Wireless Comm 1

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 89
Wireless Communications


A little history and evolution of mobile radio z 1897: Marconi invented wireless concept p z 1960’s & 1970’s: Bell laboratories developed the cellular concept z 1970’s: D l Development t off highly hi hl reliable, li bl miniature i i t solid state radio frequency hardware z Wireless Wi l communication i ti era was b born

Wireless Communications z

Cellular phone users 1984 - 25,000 1994 - 16 million 1997 - 50 million 2000 - Number of wireless users = Number of wired users 2005 – 1.9 1 9 billion users worldwide


Examples of Mobile Radio Systems Used in everyday life: z z z z z z


Garage door openers Remote controllers for home entertainment Cordless telephones Hand--held walkieHand walkie-talkies Pagers/beepers Cellular telephones

... Examples of Mobile Radio Systems z


z z


Mobile – Describes a radio terminal attached tt h d tto a high hi h speedd mobile bil platform l tf (e.g., A cellular phone in a fast moving vehicle) vehicle). Portable – Describes a radio terminal that can be hand hand--held and used by someone at walking speed (e.g., cordless telephone). Subscriber – Mobile or p portable user. Base stations – Link mobiles through a backbone network.

Types of Mobile Radio Transmission Systems z



S Simplex – Communication C is possible only in one direction, (e g paging systems) (e.g., systems). Half Duplex – Two way communication but uses the communication, same radio channel for both transmission and reception. User can only transmit or receive information.

...Types Types of Mobile Radio Transmission Systems z


Full Duplex – Simultaneous two--way radio transmission and two reception between subscriber and base station. z Two simultaneous but separate channels (FDD) or z Adjacent timeslots on a single radio channel (TDD)

Cordless Telephone Systems z z

Full duplex communication Few hundred meters Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)


Fixed Port (Base Station))

wireless link

cordless handset

Paging Systems: Wide Area System Th paging The i control t l center t dispatches pages received from the PSTN throughout several cities at the same time.


Wide Area Paging g g System y Landline link PSTN Paging control center

Landline link

Satellite link


City 1: Paging terminal Cit 22: City Paging terminal City N: Paging terminal

Paging systems are communication systems that send brief messages to a subscriber... z z z z z z


Numeric messages Alpha--numeric message Alpha Voice message News headlines Stock quotes Faxes

Paging Systems Coverage Area z z z


2 to t 5 km k Within individual buildings W ld id coverage Worldwide

Cellular System Base stations (towers) provide radio access between mobile users and MSC. Mobile Switching Center 12


Base Station - Mobile Network RVC RCC


Forward Voice Channel Reverse Voice i Channel h l Forward Control Channel Reverse Control Channel


Functions of Cellular System z



Provides wireless connection t the to th PSTN for f any user location l ti within the radio range of the system. High capacity is achieved: z by limiting the coverage of each base station transmitter to a small geographical area called a cell cell,, and z by reusing the same radio channels in another base station located some distance awayy – Frequency q y reuse.

...Functions Functions of Cellular System z



Switching system, called handoff, h d ff, enables handoff bl callll to proceed d uninterrupted when the user moves from one cell to another. another Typical MSC handles 100 000 cellular users and 100,000 5,000 simultaneous conversations at a time. time

Telephone p Call Made To Mobile User...


I Incoming i Telephone Call to Mobile X Step 1 Mobile Switching Center PSTN 17

Base Stations

2 6 2, 5 4

3, 7 Mobile X

Brief Outline of Cellular Process: Telephone Call Placed to a Mobile User Step 1 – The incoming telephone call to Mobile X is received at the MSC. Step 2 – The MSC dispatches the request to all base stations in the cellular system. Step S 3 – The Th base b stations i b broadcast d the Mobile Identification Number (MIN), telephone number of Mobile X, X as a paging message over the FCC throughout the cellular system. y 18

...Telephone Telephone Call Placed to Mobile User


Step 4 – The mobile receives the paging message sentt by b the th base b station t ti it monitors and responds by identifying itself over the reverse control channel (RCC).. (RCC) Step 5 – The base station relays the acknowledgement sent by the mobile and informs the MSC of the handshake. Step 6 – The MSC instructs the base station to move the call to an available voice channel h l within ithi the th cell. ll

...Telephone Telephone Call Placed to Mobile User Step 7 – The base station signals the mobile bil to t change h frequencies f i to t an unused d forward and reverse voice channel pair. At the point another data message (alert (alert)) is transmitted over the forward voice channel ((FVC)) to instruct the mobile to ring. g Now the call is in progress. The MSC adjusts the transmitted power of the mobile and changes the channel of the mobile end and base stations in order to maintain call quality quality. This is called handoff handoff.. 20

Mobile Switching Center PSTN


3 2 1

Telephone Call Placed by Mobile X

...Telephone Telephone Call Placed by Mobile Step 1 – When a mobile originates a call, it sends d th the base b station t ti it its telephone t l h number (MIN), electronic serial number (ESN) and telephone number of called (ESN), party. It also transmits a station class mark ((SCM)) which indicates what the maximum power level is for the particular user. Step 2 – The cell base station receives the data and sends it to the MSC. 22

...Telephone Telephone Call Placed by Mobile Step 3 – The MSC validates the request, makes connection to the called party through the PSTN and validates the base station and mobile user to move to an unused forward and reverse channel pair to allow the conversation to begin.


Roaming z



All cellular systems provide a service i called ll d roaming roaming. i . This allows subscribers to operate in service areas other than the one from which service is subscribed. When a mobile enters a city or geographic area that is different from its home service area, it is registered as a roamer in the new service area.

… Roaming z



Periodically, the MSC issues a global l b l command d over each h FCC in the system, asking for all mobiles which are previously unregistered to report their MIN and ESN over the RCC for billing g purposes. p p If a particular mobile user has roaming authorization for billing purposes, MSC registers the subscriber as a valid roamer.

Frequency Spectrum Allocation for US Cellular Radio Service Channel Center Frequency Number (MHZ) 1 ≤ N ≤ 799 990 ≤ N ≤ 1023

.03 N + 825 .03 03 (N – 1023) + 825

1 ≤ N ≤ 799 990 ≤ N ≤ 1023

.03 N + 870 .03 03 (N – 1023) + 870

Channels 800800-989 are unused. 26

Trends in Cellular Radio Personal Communications: A Comparison of Mobile Communication Systems Mobile Station... Station...


Required C Service Coverage infra-infra range structure

TV remote control Garage g door opener


Com- Hardware C ComH d Carrier C i F ti FunctionFunction plexity cost frequency ality





infra--red infra






<100 MHz


Paging system

hi h high

hi h high

l low

l low

<1 GHz GH

receiver i

Cordless phone





<100 MHz


Cellular phone




moderate <1 GHz


Trends in Cellular Radio Personal Communications: A Comparison of Mobile Communication Systems Base Station... Station...


Coverage Required infra-infra Service range structure

TV remote control Garage g door opener


Com- Hardware Carrier Function ComFunction-plexity cost frequency ality

infra--red receiver infra









<100 MHz


Paging system

hi h high

hi h high

hi h high

hi h high

<1 GHz GH

trans-trans mitter

Cordless phone





<100 MHz


Cellular phone





<1 GHz


The Cellular Concept – System Design Fundamentals z



The cellular concept was a major breakthrough in solving the problem off spectral t l congestion ti and d user capacity.. capacity Replaces single high power transmitter (large cell) with many low power transmitters (small cells), cells), each providing coverage to only a small portion of the service area.

Frequency Reuse Each cellular base station is allocated ll t d a group off radio di channels. Base stations in adjacent cells are assigned channel groups which contain different channels than neighboring cells.


Cellular Frequency Reuse Concept Cells with the same letter, use the th same sett off frequencies. f i




D F A cell cluster is outlined E B in bold, and replicated over G B C G C A the coverage area. A

F D In this example, the E cluster size, N, is equal to 7; and d the th frequency f reuse factor f t is i 1/7, 1/7 since each cell contains 1/7 of the total number of available channels. channels





Choices of Hexagonal Cell Factors: z Equal area z No overlap between cells Choices:


S A1 34


S A3

For a given S A3 > A1 A3 > A2 Here, A3 provides maximum coverage area for a given value of S. S Actual cellular footprint is determined by the contour of a given transmitting antenna. By using hexagon geometry, geometry the fewest number of cells covers a given geographic g g p region. g 35

Channel Capacity Let a cellular system have total of S duplex d l channels h l for f use. If S channels are divided into N cells (i a cluster) (in l ) into i unique i andd disjoint di j i channel groups which each has the same number of channels channels, total number of available radio channels is: S = KN Where K is the number of channels / cell. 36

…Channel Channel Capacity If a cluster is replicated M times within i hi the h system, the h totall number of duplex channels, C, or the capacity, capacity is C = MKN = MS. MS Cluster size N = 4, 7 or 12


Design of cluster size N In order to connect without g gaps p between adjacent cells (to tessellate tessellate)) N = i2 + ij + j2 Where i and j are nonnon-negative integers Example i = 2, j = 1 N = 22 + 2(1) + 12 = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7


To Find the Nearest Co--channel Neighbor of Co Particular Cell: z z


Move i cells along any chain or hexagon. h Then turn 60 degrees counterclockwise and move j cells.

How to Locate Co Co--channel Cells in a Cellular System A



A 40




In this example, N = 19 ( i.e., i = 3, j = 2) Ad t d from Adapted f [Oet83] © IEEE IEEE.

Example If a particular FDD cellular telephone t l h system t h has a ttotal t l bandwidth of 33 MHz, and if the phone system uses two 25 KHz simplex channels to provide full duplex voice and control channels... p the number of compute channels per cell if N = 4, 7, 12. 41

Solution Total bandwidth = 33 MHz Channel bandwidth = 25 KHz x 2 = 50 KHz Total avail. channels = 33 MHz / 50 KHz = 660 N = 4 Channel per cell = 660 / 4 = 165 channels N = 7 Channel per cell = 660 / 7 = 95 channels N = 12 Channel per cell = 660 / 12 = 55 channels 42

Channel Assignment Strategies: Fixed Channel Assignments z z



E h cellll is Each i allocated ll t d a prepre-determined d t i d set of voice channels. If all the channels in that cell are occupied, occupied the call is blocked, and the subscriber does not receive service. Variation includes a borrowing strategy: a cell is allowed to borrow channels from a neighboring cell if all its own channels are occupied. This is supervised by the MSC.

Channel Assignment Strategies: Dynamic Channel Assignments z z



Voice V i channels h l are nott allocated ll t d to t different cells permanently. Each time a call request is made, made the serving base station requests a channel from the MSC. The switch then allocates a channel to the requested q call,, based on a decision algorithm taking into account different factors - frequency rere-use of candidate channel, h l costt factors. f t

...Channel Channel Assignment Strategies:

Dynamic Channel Assignments Dynamic channel assignment is more complex (real time), but reduces likelihood of blocking. blocking


Handoff Strategies Handoff - when a mobile moves into a different diff t cellll while hil a conversation ti is in progress, the MSC automatically transfers the call to a new channel belonging to the new base station z Important task in any cellular radio system z Handoffs must be p performed successfully, as infrequently as possible and not visible to users. 46

A Handoff Scenario at Cell Boundary...


(a) Improper p ope Handoff a do Situation S tuat o Receeived ssignal llevel

Level at point A Handoff threshold Minimum acceptable p signal to maintain the call


Level at point B (call is terminated)


A 48




Pn– Pm = ∆ ∆ should not be too large

… Handoff Scenario at Cell Boundary Pn – Pm = ∆ ∆ should be optimal value ∆ too large: too manyy handoffs ∆ too small: chance of call being lost


(b) Proper ope Handoff a do S Situation tuat o Receeived ssignal llevel

Level at point B

Level at which handoff is made

A 50


Time Ti


Dwell time z



Time over which a call may b maintained be i t i d within ithi a cell, ll without handhand-off. Each base station constantly monitors the signal strength of all its reverse voice channels to determine the relative location of each mobile user with respect to the base station tower.

… Dwell time z



Mobile assisted handhand-off (MAHO) Every E mobile bil station t ti measures th the received power from surrounding base stations and continuously reports the results of these measurements to the serving g base station - Faster hand hand--off rate. Inter--system handoff Inter One cellular system to a different cellular system.

Interference and System Capacity Major limiting factor in performance of cellular radio systems - two main types: z Co Co--channel interference z Adjacent channel interference


Co--Channel Interference Co Cells that use the same set off frequencies f i are called ll d co--channel cells. co cells. Interference I t f between b t the cells is called co--channel interference. co interference.


Co--Channel Interference Co Signal to interference ratio (SIIR) or S/ I for a mobile (S receiver is given by: io S/ I = SI SIR = S /(i ∑ = 1 Ii)

S = signal power from designated base station 55

First Tier of CoCo-channel Cells for a Cluster Size of N = 7 When the mobile is at the cell boundary (point A), it experiences worst case co--channel interference on co the forward channel. The marked distances between the mobile and different coco-channel cells are based on approximations made for easy analysis. 56

First Tier of Co--Channel Co Cells for a Cluster Size of N = 7


Ii = Interference power caused by the ith A interfering co--channel cell co 57









Assumptions For any given antenna (base station) the power at a distance d is given by:




Pr = Po ((d / do) -n ; n is p path loss exponent p 58

...Assumptions Assumptions io

-n -n Hence S / I = R / ∑ (D i ) Hence, i=1

io = totall number b off first fi layer l interfacing i f i cells ll If the mobile is at the center of the cell,, Di = D io

-n n -n n -n n S / I = R / (D) ∑ 1 = (R / D) / io i=1


For a hexagonal geometry D / R =√ =√(3N) = Q - co co--channel reuse ratio S / I = [√ [√(3N) ] n / io


Maximum coco-channel interface – when mobile is at cell boundary. boundary For N = 7 S / I~ I R-4 / I~R [ 2(D2(D-R)-4+2(D+R)-4+ 2D-4]


Adjacent Channel Interference z




Interference resulting from signals which are adjacent in frequency to the desired signal. D to Due t imperfect i f t receiver i filters filt that th t allow ll nearby frequencies to leak into pass band. Can C be b minimized i i i d by b careful f l filtering filt i and d assignments; and, by keeping frequency separation between channels in a given cell as large as possible, the adjacent channel interference mayy be reduced considerably. y

Trunking and Grade of Service z




Cellular radio system relies on trunking to accommodate d t a large l number b off users in i a limited radio spectrum - How a large population can be accommodated by a limited number of services. Trunking - each user is allocated a channel on a perper-call basis; and upon termination of the call, the previously occupied channel is immediately returned to the pool of available channels I iti t d by Initiated b Danish D i h mathematician, th ti i E Erlang. l

Grade of Service (GOS) Measure of ability of the user to access a ttrunked k d system t d during i th the busiest hour during a week, month or year. Example: 4 - 6 pm on Thursday or Friday Example: evening. Traffic intensity (Aμ Erlang) of each user is: Aμ = λ H


λ - Average number of call requests per unit time H - duration of a call

Total Traffic Intensity For system entering U users, the th total t t l offered ff d ttraffic ffi intensity i t it A is given as: A = U Aμ Erlangs If there are C channels in the system, system average intensity per channel is: Ac = U Aμ / C 65

Blocked Calls Cleared System zNo


queuing for call requests

no channels are available, the requesting ti user is i blocked bl k d without ith t access and is free to try again later.


Calculation of GOS z

Assuming a finite number of available il bl channels h l C, C and d using i queuing theory, we obtain: GOS = Probability (call is blocked) C


[Ac / C! ]/ [ ∑ Ak / k!] k=0


Calculation of GOS z



AMPS cellular is designed for f GOS = 0.02 0 02 This is called Erlang g B formula (Appendix A) - Figure 3.6 (2.6 in 1st edition) in book.

Blocked calls delayed system z




Queue is provided to hold calls which are blocked. If a channel is not available immediately immediately, the call request may be delayed until a channel becomes available Prob [Delay > 0 ] = Ac / [ A c + C! C-1 ( 1 – A / C )] [ ∑ Ak / k!] k 0 k=0 Prob [Delay > t sec ] = Prob [Delay > 0 ] x (C--A) t / H x e – (C

Blocked calls delayed system



Average Delay D for all calls in a queued d system t is i given i by: b


D=P Prob b [Delay [D l > 0 ] H / C C--A


This is called Erlang C formula Figure 3.7 (Figure 2.7 in 1st Edition) of book

Example z



A hexagonal cell in a 44-cell system has a radius di off 1.387km; 1 387k and d a total t t l off 60 channels are used within the entire system. If the load / user is 00.029 029 Erlangs, Erlangs λ = 1 call per hour, compute the following for an Erlang C system that has a 5% probability of a delayed call. per square q km a. How manyy users p will the system support? b. What is the Prob [ Delayy > 10s ]]?

Solution z z

z z


Cell radius = R = 1.387 km Area covered per cell = 2.598 ((1.387))2 = 5 sq q km Number of cells per cluster = 4 Total T t l number b off channels h l per cellll = 60 / 4 = 15 channels

... Solutions a. From Erlang C chart, GOS = 0.05, C = 15, z

Traffic intensity A = 9.0 E


Number of users = total traffic intensity / Traffic per user = 9.0 / 0.029 = 310 users



Number of users per sq. km = 310 / 5 = 62 users per sq sq. km km.

... Solutions (C--A) t / H b. Prob [[Delayy > 10s]] = Pr [Delay [ y > 0 ] e –(C (15--9) 10 / H = 0.05 x e –(15

H = Aμ Aμ / λ = 0.029 hr = .029 x 60 x 60 seconds = 104.4 seconds


(15--9) 10 / 104.4 104 4 Prob [Delay > 10s] = 00.05 05 e –(15 = 0.0281 = 2.81% 2 81%

Improving Capacity in Cellular Systems z



As demand for wireless services increases, the number of channels assigned to a cell is not enough to support the required number of users. Solution is to increase channels per unit coverage area.

Cell Splitting z



Subdivides a congested cell into smaller ll cells, ll each h with ith its it own base station. I Increases th the capacity it off a cellular ll l system.

Sectoring z z z



Achieves capacity improvement by essentially rescaling the system. system Cell radius R is unchanged but the co--channel ratio D / R is decreased. co Capacity improvement is achieved by reducing g the number of cells in a cluster,, and this increases frequency reuse. Replacing p g a single g omni omni--directional antenna at base station with several directional antennas, each radiating within a specified sector sector.

Micro Cell Zone Concept z




Large control base station is replaced by several lower powered transmitters on the edge of the cell. The mobile retains the same channel and the base station simply switches the channel to a different zone site and the mobile moves from zone to zone. Since a g given channel is active onlyy in a particular zone in which mobile is traveling, base station radiation is localized and interference is reduced. reduced

... Micro Cell Zone Concept z



The channels are distributed in ti andd space by time b allll zones are reused in coco-channel cells. Advantage is that while the cell maintains a particular coverage radius, co co--channel interference is reduced due to zone transmitters on edge of the cell.


Zone Z Selecto S or

Microwave or fiber optic link

Base station


The Micro Cell Concept Tx/Rx


(Adapted from [Lee91b] © IEEE)

Practice Problem The US AMPS system is allocated ll d 500 MH MHz off spectrum iin the 800 MHz range and provides 832 channels channels. 42 of those channels are control channels. The forward channel frequency is exactly 45 MHz greater than the reverse channel frequency. q y


… Practice Problem a. Is the AMPS system simplex, h half halflf-duplex d l or d duplex? l ? What is the bandwidth for each channel and how is it channel, distributed between the base station and the subscriber?


... Practice Problem b. Assume a base station t transmits it control t l information i f ti on channel 352 operating at 880.56 880 56 MHZ MHZ. What is the transmission frequency q y of a subscriber unit transmitting on channel 352?


... Practice Problem c. The A side and B side cellular carriers i evenly l split lit th the AMPS channels. Find the number of voice channels and number of control channels for each carrier?


... Practice Problem d. For an ideal hexagonal cellular layout l t which hi h has h identical id ti l cellll sites, what is the distance between the centers of the two nearest coco-channel cells: z For 7 cell reuse? z For 4 cell rere-use?


Solution (a.) (a ) AMPS system is duplex. Total bandwidth = 50 MHz Total number of channels = 832 Bandwidth for each channel = 50 MHz / 832 = 60 KHz 60 KHz is split into two 30 KHz channels (forward and reverse channels). The forward channel is 45 MHz > reverse channel. 86

Solution (b.) (b ) For Ffw = 880.560 MHz Frev = Ffw – 45 MHz = 835.560 835 560 MHz


Solution (c.) (c ) Total number of channels = 832 = N Total number of control channels Ncon = 42 Total T t l number b off voice i channels h l Nvo = 832 – 42 = 790 Number of voice channels for each carrier = 790 / 2 = 395 channels Number of control channels for each carrier = 42 / 2 = 21 channels 88

Solution (d.) (d ) N=7 Q=D/R=

3 N = 21 = 4.58 ÖD = 44.58 58 R

N=4 Q = 12 = 3.46 Ö D = 3.46 3 46 R 89

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