Wn 11 Diciembre 08

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 27,554
  • Pages: 117
Wednesday Night 06-12-08 Henry Rojas: y ya estamos aqui… Marco Perez: escandalo escandalo Henry Rojas: para este show tenemos… o mas bien daremos comienso al torneo que definira quien sera el retador numero 1 o numero 2 al titulo… ya que Christo tambien estara en esa Hell in the Cell que promete… Marco Perez: hoy tambien hara su regreso Rey Andres... quien después de mucho tiempo regresa y que dira que su enemigo Kubit es ahora campeon mundial?? Henry Rojas: no lose pero ahí viene el jefe para informarnos mas acerca de este torneo -Aparece el GG VincentGG Vincent: ahora dare las llaves del torneo Juan Olarte

Mascara Chilena

Tom Bonecrusher


El Vaquilla

Santo Angel

Killer Montxo


El Cantante



Spanish Dream

El Pirinola



El Bulla

Compadre Moncho


He-Man Show

Maestro Xtremo


El Mexicano

Lord Evil


Dave Snake

Takeshi Morishima

Santiago Sangriento

Fn Socko

Dipe El Pistolero

Juan Valdez


Matt Parkman

GG Vincent: las cuales seran de forma aleatoria… es decir que comensaremos con cualquiera de esas peleas y Comensaremos con!! Juan Olarte vs Tom Bonecrusher!!

Primera Pelea

Juan Olarte vs Tom Bonecrusher Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, JUAN OLARTE"! JUAN OLARTE makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Tom Bonecrusher"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Tom Bonecrusher makes his way to the ring wearing a black jacket with his name in bloody letters mounting a custom chopper with his lover who kisses him burning with passion a light shines over him on the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort JUAN OLARTE prevails JUAN OLARTE puts a hand on Tom Bonecrusher's face and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!! JUAN OLARTE throws the leg Tom Bonecrusher gets down to dodge an Overhead Kick and counterattacks Tom Bonecrusher brings his foot up then drops it into JUAN OLARTE executing an light Axe Kick!! Tom Bonecrusher standing side-to-side with his opponent, lifts him and pulls him on the mat, landing on the back, by falling backwards performing a light Side Suplex!! Tom Bonecrusher locks JUAN OLARTE from behind with a deadly hold between his arm and his body

tighting the hold between his arm and his body with a light Dragon Sleeper!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher charges his leg executing a light Kick to Back!! JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back [Special Submission activated for Tom Bonecrusher] JUAN OLARTE holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! JUAN OLARTE takes the adversary's head and Tom Bonecrusher lowers avoiding a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative Tom Bonecrusher holds his opponent and strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!! Tom Bonecrusher bounces off by using the top rope, performing a backflip in mid-air towards his opponent JUAN OLARTE moves out the way just in time, dodging the Springboard Crossbody and retaking initative JUAN OLARTE carries Tom Bonecrusher on his shoulders and slams him on his back, connecting with a strong Sky High!! [Special Power Body activated for Tom Bonecrusher] JUAN OLARTE grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair JUAN OLARTE and lunges himself on the ropes JUAN OLARTE waits for the opponent bounce against the ropes Tom Bonecrusher bends and rolls dodging the Back Toss, taking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher gains momentum by bouncing off the middle rope, and leaps backwards on his opponent

and drives his elbow throughout his rival's chest, executing a light Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher prepares to hit the opponent grasping him by his chest JUAN OLARTE dodges a Tie Up Knee Strike with a nice movement, taking back the initiative JUAN OLARTE grabs Tom Bonecrusher's neck firmly twisting it irregularly executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE pulls Tom Bonecrusher still groggy, by his hair JUAN OLARTE grasps the opponent Tom Bonecrusher gets free from the Body Slam, taking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Tom Bonecrusher bounces off the ropes jumping against JUAN OLARTE hitting him with a shoulder, performing a strong Diving Shoulder Block!! Tom Bonecrusher hooks the opponent's legs who's laying prone on the mat JUAN OLARTE easily avoids a Reverse Figure 4, taking the initiative JUAN OLARTE comes close to Tom Bonecrusher and blocks him with a clinch performing an light Arm Lock!! JUAN OLARTE keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE inserts a rival's arm among his own legs applying an armbar continuing twisting his arm he falls ahead on the rival and he pins him with a light Magistrale Cradle!! Referee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... Tom Bonecrusher gets up and resolutely fights back Tom Bonecrusher charges his arm JUAN OLARTE dodges an Overhand Chop to gain the initiative JUAN OLARTE open his hand hurling it against Tom Bonecrusher's chest with a light Chop followed by a chant of WOOOOOO!!! JUAN OLARTE turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a strong Mule Kick!!! JUAN OLARTE hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, Tom Bonecrusher easily eludes a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! [Special Mortal Submission activated for Tom Bonecrusher] Tom Bonecrusher places a leg beneath his lying opponent's neck then he places the other one beneath his rival's arm closing the triangle with a light Triangle Choke!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his excruciating submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs and grabs him by the arms crossing them in a light Gory Special!! JUAN OLARTE escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE quickly gets up and counterattacks! JUAN OLARTE open his arms Tom Bonecrusher moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative

Tom Bonecrusher puts a hand on JUAN OLARTE's face and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! Tom Bonecrusher takes the JUAN OLARTE's arm and blocks it in a hold then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! Tom Bonecrusher tucks the opponent's head in his armpit JUAN OLARTE breaks free from his opponent's Snap DDT and regains the initative JUAN OLARTE jumps on his bent opponent with the help of the ropes driving his heel right on the back of his neck, knocking him on the ground and connecting with a strong Scissor Kick!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but JUAN OLARTE is faster and is not caught off guard! JUAN OLARTE charges his arm and strikes his opponent's forehead with the side of the hand, executing an light Overhand Chop!! JUAN OLARTE quickly lifts his left leg Tom Bonecrusher dodges the Karate Kick and counterattacks Tom Bonecrusher lifts the opponent showing great strength JUAN OLARTE somersaults falling on his feet, dodging a Back Suplex and taking the initiative JUAN OLARTE grasps his opponent's arms and blocks them with his own and starts to hit him with a series of headbutts executing a strong Trapping Headbutts!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but JUAN OLARTE is faster and is not caught off guard! JUAN OLARTE opens wide his arms and strikes Tom Bonecrusher's face with both hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!!

JUAN OLARTE loads a kick Tom Bonecrusher moves quickly dodging a Toe Kick, taking back the initiative Tom Bonecrusher prepares his arm and falls on JUAN OLARTE with his fist executing a light Fist But!! Tom Bonecrusher aprieta violentamente la cabeza de JUAN OLARTE tirandolo en la lona JUAN OLARTE somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! JUAN OLARTE jumps placing his own feet beneath Tom Bonecrusher's shoulders and makes Tom Bonecrusher roll in a Rolling Crutch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Tom Bonecrusher kicks out JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching JUAN OLARTE off guard! Tom Bonecrusher se coloca por detras de JUAN OLARTE sosteniendo su cabeza y lo proyecta hacia atras fracturando sus huesos executing strong Ultimate Bonecrusher!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back JUAN OLARTE grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs the opponent's head from behind Tom Bonecrusher gets free from a a Reverse DDT, taking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher moves behind JUAN OLARTE and grasps his head putting it under his arm,

he lifts him up over his shoulder and drops him, letting him fall chin first on it performing a light Rolling Cutter!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher grabs one JUAN OLARTE 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Tom Bonecrusher jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!! Tom Bonecrusher applies an elevated single leg boston crab on his opponent lying on the mat and connects with a light Stretch Muffler!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher se coloca por detras de JUAN OLARTE sosteniendo su cabeza y lo proyecta hacia atras fracturando sus huesos executing strong Ultimate Bonecrusher!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... JUAN OLARTE gets up and resolutely fights back JUAN OLARTE opens wide his arms and strikes Tom Bonecrusher's face with both hands performing a violent Mongolian Chop!! JUAN OLARTE loads a kick Tom Bonecrusher moves quickly dodging a a Toe Kick, taking back the initiative Tom Bonecrusher prepares his arm and falls on JUAN OLARTE with his fist executing a light Fist But!! Tom Bonecrusher brings JUAN OLARTE nearer, hugging him to the chest

and throws him over his head, dropping him down to the ground with a strong The Eliminator!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that JUAN OLARTE has fallen out of the ring!!!! [Special Blocking activated for Tom Bonecrusher] Tom Bonecrusher leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Tom Bonecrusher grabs the face of JUAN OLARTE laying on the ground and slams it on the steps executing a light Facedrop on Step Ladder!!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Tom Bonecrusher jumps on the opponent outside the ring from the turnbuckle JUAN OLARTE blocks the manoeuvre making the opponent hit his feet, taking the initiative! JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder Tom Bonecrusher avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Tom Bonecrusher jumps from the apron to execute a light Knee Drop from Apron Ring!!!!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Tom Bonecrusher grasps JUAN OLARTE outside the ring and lifts him to a verticle position head down and performs a light Brainbuster on the Mat!!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Tom Bonecrusher jumps on the opponent outside the ring from the turnbuckle JUAN OLARTE blocks the manoeuvre making the opponent hit his feet, taking the initiative! JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder

and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Tom Bonecrusher] Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder Tom Bonecrusher avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Tom Bonecrusher grasps JUAN OLARTE outside the ring and lifts him to a verticle position head down and drops him head first on the ground outside the ring performing a light Brainbuster on the Mat!!!!! [Special Dodging activated for Tom Bonecrusher] Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Tom Bonecrusher removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections JUAN OLARTE avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" JUAN OLARTE goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Tom Bonecrusher goes up again in the ring JUAN OLARTE prepares to a kick and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!! JUAN OLARTE moves behind the opponent and grasps his head putting it under his arm, Tom Bonecrusher shows great agility and gets free from the a Rolling Cutter, taking the initiative Tom Bonecrusher tucks JUAN OLARTE's head in his armpit then he jumps down, swinging his legs forward, bending JUAN OLARTE, and driving him down to the mat face first, connecting with a strong Snap DDT!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher drives his opponent's head against his own

to perform a light Jaw Breaker!! Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Tom Bonecrusher bounces off the ropes and leaps hitting JUAN OLARTE with a shoulder, performing a strong Diving Shoulder Block!! Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher Prende Sus Ojos En Fuego executing The Unholy Frenzy Tom Bonecrusher grabs JUAN OLARTE's hair Tom Bonecrusher lif his down headed opponent on his back and slams him down by performing a powerful Vertabreaker!! Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher Prende Sus Ojos En Fuego executing The Unholy Frenzy JUAN OLARTE pulls himself together and fights back JUAN OLARTE points to the opponent with decision Tom Bonecrusher avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Tom Bonecrusher stops the opponent taking him by an arm JUAN OLARTE avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative JUAN OLARTE stands firmly on the mat and hits Tom Bonecrusher with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his rival and lifts him sideways to himself and skillfully turns him behind himself making him slam his back with a powerful Killer!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power JUAN OLARTE grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair JUAN OLARTE flanks his opponent, and grapples his head

Tom Bonecrusher with force of will, breaks loose from the a Side Head Lock and starts striking back! Tom Bonecrusher flanks his opponent, and grapples his head and clamps it with strength, trying to submit him in a light Side Head Lock!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold JUAN OLARTE escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE quickly gets up and counterattacks! JUAN OLARTE prepares the back of his hand Tom Bonecrusher dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Tom Bonecrusher approaches his rival loading his arm and hits him to his throat with a strong Throat Thrust!! Tom Bonecrusher moves sideways and charges his right hand JUAN OLARTE slips past the a Side Mounting Punch, catching his opponent off-guard and regaining the initative JUAN OLARTE lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary executing a light Powerful Knee Strike!! JUAN OLARTE lifts his opponent above the shoulder Tom Bonecrusher with a master stroke, escapes the a Shoulder Breaker and regains the initiative Tom Bonecrusher raises his opponent on his shoulder and makes his shoulder hit the knee, connecting with a strong Shoulder Breaker!! [Special Resistance activated for Tom Bonecrusher] Tom Bonecrusher grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, submitting him with a light Strangle Hold!! Tom Bonecrusher keeps his weak submission hold Tom Bonecrusher keeps his ruthless submission hold Tom Bonecrusher releases his grasp

Tom Bonecrusher grabs the grounded opponent's feet and throws him to the turnbuckle performing a strong Rocket Launcher!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that JUAN OLARTE has fallen out of the ring!!!! Tom Bonecrusher is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Tom Bonecrusher off guard! JUAN OLARTE leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" JUAN OLARTE puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then lifts Tom Bonecrusher up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Tom Bonecrusher down to the step ladder shoulder and neck first connecting with a strong Suplex on Step Ladder!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder Tom Bonecrusher avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Tom Bonecrusher jumps towards his opponent from the apron to execute a violent Knee Drop from Apron Ring!!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Tom Bonecrusher throws himself head forward, on the opponent lying outside the ring JUAN OLARTE blocks the manoeuvre making the opponent hit his feet, taking the initiative! JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder

and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" JUAN OLARTE lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" JUAN OLARTE removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching JUAN OLARTE off guard! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Tom Bonecrusher while the referee is distracted, wraps some cable chords around his opponents throat JUAN OLARTE slips out of the chords before they are tightened suprising the opponent and counterattacks!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt Tom Bonecrusher capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching JUAN OLARTE off guard! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Tom Bonecrusher goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" JUAN OLARTE goes up again in the ring Tom Bonecrusher leaps toward the opponent JUAN OLARTE doges the a Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative JUAN OLARTE holds his opponent and fiercely strikes his throat with an light Uppercut!!

JUAN OLARTE Tom Bonecrusher somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Tom Bonecrusher grasps JUAN OLARTE while running and throws him up in the air with a light Big Toss!! Tom Bonecrusher comes close to the lying opponent and grabs an arm bending it applying an light Armbar!! JUAN OLARTE escapes from the hold JUAN OLARTE quickly gets up and counterattacks! JUAN OLARTE approaches the opponent Tom Bonecrusher droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Tom Bonecrusher places the opponent horizontally on his shoulders JUAN OLARTE dodges the a Fireman Carry quickly counter attacking JUAN OLARTE lifts an arm and quickly lowers it to hit his opponent's neck performing a light Club to the Neck!! JUAN OLARTE gets over his laying opponent grabbing the back of his head and hits him with his other hand executing a strong Clutching Punch!! Tom Bonecrusher escapes from the hold Tom Bonecrusher quickly gets up and counterattacks! Tom Bonecrusher charges his arm striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! Tom Bonecrusher prepares his arm JUAN OLARTE dodges the a Fist But and takes the initiative JUAN OLARTE angrily prepares his leg and performs a light Big Kick!! JUAN OLARTE grabs his opponent

and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! JUAN OLARTE is about to perform his taunt JUAN OLARTE executing The Colombian Power JUAN OLARTE grabs Tom Bonecrusher's hair JUAN OLARTE grabs one Tom Bonecrusher 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well JUAN OLARTE executing MORTAL Storm!! JUAN OLARTE tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Tom Bonecrusher gets his shoulder up somehow JUAN OLARTE gets up while his opponent is still on the ground JUAN OLARTE pulls Tom Bonecrusher still groggy, by his hair JUAN OLARTE executing MORTAL Destroyer!! JUAN OLARTE tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... JUAN OLARTE WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS Tom Bonecrusher!!!! Marco Perez: al parecer Juan Olarte se esta recuperando poco a poco de sus derrotas… Henry Rojas: es cierto… y mira quien aparece!!... Santo Angel!! Santo Angel: Juan Olarte, la semana pasada de no ser por mi estarias fuera de la empresa… y sabes solo lo hice por una cosa… quiero que formemos un tag dominante en esta federación… pero

comenso este torneo y podemos ser rivales en cualquier momento pero te dare mi ayuda cada vez que lo necesites… Henry Rojas: asi nomas lo dice? Tan abiertamente? Marco Perez: es que Santo no tiene sangre en la cara o que? Santo Angel: quiero asceder nuevamente y salir de este hoyo en el que me encuentro, en el que nos encontramos Juan… que me dices… Marco Perez: otra alianza mas?.. ya teniamos suficiente con Cruscifer y XMP ahora también a Santo Angel y Juan Olarte? Henry Rojas: aun no a respondido Marco Perez: bueno y cual sera la segunda pelea de este torneo Suena My Curse de Killswitch Engage Fn Socko: PLEASE WELCOME.......YOUR HARDCORE CHAMPION......THE FUTURE HISPANO CHAMPION.......AND THE WINNER OF THE TOURNAMENT AND FUTURE WORLD CHAMPION...........FN..... Socko-Holics: SOCKOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Fn Socko: YEAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!.........So tonight a tourny begins.....and...the winner will be part of the 3-way match for the LWC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP at Latino Revolution........asi como que yo pensaba ser un double champion....pensaba tener en mi poder el titulo hardcore y el titulo hispano....pero se da este torneo...con el que podria ser parte del 3way....DAMN!!!!!!!.....Simplemente ....... piensen un poquito....FN Socko...ganador del torneo....Fn Socko gana la lucha por el titulo hardcore y el hispano.......se convierte en double champion....Fn Socko participa en la 3-way.....y ya no seria un double champion......sino se convertiria en el primer wrestler de la LWC en tener 3 titulos en su poder.....ke tal???? Socko-Holics: CHAMPION MATERIAL!!!!!! CHAMPION MATERIAL!!!!!!! CHAMPION MATERIAL!!!!!!! Fn Socko: Eh.......pero no todo es facil.......... Socko-Holics: WHAT?????????? Henry Rojas: Por fin dijo algo sensato....ganar este tipo de torneos no es nada facil...tiene que pasar sobre una gran cantidad de wrestlers de gran nivel y....... Marco Perez: SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!.....Pero como el Gran Fn Socko dice eso...si el simplemente es THE ONE AND ONLY....el tiene que ganar el torneo sin ningun problema......... Fn Socko: Esteeeeeee......FUCKING INSECTOS......Kien dijo que iba a ser dificl ganar el torneo??????...a lo que yo me refiero es que va a ser dificil cargar con 3 titulos.......Este torneo sera sencillo........sino miren a mi oponente.....Takeshi Morishima....un vietnamita panzon......

Henry Rojas: Eh Socko.....no es vietnamita.....es japones....y ha sido un ROH WORLD CHAMPION..... Fn Socko: Japones????......chino?????......Vietnamita???......no interesa.......todos los asiaticos son iguales....Y dejame decirte que esto no es ROH....esto es LWC INTERNATIONAL.........Asi que hoy comienza el camino para llegar a ese 3-way y conquistar el LWC WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP.........ASi que Go Shiozaki...ven para que tragues tu pedazo Henry Rojas: Socko.......No vas a pelear con Go Shiozaki....vas a pelear con Takeshi Morishima....... Fn Socko: Es lo mismo......igual ven ya sabemos lo que le va a pasar.....asi ke Naomichi Marufuji....TAP OUT OR PAIN TIME!!!!!! Henry Rojas: Y dale.......como es posible que un luchador no sepa el nombre de su oponente....... Marco Perez: herny....ya cansate.....deja esos comentarios de lado......y veamos al mejor campeon hardcore de la LWC en accion Socko-Holics: PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!!PLEASE DONT DIE!!!!!!! de repente suena SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION de MEGADETH. Henry Rojas: pero si ese no es el tema de takeshi morishima, es el tema de... Marco Perez: si, de nuestro campeon hispano, SERGINHO. FN SOCKO: ¿que quieres ahora FUCKING INSECTO? Socko-Holics: yeah, FUCKING INSECTO. SERGINHO7: ya empieza, dejate de tus gilipolleces en ingles GILI-SOCKO, esto es una federation latina no inglesa. MAÑOS: si, callate GILI-SOCKO. PUBLICO: ... SERGINHO7: solo he salido a decirte que te rebajes unos punticos. no salgas diciendo que vas a ser campeon mundial y mucho menos hispano. porque vamos a por ti. FN-SOCKO: ¿quien? SERGINHO7: creo que ya te lo imaginas, asi que diles a tus fans que sigan diciendo PLEASE DON'T DIE, aunque realmente deberian decir YOU'RE GONNA DIE. suena SYMPHNOY OF DESTRUCTION y SERGINHO se va a los vestuarios. Henry Rojas: ¿lo ha amenazado de muerte? Marco Perez: me encanta SERGINHO, siempre tan directo.

Segunda Pelea Fn Socko vs Takeshi Morishima Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Fn Sock-O"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena Fn Sock-O makes his way to the ring a light shines over him on the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, TAKESHI MORISHIMA"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron TAKESHI MORISHIMA makes his way to the ring a light shines over him on the ring TAKESHI MORISHIMA gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA stares at Fn Sock-O in front of him and hits his face with an light Ear Slap showing no respect!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA charges his arm Fn Sock-O dodges the Fist But and takes the initiative Fn Sock-O droops and hits the rival with his forearm executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Fn Sock-O pulls TAKESHI MORISHIMA still groggy, by his hair Fn Sock-O hooks his opponent's head from behind and makes him fall on his nipe spinning him performing a light Scoop Reverse DDT!! Fn Sock-O grabs TAKESHI MORISHIMA's hair

Fn Sock-O grabs one TAKESHI MORISHIMA 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Fn Sock-O bounces against the ropes and runs toward TAKESHI MORISHIMA and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Fn Sock-O gets close to his grounded opponent TAKESHI MORISHIMA avoids the Knee Stomp and counterattacks TAKESHI MORISHIMA bounces against the ropes and dives on Fn Sock-O with a strong Big Splash Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Fn Sock-O gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Mortal Submission activated for Fn Sock-O] Fn Sock-O puts a hand on the opponent's face TAKESHI MORISHIMA shifts and avoids an Eye Rake taking the initiative TAKESHI MORISHIMA open his arms ready to hit Fn Sock-O and strikes Fn Sock-O's face with both hands performing a light Mongolian Chop!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA charges his arm Fn Sock-O dodges the Fist But and takes the initiative Fn Sock-O tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails and strikes his opponent's face with light Elbow Smash!! Fn Sock-O grabs his opponent's head and arms to twist his opponent's body by performing a light Eastern Stretch!! Fn Sock-O keeps his weak submission hold Fn Sock-O keeps his excruciating submission hold Fn Sock-O releases his grasp

Fn Sock-O grabs one of the opponent's legs, and places the opponent's ankle between his own thighs, TAKESHI MORISHIMA breaks free from his opponent's clamp just in time, regaining the initative! TAKESHI MORISHIMA watches his opponent laying on the mat stepping on his back with both feet performing a strong Walk on Back!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA grabs Fn Sock-O's hair TAKESHI MORISHIMA tucks his head in his opponent's armpit and wraps his arm around the head, Fn Sock-O avoids a a Modified Strong Sambo Suplex and regains the initiative! Fn Sock-O lifts up his opponet so TAKESHI MORISHIMA's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! Fn Sock-O keeps his weak submission hold Fn Sock-O keeps his excruciating submission hold Fn Sock-O releases his grasp Fn Sock-O grabs his rival's legs and locks them with his own to shape a 4 executing a strong La Fn' Figura 4!! Fn Sock-O keeps his excruciating submission hold Fn Sock-O keeps his ruthless submission hold Fn Sock-O releases his grasp Fn Sock-O grabs TAKESHI MORISHIMA's hair Fn Sock-O grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Fn Sock-O runs towards his opponent then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a light One Arm Bulldog!! Fn Sock-O grabs his opponent's arm and gets on the ground on his side then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a light Crucifix Armbar!! Fn Sock-O keeps his ruthless submission hold

Fn Sock-O keeps his ruthless submission hold Fn Sock-O releases his grasp TAKESHI MORISHIMA pulls himself together and fights back TAKESHI MORISHIMA stares at Fn Sock-O in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! [Special Submission activated for Fn Sock-O] TAKESHI MORISHIMA dives into the opponent with a clothesline Fn Sock-O avoids the a 3 Point Stance Charge gaining the initiative Fn Sock-O turns against the adversary and hits hime with a light Mule Kick on the groin!! Fn Sock-O tucks TAKESHI MORISHIMA's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then he jumps down, swinging his legs forward, bending TAKESHI MORISHIMA, and driving him down to the mat face first, connecting with a strong Modified Snap DDT!! Fn Sock-O gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Knee Stomp!! Fn Sock-O pulls TAKESHI MORISHIMA still groggy, by his hair Fn Sock-O brings TAKESHI MORISHIMA nearer, hugging him to the chest and throws him over his head, dropping him down to the ground with a devastating Modified Belly to Belly Suplex!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA pulls himself together and fights back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Fn Sock-O prevails Fn Sock-O rushes drooping sideways to the rival and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with light Forearm On Leg!! Fn Sock-O is about to perform his taunt

Fn Sock-O Mira Al Oponente Lo Se Ala Y Junto Con La Fanaticada Le Dice Recatate Gil executing The Recatate Fn Sock-O grabs TAKESHI MORISHIMA's hair Fn Sock-O grabs one TAKESHI MORISHIMA 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Fn Sock-O throws TAKESHI MORISHIMA to the ring's corner then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body Avalanche!! Fn Sock-O locks TAKESHI MORISHIMA from behind with a deadly hold between his arm and his body performing a light Dragon Sleeper!! Fn Sock-O keeps his ruthless submission hold TAKESHI MORISHIMA escapes from the hold TAKESHI MORISHIMA pulls himself together and fights back TAKESHI MORISHIMA opens wide his arms Fn Sock-O moves to the side and he avoids a a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative Fn Sock-O goes towards his rival and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! Fn Sock-O rushes drooping sideways to the rival TAKESHI MORISHIMA moves and dodges a a Forearm On Leg, starting to counter-attack TAKESHI MORISHIMA grabs Fn Sock-O's hair TAKESHI MORISHIMA tucks his head in his opponent's armpit and wraps his arm around the head, Fn Sock-O avoids a a Strong Sambo Suplex and regains the initiative! Fn Sock-O grabs both of his opponent's arms and hooks them, places his hands palm down flat against TAKESHI MORISHIMA's upper back, then he raises TAKESHI MORISHIMA and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming TAKESHI MORISHIMA down to the mat shoulder and neck first, executing a light Tiger Suplex!! Fn Sock-O pulls TAKESHI MORISHIMA still groggy, by his hair

Fn Sock-O lifts his opponent up over his head with arms fully extended and hurls him on the ropes, connecting with a light Slingshot!! Fn Sock-O is about to perform his taunt TAKESHI MORISHIMA capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Fn Sock-O is faster and is not caught off guard! Fn Sock-O gets next to TAKESHI MORISHIMA bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! Fn Sock-O prepares the leg TAKESHI MORISHIMA bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack TAKESHI MORISHIMA loads an arm towards himself hits the rival quickly with his forearm performing a light Forearm Smash!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA waistlocks his opponent and throws him back over his shoulder executing MORTAL Backdrop Driver!! TAKESHI MORISHIMA grabs Fn Sock-O's hair TAKESHI MORISHIMA grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes TAKESHI MORISHIMA runs towards the opponent Fn Sock-O dodges the a Big Body Avalanche Fn Sock-O runs toward TAKESHI MORISHIMA and leaps hitting him with his own body pinning him with a light Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... FN SOCK-O WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS MORISHIMA TAKESHI !!!! Marco Perez: y Fn Socko es el segundo clasificado!! Ahora que dira Serginho!!

el mexicanmo sale muy enojado y se hubica en la rampa sin que se percate fn socko quien se dirigia a la misma y es conectado por un golpe en la nuca que o deja tirado en la rampa, el mexicano se va sumamente molesto a los camerinos Henry Rojas: pero ese no es El Mexicano!! Que hace aca.!! Marco Perez: como que estubo muy claro golpeando a Fn Socko no? fn socko despues de unos instantes se levanta avergonsado y levanta las manos para que su publico lo aplauda pero ellos no dicen nada estan confundidos, y se va a los camerinos henrry rojas: se ve que nadie lo quiere, solo sus fans dicen algo bueno por el pero incluso en este momento dudaron marco perez: si esto fue confuso, y ademas que tenia que estar haciendo aqui el mexicano?, creo que habra problemas con el aun... bueno y ahora vamos con mas de este torneo… -Awaken the giant!!!Publico: Cruscifer clap clap clap!! Cruscifer clap clap clap!! Cruscifer clap clap clap!! Marco Perez: quien entiende a esta gente.. la semana pasada lo abuchean por unirse a XMP y ahora lo aplauden?? Henry Rojas: cierto.. pero es que cruscifer mueve a la gente (xD) Cruscifer: XMP quiero que sepas que aunque nos hallamos unido no quiero que trates de ayudarme porque: 1 no lo necesito para vencer a spanish dream.. 2 si lo haces no querras haber sido luchador en tu vida.. y 3 no quiero que un potencial ganador quede fuera tan pronto.. Cruscifer: ya gane un torneo parecido.. y no se me dio lo que tenia que ganar.. ahora ire a por este torneo y me alzare con la victoria.. porque?.. porque Yo SOY CRUSCIFER!! Marco Perez: muy seguro.. no es por decirlo pero tiene mas confianza por haber logrado un torneo pasado como fue la World Cup.. ahora ganara este?? Henry Rojas: pero recuerda que la Wolrd Cup era de un tramite mas corto.. este torneo empiesa con 32 luchadores.. y no cualquier luchador.. sino los mejores..

Tercera Pelea Cruscifer vs Spanish Dream Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Spanish Dream"!

Spanish Dream makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Cruscifer"! a series of coloured spotlights creates a terrific lightshow Sparks are showering Cruscifer makes his way to the ring Con su pantalon negro y un saco del mismo color con una calavera atras botando fuego de los ojos followed by his nurse smoke hides the whole ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Spanish Dream prevails Spanish Dream prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! [Special Resistance activated for Cruscifer] Spanish Dream grabs Cruscifer's arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! Spanish Dream resolutely climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps hitting Cruscifer with a light Diving Elbow Smash in the face, knocking him down!! Spanish Dream clutches his laying rival's head Cruscifer evades the Head Lock, taking back the initiative Cruscifer grapples one of Spanish Dream shoulders and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!! Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold Cruscifer releases his grasp

Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs one Spanish Dream 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Spanish Dream gets up and resolutely fights back Spanish Dream gets his hand ready Cruscifer dodges the Chop and gains the initiative Cruscifer prepares his arm to strike the adversary performing a light Punch!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream by an arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a light Crucifix Armbar!! Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold Cruscifer releases his grasp Cruscifer kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands and squeezes performing a light Choke Hold!! Spanish Dream escapes from the hold Spanish Dream quickly gets up and counterattacks! Spanish Dream charges his open hand Cruscifer ducks and evades the Slap, catching his opponent off-guard and striking back

Cruscifer gets ready to hit Spanish Dream with his right hand and slaps him across his face like a wimp, connecting with a light Slap!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly Spanish Dream easily avoids the a Cruceta Del Averno, counterattacking Spanish Dream places his knee on Cruscifer's upper back and pulls back on the arms to compress Cruscifer's shoulder blades applying a light Surfboard Stretch!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold [Special Damage activated for Cruscifer] Spanish Dream grabs the grounded opponent's feet and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a strong Rocket Launcher!! Spanish Dream grabs both of Cruscifer's arms throwing him on the mat with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Cruscifer gets up and resolutely fights back Cruscifer prepares his arm to strike the adversary Spanish Dream moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Spanish Dream prepares his arm to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! [Special Blocking activated for Cruscifer] Spanish Dream turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a light Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!!

Spanish Dream hooks the opponent's neck Cruscifer escapes from the a Spanish Pain and takes back the initiative Cruscifer lifts up his opponet so Spanish Dream's back is resting on the wrestler's shoulder then pulls down on his neck and legs performing a light Canadian Back Breaker!! Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold Cruscifer keeps his ruthless submission hold Cruscifer releases his grasp Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt Spanish Dream capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Cruscifer is faster and is not caught off guard! Cruscifer prepares the back of his hand Spanish Dream dodges a a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack Spanish Dream lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary Cruscifer moves away avoiding a a Powerful Knee Strike , taking back the initiative Cruscifer places Spanish Dream belly on his shoulders throwing him over his head performing a light Fireman Carry making him fall in front of him!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs one Spanish Dream 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cruscifer jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits his face with a light Dropsault!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Spanish Dream has fallen out of the ring!!!! Cruscifer leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Cruscifer grabs his opponent by the arm

Spanish Dream counters the a Irish Whip trough Step Ladder and makes his opponent hit the ladder gaining the initiative! Spanish Dream positions Cruscifer with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to hit him with an Elbow Smash on the head,executing a violent Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Spanish Dream positions Cruscifer with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to take a run-up and to land on Cruscifer with a strong Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Spanish Dream positions Cruscifer's head on the apron ring to take a run-up and to land on Cruscifer with a strong Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! [Special Power Body activated for Cruscifer] Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Spanish Dream positions the opponent's head on the apron ring Cruscifer withes unbalancing the opponent, who slips, to take the initiative !!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent by the arm and throws him against the step ladder with an violent Irish Whip trough Step Ladder!!!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Cruscifer positions the opponent with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring Spanish Dream withes unbalancing the opponent, who slips, to take the initiative !!! Spanish Dream positions Cruscifer with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring to take a run-up and to land on Cruscifer with a violent Elbow Smash on the Apron!!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" Spanish Dream positions the opponent with the body inside the ring and the head on the apron ring Cruscifer withes unbalancing the opponent, who slips, to take the initiative !!! Cruscifer while the referee is distracted, wraps some electrical chords around his opponents throat performing a violent Choke with Electric Chords!!!!!

Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer Va De Una Cuerda A La Otra Y Asi Se La Pasa 6 Veces Hasta Que Por Fin Se Da Cuenta Que Debe Golpear A The Opponent Y executing A Bankai Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Cruscifer removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections to crash the adversary on it with a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer Va De Una Cuerda A La Otra Y Asi Se La Pasa 6 Veces Hasta Que Por Fin Se Da Cuenta Que Debe Golpear A The Opponent Y executing A Bankai Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Cruscifer goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Spanish Dream goes up again in the ring Cruscifer tries to hit his opponent with a punch, but he apparently fails and hits him with a strong Elbow Smash instead!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent from his side, and wraps his arm around the head slamming him on the mat flipping himself backwards, executing a violent Rock Lee!!!! Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt Spanish Dream capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Cruscifer off guard! Spanish Dream turns against the adversary to hit him with a strong Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Spanish Dream grabs the opponent's neck Cruscifer escapes from the a Spanish Pain and takes back the initiative Cruscifer hooks Spanish Dream's neck forcing him to an irregular movement performing a strong Neck Breaker!!

Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Cruscifer dashes towards his opponent and grabs him by the head to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! [Special Increased Pinning activated for Spanish Dream] Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs one Spanish Dream 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cruscifer runs toward the opponent Spanish Dream suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Spanish Dream throws Cruscifer to the ring's corner then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a violent Body Avalanche!! Spanish Dream is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Spanish Dream off guard! Cruscifer raises his elbow preparing the hit Spanish Dream shifts and avoids an a Elbow to Back of Head, counterattacking Spanish Dream is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Spanish Dream off guard! Cruscifer holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into the face with the knee, executing a light Knee on Head!! Cruscifer kicks his rival and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!! Cruscifer is ready to hit Spanish Dream

and with a knee blow executes a light Knee Smash!! Cruscifer tucks Spanish Dream's head in his armpit then drops backwards smashing Spanish Dream's head into the mat performing a violent DDT!! Cruscifer is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer Va De Una Cuerda A La Otra Y Asi Se La Pasa 6 Veces Hasta Que Por Fin Se Da Cuenta Que Debe Golpear A The Opponent Y executing A Bankai Cruscifer charges the leg and hits Spanish Dream with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Cruscifer runs towards his opponent with a tight arm and wraps up his opponent's torso and neck to push him down with a strong Lariat!! Cruscifer gets ready to hit his opponent and hit his legs with a light Low Dropkick!! Spanish Dream interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Spanish Dream hugs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! Spanish Dream prepares the leg Cruscifer bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack Cruscifer lifts his knee and gets ready to strikes the adversary performing a light Powerful Knee Strike!! Cruscifer raises his opponent on his shoulder and hurls him, crashing his shoulder on his knee, performing a light Shoulder Breaker!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer tucks the opponent's head in his armpit Spanish Dream avoids the a DDT with a punching combination taking the initiative

Spanish Dream is about to perform his taunt Spanish Dream executing A Kick Ring Spanish Dream grabs Cruscifer's hair Spanish Dream and lunges himself on the ropes Spanish Dream waits for the running opponent Cruscifer performs a somersault on the rival's back to avoid the a High Back Body Drop, and gains the initiative Cruscifer waits for the running opponent hooking him by the arm to make him fall on the ground with a light Hip Toss!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer tucks Spanish Dream's head in his armpit then drops backwards smashing Spanish Dream's head into the mat performing a light DDT!! Cruscifer ve a su oponente tirado en lona y Spanish Dream somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Spanish Dream grabs Cruscifer's ankles putting them under his armpits and falls backward throwing him to the turnbuckle with a strong Rocket Launcher!! Spanish Dream puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Mortal Death!! Spanish Dream is about to perform his taunt Spanish Dream executing A Kick Ring Spanish Dream gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and dives toward Cruscifer hitting him with his head, performing a violent Diving Headbutt!! CRUSCIFER HAS A CUT!!! Spanish Dream is about to perform his taunt Cruscifer capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Spanish Dream off guard!

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Spanish Dream] Cruscifer stands firmly on the mat Spanish Dream bends dodging the a Back Spinning Wheel Kick Spanish Dream droops quickly sideways to his rival and hits him with his forearm on the legs knocking him down with strong Forearm On Leg!! Spanish Dream grabs Cruscifer's hair Spanish Dream grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Spanish Dream runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head in order to perform a violent One Arm Bulldog!! Spanish Dream goes up the second rope lifting the rival over his head and makes him fall down plunging ahead performing a violent Flying Body Press!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Cruscifer kicks out Spanish Dream turns Cruscifer still groggy up pulling his hair Spanish Dream tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Cruscifer gets his shoulder up somehow Spanish Dream gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Spanish Dream charges his right leg to hit his opponent with a strong Kick to Back!! Spanish Dream tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting...

....1.... Cruscifer gets his shoulder up somehow Spanish Dream gets up while his opponent is still on the ground Spanish Dream grabs Cruscifer's hair Spanish Dream grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Spanish Dream jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter hitting him with a light Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the ground!! Spanish Dream pulls Cruscifer still groggy, by his hair Spanish Dream grasps Cruscifer's head standing sideways to him trips him falling forward a with light Front Russian Leg Sweep, making him fall face first!! Spanish Dream is about to perform his taunt Spanish Dream executing The Hollywood H Spanish Dream puts his own hands under Cruscifer's armpits, who is prone on the mat and locks his arms behind his back performing a light Butterfly Lock!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold Cruscifer quickly gets up and counterattacks! Cruscifer puts a outstretched hand on Spanish Dream's forehead and brings it down scratching him with an strong Eye Rake leaving him blind!! Cruscifer gets ready to hit Spanish Dream performing a light Low Kick!! Cruscifer grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Cruscifer moves sideways, and grabs one of his opponent's legs Spanish Dream easily gets rid of the a Side Leg Lock and regains the initiative Spanish Dream moves behind his opponent while he's sitting on the ground

and wraps his hands around Cruscifers jaw, pulling straight back on the chin performing a light Chin Lock!! Cruscifer escapes from the hold Spanish Dream gets on the top turnbuckle raising his fists held together and jumps toward Cruscifer quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe Handle!! Spanish Dream lifts the rival over his head going on the second rope Cruscifer moves at the last moment dodging a a Flying Body Press taking the initiative back Cruscifer grabs his opponent's arm and lays on the ground perpendicularly and twists his chest with the legs pulling on the shoulder, performing a strong Cruceta Del Averno!! Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold SPANISH DREAM IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Cruscifer keeps his weak submission hold Cruscifer releases his grasp Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs one Spanish Dream 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Cruscifer runs toward the opponent Spanish Dream suddenly dodges the a Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative Spanish Dream stretches in flight with his feet held togheter and hits his face with a strong Dropsault!! Spanish Dream climbs the top turnbuckle diving toward Cruscifer, kicking him at the face performing a violent Diving Big Boot!! CRUSCIFER IS BLEEDING!! Spanish Dream grabs Cruscifer's hair Spanish Dream grabs one Cruscifer 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Spanish Dream makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, Cruscifer crouches down and avoids the a Clothesline. gaining the initiative Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Spanish Dream gets up and resolutely fights back Spanish Dream gets ready to hit the opponent Cruscifer dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Cruscifer open his arms and hits Spanish Dream on the face with the palms of the hands performing a strong Mongolian Chop!! Cruscifer stands firmly on the mat and hits Spanish Dream with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! [Special Submission activated for Cruscifer] Cruscifer puts his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with powerful Samoan Drop!! Cruscifer locks his opponent's leg by blocking it against his own shoulder Spanish Dream easily avoids the a Koji Clutch gaining back initiative Spanish Dream jumps to hit his opponent to hit his face with a strong Knee Drop!! Spanish Dream goes up the turnbuckle and makes a jump towards the rival Cruscifer moves at the last moment dodging a a Flying Clothesline to Back taking the initiative back Cruscifer gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump

and dives toward Spanish Dream hitting him with his head, performing a devastating Diving Headbutt!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer and lunges himself on the ropes Cruscifer runs toward Spanish Dream driving him down to the mat levering on an arm, performing a strong Running Arm Drag!! Cruscifer grabs Spanish Dream's hair Cruscifer grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Cruscifer ve a su oponente tirado en lona y hace un movimiento extraño de verdad muy muy raro y executing a devastating Bleach Destroyer!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... CRUSCIFER WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS SPANISH DREAM !!!! Marco Perez: y ya son 3!!.. mira es XMP!! Henry Rojas: pero solo a salido a aplaudir… creo que las palabras de Cruscifer calaron en el… Las luces se apagan, rayos lasers y luces de xolores comienzan a prenderse, el escenario parece ser una gran discoteca, los tambores suenan al ritmo de matador Hace su aparición el gran He-Man!!! Publico: Show Show Show!! He-Man: GEnte gente, me van a disculpar pero otra vez no traigo fiesta ni show ni espectaculo!! esta vez no hay chicas ni trago... Publico: ???? buuuu He-Man: Yo se que les prometi diversion y buena lucha, pero es que en estos momentos me siento confundido, apenado, con mucha rabia, fué injusto lo que hizo Vince, injusto, no buscaba enemigos ni que alguien se vaya de la federación. Maldito Vince, siempre haces lo que se te da la gana y no te importa nada!! Publico: OHHHHHH SPANISH NO SE VAAA NO SE VA NO SE VA SPANISH NO SE VAAAAAAAAA

Henry: Ese es mi boss!!! Marco P. : Zalamero; que dolor muestra He-Man He-Man: Se va injustamente un buen amigo, un gran luchador, cuando vi a Kimi derrotar a Spanish vi en su cara pena, estaba derrotando un amigo, pero al final tenemos (aunque suene egoista) que cuidar nuestro trabajo.¨Pero igual pienso que la estupides de nuestro GG permita que un grande se vaya sin el debido reconocimiento, que salga por la puerta falsa. HERMANO SPANISH! ACA ESTOY PARA REINVIDICARTE, ENTRARE Y GANARE ESTE TORNEO EN HONOR A TI!!! EL SHOW HA VUELTO!!!!! Suena Perro Grande - SFDK Y se Inicia el video presentacion de KiMi37 Al Medio Minuto aparece KiMi a travez de los cohetes que explotan a su paso en su camino hacia el ring KiMi37 coje un microfono y se dispone ha hablar Publico: WEEEE KiMi37: Tu no eres nadie pa dedicarle este torneo a Spanish. Yo he estado mas tiempo con el como pareja KiMi37: Asi que sere yo quien se lo dedique KiMi37: Te desafio a que estes a la altura de poder honrar la memoria de Spanish, y que seas capaz de vencer hoy a tu primer rival Kimi37: Compadre Moncho KiMi37 se baja del ring y se dispone a irse a vestuarios Marco Perez: waoo.. se ve que Spanish a dejado su huella y ahora estos dos jóvenes lucharan por el honor de su casi maestro… Henry Rojas: es cierto ahora veremos de lo que son capaces ambos

Cuarta Pelea He-Man vs Compadre Moncho Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Compadre-MonchO"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire!

Compadre-MonchO makes his way to the ring no se sabe por donde saldrá, vistiendo su habitual pantalon pata de elefante, y la sudadera blanca... mounting a custom chopper preceded by four druids wearing robes and carrying torches two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, He-Man Show"! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron He-Man Show makes his way to the ring Compadre-MonchO gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Compadre-MonchO gets ready to hit He-Man Show and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm He-Man Show's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Compadre-MonchO droops and knocks him down hitting him with his forearm on the legs executing a light Forearm On Leg!! Compadre-MonchO grabs He-Man Show's hair Compadre-MonchO and lunges himself on the ropes Compadre-MonchO awaits his running opponent and spins in a circle while spinning, he extends his arm hitting He-Man Show with a light Discus Clothesline!! Compadre-MonchO jumps to his rival He-Man Show dodges a Low Dropkick and gains the initiative He-Man Show gets ready to hit his opponent hitting him with a light Low Dropkick!! He-Man Show grabs Compadre-MonchO's hair He-Man Show grabs Compadre-MonchO's head falling backward slamming Compadre-MonchO's head into the mat with a light DDT!! He-Man Show charges the kick

and hits Compadre-MonchO with an light Angry Stomp!! He-Man Show pulls Compadre-MonchO still groggy, by his hair He-Man Show grasps the opponent Compadre-MonchO gets free from the Body Slam, taking the initiative Compadre-MonchO grabs He-Man Show from behind and ...1! First German Suplex connected! And ...2 second German Suplex! And ...3! performing a strong Multiple German Suplex!! Compadre-MonchO grabs He-Man Show's arms and stretches them backwards lifting him aloft keeping on stretching performing a light Mexican Stretch!! Compadre-MonchO keeps his excruciating submission hold Compadre-MonchO keeps his weak submission hold Compadre-MonchO releases his grasp Compadre-MonchO grabs He-Man Show's hair Compadre-MonchO grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Compadre-MonchO runs towards his opponent and grabs him by the head in order to perform a light One Arm Bulldog!! Compadre-MonchO pulls He-Man Show still groggy, by his hair Compadre-MonchO grabs his opponent's head from behind and makes him fall on his nipe spinning him performing a powerful Scoop Reverse DDT!! Compadre-MonchO folds his prostrate opponent's legs capsizing him and submitting him with a light Sharpshooter!! Compadre-MonchO keeps his ruthless submission hold Compadre-MonchO keeps his excruciating submission hold Compadre-MonchO releases his grasp He-Man Show pulls himself together and fights back He-Man Show prepares to strike the adversary

Compadre-MonchO moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Compadre-MonchO gets ready to hit He-Man Show and raises his arm rapidly hitting with the forearm He-Man Show's jaw performing an light European Uppercut!! Compadre-MonchO dives into He-Man Show with a powerful clothesline knocking him down!! Compadre-MonchO tries to take his opponent by surprise from behind and grasps his arms blocking them joining his hands behind his rival's head, performing a light Mko!! Compadre-MonchO keeps his excruciating submission hold HE-MAN SHOW IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Compadre-MonchO keeps his excruciating submission hold HE-MAN SHOW LOOKS SLIGHTLY INJURIED!!! Compadre-MonchO releases his grasp Compadre-MonchO grabs He-Man Show's hair Compadre-MonchO and lunges himself on the ropes Compadre-MonchO waits for the running adversary grabs him by the arm and he crashes him on the ground performing a light Monkey Toss!! Compadre-MonchO grabs He-Man Show's hair Compadre-MonchO lifte his opponent on his back while headed down and quickly hurls him down to perform a devastating Monchobreaker!! He-Man Show interrupts his opponent attacks sequence He-Man Show prepares to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! He-Man Show loads his arm chop style and Compadre-MonchO moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back

Compadre-MonchO turns giving his shouldres to the adversary to hit him with a powerful Mule Kick there in his "secret"!!! Compadre-MonchO lif his down headed opponent on his back and slams him down by performing a devastating Monchobreaker!! Compadre-MonchO climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward He-Man Show quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! HE-MAN SHOW HAS A CUT!!! Compadre-MonchO is about to perform his taunt Compadre-MonchO executing The Perreo Satanico He-Man Show interrupts his opponent attacks sequence He-Man Show prepares to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! He-Man Show Golpeandolo en el bajo vientre, mientras el oponente esta doblado corre hacia las cuerdas se impulsa y volando por los aires con sus piernas enganchando la cabeza del contrincante estampandola contra la lona devasting La marca del loco: He-Man Show tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... HE-MAN SHOW WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS COMPADRE-MONCH!!!! Henry Rojas: parecia que He-Man no lo lograria pero lo hizo!! Marco Perez: ahora solo falta que Kimi logre su promesa… lo podra cumplir? (Se les ve a Mascara Chilena bajando por el Titantron con un micrófono en la mano) Mascara Chilena: Favor denle la bienvenida a uno de los protagonistas de "Mascara Chilena contra los Talibanes Asesinos Mutantes" y flamante campeón en parejas junto a mi, Darkneo!!! Publico: Elegidos!!!!, Elegidos!!!

Darkneo: Gracias muchas gracias Mascara Chilena: A todos los superestrellas de LWC les debo informar que estaré muy atento a los resultados del torneo, podrían ser los que los hagan estar o no participantes de mi película, ahora veremos si El Bulla merece ser parte del elenco, Darkneo, vamos y demuéstrale tu poder Darkneo: Es obvio que ganare, ya lo veras en un rato Mascara Chilena: No espero menos, si somos la mejor pareja luchistica que ha tenido LWC jamas!!!, no como los equipos de segunda clase como Fuerza Maña KO y los Elemental Salty Biscuits Publico: Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mascara Chilena: Si!!! uds no me caen bien, pero eso no sera impedimento para que puedan parte de los extras o los punching bags que se necesitan, aparte tienen presencia de talibanes (Mascara Chilena y Darkneo ríen a carcajadas) Publico: Talibanes (CLAP; CLAP, CLAP) Talibanes Mascara Chilena: Lo otro, los protagonistas seremos nosotros "Los Elegidos", ya el contrato esta firmado y si no me creen aquí esta para que vean (Muestran los contratos de la película) Mascara Chilena: Así que ya saben, se pueden ganar un rol en la película, pero nosotros decidiremos quien es apto o no Darkneo: Nuestro poder, nuestra supremacía la mostraremos a cada uno de uds superestrellas de LWC, junto a Mascara Chilena somos los mejores, y si tienen problemas con eso vengan y peleen HR: Estos dos ya se creen lo top de lo top MP: Ser protagonistas de una película te hace ser top HR: Veamos quienes son capaces de cerrarle la boca a ese par de bocazas suena SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION. salen SERGINHO y killer montxo vestidos todo de negro, pantalones vaqueros, chupa, botas y gafas de sol negras. iguales, salvo que SERGINHO lleva un pañuelo negro alrededor de la cabeza. MAÑOS: FUERZA MAÑA KO!!! FUERZA MAÑA KO!!! PUBLICO: ... SERGINHO7: ¿pero quienes os creeis que sois payasos? Mascara Chilena: ya salto el pelmazo este.

Darkneo: si esque no se puede callar. killer montxo: callaos, pijos, eso es lo que sois. ¿como podeis venir asi vestidos? que asco de gente. Mascara Chilena: deberia daros verguenza a vosotros, que poca clase. SERGINHO7: no lo aguanto mas. SERGINHO se lanza a por Mascara Chilena y killer montxo a por darkneo. la cosa va igualada pero aparecen kubit y BLOODREDSANDMAN en ayuda de SERGINHO y el killer. FUERZA MAÑA KO!!! al completo aprovecha para apalear a los campeones en pareja. SERGINHO7: teneis que saber con quien enfrentaros, que parece que no habeis aprendido nada. suena SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION y FUERZA MAÑA KO!!! se va a los vestuarios. Henry Rojas: que poco honor, atacar en superioridad numerica. Marco Perez: creo que mascara chilena y darkneo han aprendido una valiosa leccion, uajajajaja. (Mascara Chilena se levanta contundido) Mascara Chilena: Darkneo no te preocupes solo siendo montoneros nos pueden tratar de igualar, eso muestra nuestra calidad Darkneo: Es cierto, pero ya arreglaremos cuentas con ellos Mascara Chilena: Fuerza Maña KO, uds me tienen sin cuidado son unos tramposos, y así como van ni de jobbers aparecerán en mi película Fuerza Maña KO: Somos los mejores!!!! Darkneo: (sacudiéndose la cabeza) vamos por la victoria Mascara Chilena: A ganar -Mascara Chilena baja del ring-

Quinta Pelea El Bulla vs Darkneo Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, El Bulla"! A drum roll is playing loud and clear

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron El Bulla makes his way to the ring wearing a great wrestling costume driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena with his lover who kisses him burning with passion two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Darkneo"! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Darkneo makes his way to the ring Enters with a Chilean flag at his back The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Darkneo prevails Darkneo gets ready to hit El Bulla and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's neck then he crushes him face first to the ground with a light Neckbreaker Cutter!! Darkneo gets close to his grounded opponent to hit him with a light Knee Stomp!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo blocks El Bulla holding him by his arm and falling down performs a light Falling Arm Breaker on his rival's arm!! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El Bulla holds his opponent by the head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!!

El Bulla prepares to hit the opponent hurling his leg Darkneo bends dodging the Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack Darkneo kicks El Bulla's groin then slams his shoulder into El Bullas head, performing a light Chop Breaker!! Darkneo pulls El Bulla still groggy, by his hair Darkneo grabs his opponent's arm and twists it with a light Standing Armbar!! Darkneo keeps his ruthless submission hold Darkneo keeps his ruthless submission hold Darkneo releases his grasp Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo grabs one El Bulla 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Darkneo grabs his opponent by the head with one arm crushing him on the ground performing an strong Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El Bulla hugs his opponent's head and lows his face with the knee to perform a light Knee on Head!! [Special Damage Resistance activated for El Bulla] El Bulla grabs the adversary from the belt with an arm Darkneo escapes from the movement, with an elbow in the stomach, taking back the initiative Darkneo puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and rolls placing himself behind him and letting himself fall down with a light Swinging Neckbreaker!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo blocks El Bulla holding him by his arm

and drags him to the ground with light Falling Arm Breaker making him hit badly his arm against the ground!! Darkneo gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Kneex On!! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El Bulla gets ready to hit Darkneo and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! El Bulla grabs his opponent from the belt with an arm Darkneo escapes from the movement, with an elbow in the stomach, taking back the initiative Darkneo raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an strong Augmented Fireman Carry!!! Darkneo grabs his opponent and lifts him to throw him by performing a strong Uranage!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo and lunges himself on the ropes Darkneo waits for the running adversary, grabs his arm and launches him to the ground connecting a strong Monkey Toss!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo and lunges himself on the ropes Darkneo grasps El Bulla's head with an arm and with the other arm hits him performing a strong Real Deal!! !! Darkneo gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a powerful Kneex On!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt El Bulla capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but Darkneo is faster and is not caught off guard! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El Bulla goes towards his rival and gives a blow to his throat executing a violent Throat Thrust!! [Special Power Body activated for El Bulla] El Bulla grabs his running opponent by the arm Darkneo strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks Darkneo garbs his running opponent by the arm to make his face fall on the mat with an light Uraken!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo puts the adversary's head between the legs to grab him and drags him in a violent Pulling Piledriver!!!! Darkneo gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a strong Kneex On!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo grabs one El Bulla 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Darkneo stops the running opponent from behind with an arm crushing him on the ground performing an strong Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence El Bulla gets ready to hit Darkneo and hits him with the forearm executing an violent European Uppercut!! El Bulla prepares the leg and hits him on the face with a violent Roundhouse Kick!! El Bulla grabs his opponent from behind and makes him fall backwards onto upraised knees executing a devastating Selassie Drop!!!!

El Bulla is about to perform his taunt El Bulla Se Rie Muy Relajado executing A Baile Maestro El Bulla pulls Darkneo still groggy, by his hair El Bulla grabs his opponent from behind and jumps in the air pulling Darkneo backwards with both knees pressed into his back executing MORTAL Selassie Drop!!!! El Bulla is about to perform his taunt El Bulla Relax executing A Taunt [Special Attack activated for Darkneo] El Bulla gets ready to hit his opponent and hit his legs with a light Low Dropkick!! El Bulla lifts his opponent's leg and lets himself fall over it with a powerful Elbow drop to inner thigh!! El Bulla is about to perform his taunt El Bulla Se Rie Muy Relajado executing A Baile Maestro El Bulla grabs Darkneo's hair El Bulla grabs Darkneo's neck firmly snapping it to the side executing an light Abdominal Neck Wrench!! El Bulla keeps his weak submission hold El Bulla keeps his ruthless submission hold El Bulla releases his grasp Darkneo pulls himself together and fights back Darkneo hits El Bulla with the back of his hand performing a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Darkneo prepares to hit El Bulla hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a violent Roundhouse Kick!!

Darkneo prepares his victory in painfull way and pass his opponent over the shoulders finish him on a facebuster executing MORTAL Just Like Hell!! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort El Bulla prevails El Bulla raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an powerful Augmented Fireman Carry!! El Bulla pulls Darkneo still groggy, by his hair El Bulla agarra el dedo chico de Darkneo y lo hace girar hasta que su rival grita como una bebe executing strong La Llave Del Sufrimiento Pagano!! Darkneo escapes from the hold Darkneo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Darkneo prepares the back of his hand hitting El Bulla across the chest with a light Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Darkneo grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it, and makes him fall with a twist in a strong Neckbreaker Cutter!!!! [Special Damage activated for El Bulla] Darkneo climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and jumps toward El Bulla quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe Handle!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt El Bulla capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Darkneo off guard!

[Special Damage activated for Darkneo] El Bulla grabs the adversary and puts him under the legs and drags him in a violent Pulling Piledriver!!!! [Special Initiative activated for El Bulla] El Bulla lifts his opponent's leg and lets himself fall over it with a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! El Bulla grabs Darkneo's hair El Bulla grabs his opponent, lifts him, and crashes him on the mat, executing a devastating Funk Attack!!!! El Bulla grabs Darkneo's hair El Bulla grapples his opponent's head from behind and turns him and crashes him on the mat, executing a devastating Shellshock!!!! El Bulla grabs Darkneo's hair El Bulla and lunges himself on the ropes El Bulla waits for the opponent to bounce against the ropes Darkneo bends and rolls dodging the a Back Toss, taking the initiative Darkneo pushes El Bulla to the ropes and and executes a strong Flying X-Factor!!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt El Bulla capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Darkneo off guard! El Bulla grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! El Bulla clutches his laying rival's head to perform a light Head Lock!!

Darkneo escapes from the hold Darkneo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt Darkneo Puts Out His Weed And While His Opponent Is Still Groggy He Smokes It To Get High executing A Eon Blue Apocalipxyx [Special Submission activated for El Bulla] Darkneo grabs El Bulla's leg and reefs on the leg applying an light Argentine Leg Lock!! Darkneo keeps his weak submission hold Darkneo keeps his weak submission hold Darkneo releases his grasp Darkneo is about to perform his taunt El Bulla capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Darkneo is faster and is not caught off guard! Darkneo approaches El Bulla and executes a strong Throat Thrust hitting his opponent to the neck!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla standing up, and raises him on his shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an strong Augmented Fireman Carry!!! Darkneo is about to perform his taunt El Bulla capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Darkneo is faster and is not caught off guard! El Bulla interrupts his opponent attacks sequence The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Darkneo prevails

Darkneo prepares the back of his hand performing a strong Back Hand Chop while the crowd yells WOOOOOOO!!! Darkneo grabs his adversary by the neck twisting it, then he crushes him face first to the ground with a strong Neckbreaker Cutter!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla blocking his shoulder and puts it in traction executing a light Shoulder Lock!! Darkneo keeps his weak submission hold Darkneo keeps his ruthless submission hold Darkneo releases his grasp Darkneo tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... El Bulla gets up and resolutely fights back El Bulla gets ready to hit Darkneo and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! El Bulla raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an strong Augmented Fireman Carry!!! El Bulla grabs his opponent by the neck to throw him down with a powerful Uranage!! El Bulla tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... Darkneo kicks out El Bulla lifts Darkneo up, still groggy El Bulla hurls the leg preparing the blow

and hits him on the face with a violent Roundhouse Kick!! El Bulla kicks Darkneo's groin then slams his shoulder into Darkneos head, performing a devastating Chop Breaker!! [Special Submission Defence activated for El Bulla] El Bulla runs and leaps towards his fallen opponent and lands his leg across the lying opponent's throat executing a violent Suicide Leg Drop!! El Bulla grabs Darkneo's hair El Bulla grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes El Bulla turns around in a circle Darkneo just moves aside, countering the a Sling Blade and promptly striking back Darkneo runs toward El Bulla grasping his head and drives him down to the ground performing a light Running DDT!! Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo grabs one El Bulla 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Darkneo runs toward El Bulla and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! [Special Dodging activated for El Bulla] Darkneo grabs El Bulla's hair Darkneo and lunges himself on the ropes Darkneo blocks El Bulla's head and executes a violent Flying X-Factor!!! EL BULLA HAS A CUT!!! Darkneo grabs his rival's leg and lets himself fall over it with a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! Darkneo tries a pinning maneuver

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... DARKNEO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS EL BULLA!!!! Marco Perez: que gran Victoria de Darkneo!! Henry Rojas: Mascara lo felicita y ahora el tambien pasara? Que tal si se enfrentan? Quien ganaria? Marco Perez: nose ni me importa… *backstages Rey Andreas llega en coche en LWC ARENA , adentra la arena e va en direcion del ring produtor :es algo que usted necesita saber rey andrees :deixa mi quiero hablar com mi publico *Hr sube al ring con un micrófono* Hr: Han pasado varias semanas desde que Rey Andrees sufrió un serio ataque de parte de Kubitschek, el reporte médico dice que Rey no esta completamente habilitado para luchar a su 100% y por lo tanto es mejor que no lo haga Publico:booooooooooooooooo Hr: si es muy...( un estruendo interrumpe a Hr) *Suena Slowburn, la canción de entrada de Rey Andrees, pero derrepente se escucha un fuerte trueno en la mitad de la rampa, y sale Rey Andrees con un tremendo show de juegos pirotecnicos va con determinacion al centro del ring y pide un micrófono* Rey Andrees : finalmente regresó después de traidor golpe de kubitschek in destruccion y gloria , estoy aqui para deter este falso luchador y que lucho por los fans, son el espiritu de todo, y ese sera el punto en el que yo siempre estare mas alto que usted publico :quien es tu ??? Mp: que bueno que rey andrees esta recuperado después de tanto tiempo Hr:Sí, pero no creo que le gusta cuando rey averiguar qué ha ocurrido desde su salida

*Rey Andrees mirra sorprendido uno de los posters de Revolucion latina in Arena con kubitschek con Puno planteado a elevar el Cinturon Mundial Rey Andrees:No creo esto no puede ser verdad,esto sólo puede ser una pesadilla kubit campeon mundial ??? noooooo!!!!!! Hr: Creo que ahora descubrió Marco perez : ambos se fizeron su debut en la misma temporada, ahora que sólo uno es main eventer y campeon .... e o otro .... *Rey Andrees se va del ring e va para la officina de GG Vicent Rey: No puedo creer que estando lesionado, desconectado del mundo, con ansias de venir a partirle el alma a este fraude de luchador me encuentre con que ahora el es el campón mundial!. Exijo una explicacion! Vicent: si... sucedio... tal vez estabas hospitalizado en ese momento y no pudimos contactarte... pero *Rey interrumpe con una ira profunda* Rey: pero que!!, no es posible estooo!!, me voy un tiempo y olvidan que YO gane esa pelea pero por culpa de la serpiente esa quede fuera con 6 contusiones y a punto de quedar invalido! Vicent: si pero...*Rey vuelve a interrumpir* Rey: pero nadaa! exijo una revancha, y si ese cobarde es capaz de aceptarlo sabra que es una verdadera lucha.... exijo un Last Man STANDING match!, quiero verlo caer, y verlo no poder levantarse despues de haber derramado la sangre que me hizo derramar!, espero tu respuesta! *rey golpea la mesa fuertemente con sus puños* *Rey sale de la habitacion con mucha rabia y se dirije a su limosina* * Luces se borran para el delirio de los aficionados e empieza a tocar el tema KILLING IS MY BUSINESS de MEGADEATH Publico : heheheheheheehehhehe s luces se encienden y parece llevar Kubitschek con el Cinturón Mundial en el hombro usando Bermudas y camisa negros com la frase : christo el touro manchada de rojo y con los pies descalzos caminar en el comienzo de la rampa de entrada al ring va mirando todo el escenario para un segundo antes de una fa pero despos segue su camino ate el ring sube en la parte superior de una de las esquinas con Puno planteado a elevar el Cinturon Mundial HABLANDO a los fans pelo microfono

Kubitschek: señoras y señores esta noche se celebrará un torneo con la única y exclusiva razón para tratar de obtener mi título mundial ,idea de mi gran amigo GG vicent, con el que me golpeó más tarde Todos los luchadores de la fed tratando de obtener mi título ,pero no estoy preocupado publico : NO ??????? kubitschek : no , veamos la cartelera , uhm Juan olarte ??? Gané ello in MITB ladder match , tom Bonecrusher aún no se recupera psicológicamente de la traición de nikol ,Takeshi Morishima es ex campeon de ROH pero aquí su carrera fuera no passa de uno jobber ,Cruscifer!? este tipo nunca muere ???Vi su ataúd en llamas que es yo grabar ello de nuevo, He-Man Show ??todo lo que hizoen la fed fue ganar una triple ameaça contra kimi ?? y spanish head es uno rookie MP: y un oportunista en el ring y con el micrófono... HR: y parece muy seguro para el ppv kubitschek : el campeon en pareja Darkneo no es nada sin mascara chilena quien es santiago sangrento ??? ,S-PAIN él perdió su título para Ferroki ¿cómo puede mi ganar si no gana nem ferroki alias ferroki luchara contra Maestro Xtremo Espero que estos dos se rompam los craneos , Fn sockov que bebeu varios botes de alcohol etílico y unas garrafas de anticongelante en la cuenta del GG vicent no te preocupas en revolucion latina sentiras la furia de em dobro de Fuerza maña ko !!! Socko-Holics: ¡¡¡¡SOIS UNOS FARSANTES Kubit-Holics!?: por que no te callas !!!! kubitschek: ninguno de esos tienen una oportunidad contra mí, incluso el borracho nº 1 de latinoamerica Christo ,gustó la ???camisa solo para ti , su merchandising foi as alturas ???? lo video de su novia chegou al 800.000 visitas e uno nuevo record ..!!!!debemos alegrarnos!!!! publico : jajajajajajaj kubitschek : yo gané christo 2 vezes no está cansado de perder ?? CRHIS ...escuchar mi consejo se retira mientras que todavía tiene un poco de notoriedad y dignidad con ese tipo que se perdió después de que la tercera lucha contra mi , que oportunidad esto borracho piensa que puede ter contra mi en RL ???? Voy en este PPV como campeón y dejando como un campeón kubitschek : casi olvidei esta noche tenemos un regresso !!! si ... my amigo Rey Andrees HR : amigo ??? kubitschek ;casi Creo que un poco enojado Espero que usted no ha guardado duele jajajajaj Creo que mejor replantear esta lucha pero se usted insiste en luchar contra mi .. no terei piedad no soy mas uno rookie , soy el CAMPEON MUNDIAL DE LATINO WRESTLING

CHAMPIONSHIP y voy a demostrar por que pero se usted insiste em luchar Natalia: Hola, Bienvenidos a mi seccion en donde Maestro Xtremo estara aqui peleando en el torneo por una oportunidad en la hell in a cell dinos XMP, que piensas de tu oponente? XMP: No me preocupa en lo absoluto, yo tengo una forma de luchar y es solamente de pelear a mi ritmo Natalia: Pero teniendo en cuenta tu situacion con Cruscifer y dave snake? XMP: No creo que haya problema con ellos, yo ire por mi oportunidad, ellos son aparte después de hoy, además no soy el unico que esta con problemas con otros luchadores. Natalia: A que te refieres? XMP: Que niña!!!! por Dios, no puedes ser mas tonta nomas por que no puede uno vivir con el craneo vacio Natalia: mande?! XMP: CALLA!!, ferroki aun esta enfeudado con S-pain, asi que no creo que pierda una oportunidad de vengarse, y como yo se lo dejo en bandeja de plata...... Natalia: AAaaaah ya entendi que listo eres! XMP: sisisiis, ya que luego se me pega la futilidad tuya Natalia: Que? pero si me bañe, no tengo nada, camarografo, tengo algo? Marco Perez: y ahora tendremos a Dave Snake vs un nuevo valor Santiago Sangriento!! Henry Rojas: no dijeron que pelearian lo mejor de lo mejor de la federación? Marco Perez: pues debe ser bueno

Primera Pelea Santiago Sangriento vs Dave Snake Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Santiago Sangriento"! Santiago Sangriento makes his way to the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Dave Snake"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke!

and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Dave Snake makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena smoke hides the whole ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Dave Snake prevails Dave Snake jumps at his opponent Santiago Sangriento doges the Bicycle Kick, taking the initiative Santiago Sangriento hurls the leg preparing the blow and hits Dave Snake with a light Roundhouse Kick!! [Special Submission activated for Santiago Sangriento] Santiago Sangriento gets ready to attack Dave Snake lifting a hand, he waits untill Dave Snake turns towards him and then hooks his mouth executing a light Mandible Claw!! Santiago Sangriento keeps his agonizing submission hold Santiago Sangriento keeps his ruthless submission hold Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp Santiago Sangriento pulls Dave Snake still groggy, by his hair Santiago Sangriento grabs the adversary by the waist from behind executing a German Suplex, then he connects a second one and in the end he connects also the third one, performing a light Multiple German Suplex!! Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's hair Santiago Sangriento grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Santiago Sangriento runs towards his opponent then he grabs him by the head to drive his face to the mat with a light One Arm Bulldog!!

Dave Snake interrupts his opponent attacks sequence [Special Submission activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake prepares his arm to strike the adversary Santiago Sangriento moves to the side eluding a Punch and taking back the initiative Santiago Sangriento approaches Dave Snake and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! [Special Power Body activated for Dave Snake] Santiago Sangriento places Dave Snake horizontally on his shoulders slamming him to the ground performing a light Fireman Carry!! Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's hair Santiago Sangriento grabs his opponent lifting him by 45° performs an light Inverted DDT!! Santiago Sangriento folds his prostrate opponent's legs Dave Snake easily escapes the opponent's Sharpshooter, retaking the upper hand Dave Snake takes Santiago Sangriento's arm and pushes down on the back of the oppenents arm executing an light Arm Lock!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold Dave Snake releases his grasp [Special Initiative activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake and lunges himself on the ropes Dave Snake runs toward the opponent Santiago Sangriento dodges the Running Arm Drag and takes the initiative Santiago Sangriento grabs the running adversary by the hands

and with his own legs pushes him on the ground performing a light Monkey Flip!! Santiago Sangriento entwines his opponent's legs with his own, capsizing him and submitting him with a light Sharpshooter!! Santiago Sangriento keeps his ruthless submission hold Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's hair Santiago Sangriento grabs one Dave Snake 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Santiago Sangriento throws the opponent to the ring's corner Dave Snake dodges the Body Avalanche, taking the initiative Dave Snake grabs his opponent by the head with one arm making him fall ahead on his face performing an light Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! [Special Resistance activated for Dave Snake] Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake grabs one Santiago Sangriento 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Dave Snake gains power and momentum from spinning in motion and shoots his right leg as he runs Santiago Sangriento ducks and dodges a Spinning Wheel Kick, retaking the initative Santiago Sangriento charges his elbow and hits Dave Snake in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!! Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's hair Santiago Sangriento grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Santiago Sangriento runs toward Dave Snake grasping his head and lets himself fall down performing a light Running DDT!! Santiago Sangriento grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back

Dave Snake avoids an a El Alza Del Pasaje and takes the initiative Dave Snake gets closer to Santiago Sangriento laying on the mat and strikes him with the elbow may times by performing a strong Elbow Crush!! Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake grabs one Santiago Sangriento 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Dave Snake bounces on the ropes running towards his opponent stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!! Dave Snake charges the kick Santiago Sangriento rolls over causing Dave Snake to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative Santiago Sangriento grabs his rival's legs and locks them painfully with his own to form a strong Figure 4!! Santiago Sangriento keeps his ruthless submission hold Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's leg flipping him onto his stomach and yards on it while leaning into Dave Snake forming a light El Alza Del Pasaje!! Santiago Sangriento keeps his ruthless submission hold Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold Santiago Sangriento releases his grasp Santiago Sangriento folds his prostrate opponent's legs and overturns him, connecting with a strong Sharpshooter!! Santiago Sangriento keeps his excruciating submission hold Dave Snake escapes from the hold Dave Snake quickly gets up and counterattacks!

Dave Snake charge his right arm Santiago Sangriento dodges the a Chop and gains the initiative Santiago Sangriento approaches his rival loading his arm and hits him to his throat with a strong Throat Thrust!! Santiago Sangriento dives into Dave Snake with a powerful clothesline knocking him down executing a light 3 Point Stance Charge!! Santiago Sangriento grabs his opponent's head from behind and connects with a powerful Scoop Reverse DDT making him spin and drop down on his head!! Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Santiago Sangriento off guard! Dave Snake lifts an arm Santiago Sangriento moves in order to dodge the a Club to the Neck and counterattacks Santiago Sangriento dives into Dave Snake with a powerful clothesline knocking him down!! [Special Power Body activated for Santiago Sangriento] [Special Resistance activated for Santiago Sangriento] Santiago Sangriento loads his opponent on his shoulders Dave Snake climbs down his rival's shoulders dodging the a Modified Samoan Drop regaining the initiative Dave Snake grabs his opponent's arms while jumping he throws him out of balance with a somersault covering him with a light Victory Roll!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santiago Sangriento kicks out

Dave Snake grabs his opponent's arm and laying on the ground perpendicularly then he crosses his legs over his chest pulling on the shoulder to perform a light Crucifix Armbar!! Dave Snake keeps his weak submission hold Santiago Sangriento escapes from the hold Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake grabs the opponent's neck Santiago Sangriento escapes from the a Neck Breaker and takes back the initiative Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Santiago Sangriento off guard! Dave Snake takes Santiago Sangriento's head with both hands performing an light Head Butt!! Dave Snake jumps on Santiago Sangriento's head, then with great agility performs a somersault to project Santiago Sangriento in a light Hopping Sunset Flip!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santiago Sangriento kicks out Dave Snake pulls Santiago Sangriento still groggy, by his hair Dave Snake stands behind Santiago Sangriento rolling backwards to pin Santiago Sangriento with an Abdominal Stretch Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santiago Sangriento kicks out

Santiago Sangriento pulls himself together and fights back Santiago Sangriento prepares his arm to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Santiago Sangriento prepares the leg Dave Snake bends dodging the a Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack Dave Snake taps on his opponent's shoulder, and knocks him down on the mat with a light Standing Clothesline out of nowhere!! Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake and lunges himself on the ropes Dave Snake pushes Santiago Sangriento to the ropes and and slams it to the ground performing a strong Flying X-Factor!!! Dave Snake gets besides the laying opponent and strikes his forehead with a devastating Knee Of The Death!! Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake grabs one Santiago Sangriento 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Dave Snake jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter Santiago Sangriento bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt Santiago Sangriento executing The Te Le Paso La Micro Santiago Sangriento pulls Dave Snake still groggy, by his hair Santiago Sangriento Grab the head of the opponent and Dave Snake somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's foot and brings him down to the ground pulling him with a strong Dragon Screw!! Dave Snake is about to perform his taunt

Dave Snake executing The Snake Show Dave Snake jumps on the turnbuckle makes a jump towards Santiago Sangriento hitting him with his arm performing a violent Flying Clothesline!! Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's hair Dave Snake grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Dave Snake runs toward Santiago Sangriento and leaps and crushes him with his own body pinning him with a violent Running Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santiago Sangriento kicks out Dave Snake corre hacia las cuerdas y rebota en ellas para coger impulso, se dirige hacia Santiago Sangriento con velocidad y de un salto le da una patada con las 2 piernas en toda la boca executing MORTAL Sacacuartos!! SANTIAGO SANGRIENTO HAS A CUT!!! Santiago Sangriento pulls himself together and fights back [Special Submission Defence activated for Dave Snake] Santiago Sangriento gets ready to hit Dave Snake Dave Snake shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative Dave Snake stares at Santiago Sangriento in front of him and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! Dave Snake grabs the opponent's arm Santiago Sangriento avoids the a Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash and takes the initiative Santiago Sangriento dives into Dave Snake with a clothesline knocking him down executing a light 3 Point Stance Charge!!

Santiago Sangriento Grab the head of Dave Snake and ATANNNGAA Dimelooo Carrlitosss executing violent Transantiago Death Drop!! Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt Dave Snake capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Santiago Sangriento off guard! Dave Snake gets ready to hit Santiago Sangriento with his right hand and performs a light Slap across his face. That's what I call a slap!!! Dave Snake charges his arm and falls on Santiago Sangriento with his fist executing a light Fist But!! Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento by an arm and twists his body throwing Santiago Sangriento to the mat executing a light Arm Dragon Screw!! Santiago Sangriento interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Santiago Sangriento gets ready to hit Dave Snake Dave Snake shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative Dave Snake hugs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! Dave Snake kicks his rival and performs a light Toe Kick hitting his rival to his belly!! Dave Snake grabs the opponent's head while standing at his side Santiago Sangriento prevents the opponent's a Russian Leg Sweep with an elbow smash, taking the initiative Santiago Sangriento grabs his opponent and by lifting him by 45° connects with an strong Inverted DDT!! Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's hair Santiago Sangriento grabs one Dave Snake 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well

Santiago Sangriento stands in the center of the ring, waiting for his opponent Dave Snake moves out of the way avoiding the a Shoulder Block, taking the initiative Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento from behind hooking him by the arms sliding him across his back while falling performing a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santiago Sangriento kicks out Dave Snake grabs Santiago Sangriento's arms between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Santiago Sangriento kicks out Dave Snake climbs the turnbuckle spotting his opponent lying on the mat Santiago Sangriento moves out of the way just in time, dodging the a Skytwister Press and taking the initative Santiago Sangriento is about to perform his taunt Santiago Sangriento executing The Te Le Paso La Micro Santiago Sangriento grabs Dave Snake's hair Santiago Sangriento lifte his opponent on his back while headed down Dave Snake evades the a Vertabreaker and gains the initiative Dave Snake blocks and lifts his opponent and makes him fall on the ground connecting with a violent Shellshock!! Dave Snake climbs the turnbuckle with Santiago Sangriento on the ground, preparing himself to a flying move

hitting him with a violent Mad Splash!!!!! Dave Snake grapples one of Santiago Sangriento shoulders and stretches it causing him pain performing a light Shoulder Lock!! Dave Snake keeps his ruthless submission hold SANTIAGO SANGRIENTO IS SCREAMING IN PAIN!! Santiago Sangriento can't resist anymore and taps out!! DAVE SNAKE WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS SANTIAGO SANGRIENTO !!!! Marco Perez: supero la experiencia!! Vestuario de S-PAIN. En él se encuentra Vicky, la novia de S-PAIN sentada y pensativa. En eso pasa por el pasillo Natalia y la ve preocupada. Natalia: ¿Vicky? ¿Te ocurre algo? Vicky: Estoy preocupada por S-PAIN. Desde que salió del hospital no es él mismo. No dice nada excepto "Ferroki" y ya no me hace las cosas que tanto nos gusta hacer. Público: ¡¡¡UUUHHH!!! Natalia: Bueno, no hay por qué detallar nada. Lo cierto es que a mí también me preocupa: iba a hacerle una entrevista para el show y lo hemos tenido que cancelar porque no decía nada y estaba muy enfadado. ¿Crees que es él realmente? Vicky: No lo sé. Creo que se ha convertido en otra persona, pero hay algo que todavía hace que crea que aún sigue siendo S-PAIN. Natalia: ¿Ah, sí? ¿El qué? Vicky: Aún sigue mirándome a los ojos con esa cara de enamorado que siempre pone cuando me ve. Natalia: (Empieza a llorar) ¡Jo, qué bonito! Técnico: S-PAIN, es su turno para pelear. S-PAIN sale del vestuario, pero antes mira a Vicky con cara de enamorado. Las camaras enfocan afuera del coliseo. Terryhenry gritandole a unos guardias, se ve que terry esta con parches en la cabeza por las heridas sufridas en saturday zone. Terryhenry: DEJENME PASAR!!! SOY LWC!!! NO LO ENTIENDEN?

Seguridad: el jefe nos dio instrucciones especificas de no dejarlo pasar señor Terryhenry: AL DIABLO EL JEFE!!!! tengo que participar en ese torneo!!! Seguridad: no puedo hacer nada señor, son ordenes, si no las cumplo pierdo mi trabajo. Terryhenry: no te preocupes que lo perderas igual!! Terryhenry se abalanza contra el tipo de seguridad y lo golpea duramente y luego lo tira hacia la puerta de la entrada y esta se abre, terryhenry corre hacia dentro y ve mas de seguridad, los pasa sin problemas sigue corriendo parece que no tiene fin, ve mas de seguridad estos lo bloquean y terry salta encima de ellos y tira lo que encuentra en su camino para que no lo atrapen, mientras camaras de seguridad del estadio lo graban por los pasadisos hasta que terry mientras miraba si lo seguian cuando voltea hacia adelante ve un martillo y se da con el a toda velocidad y lo deja noqueado... se le habian abierto las heridas Seguridad 2: bien hecho Rey Andress, ahora podemos sacarlo. Rey Andress: yo que hize? solo iba pasando? los de seguridad levantan a terryhenry, lo sacan afuera del coliseo y lo tiran a la basura. Seguridad 3: Y NO VUELVAS!!! Despues de 5 horas Terryhenry despierta y se agarra la cabeza sangrante. Terryhenry: A QUIEN SE LE OCURRE PONER UN MARTILLO EN MEDIO DEL CAMINO!!!! Terryhenry patea todo lo que encuentra y se va... Henry Rojas: después de ver ese momento tan romantico… Marco Perez: Cursi diria yo Henry Rojas: cada uno ve lo que quiere… pues al grano.. S-PAIN luchara contra Dipe Marco Perez: una nueva contratación? Henry Rojas: en realidad ya lleva bastante tiempo Marco Perez: aya.. ok

Septima Pelea

S-PAIN vs Dipe Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, dipe(el pistolero)"! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! dipe(el pistolero) makes his way to the ring damas y cabelleros el mejor luchador a entrado a el ring...,se sube a la esquina y selebra con su fiel publiko!, por el cual es tan amado! ... Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, S-PAIN"! Barrage of shots from a machine gun are heard over the arena Sparks are showering S-PAIN makes his way to the ring with his lover who kisses him burning with passion smoke hides the whole ring S-PAIN gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! S-PAIN opens wide his arms dipe(el pistolero) moves to the side and he avoids a Mongolian Chop, taking back the initiative dipe(el pistolero) prepares to strike the rival S-PAIN moves to the side avoiding a Middle Kick and goes to the counterattack S-PAIN stops dipe(el pistolero) taking him by an arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! [Special Initiative activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN grabs his opponent from behind, hooking both of his arms from the sides dipe(el pistolero) easily eludes a Tiger Suplex, retaking the initiative dipe(el pistolero) grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!!

dipe(el pistolero) leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a light Standing Moonsault!! dipe(el pistolero) gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! dipe(el pistolero) pulls S-PAIN still groggy, by his hair dipe(el pistolero) performs a really high jump and hits S-PAIN with his feet with a light Dropkick!! dipe(el pistolero) jumps on the turnbuckle and does a 360 degree flip S-PAIN dodges the Corkscrew Splash gaining the initiative S-PAIN gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a strong Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN grabs dipe(el pistolero)'s hair S-PAIN locks dipe(el pistolero)'s head under his arm then drops backwards smashing dipe(el pistolero)'s head into the mat performing a strong DDT!! S-PAIN springs off the top rope and leaps at his fallen opponent at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on dipe(el pistolero) in the light Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.!! [Special Attack activated for dipe(el pistolero)] S-PAIN grabs dipe(el pistolero)'s hair S-PAIN is ready to hit the opponent dipe(el pistolero) avoids a Knee Smash and gains the initiative dipe(el pistolero) grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! dipe(el pistolero) gets besides the laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! dipe(el pistolero) leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring

and lands on him splashing him with a light Standing Moonsault!! dipe(el pistolero) leaps up executing a somersault, pointing at his opponent lying across the ring and lands on him splashing him with a strong Monsault Ctm!! dipe(el pistolero) grabs S-PAIN's hair dipe(el pistolero) tucks the opponent's head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head S-PAIN breaks loose from his opponent's grasp, and thwarts the a Snap Suplex, regaining the initiative! S-PAIN grabs dipe(el pistolero)'s hair S-PAIN grabs one dipe(el pistolero) 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN hooks dipe(el pistolero) from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... dipe(el pistolero) gets up and resolutely fights back dipe(el pistolero) puts a outstretched hand on S-PAIN's forehead and scratches him bringing it down putting his fingers in the eyes with an light Eye Rake!! dipe(el pistolero) charges his arm S-PAIN dodges the a Elbow Smash and counterattacks S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! [Special Dodging activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking dipe(el pistolero)'s leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Spanish Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... dipe(el pistolero) gets up and resolutely fights back [Special Resistance activated for S-PAIN] dipe(el pistolero) prepares to strike the adversary performing a light Punch!! dipe(el pistolero) stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! [Special Attack activated for S-PAIN] dipe(el pistolero) grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking S-PAIN's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm, ending up on top of him, pinning his shoulders against the mat in a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... S-PAIN kicks out dipe(el pistolero) gets besides the laying opponent S-PAIN avoids the a Knee Stomp and counterattacks S-PAIN comes close to the lying opponent and bending it imprisons him in an strong Armbar!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of Victory

S-PAIN stretches out his arms, opening his hands and grasps dipe(el pistolero)'s head with a light Brain Squeezer!! S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN goes up to the lying opponent dipe(el pistolero) avoids the a Armbar of the opponent and counterattacks dipe(el pistolero) is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but dipe(el pistolero) is faster and is not caught off guard! dipe(el pistolero) puts a outstretched hand on S-PAIN's forehead and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!! dipe(el pistolero) brings his foot up S-PAIN dodges the a Axe Kick taking the initiative S-PAIN stops dipe(el pistolero) taking him by an arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN hooks dipe(el pistolero)'s neck forcing him to an irregular movement performing a strong Neck Breaker!! [Special Mortal Submission activated for S-PAIN] S-PAIN approaches his laying opponent tightening it with a strong Head Lock!! dipe(el pistolero) escapes from the hold dipe(el pistolero) quickly gets up and counterattacks! dipe(el pistolero) puts a outstretched hand on the opponent's forehead S-PAIN shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative

S-PAIN stands firmly on the mat and hits dipe(el pistolero) with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a devastating Pain Kick!! S-PAIN Lanza a dipe(el pistolero) entre la primera y la segunda cuerda y salta sobre el, SE HA PASADO DE LARGO!! dipe(el pistolero) somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! dipe(el pistolero) is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but dipe(el pistolero) is faster and is not caught off guard! dipe(el pistolero) gets ready to hit the opponent S-PAIN dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative S-PAIN raises his opponent and puts him on the shoulders then he throws him to the side landing on his back, executing an violent Augmented Fireman Carry!!! S-PAIN bounces off the top rope with dipe(el pistolero) lying face up on the mat then leaps at him at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on dipe(el pistolero) in the strong Springboard Corkscrew Splash position.!! S-PAIN grabs dipe(el pistolero)'s hair S-PAIN grabs one dipe(el pistolero) 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN hooks dipe(el pistolero) from behind and attempts a pinfall with a light Backslide Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... dipe(el pistolero) gets up and resolutely fights back dipe(el pistolero) prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!!

dipe(el pistolero) stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! dipe(el pistolero) bounces against the ropes and runs toward S-PAIN's back and grabs him at the nape of the neck, slamming him down to the mat face first performing a light The Full Facepowerxx Bulldog Y La Ctm!! dipe(el pistolero) grabs S-PAIN's hair dipe(el pistolero) grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes dipe(el pistolero) makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, S-PAIN gets down and avoids the a Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt dipe(el pistolero) capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching S-PAIN off guard! dipe(el pistolero) puts his hand on S-PAIN's head and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of Head!! dipe(el pistolero) is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but dipe(el pistolero) is faster and is not caught off guard! dipe(el pistolero) puts a hand on the opponent's face S-PAIN shifts and avoids an a Eye Rake taking the initiative S-PAIN grabs his running opponent by the arm dipe(el pistolero) strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks dipe(el pistolero) stands firmly on the mat and hits S-PAIN with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! dipe(el pistolero) bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent's back S-PAIN side steps the opponent, avoiding the a The Full Facepowerxx Bulldog Y La Ctm

S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Golpea El Suelo Como Un Loco Y Lanza Un Grito Desgarrador executing The Time To Pain S-PAIN approaches his laying opponent to hit him with a powerful Knee Stomp!! S-PAIN is about to perform his taunt S-PAIN Mira Al Publico Y Eleva Su Mano Cerrada Al Cielo executing The Fist Of Victory S-PAIN grabs dipe(el pistolero)'s hair S-PAIN grabs one dipe(el pistolero) 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well S-PAIN charges the back of his elbow to hit dipe(el pistolero) in the back of the head with a strong Back Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN clutches his laying rival's head and performs a light Head Lock!! S-PAIN keeps his weak submission hold S-PAIN keeps his ruthless submission hold S-PAIN releases his grasp S-PAIN grabs dipe(el pistolero)'s hair S-PAIN lifts the knee to hit dipe(el pistolero) executing a strong Knee Smash!! DIPE(EL PISTOLERO) HAS A CUT!!! S-PAIN puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and uses both legs to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming him back on the mat, connecting with a violent Snap Suplex!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that dipe(el pistolero) has fallen out of the ring!!!! S-PAIN leaves the ring

Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" S-PAIN tucks dipe(el pistolero)'s head in his armpit and wraps his arm around the head then raises dipe(el pistolero) and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming dipe(el pistolero) down to the steel steps shoulder and neck first, executing a strong Suplex on Step Ladder!! [Special Increased Pinning activated for dipe(el pistolero)] Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder dipe(el pistolero) avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! dipe(el pistolero) puts a trash can outside the ring and quickly runs toward S-PAIN and hits him with a strong Running Dropkick trough Trash Can!!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" dipe(el pistolero) lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" dipe(el pistolero) removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections S-PAIN avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" S-PAIN removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections dipe(el pistolero) avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" dipe(el pistolero) runs toward the opponent S-PAIN dodges the opponent's Dropkick and slams him against the trash can!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" S-PAIN lifts the adversary on a shoulder dipe(el pistolero) avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!!

dipe(el pistolero) is about to perform his taunt dipe(el pistolero) Queridos Fans Esata Wea Q Esta Haciendo El Ql Es Rre Loka Es Como La Wea De Batista Cuando Muebe Las Cuerdas Pero Lo Esta Haciendo Dipe Xd executing A El Pistolero Anda Sueltoh Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" dipe(el pistolero) goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" S-PAIN goes up again in the ring dipe(el pistolero) stares at the opponent S-PAIN avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative S-PAIN takes the dipe(el pistolero)'s arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an strong Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! S-PAIN hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, then lifts dipe(el pistolero) up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming dipe(el pistolero) down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a strong Tiger Suplex!! S-PAIN climbs the top turnbuckle and leaps toward dipe(el pistolero), hitting him with his body in a pinfall attempt perfoming a devastating Diving Crossbody!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... S-PAIN WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS DIPE(EL PISTOLERO) !!!! Marco Perez: y los originales estan avanzando de ronda!!

Se ve en la pantalla gigante a un entrevistador de la federación,junto a ferroki .Parece que estan en algun lugar sin determinar del pabellón.FerroKi esta con el semblante serio con su mascota junto a el mirando fijamente al entrevistador.

Entrevistador:Bueno,como podeis ver estoy junto al gran luchador FerroKi,para hacerle una pequeña entrevista ya que al parecer no se ha ofrecido nadie más a hacerlo. FerroKi sigue sin inmutarse mirandolo fijamente con pose terrorrifica. El entrevistador traga saliva y se dispone a hacer preguntas. Entrevistador:Bu..bueno...que tal le sienta ser campeón de la división-x? Sin decir palabra alguna FerroKi se señala el cinturón que luce en la cintura. Entrevistador:y bueno...co..como se llama su...su mascota? Qiero decir ...su amigo el lobo? FerroKi tensa su brazo para que se tense la cadena de su animal y se le escucha de repente gruñir y enseñarle los colmillos manchados de alguna sustancia roja. El entrevistador vuelve a tragar saliva y empieza a sudar y a tener un pequeño tembleque por todo el cuerpo. Entrevistador:Tran..tran..tranquilo...tranquilo que veo que tampoco te gusta esta pregunta. A ver esta otra. Qué le parece que S-Pain este obsesionado contigo.En todo momento parece que estas constantemente en su mente.No para de repetir tu nombre. Por fin habla FerroKi:Esto solo quiere decir que le hice sufrir tanto como para que se acuerde de mi.Quiere decir que he hecho bien mi trabajo y que el próximo que se cruce en mi camino sufrirá las mismas consecuencias o peor aún.Lo que para otros es sufrimiento y dolor ,para mi es placer,es mi paraíso. Se da la vuelta y se marcha. El entrevistador piensa que ha cerrado el microfono y hace un pequeño comentario. Entrevistador:Me cago en...... No entrevisto más a este tío ni loco. Joder,tengo que ir a cambiarme .Creo que me cagué. Maldito psicópata.

Octava Pelea Ferroki vs Maestro Xtremo Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Maestro Xtremo"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Maestro Xtremo makes his way to the ring wearing a blackshirt with the mexican flag in the back, jeans and vans

driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena with his lover who kisses him burning with passion Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Ferroki"! Suddenly high flames light on, as though the ‘Tron was set to fire! Ferroki makes his way to the ring two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring The two wrestlers stare proudly at each other and then engage in a exciting test of strength, trying to overcome their opponent after a few, seemingly endless, seconds and an enormous effort Maestro Xtremo prevails Maestro Xtremo loads his arm chop style and Ferroki moves and dodges a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back Ferroki prepares to hit Maestro Xtremo hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a light Roundhouse Kick!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grabs his opponent's leg and pulls it on his way threading his head under his arm Maestro Xtremo avoids the Capture Suplex, gaining the initiative Maestro Xtremo hooks his opponent's leg threading his head under his arm lifting him up and falling backwards, executing a light Capture Suplex!! Maestro Xtremo pulls Ferroki still groggy, by his hair Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's trunks and falls backwards while turning, hooking Ferroki's leg with his legs and the other leg with his free arm,ending up on top of him, pinning him performing a light Small Package!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki kicks out

[Special Mortal Submission activated for Ferroki] Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one Ferroki 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Maestro Xtremo stops the running opponent grabbing his neck crushing him on the ground performing an light Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand Ferroki breaks free from his opponent's Snapmare and regains the initiative Ferroki grabs his opponent's head and embeds it against his own to perform a light Jaw Breaker!! Ferroki flanks his opponent, and grapples his leg Maestro Xtremo easily gets rid of the Side Leg Lock and regains the initiative Maestro Xtremo locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 holding his back on the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki kicks out Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one Ferroki 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Maestro Xtremo throws Ferroki to the ring's corner then runs and crushes him taking advantage of his own weight performing a light Body Avalanche!! Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's legs and locks them and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!!

Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki kicks out Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle Hold!! Maestro Xtremo keeps his ruthless submission hold Maestro Xtremo keeps his ruthless submission hold Maestro Xtremo releases his grasp Ferroki interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Ferroki raises a hand putting it on the opponent's forehead Maestro Xtremo shifts and avoids an Eye Rake taking the initiative Maestro Xtremo gets next to Ferroki bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a strong European Uppercut!! [Special Pinning Resistance activated for Maestro Xtremo] Maestro Xtremo turns against the adversary and kicks him with a strong Mule Kick!!! Maestro Xtremo grabs the opponent's neck Ferroki escapes from the a Desnucadora Xtrema and takes back the initiative Ferroki grabs Maestro Xtremo's neck performing a light Neck Breaker!! Ferroki grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Ferroki prepares to hit Maestro Xtremo grasping him by his chest then he lifts his knee and hits him with a light Tie Up Knee Strike!! Ferroki lifts his opponent on his shoulders

and lets himself fall on his back, executing a strong Caos Total!! [Special Submission Defence activated for Ferroki] Ferroki stands behind his rival Maestro Xtremo moves at the last moment and dodges a Face Stretch, taking the initiative Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's legs and locks them and takes his shoulders to the ground with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ferroki kicks out Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's hair Maestro Xtremo uses the right hand to grab the opponent's head, Ferroki breaks free from his opponent's a Snapmare and regains the initiative Ferroki hooks both of his opponent's arms standing behind his opponent, then lifts Maestro Xtremo up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Maestro Xtremo down to the canvas shoulder and neck first connecting with a light Tiger Suplex!! [Special Submission activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair Ferroki charges the movement raising the elbow and rapidly brings it down on the rival's nape executing an light Elbow to Back of Head!! Ferroki grabs the opponent's leg and sits on the opponents back Maestro Xtremo avoids an a Argentine Leg Lock and takes the initiative Maestro Xtremo springs off the top rope and leaps at his opponent lying on the ground Ferroki rolls out the way just in time, dodging the a Tornillo Xtremo and regaining the lead Ferroki catches his opponent's leg through the shoulder then he stretches it backward, trying to subdue him with a light Koji Clutch!!

Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki charges the kick Maestro Xtremo rolls over causing Ferroki to perform an a Angry Stomp in vain losing the initiative Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, performing a light Strangle Hold!! Maestro Xtremo keeps his ruthless submission hold Maestro Xtremo keeps his weak submission hold Maestro Xtremo releases his grasp Maestro Xtremo springs off the top rope and leaps at his fallen opponent at the same time executes a 180 degrees horizontal turn before landing on Ferroki in the strong Tornillo Xtremo position.!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! but Maestro Xtremo is faster and is not caught off guard! Maestro Xtremo prepares his arm Ferroki moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Ferroki gets next to Maestro Xtremo bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! Ferroki grabs Maestro Xtremo by an arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Ferroki off guard!

[Special Damage Resistance activated for Ferroki] Maestro Xtremo prepares to hit the rival Ferroki moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back Ferroki turns giving his shouldres to the adversary and kicks him with a light Mule Kick!!! Ferroki blocks the opponent's arm tight Maestro Xtremo dodges a Falling Arm Breaker and takes the initiative Maestro Xtremo locks Ferroki's head under his arm then drops backwards smashing Ferroki's head into the mat performing a violent DDT!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Maestro Xtremo off guard! Ferroki goes towards his rival Maestro Xtremo droops quickly dodging a a Throat Thrust Maestro Xtremo charges violently the leg Ferroki dodges the a Karate Kick and counterattacks Ferroki stops Maestro Xtremo taking him by an arm then twists in a circle cranking on the arm, then hits him with an elbow smash executing an light Arm Wrench & Elbow Smash!! [Special Power Body activated for Ferroki] Ferroki grabs his opponent and throws him to the ropes with an light Irish Whip!! Ferroki folds Maestro Xtremo's leg against his calf and grabs his ankle, squeezing it violently performing a light Reverse Achilles Lock!! Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold

Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Ferroki Levanta Las 2 Manos Hacia Arriba Con Los Dedos Indice Y Medio Formando Una V executing The Sign Of Victory Ferroki rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on Maestro Xtremo while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Twisting Body Attack!! Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Ferroki off guard! Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's nape from behind with his right hand and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! Maestro Xtremo tira a su oponente, lo agarra de las piernas y se apunta a si mismo gritandole que la victoria es de el Ferroki somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Ferroki sits on his opponent's back and hyper extends his elbow joint by grasping his wrist, holding and squeezing his arm between the thighs, connecting with a light Sitting Reverse Armbar!! Maestro Xtremo escapes from the hold Maestro Xtremo quickly gets up and counterattacks! Maestro Xtremo points to the opponent with decision Ferroki avoids an a Ear Slap and takes the initiative Ferroki charges his arm Maestro Xtremo dodges the a Elbow Smash and counterattacks Maestro Xtremo stands firmly on the mat and hits with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a strong Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! Maestro Xtremo Se baja del ring sube una silla y la prepara

Ferroki somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Ferroki grabs Maestro Xtremo's arms and legs making lever on them hooking the legs to his own legs, performing a light Mexican Stretch!! Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki grabs his opponent's wrist and sits down on his back then he grabs the other one too crossing them under the chin to press with a light Goku-Raku Stretch!! Ferroki keeps his weak submission hold Ferroki keeps his ruthless submission hold Ferroki releases his grasp Ferroki is about to perform his taunt Ferroki Se Queda En Trance En Medio Del Ring Con Los Ojos En Blanco executing The Hypnosis Ferroki lifts his opponent on his back crossing the legs with his own legs Maestro Xtremo easily evades an Gory Special and gains the initiative Maestro Xtremo grabs his opponent's arm while he's laying on his back and then capsizes his rival's body while pulling his arm, submitting him with a light Strangle Hold!! Maestro Xtremo keeps his ruthless submission hold Maestro Xtremo keeps his weak submission hold Maestro Xtremo releases his grasp Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Maestro Xtremo makes a dash against the ropes and runs towards his opponent, Ferroki gets down and avoids the an Clothesline to Back. gaining the initiative Ferroki grabs Maestro Xtremo's hair

Ferroki bends his opponent's arms on his back while he's bent by hooking them Maestro Xtremo avoids the an Chicken Wing Suplex Pin with agility counterattacking Maestro Xtremo uses the right hand to grab Ferroki's head, and kneels down, throwing Ferroki forward, flipping him down, slamming him on the mat back first, executing a light Snapmare!! Maestro Xtremo tira a su oponente, lo agarra de las piernas y se apunta a si mismo gritandole que la victoria es de el Ferroki somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!! Ferroki jumps quickly over his laying opponent Maestro Xtremo avoids the a Elbow Drop to gain the initiative Maestro Xtremo prepares the foot and hits Ferroki with a kick executing an light Angry Stomp!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo Cruza Los Brazos Enfrente De Su Pecho Formando Una X executing The Xmp Maestro Xtremo pulls Ferroki still groggy, by his hair Maestro Xtremo grasps Ferroki and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a violent Body Slam!! Maestro Xtremo grabs Ferroki's hair Maestro Xtremo grabs one Ferroki 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Maestro Xtremo stands behind the opponent Ferroki dodges the a Back Elbow Smash and counterattacks Ferroki charges his elbow striking him with an elbow performing a light Back Elbow Smash!! Ferroki crosses his opponent's legs Maestro Xtremo easily avoids the opponent's a Texas Cloverleaf taking back the initiative Maestro Xtremo gets close to his grounded opponent

and strikes his forehead with a violent Knee Stomp!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt Ferroki capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching Maestro Xtremo off guard! Ferroki prepares to hit Maestro Xtremo hurling his leg and hits him on the face with a strong Modified Roundhouse Kick!! Ferroki flanks Maestro Xtremo, clutching his head with his right arm slamming him on the mat flipping himself backwards, executing a light Spanish Flip!!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Maestro Xtremo has fallen out of the ring!!!! [Special Blocking activated for Ferroki] Ferroki leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Ferroki removes mic stands and monitors from the announcers table, and grabs his opponents wrapping his arm around his head and uses both legs to build-up speed to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, slamming his back through the announcer's table, connecting with a strong Snap Suplex on the Table!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" Ferroki lifts the adversary on a shoulder Maestro Xtremo avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder Ferroki avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Ferroki removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections

Maestro Xtremo avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder to crash the adversary on it with a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Maestro Xtremo is about to perform his taunt Maestro Xtremo Cruza Los Brazos Enfrente De Su Pecho Formando Una X executing The Xmp Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder to crash the adversary on it with a violent Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Maestro Xtremo lifts the adversary on a shoulder Ferroki avoids a a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Ferroki removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" Ferroki goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Maestro Xtremo goes up again in the ring Ferroki hurls the leg preparing the blow Maestro Xtremo bends dodging the a Modified Roundhouse Kick, starting the counterattack -S-PAIN aparece y Ferroki se da cuenta de el-el arbitro lo detiene pero S-PAIN esta hecha una maquina, Ferroki lo frena… pero en eso XMP ataca a ambos, bota a S-PAIN del ring y cubre a Ferroki no sin antes levantar al arbitroReferee starts counting...

....1.... ....2.... ....3.... MAESTRO XTREMO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS FERROKI !!!! Marco Perez: XMP se valio de la ayudita de S-PAIN para ganar pero creo que igual se llebava la victoria… Henry Rojas:. Si claro y yo soy el dueño de la federacion Natalia: Hola a todos... estamos en el bar de la federación y tenemos a nada más y nada menos que al ex campeón-... (ChRiStO interrumpe) ChRiStO: Mi amor, es mejor que me digas próximo campeón... Público: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Natalia: Pero no puedo emitir juicio de valor... mi ética no me lo permite. ChRiStO: Échate un tequila para que te tranquilices. Natalia: No puedo beber en pleno trabajo. (Se toma un shok de tequila) ChRiStO: Así me gusta.... Natalia: Corten.. empecemos de nuevo. Director: Entrevista Natalia a ChRiStO toma 2... acción.... Natalia: Hola a todos... estamos en el bar de la federación y tenemos a nada más y nada menos que al próximo campeón de la fed.... ChRiStO: Que tal si me presentas como el más grande campeón de la historia... Natalia: ChRiStO, pero no me puedes interrumpir todo el tiempo... así no voy a terminar la entrevista. Salto Angel: ¿Otro tequila? Natalia: Me quieren embriagar.... ChRiStO: Yo también me tomo uno contigo, ¿va? Natalia: Vale... (se toman todos una ronda de tequila)

Director: Director: Entrevista Natalia a ChRiStO toma 3.. acción.... Natalia (ebria) Holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a toodosooooooo.... estoy con el papasito de ChRiStO... quien alguna vez fue campeón de.... ChRiStO: No... no me gustó esa presentación... yo tú me echo otro tequilita y vuelvo a presentar... Salto Algel: Ya llevan varios tequilas.... ChRiStO: Usted cállese y trabaje... q tiene que pagar la sintonía que bajó gracias a su reinado como campeón.... (Natalia se toma otro tequila) Director: Director: Entrevista Natalia a ChRiStO toma 4.. acción... Natalia: Estamos... hip.. aki.... hip... para... hip.. ay que diablos... te tengo ganas (se le lanza a ChRiStO y lo besa desesperadamente) Director: Hijo de la chingada.. me voy de esta /&%)/&%)..... (ChRiStO se lleva cargada a Natalia y se van) Salto Angel: ¿Qué pasó??? me pidieron otro tequila??? se fueron????? hola????? ¿quien paga esto???

Killer Montxo: Oigan.... este mesonero nos quiere


Salto Angel: Otra vez nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Novena Pelea Christo vs Ipatinga Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, ChRiStO"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron ChRiStO makes his way to the ring driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena

two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, Ipatinga"! A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves Ipatinga makes his way to the ring wearing a cruzeiro T-shirt , Havaianas , and a surf short he plays with the crowld wild with the booyaka song He came to the ring with a red lamburghinni and next to him is his sexy girlfriend playing with the crowld wild Ipatinga gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Ipatinga hits the opponent with the back of his hand ChRiStO dodges a Back Hand Chop, starting a counterattack ChRiStO stands firmly on the mat Ipatinga bends dodging the Back Spinning Wheel Kick Ipatinga gets ready to hit his opponent with a kick striking his head with an light Overhead Kick!! [Special Attack activated for ChRiStO] [Special Power Body activated for Ipatinga] Ipatinga spins as he gets close to his opponent ChRiStO ducks and eludes the Spinning Kick, retaking the initative ChRiStO grabs his opponent's head from behind and hits it with a light Headbutt to Back of Head!! ChRiStO is ready to hit Ipatinga and with a knee blow executes a light Knee Smash!! ChRiStO goes to the side of Ipatinga grasping him from behind, hooking his head and falls backward tripping him up, slamming his back down to the ground performing a light Russian Leg Sweep!! ChRiStO grabs Ipatinga's hair

ChRiStO grabs one Ipatinga 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well ChRiStO runs toward Ipatinga and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! ChRiStO kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands trying to submit him with an irregular choke, executing a light Choke Hold!! ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO grabs Ipatinga's hair ChRiStO blocks Ipatinga's arm tight and falling down performs a violent Falling Arm Breaker on his rival's arm!! Ipatinga pulls himself together and fights back [Special Power Body activated for ChRiStO] Ipatinga puts a hand on ChRiStO's face and leaves him blind using his fingers performing an light Eye Rake!! Ipatinga places ChRiStO horizontally on his shoulders making him fly over his head slamming him on the mat performing a light Fireman Carry!! Ipatinga grabs his opponent's arm ChRiStO avoids the Flipping Armbar easily, taking the initiative ChRiStO clutches his laying rival's head to perform a light Head Lock!! ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold ChRiStO keeps his ruthless submission hold ChRiStO releases his grasp ChRiStO pulls Ipatinga still groggy, by his hair

ChRiStO tightens his opponent's head taking him on his knees to connect a series of fistbuts, performing a light Head Lock & Punch!! ChRiStO sits on his opponent's back Ipatinga breaks free from his opponent's Sitting Reverse Armbar , regaining the initative Ipatinga stands over the face-down lying on the ground opponent then he lifts one leg of ChRiStO and drapes it over his neck and applies a leverage by lifting it, stretching his opponent's joints and performing a light Stretch Muffler!! ChRiStO escapes from the hold [Special Mortal Submission activated for ChRiStO] Ipatinga grabs ChRiStO's hair Ipatinga grabs one ChRiStO 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ipatinga runs towards his rival ChRiStO moves and dodges a Flipping Face Slam taking the initiative ChRiStO stops the running opponent grabbing his neck making him fall performing an violent Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! ChRiStO grabs Ipatinga's arms putting it between his legs and throws him forward in a pinfall position performing a Recliner Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Ipatinga kicks out [Special Damage activated for Ipatinga] ChRiStO charges his leg executing a strong Kick to Back!! ChRiStO climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together

and throws himself toward Ipatinga hitting him with a devastating La Sepultura De Christo!! ChRiStO grabs Ipatinga's hair ChRiStO grabs one Ipatinga 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well ChRiStO stops the running opponent from behind with an arm making him fall performing an powerful Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! ChRiStO is about to perform his taunt ChRiStO Busca Al P Blico Para Que Lo Aplauda Y Le Da Un Lepe Al Luchador executing The Christochock ChRiStO grabs Ipatinga's hair ChRiStO grabs one Ipatinga 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well ChRiStO bounces on the ropes, runs towards his opponent stretches his arm hitting him with a light Clothesline!! Ipatinga pulls himself together and fights back Ipatinga goes towards his rival and gives a blow to his throat executing a light Throat Thrust!! Ipatinga strongly grabs the head of the adversary ChRiStO lowers avoiding a a Hard Headbutt, taking back the initiative ChRiStO waits for the running opponent and throws him up in the air with a strong Big Toss!! ChRiStO grabs Ipatinga's hair ChRiStO grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes ChRiStO runs towards his opponent and he snaps his foot into Ipatingas chin with a light Chin Breaker!! ChRiStO grabs his opponent's head, runs up the ring ropes

and springboards himself on the ropes,diving backwards and performing a devastating Sliced Bread #3!! ChRiStO grabs his laying opponent's leg Ipatinga moves to dodge a a Knee on Leg and counterattacks Ipatinga hooks his opponet's leg with his own legs and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Ipatinga keeps his weak submission hold ChRiStO escapes from the hold [Special Damage Resistance activated for Ipatinga] Ipatinga gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a light Ipatinga Slam!! Ipatinga capsizes his opponent to a prone position and sits on his back and puts pressure on his elbow joint by grabbing his wrist, twisting and squeezing his arm between his legs, performing a light Sitting Reverse Armbar!! ChRiStO escapes from the hold Ipatinga grabs ChRiStO's hair Ipatinga grabs one ChRiStO 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Ipatinga throws the opponent to the ring's corner ChRiStO dodges the a Body Avalanche, taking the initiative ChRiStO bounces against the ropes and runs toward Ipatinga and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! ChRiStO kneels beside his downed opponent and grabs his throat with both hands and squeezes performing a light Choke Hold!! Ipatinga escapes from the hold Ipatinga quickly gets up and counterattacks! Ipatinga approaches his rival loading his arm

and hits him to his throat with a light Throat Thrust!! Ipatinga loads an arm towards himself ChRiStO moves and dodges a a Forearm Smash, taking the initiative back ChRiStO agarra al luchador lo pone entre sus rodillas lo carga y lo tira a la lona con mucha fuerza executing devastating Go To Hell!! IPATINGA HAS A CUT!!! ChRiStO tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... ....3.... CHRISTO WINS THE MATCH AND DEFEATS IPATINGA !!!! Marco Perez: eso fue rapido… Henry Rojas: ni que lo digas… Christo esta para luchar ya por el titulo... eso es lo que desea mas… Suena Thousand Years of Oppresion, y Killer Montxo hace su aparicion habitual, aunque seguido de un par de chicas, ligeritas de ropa, que lo siguen y atosigan... Chica 1: Venga, guapo, ¿cuando piensas darnos... el dinero? Chica 2: Nosotras no trabajamos por nada... Killer Montxo: ¿Era necesario que me siguieseis hasta aqui? ¿No veis que esto lo ven millares de persona lo largo de todo el globo? Chicas: ¡¡¡¡Y a nosotras que, danos lo que nos debes o te las veras con nuestros guardaespaldas!!!! Killer Montxo: Uuhuhuh... Mirar como tiemblo... (moviendo las manos, simulando miedo) Ya os dije que no iba a soltar ni un centimo, y creo que recordar que es lo que pone en mi tarjeta de visita, ademas de... Chicas: ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡GUARDIAS!!!!!!!!!!! Al oir esto, salen seis gorilas rapidamente de los vestuarios y rodean a Killer Montxo...

Killer Montxo: Estooo... (Con tono ironico) ¿Puedo hacer una ultima cosa antes de que me despierte en un hospital? Chica 2: Vale, pero no tard... Nada mas oir lo que dice la chica, Killer Montxo se aproxima a uno de los guardias, cogiendolo por sorpresa, y dejandolo atontado con un golpe, a continuacino le hace una llave, pasandoselo por detras, de manera que cae encima de otro guardaespaldas que intentaba un golpe por la espalda... Dos mas se lanzan conta el Killer a la vez, pero este consigue zafarse en el ultimo momento, provocando que los dos choquen frontalemte, al mismo tiempo, el Killer baja del ring, y armandose con una silla, lña usa para abrirle una brecha a uno de los guarda espaldas que aun quedaba en pie... El ultimo, opta por huir, gritando como una nenaza... Al igual que las chicas, que tambien optar por correr... Killer Montxo: Eh, volver, no os he dado mi tarjeta... Corre detras de ellas, dejandose la tarjeta, en la que se puede leer: Killer Montxo, bebedor compulsivo, y proximo y primer bi-campeon Hardcore e Hispano al mismo tiempo... Despues de un rato, el Killer vuelve y dice: Killer Montxo: (Jadeando por el cansancio de correr de un lado para otro de la federation) Aah..ah... Eesstoo... Si, looo que queria decir... es... que... voy a... aceptar el... el puesto de retador numero 1 al titulo hispano... por mucho que SERGINHO sea el campeon... me da igual... quiero el titulo y eso es lo que... cuenta... Si me disculpais... Killer Montxo vuelve a irse corriendo, buscando a las chicas... Henry Rojas: Astuto chaval, me gustaria ver su cara cuando vea que se ha dejado aqui la nota de presentacion... Marco Perez: Mas listo que tu si que es... Al menos, sabe como desenvolverse en un ring y en un bar... cosas que tu nunca sabras, ni podras hacer bien... ¿Eh? JAJAJA suena SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION. Henry Rojas: otra vez no, que pesado. Marco Perez: le provocan Henry, tiene que salir. MAÑOS: SERGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHO, SERGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHO,

SERGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHO. PUBLICO: ... SERGINHO7: me parece muy bien que aceptes, es mas, lo deseaba. pero no vayas repartiendo esas mierda tarjetas a la gente, aunque tengo yo una propia. Tarjeta de SERGINHO: mas bebedor que el killer, ya que la ultima vez le gane actual campeon hispano y futuro bi-campeon (hardcore y hispano). SERGINHO7: asi que ven a revolucion latina, pero solo hallaras tu al igual que todos los que querais arrebatarme mi titulo. !!!DOLOR!!! suena SYMPHONY OF DESTRUCTION y SERGINHO se va. Henry Rojas: que chulo, me cae cada vez peor. Marco Perez y MAÑOS: SERGIIIIIIIIIIINHO, SERGIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHO, SERGIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINHO.

Decima Pelea Rey Andres vs Kubit Ring Announcer: "The following contest is scheduled for One Fall!" Ring Announcer: "Introducing first, Rey Andrees"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke! and many changing-coloured Pyrotechnics flash all the way on the Titan Tron Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring Rey Andrees makes his way to the ring, wearing a white karate suit taking all the dirt with his giant ki, he arrives to the ring but he levitates to the top rope jumps on it making a huge backflip, he raises his ki in the middle of the ring and the ring s driving a flaming red Ferrari 360 Modena two Pyrotechnics red and blue, blow at each corner of the ring Ring Announcer: "and his opponent, kubitschek"! it seems like a thunder has just stroke!

A clip is aired on the Titan Tron, showing some of the wrestler’s greatest victories and most powerful moves kubitschek makes his way to the ring bermuda and shirt with a skull and a blood stained Four lightnings hit the ringposts Rey Andrees gains the initiative exploiting his quickness!! Rey Andrees holds his opponent by the head kubitschek easily avoids a Knee on Head and gains the initiative kubitschek gets next to Rey Andrees bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! kubitschek leaps toward Rey Andrees and kicks him twice performing a light Bicycle Kick!! kubitschek loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with light Samoan Drop!! kubitschek approaches his laying opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's hair kubitschek and lunges himself on the ropes kubitschek grabs the opponent's head Rey Andrees bends and dodges the Real Deal taking the initiative Rey Andrees bounces off using the middle rope, leaping towards his opponent with his elbow and then lands a elbow blow on his opponent's face, performing a light Springboard Backflip Elbow Smash!! Rey Andrees holds his laying opponent's leg and hits it with the knee, executing a light Knee on Leg!! Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair

Rey Andrees grabs one kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Rey Andrees bounces against the ropes and runs toward the opponent kubitschek suddenly dodges the Rolling Elbow Smash, taking the initiative kubitschek jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits his face with a light Dropsault!! kubitschek gets close to his grounded opponent and hits him executing a light Knee Stomp!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's hair kubitschek grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well kubitschek stretches in flight with his feet held togheter Rey Andrees bends, dodging the Dropsault and taking the initiative Rey Andrees stops the running opponent grabbing his neck making him fall ahead on his face performing an light Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair Rey Andrees puts his arms around his opponent's head kubitschek with force of will, breaks loose from the Side Head Lock and starts striking back! kubitschek uses the right hand to grab Rey Andrees's head, and then pulls his opponent forward, flipping him over his shoulder down to the mat performing a light Snapmare!! kubitschek lifts his opponent's leg Rey Andrees moves at last to dodge the Elbow drop to inner thigh and gains the initiative Rey Andrees puts his foot over his opponent's abdomen kubitschek rolls aside to dodge the Cocky Pin, gaining the initiative kubitschek gets close to his grounded opponent and strikes his forehead with a strong Knee Stomp!!

kubitschek lifts his opponent's leg raises his elbow and performs a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's hair kubitschek puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm and pulls his own leg back, then kicks the leg forward quickly slamming it to the ground to build momentum to fall backwards and flips his opponent over himself, so he lands on his back, executing a light Snap Suplex!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!! the impact of this blow is so hard that Rey Andrees has fallen out of the ring!!!! kubitschek leaves the ring Referee: "Oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" kubitschek puts his opponent's head in his armpit, and surrounds it with his arm then lifts Rey Andrees up and falls backwards, arching his back and legs, slamming Rey Andrees down to the step ladder shoulder and neck first connecting with a strong Suplex on Step Ladder!! Referee: "Twooooooooooooooooo!!!" kubitschek removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Threeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" kubitschek lifts the adversary on a shoulder Rey Andrees avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees Prepares The Piledriver Oh No A Sit Down Powerbomb He Was executing An Andomancy Referee: "Foooooooooooooooour!!!" Rey Andrees lifts the adversary on a shoulder kubitschek avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! kubitschek removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections to crash the adversary on it with a light Powerslam on the Table!!!!

Referee: "Fiveeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!" kubitschek lifts the adversary on a shoulder Rey Andrees avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! Rey Andrees removes out the rugs leaving the cement free from the protections to crash the adversary on it with a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees Turn On His Back Slowly Moves And With An Evil Smile Says Buuuuuuuuu executing A Buuuuha Referee: "Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix!!!" Rey Andrees lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a strong Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Seveeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!!!" Rey Andrees lifts the adversary on a shoulder kubitschek avoids a Powerslam on the Table and takes back the initiative!! kubitschek lifts the adversary on a shoulder and crashes him on the commentators' table performing a light Powerslam on the Table!!!! Referee: "Eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh!!!" kubitschek goes up again in the ring Referee: "Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!!" Rey Andrees goes up again in the ring kubitschek gets ready to hit Rey Andrees and hits him with the forearm executing an light European Uppercut!! kubitschek garbs his running opponent by the arm and throws him down by performing an light Black Spiral!! kubitschek is about to perform his taunt kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage

kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's hair kubitschek grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well kubitschek jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter and hits him with a strong Dropsault, spinning in the air before falling down to the mat!! kubitschek pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair kubitschek seems ready to hit his opponent and hits Rey Andrees with a series of kicks executing strong Kicking Combination!! kubitschek lifts his opponent's leg and hits it with an elbow performing a violent Elbow drop to inner thigh!! Rey Andrees interrupts his opponent attacks sequence Rey Andrees grabs his opponent's head and hits him right into his face with a knee strike executing a light Knee on Head!! Rey Andrees charges violently the leg kubitschek dodges the a Karate Kick and counterattacks kubitschek lifts Rey Andrees on his shoulders and slams his column against his knee executing violent Final Death!! kubitschek is about to perform his taunt kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage kubitschek pulls Rey Andrees still groggy, by his hair kubitschek lifts Rey Andrees on his shoulders and slams his column against his knee executing strong Final Death!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's legs and locks them and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1....

....2.... Rey Andrees kicks out kubitschek is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him! catching kubitschek off guard! Rey Andrees gets next to kubitschek bringing down an arm and hits him with the forearm executing an strong European Uppercut!! Rey Andrees holds his opponent and hits him with the forearm by performing an light Uppercut!! Rey Andrees jumps on his opponent's head while he's turned back to throw him with the aid of a somersault, performing a light Jumping HH Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... kubitschek kicks out Rey Andrees pulls kubitschek still groggy, by his hair Rey Andrees grabs his opponent's head from behind and strikes him with a strong Headbutt to Back of Head!! kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back kubitschek prepares his arm to strike the adversary Rey Andrees moves to the side eluding a a Punch and taking back the initiative Rey Andrees prepares the leg and hits him on the face with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Rey Andrees prepares his opponent in his right shoulder he walks to the turnbuckle and kubitschek somehow counters the move, regaining the initiative!!!

kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's neck and crashes him to the ground making him whirl performing a light Falling Neck Breaker!! kubitschek locks his opponent's legs with his own shaping a 4 and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Rey Andrees gets up and resolutely fights back Rey Andrees points to kubitschek with decision and smacks his face with an light Ear Slap!! Rey Andrees prepares his arm and falls on kubitschek with his fist executing a light Fist But!! Rey Andrees prepares his opponent in his right shoulder he walks to the turnbuckle and runs to the other turnbuckle he throws his opponent to the steel post and chant him dancing executing MORTAL Painmaker!! Rey Andrees is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees Stands In The Middle Of The Ring Hearing The Fans executing A Hearing The Crowds Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair Rey Andrees grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Rey Andrees runs towards his opponent kubitschek moves to dodge a a One Arm Bulldog and counterattacks kubitschek runs toward Rey Andrees grasping his head and drives him down to the ground performing a strong Running DDT!! kubitschek is about to perform his taunt Rey Andrees capitalizes on his opponent's distraction and jumps on him!

but kubitschek is faster and is not caught off guard! kubitschek gets next to Rey Andrees bringing down an arm and hits rapidly with his forearm his opponnent's jaw executing a light European Uppercut!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees by an arm and pulls him down with an light Arm Drag!! kubitschek is about to perform his taunt kubitschek Is With The Devil In Your Body executing A Rage kubitschek lifts his opponent's leg raises his elbow and performs a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! kubitschek grabs his opponent's leg Rey Andrees dodges the a Indian Death Lock and gains the initiative Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's arm and grabs an arm bending it applying an light Armbar!! kubitschek escapes from the hold kubitschek quickly gets up and counterattacks! kubitschek gets ready to hit Rey Andrees Rey Andrees shifts and avoids an a European Uppercut, taking the initiative Rey Andrees grabs his running opponent by the arm kubitschek strikes his opponent with an elbow to dodge the a Uraken and counterattacks kubitschek stands firmly on the mat and hits Rey Andrees with a kick while spinning backwards, performing a light Back Spinning Wheel Kick!! kubitschek lifts Rey Andrees on his shoulders and slams his column against his knee executing light Final Death!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's hair

kubitschek grabs one Rey Andrees 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well kubitschek jumps onto his opponent with his feet held togheter Rey Andrees bends, dodging the a Dropsault and taking the initiative Rey Andrees grabs his opponent by the head with one arm making him fall performing an strong Half Nelson Bulldog!!!! Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair Rey Andrees and lunges himself on the ropes Rey Andrees waits for the running opponent hooking him by the arm to make him fall on the ground with a light Hip Toss!! Rey Andrees grabs hold of his opponent's leg and moves around it, twisting and crushing it on the mat, delivering pain and connecting with a strong Spinning Leg Crush!! Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair Rey Andrees grabs one of his opponent's armd and swings him into the ropes Rey Andrees runs towards his opponent with an arm tight outside and throws him down by wrapping the arm on his torso with a light Lariat!! Rey Andrees applies an armbar on the rival's arm inserting it among the legs kubitschek avoid the a Magistrale Cradle taking back the initiative kubitschek grabs his opponent's leg and twists it by trapping it with his own to perform an light Indian Death Lock!! Rey Andrees escapes from the hold Rey Andrees quickly gets up and counterattacks! Rey Andrees prepares to strike the adversary hitting him with a light Punch!! Rey Andrees dives into kubitschek with a powerful clothesline

knocking him down executing a violent Modified 3 Point Stance Charge!! Rey Andrees loads his opponent on his shoulders and throws himself backward, trampling him with devastating Modified Samoan Drop!! Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair Rey Andrees grabs one kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Rey Andrees gains power and momentum from spinning in motion and shoots his right leg as he runs kubitschek ducks and dodges a a Spinning Wheel Kick, retaking the initative kubitschek stands behind Rey Andrees and hits Rey Andrees in the back of the head with a light Back Elbow Smash!! kubitschek grabs his rival's leg and lets himself fall over it with a strong Elbow drop to inner thigh!! kubitschek gets on the top turnbuckle with a jump and raises his fists to the sky holding them together and throws himself toward Rey Andrees hitting him with a violent Double Axe Handle!! kubitschek grabs Rey Andrees's hair kubitschek and lunges himself on the ropes kubitschek throws his opponent over his head straight up Rey Andrees rolls over his opponent's shoulders, evading the a Back Body Drop and taking the initiative Rey Andrees gets on the top turnbuckle and hits kubitschek with a strong Diving Elbow Smash while diving!! KUBITSCHEK HAS A CUT!!! Rey Andrees grabs kubitschek's hair Rey Andrees grabs one kubitschek 's arms and spins, swinging him into the ropes, then lunges himself as well Rey Andrees runs toward kubitschek

and spins hitting him with a light Rolling Elbow Smash!! Rey Andrees climbs the turnbuckle and throwing himself towards the rival hitting him with an arm executing a strong Flying Clothesline!! Rey Andrees rises on the turnbuckle and throws himself on kubitschek while performing a torsion with the body executing a light Twisting Body Attack!! Rey Andrees tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... kubitschek kicks out Rey Andrees turns kubitschek still groggy up pulling his hair kubitschek pulls himself together and fights back kubitschek charges the hand Rey Andrees dodges an a Overhand Chop to gain the initiative Rey Andrees prepares to strike the adversary and hits the adversary with a light Punch!! Rey Andrees prepares the leg and connects with a strong Roundhouse Kick!! Rey Andrees grasps kubitschek and lifts him up, slamming him down to the ground performing a violent Body Slam!! Rey Andrees climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward kubitschek quickly lowering them, performing a light Double Axe Handle!! Rey Andrees tries a pinning maneuver Referee starts counting... ....1....

....2.... kubitschek kicks out Rey Andrees lifts kubitschek up, still groggy Rey Andrees jumps on his opponent shoulders, and drapes his arms around his waist kubitschek ducks and evades the a Sunset Flip Bomb, catching his opponent off guard! kubitschek dives over his opponent who is facing him and applies a waistlock on him from behind and lands back-first behind Rey Andrees rolling forward into a sitting position, pulling Rey Andrees over backwards and down to the canvas so that he lands on his back, powerbombing him with a light Sunset Flip Bomb!! kubitschek locks his rival's legs shaping a 4 and pins him with a Figure 4 Pin!! Referee starts counting... ....1.... ....2.... Rey Andrees gets up and resolutely fights back Rey Andrees charges his arm kubitschek dodges the a Hook Punch and counters kubitschek charges the hand striking his forehead with his arm's side, performing an light Overhand Chop!! kubitschek grabs his running opponent by the arm to throw him down with an violent Uraken!! kubitschek climbs the top turnbuckle and raises his fists holding them together and leaps toward Rey Andrees quickly lowering them, performing a violent Double Axe Handle!! -En eso Christo interfiere y ataca a Kubit-el arbitro declara ganador a KubitAparece el GG Vincent GG Vincent: Christo, quien te dio autorizacionpara ingresar a la pelea?... pues ya uqe veo que ambos estan listos para pelear la semana que viene sera: kubit

Publico: yeeee!! GG Vincent: y Christo vs los jobbers!! Marco Perez: me parece o los jobbers estan apareciendo muy seguido? Henry Rojas: eso es cierto… pero lo importante es que Christo y Kubit lucharan en Saturday zone como tag… waooo... ahora nos despedimos amigos... no sin antes mostrar la tabla con los resultados ya vistos hoy!! Juan Olarte

Mascara Chilena Juan Olarte

Tom Bonecrusher


El Vaquilla

Santo Angel

Killer Montxo


El Cantante

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