Woodland Trust Annual Review 2008

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The site of

Heartwood Forest England’s largest new native forest

2008 was a year of exciting new ventures. We embarked on several ambitious journeys to help protect, restore, create and involve more people in trees and woods than ever before. I hope you will be inspired by our stories. In one of our most visionary projects ever, with the help of many others, we acquired over 300 hectares (741 acres) in Southeast England, where we will create England’s largest continuous new native forest – Heartwood. The land stretches almost as far as the eye can see, and it is only by working at this scale that we can hope to help woodland and wildlife combat its many challenges, such as climate change. Fundraising for Heartwood will remain a priority in 2009 and onwards. But, you don’t need to be a large landowner to create woodland. We want to inspire everyone to consider planting – a wood, small copse, or even a single tree. So in 2008, we helped landowners to plant 90,000 new native trees and create 85 hectares (210 acres) of new woodland on their own sites. Interest in the scheme was such that we could have planted five times this much if we had had more funding. We also launched WoodWatch to make it even easier for people to take action to save trees and woods near them and continued to work tirelessly to protect ancient trees and woods ourselves, being successful in 81 per cent of completed cases. When we launched Tree For All back in 2004 we set out to help a million children plant a tree. It seemed ambitious back then but in 2008, we were pleased to hit this target ahead of schedule. We couldn’t have done this without the help of many other organisations, landowners and volunteers. In 2008, volunteers gave us an amazing 230,000 hours of their precious time. I also want to thank all of our members and other supporters. We were particularly indebted in 2008 to those who left us a gift in their will. Legacies were key in achieving a record breaking income of almost £30 million. This gives us the confidence to keep investing in woods and trees. The future is exciting and challenging, but protecting woods and trees absolutely must be a priority for everyone.

Sue Holden, Chief executive 2008 | 02

People enjoying a guided walk at Heartwood Forest WTPL/Paul Hetherington

CONTENTS 04 Protection 06 Restoration 08 Creation 10 Participation 12 Places for nature 14 Natural partners 16 Through the seasons 18 Annual accounts 19 Thank you

This result is fantastic. Just brilliant! Neil Coleman, chairman of the Pencoedtre Bluebells campaign group

PROTECTING Ancient woodland is our equivalent of the rainforest; it supports more rare and threatened species than any other UK habitat and is irreplaceable. Launched in March 2008, WoodWatch makes it even easier for people to help save trees and woods under threat near them. It provides information on how to campaign locally and navigate the planning system. Woodwatch gives us many extra eyes and ears, equipping others to tell us about threats to ancient trees and woods and to act upon these themselves.Visit woodwatch.org.uk Our success in saving threatened ancient woods continued with 81 per cent of completed cases positively resolved in 2008. Pencoedtre in the Vale of Glamorgan,Wales, is a rich ancient woodland with rare plant communities.We played a major part in getting planning permission for housing and industrial units refused in January 2008.

WoodWatch demonstration against the Hastings to Bexhill Link Road

Other victories included Coed Cwm Slade near Wenvoe, also in Wales, where a concrete conglomerate withdrew an application to lay a conveyor belt through its heart. At Pottishaw Farm in West Lothian, Scotland an ancient wood was saved from transformation into a garden centre, crematorium and pet cemetery. We continued to fight the proposed new Aberdeen bypass which threatens 15 ancient woods, and BAA’s application to build a second runway at Stansted, which would destroy another six. And, to help us reach more people than ever before, we increased our use of online communications.A Stansted campaign video on YouTube attracted 4,500 viewers helping the number of objections to the runway to double.

An ancient tree at Windsor Great Park and forest

Our efforts to increase protection for ancient trees also stepped up a gear as we lobbied for amendments to the European Habitats Directive and planning policy across the UK. We gained the support of many MPs with this campaign, including Alun Michael who won a Charity Champion award on the ePolitix website for his efforts on planning and tree protection legislation. We also held a parliamentary reception ‘Celebrating ancient trees’ addressed by planning minster, Parmjit Dhanda. Find out more at woodlandtrust.org.uk/campaigns

Opposite: Pencoedtre Wood, Wales Vale of Glamorgan Council Above:

Woodland Trust Picture Library WTPL/Ted Green

2008 | 05

RESTORING Across the UK ancient woods, damaged by the planting of non-native conifers, are in urgent need of restoration before they lose their unique natural features forever. Working in partnership with other landowners and managers, we brought another 3,400 hectares (8,400 acres) of the UK’s ancient woodland into active restoration in 2008. The gradual removal of non-native conifer trees enables the fragile ancient woodland flora to see daylight again. Ambitious projects improving valuable archaeological and historical features were completed at three Trust woods in 2008. Planted conifers were sensitively removed from an area covering one of the largest ancient hillforts in England at Credenhill Park Wood in Herefordshire. Credenhill Park Wood, after restoration work had taken place at the hillfort

Nearly £1 million from the Heritage Lottery Fund enabled the highly specialised restoration of unique features at Hackfall in NorthYorkshire. In partnership with the Hackfall Trust, many impressive buildings were repaired including Mowbray Castle, a grand 18th century folly. At Little Doward in the Wye Valley, we carefully removed over two thousand tonnes of conifers, using special low-impact equipment. This ensured that the features of an ancient hill fort, a Scheduled Ancient Monument, were protected. The dramatic hillfort is now visible for all to see.

Coed Aber Atro, restored as part of the Meirionnydd Oakwoods Habitat Project

Opposite: Top: Restoration WTPL/Tom Curtis Bottom left: Mowbray Castle, Hackfall WTPL/Ian Gilkison Middle right: Geordie’s Wood WTPL/Niall Benvie Bottom right: Little Doward Woods WTPL Above:

2008 | 06

WTPL/Jeremy Evans WTPL/Rory Francis

Through partnerships like the Scottish Forest Alliance (SFA), supported by BP, we also worked on a grand scale to make Scotland’s most vulnerable native woods more robust and improve access for people. In 2008, this included tree planting that increased the size of one of the UK’s largest native woodland creation projects, The Great Trossachs Forest. In a separate scheme, boosted by another generous Heritage Lottery Fund grant, we took part in work to engage people, improve biodiversity and enhance the cultural heritage of the Ochils, near Stirling. Also, in Edinburgh and the Lothians, we started working with partners to re-establish green corridors and improve access through the Edinburgh Forest Habitat Network Partnership. And we celebrated the successful completion of the Meirionnydd Oakwoods Project where we joined with others to restore some of the best areas of Atlantic oak wood in Europe. This three year project has benefited 58 woods across Wales covering 1710 hectares (about 4,225 acres).

An unrestored ancient woodland

A restored ancient woodland

…regenerating native woodland and creating a legacy designed to span two centuries. The Scottish Forest Alliance

Our new schemes will help more people experience the joy of creating a wood of their own. James Lonsdale, Head of Woodland Creation

CREATING The UK is one of the least wooded places in Europe, yet we know from our own tree planting projects that in just 12 years new native woods can flourish with wildlife. We want to see the UK’s native woodland cover doubled by 2050. At the end of 2008 with the support of numerous funders, we acquired over 300 hectares (741 acres) of land in Hertfordshire where we are creating Heartwood Forest. Planting at the site is scheduled to begin during the 09/10 season. Eventually it will become England’s largest continuous new native forest, bringing immeasurable benefits to people and wildlife. We also offered landowners in England and Wales the chance to create their own woods with the launch of a pilot scheme in 2008.Thanks to various funders, including some legacies, it will lead to 90,000 native trees being planted creating 85 hectares (210 acres) of new woodland. In 2009, a new version of the scheme called MOREwoods was launched.

Taking part in our Tree For All project at Victory Wood

The final planting of 90,000 trees at Victory Wood in Kent was celebrated in 2008. This was our flagship Trafalgar Wood site, originally created to commemorate the bicentenary of the Battle of Trafalgar in 2005. Around 10,000 of these trees were planted by the public and we hope that about 22,000 more will establish through natural regeneration. Like much of our planting, the new woodland areas offer wildlife benefits across a vast landscape, and link together existing ancient woods which are part of the very important Blean Woods complex. As part of the Scottish Forest Alliance, at Geordie’s Wood in Clackmannanshire we planted the last of one and a half million new trees across our three Glen Devon sites.These too will offer landscape scale benefits to people and wildlife. We also celebrated two of our Northern Ireland sites being declared Local Nature Reserves in 2008 – Monkstown Wood and Clements Wood, both in County Antrim. Now flourishing with wildlife, they were originally woodland creation sites planted by local people to celebrate the Millennium through our Woods on your Doorstep project. Importantly in November 2008, Northern Ireland saw an Assembly motion passed with all party support, calling on the Minister for Agriculture to detail strategies for doubling the Province’s woodland cover in the next 50 years.

Clements Wood, County Antrim, a haven for wildlife

Opposite: Top:Tree planting at Geordie’s Wood, Glen Devon WTPL/Niall Benvie Middle left:Wood anemone, one of the wonderful species found at Monkstown and Clements Woods WTPL/Steven Kind Bottom left: Clements Wood WTPL/Gregor Fulton Bottom right: Monkstown Wood WTPL/Rosanna Ballentine Above:

WTPL/Nick Cobbing

WTPL/Gregor Fulton

2008 | 09

PARTICIPATING People are an essential part of protecting nature and we want to inspire everyone, especially children, to experience the joy and value of trees and woods. Our young ‘nature detectives’ got the year off to a record start by creating over 4,500 woodland scenes for a national art competition.The exclusive prize – an art master class with natural history illustrator Joanne Glover – was won by a school in Shrewsbury.

Winning entry for our Nature Detectives’ art competition from Woodfield Infants School

Meanwhile online, the millionth activity sheet was downloaded from the Nature Detectives website by a childminder and used to spot wildlife in the gardens of Birmingham. By the end of the year, there were 12,500 children, teachers and leaders in our new kids’ club, all busy outside doing their weekly nature challenges. For more details visit naturedetectives.org.uk At the beginning of the year, we also ran a series of events and activities to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the birth of Robert Marsham ‘founding father of phenology’. This tied in with our Nature’s Calendar survey, which is based on the science of phenology. It involves thousands of volunteers monitoring how our native wildlife is affected by climate change. For more details visit naturescalendar.org.uk In May, we launched our Summer of Hugs at the Hay Literary Festival, as part of our Ancient Tree Hunt project. It aims to record 100,000 ancient, veteran and notable trees by encouraging volunteers across the UK to find and ‘hug’ them. Hugging helps determine their girth and so their age.

Nikki Williams measuring an ancient tree with the help of a knitted scarf

Opposite: Emily Harris, the millionth child to participate in our Tree For All campaign WTPL/Chris Booth Above:

2008 | 10

Woodfield Infants School WTPL

We also released a knitting pattern for a new scarf to enable people to measure trees more easily. By the end of September, 50,000 people had downloaded a pattern. Since the project started over 6,000 people have recorded a tree at AncientTreeHunt.org.uk On 25 November, Emily Morris, aged 10, became the millionth child to plant a tree since our Tree For All campaign began.We were delighted to reach this milestone even earlier than planned. The project originally set out to give one million children the unforgettable experience of planting a tree, but with the target achieved, we have set our sights on the next million. For more details visit woodlandtrust.org.uk/takepart

It was such a surprise to be the millionth child. I love tree planting and nature. Emily Harris aged 10 from Durham

2008 | 11

PLACES FOR NATURE In 2008, we acquired another 11 sites covering over 565 hectares (1,396 acres); places where nature will thrive under our protection. Many of these are new woodland creation sites which will help link and extend ancient woods, act as a ‘buffer zone’ to shield them from surrounding land use and provide more space for wildlife and places for people to enjoy.





Heartwood Forest, Hertfordshire

When we heard about over 300 hectares (741 acres) of land becoming available to buy near Sandridge, just a few miles north of St Albans in the South East of England, we knew the potential it offered was phenomenal.

Bluebells at Heartwood Forest

We began negotiations which had to be shrouded in secrecy.When we launched our largest ever appeal in May 2008 the area was enigmatically referred to as ‘Mystery Site X’. Despite this, the response from our members was incredible with nearly £1 million raised from the first appeal.With these funds boosted by grants and corporate support, we had made the site ours by October 2008. It has now been named Heartwood Forest and, though still in the fundraising phase, we’re moving ahead with our ambitious plans to plant 600,000 trees.

Red kite – one of the species which may benefit from the new forest

2008 | 12

With the help of people everywhere, we will create England’s largest continuous new native forest. Heartwood Forest will be transformed into a vast native woodland, flourishing with wildlife. With a population of over two million people living within 15 miles, it offers a huge opportunity to connect more people with nature.



Elmstead Market, Essex

Another successful public appeal in 2008 resulted in the purchase of 37 hectares (91 acres) of prime planting land at Elmstead Market, just three miles from the centre of Colchester. The site already contains pockets of ancient woodland and we want to extend the woodland area by planting 55,000 native trees and create a mosaic of other habitats.

Elmstead Market

Wide stretches of grassland, shrubby areas and wildlife corridors will encourage a great variety of species and give the many people living nearby easy access to nature. 3

Burntollet Wood, Londonderry

Beautifully set on the banks of the Burntollet River, lies one of the Trust’s biggest ever acquisitions in Northern Ireland. At 24 hectares (59 acres), Burntollet Wood’s proximity to Ness Country Park, an Area of Special Scientific Interest, and just south east of the city of Londonderry, makes it an absolute gem. If we can raise the funds, we will plant over 36,000 native trees to provide more woodland habitat for nearby wildlife, like buzzards, otters, pygmy shrews and endangered red squirrels, species that are already living nearby just waiting to move in. 4

Red squirrel

Low Burnhall, County Durham

Low Burnhall is just two miles from the city of Durham with a frontage along the banks of the River Wear. Funding permitting, we will plant 80,000 trees here and create woodland and wildflower meadows.The 68-hectare (167-acre) site lies just across the river from a wildlife-rich wood and wetland and contains its own fragments of ancient woodland. It has the potential to be the perfect place for wildlife and walkers to escape city life.

Low Burnhall

We are still appealing for funds to create and care for all of these sites.To help please visit woodlandtrust.org.uk/appeals Photographs: WTPL/Paul Hetherington WTPL/Dave Foker WTPL/Aerial Close-up Photography WTPL/Pete Holmes WTPL/Sara Lyons

2008 | 13

NATURAL PARTNERS Once again, our business partnerships contributed important funds for our work in 2008, increased awareness of the Trust and encouraged their customers to become involved with trees and woods.

Here are just a few examples: In 2008, as part of IKEA’s Foot of Forest campaign, swipes of IKEA’s Family Card raised enough funds for us to create three million square feet of forest in the future. Meanwhile, to mark the brand’s 25th birthday, Timotei’s customers funded the creation of a further 10 hectares (25 acres) filled with wild flowers and trees. By the spring of 2009 they had blossomed into beautiful ‘Forests of Flowers’. Buyers of Ronseal’s Eco-Range helped fund the planting of another 4,000 trees.

Meadowhall Shopping Centre’s reusable shopping bag

We also worked with three retailers to reduce the number of plastic bags their customers used, at the same time raising funds to plant trees. They all created special re-usable shopping bags and donated a percentage of the profits to us; Meadowhall Shopping Centre near Sheffield boosted our funds by charging for their jute reusable bags; Lakeland shoppers raised £42,000 from reusable shopping bag sales, and TK Maxx raised a fantastic £130,000 and reduced plastic bag usage by 70 per cent. Staff at Royal Mail were invited to work out their carbon footprint. They could then make a tax free donation through their payroll to plant trees with us and compensate for their carbon emissions.This payroll giving scheme raised enough money to plant nearly 7,000 trees equivalent to 1,366 tonnes of carbon.

Royal Mail goes greener

Opposite: Clockwise from top left: Hermione Norris advertising our Christmas Card Recycling Scheme; IKEA staff plant a tree; The Ronseal tree; Barry Crow, MD of Green Metropolis; A forest of flowers for Timotei

2008 | 14

Bookseller Green Metropolis hit an impressive landmark this year, recycling its one millionth book, with the Woodland Trust receiving a donation for each recycled book sold via the Internet. And, our famous Christmas Card Recycling Scheme resulted in over 73 million cards being recycled by the public at WHSmith, Tesco, TK Maxx and Marks and Spencer.This will enable us to plant around 17,000 trees. For more on these and our other business partnerships visit woodlandtrust.org.uk/companies


Cefn Ila near Usk received the first saplings from the PLANT! scheme. Initiated by the Welsh Assembly Government, the scheme aims to plant a tree for every child born or adopted in Wales after 1 January 2008 (around 35,000 per year) and is expected to lead to the creation of 30 hectares (75 acres) of new woodland a year. Northern Ireland politicians, including former First Minister, Rev Dr Ian Paisley, and deputy First Minister, Martin McGuinness, accepted our invitation in April to plant a new grove of birch, ash and oak trees at Stormont, to show their commitment to increasing the Province’s native woodland cover. Later in the year, we took our Vision for woodland in Northern Ireland to Stormont. This called on the Government to deliver on its commitment to double the country’s woodland cover and asked for greater protection for ancient woods and trees.


We unveiled our new report, Woodland actions for biodiversity and their role in water management, highlighting the role trees can play in soaking up carbon dioxide, reducing pollution and preventing flooding when planted in the right places. Our Green Tree Schools Award was launched, rewarding schools with points every time they participated in one of our inspirational learning events, such as tree planting, recycling or the YellowWoods Challenge. The latter is supported by directory publisher, Yell, and encourages school children to recycle Yellow pages, which, in turn, raises money for the Trust to plant trees. We were also awarded our third successive five-year Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certificate – an independent audit assuring that our woods are well-managed.We were the first UK-wide landowner to have all its woods certified by the FSC.

2008 | 16

Here’s a flavour of some other Trust activities which occurred across the UK in 2008.


Over 3,400 people took part in our Hainault Forest Festival in Essex, which included speed-dating walks, fungi forays, silent walks and a woodcraft week. The Trust’s campaign team dressed up as trees from a mythical ‘Philipland Wood’ and descended upon London to highlight the threats posed to woods by the aviation industry. The ‘trees’ visit to BAA’s headquarters, was made into a short film shown on YouTube. Irena Krasinska-Lobban was awarded our Volunteer of the Year award for her amazing work on the Ancient Tree Hunt. One of our many valued volunteers, Irena was singled out for identifying over 100 ancient trees and inspiring others through her role as a tree verifier.


We celebrated the first anniversary of our Brede High Woods acquisition in East Sussex, the Trust’s second largest site in England. Restoration by gradual removal of planted non-native conifers is now well underway, the management plan agreed and public access improved. Young people from West Lothian proudly premiered five very different films documenting their reactions and views on woods, as part of our Branching Out in West Lothian (BOWL) project. We issued our Scottish Challenges,which called on the government, unitary authorities and Forestry Commission Scotland to protect and restore the country’s woodland. It contained targets for doubling native woodland cover in the country by 2050. Our woodland dedication service continued to be popular and, by the end of the Christmas period, over 13,000 people had dedicated trees or areas of woodland.This raised almost £1 million towards our work. Photographs: Planting at Cefn Ila WTPL; Politicians put down roots at Stormont: from left to right, deputy First Minister Martin McGuinness, the Woodland Trust’s Patrick Cregg, former First Minister Rev Ian Paisley, and Speaker William Hay Michael Cooper; Waterfall at Hackfall WTPL/Marshall Sisterton; Pupil receiving Green Tree Schools Award June Good; Children enjoying Hainault Forest Festival WTPL/Tony Chadwick; Philipland Wood ‘trees’ protesting WTPL; Brede High Woods WTPL/Colin Varndell; Young people taking part in the BOWL film project Helen Pugh

2008 | 17


Another record breaking income of nearly £30 million was achieved in 2008, with the help of membership, public donations, corporate support, charitable trusts and grants, and in particular legacies, the latter of which made up almost 30 per cent of our total income.


£000s 10 11 08


07 01

01 | Legacies


02 | Public donations


03 | Membership


04 | Grants


05 | Companies, trusts and landfill tax


06 | Sponsorship income


07 | Investments and bank interest


08 | Merchandise and lotteries




04 02

09 | Woodland management income


10 | Other income


11 | Donated land


Total income



£000s 07 08




05 02


01 | Protection of ancient woodland


02 | Woodland conservation and management


03 | Creation of new native woodland


04 | Access, recreation and education




05 | Fundraising


06 | Membership


07 | Governance


08 | Investment management Sub-total 03

Total expenditure Income less expenditure

36 4,593 28,864 866

The figures above were extracted from the full audited and unqualified accounts. Copies can be obtained from woodlandtrust.org.uk or by applying to the Trust’s head office in Grantham.The annual accounts were approved on 20 May 2009 and have been submitted to the Charity Commission, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, and Companies House. Colin Hall, chair of the finance committee. 2008 | 18

THANK YOU CHARITABLE TRUSTS £1000 and over Alan Evans Memorial Trust Ann Brown Charitable Settlement Ash Yeo Charitable Trust Banister Charitable Trust Behrens Foundation Ben Koerner Bergne-Coupland Charity Brian Woolf Trust Brownswood Trust Carpenters’ Company Charles Henry Foyle Trust Cheruby Trust Cleopatra Trust John S Cohen Foundation Colles Trust Craignish Charitable Trust Dagny Raymond Charitable Trust David Killick Trust Dingwall Trust Doris Field Charitable Trust Dr & Mrs A Darlington Charitable Trust Dunard Fund Esmee Fairbairn Foundation Essex Trust E T Mowle Charitable Trust Fisherbeck Charitable Trust Florence Turner Trust Forbes Fund Garfield Weston Foundation George A Moore Foundation Gretna Charitable Trust Gunter Charitable Trust Harris Charity Hawthorne Charitable Trust Hilda and Johnny Gibb Charitable Trust Holbeck Charitable Trust Ian & Elizabeth Church Charitable Trust Ingram Trust J K Reynell Charitable Trust Jack Patston Charitable Trust John Ellerman Foundation John Jarrold Trust Lady Hind Trust Langdale Trust Mark Leonard Trust Mary Lady Fuller Charitable Trust Maud Elkington Charitable Trust Mr T H N Allen Charitable Trust Mulberry House Fund Needham Charitable Trust Northern Rock Foundation

Open Gate Patricia Routledge Charitable Trust Paul Bassham Charitable Trust Peacock Charitable Trust PF Charitable Trust Richard Radcliffe Charitable Trust Risby Charitable Trust Robert Clutterbuck Charitable Trust Scouloudi Foundation Serve All Trust ShareGift Shears Foundation Skyme Hart Charitable Trust Spear Charitable Trust Steel Charitable Trust Sylvia Aitken Charitable Trust Tanner Trust Tay Charitable Trust Tekoa Trust The Martin Connell Charitable Trust The Michael Marsh Charitable Trust The Sunley Foundation The Tubney Charitable Trust Thornton Charitable Trust Tolkien Trust Vandervell Foundation Waterloo Foundation William Dean Trust

CORPORATE SUPPORTERS ALD Automotive Barclaycard Barclays BMRB Social Research BMW Ltd British Land BT plc Buccleuch Group Calor Cap Gemini Charities Advisory Trust Communisis Colletts Holidays Continu-forms holdings plc Delta-Simons Dorothy Perkins Doubletree by Hilton Environmental Business Products Ltd Ferrero UK Ltd 3663 First For Foodservice Flourish Georgia Pacific GB Ltd Golden Charter Greener Solutions Hammonds Furniture Ltd Honda UK IKEA UK Ltd Indigo Furniture Ltd James McNaughton Group Ltd Kernow Coatings Lakeland

We are grateful to the following organisations and individuals who supported the Trust during 2008.

Manor Oak Marks & Spencer plc Meadowhall Noble Foods Ltd Penguin Books Ltd PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Reed Elsevier RM Education plc Ronseal Ltd Royal Mail Group Sainsbury’s SCA Recycling Ltd T C Communications Ltd Tesco Freetime Ltd Tesco Stores Ltd The Co-operative Bank plc The Royal Bank of Scotland The Walt Disney Company Timotei TJX Europe TNT Post Total Refrigeration Velux WHSmith Retail Ltd Worcester Bosch Yellow Moon UK Ltd Yellow Pages Yeo Valley Organic Co Ltd

GRANTS £5,000 and over Big Lottery Fund Cambridgeshire Horizons Countryside Council for Wales Defra Department of Agriculture and Rural Development NI Department of Communities and Local Government Environment Agency European Structural Funds Forestry Commission England Forestry Commission Scotland Forestry Commission Wales Forest Service Northern Ireland Friends of the Lake District Green Arc Hackfall Trust Heritage Lottery Fund Kent Downs AONB National Forest Company Natural England Northern Ireland Environment Agency Perth and Kinross Countryside Trust Rail Link Countryside Initiative Rural Payments Agency Scottish Natural Heritage Wales Council for Voluntary Action

LANDFILL COMMUNITIES FUND £5,000 and over Alpha Programmes managed by Groundwork NI Angus Environmental Trust Better Belfast Landfill Community Fund Biffaward County Durham Environmental Trust Cumbria Waste Management Environment Trust CWM Environmental Limited GEMTrust Gloucestershire Environmental Trust GrantScape Lafarge Aggregates Lancashire Environmental Fund npower SITA Trust Staffordshire Environmental Fund Trust for Oxfordshire’s Environment Ulster Wildlife Trust Veolia Environmental Trust Waste Recycling Environmental Limited Welcome to Our Future Yorventure

LOCAL AUTHORITIES £5,000 and over Belfast City Council Cambridgeshire County Council Carrickfergus Borough Council Castlereagh Borough Council Cheshire County Council Cherwell District Council Cookstown District Council Essex County Council Herefordshire Council Leicestershire County Council Larne District Council Newtownabbey Borough Council North Down Borough Council Nottinghamshire County Council Strabane District Council Thurrock Council

LEGACIES £5,000 and over Miss P D Allen Mrs M G Allington Mr E J Allsop Mrs M Amos

Mrs M T Barker Mr P G Bedson Mr J M Benton Mr L E Beresford Mrs B Beveridge Mrs J Bielby Miss A J Black Mrs P M I Blackmore Mr A K Blake Miss R M Box Mr P B Brodribb Miss H M Brookes Mrs N Broudin Mr A W Bullock Mrs J E M Burgess Mrs M Burns Mrs J M Carrington Ms M V N Brown Miss V D F Carthy Mrs E M Chamberlin Miss E W Charleton Mrs M Cheney Mrs L J Clarkson Mr R A Cochrane-Smith Miss C Coles Mr G Colton Ms P R Cook Mrs J E Cooke Miss L A M Cox Ms E L Coxon Mr J Crocker Miss E Crowther Mr M J Dare Mrs J M Dubois Mrs D M Deane Miss R M Davies Mr P M Durman Mr F W Ellis Mrs K N Ellison Mr D C Fairhall Mr J C Fieldhouse Mr A G C Findlay Mr B Fletcher Miss E Fleure Miss M Flower Mrs C A Ford Miss M Forman Mr P A Fowler Mrs E D Gale Mr K H E George Miss E G R Gillespie Mr A Goddard Mrs I M Gordon Miss H S Green Mrs E L Green Mrs E F Greenwood Mrs D P Gummer Mrs D Hannah Miss C J Harries Mr G B Harrod Mrs A G R Harvie Mr E Haswell Mrs P P Hince Miss D E Hobbs Mrs M M Hogan Miss J A H Holden Miss M Horsfall Miss M Hosker Mrs B H Hunt Mrs C A Hunt Mr P M Hurley Miss J M Jackson Mrs J Jagger Mr A Jefferson Miss T M C Johnstone Miss E K Jones

Miss E D Kenrick John A C Kerridge Mrs S Kurzen Mrs M G Langley Mr G F Lawrence Miss L F Leake Dr E M Le Breton Ms S U Levi Mrs J B Lewis Mrs P M Lundgren Mrs M M F Lynn Mrs E S D Lyon-Williams Mrs M J Markham Mrs M J Marszalek Miss F E Mayes Mr L A Monk Miss M A Mycock Miss M E Nash Professor K I B S Needham Mrs E K Nicholls Miss B A Noaks Miss N L North Mrs R Nye Dr B M Parker Mr R W Parr Dr E K J Paterson Mrs M Pearce Mrs D M Phillips Miss B M Phillips Mr K T Pilkington Mrs B Plant Mrs B L Price Mrs D G Reid Miss G R E Rickard Mrs L A Riley Miss P M B Robertson Mrs F L Robinson Mrs P M Rooker Miss E J A Rutherford Mrs M K Samuel Mrs N G Scaum Mrs K E M Scheerboom Mrs M A Shanks Mr W Shaw Mr P J Sherwin Mrs A M Short Mr B H Shuck Dr S E G Simpson Ms A C M Simpson Dr A Sivasbrumaniam Miss G Smith Mrs J Smith Miss A M H Smith Miss M St John Mrs M G Stater Mr M J R Stockman Mrs S Swann Mr D Swift Mr F J Taylor Ms A Tucker Mrs F Turner Ms D A Tyler Miss J M Wade Mrs J K Walker Dr C K Warrick CBE Mrs P B Watkins Mr J R Watson Miss M T Watts Mr A A R Wilkes Mrs B Wilson Ms H Wood Mrs A D Wright Miss M E Yeo

The Woodland Trust* Autumn Park Grantham Lincolnshire NG31 6LL Telephone 01476 581111 The Woodland Trust Scotland South Inch Business Centre Shore Road Perth PH2 8BW Telephone 01738 635829

Cover image: The location of Heartwood Forest, near Sandridge, St Albans WTPL/CTPimaging

Coed Cadw (the Woodland Trust) 3 Cooper’s Yard Curran Rd Cardiff CF10 5NB Telephone 08452 935860 The Woodland Trust in Northern Ireland 1 Dufferin Court Dufferin Avenue Bangor County Down BT20 3BX Telephone 028 9127 5787

woodlandtrust.org.uk * Registered office The Woodland Trust is a charity registered in England and Wales and in Scotland. A non-profit making company limited by guarantee. Registered in England no. 1982873. The Woodland Trust logo is a registered trademark. Writer: Sallyanne Flemons Editor: Nicola Strazzullo Designer: Ian Edwards

4110 06/09

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