings Testing Implement any changes that testing uncovered Verifying configuration settings Acceptance/sign-off

After the Upgrade

• Once the DBA has completed his/her testing, recruit other departments – Developers test “plumbing” – Quality Assurance (“QA”) tests application compatibility – System administrators test backup routines

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases Presented by Scott Whigham

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


What We’re Going to Cover

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• SQL Server 2008 does not ship with any sample databases – SQL Server 6.x shipped with the pubs database – SQL Server 7.0 and 2000 shipped with pubs and Northwind – SQL Server 2005 shipped with AdventureWorks and AdventureWorksDW

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• There are sample databases for SQL Server 2008 – You must be smart enough to figure out • • • •

What they are called How to download them How to install them Which to use for what purpose

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• Let’s answer each question individually : – What they are called • The sample databases are called collectively “AdventureWorks” • They are the sample databases for the fictitious AdventureWorks Cycling Company

What is AdventureWorks

• The AdventureWorks Cycling Company – Sells through internet and brick & mortar channels – Covers commonly used patterns for working with products, sales, contact management and more

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• AdventureWorks stores roughly three years worth of sales data in: – An OLTP database – An OLAP database

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• How do you get the sample databases? – The files are available at – Shameless marketing from MSFT

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• How do you get them onto your SQL Server? – One of three ways: • Install from .msi • Restore from backup • Run the scripts

– Good luck!

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• How do you know which to use for what purpose? – There are three different types of databases: • OLTP, OLAP and a “Light” version of the OLTP

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• This is where it gets confusing… – Each database has several names depending on where you look – There are as many as three different “versions” of each database in the default installation – There are many different files you can download once you actually figure out where to look for it

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• A look at the default install using .msi installation:

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• On the CodePlex website, they make mention of three databases in the AdventureWorks suite: – AdventureWorks OLTP – AdventureWorks OLAP – AdventureWorks LT (Light

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• AdventureWorks OLTP actually goes by many names – AdventureWorks OLTP in documentation/website – AdventureWorks OLTP and AdventureWorks 2008 OLTP in the downloaded .zip file – AdventureWorks and AdventureWorks2008 in installation

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• AdventureWorks OLAP also goes by many names – AdventureWorks OLAP in documentation/website – AdventureWorks 2008 Data Warehouse in the downloaded .zip file – AdventureWorksDW and AdventureWorksDW2008 in installation

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• AdventureWorks LT (Light) is the fewertables version of AdventureWorks OLTP – Meant to be simpler to learn and train people on

The SQL Server 2008 Sample Databases

• Which should I use when? – “I’m a total beginner to SQL Server” • AdventureWorksLT

– “I want to learn about the new datatypes and/or new features in SQL Server 2008” • AdventureWorks2008

– “I want to learn about data warehousing” • AdventureWorksDW

– “I want to learn about the new features in SQL Server 2008 data warehousing” • AdventureWorks2008DW

• Creating Databases • Adventure Works • Configuring Database Options


• Overview of Chapter • How Databases Work in SQL Server • The System Databases • Types of Databases

Creation and Demo


In the next video…

• Indexes and Partitioning • Managing Database Files • What to Do After Upgrading

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