Word World-v1

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  • Words: 36,627
  • Pages: 264
DISCLAIMER This study of words for GRE is a purely subjective one, done according to my own interests. Many sheets here many not have complete information, and there is a possibility that some might not be correct. This collection has not been prepared with an intention to share. Still, I am sharing it as some of you might get benefitted by it. Please use your discretion and use this work in a way that best suits you. Good luck!

The Hindu - 12/07/2006 S.no Word 1 beset

Sample sentence The gove is already beset with other graver embarassments.

16 divulge

A foreign national is required to be complainant rather than appear before the tribunal to prove his citizenship. They believe that the ruling bodes no good for their security and well being. The glib formulations about the verdict being a setback to "vote-bank-politics" make little sense. A return to the cold war rhetoric The British police has been groping for clues in the murder case. Russia-bashers blissfully ignored the fact that Mr.Putin would have nothing to gain by this murder. He was a middle-ranked member of FSB tasked with busting organised crimes. Nor was he a turncoat, as it claimed. His recent accusations against the Kremlin read like madman's ravings And his Northern Ireland secretary, Peter Hain, took a political swipe at Mr.Putin accusing him of "attacks on individual liberty and democracy". The commander promised that he will surrender the presidential powers he usurped. With all significant sections of the Fijian people opposed to its putsch, the military may soon find the costs of the coup unsustainable. The panel has recommended maximum devolution of power with the province as the unit of devolution. Diyala has become the microcosm of Iraq's 2 interconnecting wars. The city is a jumble of different enclaves that people from the other communities enter at their peril. Parents who adopt children should divulge the truth about their adoption at the earliest to avoid serious psychological consequences on coming to know of their status in their adolescence.

17 akin

The gove has adopted a cautious approach with regards to the issue akin to a "double edged weapon".

18 legion

Clearly, the differences in business culture are legion.

2 complainant 3 bode 4 glib 5 rhetoric 6 grope 7 bash 8 turncoat 9 raving 10 swipe 11 usurp 12 putsch 13 devolution 14 microcosm 15 peril

The Hindu - 12/08/2006 19 disgorgement 20 rampant

The SEBI's recent order of disgorgement against the 2 principal depositories, NSDL and CDSL for their role in the demat scam is unprecedented. SEBI's case rests on its own findings of rampant malpractices indulged in by the rogue investors

22 appellate

Multiple demant accounts were opened evidently with the active connivance of the depository participants. Of more immediate concern is to ensure that its order is upheld at the appellate level so that a valuable precedent is set.

23 benami

The unscrupulous persons behind the benami/fictitious accounts are the people who enriched themselves.

21 connivance

24 unscrupulous 25 denouement 26 stout 27 cantankerous 28 alibi 29 taboo

30 mire 31 duck

32 fudge 33 fore 34 relegate 35 tantalise 36 squirt The Hindu - 12/09/2006 37 caveat 38 bereft 39 repress 40 siege 41 concomitant

ditto A rash of civil suits is imminent and that might postpone a just denouement. Untouchability did not vanish. But they did fight it stoutly. Although money may not be the root of all evil, the love of it makes one more cantankerous. The first purpose was to provide an alibi for the president ahead of the elections. Critics could be told that the president was listening to the people and that’s why the panel was set up to evaluate all options. Nothing was taboo. Nor, unless he or she is yet to emerge, is there a Eugene McCarthy or Robert Kennedy figure with the authority to rally voters against a failed president, as there was when Lyndon Johnson was mired in Vietnam. Mr.Bush should not duck the strategy for want of a partner.

Fudging the end date or hoping it need never be promised will not put an end to the war. Foreigners issue to the fore in Assam While Mr.Rao created a record, his rivals were relegated to the second position. This raises the tantalising possibility that the Red planet is hospitable to life. This is a suirting gun for water on Mars.

There are 3 caveats that India must not lose sight of. A society that is bereft of, and represses, new ideas is a society doomed to stagnation. A society that is bereft of, and represses, new ideas is a society doomed to stagnation. Universities are often under siege precisely because they are often at the forefront of this struggle for social and economic transformation. The concomitant emphases on equitable and affordable access to all social groups produced an explosion in the number of tertiary students.

50 brook

rewarding talent through nimble market-responsive mechanisms. Just a month after the American electorate delivered a resounding rebuff to the Bush Iraq policy.. …the ISG have subjected the policy to a withering critique Its foreign policy tenets have been shown to be false. The rise of the neoconservatives was partly predicated on a rejection of what they saw as American defeatism during and after the Vietnam war. The interregnum after the cold war, far from being a prelude to a new American age, was bearing the signs of what is now very visible: the emergence of a multipolar world. The ramifications of the Iraq moment will surely influence the US foreign policy for decades to come. The July 2005 agreement envisaged the 123 proceeding in tandem but this is not going to happen. The commodore has signalled that he cannot brook the rehabilitation of his opponents.

51 baulk

The prime minister baulked at saving democracy in Fiji after having sent soldiers to Iraq on a similar mission.

42 nimble 43 rebuff 44 wither 45 tenet 46 predicate

47 interregnum 48 ramification 49 tandem

The Hindu - 12/08/2006 52 ensue 53 dungeon gallows ("gallow" does not 54 seem to be a word)

55 discourse 56 grapple

57 obfuscate 58 intractable 59 detractor 60 discursive

In the ensuing violence and repression, more than 3000 valiant chileans lost their lives in their dungeons of the dictatorship. In the ensuing violence and repression, more than 3000 valiant chileans lost their lives in their dungeons of the dictatorship. The hangman is no more but those who supplied him the rope and gallows need to be exposed and held accountable to humanity. The court's approach reflects the increasingly observable shift in the discourse on caste-based reservation, from the idea of discimination to deprivation. discrimination is now regarded as a problem that the upper castes have to grapple with. Simultaneous with this shift in emphasis from discrimination to deprivation is the terminological obfuscation of using "affirmative action" as an equivalent for "reservation". a solution to an otherwise intractable problem.. Reservation includes reserved constituencies, which the detractors curiously do not seem much excercised about. …also being mindful of the discursive split between discrimination and deprivation

64 barrage

Reservation is justified by the persistence of castebased discrimination and the failure of the hegemonic project of producing an identity that transcends caste. The company received a plaque from the department of transportation for its hurricane relief efforts. Abject failure of the adminstration's efforts.. The resolve of the govt buffeted by a barrage of questions over the site selection, is on test.

65 tenor

It set the tenor for the CM's agenda of development in the state, epitomising his drive towards industrialisation

61 hegemonic 62 plaque 63 abject

66 epitome 67 thaw 68 nadir 69 forsaken 70 ally

It set the tenor for the CM's agenda of development in the state, epitomising his drive towards industrialisation There appears to be a thaw in the relationship between the Trainamool and NDA. Following the assembly election debacle, when its differences with the Trinamool over seat-sharing were aired oublicly and their relationships slid to a nadir… It is now for the congress to feel forsaken Both the parties are only too aware of the benefits of having the Trinamool as an ally to serve their respective interests.

The Hindu - 12/14/2006 71 burgeon 72 repercussion

73 euphoric

74 consummation

75 assuage 76 embargo 77 dogma 78 rhetoric

The phenomenon of a burgeoning U.S. current account deficit being funded by Asian countries cannot sustain definitely. The attempts to make the yuan dearer in dollar terms so that imports from China become costlier will have other repercussions. Some sections of the Indian media have been euphoric and advocated a rapid consummation of the deal and large-scale import of reactors and nuclear fuel, also involving the private sector. Some sections of the Indian media have been euphoric and advocated a rapid consummation of the deal and large-scale import of reactors and nuclear fuel, also involving the private sector. To assuage Indian concerns, the U.S. agreed that India could maintain adequate stockpiles of nuclear fuel so that its nuclear power stations could continue to operate. Some exceptions to the embargo on enrichment and reprocessing technologies are permitted in the Hyde act. Isn't education all about exposing children to ideas and letting them make up their minds, not force-feeding them dogma? By framing the debate this way, they have pulled off an impressive rhetoric group.

86 cliché

He asked his readers to find a qatch while walking on a heath. Why bother about trying to understand the natural world when there is the cosy God-explanation in alltoo-easy reach? Despite its scientific-sounding frills and baubles, ID is a pure religion. Despite its scientific-sounding frills and baubles, ID is a pure religion. The acceptance of the paper hinges on the author's willingness to produce primary data when asked to. It will determine the level of confidence people will repose on such published work. Cirrus clouds are wispy sheets of ice crytals six to ten miles above the Earth's surface. It is something of a cliché to say that neither the internal combustion engine nor smoking would ever have been permitted if we knew then what we know now about their dangers.

87 profligate

It took no deep understanding of evolution to foresee the emergence of anitbiotic-resistant bacteria, but that did not prevent profligate over-prescription of drugs.

79 heath 80 cozy (cosy) 81 frill 82 bauble 83 hinge 84 repose 85 wispy

The Hindu - 12/15/2006 88 countenance 89 clamour 90 badger 91 strife 92 fiddle, contrivance 93 jugular 94 rider 95 transgression

96 overture

97 whittle

President George Bush stubbornly refuses to countenance a course of action that is the only sensible one in the circumstances. Despite the rising clamour for a withdrawal from Iraq of the occupation troops led by the US… Mr. Bush seems bent on badgering functionaries of the various departments to come up with a plan. There is no sense in deploying US soldiers in a country caught up in a horrendous sectarian strife when they can do nothing to stop it. Fiddling while Iraq burns For them, Mohammed Ali Jinnah's statement that Kashmir is the "jugular vein" of Pakistan is written in stone. He added the rider that this would by no means be a unilateral gesture.. They warn that the president has become so unpopular because of this and other transgressions. Instead of responding enthusiastically to President Musharraf's overtures, they believe, India smelt blood and is waiting to see how much further can Pakistan's traditionally held positions on Kashmir be whittled down. Instead of responding enthusiastically to President Musharraf's overtures, they believe, India smelt blood and is waiting to see how much further can Pakistan's traditionally held positions on Kashmir be whittled down.

98 budge,nudge 99 rapprochement 100 allegiance

101 tututting 102 posit 103 dire

104 maraud 105 evangelical 106 conviction 107 anachronism 108 narcissism 109 armadillo 110 injunction 111 howl 112 dubious 113 fledgling 114 predicament 115 choppy

116 slight, snub 117 vogue The Hindu - 12/17/2006

Pakistan is disappointed by New Delhi's unwillingness to budge from its stated position. He also believes that a rapproachement between India and Pakistan is essential for peace in Afghanistan. The Azad Kashmir People's party that owes allegiance to Benazir Bhutto's party broadly supports the peace process. There is something deeply instructive about the present tututting over how the authorities in Moscow are restricting the access British detectives are allowed to key witnesses in the murder case. an exceptionalism which posits that while it would be unthinkable for Russian detectives to pursue an investigation on British soil… The dire state of Africa is the result at least in part of Britain's colonial and post-colonial policies. Recently there has been a resurgence across the political spectrum of a culturally conservative and ultimately hubristic belief in Britain's special role for good in the world. It was this misplaced, at times almost evangelical conviction, that in large part led Tony Blair to pursue the invasion of Iraq… It was this misplaced, at times almost evangelical conviction, that in large part led Tony Blair to pursue the invasion of Iraq… It is a lazy and complacent world view of the historical anachronism of membership of the permanent five members of the UN security council.. It is the narcissism of national obsession. AMERICAN NEOCONS like to say that the only things found in the middle of the road are "white lines and dead armadillos". ..just to avoid a court injunction. This last has raised howls of protest from those who think they and their heirs should benefit indefinitely from royalties. Myanmar has the dubious distinction of running host to the longest running civil war.. ..when the author became involved in the fledgling democracy movement in Myanmar. ..in the hope that it might explain the present predicament. His marrative is choppy and often hard to follow The defeat was bad enough to endure the slights and the snubs, especially for the educated class that revered British culture, but to be nothing more than a minor Indian province was truly upsetting. Though a relic of another age, the rickshaw was very much in vogue and was not dying a slow death.

118 affluent

119 barb

120 deterrence 121 apprehension 122 ail 123 solace 124 peddler 125 hogwash 126 inkling 127 adage 128 mirth 129 missive

female foeticide is prevalent among urban dwellers and affluent groups. It seems that reports of the death of Bluetooth too need to be contradicted with a Twain-like Barb: 2006 was the year when Bluetooth bounced back as a musthave technology.

N.Korea to keep nuclear weapons as "deterrence" What ails the armed forces today is their faulty grievance redress machinery. As one who has labored in the media-academic vineyard for over half a century, I find solace in these pieces. Criticism against journalism training came from some of the most well known English language peddlers in the 1960s. Journalism training is all hogwash An inkling of reasearch notions was built into the courses. That adage, "prevention is better than cure" holds more relevance now than ever. "It's something I'm probabaly a little more worried about" than the electrical work that is the purpose of the spacewalk, he said with a mirthless laugh. Santa has found himself penniless, unable to answer the piles of missives that pour into the giant red mailbox each year.

135 grumpy

Today, however everyone involved recalls it as a stunning moment, rife with danger and soul searching. Both have been pushed, by the raging populist rhetoric of the extreme right leaders, to take hardline on immigration and juvenile delinquency. A collective malaise, he says, appears to have gripped France. Almost everything seen is in shades of black or grey: the economy is in tatters and the job situation is dreadful. They resolutely refuse to look at their own successes, believing they are flat out, in the doldrums. It is a grumpy, disillusioned, disgruntled lot that presidential hopefuls will have to win over in order to emerge victorious.

136 trounce

The possibility of Jean-Marie trouncing Nicolas to enter a second round run-off against Royal is probably giving the ambitious interior minister a combination of dyspepsia(indigestion) and nightmares.

130 rife 131 delinquency 132 malaise 133 tatters 134 doldrums

137 brazen

He never forgave Sarkozy his brazen betrayal.

The Hindu - 12/18/2006 138 machete-wielding 139 moated 140 hoof 141 ticklish 142 retrograde 143 pelt 144 dossier 145 anorexic 146 lurch 147 perilous 148 heed 149 smattering 150 hinterland 151 usurious 152 pincer 153 gamut 154 tout 155 eerie 156 murky 157 subservient

The machete-wielding gang attacked the panchayat chief's car. The Children's park at Guindy is getting a facelift, with the smaller enclosures being pulled down to make way for moated enclosures. The visitors would be able to see the hoofed animals and then move on to the enclosures of the small carnivores. The ticklish issue could not be resolved by him alone. The 3 steps being taken now are retrograde. A group of prisoners pelted stones at the policemen. Litvinenko was murdered because he had a damaging dossier on a senior Kremlin official. Italy to ban anorexic models - Italy will introduce rules this week to keep very young and very thin models off the catwalks. One of the fastest growing economies in the world finds its villages lurching perilously between murder and suicide. One of the fastest growing economies in the world finds its villages lurching perilously between murder and suicide. We continue to follow a development paradigm that pays no heed to the limits imposed by the eco-system and the various tipping points of nature. Such a unique farming is being practised in India by a smattering of farmers and NGOs. Many gov't research centers in the hinterlands of India are doing excellent but largely unrecognised work. What has broken the back of farmers is the reemergence of the usurious moneylender. A pincer movement zeroing in from all sides, until the farmers' capacity to hang on to dear life is irreparably broken, leaving only death as an alternative. The gamut of change required to break this deadlock appears formidable (difficult). A picture is worth a thousand words - journalists hear and tout this often. Not Iraq today, but the Phillipines a century ago, an eerie parallel that might have provided valuable lessons. fresh controversy brewing over the alledgedly murky arms deal with Saudi Arabia. his public image, irreparably damaged by his subservient and poilitically suicidal relationsip with the US president.

158 peerage 159 sleaze

He effectively sold peerages for cash after nominating four leading businessmen to the House of Lords after they gave secret loans to the Labor party. A man who came to power vowing to clean up sleaze

160 incumbent

Policemen questioned an incumbent prime minister

The Hindu - 12/20/2006

162 construe

President issues three caveats to construe policy statements as advisory. President issues three caveats to construe policy statements as advisory.

163 allude

Alluding to the opposition's accusation of his betrayal..

164 writ

The writ petitions have been dismissed as infractuous.

165 infract

167 commensurate

The writ petitions have been dismissed as infractuous. While his mother was his muse, meeting with M.S. Subbulakshmi was most memorable. They ought to take international action that would be commensurate with the action that the president and congress have taken.

168 escrow

An escrow account has been opened by the financiers to credit the matured deposits not claimed by depositors to protect their interests.

169 prod

It seeks to prod the nation inti remembering the sacrifices made by the freedom fighters over 90 years.

170 offing

The Arab street saw no change in the offing

171 disconcert

Both find the directions of events acutely disconcerting. Israel, after thes sobering experience of Lebanon and Gaza, is ostensibly reiterating terms unacceptable to the Palestenians. The emphatic assertion that the US cannot achieve its goals in West Asia unless.. Mr.Prasad's journey from being an accused to being exonerated is a long and arduous one. A leader who came to power vowing to provide squeaky clean governance finds himself embroiled in scandals over cash-for-peerages and flagrant cover-up for corruption.

161 caveat(36)

166 muse

172 ostensible 173 emphatic 174 exonerate

175 squeaky

176 flagrant 177 tart 178 moniker

A leader who came to power vowing to provide squeaky clean governance finds himself embroiled in scandals over cash-for-peerages and flagrant cover-up for corruption. I was one of the bloggers who responded tartly.

180 drubbing

He might have understood my moniker for him. …with voters evidently rebuking him for failing to deliver on promises to improve the economy. Presidential allies took a drubbing in important cities, including the capital Tehran.

181 forlorn

He visited Turkey last Friday at the beginning of his latest forlorn, not to say fantastical, mission to bring peace to the Middle East, intoning: "It is important that we continue the process of accession with Turkey".

179 rebuke

183 propitious

He visited Turkey last Friday at the beginning of his latest forlorn, not to say fantastical, mission to bring peace to the Middle East, intoning: "It is important that we continue the process of accession with Turkey". There has scarcely been a propitious moment for Turkish admission to EU these 40 years.

184 platitude

For all of Mr. Blair's high-sounding platitudes, that new mood has been caught by other European politicians.

182 intone

The Hindu - 12/21/2006

185 sway 186 rite 187 garner 188 semblance 189 shoddy

190 clandestine 191 horde 192 anomie

The leader demands and is conceded - an almost total sway over the institution in return for his or her capacity to win votes for the party's electoral nominees. rites of irresponsible populism how to garner a semblance of public approval for those transformative policies. how to garner a semblance of public approval for those transformative policies. shoddy and possibly prejudiced nature of investigation The entry passes that were clandestinely obtained by the entrepreneurial for cash were, in fact, a tactic devised by the church to ensure that regular parishioners were able to gain access on the night, while the novelty seekers were kept at bay. It was impossible to keep away the hordes of onlookers. The authorities have gradually come to recognise the value of religion as a counter to the anomie and disaffection that economic reforms have wrought.

193 wrought

The authorities have gradually come to recognise the value of religion as a counter to the anomie and disaffection that economic reforms have wrought.

194 proselytise

195 hipster

A world away from the hipsters of China's big cities, these people know next to nothing about the festival for which they spend their hours and days laboring.

196 squander 197 colossus 198 zealotry

History will judge Blair as a political colossus. Ideological zealotry has helped destroy Iraq, revive the Taliban, and increase the terror threat.

The Hindu - 12/23/2006 199 whisk

Federer was whisked by security personnel and left for Villupuram.

The Hindu - 12/25/2006

203 harp

Mr. Vajpayee scotched speculation that the party's political strategy was tied to that of the Smajwadi party. Mr. Chidambaram missed a step, tripped and fell down. When the workd was hit by war mongering and violence, the people should follow the message of Christ. Even as the other BJP leaders harped on Muslim "appeasement" and strident "Hindutva," the former Prime Minister, Atal Bihari Vajpayee, presented his "moderate" face when he sought the cooperation of the Muslims to usher in a political change in UP.

204 strident


205 usher

ditto The party president accused the UPA gov't of pandering to Muslim sentiments. In the three years of his governance criminals and thugs were ruling the roost.

200 scotch (v) 201 trip 202 monger

206 pander 207 thug 208 roost 209 olive branch

ditto Turky then unexpectedly offered an olive branch saying it would open one port and one airport as a token gesture.

210 despicable

The despicable behaviour of the Greek Cypriot govt and electorate, when they voted against the reunification of the island once EU membership could not be revoked - has made Cyprus the least loved member state of the EU.

211 conduit

Those in favor of Turkish accession say that Turkey will be a conduit to the gas and petroleum reserves in Central Asis.

212 caliphate 213 Straddle

214 spurn 215 remunerate

Straddling two continents, the country responds to a dual identity. Spurning overtures from the Union Government to hold direct talks, the extremist organisation to hold direct talks, the extremist organisation set off a series of bomb explosions. A dependable marketing mechanism to secure remunerative prices for farm produce.

216 charismatic 217 confer with 218 harry 219 conscientious 220 trip up

In a span of about three months, he has conferred with Chinese president twice. But hurried, harried editors can trip up, even the most conscientious of them.

223 puff

ditto ditto This was the kind of cruel folly of which Jesus was witheringly critical. Failure of two of the world's most prominent christians to hazard this act of cultural imagination by reaching out to their enemies. hopefully people don't think the media just puffed him up and he's a flash in the pan.

224 flash in the pan


221 folly 222 hazard (v)

The Hindu - 12/26/2006

225 ambit

The post of Chief Justice of India can also be brought within the ambit of the Judicial Inquiry bill, which is more parliament.

226 haul

Large haul of ammunition in Baramulla

227 gimmick

BJP stand on the Ram temple issue a gimmick: Lalu People continue to die of hunger and thirst, poevery and disease, in this age of plenty and unbridled consumerism.

228 unbridled 229 protracted 230 pompadour

..ending Bangladesh's protracted political stand-off James Brown, the dynamic, pompadoured "godfather of Soul," whose rasping vocals and revolutionary rhythms made him a founder of rap..

231 rasp


232 slump

Cricket: England hopes to arrest slump. A powerful earthquake heaved the ocean floor off northern Indonesia and sent vast quantities of water racing across the Indian Ocean. What such a lack of preparedness can do was grimly underscored when the Indonesian Government failed to issue a warning to the public in july this year. The problem of overheating (of the economy) could prove illusory if investment continues to be buoyant.

233 heave 234 grim 235 illusory 236 Achilles' heel 237 shack

238 grudge (v) 239 woebegone 240 spruce up

241 heir apparent

242 zing 243 slugfest 244 excoriate

Weak infrastructure continues to be the Achilles' heel of the economy. Pucca houses replaced the thatched shacks by the beach. The gov't spent many crores on the rehabilitation of the "Tsunami-affected" people. It’s not about grudging the tsunami-affected what they have got. It's about what can be done to reduce the inequities created by the rehabilitation effort. thatched shelters - these woebegone structures belong to those who escaped Tsunami's wrath. Highway roads are also being spruced up, as are the hospitals that serve people from all over the district. Britain's war on poverty has been led by Gordon Brown, the Chancellor of the Exchequer and Mr. Blair's heir apparent. What adds zing to the prime ministerial controversy is the fact that only a day earlier Mr. Vaijapyee was the shining star at the BJP's anit-congress slugfest at Lucknow. ditto Mr. Vajpayee was excoriating the UPA gov't for the benefit of the BJP faithful in Lucknow.

245 pit

During the 1971 Lok Sabha elections, Indira Gandhi pitted her persona against the Syndicate.

246 obsession

The Janata crowd's obsession with Indira Gandhi only garnered political respectability for her personality cult.

247 topical

Bertlot Brecht's play Life of Galileo is sharply topical.

248 recant

Galileo's recantation of the Copernican model of the solar system.

249 depredation

..depredations of Stalinism.

250 fallible 251 pearly

Galileo was a hero and martyr (if a fallible one) to science. people in "a pearly haze of superstition".

252 haze


253 sophistry

Brecht is particularly good about the sophistries and blandishments that keep power in place.

The Hindu - 12/27/2006 254 appellate 255 mull

His comment drew criticism from human rights groups for appearing to prejudge thr ruling of the appellate chamber.

256 wean

Govt mulls formation of Coir Development Agency …the initial difficulties they faced in weaning fisherfolk away from their traditional occupations.

257 tardy

tardy progress in the construction of the bridge

259 abode

non-availability of encumbrance-free land a stumbling block …with the attribute of being privileged to be eternally in His divine abode after liberation.

260 leitmotif 261 dishevel

Andal had underscored that servitude must be the leitmotif of a devotee's thoughts and actions. disheveled hair bedecked with flowers…

258 encumbrance

262 bedecked 263 impunity

ditto The U.S. breached with impunity even a cast-iron guarantee it had furnished.

266 effeminate

How can India reconcile to the embargo from nuclear advanced countries on the export of enrichment, reprocessing, and heavy water technologies? (1) Even if the issue were to papered over now, it will then look from India's point of view to have been a very bad bargain. (2) There should be no attempt to paper over differences or to accept suggestions that these could be addressed in due course of time. The Chinese were mockingly referred to as "effeminate" and their habit of brewing barrels of tea that were served all day long in tiny cups such as " ladies see fit to use" was laughed at.

267 forge (refer to #417 also)

Some countries that had been waiting for the WTO to forge an agreement have said they would begin negotiating bilateral accords with trading partners.

264 embargo

265 paper over

The Hindu - 12/28/2006 268 ostensible 269 paltry 270 qualm 271 travesty

272 collude 273 heyday 274 collegial 275 hobble 276 egregious 277 seigniorage

In an era where mobile technologies have ostensibly rendered time-space differences meaningless.. There are three main reasons that account for the paltry numbers of Chinese travelling to India. The Prime Minister showed no qualms of usurping the prerogative of the judiciary when he demanded that Mr. Hussein's life be terminated before New Year. The conduct of the trial was a travesty of justice on several counts. It is shameful that his impending end should have been engineered by western powers that colluded with him in his heyday and have caused, through their illegal invasion and occupation, the death of more than 600,000 Iraqis. ditto Democrats say they also want to revive an aura of collegiality and civility in an institution that has been poisoned by partisanship in recent years. …the Republicans who tool control in 1995 and saw their mission as one of purging Democrats and hobbling government. The House has been so egregiously run for a number of years that it was seen as contributing both directly and indirectly to the election results. Ths U.S. would like to keep the dollar as the reserce currency, and all the seigniorage.

The Hindu - 01/02/2007 278 rampage

Army personnel, including officers in uniform, went on the rampage inside the police station.

279 gaiety

Gaiety and hopes mark New Year Celebrations

281 prong

The crowd attacked the house of a doctor alleging his involvement in the macabre killings. ..a multi-pronged plan to reduce the number of distress deaths among the soldiers.

282 knack

A knack for placing faces with names

283 ante

Lessons for India as Russia ups ante

284 impeachment

..had to weather impeachment moves against her.

285 sundry

..in no position to declare victory over the insurgents and sundry terrorists on the prowl in her country.

280 macabre

286 prowl

290 lynch

ditto Analysts do not regard the JI as a monolitihic mirrorimage of Al-Qaeda purveying terror. Insurers often refuse to pay for preventive care, even though such care saves a lot of money in the long-run, because those long-run savings won't necessarily redound to their benefit. Most of his crimes were committed when he was a staunch ally of those who are now occupying the country Saddam's lynching might send a shiver down the spines of Arab elites.

291 flag

As the debates around integration and multiculturalism show no sign of flagging, both anniversaries will be mined for their contemporary relevance.

292 parochial 293 dogged

a dogged belief in common sense

294 rive

Englishness is riven with huge national and class divides.

287 purvey

288 redound 289 staunch

The Hindu - 01/03/2007 295 draught (N) 296 tinge 297 irk 298 rancour 299 interment

Center urged to increase draught at Tuticorin port To help the people and protect their rights courts might pass some orders, which the Government might think had a tinge of legislative character. His Government's efforts to remove inequality had irked his opponents. The police were ready to assist the Army with its own findings as and when necessary without rancour or partiality.

300 transmogrify 301 baptism

302 germane 303 vet 304 gingerly

Nor are the internal dynamics of the Congress party likely to be so totally transmogrified that he would be asked to make way for someone else. Except Deve Gowda and gujral, all those who came to the office had in one way or the other earned baptism through a long public life. The Kolkata police would have done well to inform those at the helm of the Eastern command about the incident. But the germane issue here is not about the procedure. Anyone who ventures to enter Kenya will have to go through a serious vetting process. The new government was heading in the right direction but had to step gingerly.

The Hindu - 01/04/2007 305 lacunae

The enquiry would examine whether there were any administrative failures or lacunae and suggest preventive steps.

312 forgone

The govt and SIPCOT were taking steps in surreptitious manner. ..people whose contempt for consumerism is so complete they eat foraged food from dumpsters. Interspersing the pieces are luminous large-scale photographs of India's top historical and archaelogical sites. While driven by "image consideration" glitzy, impressive buildings may be going up across the country, the contents housed inside are often of dubious value. The interests of the competing clans will need to be accommodated at different levels of administration. This dependence is a big handicap for a country awash with weapons. The fact that this was the act of an Iraqi government dominated by Saddam's Shia enemies made the final outcome a forgone conclusion.

313 masquerade

Yet he was left to the mercies of a compaign of revenge masquerading as legal process.

306 surreptitious 307 forage 308 intersperse

309 glitz 310 clan 311 awash

314 stereotype 315 reek 316 gaffe

A new Iraq would not conform to the Western stereotype. Saddam's trial and mob execution reeked of Western double standards. Scientists hope to steer celebrities away from making pseduo-scientific gaffes.

The Hindu - 01/05/2007 317 aficionado

A boon for quiz aficionados..

318 denude 319 teeter 320 guzzling 321 lull 322 misnomer 323 underpin 324 mothball (v) 325 rendition 326 pillage

327 vault (v) 328 seer 329 gawp

They demanded allotment of denuded forest land to the displaced people. He teetered back and forth on the edge of an underground railway platform. It could be the ideal gadget for easing the guilt of gasguzzling motorists. "Truth serums" could refer to one of many sedative or hypnotic drugs that could lull a person into becoming more uninhibited and talkative. The term "Truth serum" is a misnomer as there is nor guarantee those interrogated will speak only the truth. It is not the size of the deficit as much as the causes underpinning it that should engage attention. Until last year, when it was mothballed in a row over funding… Szymany, a remote airport in northeast Poland, has been long suspected of having been used in the extraordinary rendition of terror suspects. It is much, much worse - even without the extra dimensions of pillage, corruption and the total ruin of the infrastructure. Bill Clinton used a strong second-place finish in the New Hampshire primary to vault his way to the Democratic nomination and the White House 15 years ago. Past seers gawped ino the glitzy future to envisage a hi-tech world.

330 plod

ditto But here we remain, plodding along somewhere between Orwell and Huxley in a familiar world that is neither utopia nor dystopia.

331 utopia


332 dystopia

ditto What the futurologists did get right, however, were some of the more prosaic details..

333 prosaic The Hindu - 01/06/2007 334 stark 335 stunt 336 hooded

The limits of bipartisanship were made starkly apparent when Ms Pelosi signalled that the president would face new and energised opposition. Parents go online to defend growth-stunting procedure on daughter. The U.S. authorities transferred the first 'war on terror' detainees - hooded and shackled - to Guantanamo Bay.

337 stigmatise 338 burke 339 chutzpah

The camp is condemning thousands of people across the world to a life of suffering, torment and stigmatisation. burking is a torture method. The unbelievable chutzpah of these parties might not take them far.

The Hindu - 01/08/2007

340 diaspora

Manmohan tells disapora to invest in new India

341 zest

CM calls for a zestful pongal The movement of the late 1960s petered out not just because of the opportunism displayed by the leaders of the movement or due to the repressive measures of the state, as is often made out. The SRC had recommended the formation of Telengana as a separate state in response to the simmering discontent in the region.

342 peter out 343 simmer 344 lopped off

348 beef up

a makeshift shelter built from lopped off branches.. These refugees have congregated on this city, often at huge expense and almost always at the mercy of venal people smugglers. The refugees have been living in unimaginable squalor and misery in the midst of relative wealth and well being. There are many people who see these people as scum that needs clearing out. The organisation aims at making Europe's borders watertight through measures that include training border guards, beefing up customs, coast guards and police services.

349 ombudsmen

It is a major problem against which reader's editors/ombudsmen the world over battle all the time with the aim of improving quality.

350 supererogatory

It was supererogatory of her to gloat.

351 gloat

ditto I am lost in admiration at how large swathes of businessmen and government have taken advantage of technological innovations..

345 venal 346 squalor 347 scum

352 swathe

The Hindu - 01/09/2007 353 rap 354 tantamount

355 grit 356 ironclad 357 prop

358 semblance

359 leeway 360 huddle 361 predilection

Court raps Government for delay in notifying recruitment rules The strike was tantamount to supporting bribery and corruption in the medical profession. Teaching in such an ethos becomes a fractured activity, sustained by the drive to compete in national or international markets where success is measured by individual grit to pursue a narrow goal. Saddam's internal control was ironclad. U.S. intelligence agencies propped up dissidents and actively encouraged the regime's opponents in exile. The U.S. and its loyalists in the Iraqi government tactically gave in as it was important at that time to get the constitution passed and a semblance of and independent government installed. If incessant resistance by the Sunni community endangers oil suuplies to the U.S., a split of Iraq can be engineered into three independent nations, using the leeway provided by the constitution. A long queue has already huddled up under the purpose-built sheds near the Jinnah Convention center. Human perception about others, events and life in general vary according to one's predilection.

362 canary The Hindu - 01/10/2007

363 minder

U.S. minders from the RCLO oversaw the tenuous evidence produced in the Dujail case against Saddam as well as the deliberate scuttling of Saddam's right to a proper defense.

364 tenuous


365 scuttle

ditto None of the plaintiffs has stated that Saddam had personally tortured them. ULFA's strategy is to signal a highly iffy willingness to talk about demands such as 'sovereignity' while stocking up weapons, resorting to terror, and eroding the credibility of elected governments and the morale of ordinary folk. The detenus are at the mercy of military tribunals that do not need to apply the evidentiary standards followed by regular U.S. courts. Only the squeaking of the boots of the military pallbearers could be heard in the Calvary church as Chad Vollmer's coffin was wheeled to the front.

366 plaintiff, complainant

367 iffy 368 evidentiary 369 squeak

370 pallbearer

375 fudge

ditto By the time the service was over their steps were inaudible amid the chorus of sobs and sniffles. To lend the inauguration the appearance of vitality the party has dedicated itself to a raft of legislative changes over its first 100 hours in power. In an attempt to intervene between the supine and the stubborn, the Iraq Study Group last month offered Mr.Bush a stern rebuke. The campaign, aimed at inflamming passions by stoking appregensions among the villagers over the fate of their lands as well as their future. The leaders while fudging data and contradicting official estimates pegged their protests to the demand that the land be returned.

376 peg


371 sniffle 372 raft (n) 373 supine 374 stoke

The Hindu - 01/12/2007 377 untrammelled

The court has taken care to emphasise that the privileges of Parliament are not absolute or untrammelled.

The Hindu - 01/30/2007 378 whimper 379 jeer 380 kangaroo court

381 wring 382 slur 383 splenetic 384 benighted 385 tacky

The Preseident-as-assassination-plotter went down without a whimper. ..the footage of the Iraqi leader going to the gallows taunted, jeered and humiliated by his captors. Saddam's death also came at the end of a trial that gives kangaroo courts a bad name. No less dumb is the notion of the Americans wringing their hands while the Iraqis - who cannot cough without their permission - misbehaved in rushing through the execution. A B-grade Bollywood actor, who shed finely wrought tears over racial slurs, has metamorphosed into an international celebrity. A splenetic dental curse, who became renowned for her benightedness, has morphed into Miss Goody Two Shoes ditto A tacky soporific show, which was on the verge of being axed…

The Hindu - 02/21/2007

386 moor

The coast guard was asked to tow the boat from the Chennai port, where it has been moored, to a distance of about 20 nautical miles into the Bay of Bengal.

387 ingot 388 ravish

Aluminium ingots A ravishingly rhythmic evening

389 accent

Accent on off-site disaster management

The Hindu - 02/22/2007 390 resile

India will not at any time resile from any international aggreement.

392 pesky

In the Indian situation, this transition is indeed telling given that an integral understanding of the chapters on fundamental rights and directive principles of state policy of the Constitution of India has been elaborated over time through a progressive interpretation by the Indian judiciary, in particular, the Supreme Court. So that just leaves those pecky little green men to worry about.

393 ghettos

Muslims have been pushed into ghettos.

394 pogrom

Five years after Godhara and the pogrom

391 telling

395 gutter

396 capitalise 397 tandem 398 verve 399 fillip

400 rejig 401 botch up 402 glee, gloat

There are no gutters, no place to wash clothes, so fights break out often. In Uttarakhand, the ruling party, which was leaderless after Chief Minister Tiwari opted to stay out of the race, has finished poorly behind the BJP, which has however failed to capitalise fully on the negative factor and score a convincing victory. Combating inflation calls for a multi-pronged strategy, with the RBI working in tandem with the government. A government's stability is one thing and its verve and vitality another. The poll results will generate a chemistry of their own, which in turn, could give a fillip to unhealthy impulses. The BJP leadership cannot be faulted for wanting to read into this outcome a revalidation of its aggressive strategy, based on a re-jigging of the Hindutva agenda. The recently botched up "Project Mulayam" did no credit to anyone; nor, has the Congress leadership come out looking pretty in the Quattrocchi mess. There was glee in the AICC that the Prime Minister's public meetings were poorly attended as compared with Ms. Gandhi's rallies.

405 rabble

Church officials have responded with warning saying that he is " exposing himself to the punishment of excommunication" unless he desists. ditto But he criticised Lugo, calling him a dangerous and divisive rabble-rouser.

406 logjam 407 whammy

A way out of the logjam. He put the whammy on me.

408 confound

These questions confound even the experts.

403 excommunication 404 desist

409 hodge-podge 410 launder 411 semblance 412 flak 413 diasporic 414 sheen 415 unflinching 416 gutsy 417 wriggle 418 forge (refer to #266 also) 419 swabbed 420 impersonate 421 smear

422 slip ups 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432

The Union budget is a hodge-podge of financial allocations without any strategy. What about PNs? Are they not used to launder the illgotten funds of some high-raning politicians. On the contrary, the semblance of autonomy that MSEB had has been eroded. Musharaff draws flak.

Forging ahead in space …swabbed for DNA finger-printing …that helps Fox impersonate a legitimate news organisation. The GOP's reversion to the Little Lie technique is a symptom of political weakness, of a party reduced to trivial smears because it has nothing else to offer. The data from eczema patients in the UK and Ireland suggest that genetic slip-ups in the gene are responsible for around half of the most serious eczema cases.


Guessed meaning

Correct meaning

Upset, occupied

give, provide polished, political era dig out, serach attack, criticize

Hit hard.

Do things that one is not supposed to, do things under disguise. extreme accusations, fierce statements criticize, make blunt take over unruly act antonym of evolution center stage

reveal because of vast

distribute the gains worst of its kind

Take the place of.

approval, knowledge not to be given up fake Without scruples or principles. disposal of judgement strong, loud

Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships.

selfish support avoid

Excluded from use or mention.


be unable to move further

thrash lie; Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues). front push interesting shooting

trap deprive suppress, discourage blockade, cordon simultaneous

quick rejection become weak rule follow, consequence

interval division effect support refrain from

Refuse to comply.


proceed, result, develop prison scaffold, gibbet

dialgoue struggle

confuse difficult cynic, attacker, critic ugly (dis-cursive)

authoritative commemorative inscription miserable torrent, stream mood maximise

embodiment, personify

uneasiness all-time low forbidden friend

mushrooming, multiply consequence




accomplish, complete

ease, allay restriction belief oratory

moorland comfortable decoration trinket, trifle, costume jewellry center, crux recline translucent, delicate

formula, line


stand for, allow yell pester, hassle conflict fraud central, connected to heart, without which there is no life hint, statement

criterion, requirement misdemeanor, misbehaviour



dislodge rapport loyalty

widely talked about require

conjecture terrible, dismal

excessive superiority

arrogance, excessive selfconceit Marked by ardent or zealous enthusiasm for a cause. confidence, assurance survival, leftover selfishness, egotism

a variety of animal species ruling, sanction wail, scream doubtful hatchling dilemma, quandary broken up, jerky

ignore, fail to acknowledge,rebuff,rebuke fashion

well off, wealthy

cutting remark, taunt The act or process of discouraging actions or preventing occurrences by instilling fear or doubt or anxiety. fear sick comfort, consolation dealer, hawker humbug, nonsense, gibberish hint, suspicion proverb amusement, glee letter ubiquitous wrongdoing depression, melancholy scrap, bit sadness, melancholy irritable, cantankerous


shameless, blatant

knife-using big, spacious big, horned?

deep wide trench around a castle horny covering of the toes of some mammals thorny, awkward conservative, retrospective bombard report

being bony sudden swaying of peril

danger attention small scattered number remote regions lending loan at a huge rate of interest. girpping tool with 2 jaws entire range or series publicise loudly weird darkness obsequious (excessively flattering )submission

of equal, nobleman baseness, unpleasantness holding an office, obligatory

(law) A formal notice filed with a court or officer to suspend a proceeding until filer is given a hearing. make sense of, assign a meaning to. Make a more or less disguised reference to. A legal document. against law and rules. The source of an artist's inspiration. corresponding in size or degree or extent. A written agreement (or property or money) delivered to a third party or put in trust by one party to a contract to be returned after fulfillment of some condition. urge on; cause to act. near or foreseeable future. cause to feel embarrassment. pretend with emphasis. pronounce not guilty of criminal charges. Having or making a highpitched sound such as that made by a mouse or a rusty hinge.

Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible. harsh A familiar name for a person. censure severely or angrily. A sound defeat.

Marked by or showing hopelessness.

Speak carefully, as with rising and falling pitch or in a particular tone. Presenting favorable circumstances. A trite (repeated too often) or obvious remark.

controlling influence. any customary observance or practice. assemble or get together. picture of inferior workmanship and materials.

Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods. A vast multitude. Lack of moral standards in a society.

Shaped to fit by or as if by altering the contours of a pliable mass (as by work or effort). Convert to another faith or religion. Someone who rejects the established culture; advocates extreme liberalism in politics and lifestyle. spend extravagantly; Spend thoughtlessly; throw away. A person of exceptional importance and reputation. Excessive intolerance of opposing views.

move quickly and nimbly; brush or wipe off lightly

Hinder or prevent (the efforts, plans, or desires) of. Miss a step and fall or nearly fall. Sell or offer for sale from place to place.

Come back to. blatant, Unpleasantly loud and harsh. Show (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums. Yield (to); give satisfaction to. An aggressive and violent young criminal. A perch on which domestic fowl rest or sleep. Something offered to an adversary in the hope of obtaining peace.

Morally reprehensible. A passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass. [ Caliphate ] The era of Islam's ascendancy from the death of Mohammed until the 13th century; some Moslems still maintain that the Moslem world must always have a calif as head of the community. (Calif The civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth.) Range or extend over; occupy a certain area.

Reject with contempt. Make payment to; compensate. Possessing an extraordinary ability to attract. Get or ask advice from. Annoy continually or chronically. Characterized by extreme care and great effort. make an error. Foolish or senseless behavior. Put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation. Praise extravagantly. Someone who enjoys transient success but then fails.

An area in which something acts or operates or has power or control. The quantity that was caught. Any clever (deceptive) maneuver. Not restrained or controlled. Relatively long in duration; tediously protracted. A hair style in which the front hair is swept up from the forehead. Utter in a grating (irritated) voice. A noticeable deterioration in performance or quality. Lift or elevate. Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. Based on or having the nature of an illusion. [ Achilles' heel ] A seemingly small but actual mortal weakness. Small crude shelter used as a dwelling.

Accept or admit unwillingly. Affected by or full of grief or woe. Make neat, smart, or trim. An heir whose right to an inheritance cannot be defeated if that person outlives the ancestor.

A brief high-pitched buzzing or humming sound. A fight with bare fists. Express strong disapproval of.

Set into opposition or rivalry. An irrational motive for performing trivial or repetitive actions against your will. Of interest at the present time. Formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure. An act of plundering and pillaging and marauding. Having the attributes of man as opposed to, e.g., divine beings. A white the color of pearls. Atmospheric moisture or dust or smoke that causes reduced visibility. A deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone.

Of or relating to or taking account of appeals (usually legal appeals). Reflect deeply on a subject. Detach the affections of. After the expected or usual time; delayed. Any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome. Housing that someone is living in. A melodic phrase that accompanies the reappearance of a person or situation (as in Wagner's operas). disarrange, rumple Clothed or adorned with finery. Exemption from punishment or loss.

Prevent commerce.

try and avoid putting it on paper.

Having unsuitable feminine qualities. Come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort.

Appearing as such but not necessarily so; pretended. Not worth considering. Uneasiness about the fitness of an action. A composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way.

Act in unison or agreement and in secret towards a deceitful or illegal purpose. The period of greatest prosperity or productivity. Characterized by or having authority vested equally among colleagues. Hamper the action or progress of. Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible. Charged by a government for coining bullion.

Violently angry and destructive behavior. A festive merry (gay) feeling.

Shockingly repellent; inspiring horror. . A special way of doing something. (poker) The initial contribution that each player makes to the pot. Charge with an offense or misdemeanor. Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruity). Loiter about, with no apparent aim. Supply with provisions.

Be added. Firm and dependable especially in loyalty. Kill without legal sanction.

Become less intense. Narrowly restricted in outlook or scope. Stubbornly unyielding. Separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument.

The depth of a vessel's keel below the surface (especially when loaded). A pale or subdued color. irritate or vex. A feeling of deep and bitter anger and ill-will. The ritual placing of a corpse in a grave.

Change completely the nature or appearance of. A Christian sacrament signifying spiritual cleansing and rebirth.

Having close kinship and appropriateness.; related. Examine carefully. With extreme care or delicacy.

A blank gap or missing part. Conducted with or marked by hidden aims or methods. Collect or look around for (food). Place at intervals in or among.

Tasteless showiness. Group of people related by blood or marriage. Covered with water. Lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime. Pretend to be someone or something that you are not. A conventional or formulaic conception or image. Have an element suggestive (of something). A socially awkward or tactless act.

A serious devotee of some particular music genre or musical performer.

lay bare. Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion. The drinking of large mouthfuls rapidly. Calm by deception. An incorrect or unsuitable name. Support from beneath. Put into long-term storage. An explanation of something that is not immediately obvious. Goods or money obtained illegally.

Jump across or leap over (an obstacle). An authoritative person who divines the future. Look with amazement; look stupidly. Walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud. [ Utopia ] An imaginary place considered to be perfect or ideal. A work of fiction describing an imaginary place where life is extremely bad because of deprivation or oppression or terror. Not fanciful or imaginative.

Complete or extreme. Check the growth or development of. A headdress that protects the head and face.

To accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful. Murder without leaving a trace on the body. (Yiddish) Unbelievable gall; insolence; audacity.

The dispersion or spreading of something that was originally localized (as a people or language or culture). Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment.

End weakly. Boil slowly at low temperature. (of plants or trees) Having the top or outer parts cut off. Capable of being corrupted. Sordid dirtiness. Worthless people.

Make strong or stronger. A government appointee who investigates complaints by private persons against the government. More than is needed, desired, or required. Gaze at or think about something with great selfsatisfaction, gratification, or joy. An enveloping bandage.

Talk volubly; Strike sharply Being essentially equal to something.

Fortitude and determination. Without flaws or loopholes. Support by placing against something solid or rigid. An outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading. A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits. Crowd or draw together. A predisposition in favor of something. Someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police.

A woman who looks after babies in her own home while their parents are working. Having little substance or significance. To move about or proceed hurriedly. A person who brings an action in a court of law.

Subject to accident or chance or change. Serving as or based on evidence. Make a high-pitched, screeching noise.

One of the mourners carrying the coffin at a funeral. Cry or whine with snuffling. (often followed by 'of') A large number or amount or extent. Offering no resistance. Stir up or tend; of a fire. Fake or falsify. Fasten or secure with a wooden pin.

Not confined or limited.

A complaint uttered in a plaintive whining way. Laugh at with contempt and derision. An irregular unauthorized court.

Twist and compress, as if in pain or anguish. A disparaging remark. Very irritable. Lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture. Tastelessly showy.

Secure in or as if in a berth or dock.

A block of metal that is cast in a particular shape for convenient handling. Hold spellbound Special importance or significance.

Draw back from an agreement, contract, statement, etc.

Producing a strong effect.; Powerfully persuasive. Causing irritation or annoyance.

Any segregated mode of living or working that results from bias or stereotyping. Organized persecution of an ethnic group (especially Jews). A channel along the eaves or on the roof; collects and carries away rainwater.

Draw advantages from. One behind the other. An energetic style. Anything that tends to arouse.

Re-equip a factory or plant. Make a mess of, destroy or ruin. Malicious satisfaction.

The act of banishing a member of the Church from the communion of believers and the privileges of the Church; cutting a person off from a religious society. Choose no to consume. A disorderly crowd of people. Any stoppage attributable to unusual activity. An evil spell. Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly. A theory or argument made up of miscellaneous or incongruous ideas. Convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones. An outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading. Intense adverse criticism.

Move ahead steadily. Apply (usually a liquid) to a surface. Pretend to be someone you are not; sometimes with fraudulent intentions. Slanderous defamation.

Make an error.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer S.no

Word 1 Delectable 2 reposeful 3 skylark 4 whack 5 thimble 6 alley 7 pail

Sample sentence Delectable land reposeful land, dreamy and inviting quarrelling, fighting and skylarking.. She whacks them over the head with her thimble She whacks them over the head with her thimble He put down his pail, took the white alley, and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage was being unwound. He put down his pail, took the white alley, and bent over the toe with absorbing interest while the bandage was being unwound.

The God of small things 1 rescind

I can effect my own punishmend on myself so Mom can rescind hers.

Robert Frost - A collection of critical essays

6 vitality

He is really nothing more than a cracker-barrel versifier speaking with a pronounced New England accent. Instead of attitudinizing about how true Frost's poetry was, he tried to give an extended description of the body of Frost's poetry. Whichever alternative he chooses, the human situation as Frost presents it remains relatively solitary, simple, and antisocial; its myth is essentially regressive and Edenic. The remoteness and calculated simplicity of the rural world transforms Frost's New England into a symbolic vista. Frost has clearly moved toward comedy and wit from lyric through narrative toward sattire, and finally to masque. The secret of Frost's wide appeal seems to have been that his poetry, from the beginning, caught fresh vitality without recourse to the fads and limitations of modern techniques.

7 fad


1 cracker-barrel 2 attitudinize

3 Edenic 4 vista 5 masque

8 meter 9 jest

In Frost's theory of poetry, the self-imposed restrictions of meter in form and coherence in content stand not half way down the scale of grace. With pleasant banter he has teased his contemporaries by jesting about their desperate "quest for new ways to be new".

10 prepense 11 undue 12 picketer 13 gob 14 bellow 15 impressionistic 16 platonic

17 limp 18 astride 19 helve, haft 20 threnody

21 snobbish 22 flimsy 23 crutch

Wrong twice, I told him. Wrong twice and of theory prepense. But there is danger of undue levity in teasing the young. They may seem like picketers, or members of the committee on rules, for the moment. huge gobs of raw sincerety bellowing with pain ditto I am well aware that this kind of metaphorical extension is distasteful to some, and is frequently branded by others as impressionistic non-sense. He has frequently suggested that he is particularly wary of hydra-headed platonic idealism.. To Frost the loss of balance was a part of what Poe meant when he said that there was no such thing as a long poem; that he could show any reader of a long poem where the rider fell, and how far he limped before he again managed to climb astride his Pegasus. ditto The Ax-helve ..threnodies of sorrow. Such a solution to the problem through the trappings of explanation invalidates the required autonomy of the poem and delivers immediately into the arms of the snobbish or academic readers who may keep it limping about on flimsy crutches of praise and elucidation. ditto

24 connotation

ditto And this difference between that suggested and that stated is the difference between connotation and denotation.

25 denotation


26 stymie 27 28 29

His brother stymied him at every turn.

Barron's/Kaplan/Others 1 balk 2 disarming 3 egalitarian

Although the ambassador was usually amenable to friendly suggestions, he balked when we hinted he should pay his parking tickets. A disarming smile.

4 prescient 5 conflate

Extroardinarily prescient memoranda on the probable course of postwar relations-R.H.Rovere. The colors conflate well.

6 steep

Steep the fruit in alcohol.

7 snarl 8 cummerbund 9 jab 10 sneakers 11 adumbrate 12 jest 13 doughty 14 impound 15 gangrene 16 jilt 17 coven 18 reconnoitering 19 ruffle 20 muffle 21 polish (n) 22 ensnare 23 slew 24 rickety 25 manifest (secondar meaning) 26 hack 27 delinquency (secondary meaning)

As docile as he seems today, that old lion was once a ferocious, snarling beast. It took an extra-large cummerbund to fit around Andrew Carnegie's considerable girth. Jabbing a minatory forefinger at Dorothy, the Wicked Witch cried, "I'll get you, and your little dog, too!" The incongruity of his wearing sneakers with formal attire amused the observers. I adumbrated that I did not like his wife. He laughed unpleasantly at his own jest. The customs agents impounded the illegal shipment. The gangrenous condition of the wound was indicated by the putrid smell when the bandages were removed. The memory of having been jilted rankled him for years. A coven of witches beside a tree is a possible rebus for the town Coventry. ruffle somebody's composure Muffle one's anger. They performed with great polish. The innocent man was ensnared by the police A slew of trouble A rickety table

28 garb

His tonsure, even more than his monastic garb, indicated that he was a member of the religious order.

29 guillotine

She approached the guillotine with unfaltering steps.

30 rave 31 spunk 32 resourceful

A rave party. He kept fighting on pure spunk. Someone who is resourceful is capable of dealing with difficult situations.

33 hidebound 34 high-handed

38 raffish 39 bedeck

Before the judge issues the injunction, you must convince her this action is warranted. The tenement was a veritable warren, packed with people too poor to live elsewhere. As a present for Aunt Polly, Tom whittled some clothespins out of a chunk of wood. A cocktail party given by some... raffish bachelors Crary Moore. Bedeck the halls with holly (a kind of tree).

40 cauline 41 floppy

Cauline leaves. A dog with floppy ears.

42 smug

A smug glow of self-congratulation.

43 tact

A boor is a tactless person.

44 boor 45 rapt 46 holler

ditto Rapt with wonder. What a holler would ensue if people had to pay a minister as much to marry them as they have to pay a lawyer to get them a divorce.

47 osculate

The newly married couple osculated.

48 wayward

Wayward behavior.

49 repose 50 singe 51 boggle 52 cognoscible

Took his repose by the swimming pool.

35 injunction 36 tenement 37 clothespin

53 skunk

This boggles my mind! A skunk defends itself with its scent.; Only a skunk would do that.

54 pout

The child was so spoiled by her indulgent parents that she pouted and became sullen when she did not receive any attention.

55 rugged

Glendon provides a dark underside to Turner's frontier thesis that saw rugged individualism as the essence of American society - an individualism that she sees as degenerating into atomism.

56 grail

Chatwin devoted his life to a kind of Grail quest.

57 accession

The art collectin grew through accession.

58 recreant 59 mascot 60 pleonastic 61 pedigree 62 forage

Some provinces had proved recreant.

63 cozy 64 snug

A cozy nook near the fire. A snug little sailboat.

65 sessile

66 siphon 67 cuddly

Sessile marine animals and plants. The government contends that the new laws are necessary to prevent unscrupulous business owners from siphoning off the profits while the workers are underpaid. A cuddly teddybear.

68 abound

The room abounded with screaming children.

69 deserts/comeuppance 70 nook 71 helpless

As helpless as a baby.

72 helpless 73 asseverate

The animals forage in the woods.

Helpless with laughter.

74 dab 75 elf 76 float

The Republicans are floating the idea of a tax reform.

77 wanton (secondary meaning)

wanton and dastardly attack.

78 sacred (secondary meaning) 79 nibble

A private office sacred to the President. The woman tenderly nibbled at her baby's ear.

80 gabble 81 barge

She barged into the meeting room.

82 marginal 83 tramp

Marginal land. A homeless tramp.

84 utilitarian

Plain utilitarian kitchenware.

85 ossify (secondary)

Ossified teaching methods.

86 doctor 87 ennoble

Sophisticate rose water with geraniol. He was ennobled with a title.

88 fusty 89 vintage 90 frumpish 91 sop

Nothing so frumpish as last year's gambling game. Sop bread into the sauce.

92 bromidic

Bromidic sermons.

93 threadbare 94 jejune 95 orotund 96 fustian (n) 97 topsy turvy 98 hodge podge 99 pettifoggery

Repeating threadbare jokes. Jejune novel. Orotund political prose.

100 byzantine

A disorderly pile of clothes.

The Byzantine tax structure.

102 bear out

Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship. The stories and claims were born out by the evidence.

103 arrant 104 rally

An arrant fool. Rally the courage to do something.

105 jeremiad 106 spy, espy 107 cloak 108 strife

A jeremiad against any form of government.

101 byzantine (second meaning)

He cloaked his disappointment.

109 take in

The immigrant was taken in because he trusted everyone.

110 catholic 111 procreate

Catholic in one's tastes. The deer in our neighborhood reproduce madly.

112 estimable

Most people consider it ESTIMABLE that Mother Teresa spent her life helping the poor of India.

113 whitewash 114 con

Let's not whitewash the crimes of Stalin. He conned me out of my inheritance.

115 ornery 116 bewail 117 prissy, straight-laced 118 puritan, nonindulgent

An ornery and venomous-tongued old lady. We bewailed the loss of benefits. My straitlaced (prissy) Aunt Anna doesn't approve of my miniskirts. Puritanic distaste for alcohol.

119 graffiti 120 snit

He was in a snit.

121 cadge 122 bent (secondary) 123 vim 124 purge 125 milk

He is always cadging cigarettes from his friends. He had a bent for it. He seemed full of vim and vigor. Deng Xiao Ping was purged several times throughout his lifetime. I am milking this for all it's worth.

126 smother 127 standoffish 128 slumberous

Smother fires. A standoffish manner. Slumberous (or slumbrous) eyes.

129 blot

He made a huge blot on his copybook. In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne was required to wear the letter "A" on her clothes as a public STIGMA for her adultery.

130 stigma 131 sedate 132 adore 133 long-winded 134 temperamental

He just adored his wife. Long-winded (or windy) speakers. That beautiful but temperamental instrument the flute - Osbert Lancaster.

135 dither 136 downplay

He played down his royal ancestry.

137 discommode

Sorry to discommode you, but...

138 craft

He represented the craft of brewers.

139 palter 140 hector 141 totter, teeter

Her big brother always hectored her when she was young.

142 ersatz

Ersatz coffee.

143 compendium 144 periphrastic

145 amateur 146 slake

The cold water slaked his thirst.

147 esurient

Fell into the esurient embrance of a predatory enemy.

148 spartan

A spartan diet.

149 riposte 150 raillery 151 rebarbative

It brought a sharp riposte from the teacher.

152 spiteful

A truly spiteful child.

153 wraith

He looked like he had seen a wraith.

154 abatement 155 interstice 156 scion

The interstices of a network. A scion of royal stock.

He became rebarbative and prickly and spiteful.

157 distaff 158 sidle 159 cloistered 160 bias (v)

The young man began to sidle near the pretty girl sitting on the log. The cloistered academic world of books. You are biasing my choice by telling me yours.

161 airs

Don't put on airs with me.

162 trump 163 jibe

The two stories don't agree in many details.

164 cohort 165 dragoon

They sandbagged (dragooned) him to make dinner for everyone.

166 solicit 167 solicitous/solitude 168 formidable 169 smite

Afflict(Smite) with the plague.

170 heartiness 171 disaffect (NOT disaffected) 172 sleight 173 amortize 174 cue 175 slumber 176 slack 177 dodgy 178 dodgy/dicey 179 slime/goo 180 puddle

181 snobbish 182 table 183 grouch 184 tint 185 brassy/bodacious 186 etch

Calm as a child in dreamless slumber.

A dodgy scheme. An extremely dicey(dodgy) future on a brave new world of liquid nitrogen, tar, and smog - New Yorker. The snake slimed his victim. There were puddles of muddy water in the road after the rain.

Let's table the exam. He grouched about anything that he thought was wrong. The most bodacious(brassy) display of tourism this side of Anaheim - Los Angeles Times.

187 syncopation

188 purlieu

189 divisive 190 scrappy 191 indurate

The National archives contain information so divisive that researchers have been known never to publish because they cannot bear to bring their studies to an end. A scrappy admiral. The cold hardened (indurated) the butter.

192 lucubration 193 rive 194 ornamentation

Rive the bone

195 epitomize 196 lyrical 197 cosset

The dancer's lyrical performance. Let's not mollycoddle (cosset) our students!.

198 abandon

She danced with abandon.

199 unremitting

Unremitting demands of hunger.

200 reconstitute 201 tame 202 racy 203 gradation

to reconstitute a bouillon cube with hot water.

204 deracinate 205 206 207 208 209 210 211

A racy literary style. Subtle gradations in color. Uproot (Deracinate) the vine that has spread all over the garden.

Guessed meaning

Correct meaning

calm pat, beat knuckle

Annul by recalling or rescinding.

Characteristic of country life. Assume certain affected attitudes.

Any place of complete bliss and delight and peace. The visual percept of a region. masquerade; A party of guests wearing costumes and masks.

An energetic style. An interest followed with exaggerated zeal.

(prosody) The accent in a metrical foot of verse. Act in a funny or teasing way.

premediate; Think or reflect beforehand or in advance. Beyond normal limits. A person employed to watch for something to happen. Informal terms for the mouth. Shout loudly and without restraint. Of or relating to or based on an impression rather than on facts or reasoning. Free from physical desire.

Proceed slowly or with difficulty. With one leg on each side. The handle of a weapon or tool. A song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.

Befitting or characteristic of those who inclined to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior. Very thin and insubstantial. A wooden or metal staff that fits under the armpit and reaches to the ground; used by disabled person while walking. An idea that is implied or suggested. The most direct or specific meaning of a word or expression; the class of objects that an expression refers to. Hinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment of.

Refuse to comply. Capable of allaying suspicion or hostility and inspiring confidence. Favoring social equality. Perceiving the significance of events before they occur. Mix together different elements. Let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse. n. A vicious angry growl. v. Utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone.; Make more complicated or confused through entanglements. A broad pleated sash worn as formal dress with a tuxedo. Poke or thrust abruptly. A canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole. Give to understand. A humorous anecdote or remark intended to provoke laughter. resolute and without fear. Take temporary possession of as a security, by legal authority. The localized death of living cells (as from infection or the interruption of blood supply). Cast aside capriciously or unfeelingly. An assembly of witches; usually 13 witches. reconnaissance trouble or vex Conceal or hide. A highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality. Take or catch as if in a snare or trap. many in number shaky A customs document listing the contents put on a ship or plane. A mediocre and disdained writer. An antisocial misdeed in violation of the law by a minor.

Clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion. Instrument of execution that consists of a weighted blade between two vertical poles; used for beheading people. A dance party that lasts all night and electronically synthesized music is played. The courage to carry on. Having inner resources; adroit or imaginative. Stubbornly conservative and narrowminded. Given to haughty disregard of others. (law) A judicial remedy issued in order to prohibit a party from doing or continuing to do a certain activity. A rundown apartment house barely meeting minimal standards. Wood or plastic fastener; for holding clothes on a clothesline. Marked by a carefree unconventionality or disreputableness. decorate Especially of leaves; growing on a stem especially on the upper part of a stem. Hanging limply (loosely). Marked by excessive complacency or self-satisfaction. Consideration in dealing with others and avoiding giving offence. A crude uncouth ill-bred person lacking culture or refinement. Wholly absorbed as in thought. A very loud utterance (like the sound of an animal). Touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc. Resistant to guidance or discipline.; reckless Freedom from activity (work or strain or responsibility). A surface burn.; scorch Overcome with amazement. Capable of being known. `

Make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip.

Sturdy and strong in constitution or construction; enduring. (legend) Chalice used by Christ at the last supper. A process of increasing by addition (as to a collection or group). Having deserted a cause or principle.; An abject coward.

The descendants of one individual. Wander and feed. Enjoying or affording comforting warmth and shelter especially in a small space. Fitting closely but comfortably. Permanently attached to a substrate; not free to move about.

Convey, draw off, or empty by or as if by a siphon. Inviting cuddling or hugging. Be in a state of movement or action.; ALSO - Be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities. An outcome (good or bad) that is well deserved. A sheltered and secluded place. Unable to manage independently. Lacking in or deprived of strength or power. State categorically. Hit lightly; Apply (usually a liquid) to a surface. (folklore) Fairies that are somewhat mischievous. Circulate or discuss tentatively; test the waters with. Occurring without motivation or provocation. (often followed by 'to') Devoted exclusively to a single use or purpose or person. Bite gently.

Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly. Push one's way. Producing at a rate that barely covers production costs. A disreputable vagrant. Having utility often to the exclusion of values. Make rigid and set into a conventional pattern. Alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive. Confer dignity or honor upon. Old-fashioned and out of date.; Stale and unclean smelling. The oldness of wines. Primly out of date.; dowdy Dip into liquid. Dull and tiresome but with pretensions of significance or originality. Repeated too often; overfamiliar through overuse. Lacking interest or significance. Ostentatiously lofty in style. Pompous or pretentious talk or writing. In utter disorder. A motley assortment of things. A quarrel about petty points. [ Byzantine ] Highly involved or intricate. [ Byzantine ] Characterized by elaborate scheming and intrigue; devious. Support with evidence or authority or make more certain or confirm. Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers. Gather or bring together. A long and mournful complaint.; diatribe Catch sight of.; descry Hide under a false appearance. Lack of agreement or harmony. Fool or hoax. Free from provincial prejudices or attachments. Have offspring or young.

Deserving of esteem and respect. Cover up a misdemeanor, fault, or error. Deprive of by deceit. adj. Having a difficult and contrary disposition.; ill-natured Regret strongly. Exaggeratedly proper. Morally rigorous and strict. A rude decoration inscribed on rocks or walls. A state of agitated irritation. Obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling. A special way of doing something. A healthy capacity for vigorous activity. Oust politically. Exploit as much as possible. Deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion. Lacking cordiality; unfriendly. Inclined to or marked by drowsiness. An act that brings discredit to the person who does it. a mark of shame or discredit adj. Characterized by dignity and propriety. love intensely. Using or containing too many words. Likely to perform unpredictably. v. Act nervously; be undecided; be uncertain. Understate the importance or quality of. (NOTE: It is NOT of some idea, as I had previously thought) To cause inconvenience or discomfort to. People who perform a particular kind of skilled work. Be deliberately ambiguous or unclear in order to mislead or withhold information.; equivocate Be bossy towards. Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion.

Artificial and inferior. A concise but comprehensive summary of a larger work.; A publication containing a variety of works. Roundabout and unnecessarily wordy. Someone who pursues a study or sport as a pastime. NOTE: I had until now been thinking that an amateur is just a beginner. Satisfy (thirst).; Make less active or intense.; Cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water. adj. Devouring or craving food in great quantities.; (often followed by 'for') Ardently or excessively desirous.; Extremely hungry. Practicing great self-denial.; Unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment.; Resolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity. A quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one). Light teasing repartee. Serving or tending to repel. Showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite. A mental representation of some haunting experience; ghost; spectre. An interruption in the intensity or amount of something.; respite; hiatus; suspension. Small opening between things. A descendent or heir. adj. Characteristic of or peculiar to a woman. Move unobtrusively or furtively.; Move sideways. Providing privacy or seclusion. Influence in an unfair way. Affected manners intended to impress others. v. Proclaim or announce with or as if with a fanfare. Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics. A company of companions or supporters.; A group people having approximately the same age. Compel by coercion, threats, or crude means.

Make a solicitation or petition for something desired.; Incite, move, or persuade to some act of lawlessness or insubordination.; Approach with an offer of sexual favors.; Make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently.; Make amorous advances towards. A feeling of excessive concern. adj. Inspiring fear.; Extremely impressive in strength or excellence. Cause pain or suffering in. adj. The quality of hearty sincerity. - IT IS NOT HAPPINESS, AS I HAD PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT. v. Arouse hostility or indifference in where there had formerly been love, affection, or friendliness. n. Adroitness in using the hands. NOTHING TO DO FUNDAMENTALLY WITH MAGIC. Liquidate gradually. n. A stimulus that provides information about what to do.; Evidence that helps to solve a problem. n. A natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended. v. Avoid responsibilities and work, be idle., malinger; Cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water. Marked by skill in deception. Of uncertain outcome; especially fraught with risk. v. Cover or stain with slime. N. Any thick messy substance. A small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid. adj. Befitting or characteristic of those who inclined to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior. Hold back to a later time. v. Show one's unhappiness or critical attitude. v. color lightly. Unrestrained by convention or propriety. Making engraved or etched plates and printing designs from them.

Modify the rhythm by stressing or accenting a weak beat.; Omit a sound or letter in a word. n. environs or neighborhood. 2. a place where one may range at large; confines or bounds. 3. a person's haunt or resort. 4. an outlying district or region, as of a town or city.

adj. Dissenting (especially dissenting with the majority opinion), factious. Full of fighting spirit. v. Become hard or harder. n. Laborious cogitation.; A solemn literary work that is the product of laborious cogitation. v. Separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument. n. The state of being ornamented. v. Embody the essential characteristics of or be a typical example of (to instill brevity). adj. Expressing deep personal emotion.; Suitable for or suggestive of singing. v. Treat with excessive indulgence. n. The trait of lacking restraint or control; freedom from inhibition or worry.; A feeling of extreme emotional intensity, wildness. adj. Uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing. to return (a dehydrated or concentrated food) to the liquid state by adding water adj. Flat and uninspiring. adj. Full of zest or vigor. n. Relative position in a graded series. v. Pull up by or as if by the roots.

S.No Category 1 criticize 2 humiliate 3 insane 4 protest express disapproval 5 (mostly similar to (4)) 6 regret 7 ridicule 8 skillful 9 scold/abuse

Related words denounce degrade demented demur decry deplore (strong) deride (Contemptuous) adroit diatribe

10 saying 11 shy dull/gloomy/sad/mournful/ 12 unwholesome

aphorism diffident

13 confuse/dilemma/disturb


14 scorn/contempt 15 pretend/artificial

disdain dissemble

16 irritate/annoy/vex 17 irritable/easily irritated

fester peevish

18 hesitate


19 urge 20 deceive/trick/cheat

cajole (use gentle flattery) delude

21 unyielding/stubborn 22 papmer 23 sarcastic 24 spotted 25 excessive pride

monolithic mollycoddle mordant dappled narcissist

26 infamy/defame presumptuous/arrogant/ 27 rude 28 disloyal/betray

slander overweening (NOT complaining) perfidy

29 curse 30 outdated 31 poise 32 ideal example

anathema antiquated aplomb apotheosis


33 alarm/shock 34 appropriate (adj) 35 secret/mysterious/hidden 36 passion/heat

dismay apposite arcane ardor

37 adorn/trim/ornate 38 cunning 39 stupid/foolish 40 refer/attribute

array sly asinine ascribe

41 ease/soothe/appease 42 self-denial 43 wise

assuage ascetic astute

44 weak/weaken


45 harass/tease 46 threatening/causing fear

bait baleful

compensate/pay back/bear 47 expenses/make amends 48 excessively exacting 49 wasteful 50 abundance

atone peremptory prodigal plethora

51 inclination/strong liking 52 outlaw difficult to please/ 53 easily disgusted

proclivity proscribe

54 vexed/complain


55 tremble/vibrate/shaky 56 teasing

quiver bantering

57 commonplace/boring 58 bad odor 59 hate/hatred 60 recover 61 harsh 62 plunder/plundering 63 reject/drive back/insult 64 difficult to understand 65 uprightness 66 disavow

trite fetid loathe recuperate grating despoil rebuff obscure probity renounce


67 supposed 68 opening/split 69 engrossing

reputed rent rapt

70 treat unworthily/violate 71 indecent

profane obscene

72 run down


73 untidy 74 lively

shabby frisky

75 careless/aimless


76 lazy/depressed/yearn 77 move hurriedly

slothful scurry

78 speak indistinctly/foolishly 79 filthy/neglected

babble sordid spat (dispute) sophistry stalwart bombastic

80 minor act 81 misleading 82 strong 83 pompous acting at the spur of the 84 moment behaving like a slave 85 (related to #95) 86 rich 87 many/several/volume 88 excessive 89 replace 90 soil/tarnish 91 flexible 92 plead satisfy fully/ 93 indulge in excess/quench 94 dark 95 flatterer/flatter 96 tastelessly showy/cheap 97 concise 98 hard, painful work 99 harsh imitation 100 aggressive 101 swollen 102 violent 103 awkward,clumsy 104 bravery/courage

impromptu servile lavish scad superfluous supercede besmirch supple beseech satiate dusky toady gaudy terse travail travesty ferocity tumid unbridled unwieldy mettle

105 boast 106 shrink/decay 107 quarrel fault-finding/raise trivial 108 objections 109 unite 110 muscular 111 noise 112 ridiculing imitation 113 arrange in order 114 spendthrift/stingy/miser 115 coward(ly) shrink back (in fear/ordinary 116 reaction) 117 greed 118 debase oneself 119 delay/waste time 120 move shakingly/unsteady 121 embarrass 122 waste matter/worthless 123 overjoy/high spirits 124 thin and wasted 125 impartial/fair 126 short-lived/fleeting 127 explain (serving to) 128 not continuos 129 stir up 130 fight 131 sweet sound 132 heavenly 133 abrade

brag wither bicker carping amalgamate brawny clamor burlesque array frugal craven

134 frown 135 bless/blessed 136 cut into pieces 137 small hill 138 fill

cringe avarice condescend dawdle dodder disconcert dross ebullient emaciated equity evanescent explicate spasmodic instigate brawl euphony elysian flay scowl (expression of dislike/displeasure) benison dismember knoll fraught

139 beg 140 hasty/rash 141 kinship 142 poor/poverty 143 devilish 144 hint 145 likely to change/unstable 146 corrupted/lustful 147 gruesome 148 injure 149 deep-rooted/habitual

implore precipitate propinquity indigence demoniac inkling labile lechery grisly maim ingrained

150 clear 151 curve/curvy/wind 152 money related 153 indifferent 154 of marriage 155 command 156 lost in thought/thoughtful 157 calm/unemotional 158 fat/stocky 159 bruise 160 existing at the beginning 161 stage 162 thrash pretend to be 163 knowldegable/impostor 164 peculiarity of action 165 of food 166 deny/challenge 167 cancel/rub out 168 impatient 169 traitor 170 drink (alcohol) 171 repeat/repetition 172 sticking out/noticeable 173 sink persistent effort, hard 174 working 175 shed/cast off fallacious reasoning/play 176 with words 177 loyal/loyalty 178 check (the flow) 179 loud/harsh 180 painful labor 181 cheap/showy (jewelry esp) giving lots of importance to 182 properness/perfectionist 183 face 184 fashion 185 pale/sickly 186 roll/indulge in 187 speck 188 bit/tiny/small 189 deserving blame 190 punish give an indication 191 beforehand/ warning

limpid meander mercenary callous conjugal fiat bemused halcyon corpulent contusion primordial dais flail charlatan caprice purveyor (caterer) gainsay annul restive renegade quaff reprise protruding founder diligent molt quibble staunch stem strident toil trinket punctilious countenance vogue pallid wallow mote scintilla culpable chasten foreshadow

192 accuse 193 burden 194 childish/immature 195 disobedience/rebellious 196 steal 197 meal 198 bias 199 unrestrained/uncontrolled 200 unprincipled/dishonest homeless 201 traveller/wanderer 202 produce/cause/bring about 203 absolute 204 irritable/ill-natured 205 loveable/sweet 206 wordy 207 express evil satisfaction 208 wish ill/feel bitter about 209 hymn for the dead 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218

implicate incubus puerile insubordinate embezzle collation (light meal) prejudice wanton unscrupulous vagrant engender consummate cantankerous angelic verbose gloat resent dirge

inveigh demean deranged

pan belittle delirium





lampoon deft fulminate

mock dextrous rail

adage coy (affectedly, evasive motive)






despise dissimulate

cynical (sneering disbelief) feign

rankle petulant

harry (annoy chronically) irascible

flinch goad (provoke by constant criticism) - used mostly with a -ve connotation hoodwink

stutter (speak haltingly)

obdurate indulgent acrimonious mottled vanity


obloquy overbearing (Expecting unquestioning obedience) treachery


bane antediluvian

execrate archaic


exhort (forcefully) artifice

acerbity maculated conceit

haughty insidious



privy zeal

recondite fervent

preen (dress with elaborate care) artful vacuous assign

primp (dress with elaborate care)

palliate austere


enervate taunt (persistent carping) baneful indemnify autocratic profligate plenitude

dolt impute

extenuate (mitigate) quip (minor) minatory restitution (The act of restoring something to its original state.; compensation for loss/injury) bossy

propensity ostracize

profuse predispose (give an inclination toward) banish



querulous (Habitually complaining)


palpitate (throb rapidly) badinage

throb quizzical

hackneyed rancid abominate rally raspy ravage snub abstruse rectitude repudiate

quotidian stench rancor raucous rapacious slight profound retract

purported rift enchanting (NOT chanting)

putative schism entrancing

desecrate scurrilous



seedy (Weak and feeble)

slipshod skittish



slapdash (in manner)

sluggish scamper

lethargy scuttle

blabber base squabble (dispute) specious sinewy stilted

mumble (Talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice) vile peccadillo (crime)

strut (walk)



subservient sumptuous sundry (Consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds (even to the point of incongruity)) supererogatory supplant sully pliant entreat

obsequious opulence

surfeit swarthy bootlicker tawdry succinct drudgery parody truculence turgid impetuous ungainly valor


tome supernumerary usurp defile limber suppliant

sycophant meretricious pithy debased distended uncouth pluck

vaunt shrivel tussle (disorderly)

braggadocio wizen wrangle (verbal)



burly clangor (resounding clamor) caricature collate parsimonious

husky clarion

quail cupidity deign demur totter abash chaff elated cadaverous equitable ephemeral expository intermittent foment melee dulcet ethereal excoriate

flinch avid

glower (expression of anger/sullenness) beatific hew hummock imbue importune (persistently) foolhardy consanguinity destitution infernal innuendo fickle debauch macabre mutilate inveterate


dally discomfiture dregs haggard evenhanded (NOT equivocating) fugacious fitful provoke fracas



diabolical insinuation mercurial libertine ghastly mar

lucid sinuous (NOT sinewy) monetary nonchalance connubial ordain pensive phlegmatic portly welt inchoate podium pulverize

pellucid wiggly pecuniary

mountebank whim

quack quirk

larder (place of storage) impugn countermand fidget (Move restlessly, NOT complaining) quisling tipple (often) rote obtrusive scuttle

refectory (dining hall) renege expunge


sedulous exfoliate (NOT just ridding off leaves)

slough sophistry steadfast staunch stentorian travail bauble

nubile behest muse taciturn


turncoat swill (drink greedily) recapitulate

unswerving blatant knickknack

prude visage fad wan welter whit iota reprehensible castigate

stickler physiognomy



incriminate encumber infantile insurgent purloin repast tendentious unbridled unconscionable vagabond beget arrant crotchety cherubic prolix glee begrudge threnody

callow unruly

untrammeled tramp (disreputable) procreate utter ornery (adj) seraphic long-winded


animadversion mortify

disapprobate bewail (strong)

rebuke (severe) pejorative


reprimand (extreme reproval)

reprobation (severe)


objurgate (Censure severely)








rebuke dictum (authoritative declaration)










scurvy (most contemptible) subterfuge

jeer (laugh at with derision) factitious

torment touchy

sardonic (disdainfully humorous) shoddy nettle (annoy by minor irritations) testy




hortatory bilk

importunate swindle

incite chisel

badger (Annoy persistently) cranky flounder (walking with difficulty) wheedle (use gentle flattery) gull





trenchant piebald vainglorious






opprobrium (state of dishonor)

insolent disaffected imprecate (Wish harm upon; invoke evil upon) fusty




sarcastic (hurting) sham


malediction frumpish

fractious nettlesome

runic fervid prim (dress with elaborate care; Exaggeratedly proper)




spruce (Exaggeratedly proper)









gruntle (Cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of) mollify

debilitate (make weak)

decrepitude (due to old age) infirmity

rally redoubtable

beset formidable

defray (Bear the expenses of)

expiate (Make amends for)





snuffle fuss rickety (Inclined to shake as from weakness or defect)




jejune (Lacking interest or significance)




frailty tantalize (persistent carping) menacing alimony hypercritical




depredate spurn recondite

riveting ribald (Humorously vulgar)



musty (Covered with or smelling of mold) tatty (Tastelessly showy) threadbare


unkempt (in dress)

disheveled (in dress)

dilettante (of arts)

frivolous (seriousness)





slur squalor skirmish (fight)



maunder (Talk indistinctly; usually in a low voice)





foible (fault)

slew excessive




adulator flashy brevity

fawn garish laconic







fawn (Show submission or fear) esurient


wince (ordinary/not in fear)





tardy o

husk macerate

galvanize fray

fiendish intimate mutable roue grim mayhem

satanic capricious lewd

temperamental libidinous




nuptial brood reticent

ponder stoical



gourmand (excessive eating and drinking)

epicure (refined enjoyment of food and drinks)











foppish (about clothes)







spawn unmitigated




stricture (severe)

tirade (extended criticism)

comeuppance - well deserved outcome

invective (abusive)













faze (disturb the composure of)

deride disingenuous rile (annoy by minor irritations)

scoff ostensible tantrum

mordant hypocritical huff (STATE of irritation)

inveigle (use gentle flattery) con

adjure mulct

advocate defraud














sneer (smile contemptuously) pharisaical beleaguer














insipid (Lacking taste or flavor or tang)

jeremiad (long and mournful)

insouciant (attitude) languid

lax languor (depressed)

prattle (Speak (about unimportant matters) rapidly and incessantly)

jabber (Rapid and indistinct speech)



levity (seriousness) lassitude (depressed)


desultory pine








reproach (mild)






waffle (waver)






ersatz pesky (CAUSING irritation, NOT irritable) ruffle

coax (use gentle flattery)


froward contumacious (disobedient), NOT (unruly) untoward

slur discredit gauche (Lacking social polish) maraud (?)



snit (STATE of irritation)


inscrutable prissy (excessively fastidious)









ramble (in walking) feckless





humdrum lackluster mawkish



lugubrious forlorn


Words 1 bedizen 2 brusque 3 cession carnage (excessive killing 4 of people) 5 chaff 6 alacrity 7 clique 8 cohorts 9 coerce 10 concert 11 condign 12 contrite 13 cognate 14 amble (leisure pace) 15 strenuous 16 pusillanimous 17 badger 18 carillon 19 baulk (balk) 20 clangor 21 amity (cordiality) 22 deprive 23 brazen 24 avid 25 cadence 26 coy 27 demur 28 implore 29 retract 30 debilitate 31 din (strident noise) 32 comport 33 docile 34 crone 35 apothecary 36 dwindle effrontery (shameless 37 boldness) amend/emend (make 38 changes/corrections to)

denizen burlesque cessation carnal chaffing celerity cliché exhort coalesce consort consign contrived cogitate ample tenuous (Having little substance or significance)


cardinal chafe

concoct condone connive (Encourage or assent to illegally or criminally)

parsimonious pertinacious cadge (Ask for and get free; be a parasite) carrion (rotten flesh) clarion (shrill tone) caulk clamber (An awkward clamor climb) comity (mutual civility and respect) deprave cozen craven livid (ash-colored, enraged) vivid decadence (of decay) decoy demure immure (confine) deplore (repent, diaparage) detract infract decrepitude dilapidated dint (means) disport domicile facile drone chicanery drudgery swindle affront edify (instruct/enlighten)

errant (Uncontrolled motion that is irregular or 39 unpredictable)



40 convoke (call together) 41 checkered

evoke (call forth) exchequer


42 callow



43 facetious



44 pester


fester (generate pus)

fetid (Offensively 45 malodorous) 46 fiasco

rancid (Smelling of fermentation or staleness) tepid fresco (Paint onto wet plaster on a wall) fracas

47 flabby 48 conflagration 49 flaunt

shabby flagrant flout


50 fray 51 gaunt 52 cower 53 demean depose (dethrone; Make a deposition; declare under 54 oath) 55 insane 56 dissidence

foray taunt glower demeanor


57 deprecate (belittle) 58 despot 59 dint 60 dilate 61 extant disaffected (discontented, 62 disloyal) 63 emollient 64 commandeer equable (Not varying; 65 calm)

depredation despondent stint dilatory distant

deposition inane diffidence

disinterested ebullient domineer (autocratic power) equitable (fairness)

66 exalt/extol (praise, glorify) exult (To express great joy)

repose (A disposition free from stress or emotion.; lie when dead)

desecrate (violate sanctity)

exorbitant equanimity (Steadiness of mind under stress)

67 expletive (interjection) effete (lacking vigor; worn 68 out) 69 filch 70 ferret 71 feckless 72 bait 73 filibuster 74 germane


fete flinch fetter fret fleck (maculation, spot) speckless gait (A person's manner of walking) gerrymander germinal gentility (Elegance by virtue of fineness of manner and expression) gloat gaudy gratis

75 geniality 76 goad 77 gratify hackles (A feeling of anger 78 and animosity) shackles

grovel (Show submission 79 or fear) 80 carping (petty criticism) faze (Disturb the 81 composure of) 82 bolster 83 hegemony 84 hew 85 improvident 86 deify 87 diligence 88 indigenous 89 ineffable (unutterable) 90 inexorable 91 grate 92 impuissance interdict (command 93 against) 94 extrapolate 95 desolate 96 conjecture 97 haggard leery (cautious; unwilling 98 to confide) 99 incite

exegesis (An explanation or critical interpretation (especially of the Bible))


growl (To utter or emit low dull rumbling sounds) hovel (wretched house) harping (belabor) hazy holster hedonism hue imprudent indemnify indigence ingenuous ineluctable execrable ingrate (A person who shows no gratitude) insouciant


cue (A stimulus that provides information about what to do)



interject interpolate (Insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby) irresolute juncture laggard eerie indite (write)


100 loath 101 ludicrous

loathe lugubrious


102 cull lacerate (Irregularly slashed and jagged as if 103 torn) 104 debacle 105 gawk 106 mettle 107 mirth 108 morbid


loll (Be lazy or idle)

109 appall

gall musty (Stale and unclean smelling) gratuitous impertinent infernal latitude libido ((psychoanalysis) A Freudian term for sexual urge or desire) clout

110 murky 111 gratuity 112 impenitent 113 infidel (unbeliever) 114 lassitude 115 libidinous 116 lout (stupid) levity (Lightness of 117 manner) 118 list 119 lineage (descendants)

macerate shackle/manacle mawkish meddle girth mordant

nettle moribund palliate musky

limbo (place between heaven and hell).

124 wrath 125 denounce 126 nemesis 127 reprise 128 queasy 129 obloquy 130 oblivion 131 niggle 132 occlude

brevity listless lineaments (features) doughty (resolute and without fear) ludicrous meretricious mortify wreath (Flower arrangement consisting of a circular band of foliage or flowers for ornamental purposes) renounce genesis reprisal (retaliation) squeamish obsequious obsidian wiggle (move to and fro) occult

133 fraught 134 palpable 135 passe

overwrought (Deeply agitated especially from emotion) palatable placable impasse

120 dough 121 lucrative 122 mercurial 123 mollify

wraith (A mental representation of some haunting experience; specter) exegesis apprise obsequy

pecuniary (Relating to or 136 involving money) 137 penance pastiche (A work of art that imitates the style of some 138 previous work) 139 pedant 140 peremptory 141 perjury

parsimonious pedant

144 pretend

panache pendant perfunctory pejorative (disapproval) piquant (Engagingly stimulating or provocative) yokel pretentious (Of a display that is tawdry or vulgar)

145 primogeniture

progenitor (ancestor)

146 preponderance 147 pristine

imponderable philistine (A person who is uninterested in intellectual pursuits)

148 gentry (nobility) 149 promontory 150 savor 151 sanguine propitiate (make peace 152 with) impound (confiscate, 153 seize) 154 odium 155 parody 156 flail

paltry premonitory valor consanguinity propitious (Presenting favorable circumstances) propound (put forth for analysis) podium prosody quail

142 pique 143 yoke

157 rumble (Make a low noise) ramble 158 febrile 159 poseur 160 impugn 161 ravage 162 retrograde 163 cant careen (Walk as if unable to control one's 164 movements) strew (Spread by 165 scattering) 166 tantamount 167 tantrum 168 capitulate

puerile raconteur repugnance rave reprobate recant


penchant preempt perfidy

progeny (immediate descendants) ponderous (Labored and dull)

sundry (haphazard assortment)

sanguinary propinquity expound (elaborate) threnody (dirge)

shambles imbecility (weakness of mind) saboteur ravenous decant

tureen slew (large number) commensurate doldrums (A state of inactivity (in business or art etc)) conundrum recapitulate

169 indolent 170 rend

redolent render

171 relegate 172 deplete

renegade (turncoat, apostate) renege (back out) replete reprehensible (deserving blame) destitution retort retraction revile (Spread negative information about) rife

173 apprehensive 174 restitution 175 extort 176 detraction resile (what a resilient 177 object does) 178 ruffle 179 rubric 180 salacious 181 sacrosanct 182 satire 183 harry 184 simper (affected smile) 185 serenity 186 shoddy (tawdry) 187 sartorial 188 smirk (simper) 189 epicure 190 slough 191 snivel 192 slovenly 193 solemnity (gravity) 194 sophomore 195 spawn 196 splice 197 spry 198 quibble 199 spat 200 regatta 201 bulwark snicker (A disrespectful 202 laugh) 203 stifle 204 squalid 205 stultify

muffle runic salubrious sanctimonious satyr (Man with strong sexual desires) parry scamper serendipity shabby (showing signs of wear and tear) sibylline (oracular) shirk sinecure

insolent rendition

waffle (hesitate, waver)

sacrilegious martyr scurry

quirk slouch (Assume a drooping posture or carriage) shrivel (wither)

dough drivel sodden solicitous (Full of anxiety and concern) solicit soporific fawn slice preen squabble squat (short and thick) legato (antonymous to staccato staccato) stalwart (dependable, having rugged physical strength) stickler stipple/dapple (color with blotches) stolid stupefy



206 sublime 207 subterfuge 208 pander suborn (Incite to commit a 209 crime or an evil deed) 210 supple (lithe) 211 burly 212 syllogism 213 synoptic 214 taunt 215 stifle 216 temporal 217 tendentious 218 timorous 219 tipple 220 tether snicker (disrespectful 221 laugh) 222 toady 223 tutelary 224 brindled 225 opulence (sumptuous) 226 noisy

227 oratory 228 parochial 229 ordeal 230 perquisite 231 pertinacious 232 plaintive 233 precarious platonic (Free from 234 physical desire) 235 predilection 236 pulverize 237 tenacious (stubborn) 238 veer 239 venal 240 gambol 241 hilarity 242 taint

subliminal subversive paltry supine supplant surly solecism (tactless act) synaptic taint (contaminate) trifle temperate sententious temerity stipple tithe titter (Laugh nervously) gaudy titular unbridled corpulence noisome

ovation parody ordain exquisite (intense, sharp) pertinent


suppliant sully



oratorio (A musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text)


plaintiff (A person who brings an action in a court of law) prevaricate precocious platitude presentiment (A feeling of evil to come) galvanize tenable (untenable) tenuous veneer venial vernal gambit gamut frivolity quaint

incumbent (lying or recumbent (lying down, in 243 leaning on something else) rest) 244 vindicate (show to be right) vindictive


virile (Characteristic of a 245 man) 246 vital 247 versatile 248 ursine (bear like) 249 tenet swelter (Suffer from 250 intense heat) 251 whinny 252 leeway 253 whirlpool 254 slither (slip) 255 wangle (falsify) 256 yesman 257 apotheosis

virulent vitiate volatile vulpine (fox like) tenement (A rundown apartment house barely meeting minimal standards) welt whining waylay whorl wither wrangle yeoman apostate

258 perdition


259 repent (regret)

repine relegate (delegate to a lower position) remission regimen dapple uncanny malingerer sacred dote

260 delegate 261 remiss 262 regime 263 dabble 264 canny 265 harbinger 266 sacrilegious 267 rote 268 platonic 269 ruse 270 covert 271 decorum dainty (Of delicate 272 composition and artistry) 273 defunct 274 dross 275 enjoin 276 ensue

histrionic muse overt quorum tainted perfunctory drab rejoinder endue

277 entreat (request earnestly) endear (make loveable) elucidate (explain, rid 278 enunciate (state clearly) confusion) 279 ephemeral ethereal 280 eulogistic eugenic 281 smug snub 282 fetter fester

bovine (cow like, dull and slow-moving)


spangle apostle sedition (inciting resistance) pine

dapper (smart dressing) philanderer surreptitious sardonic (Disdainfully or ironically humorous; scornful and mocking)


elicit (deduce, evoke)

283 forbearence 284 frolicsome (sportive) 285 gait 286 guffaw 287 elysian 288 incur interloper (Someone who intrudes on the privacy or property of another 289 without permission) jab (Poke or thrust 290 abruptly) 291 cloister 292 wanton gnome (pithy statement, 293 dwarf) abscess (Symptom consisting of a localized collection of pus surrounded by inflamed 294 tissue) 295 apposite 296 apprehensive 297 assiduous 298 discreet (prudence) 299 snare 300 inexorable 301 sextant 302 surfeit 303 castigate 304 sardonic 305 secession 306 roster 307 obstinate 308 privation 309 sinewy 310 supplicate 311 babble 312 palette

forebears frivolous gaiety (of gay) gaffe halcyon incursion


elope jabber boisterous wont/unwonted


gnaw (bite, chew)

abscise apposition (side by side) apprehensible (capable of being understood) acidulous discrete snarl (angry growl, make more complicated by entanglements) exonerate extant counterfeit castrate saturnine recess (adjourn, pause) rostrum obdurate (stony, persistent) privy sinuous implicate (imply, incriminate) bauble pallet



explicate palate

entail (imply, Limit the inheritance of property to a 313 specific class of heirs) entice 314 coda (conclusion) 315 dolt 316 crabbed 317 eclectic

aria (operatic solo) molt drab eclesiastic (chruch related)

libretto (text) dote

318 upbraid (reproach) 319 slight mumble (talk indistinctly, 320 in a low voice) 321 tribulation 322 unwitting 323 fortuitous 324 vitreous (of glass) exhaustive 325 (thorough) 326 wane yeoman (In former times was free and cultivated his 327 own land) 328 yen 329 wean 330 chasm 331 sap

braid sleight (adroitness) prate (rapid and indistinct) tribunal uncanny gratuitous vitriolic (harsh, corrosive) exhausting (tiring) wan

yesman yore glean chassis sop (saturate) fustian (n) (pompous 332 fusty (adj) (old-fashioned) talk/writing) 333 rife strife 334 erudite esoteric 335 impassioned impassive 336 ardor arduous 337 precipitate precipitous evangelical (ardent 338 enthusiasm) angelic 339 adore adorn 340 wither dither (be agitated) skunk (contemptible 341 person) spunk (mettle, nerve) 342 chicanery chivalry 343 hyperbole hypercritical 344 rail 345 cloister 346 affected (sham) authoritative 347 (established authority) bigotry 348 (stubborn intolerance) 349 founder palter (be deliberately 350 ambiguous) 351 bond (strong relationship) 352 disaffected

raillery (Light teasing repartee) cloistered disaffected (disloyal, malcontent) authoritarian (tyrannical, overbearing) tyranny (autocratic) flounder (awkward, walk with difficulty) paltry bondage (The state of being under the control of another person.) disaffect (arouse hostility or indifference)

plight gabble (rapid and indistinct)

dispassion precipice

353 slack (slake) 354 dodgy 355 presumptuous 356 reproach 357 pandemonium 358 pathos 359 bluff 360 proscribe 361 fumble (handle clumsily) entrench (fix firmly; 362 infringe) 363 364 365 366 367 368

slake (slack) stodgy preposterous rapproachement compendium ethos ruffian ostracize mumble retrench (economize)

trenchant (cutting, sarcastic)





punctilious (Marked by precise accordance with details)


lumber (Move heavily or clumsily)



inure intractable


ephemeral provoke (Provide the needed stimulus for; Annoy continually or chronically)

erratic (fickle, wandering)

arrant (absolute)


wallow (welter, roll around) sallow (unhealthy looking)

farce fluster (Cause to be nervous or upset)





dingy (Depressing in character or appearance; Thickly covered with ingrained dirt or soot)


muggy (humid)


forage (The act of searching for food and provisions)

flay (strip off skin; plunder)

exuberant (ebullient) iniquity (Morally objectionable behavior)


muster (gather)



haggle gavel (A small mallet/hammer used by a presiding officer or a judge)


expostulation (remonstrance)

mull (Reflect deeply on a subject)

pall (Cause to become flat)

writhe (twisting motion)

petulant pernicious




accoutre raze



rile (annoy by minor irritations) scuffle (struggle)

tarry (dawdle)

rail snuffle (whine with snuffing)




feline (cat like)

resent (feel bitter or indignant about)





cauline (of leaves)

tempo (speed)

timbre (quality)


prattle (rapid and indistinct)


blabber (rapid and indistinct)

fractious (Easily irritated or annoyed; Stubbornly resistant to authority or control) factious

impetuous (violent)

torpid (Slow and apathetic) lurid (Ghastly pale)



cantata (oratorio)

canto (division of a poem)



pallid (Lacking in vitality or sordid (Morally interest or effectiveness) degraded)

turgid (distended, Ostentatiously lofty in style)






1 Undergird 2 aver 3 effrontery 4 chimerical 5 bevy 6 recreant 7 polemic 8 turgid 9 livid 10 unsullied 11 opprobrious 12 sallow 13 deft 14 quixotic 15 gambol 16 defendant 17 ephemeral 18 utilitarian


Make secure underneath.; Lend moral support to.

Undermine deny deference, shyness prosaic clique

fantastic, unreal large group Lacking even the rudiments of courage; abjectly fearful. gallant A controversy (especially over a belief or dogma). aggreement flaccid purplish tarnished commendatory ruddy inept pragmatic plod plaintiff persistent Having utility often to the exclusion of values. artistic

19 viscid 20 convivial 21 jocose 22 euphoria 23 impolitic 24 asset 25 factitious 26 ensemble 27 blasé 28 salubrious 29 proximate 30 obstreperous 31 turgid 32 ossify 33 evasive 34 pillory 35 quell 36 kith 37 obligatory 38 gourmet 39 sardonic


slick unsociable morose discomfort advisable liability spontaneous solo ardent miasmic distant quiet flaccid transcend conventions frank venerate foment Your friends and acquaintances. epicurean

strangers optional glutton (gourmand) sincere

40 arrant 41 antithesis 42 haggard 43 verdant 44 notorious 45 avid 46 precarious 47 ethereal 48 cadge 49 supine 50 scurvy 51 goad


light, insubstantial; heavenly Ask for and get free; be a parasite.

partial similarity plump faded angelic loath firmly grounded (for the meaning - unstable) tangible earn vigilant above reproach curb

52 diabolical 53 phlegmatic

seraphic effusive

54 tractable


55 decant

slosh out

56 bent (n) 57 flinch 58 convoke 59 acquit 60 opportune 61 acarpous 62 sagacious 63 cupidity 64 vapid 65 blithe 66 palatial 67 fatuous 68 flamboyant 69 tenuous 70 reticent 71 parry 72 paltry 73 relish 74 lumber 75 gauche 76 postulate 77 complaisance 78 cogent 79 incredulity 80 ethical/moral

A special way of doing something.

producing no fruit

when it means - Cool and formal in manner.

When it means - Take as a given; assume as a postulate or axiom.

ineptitude extol? - doubtful adjourn convict awkward fecund stupid altruism spirited grave humble sensible restrained substantial brazen discuss significant dislike glide tactful verify churlishness fatuous gullibility expedient

81 chicanery 82 mince 83 flippant 84 amortize 85 philistine

aboveboard action stride earnest suddenly increase one's indebtedness. aesthete

Make less severe or harsh.

Liquidate gradually.

86 acerbity 87 mannered 88 revere 89 consider 90 grievous

mellowness natural profane table When it means - Of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought.


91 palliate


92 diffident

brassy infrequently visited place qualified unspoiled

93 purlieu 94 absolute 95 cosseted 96 buck 97 98 bristle 99 abjure 100 aggrandize 101 vigilant

102 fastidious 103 tractable 104 rescission 105 Reciprocating 106 factional 107 facetious 108 bungle 109 apposite 110 111 pique 112 verisimilar

113 teetotalism 114 exact

To strive with determination.; to resist

assent to Real tests 19 cower affirm disparage oblivious

Giving and careful attention to detail; hard to please; excessively concerned with cleanliness. coarse incorrigible enactment moving unidirectionally disinterested earnest bring off extraneous Big Book tests (starting from test 10) mollify implausible

intemperance forgive

115 clinch 116 rave 117 forestall 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

Settle conclusively.

make more doubtful pan precipitate

Not an antonym/ Meaning Not the best antonym Hollow out as if making a cave or opening; Destroy property or hinder normal operations. refuse

small group Unflinching in battle or action.


Having a smooth, gleaming surface. Showing a brooding ill humor. appropriate





Having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub. Habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition. Spill or splash copiously or clumsily. nonchalance advance eradicate sentence

irrational hate premeditated dim disordered terrible old-fashioned obdurate

thrust myriad avoid fashionable reject

belief, conviction

Without concealment or deception; honest.

honest opinion sane

The property of a sound that has a rich and pleasing timbre. comfort ignorant disgrace postpone deter sparkling irritate frustrate Unrestrained by convention or propriety.


al tests 19 coerce insist, pronounce shun the company of ignorant

willing insatiable stimulation accepting provisionally undistinguished forbearing v. Be successful; achieve a goal.

pull through vicarious

(starting from test 10) dissuade digressing, unusual n. Consumption of alcoholic drinks.; Immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites.; The quality of being intemperate. proclivity, liberalism deny

Treat cruelly; hinder or prevent

loose sight of snub, flak prolong

abbess n. The lady superior of a nunnery. abbey n. The group of buildings which collectively form the dwelling-place of a society of monks or nuns. abbot n. The superior of a community of monks. abed adv. In bed; on a bed. aboveboard adv. & adj. Without concealment, fraud, or trickery. abscess n. A Collection of pus in a cavity formed within some tissue of the body. accordion n. A portable free-reed (string) musical instrument. accouter v. To dress. accursed adj. Doomed to evil, misery, or misfortune. Achillean adj. Invulnerable. actionable adj. Affording cause for instituting an action, as trespass, slanderous words. actuary n. An officer, as of an insurance company, who calculates and states the risks and premiums. ado n. unnecessary activity or ceremony; A rapid bustling commotion. adoration n. Profound devotion. adumbrate v. To represent beforehand in outline or by emblem; insinuate aerostat n. A balloon or other apparatus floating in or sustained by the air. affectation n. A studied or ostentatious pretense or attempt. afire adv. & adj. On fire, literally or figuratively. afoot adv. In progress. aforesaid adj. Said in a preceding part or before. afresh adv. Once more, after rest or interval. afterthought n. A thought that comes later than its appropriate or expected time. aggress v. To make the first attack. aide-de-camp n. An officer who receives and transmits the orders of the general. airy adj. Delicate, ethereal akin adj. Of similar nature or qualities. alabaster n. A white or delicately tinted fine-grained gypsum. albino n. A person with milky white skin and hair, and eyes with bright red pupil and usually pink iris. alder n. Any shrub or small tree of the genus Alumnus, of the oak family. alderman n. A member of a municipal legislative body, who usually exercises also certain judicial functions. alluvion n. Flood. altar n. Any raised place or structure on which sacrifices may be offered or incense burned. alto n. The lowest or deepest female voice or part. amatory adj. Designed to excite love. ambrosial adj. Divinely sweet, fragrant, or delicious. amour n. A love-affair, especially one of an illicit nature. anemometer n. An instrument for measuring the force or velocity of wind. anew adv. Once more. Anglo-Saxon n. The entire English race wherever found, as in Europe, the United States, or India. anhydrous adj. Withered. ante v. In the game of poker, to put up a stake before the cards are dealt. antechamber n. A waiting room for those who seek audience;A large entrance or reception room or area. antedate v. To assign or affix a date to earlier than the actual one. antemundane adj. Pertaining to time before the world's creation. antenatal adj. Occurring or existing before birth. anterior adj. Prior. anteroom n. A room situated before and opening into another, usually larger. anthology n. A collection of extracts from the writings of various authors. anthracite n. Hard coal. antic n. A grotesque, ludicrous, or fantastic action. antilogy n. Inconsistency or contradiction in terms or ideas.

antipathize v. To show or feel a feeling of antagonism, aversion, or dislike. antiphon n. A response or alteration of responses, generally musical. antiphony n. An anthem or other composition sung responsively. antipodes n. A place or region on the opposite side of the earth. antiquary n. One who collects and examines old things, as coins, books, medals, weapons, etc. antiquate v. To make old or out of date. antique adj. Pertaining to ancient times. antistrophe n. The inversion of terms in successive classes, as in "the home of joy and the joy of home". apogee n. The climax. apostle n. Any messenger commissioned by or as by divine authority. appellate adj. Capable of being appealed to. appertain v. To belong, as by right, fitness, association, classification, possession, or natural relation. apposition n. The act of placing side by side, together, or in contact. apprehensible adj. Capable of being conceived. aqueduct n. A water-conduit, particularly one for supplying a community from a distance. arbor n. A tree. arboreal adj. Of or pertaining to a tree or trees. arborescent adj. Having the nature of a tree. archangel n. An angel of high rank. archbishop n. The chief of the bishops of an ecclesiastical province in the Greek, Roman, and Anglican church. archdeacon n. A high official administrator of the affairs of a diocese. arrant adj. Notoriously bad. arrogate v. To take, demand, or claim, especially presumptuously or without reasons or grounds. Artesian well n. A very deep bored well. water rises due to underground pressure ascension n. The act of rising. assignee n. One who is appointed to act for another in the management of certain property and interests. assonance n. Resemblance or correspondence in sound. assonant adj. Having resemblance of sound. assonate v. To accord in sound, especially vowel sound. athirst adj. Wanting water. athwart adv. From side to side. atomizer n. An apparatus for reducing a liquid to a fine spray, as for disinfection, inhalation, etc. attache n. A subordinate member of a diplomatic embassy. auburn adj. Reddish-brown, said usually of the hair. audacious adj. Fearless. audible adj. Loud enough to be heard. audition n. The act or sensation of hearing. aural adj. Of or pertaining to the ear. auricle n. One of the two chambers of the heart which receives the blood from the veins. auricular adj. Of or pertaining to the ear, its auricle, or the sense of hearing. auriferous adj. Containing gold. autarchy n. Unrestricted power. autocracy n. Absolute government. autocrat n. Any one who claims or wields unrestricted or undisputed authority or influence. avocation n. Diversion. aye adv. An expression of assent. azalea n. A flowering shrub. azure n. The color of the sky. Baconian adj. Of or pertaining to Lord Bacon or his system of philosophy. bailiff n. An officer of court having custody of prisoners under arraignment. baize n. A single-colored napped woolen fabric used for table-covers, curtains, etc. bale n. A large package prepared for transportation or storage.

ballad n. Any popular narrative poem, often with epic subject and usually in lyric form. balsam n. A medical preparation, aromatic and oily, used for healing. barcarole n. A boat-song of Venetian gondoliers. barograph n. An instrument that registers graphically and continuously the atmospheric pressure. barometer n. An instrument for indicating the atmospheric pressure per unit of surface. barring prep. Apart from. baritone adj. Having a register higher than bass and lower than tenor. baste v. To cover with melted fat, gravy, while cooking. baton n. An official staff borne either as a weapon or as an emblem of authority or privilege. battalion n. A body of infantry composed of two or more companies, forming a part of a regiment. batten n. A narrow strip of wood. batter n. A thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used in cookery. bawl v. To proclaim by outcry. beau n. An escort or lover. becalm v. To make quiet. beck v. To give a signal to, by nod or gesture. bedaub v. To smear over, as with something oily or sticky. bedeck v. To cover with ornament. bedlam n. Madhouse. befog v. To confuse. begrudge v. To envy one of the possession of. belate v. To delay past the proper hour. belay v. To make fast, as a rope, by winding round a cleat. belie v. To misrepresent. belle n. A woman who is a center of attraction because of her beauty, accomplishments, etc. benefice n. A church office endowed with funds or property for the maintenance of divine service. bereave v. To make desolate with loneliness and grief. berth n. A bunk or bed in a vessel, sleeping-car, etc. besmear v. To smear over, as with any oily or sticky substance. bestial adj. Animal. bestrew v. To sprinkle or cover with things strewn. bestride v. To get or sit upon astride, as a horse. bethink v. To remind oneself. betide v. To happen to or befall. betimes adv. In good season or time. bevel n. Any inclination of two surfaces other than 90 degrees. bewilder v. To confuse the perceptions or judgment of. bibliomania n. The passion for collecting books. bibliography n. A list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular subject. bibliophile n. One who loves books. bibulous adj. Fond of drinking. bide v. To await. biennial n. A plant that produces leaves and roots the first year and flowers and fruit the second. bier n. A horizontal framework with two handles at eac bight n. A slightly receding bay between headlands, formed by a long curve of a coast-line. biped n. An animal having two feet. blase adj. Sated with pleasure. blaspheme v. To indulge in profane oaths. blazon v. To make widely or generally known. blemish n. A mark that mars beauty. blithesome adj. Cheerful. blockade n. The shutting up of a town, a frontier, or a line of coast by hostile forces.

boatswain n. A subordinate officer of a vessel, who has general charge of the rigging, anchors, etc. bodice n. A women's ornamental corset-shaped laced waist. bole n. The trunk or body of a tree. bolero n. A Spanish dance, illustrative of the passion of love, accompanied by caste nets and singing. boll n. A round pod or seed-capsule, as a flax or cotton. borough n. An incorporated village or town. bosom n. The breast or the upper front of the thorax of a human being, especially of a woman. Bowdlerize v. To expurgate in editing (a literary composition) by omitting words or passages. brae n. Hillside. bray n. A loud harsh sound, as the cry of an ass or the blast of a horn. braze v. To make of or ornament with brass. brazier n. An open pan or basin for holding live coals. breach n. The violation of official duty, lawful right, or a legal obligation. breaker n. One who trains horses, dogs, etc. breech n. The buttocks. brethren n. pl. Members of a brotherhood, gild, profession, association, or the like. brevity n. Shortness of duration. bric-a-brac n. Objects of curiosity or for decoration. bridle n. The head-harness of a horse consisting of a head-stall, a bit, and the reins. brigade n. A body of troops consisting of two or more regiments. brigadier n. General officer who commands a brigade, ranking between a colonel and a major-general. brigand n. One who lives by robbery and plunder. brimstone n. Sulfur. brine n. Water saturated with salt. brogan n. A coarse, heavy shoe. brogue n. Any dialectic pronunciation of English, especially that of the Irish people. brooch n. An article of jewelry fastened by a hinged pin and hook on the underside. browbeat v. To overwhelm, or attempt to do so, by stern, haughty, or rude address or manner. bulbous adj. Of, or pertaining to, or like a bulb. bullock n. An ox. bulrush n. Any one of various tall rush-like plants growing in damp ground or water. bumper n. A cup or glass filled to the brim, especially one to be drunk as a toast or health. bumptious adj. Full of offensive and aggressive self-conceit. burgess n. In colonial times, a member of the lower house of the legislature of Maryland or Virginia. burgher n. An inhabitant, citizen or freeman of a borough burgh, or corporate town. burnish v. To make brilliant or shining. bursar n. A treasurer. bustle v. To hurry. butt v. To strike with or as with the head, or horns. butte n. A conspicuous hill, low mountain, or natural turret, generally isolated. cadenza n. An embellishment or flourish, prepared or improvised, for a solo voice or instrument. caitiff adj. Cowardly. calculus n. A concretion formed in various parts of the body resembling a pebble in hardness. callosity n. The state of being hard and insensible. Calvary n. The place where Christ was crucified. Calvinism n. The system of doctrine taught by John Calvin. Calvinize v. To teach or imbue with the doctrines of Calvinism. came n. A leaden sash-bar or grooved strip for fastening panes in stained-glass windows. Canaanite n. A member of one of the three tribes that dwelt in the land of Canaan, or western Palestine. canary adj. Of a bright but delicate yellow. canon n. Any rule or law. cant v. To talk in a singsong, preaching tone with affected solemnity.

cantonment n. The part of the town or district in which the troops are quartered. carouse v. To drink deeply and in boisterous or jovial manner. cartilage n. An elastic animal tissue of firm consistence. cartridge n. A charge for a firearm, or for blasting. cession n. Surrender, as of possessions or rights. chancery n. A court of equity, as distinguished from a common-law court. chasm n. A yawning hollow, as in the earth's surface. chateau n. A castle or manor-house. chattel n. Any article of personal property. chiffon n. A very thin gauze used for trimmings, evening dress, etc. chivalry n. The knightly system of feudal times with its code, usages and practices. choral adj. Pertaining to, intended for, or performed by a chorus or choir. cipher v. To calculate arithmetically. (also a noun meaning zero or nothing) claimant n. One who makes a claim or demand, as of right. clan n. A tribe. close-hauled adj. Having the sails set for sailing as close to the wind as possible. clothier n. One who makes or sells cloth or clothing. coalescence n. The act or process of coming together so as to form one body, combination, or product. coalition n. Combination in a body or mass. collier n. One who works in a coal-mine. colloquy n. Conversation. commingle v. To blend. commissariat n. The department of an army charged with the provision of its food and water and daily needs. complaisance n. Politeness. complaisant adj. Agreeable. concussion n. A violent shock to some organ by a fall or a sudden blow. condescend v. To come down voluntarily to equal terms with inferiors. conduce v. To bring about. confectionery n. The candy collectively that a confectioner makes or sells, as candy. confederacy n. A number of states or persons in compact or league with each other, as for mutual aid. confederate n. One who is united with others in a league, compact, or agreement. confessor n. A spiritual advisor. conformance n. The act or state or conforming. conformable adj. Harmonious. conformation n. General structure, form, or outline. conformity n. Correspondence in form, manner, or use. conjugate adj. Joined together in pairs. conjugation n. The state or condition of being joined together. consul n. An officer appointed to reside in a foreign city, chiefly to represent his country. consumptive adj. Designed for gradual destruction. contraposition n. A placing opposite. contuse v. To bruise by a blow, either with or without the breaking of the skin. convolve v. To move with a circling or winding motion. convoy n. A protecting force accompanying property in course of transportation. coronet n. Inferior crown denoting, according to its form, various degrees of noble rank less than sovereign. cosmogony n. A doctrine of creation or of the origin of the universe. countervail v. To offset. counting-house n. A house or office used for transacting business, bookkeeping, correspondence, etc. countryman n. A rustic. courser n. A fleet and spirited horse. covenant n. An agreement entered into by two or more persons or parties. covey n. A flock of quails or partridges.

coxswain n. One who steers a rowboat, or one who has charge of a ship's boat and its crew under an officer. crag n. A rugged, rocky projection on a cliff or ledge. cranium n. The skull of an animal, especially that part enclosing the brain. creak n. A sharp, harsh, squeaking sound. creamery n. A butter-making establishment. crevasse n. A deep crack or fissure in the ice of a glacier. crockery n. Earthenware made from baked clay. crucible n. A trying and purifying test or agency. crusade n. Any concerted movement, vigorously prosecuted, in behalf of an idea or principle. crustacean adj. Pertaining to a division of arthropods, containing lobsters, crabs, crawfish, etc. crustaceous adj. Having a crust-like shell. cudgel n. A short thick stick used as a club. curio n. A piece of bric-a-brac. curt adj. Concise, compressed, and abrupt in act or expression. curtail v. To cut off or cut short. curtsy n. A downward movement of the body by bending the knees. cycloid adj. Like a circle. cygnet n. A young swan. darkling adv. Blindly. dastard n. A base coward. datum n. A premise, starting-point, or given fact. day-man n. A day-laborer. dead-heat n. A race in which two or more competitors come out even, and there is no winner. decalogue n. The ten commandments. Decameron n. A volume consisting of ten parts or books. decamp v. To leave suddenly or unexpectedly. decapitate v. To behead. decapod adj. Ten-footed or ten-armed. decasyllable n. A line of ten syllables. declamation n. A speech recited or intended for recitation from memory in public. declamatory adj. A full and formal style of utterance. declension n. The change of endings in nouns and adj. to express their different relations of gender. defalcate v. To cut off or take away, as a part of something. deist n. One who believes in God, but denies supernatural revelation. delectable adj. Delightful to the taste or to the senses. delectation n. Delight. deliquesce v. To dissolve gradually and become liquid by absorption of moisture from the air. delirious adj. Raving. demulcent n. Any application soothing to an irritable surface demurrage n. the detention of a vessel beyond the specified time of sailing. dendroid adj. Like a tree. dendrology n. The natural history of trees. denominate v. To give a name or epithet to. denomination n. A body of Christians united by a common faith and form of worship and discipline. dentifrice n. Any preparation used for cleaning the teeth. deponent adj. Laying down. depopulate v. To remove the inhabitants from. deport v. To take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony. deportment n. Demeanor. derrick n. An apparatus for hoisting and swinging great weights. desist v. To cease from action. desistance n. Cessation.

despond v. To lose spirit, courage, or hope. detrude v. To push down forcibly. deviate v. To take a different course. devilry n. Malicious mischief. deviltry n. Wanton and malicious mischief. diacritical adj. Marking a difference. dialectician n. A logician. dictum n. A positive utterance. digraph n. A union of two characters representing a single sound. diphthong n. The sound produced by combining two vowels in to a single syllable or running together the sounds. discountenance v. To look upon with disfavor. discreet adj. Judicious. discrepant adj. Opposite. disfavor n. Disregard. disfigure v. To impair or injure the beauty, symmetry, or appearance of. dishabille n. Undress or negligent attire. disillusion v. To disenchant. dispensation n. That which is bestowed on or appointed to one from a higher power. disreputable adj. Dishonorable or disgraceful. disrepute n. A bad name or character. disrobe v. To unclothe. dissentient n. One who disagrees. dissentious adj. Contentious. disservice n. An ill turn. dissever v. To divide. distemper n. A disease or malady. distensible adj. Capable of being stretched out or expanded in every direction. distention n. Expansion. distrain v. To subject a person to distress. distrainor n. One who subjects a person to distress. divagation n. Digression. doe n. The female of the deer. dolor n. Lamentation. drachma n. A modern and an ancient Greek coin. dragnet n. A net to be drawn along the bottom of the water. dragoon n. In the British army, a cavalryman. dun v. To make a demand or repeated demands on for payment. durance n. Confinement. duteous adj. Showing submission to natural superiors. dutiable adj. Subject to a duty, especially a customs duty. dyne n. The force which, applied to a mass of one gram for 1 second, would give it a velocity of 1 cm/s. edict n. That which is uttered or proclaimed by authority as a rule of action. effulgence n. Splendor. emblazon v. To set forth publicly or in glowing terms. embolism n. An obstruction or plugging up of an artery or other blood-vessel. emeritus adj. Retired from active service but retained to an honorary position. enlist v. To enter voluntarily the military service by formal enrollment. ennoble v. To dignify. enshrine v. To keep sacred. ensnare v. To entrap. entail v. To involve; necessitate. entrails n. pl. The internal parts of an animal.

entreaty n. An earnest request. entwine v. To interweave. epicycle n. A circle that rolls upon the external or internal circumference of another circle. epicycloid n. A curve traced by a point on the circumference of a circle which rolls upon another circle. epiphany n. Any appearance or bodily manifestation of a deity. epizootic adj. Prevailing among animals. epode n. A species of lyric poems. espy v. To keep close watch. esquire n. A title of dignity, office, or courtesy. evanesce v. To vanish gradually. evangelical adj. Seeking the conversion of sinners. evangelist n. A preacher who goes from place to place holding services. evert v. To turn inside out. evict v. To dispossess pursuant to judicial decree. excrescence n. Any unnatural addition, outgrowth, or development. excruciate v. To inflict severe pain or agony upon. excursion n. A journey. expectorate v. To cough up and spit forth. exposition n. Formal presentation. expository adj. Pertaining to a formal presentation. extensor n. A muscle that causes extension. extenuate v. To diminish the gravity or importance of. fabulous adj. Incredible. famish v. To suffer extremity of hunger or thirst. fancier n. One having a taste for or interest in special objects. faun n. One of a class of deities of the woods and herds represented as half human, with goats feet. fawn n. A young deer. fealty n. Loyalty. fernery n. A place in which ferns are grown. festal adj. Joyous. fez n. A brimless felt (A fabric made of compressed matted animal fibers.) cap in the shape of a truncated cone, usu fiducial adj. Indicative of faith or trust. fief n. A landed estate held under feudal tenure. finery n. That which is used to decorate the person or dress. fishmonger n. One who sells fish. flatulence n. Accumulation of gas in the stomach and bowels. flection n. The act of bending. flue n. A smoke-duct in a chimney. folio n. A sheet of paper folded once, or of a size adapted to folding once. folk-lore n. The traditions, beliefs, and customs of the common people. fondle v. To handle tenderly and lovingly. foolery n. Folly. foot-note n. A note of explanation or comment at the foot of a page or column. foppery n. Dandyism. forby adv. Besides. forecourt n. A court opening directly from the street. forejudge v. To judge of before hearing evidence. forepeak n. The extreme forward part of a ship's hold, under the lowest deck. foreshore n. That part of a shore uncovered at low tide. forecastle n. That part of the upper deck of a ship forward of the after fore-shrouds. foreclose v. To bar by judicial proceedings the equitable right of a mortgagor to redeem property. foreman n. The head man.

foreordain v. To predetermine. foreordination n. Predestination. forerun v. To go before as introducing or ushering in. foresail n. A square sail. forfeit v. To lose possession of through failure to fulfill some obligation. forfend v. To ward off. frankincense n. A gum or resin which on burning yields aromatic fumes. fray v. To fret at the edge so as to loosen or break the threads. freemason n. A member of an ancient secret fraternity originally confined to skilled artisans. freethinker n. One who rejects authority or inspiration in religion. free trade n. Commerce unrestricted by tariff or customs. frizz v. To give a crinkled, fluffy appearance to. frizzle v. To cause to crinkle or curl, as the hair. frowzy adj. Slovenly in appearance. fugacious adj. Fleeting. fumigate v. To subject to the action of smoke or fumes, especially for disinfection. fungible adj. That may be measured, counted, or weighed. fungous adj. Spongy. furlong n. A measure, one-eighth of a mile. furlough n. A temporary absence of a soldier or sailor by permission of the commanding officer. furrier n. A dealer in or maker of fur goods. fusible adj. Capable of being melted by heat. gaily adv. Merrily. gait n. Carriage of the body in going. gallant adj. Possessing a brave or chivalrous spirit. galore adj. Abundant. gamester n. A gambler. garrison n. The military force stationed in a fort, town, or other place for its defense. garrote v. To execute by strangling. gendarme n. In continental Europe, particularly in France, a uniformed and armed police officer. genealogist n. A tracer of pedigrees. genitive adj. Indicating source, origin, possession, or the like. gentile adj. Belonging to a people not Jewish. gladden v. To make joyous. glazier n. One who cuts and fits panes of glass, as for windows. globose adj. Spherical. gnash v. To grind or strike the teeth together, as from rage. Gordian knot n. Any difficulty the only issue out of which is by bold or unusual manners. gosling n. A young goose. gossamer adj. Flimsy. gourd n. A melon, pumpkin, squash, or some similar fruit having a hard rind. gradient adj. Moving or advancing by steps. grapple v. To take hold of. gratification n. Satisfaction. grenadier n. A member of a regiment composed of men of great stature. guinea n. An English monetary unit. gumption n. Common sense. guzzle v. To swallow greedily or hastily; gulp. gyrate v. To revolve. gyroscope n. An instrument for illustrating the laws of rotation. hanger-on n. A parasite. happy-go-lucky adj. Improvident.

hard-hearted adj. Lacking pity or sympathy. hardihood n. Foolish daring. hawthorn n. A thorny shrub much used in England for hedges. head first adv. Precipitately, as in diving. head foremost adv. Precipitately, as in diving. heartrending adj. Very depressing. heathenish adj. Irreligious. heedless adj. Thoughtless. heifer n. A young cow. henchman n. A servile assistant and subordinate. henpeck v. To worry or harass by ill temper and petty annoyances. hoarse adj. Having the voice harsh or rough, as from a cold or fatigue. homonym n. A word agreeing in sound with but different in meaning from another. honorarium n. A token fee or payment to a professional man for services. hoodwink v. To deceive. horde n. A gathered multitude of human beings. hosiery n. A stocking. huckster n. One who retails small wares. humbug n. Anything intended or calculated to deceive or mislead. hussar n. A light-horse trooper armed with saber and carbine. hydrometer n. An instrument for determining the density of solids and liquids by flotation. hypercritical adj. Faultfinding. ichthyic adj. Fish-like. ichthyosaurs n. A fossil reptile. icily adv. Frigidly. iciness n. The state of being icy. Iliad n. A Greek epic poem describing scenes from the siege of Troy. illiberal adj. Stingy. imbrue v. To wet or moisten. immiscible adj. Separating, as oil and water. impassable adj. That can not be passed through or over. impassible adj. Not moved or affected by feeling. imperil v. To endanger. imperious adj. Insisting on obedience. impersonal adj. Not relating to a particular person or thing. impersonate v. To appear or act in the character of. impliable adj. Capable of being inferred. implicate v. To show or prove to be involved in or concerned importation n. The act or practice of bringing from one country into another. impregnable adj. That can not be taken by assault. impulsion n. Impetus. inbred adj. Innate. incandescence n. The state of being white or glowing with heat. incandescent adj. White or glowing with heat. inchmeal adv. Piecemeal. inconsequential adj. Valueless. indicant adj. That which points out. indiscreet adj. Lacking wise judgment. indulgence n. The yielding to inclination, passion, desire, or propensity in oneself or another. infirmary n. A place for the reception or treatment of the sick. infuse v. To instill, introduce, or inculcate, as principles or qualities. infusion n. The act of imbuing, or pouring in.

ingenuity n. Cleverness in contriving, combining, or originating. inglorious adj. Shameful. ingraft v. To set or implant deeply and firmly. inhospitable adj. Not disposed to entertain strangers gratuitously. inhume v. To place in the earth, as a dead body. injunction n. Mandate. inlet n. A small body of water leading into a larger. inmost adj. Deepest within. inroad n. Forcible encroachment or trespass. insentient adj. Lacking the power of feeling or perceiving. intemperance n. Immoderate action or indulgence, as of the appetites. intension n. The act of stringing or stretching, or state of being strained. intercede v. To mediate between persons. intercession n. Entreaty in behalf of others. intercessor n. A mediator. interlude n. An action or event considered as coming between others of greater length. intervale n. A low tract of land between hills, especially along a river. intestacy n. The condition resulting from one's dying not having made a valid will. intestate adj. Not having made a valid will. intramural adj. Situated within the walls of a city. introgression n. Entrance. intromit v. To insert. involution n. Complication. inwardly adv. With no outward manifestation. irradiance n. Luster. irradiate v. To render clear and intelligible. irrefragable adj. That can not be refuted or disproved. irrefrangible adj. That can not be broken or violated. irrigant adj. Serving to water lands by artificial means. irruption n. Sudden invasion. isle n. An island. islet n. A little island. isobar n. A line joining points at which the barometric pressure is the same at a specified moment. isochronous adj. Relating to or denoting equal intervals of time. Jingo n. One of a party in Great Britain in favor of spirited and demonstrative foreign policy. joggle n. A sudden irregular shake or a push causing such a shake. journalize v. To keep a diary. judicature n. Distribution and administration of justice by trial and judgment. juggle v. To play tricks of sleight of hand. jugglery n. The art or practice of sleight of hand. jugular adj. Pertaining to the throat. juridical adj. Assumed by law to exist. keepsake n. Anything kept or given to be kept for the sake of the giver. kerchief n. A square of linen, silk, or other material, used as a covering for the head or neck. kernel n. A grain or seed. kiln n. An oven or furnace for baking, burning, or drying industrial products. kimono n. A loose robe, fastening with a sash, the principal outer garment in Japan. kingling n. A petty king. kingship n. Royal state. kinsfolk n. pl. Relatives. knight errant n. One of the wandering knights who in the middle ages went forth in search of adventure. knighthood n. Chivalry.

lacteal adj. Milky. lactic adj. Pertaining to milk. laddie n. A lad. ladle n. A cup-shaped vessel with a long handle, intended for dipping up and pouring liquids. lassie n. A little lass (A girl or young woman who is unmarried). latish adj. Rather late. lattice n. Openwork of metal or wood, formed by crossing or interlacing strips or bars. laundress n. Washerwoman. laureate adj. Crowned with laurel, as a mark of distinction. lave v. To wash or bathe. lawgiver n. A legislator. lawmaker n. A legislator. lea n. A field. leaflet n. A little leaf or a booklet. leeward n. That side or direction toward which the wind blows. legacy n. A bequest. legging n. A covering for the leg. legionary n. A member of an ancient Roman legion or of the modern French Legion of Honor. leviathan n. Any large animal, as a whale. licit adj. Lawful. liege adj. Sovereign. ligament n. That which binds objects together. ligature n. Anything that constricts, or serves for binding or tying. linear adj. Of the nature of a line. liner n. A vessel belonging to a steamship-line. lingo n. Language. lingua n. The tongue. liquefacient adj. Possessing a liquefying nature or power. liqueur n. An alcoholic cordial sweetened and flavored with aromatic substances. lithesome adj. Nimble. lithograph n. A print made by printing from stone. lithotype n. In engraving, an etched stone surface for printing. litigant n. A party to a lawsuit. litigate v. To cause to become the subject-matter of a suit at law. litigious adj. Quarrelsome. littoral adj. Of, pertaining to, or living on a shore. liturgy n. A ritual. locative adj. Indicating place, or the place where or wherein an action occurs. loch n. A lake. lodgment n. The act of furnishing with temporary quarters. lordling n. A little lord. lough n. A lake or loch. louse n. A small insect parasitic on and sucking the blood of mammals. lunacy n. Mental unsoundness. lune n. The moon. lyre n. One of the most ancient of stringed instruments of the harp class. macadamize v. To cover or pave, as a path or roadway, with small broken stone. macrocosm n. The whole of any sphere or department of nature or knowledge to which man is related. madden v. To inflame with passion. Madonna n. A painted or sculptured representation of the Virgin, usually with the infant Jesus. magician n. A sorcerer. maleficent adj. Mischievous.

mallet n. A wooden hammer. maltreat v. To treat ill, unkindly, roughly, or abusively. man-trap n. A place or structure dangerous to human life. mane n. The long hair growing upon and about the neck of certain animals, as the horse and the lion. manor n. The landed estate of a lord or nobleman. mantel n. The facing, sometimes richly ornamented, about a fireplace, including the usual shelf above it. mantle n. A cloak. maroon v. To put ashore and abandon (a person) on a desolate coast or island. masquerade n. A social party composed of persons masked and costumed so as to be disguised. matinee n. An entertainment (especially theatrical) held in the dayt mead n. A meadow. medial adj. Of or pertaining to the middle. medley n. A composition of different songs or parts of songs arranged to run as a continuous whole. messieurs n. pl. Gentlemen. metempsychosis n. Transition of the soul of a human being at death into another body, whether human or beast. metonymy n. A figure of speech that consists in the naming of a thing by one of its attributes. metronome n. An instrument for indicating and marking exact time in music. mien n. The external appearance or manner of a person. millet n. A grass cultivated for forage and cereal. missal n. The book containing the service for the celebration of mass. miter n. The junction of two bodies at an equally divided angle. moat n. A ditch on the outside of a fortress wall. mobocracy n. Lawless control of public affairs by the mob or populace. moccasin n. A foot-covering made of soft leather or buckskin. mongrel n. The progeny resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties. monition n. Friendly counsel given by way of warning and implying caution or reproof. monograph n. A treatise discussing a single subject or branch of a subject. monomania n. The unreasonable pursuit of one idea. monsieur n. A French title of respect, equivalent to Mr. and sir. monstrosity n. Anything unnaturally huge or distorted. mordacious adj. Biting or giving to biting. mordant adj. Biting. muffle v. To deaden the sound of, as by wraps. mulatto n. The offspring of a white person and a black person. muleteer n. A mule-driver. muster n. An assemblage or review of troops for parade or inspection, or for numbering off. Narcissus n. The son of the Athenian river-god Cephisus, fabled to have fallen in love with his reflection. navel n. The depression on the abdomen where the umbilical cord of the fetus was attached. necrology n. A list of persons who have died in a certain place or time. necropolis n. A city of the dead. necrosis n. the death of part of the body. nectarine n. A variety of the peach. needlework n. Embroidery. negligee n. A loose gown worn by women. Nemesis n. A goddess; divinity of chastisement and vengeance. neocracy n. Government administered by new or untried persons. neo-Darwinsim n. Darwinism as modified and extended by more recent students. neo-Latin n. Modernized Latin. neopaganism n. A new or revived paganism (Any of various religions other than Christianity or Judaism or Islamism nestle v. To adjust cozily in snug quarters. nestling adj. Recently hatched. neuter adj. Neither masculine nor feminine.

nit n. The egg of a louse or some other insect. nomic adj. Usual or customary. nonpareil n. One who or that which is of unequaled excellence. nugatory adj. Having no power or force. oaken adj. Made of or from oak. oakum n. Hemp-fiber obtained by untwisting and picking out loosely the yarns of old hemp rope. oblong adj. Longer than broad: applied most commonly to rectangular objects considerably elongated obvert v. To turn the front or principal side of (a thing) toward any person or object. octave n. A note at this interval above or below any other, considered in relation to that other. octavo n. A book, or collection of paper in which the sheets are so folded as to make eight leaves. octogenarian adj. A person of between eighty and ninety years. officiate v. To act as an officer or leader. onrush n. Onset. onset n. An assault, especially of troops, upon an enemy or fortification. onslaught n. A violent onset. operetta n. A humorous play in dialogue and music, of more than one act. oratorio n. A composition for solo voices, chorus, and orchestra, generally taken from the Scriptures. orthopedic adj. Relating to the correcting or preventing of deformity orthopedist n. One who practices the correcting or preventing of deformity osculate v. To kiss. out-and-out adv. Genuinely. outride v. To ride faster than. outrigger n. A part built or arranged to project beyond a natural outline for support. outright adv. Entirely. overture n. An instrumental prelude to an opera, oratorio, or ballet. pagan n. A worshiper of false gods. pageant n. A dramatic representation, especially a spectacular one. palate n. The roof of the mouth. palinode n. A retraction. palsy n. Paralysis. paly adj. Lacking color or brilliancy. panoply n. A full set of armor. pantheism n. The worship of nature for itself or its beauty. Pantheon n. A circular temple at Rome with a fine Corinthian portico and a great domed roof. pantomime n. Sign-language. pantoscope n. A very wide-angled photographic lens. papacy n. The official head of the Roman Catholic Church. parable n. A brief narrative founded on real scenes or events usually with a moral. parentage n. The relation of parent to child, of the producer to the produced, or of cause to effect. parish n. The ecclesiastical district in charge of a pastor. paronymous adj. Derived from the same root or primitive word. parricide n. The murder of a parent. partisan adj. Characterized by or exhibiting undue or unreasoning devotion to a party. passible adj. Capable of feeling of suffering. patrician adj. Of senatorial or noble rank. patrimony n. An inheritance from an ancestor, especially from one's father. patronymic adj. Formed after one's father's name. patter v. To mumble something over and over. pauper n. One without means of support. pauperism n. Dependence on charity. pavilion n. An open structure for temporary shelter. peccable adj. Capable of sinning.

peccant adj. Guilty. pectoral adj. Pertaining to the breast or thorax. peddle v. To go about with a small stock of goods to sell. pedestal n. A base or support as for a column, statue, or vase. peerage n. The nobility. penitential adj. Pertaining to sorrow for sin with desire to amend and to atone. pennant n. A small flag. pentameter n. In prosody, a line of verse containing five units or feet. pentathlon n. The contest of five associated exercises in the great games and the same contestants. perambulate v. To walk about. percipience n. The act of perceiving. percipient n. One who or that which perceives. percolate v. To filter. percolator n. A filter. peremptory adj. Precluding question or appeal. persiflage n. Banter. personage n. A man or woman as an individual, especially one of rank or high station. pervert n. One who has forsaken a doctrine regarded as true for one esteemed false. peter v. To fail or lose power, efficiency, or value. pharmacopoeia n. A book containing the formulas and methods of preparation of medicines for the use of druggists philharmonic adj. Fond of music. phonogram n. A graphic character symbolizing an articulate sound. physiocracy n. The doctrine that land and its products are the only true wealth. physiography n. Description of nature. picayune adj. Of small value. piccolo n. A small flute. piecemeal adv. Gradually. pincers n. An instrument having two lever-handles and two jaws working on a pivot. pinchers n. An instrument having two jaws working on a pivot. planisphere n. A polar projection of the heavens on a chart. plenipotentiary n. A person fully empowered to transact any business. pluperfect adj. Expressing past time or action prior to some other past time or action (past perfect). pneumatic adj. Pertaining to or consisting of air or gas. poesy n. Poetry. poetaster n. An inferior poet. pommel v. To beat with something thick or bulky. ponderous adj. Unusually weighty or forcible. pontiff n. The Pope. populace n. The common people. portfolio n. A portable case for holding writing-materials, drawings, etc. posit v. To present in an orderly manner. posse n. A force of men. posterior n. The hinder part. postscript n. Something added to a letter after the writer's signature. precedential adj. Of the nature of an instance that may serve as a guide or basis for a rule. precession n. The act of going forward. preemption n. The right or act of purchasing before others. preferment n. Preference. prelacy n. A system of church government. prelate n. One of a higher order of clergy having direct authority over other clergy. prepossession n. A preconceived liking. presentment n. Semblance.

pretentious adj. Marked by pretense, conceit, or display. prickle v. To puncture slightly with fine, sharp points. priggish adj. Conceited. priory n. A monastic house. privateer n. A vessel owned and officered by private persons, but carrying on maritime war. probate adj. Relating to making proof, as of a will. probation n. Any proceeding designed to ascertain or test character, qualification, or the like. proctor n. An agent acting for another. proffer v. To offer to another for acceptance. promenade v. To walk for amusement or exercise. promissory adj. Expressing an engagement to pay. protomartyr n. The earliest victim in any cause. proviso n. A clause in a contract, will, etc., by which its operation is rendered conditional. prudery n. An undue display of modesty or delicacy. pseudapostle n. A pretended or false apostle (apostle=An ardent early supporter of a cause or reform). pudgy adj. Small and fat. pupilage n. The state or period of being a student. purl v. To cause to whirl, as in an eddy. purloin v. To steal. putrescent adj. Undergoing decomposition of animal or vegetable matter accompanied by fetid odors. pyx n. A vessel or casket, usually of precious metal, in which the host is preserved. quadrate v. To divide into quarters. quartet n. A composition for four voices or four instruments. quarto n. An eight-page newspaper of any size. quietus n. A silencing, suppressing, or ending. quintet n. Musical composition arranged for five voices or instruments. racy adj. Exciting or exhilarating to the mind. radix n. That from or on which something is developed. raillery n. Good-humored satire. ramose adj. Branch-like. rancor n. Malice. rapine n. The act of seizing and carrying off property by superior force, as in war. raptorial adj. Seizing and devouring living prey. ration v. To provide with a fixed allowance or portion, especially of food. readjust v. To put in order after disarrangement. reck v. To have a care or thought for. reconnoiter v. To make a preliminary examination of for military, surveying, or geological purposes. recreant n. A cowardly or faithless person. recrudescence n. The state of becoming raw or sore again. recure v. To cure again. redound n. Rebound. refractory adj. Not amenable to control. refragable adj. Capable of being refuted. refringency n. Power to refract. regale v. To give unusual pleasure. regalia n. pl. The emblems of royalty. regent n. One who is lawfully deputized to administer the government for the time being in the name of the ruler. regnant adj. Exercising royal authority in one's own right. regress v. To return to a former place or condition. rein n. A step attached to the bit for controlling a horse or other draft-animal. reliquary n. A casket, coffer, or repository in which relics are kept. Renaissance n. The revival of letters, and then of art, which marks the transition from medieval to modern time.

repertory n. A place where things are stored or gathered together. reprehend v. To find fault with. reproof n. An expression of disapproval or blame personally addressed to one censured. requital n. Adequate return for good or ill. reseat v. To place in position of office again. resplendent adj. Very bright. retch v. To make an effort to vomit. retouch v. To modify the details of. retrogression n. A going or moving backward or in a reverse direction. riddance n. The act or ridding or delivering from something undesirable. rigmarole n. Nonsense. ripplet n. A small ripple, as of water. risible adj. capable of exciting laughter. rondo n. A musical composition during which the first part or subject is repeated several times. rookery n. A place where crows congregate to breed. rotary adj. Turning around its axis, like a wheel, or so constructed as to turn thus. ruth n. Sorrow for another's misery. sanguineous adj. Consisting of blood. sapid adj. Affecting the sense of taste. sapience n. Deep wisdom or knowledge. sapient adj. Possessing wisdom. sapiential adj. Possessing wisdom. saponaceous adj. Having the nature or quality of soap. sarcophagus n. A stone coffin or a chest-like tomb. satyr n. A very lascivious person. scythe n. A long curved blade for mowing, reaping, etc. seance n. A meeting of spirituals for consulting spirits. sebaceous adj. Pertaining to or appearing like fat. secant adj. Cutting, especially into two parts. seer n. A prophet. seignior n. A title of honor or respectful address, equivalent to sir. sensorium n. The sensory apparatus. sentience n. Capacity for sensation or sense-perception. sentient adj. Possessing the power of sense or sense-perception. sepulcher n. A burial-place. sequacious adj. Ready to be led. sequestrate v. To confiscate. sergeant-at-arms n. An executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding officer. sergeant-major n. The highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment. sergeant n. A non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal. serviceable adj. Durable. sextet n. A band of six singers or players. sextuple adj. Multiplied by six. sheer adj. Absolute. shiftless adj. Wanting in resource, energy, or executive ability. shriek n. A sharp, shrill outcry or scream, caused by agony or terror. sibilance n. A hissing sound. sibilant adj. Made with a hissing sound. sibilate v. To give a hissing sound to, as in pronouncing the letter s. sidelong adj. Inclining or tending to one side. signification n. The meaning conveyed by language, actions, or signs. singe v. To burn slightly or superficially.

sinus n. An opening or cavity. siren n. A sea-nymph, described by Homer as dwelling between the island of Circe and Scylla. sirocco n. hot winds from Africa. sisterhood n. A body of sisters united by some bond of sympathy or by a religious vow. Sol n. The sun. solicitor n. One who represents a client in court of justice; an attorney. solicitude n. Uneasiness of mind occasioned by desire, anxiety, or fear. solstice n. The time of year when the sun is at its greatest declination. sonata n. An instrumental composition. sonnet n. A poem of fourteen decasyllabic or octosyllabiclines expressing two successive phrases. soothsayer n. One who claims to have supernatural insight or foresight. soprano n. A woman's or boy's voice of high range. sorcery n. Witchcraft. Spartan adj. Exceptionally brave; rigorously severe. specie n. A coin or coins of gold, silver, copper, or other metal. specter n. Apparition. speculate v. To pursue inquiries and form conjectures. spinous adj. Having spines. spinster n. A woman who has never been married. sprightly adj. Vivacious. stagy adj. Having a theatrical manner. stallion n. An uncastrated male horse, commonly one kept for breeding. stanchion n. A vertical bar, or a pair of bars, used to confine cattle in a stall. stanza n. A group of rimed lines, usually forming one of a series of similar divisions in a poem. statecraft n. The art of conducting state affairs. statuesque adj. Having the grace, pose, or quietude of a statue. statuette n. A figurine (A small carved or molded figure). stature n. The natural height of an animal body. statute n. Any authoritatively declared rule, ordinance, decree, or law. steppe n. One of the extensive plains in Russia and Siberia. sterling adj. Genuine. stifle v. To smother. stiletto n. A small dagger. Stoicism n. The principles or the practice of the Stoics-being very even tempered in success and failure. stolid adj. Expressing no power of feeling or perceiving. stripling n. A mere youth. stupendous adj. Of prodigious size, bulk, or degree. stupor n. Profound lethargy. suasion n. The act of persuading. subacid adj. Somewhat sharp or biting. subjacent adj. Situated directly underneath. subjection n. The act of bringing into a state of submission. subjugate v. To conquer. subliminal adj. Being beneath the threshold of consciousness. sublingual adj. Situated beneath the tongue. suffrage n. The right or privilege of voting. supplicant n. One who asks humbly and earnestly. supramundane adj. Supernatural. sustenance n. Food. swarthy adj. Having a dark hue, especially a dark or sunburned complexion. sylph n. A slender, graceful young woman or girl. syndicate n. An association of individuals united for the prosecution of some enterprise.

syneresis n. The coalescence of two vowels or syllables, as e'er for ever. synod n. An ecclesiastical council. tableau n. An arrangement of inanimate figures representing a scene from real life. tack n. A small sharp-pointed nail. tact n. Fine or ready mental discernment shown in saying or doing the proper thing. tactician n. One who directs affairs with skill and shrewdness. tangency n. The state of touching. tangent adj. Touching. tantalize v. To tease. tapestry n. A fabric to which a pattern is applied with a needle, designed for ornamental hangings. taut adj. Stretched tight. taxidermy n. The art or process of preserving dead animals or parts of them. technography n. The scientific description or study of human arts and industries in their historic development. teem v. To be full to overflowing. telltale adj. That gives warning or information. temporal adj. Pertaining to or concerned with the affairs of the present life. tenor n. A settled course or manner of progress. tercentenary adj. Pertaining to a period of 300 years. termagant adj. Violently abusive and quarrelsome. testament n. A will. testator n. The maker of a will. theocracy n. A government administered by ecclesiastics. theocrasy n. The mixed worship of polytheism. thereabout adv. Near that number, quantity, degree, place, or time, approximately. therefor adv. For that or this. thoroughbred adj. Bred from the best or purest blood or stock. thoroughfare n. A public street or road. thrall n. One controlled by an appetite or a passion. tilth n. Cultivation. timbre n. The quality of a tone, as distinguished from intensity and pitch. tinge n. A faint trace of color. tipsy adj. Befuddled (Be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly) with drinks. torpor n. Apathy. tortious adj. Wrongful. tortuous adj. Abounding (Be abundant or plentiful; exist in large quantities) in irregular bends or turns. trammel n. An impediment. transalpine adj. Situated on the other side of the Alps. transfigure v. To give an exalted meaning or glorified appearance to. transpire v. To come to pass. trestle n. An open braced framework for supporting the horizontal stringers of a railway-bridge. triad n. A group of three persons of things. tribune n. Any champion of the rights and liberties of the people: often used as the name for a newspaper. trinity n. A threefold personality existing in the one divine being or substance. trio n. Three things grouped or associated together. triumvir n. One of three men united coordinately in public office or authority. twinge n. A darting momentary local pain. typify v. To serve as a characteristic example of. typographical adj. Pertaining to typography or printing. tyro n. One slightly skilled in or acquainted with any trade or profession. ultramundane adj. Pertaining to supernatural things or to another life. ultramontane adj. Beyond the mountains, especially beyond the Alps (that is, on their Italian side). umbrage n. A sense of injury.

underman v. To equip with less than the full complement of men. underling n. A subordinate. underrate v. To undervalue. underwrite v. To issue or be party to the issue of a policy of insurance. undue adj. More than sufficient. undulous adj. Resembling waves. unguent n. Any ointment or lubricant for local application. unisonant adj. Being in a condition of perfect agreement and accord. Unitarian adj. Pertaining to a religious body that rejects the doctrine of the Trinity. unsettle v. To put into confusion. unyoke v. To separate. up-keep n. Maintenance. upcast n. A throwing upward. upheave v. To raise or lift with effort. upturn v. To throw into confusion. utilitarianism n. The ethical doctrine that actions are right because they are useful or of beneficial tendency. vale n. Level or low land between hills. variant n. A thing that differs from another in form only, being the same in essence or substance. vassal n. A slave or bondman. vaudeville n. A variety show. vegetal adj. Of or pertaining to plants. velvety adj. Marked by lightness and softness. vendible adj. Marketable. vendition n. The act of selling. venereal adj. Pertaining to or proceeding from sexual intercourse. venial adj. That may be pardoned or forgiven, a forgivable sin. vermin n. A noxious or troublesome animal. vestment n. Clothing or covering. veto n. The constitutional right in a chief executive of refusing to approve an enactment. viceroy n. A ruler acting with royal authority in place of the sovereign in a colony or province. vicissitude n. A change, especially a complete change, of condition or circumstances, as of fortune. vignette n. A picture having a background or that is shaded off gradually. vindicate v. To prove true, right, or real. vindicatory adj. Punitive. vindicative adj. Revengeful. viol n. A stringed instrument of the violin class. viola n. A musical instrument somewhat larger than a violin. violoncello n. A stringed instrument held between the player's knees. virago n. A bold, impudent, turbulent woman. virile adj. Masculine. virtu n. Rare, curious, or beautiful quality. viscount n. In England, a title of nobility, ranking fourth in the order of British peerage. vista n. A view or prospect. vituperable adj. Deserving of censure. vocable n. a word, especially one regarded in relation merely to its qualities of sound. vocative adj. Of or pertaining to the act of calling. vociferance n. The quality of making a clamor. vociferate v. To utter with a loud and vehement voice. volant adj. Flying or able to fly. volitive adj. Exercising the will. voluptuous adj. having fullness of beautiful form, as a woman, with or without sensuous or sensual quality. votary adj. Consecrated by a vow or promise.

votive adj. Dedicated by a vow. wampum n. Beads strung on threads, formerly used among the American Indians as currency. wane v. To diminish in size and brilliancy. wantonness n. Recklessness. wavelet n. A ripple. weak-kneed adj. Without resolute purpose or energy. weal n. Well-being. wee adj. Very small. well-bred adj. Of good ancestry. well-doer n. A performer of moral and social duties. whet v. To make more keen or eager. wholly adv. Completely. wile n. An act or a means of cunning deception. wiry adj. Thin, but tough and sinewy. witless adj. Foolish, indiscreet, or silly. witling n. A person who has little understanding. witticism n. A witty, brilliant, or original saying or sentiment. wittingly adv. With knowledge and by design. wrangle v. To maintain by noisy argument or dispute. wry adj. Deviating from that which is proper or right. yearling n. A young animal past its first year and not yet two years old. zeitgeist n. The intellectual and moral tendencies that characterize any age or epoch. zodiac n. An imaginary belt encircling the heavens within which are the larger planets.

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or sensual quality.


Word 1 easel 2 trout 3 mallet 4 splinter 5 gander 6 drake 7 kennel 8 bridle 9 seamstress 10 sneakers 11 shoal 12 antler 13 knapsack 14 truancy 15 shale 16 catacomb 17 aster 18 auger 19 cygnet 20 skunk 21 muster 22 protégé 23 aboveboard 24 trowel 25 rake 26 aside 27 by-line 28 fable 29 elision 30 detritus

Meaning An upright tripod for displaying something (usually an artist's canvas). Any of various game and food fishes of cool fresh waters mostly smaller than typical salmons. A tool resembling a hammer but with a large head (usually wooden); used to drive wedges or ram down paving stones or for crushing or beating or flattening or smoothing. A small thin sharp bit or wood or glass or metal. Mature male goose. Adult male of a wild or domestic duck. Outbuilding that serves as a shelter for a dog. Headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control.; Now think how the word "unbridled" was coined. Someone who makes or mends dresses. A canvas shoe with a pliable rubber sole. n. A stretch of shallow water.; A large group of fish.; A sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide. Deciduous horn of a member of the deer family. A bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder. Failure to attend (especially school). A sedimentary rock formed by the deposition of successive layers of clay. An underground tunnel with recesses where bodies were buried (as in ancient Rome). Any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisy-like flowers. Hand tool for boring holes. A young swan. American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae. A gathering of military personnel for duty. A person who receives support and protection from an influential patron who furthers the protege's career. Without concealment or deception; honest. A small hand tool with a handle and flat metal blade; used for scooping or spreading plaster or similar materials. A long-handled tool with a row of teeth at its head; used to move leaves or loosen soil. A line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage. A line giving the name of the writer of a story or article. A short moral story (often with animal characters) - didatic in nature. Omission of a sound between two words (usually a vowel and the end of one word or the beginning of the next). The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up.

31 thaw 32 corral 33 sty 34 muzzle 35 ream 36 cord 37 hobble 38 masthead 39 frazzle 40 scales 41 beaver 42 Fox 43 colt 44 filly 45 gaggle 46 lair 47 prairie 48 reflection 49 deadbeat 50 chortle 51 sneer 52 glower 53 moonshiner 54 epigram 55 school 56 ewe 57 ram trudge, 58 plod 59 drey 60 vomitory 61 limp 62 rubescent 63 cerulean 64 mare 65 proof 66 bolt

Become or cause to become soft or liquid. Ex - The ice thawed. A pen (An enclosure for confining livestock) for cattle. A pen for swine (Stout-bodied short-legged omnivorous animals, Ex- pig). A leather or wire restraint that fits over an animal's snout (especially a dog's nose and jaws) and prevents it from eating or biting. A quantity of paper; 480 or 500 sheets; one ream equals 20 quires. A unit of amount of wood cut for burning; 128 cubic feet. The uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg. A listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc. Wear away by rubbing. Syn - fray An ordered reference standard. Ex - Judging on a scale of 1 to 10. Noun - Large semiaquatic rodent with webbed hind feet and a broad flat tail; construct complex dams and underwater lodges. Verb - Work hard on something. Verb - Deceive somebody. A young male horse under the age of four. [ Colt ] A kind of revolver. young female horse A flock of geese. The habitation of wild animals; den. A treeless grassy plain. A calm lengthy intent consideration. Antonym of being impulsive. Someone who fails to meet a financial obligation. A soft partly suppressed laugh. - Generally followed by a glee. Express through a scornful smile. Look angry or sullen, wrinkle one's forehead, as if to signal disapproval. Someone who makes or sells illegal liquor. A witty saying. A large group of fish. female sheep male sheep Walk heavily and firmly, as when weary, or through mud. The nest of a squirrel. An entrance to an amphitheater or stadium. The uneven manner of walking that results from an injured leg. red A light shade of blue. Female equine animal. A measure of alcoholic strength expressed as an integer twice the percentage of alcohol present (by volume). A roll of cloth or wallpaper of a definite length.

67 sound 68 impanel 69 bystander 70 last 71 cuff 72 ricochet 73 carom 74 tryst 75 canonize 76 cartwheel 77 tenor 78 atelier 79 conservatory 80 stallion 81 pan 82 fret 83 gnaw 84 annex 85 minaret 86 campanile 87 muezzin 88 minotaur 89 chimera 90 plaque 91 mole 92 sonnet 93 flounder 94 hoe 95 rut 96 hide 97 hie 98 aphid 99 lark 100 rind 101 lynch 102 podium

Financially secure and safe. Enter into a list of prospective jurors. A nonparticipant spectator. Holding device shaped like a human foot that is used to fashion or repair shoes. Shackle that consists of a metal loop that can be locked around the wrist; usually used in pairs. Spring back; spring away from an impact. Rebound after hitting. A secret rendezvous (especially between lovers). In the Catholic church; declare (a dead person) to be a saint. Acrobatic revolutions with the body turned sideways and the arms and legs outstretched like the spokes of a wheel. An adult male with a tenor (Of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice) voice. A studio especially for an artist or designer. The faculty and students of a school specializing in one of the fine arts. Uncastrated (not deprived of sexual capacity or sexual attributes) adult male horse. Make a sweeping movement. Decorate with an interlaced design. Bite or chew on with the teeth. An addition that extends a main building. Slender tower with balconies. A bell tower; usually stands alone unattached to a building. The Muslim official of a mosque who summons the faithful to prayer from a minaret five times a day. [ Minotaur ] (Greek mythology) A mythical monster with the head of a bull and the body of a man; slain by Theseus. [ Chimera ] (Greek mythology) Fire-breathing she-monster with a lion's head and a goat's body and a serpent's tail; daughter of Typhon.; chimerical means unreal, fantastic. (pathology) A small abnormal patch on or inside the body. A spy who works against enemy espionage. A verse form consisting of 14 lines with a fixed rhyme scheme. Any of various European and non-European marine flatfish. A tool with a flat blade attached at right angles to a long handle used by a farmer. A groove or furrow (especially one in soft earth caused by wheels) - hinders free vehicle movement on the road, an obstacle. body covering of a living animal v. rush, hasten Any of various small plant-sucking insects. Any of numerous predominantly Old World birds noted for their singing. The natural outer covering of food (usually removed before eating). Kill without legal sanction. A small platform

103 prowl, slink 104 trot 105 caterwaul 106 cupola scheme (relation to 107 "plan") 108 empyreal 109 bantam 110 pink 111 triptych 112 veldt 113 chime 114 jar 115 domino 116 miserly 117 stygian 118 arrogant 119 bewail 120 exuberant 121 exorbitant 122 faucet 123 millinery 124 prohibitive 125 compliant 126 mulish 127 scrawl 128 epistle 129 stench 130 sommelier 131 homily 132 milk 133 foreman 134 parry 135 standoffish 136 rhetoric 137 harangue 138 whimsical 139 deed

The act of prowling (walking about in a stealthy manner). Run at a moderately swift pace (Similar to the word canter). Utter shrieks, as of cats. A cupola is a small structure built or resting on a roof (sometimes used as a belfry or lookout point) A schematic or preliminary plan.; An elaborate and systematic plan of action. adj. Of or relating to the sky or heavens, ethereal Very small. v. Cut in a zig-zag pattern with pinking shears, in sewing. n. Art consisting of a painting or carving (especially an altarpiece) on three panels (usually hinged together). n. Elevated open grassland in southern Africa. n. A percussion instrument consisting of vertical metal tubes of different lengths that are struck with a hammer. v. Affect in a disagreeable way. n. A mask covering the upper part of the face but with holes for the eyes. adj. excessively frugal adj. excessively dark adj. excessively confident v. regret strongly adj. Unrestrained in especially feelings.; Produced or growing in extreme abundance.; Joyously unrestrained. - usually used with positive connotation (Ex: exuberant praise) adj. Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation. usually used in negative connotation (Ex: exorbitant rent) n. A regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir (NOT the resevoir itself). n. Hats for women; the wares sold by a milliner. Tending to discourage (especially of prices), exorbitant adj. Evidencing little spirit or courage; overly submissive or compliant. - the word is quite harsh (in the other direction). adj. Unreasonably rigid in the face of argument or entreaty or attack.; intransigent, unyielding - tone is quite harsh n. Poor handwriting. n. Especially a long, formal letter. adj. A distinctive odor that is offensively unpleasant. A waiter who manages wine service in a hotel or restaurant. A homily is a long and moralistic sermon. v. Exploit as much as possible. n. A man who is foreperson of a jury. v. Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues)., avoid a blow adj. Lacking cordiality; unfriendly.; similar to reticent effective writing or speaking A loud bombastic declamation expressed with strong emotion. unpredictable, fanciful - related to flippant, frivolous. A legal document signed and sealed and delivered to effect a transfer of property and to show the legal right to possess it.

140 swatch 141 teeter, totter 142 turbid 143 gainsay 144 compendium 145 stalwart 146 captious 147 riposte 148 distaff

149 compound 150 salvo 151 zest 152 promenade 153 rifle inspid 154 noisome 155 potboiler 156 herbaceous 157 usurp 158 austral 159 bias (v) 160 aphoristic 161 dragoon 162 purlieu 163 leeway 164 famished 165 tart 166 flounder 167 fusillade 168 overture

A sample piece of cloth. Move unsteadily, with a rocking motion. muddy, unclear - similar to arcane, esoteric.. can be categorized as under "criticism" characterised by being terse dependable; having rugged physical strength, but NEED NOT be daring. fault-finding. It is similar to the word critical, but more used with a negative connotation as in "An excessively demanding and captious tutor." A quick reply to a question or remark (especially a witty or critical one). - Characterised by being funny like rejoinder, retort. adj. Characteristic of or peculiar to a woman. An enclosure of residences and other building (especially in the Orient). - NOT the Indian meaning of "compound wall"; A compound is made of buildings, not just a wall that surrounds a building. Rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms.; A series of gunshots. Vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment. A leisurely walk (usually in some public place). - Analogous to prattling (speak idly, casually). Go through in search of something; search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way. - Analogous to Plummet (plunging, falling without restraint). bad taste bad odor A literary composition of poor quality that was written quickly to make money (to boil the pot). - Analogous to doggerel by a poet. adj. Characteristic of a nonwoody herb or plant part. - NOT of all plants in general. v. seize; take the place of (DOES NOT exactly mean replace, goes more with "seize" than "replace"). adj. Relating to or coming from the south. Influence in an unfair way. Analogous to "inspire". pithy maxim, which is self-evident - antonymous to "esoteric". Compel by coercion, threats, or crude means. The PURLIEU is the outlying area (outskirts) of a METROPOLIS (city) or region. n. A permissible difference; allowing some freedom to move within limits.; (of a ship or plane) Sideways drift. Extremely hungry. adj. of taste v. Walk with great difficulty. v. simultaneous firing or outburst (of missiles, questions, etc.) n. Orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio.; Something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows.

169 gambit 170 sleight 171 resound 172 palpable 173 smite 174 understudy 175 hamper 176 declamation 177 roe 178 clam 179 drawbridge 180 gangway 181 figurehead 182 puddle

183 snobbish 184 foreclosure 185 spelunker 186 fang 187 gripe 188 discography 189 glade 190 ditty 191 oratorio 192 Impresario 193 inveigle,coax, wheedle 194 Rustle

n. opening in chess in which a piece is sacrificed - NOT always an opening move, just a type of an opening move. n. Adroitness in using the hands. adj. Characterized by reverberation. - Should be visualised as "filled" with sound. adj. Capable of being perceived by the senses or the mind; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt. - Should also be visualised as believable. v. An act of a wrathful person. n. An actor able to replace a regular performer when required. ANALOGUS to deputy:sheriff n. A basket usually with a cover (to contain things like clothes).; A restraint that confines or restricts freedom (especially something used to tie down or restrain a prisoner). n. Vehement oratory. - marked by grandiloquence. n. The eggs or egg-laden ovary of a fish. n. Burrowing marine mollusk living on sand or mud. n. A bridge that can be raised to block passage or to allow boats or ships to pass beneath it. n. A temporary bridge for getting on and off a vessel at dockside (Analogous to drawbridge above). n. A person used as a cover for some questionable activity (characterised by being nominal). n. A small body of standing water (rainwater) or other liquid. adj. Befitting or characteristic of those who inclined to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior (Excessively refined in an offensive manner). n. The legal proceedings initiated by a creditor to repossess the collateral for loan that is in default. n. A person who explores caves (caverns). n. Canine tooth of a carnivorous animal; used to seize and tear its prey (type of tooth). n. Informal terms for objecting (due to discontent). n. a selective or complete list of phonograph recordings, typically of one composer, performer, or conductor n. A tract of land with few or no trees in the middle of a wooded area (like an oasis of a desert). n. A short simple song (or the words of a poem intended to be sung). n. A musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text. n. A sponsor who books and stages public entertainments (like a broker for trade).

195 check

v. Influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering. v. Take illegally (esp cattle) v. Arrest the motion (of something) abruptly (analogous to jolt:move).

196 nitpick

v. Be overly critical; criticize minor details (analogous to cavil).

197 pastiche 198 honorarium 199 slouch 200 pullet 201 serried 202 bravura 203 tackle 204 spackle 205 DAGUERREOTYPE 206 musket 207 quirky 208 quirk 209 mosaic 210 linoleum 211 unlettered 212 indict 213 214 215

n. A work of art that imitates the style of some previous work.; A musical composition consisting of a series of songs or other musical pieces from various sources. n. A fee paid for a nominally free service. v. Assume a drooping posture or carriage.; Walk slovenly. n. Young hen usually less than a year old. adj. (especially of rows as of troops or mountains) Pressed together. adj. Brilliant and showy technical skill. n. Gear consisting of ropes etc. supporting a ship's masts and sails. n. Powder (containing gypsum plaster and glue) that when mixed with water forms a plastic paste used to fill cracks and holes in plaster. n. A type of photograph n. A type of firearm. adj. Informal terms; strikingly unconventional. v. Twist or curve abruptly. n. Art consisting of a design made of small pieces of colored stone or glass. n. A floor covering adj. Lacking general education or knowledge. v. accuse formally.


Words 1 amenable

Meanings adj. Disposed or willing to comply.; Liable to answer to a higher authority.

n.The elevation of a person (as to the status of a god).; Model of excellence or 2 apotheosis perfection of a kind; one having no equal. 3 apropos adv. At an opportune time.; By the way. n. An ornament that interlaces simulated foliage in an intricate design.; Position in which the dancer has one leg raised behind and arms outstretched in a 4 arabesque conventional pose. n. Especially fine or decorative clothing.; An impressive display.; An orderly 5 array arrangement. n. promise or pledge; certainty; self6 assurance confidence. adj. Tending to draw together or constrict soft organic tissue.; Sour or bitter in 7 astringent taste. adj. Practicing great self-denial.; Of a stern or strict bearing or demeanor; 8 austere forbidding in aspect.; Severely simple. v. stop short, as if faced with an obstacle 9 balk and refuse to continue; foil. v. Discuss lightly.; Exchange blows. Adj. Have legs that curve outward at the 10 bandy knees. n. The pointed part of barbed wire.; An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a 11 barb telling effect. n. The heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target.; The rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or 12 barrage written). v. Make wet and dirty, as from rain. bedraggle Adj. Limp and soiled as if dragged in the 13 bedraggled mud; In deplorable condition. v. To work at or to absurd length.; Attack 14 belabor verbally with harsh criticism. v. Annoy persistently.; Surround so as to 15 beleaguer, besiege force to give up (ALSO - hem in). n. A special way of doing something.; A relatively permanent inclination to react in 16 bent a particular way. v. Assail or attack on all sides.; Annoy continually or chronically.; hem in (Surround in a restrictive manner).; 17 beset Decorate or cover lavishly with gems.

18 betray 19 bilious 20 bland 21 blare

22 blatant 23 blithe

24 bluff 25 bluster 26 bolt 27 buffet 28 buoyant

29 cameo 30 canker 31 canny

32 canon 33 cataract 34 chafe

v. Deliver to an enemy by treachery.; Reveal unintentionally.; Give away information about somebody. adj. Irritable as if suffering from indigestion.; peevishly ill-humored. adj. Lacking stimulating characteristics; uninteresting (soothing or mild); agreeable. n. loud, harsh roar or screechh; dazzling blaze of light. adj. Conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry (-ve connotation); Without any attempt at concealment; completely obvious (both -ve and +ve) adj. Carefree and happy and lighthearted.; Lacking or showing a lack of due concern. adj. Bluntly direct and outspoken but good-natured.; Very steep; having a prominent and almost vertical front. N. Pretense that your position is stronger than it really is. n. A swaggering show of courage.; A violent gusty wind.; Noisy confusion and turbulence. v. Secure or lock with a bolt.; Eat hastily without proper chewing.; Move or jump suddenly. v. Strike, beat repeatedly.; Strike against forcefully (to rough it up). adj. Characterized by liveliness and lightheartedness.; Tending to float on a liquid or rise in air or gas. n. Engraving or carving in low relief on a stone (as in a brooch or ring).; star's special appearance in a minor role or a film. n. An ulceration (especially of the lips or lining of the mouth).; an evil. adj. shrewd; thrifty n. A collection of books accepted as holy scripture especially the books of the Bible recognized by any Christian church as genuine and inspired.; A rule or especially body of rules or principles generally established as valid and fundamental in a field or art or philosophy. n. A large waterfall; violent rush of water over a precipice.; eye abnormality v. Warm by rubbing, as with the hands.; Cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations.

35 chisel 36 chivalrous 37 cleave 38 codify 39 collate

40 collateral 41 comeuppance

42 compact 43 compliance 44 compound 45 conceit

v. Carve with a chisel.; Deprive somebody of something by deceit. adj. courteous; failthful; brave v. split or sever; remain faithful to v. arrange as a code; classify v. Compare critically; of texts.; To assemble in proper sequence. n. A security pledged for the repayment of a loan. Adj. Situated or running side by side.; Descended from a common ancestor but through different lines.; Serving to support or corroborate. n. rebuke; deserts (outcome) n. A signed written agreement between two or more parties (nations) to perform some action. Adj. Closely crowded together. adj. The act of submitting; usually surrendering power to another.; Acting according to certain accepted standards. v. Make more intense, stronger, or more marked.; Calculate principal and interest. n. The trait of being vain and conceited.; whimsical idea, extravagant metaphor.

v. bestow with superior air; do something that one considers to be below his dignity. v. meld or fuse, combine into one; 47 conflate confuse one thing for another. v. Evoke or call forth, with or as if by magic.; Ask for or request earnestly.; Engage in plotting or enter into a 48 conjure conspiracy, swear together. adj. Having important issues or results.; 49 consequential pompous n. The husband or wife of a reigning monarch.; 50 consort v. Go together. adj. Without qualification; used informally as (often pejorative) intensifiers.; Perfect and complete in every respect; having all necessary qualities.; Having or revealing 51 consummate supreme mastery or skill. v. Have an argument about something.; 52 contend (contention) Maintain or assert. adj. Determined by conditions or circumstances not yet established. N. A gathering of persons representative 53 contingent of some larger group. 46 condescend

73 dote

n. (criminal law) A final judgment of guilty in a criminal case and the punishment that is imposed.; An unshakable belief in something without need for proof or evidence. adj. Modestly or warily rejecting approaches or overtures; Showing marked and often playful or irritating evasiveness or reluctance to make a definite or committing statement. n. Formal and explicit approval.; face v. pick out; reject adj. miserly; churlish, stubborn (A crusty irascible cantankerous old person full of stubborn ideas.) v. work at in a non-serious fashion; splash around. v. corrupt - morally; sensually adj. cheerful, lively; having a sophisticated charm v. delay till later; give in respectfully, submit. v. regret strongly; express strong disapproval of adj. joyless v. rob off joy, forsake. n. resolve; decision v. defeat; disconcert v. cause to lose one's composure; cause to feel embarassment v. make unclear; cause to feel embarassment n. prudence in speech, action; ability to decide responsibly n. speediness; message sent with due speed. n. looseness in morals; disintegration v. condense, concentrate; purify v. be excessively fond of; be foolish or senile due to old age.

74 dour 75 drone

adj. sullen, dark; stubbornly unyielding n. an idle person; a male bee

76 drivel 77 elliptical 78 emulate

n. saliva spilling from mouth; foolishness adj. oval; ambiguous v. imitate; rival

79 enjoin 80 entrance

v. command; forbid (command against) v. put under a spell; attract v. make an attempt at, test n. composition

54 conviction

55 coy 56 countenance 57 cull 58 curmudgeon 59 dabble 60 debauch 61 debonair 62 defer 63 deplore 64 desolate 65 determination 66 discomfit 67 disconcert 68 confuse 69 discretion 70 dispatch 71 dissolution 72 distill

81 essay

82 excoriate 83 exigency 84 expansive 85 façade 86 faction 87 faculty 88 feckless 89 flay 90 fleece

91 foil 92 formality 93 founder 94 fray 95 gale 96 gall 97 germinal 98 gouge 99 impertinent 100 inaugurate

101 incubus 102 inflated 103 insensible 104 insularity 105 inundate 106 knit 107 lap 108 liasion 109 linger 110 livid 111 marked

v. scold with biting harshness; strip the skin off n. urgent situation; pressing needs or demands adj. outgoing and sociable; broad and extensive n. front of building; superficial or false appearance n. party, clique; dissension n. mental or bodily powers; teaching staff adj. feeble and ineffective; careless and irresponsible v. strip off skin; whip; attack with harsh criticism n. wool coat of a sheep v. rob, plunder n. contrast (Anything that serves by contrast to call attention to another thing's good qualities). Ex - Pretty girls like plain friends as foils. v. defeat, frustrate n. something just done for form's sake; ceremonial quality v. fail completely; sink n. brawl v. wear away by rubbing n. windstrom; emotional outburst n. rude and impertinent; deep and bitter anger v. annoy; chafe adj. pertainin to a germ; creative v. tear out; overcharge adj. insolent; irrelevant v. being formally; install in office n. burden; nightmare ALSO - A male demon believed to lie on sleeping persons and to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women! adj. pompous; enlarged adj. unconscious; unresponsive n. narrow-mindedness; isolation v. overwhelm; flood v. contract into wrinkles; grow together (entwine) v. Take in food or milk with one's tongue; splash gently n. contact that keeps parties in communication; secret love affair v. loiter or dawdle; continue or persist adj. lead-colored, ashen; enraged adj. noticeable; targeted for vengeance

117 nip

adj. evidencing little courage; cowed submissiveness v. measure; distribute n. swamp gas; pervasive corrupting influence n. environment; means of expression adj. solidly uniform; unyielding v. cut off; stop something's growth; make numb with cold

118 nonentity

n. person of no importance; nonexistence

119 notable 120 oblique

adj. conspicuous; important, distinguished adj. indirect; slanting adj. bossy, arrogant; decisively important n. roof of mouth; sense of taste v. criticize harshly; make a sweeping movement v. support, act superior toward; be a customer of adj. transparent; easy to understand adj. flexible; easily influenced n. bad condition, predicament; troth, solemn pledge of fidelity v. examine critically; measure depth adj. vertical n. A controversy (especially over a belief or dogma).; A writer who argues in opposition to others (especially in theology). adj. pertaining to bishop or pope; pompous or pretentious n. cliff; dangerous position adj. steep; overhasty v. give an inclination toward; make susceptible to v. forestall by acting first; appropriate for oneself adj. pompous; overambitious adj. Immaculately clean and unused.; Completely free from dirt or contamination. adj. dissipated, wasteful; widly immoral adj. inclined to; prostrate adj. pertaining to a province; unsophisticated (rustic, bumpkinly) v. inquire impertinently; use leverage to raise or open something n. soft, wet, boggy land; complex predicament

112 meek 113 mete 114 miasma 115 milieu 116 monolithic

121 overbearing 122 palate 123 pan 124 patronize 125 pellucid 126 pliant 127 plight 128 plumb

129 polemic 130 pontificial 131 precipice 132 precipitous 133 predispose 134 preempt 135 pretentious 136 pristine 137 profligate 138 prone 139 provincial 140 pry 141 quagmire

142 rally 143 rant 144 recount 145 remission 146 resingation 147 rhetoric 148 riddle 149 rife 150 rotundity 151 rubric 152 ruminate 153 scaffold 154 scourge 155 scruple 156 scrupulous 157 scuffle 158 secrete 159 seminal 160 shoddy 161 sinuous 162 slur 163 smolder 164 sophist 165 stint 166 stock

v. call up or summon; revive or recuperate; Harass with persistent criticism or carping. n. The feat of mustering strength for a renewed effort.; (sports) An unbroken sequence of several successive strokes.; An automobile race run over public roads.; n. talk excitedly, scold, make a grandiloquent speech v. narrate or tell; count over again n. a temporary moderation of disease symptoms; cancellation of a debt; forgiveness or pardon n. patient submissiveness; statement that one's quitting a job. n. art of effective communication; insincere and grandiloquent language v. pierce with holes; permeate or spread throughout adj. abundant; current, prevailing adj. roundness; sonorousness of speech n. title or heading (in red paint); directions for religious ceremony. v. chew over; mull over, ponder n. temporary platform for workers; platform for execution. n. lash, whip; severe punishment. v. fret about; hesitate for ethical reasons. adj. conscientious, principled; extremely thorough v. struggle confusedly; move off in a confused hurry v. hide away or cache; produce and release a substance into an organism. ad. Germinal, influencing future developments; related to seed or semen. adj. sham, not genuine; inferior adj. winding; not morally honest n. slander v. mumble v. burn without flame; be liable to break out at any moment n. teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning v. be thrifty n. assigned portion of work adj. typical; standard; kept regularly in supply

167 stockade

168 stultify 169 stupefy 170 stupor 171 sublime 172 subtlety 173 supine 174 sustain 175 temper 176 tempestuous 177 temporal 178 torrid

179 tract 180 tribute 181 trough 182 tumid

183 ulterior 184 unassailable 185 unconscionable 186 unctuous 187 undermine 188 unmitigated 189 unpalatable 190 unravel 191 unwarranted 192 uproarious 193 vacuous

n. wooden enclosure or pen; fixed line of posts used as defensive barrier v. Deprive of strength or efficiency; make useless or worthless; Cause to appear foolish; Prove to be of unsound mind or demonstrate someone's incompetence. v. make numb, Make senseless or dizzy by or as if by a blow; stun, amaze n. state of apathy; daze; lack of awareness adj. Lifted up or set high; Inspiring awe. n. perceptiveness; ingenuity; delicacy. adj. lying on back; offering no resistance n. experience; support; nourish v. moderate, tone-down or restrain; toughen adj. stormy; impassionate, violent adj. not lasting forever; secular adj. passionate; hot or scorching n. A bundle of mylenated nerve fibers following a path through the brain.; A system of body parts that together serve some particular purpose.; A brief treatise on a subject of interest; published in the form of a booklet.; An extended area of land. n. tax levied by a ruler; mark of respect n. container for feeding farm animals; lowest point adj. swollen; pompous adj. Coming at a subsequent time or stage, future; Beyond or outside an area of immediate interest; remote; Lying beyond what is openly revealed or avowed (especially being kept in the background or deliberately concealed). adj. not open to question; not subject to attack adj. unscrupulous; excessive adj. oily, bland; insincerely suave v. weaken; sap adj. unrelieved or immoderate; absolute (as in unmitigated jerk) adj. distasteful; disagreeable v. disentangle; solve adj. unjustified; undeserved adj. extremely funny; very noisy adj. empty; stupid

211 wispy

adj. practicable, workable; capable of maintaining life v. clear from blame, exonerate; justify, support adj. extremely poisonous; hostile, bitter n. female fox; ill-tempered woman adj. changeable; explosive, bursting out; evaporating rapidly n. whirlwind, whirlpool; complex predicament v. roll in; indulge in; become helpless adj. unrestrained; willfully malicious; unchaste n. A colony of rabbits; An overcrowded residential area. n. turmoil v. roll in; Toss, roll, or rise and fall in an uncontrolled way; wallow adj. capricious; fanciful adj. intentional; headstrong n. fallen fruit; unexpected lucky event v. twist in coils; contort in pain adj. Beyond normal limits; Lacking justification or authorization. v. slip; To pass or move unobtrusively or smoothly. v. make bone; Make rigid and set into a conventional pattern. adj. Lacking clarity or distinctness.; Thin and weak.

212 lapse

n. A break or intermission in the occurrence of something.; A mistake resulting from inattention (a minor error).; Drop to a lower level, as in one's morals or standards (backslide).;

194 viable 195 vindicate 196 virulent 197 vixen 198 volatile 199 vortex 200 wallow 201 wanton 202 warren 203 welter 204 whimsical 205 willful 206 windfall 207 writhe 208 undue 209 slither 210 ossify

213 forbear 214 rule 215 dowdy 216 stout 217 snarl 218 sway

n. A person from whom you are descended.; Not do something (refrain). v. Decide with authority.; Exercise authority over; as of nations. Adj. Primly out of date (frumpish).; Lacking in smartness or taste. adj. Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships.; Euphemisms for 'fat'. v. Utter in an angry, sharp, or abrupt tone.; Make more complicated or confused through entanglements. v. Win approval or support for.; Move back and forth or sideways.

219 precarious 220 estimable

adj. Affording no ease or reassurance, unstable; Fraught with danger. adj. Deserving of esteem and respect.; May be computed or estimated.

231 dissipated

n. The act of deposing someone; removing a powerful person from a position or office.; (law) A pretrial interrogation of a witness; usually done in a lawyer's office.; The natural process of laying down a deposit of something (of deposit) adj. not fully formed; disorganized to give unsparingly (v.); extremely generous or extravagant (adj.) n. A special way of doing something. Adj. determined v. Get the meaning of something.; Take into custody. v. Oust politically.; Rid of impurities. v. Cause to be calm or quiet as by administering a sedative to.; adj. Characterized by dignity and propriety. n. A person who exercises control over workers.; A man who is foreperson of a jury. adj. Lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest.; Lacking taste or flavor or tang.; inane (lacking sense, spirit) American musteline mammal typically ejecting an intensely malodorous fluid when startled; in some classifications put in a separate subfamily Mephitinae.; A person who is deemed to be despicable or contemptible. adj. Preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance.; Unrestrained by convention or morality.; Live a life or pleasure, especially with respect to alcoholic consumption.

232 vitiate

v. Take away the legal force of or render ineffective.; Make imperfect.; Corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality.

221 deposition 222 inchoate 223 lavish 224 bent 225 apprehend 226 purge

227 sedate 228 foreman 229 vapid

230 skunk

233 stalwart 234 slake 235 reticent

adj. dependable; Having rugged physical strength; inured to fatigue or hardships. v. Cause to heat and crumble by treatment with water.; Make less active or intense.; Satisfy (thirst). adj. Cool and formal in manner.; Temperamentally disinclined to talk.

240 vain

adj. Devouring or craving food in great quantities.; (often followed by 'for') Ardently or excessively desirous.; Extremely hungry. adj. Practicing great self-denial.; Unsparing and uncompromising in discipline or judgment.; Resolute in the face of pain or danger or adversity. v. burden; restrain, hold back - Not sure if these are two different meanings of the word. adj. Harsh.; Tasting sour like a lemon. adj. Characteristic of false pride; having an exaggerated sense of self-importance (vanity).; Unproductive of success (in vain).

241 formidable

adj. Inspiring fear.; Extremely impressive in strength or excellence.

236 esurient

237 spartan 238 encumber 239 tart

242 jibe, gibe 243 flourish

244 reckon

245 awe

246 expedience 247 mince

248 earnest 249 stanch 250 dodgy

n. An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect.; v. Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics. n. An ornamental embellishment in writing.; A showy gesture.; The act of waving (brandish). v. Expect, believe, or suppose.; Make a mathematical calculation or computation.; Deem to be.; Judge to be probable.; Take account of.; Have faith or confidence in. n. An overwhelming feeling of wonder or admiration.; A profound emotion inspired by a deity, fear (Ex: Awe of death). n. Taking advantage of opportunities without regard for the consequences for others.; The quality of being suited to the end in view. ad. Cut into small pieces.; Walk daintily.; Make less severe or harsh. adj. Not distracted by anything unrelated to the goal (Antonymous to flippant).; Characterized by a firm and humorless belief in the validity of your opinions.; dearest. v. check flow of blood adj. Firm and dependable especially in loyalty. adj. Marked by skill in deception.; Of uncertain outcome, especially fraught with risk (dicey).

251 beguile 252 cadge

253 grievous 254 gild 255 ponderous 256 ramification 257 mawkish

258 enticement 259 shoal

260 remit 261 adjudicate

262 reconstitute

263 overture 264 fraught 265 gratuitous

v. Attract; cause to be enamored.; Influence by slyness, swindle v. Obtain or seek to obtain by cadging or wheedling.; Ask for and get free; be a parasite (antonymous to "earn"). adj. Causing fear or anxiety by threatening great harm.; Of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought (Antonymous to slight).; Causing or marked by grief or anguish. v. To give an often deceptively attractive or improved appearance to. ; To cover with or as if with a thin layer of gold. adj. Having great mass and weight and unwieldiness.; Labored and dull. n. An arrangement of branching parts.; A development that complicates a situation. adj. insipid; effusively sentimental, maudlin n. The act of influencing by exciting hope or desire (temptation).; Qualities that attract by seeming to promise some kind of reward. n. A stretch of shallow water.; A large group of fish.; A sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide. v. Diminish or abate.; Make slack as by lessening tension or firmness.; forgive; Refer (a matter or legal case) to another committee or authority or court for decision.; Release from (claims, debts, or taxes).; Send (money) in payment.; Hold back to a later time. v. Bring to an end; settle conclusively.; Put on trial or hear a case and sit as the judge at the trial of. v. to return (a dehydrated or concentrated food) to the liquid state by adding water; Construct or form anew or provide with a new structure. n. A tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others. Something that serves as a preceding event or introduces what follows. Orchestral music played at the beginning of an opera or oratorio. adj. Filled with or attended with.; Marked by distress. adj. Unnecessary and unwarranted.; Costing nothing, free.

266 incumbent 267 quizzical

268 relegate 269 rout 270 sibylline 271 transpire 272 ruffle 273 strain 274 fawn

275 quibble

276 Incubation 277 278 279 280 281

adj. Currently holding an office.; Lying or leaning on something else (recumbent). adj. Perplexed (as if being expected to know something that you do not know).; Playfully vexing (especially by ridicule). v. Refer to another person for decision or judgment.; Expel, as if by official decree.; Assign to a lower position; reduce in rank. v. Defeat disastrously.; Make a groove in (gouge). adj. Resembling or characteristic of a prophet or prophecy.; Having a secret or hidden meaning. v. Give off (water) through the skin.; Come about, happen, or occur. n. A high tight collar. V. Disturb the smoothness of.; Discompose. v. Remove by passing through a filter.; To exert much effort or energy. v. Try to gain favor by cringing or flattering.; Show submission or fear. n. An evasion of the point of an argument by raising irrelevant distinctions or objections. V. Argue over petty things.; Evade the truth of a point or question by raising irrelevant objections. n. Maintaining something at the most favorable temperature for its development.; (pathology) The phase in the development of an infection between the time a pathogen enters the body and the time the first symptoms appear (like latency is to response).

Vocaboly Set 1 Pages 1-110 agog

Hard ones Vocaboly Set 3 Pages 221-330 halcyon


Vocaboly Set 2 Pages 111-220 cringe credulity (Very similar to "gulliblity" which has the extra attribute of tending to get deceived too readily). grovel

alliteration amble

craven cozen

array askew

dapper - smartness in manners gouge crabbed gossamer




avid (NOT vivid)


behoove canker

callow bungle

crass curmudgeon desultory - purposeless, NOT dabbling deft detraction - to discredit thru slander, NOT slander itself demure diatribe demur despise - lack of respect, intense dislike, disdain, scorn, contempt deposition

guffaw gusto - vigorous enjoyment, NOT gust gloat





dissimulate - hide feelings

chafe cavil

divine disconsolate

horde - Not hoard hovel (wretched house, NOT pallet which means small, wretched bed) imbecility



catechism chasm

dissemble distrait - diverted attention due to anxiety disingenuous




cantankerous cant canter cadence brevity brooch

hallowed hedonism

grovel gratuitous glower hue impecunious homily hoary immolate

impale hubris

circumscribe carrion caucus chase - to ornament chivalrous caricature - exaggeration cavalcade cavalier choleric censorious cloying coda - concluding cognate collation complicity complaisant cloister compendium NOT pandemonium clique clemency codify comport clout compact cogent consternation fear, NOT surprise contusion concoct convoke concomitant condign (NOT consign) conviction conundrum contingent contumacious conjure

disgorge disaffected - discontended, disloyal discredit discomfit disdain doctrinaire emendation


drab dormer effluvium drone dogmatic elysian effrontery - inappropriately audacious doldrums edify - enlighten, NOT emend (to correct) dote

import imponderable incursion ingrained insidious - NOT insipid infidel

dour dulcet droll - comically odd/whimsical drudgery effete duress domicile dogged

indulgent labile jaded larder largess lechery knavery latitude



dross dregs - deposits, NEED NOT BE worthless like dross. doggerel encomium enjoin endue evince escapade ethereal - impalpable, of heaven, NOT ephemeral endearment expunge


expedient - opportune


incorrigible implacable impugn incubus ingenuous inchoate

internecine interdict - Not interject infernal ingratiate

lambaste loath limber leery lithe labile laity - Antonymous to clergy levee libelous limbo

faculty exude - release, NOT necessarily with force fatuous expostulation - remonstrance, reproof, NOT expository ferret farce expository feint fell facetious faze

maul - injure badly by beating mealymouthed mendacious maudlin mangy - worn, threadbare malingerer meek martinet lull manumit - fre from slavery malapropism

felon lurid exiguous luscious expiate - make amends for, NOT pardon mawkish fancier factotum expletive exegesis extirpate exotic fete foist fraught flit (dart) fracas foible foray flaccid flail fleece (v) foppish forebearence filibuster fester (2nd) gibe gall garish gentry - upper class gauche gambol fulsome

mulct - deprive of by deceit morbid - unhealthy mental state mordant milieu mollify - soothe, NOT penance or mortify millinery molt mincing minatory musty - smelling of mold nether muster

fritter frond gaunt fulminate gadfly funereal fastidious - hard to please, giving careful attention to detail, NOTHING to do with stubborn

Vocaboly Set 4 Pages 331-440 obviate

Vocaboly Set 5 Pages 441-537 sibylline

GRE Bible overt

nostrum opprobrium - state of dishonor, NOT a manner of talking like slander. officious



shoddy slake

tutelary adumbrate

nonplus obloquy nugatory - fruitless, NOT nubile nihilism - ALSO: a delusion that everything including the self is unreal

slough (molt) slacken

seine pert


odium, repugnance



opus noncommittal noisome - malodorous, NOT noisy noxious

spry staccato

tribulation throes

stolid stygian

tilter putrid

pall - feeble, weak panache parquet patois

spruce tainted sully sumptuous

purveyor warble oaf unrequited

ovation pallid

subliminal supplicate tipple - drink modestly but regularly

sinewy stygian



parochial patrician - belonging to nobility, NOT patriarchy passe pastiche pantomime paltry ordination overwrought - deeply agitated


tract poultice torso trough transpire - 2nd meaning: be revealred, happen cataract tendentious tome

foible tumid



pathos - feeling of sympathy and sorrow for others, NOT ethos uncanny


paramount pine pestilential perquisite penance peremptory plaintive - expressing sorrow, NOT calm preclude platonic prelate - clergyman pontifical privy

tyro viscid venial venison vituperative vaunted

scurillous reprise pecuniary veneer requite pastiche

volition vitreous waggish zany wistful whittle

impetuous effete perfunctory regatta solicitous peroration

privation portly


chafe obsidian

prestige proletarian - working class

unwieldy rummage

provender puissant puerile propound pummel punctilious prolix prude

skulduggery skiff sedition drone pan tesselated welt trappings

purchase provenance - source of origin


putative protean quaint raconteur reek - smell badly recumbent recondite

treatise savor staid squalid tureen strew tantamount

quay quizzical recant quip - witty, NOT necessarily slanderous

rant surreptitious vent





refectory quarry

consternation torpor

rakish ramble ramshackle rant rebus quibble rancor qualms

interdict entreat occult chasten windfall decorum visage fastidious

reprehensible - deserving censure, NOT apprehensive rendition

slight mincing

rent repine - complain, express discontent, NOT pine repartee - always a clever reply. requiem relegate rejoinder - retort, but not always a witty one renege remission remiss restitution revile runic riveting sacrilegious rig rout rococo ruffian rote ruminate roil roster ruse salacious - NOT salubrious revulsion - intense aversion, NOT flinch rhapsodize scoff rostrum

expostulation succor seethe travail yore dispatch lank tract taut regale cloister blighted pretentious wanton artless

33 34 35


ruse scurvy - most contemptible rivulet sardonic secession

Elegant words and phrases S.No

Word/phrase 1 Well-orchestrated plan 2 shred of solid evidence 3 The govt is all set to crack down on the mushrooming advertisement menace in the city. 4 The kingside's threats seemed nebulous. 5 A second laser pulse fires electrons like a slingshot into the plasma wave. 6 The supreme court has removed a major obstacle that prevented the guilty from being brought 7 The great adventure will still unfold, but don’t hold your breath. 8 The literature and policy on the free movement of people remains scanty and patchy. 9 The likes of Richard Perle are confined to the sidelines. 10 After he assumed office, economic chaos was orchestrated and the army encouraged to take o 11 It more clearly than ever legitimises the grievances of the upper castes even if it seeks to chec 12 Reservation includes reserved constituencies, which the detractors curiously do not seem muc 13 Statues and idols are quite capable of surviving vandalism - after all, the Bamiyan Buddhas ha 14 The presumption that private sector can do no wrong and the gov't can do nothing right preven 15 A flurry of activity has followed. 16 These actions India is obliged to take are not consistent with what a "strategic partner" should 17 The destruction of rain forests round the world on account of logging,mining and expansion of 18 Dense rain forests contain the highest number of species, many of them endemic(found nowhe 19 Why bother about trying to understand the natural world when there is the cosy God-explanatio 20 It is something of a cliché to say that neither the internal combustion engine nor smoking would 21 In their eyes, President Musharraf has jumped through hoops hoping to elicit the smallest of re 22 President Musharraf appears to have hacked away on the Kashmiri cause and while he has m 23 Europe follows suit, and the world matches to the beat of the Disney drum. 24 The rickshaw was introduced in Simla in 1880. The death knell for this archaic mode of transpo 25 Monaco eyes Indian tourists. 26 We continue to follow a development paradigm that pays no heed to the limits imposed by the 27 In Tamil Nadu, fishermen are an informed lot these days. 28 The institute's involvement in the planning process and for strengthening the statistical system 29 Weak infrastructure continues to be the Achilles' heel of the economy. 30 Hopefully people don't think the media just puffed him up and he's a flash in the pan. 31 But hurried, harried editors can trip up, even the most conscientious of them. 32 Turky then unexpectedly offered an olive branch saying it would open one port and one airport 33 The primary reason for all this boils down, no pun intended, to boiled water. 34 Its existence menaces the liberties of people ruled by governments that are willing to toe Wash 35 Each American death falls like a pebble into a still pool. It makes an impact where it lands and 36 Because somewhere in the huge controversy over Celebrity Big Brother - one in which a Prime 37 Four years into a war fought to eliminate a non-existant threat, we all have renewed 38 The media coverage of this on CNN and elsewhere are abysmal. 39 The Ramayana is a compendium of subtle truths of life and human nature, and there are fine 40 Her physical deformity becomes symbolic of her angular thinking that sought revenge. 41 The harmful effects of revenge can easily lead one nursing a grouse against an injustice of h

Random notes 1 abstinence -- refrain from eating/dringling abstemious -- sparing in eating/drinking

2 embarrasment -- extreme excess (Ex: An embarrassment of riches.) slacken - abate 3 slack - malinger

sement menace in the city.

plasma wave. nted the guilty from being brought to book.

mains scanty and patchy.

and the army encouraged to take over per castes even if it seeks to checkmate the pro-backward caste moves of the parliament. actors curiously do not seem much excercised about. after all, the Bamiyan Buddhas have a life, in folk memory and affection, beyond the Taliban - but damage done to human lif, limb and welfa e gov't can do nothing right prevents us from coming to grips with some of America's biggest problems.

what a "strategic partner" should be taking. logging,mining and expansion of agriculture to feed a global market is a matter of deep concern. any of them endemic(found nowhere else). n there is the cosy God-explanation in all-too-easy reach? bustion engine nor smoking would ever have been permitted if we knew then what we know now about their dangers. s hoping to elicit the smallest of rewards but has got nothing in return except and arched eyebrow. ashmiri cause and while he has made "unilateral proposals", India has shown no flexibility. Disney drum. ell for this archaic mode of transport has been sounded.

heed to the limits imposed by the eco-system and the various tipping points of nature.

rengthening the statistical system of the country has, in recent years, "been on the wane".

d he's a flash in the pan. entious of them. uld open one port and one airport as a token gesture. o boiled water. ments that are willing to toe Washington's line. kes an impact where it lands and sends out a small ripple that soon fades. Big Brother - one in which a Prime Minister weighed in, sundry Ministers held forth, academics vented spleen, celebrities frothed at the mou t, we all have renewed appreciation for the power of the Big Lie: people tend to believe false official claims about big issues, because they

human nature, and there are finely etched episodes and characters to reinforce these subtleties. nking that sought revenge. a grouse against an injustice of hurt experienced at some point of time to any length to hit back when an opportune moment comes up.

ge done to human lif, limb and welfare cannot be undone.

their dangers.

pleen, celebrities frothed at the mouth, and television anchors crammed the airwaves with al man ner of bits and bytes - something seems t aims about big issues, because they can't picture their leaders being dishonest about such things.

n opportune moment comes up.

bytes - something seems to have been forgotten.

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