Wireless Mess

  • May 2020
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WIRELESS MESS Abstract: There is no such area where we can say that technology is not implemented. It is just like driving a car without steering. At present we have internet which is widely used tool, and the new wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, WiMax ,Bluetooth etc are making information communication technology service accessible affordable to all. Wi-Fi has become a “fascination, a glimpse of the future” of the internet .The growth of broadband network is taking over the cable-based communication. This tool is intergraded with TVs, Mobiles, systems etc. In the near future no city or no any human being lives without WiFi. Already some cities are providing wireless net facilities to their citizens with low-cost or free of cost. For example, Pune is the first city in India to provide WiFi facility to its citizens. As per NASSCOM prediction, WiFi may become so widespread that one can access the net just anywhere at any time without using wires. This article tells about the WiFi and the security measures be taken by the individuals to safeguard their data from unauthorized users. Introduction: Wireless fidelity (WiFi) a threshold of the satyyuga hmmm…confused? Our epics tell us that in earlier times sages used to connect and converse with thoughts, already we knew this from our elders and read from so many puranas. The history repeats itself, the same method is now given different terminologies called internet, Wi-Max 3G, wifi, Bluetooth, infrared etc. In one word we can say life is nothing without technology. We can say for example, housewife may utilize it for shopping, chatting and a student level he/she may utilize it for educational purpose or games. It may be used for business transactions. One of the most interesting areas is entertainment. Movies and music can be downloaded. The other areas are the manufacturing industry and public sector. Wireless technology has facilitates extreme mobility, aperture (opening), and ceaseless (boundless) possibilities for people who are always on the budge (move) and yet desire to stay linked in the busy schedule. It can be also deployed at conference room’s lounges outdoors and cafeterias. In addition to internet is there any sophisticated and effective tool which is useful, faster and efficient in addition to Internet? Yes, there are technologies such as WiMAX, 3G, 4G, and Bluetooth. Several

wireless technologies have been developed ever since the quest for mobile/wireless communication has started way back in 1940’s.The next question comes how efficiently or effectively is the wireless technology is used? Is it used in the right method? How secured is this system when implemented. As there are innovations and enhancements in the technology there are also pros and cons to each innovation. It depends on the individual how he/she takes it and utilizes it. By all means wireless network is a boon for us for getting things done faster with the latest equipments but as we know the coin has two sides the other side of this coin is infuriated (furious). Recall the 26/11 Mumbai attack it was a nightmare for this present era in India. There are number of precautions to be taken to safeguard the system .For instance, Firewalls is one of the tools, but this alone can no longer is enough to protect networks from outside attacks and malicious behavior of intruders. Companies must go in search of new methods that secure network traffic and productivity. Development in the field of technology has a high impact on the present scenario .IT sector is using Network-based IDS (Intrusion Detection System) products, but have fallen short on technology promises because of lack of security. Unwanted activity and malicious threats are unfortunate realities for most of the Organizations these days. Intrusion Prevention, Securing Network Traffic and Productivity have become a mandatory requirement for anyone who needs to prevent such attacks in their day-to-day operations.

Proposed Work: Several wireless technologies have been developed since the last decades and have become all pervasive in or day to day lives. The day to day development from wire network i.e. internet, phone etc to wireless network like wifi, Bluetooth etc play a crucial role in constructing or destroying the system. Wi-Fi is the only technology that enables the use of indoor mobile devices without outdoor services. Wifi or Wireless Fidelity or Wifi or Wi-Fi is a popular name given to WLAN technology said to be a wireless system that can be globally used for accessing the internet. Other than internet Wi-Fi is integrated in more devices like laptops, PDAs, mobile phones. It is an Openstandard wireless radio-wave technology technically known as IEEE 802.11b or also called as Wi-Fi. This system was projected by the “Wi-Fi Alliance; a trade group” that lead the way for commercialization of the technology. Wi-Fi is usually a plug ‘n play device in which the connection is radiated from the router i.e. which is available easily to the user at any outlet by connecting it to the end-users broadband network and create a hotspot of approximately 1520 feet . If we compare this to Ethernet protocol it uses high frequency radio signals to transmit and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet. The area coverage is usually 300 meters so may be your neighbors may also use it with out your knowledge simultaneously sitting in his/her residence

Basics of WiFi Communication between wireless networks is similar to two way radio communication. People such as Police and emergency work force use wireless sets simultaneously. One junction station named wireless routers, which is similar to the switch or router generally we see in computer labs, is the important component. The Data is transmitted into the frequencies of 2.4GHz or 5GHz (depends on Government Clearance). These frequencies are considered higher than the frequencies used for walkie-talkies, cordless phones, TVs and mobiles phones. The higher frequency is capable of carrying more Data. This connection is convenient, virtually invisible and fairly reliable. However, if the router fails or if too many people try to use high-bandwidth applications at the same time, users can experience interference or lose their connections. Basically a laptop or computer wireless adaptor transforms the given data in to a radio signal and transmits it using the antenna then a wireless 802.11 router receivers it and decodes. The WiFi router sends the information to the internet by using wired (Ethernet) connection. Vis-àvis. 802.11 Network standards: 802.11 Network standards are capable of supporting data rated upto 2 Mbps and allows wireless workstations upto roughly several hundred feet away to communicate. The other flavors are:

1. 802.11a: It transmits 54 Mbps at the rate of 5 GHz frequency. This uses OFDM Technology (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) this is a more efficient coding techniques which spilts; the radio signals into several sub-signals before they reach to receiver ensures interface reduce.

2. 802.11b: It uses complementary code key (CCK) and can handle up to 11Mbps. It is comparatively slow and least expensive standard and it transmits 2.4GHz frequency. 3. 802.11g: The feature of this is that it transmits data at the speed up to 54Mbp and is more striking than 802.11a and also faster because it uses OFDM coding but uses frequencies in the 5GHz range. 4. 802.11n: As it is the most up-to-date standard it improves the speed and the range compared to the above networking standards, from the point of speed it achieves speeds as high as 140 Mbps. Do we really know who's using our wireless network without our knowledge and permission? The network is prone to intrusion and misuse by unauthorized personnel. When we purchase WiFi router we are provided with a default password, usually ‘1234’. The other default passwords given are such as '0000', '5555' or ‘9999’ which are never changed by the user in general, even though it is suggested clearly in the manual. If the user has not changed the default network name or admin password someone could be eavesdropping on our email when we are using a wireless network—whether it be a Macintosh with AirPort gear, Windows with any Wi-Fi equipment, or a Wi-Fi handheld such as iPhone —the user is prone to risk unless they take precautionary steps. The hackers identify an open network using their laptop and try all the default passwords. If the passwords do not match, they try to locate another open network.

If we go through the present scenario, a majority of the networks are insecure. According to an analysis conducted in December 2004, it is learnt that 60 to 70 percent of all wireless networks did not use any type of encryption .

Difference between WiFi and Bluetooth? Bluetooth enabled devices which transfers the information virtually. It uses low-power, short-range radio frequencies to communicate between two or more devices. It is a short range wirless technology designed to connect devices of different function such as telephones, notebooks, computers, cameras, printer’s coffee makers etc which is rapidly being built in to computers and other devices. Bluetooth LAN is an ad hoc network which can be connected to the Internet. It serves as wire and cable-free wireless connection to peripheral devices. It usually operates at one Mbps and has an effective range between 10 to 100 mtrs With 2.4-GHz bandwidth which means that there is a possibility of interface between the IEEE 802.11b wireless LAN’s and Bluetooth LAN. The drawback of this technology is that it is slow in impacting the marketplace. The Reality Bites: •

The Delhi and Ahmedabad blast reveals us about the hacking of unsecured WiFi networks used by Indian Mujhahideen to send out the terror e-mail. The terrorists took advantage of insecure networks. Before the Ahmedabad blast, terrorists had used the unsecured WiFi system of an American national, Kenneth Haywood, in case of Delhi blasts; they used the unsecured network of a family in Chembur.

The other case was of Sarika Kamath, wife of K M Kamath from whose Internet Protocol address the terror mail was sent around the time of the Delhi serial blasts has said that they have been the 'victims of technology.

Effects Wi-Fi uses radio links instead of cables to connect computers which are more vulnerable and still a risk factor about whether WiFi wireless technology is secure and protected. The personal data is also on risk which is used by the latestly known ‘evil twin’. These hackers easily clone a Wi-Fi signal and establish a fake connection and starts to extract the data from the user’s hard disk. Once the authenticated user logs on hi/her system the page is hijacked.

Action plan WiFi subscribers: DO’s and Don’ts Right click on small wireless network icon on your Task Bar, below u can see a icon marked in red:

(Source from: computer.howstuffworks.com/wireless-network)

We can see a small window select or click the option “view Available Wireless Networks”.

(Source from: computer.howstuffworks.com/wireless-network)

After we select the option we can see a window in which WiFi networks is there. Here we will find a WiFi router name which can be given by the any authorized user say “Surya

Systems” wireless network which is ‘Unsecured wireless network’. Here we can find that there is no lock on the SS wireless network which means it is not secured , if it is secured then u can see a option on Surya System as ‘Security-enabled wireless network’. After the completion of the above steps the following guidelines are to be kept in mind . 1. Disabling the SSID (Service Set Identifier) broadcast: through SSID there is a chance of filtering some of the intruders to detect the WiFi access point. For the most security, type a random collection of letters and numbers, and don't give it a name that can be easily guessed, such as "My dear brother". 2. Enable MAC address filter. Each network interface has a unique MAC address, in essence a serial number--called a MAC address by filtering it, one can to an extent control which machines can use the access point. The drawback of this security feature is it is only applicable for wireless PC’s, because the wired PC’s are already installed with this feature. 3. Turn on WPA / (WAP2): (Wi-Fi Protected Access) WEP (Wired Equivalency Privacy) encryption. Use WPA (or WPA-PSK): The two most common types of encryption are WEP and WPA. The system works by using an access point to block LAN access until the user can be identified by entering a pass code if all devices on your network support it. Otherwise use 128-bit WEP. This protects the access between the legitimate machine and an access point. 4. Change default admin passwords for access points: like you can change the default given passwords like admin, administrator, organization names to combination of alpha numeric special characters like Vicky@007 or date of birth etc..

5. Ensure access points are placed securely. If we use a wireless router to access internet at your home or office, the wireless signals of the router work till 60-70 feet without walls or restriction and any person within this range can connect to the wireless router and use your internet connection .Keep the router in the middle of the room or a place it is not visible. 6. Most of the WiFi at home and offices are kept on for 24 hours, it is recommended that the WiFi is turned off when not in use and also when out of stations or on vacations. 7. Use Encryption: It is suggestable to use WPA than WEP, which encryption method is misunderstood because there are chances that the data may be captured by some unauthorized user. 8. Don’t Expose Yourself WiFi uses a mechanism known as Identifier Broadcasting which is a source to announce the usage of wifi. We should frequently change your SSID or ESSID. The SSID or ESSID is basically just a name that’s assigned to the wireless access point. The reason why it is important to change the SSID or ESSID is because we don’t want your access point to have an out of the box name. 9. Limit Access to Your Access Point If we want to limit access of the machine MAC address we can open the command prompt window on the workstation and enter the command IPCONFIG/ALL and know the TCP/IP configuration.

Suggestions: The Wi-Fi users either an individual or business person can safeguard their information from hacking and restricting the perpetrators by making sure that the laptop or the desktop they are using , are secured by updating the latest firewall, antivirus and anti-spy ware software. The user must always make sure before connecting to the WiFi is that the site which is to be viewed is an authenticated web page and has been provided access to VPN (Virtual Private Network.). The precaution which can be taken by the end-user is avoided to log in to the financial accounts or any important data. One of the common mistakes usually done by the user is that he/she uses the same password for online transaction as it is easy to remember for him. The user must see that he does not directly get connected to the wireless network automatically always go through the security setting in the computer.


Even though the technology is showing its new and courageous face, we have to make use of these techniques for the best of our efforts. We know that merits and demerits are the two parallel lines on which the efforts of the technology can be based upon. We need to give due weightage to the merits by considering the aforesaid do’s and don’ts. If we are able to provide the strong fencing to our systems, it will surely obstruct the perpetrators from committing malicious threats, through logical or physical access. There is one more sophicated Wireless Mess known as, Bluetooth which is a wireless system that allows the communication of 2 Bluetooth enabled devices to transfer virtually anything. A safe and secured surfing makes our life a “bed of roses” with this wireless technology.


1. Introduction to Information Systems: - JAMES A. O’BRIEN 2. Data Communications and Networking: Behrouz A. Forouzan 3. http://www.dirjournal.com/internet-journal/fbi-safety-tips-for-wi-fi-users 4. Wireless Networking WiFi and WiMAX by Ravi Kumar Jain B 5. www.rediff.com/news 6. www.computer.howstuffworks.com/wireless-network 7. www.windowssecurity.com/articles 8. The Mobile Corporation ushering the wireless Advantage: S.Jaya Krishna, Anil Kumar Sivudu 9. www.mumbaimirror.com 10. sandeep Junnarkar , “one way to get online:piggyback” N.Y.Times, august 26,2004 11. www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi – 12. The Wireless Networking “Starter Kit, the Practical Guide to Wi-Fi Networks for Windows and Macinto Sh author : Adam Engst 13. “ Wireless Home Networking For Dummies” :author : Danny Briere

A.Latha –Faculty Member- IT V.Santhi -Faculty Member – Finance INC-Vijayawada.

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