Winona Health 2007 Annual Report & Accomplishments

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Community: Connecting Every Corner

Winona Health Community Report 2007

From the President/CEO 2 From the Winona Health Board Chair 3 Winona Health Board of Directors 4

Reaching All Corners of the Community

Flood Not Able to Dampen the Spirit 6 Providing Educational Opportunities Enhances Community Care 8 Social, Energetic and Engaging, Sports Fan Dane Reinardy is up for New Challenges 10 New Kitchen Adds Educational Ingredient to Food Shelf 12 Winona Health Family Birth Center Experiences 14

Connecting Cornerstones: Winona Health Accomplishments 2007

Introduction 16 • 2007 Key Initiatives & Results 17 • Cornerstone I: Customer Focus 18 Cornerstone II: People 20 • Cornerstone III: Care & Service 22 • Cornerstone IV: Stewardship 24 2008 Key Initiatives 26

From the Community, For the Community: Thanks to our Donors

From the Winona Health Foundation Board Chair 28 • Winona Health Foundation Board 28 General Contributors 29 • Story : A Grateful Patient Gives Back 32 • In Honor of 35 Story : In Memory of the ‘Love of my Life’ 36 • In Memory of 36 Story : A Sense of Relief and Thankfulness 39 • Gifts in Kind 41 • Winona Health Service Gifts 41 Ben & Adith Miller Classic Contributors 41 • Circle of Visionaries 41 Story : Gifts from the Heart 42 • Contributions to the Winona Health Auxiliary 42 Financial Report 43 Community Benefit Report 44 For more information about Winona Health, visit

Winona Health is pleased to share our 2007 Community Report This community report has been created to further communication between Winona Health and the Winona regional community and to thank our many supporters. It is distributed to our many friends and colleagues and is available on our website, If you have any questions about the information contained in this report, please contact Loretta Bronson, Chief Communication Officer, at 507.457.4116. Other Communications/Marketing staff who contributed to this publication include:

Brian Arendt • Director of Data & Planning Analysis • 507.457.4306 Jennifer Carpenter • Graphic Communications Specialist • 507.457.4136 Frani Kieffer • e-Communications Specialist • 507.474.3339 Jennifer Olson • Community Relations & Development Coordinator • 507.457.4161 Karen Sibenaller • Marketing Communications Coordinator • 507.457.4157 Kris Walters • Communications & Marketing Administrative Assistant • 507.474.3328

Winona Health Community Report 2007


Our Vision

To be a recognized leader in the revolutionary transformation of community healthcare.

Our Mission

Devoted to improving the health and well-being of our family, friends and neighbors.

Our Cornerstones

These cornerstones are the key success factors that support our mission and define our strategic planning initiatives: • Customer Focus: To exceed customer expectations • People: An environment where people can realize their full potential • Care and Services: Excellence and leadership in clinical care and service • Stewardship of Resources: To balance mission and healthcare costs

Our Values

• Integrity: We do no harm. • Service: We serve with compassion, dignity and respect. • Loyalty: We build relationships that exceed expectations. • Excellence: We improve performance through learning and innovation.


From the President/CEO

The power of community C ommunities big and small are built by individuals who have a deep commitment and sense of value for the meaning of community. A community is not a “thing” —it is a virtual sense of belonging—a broader sense of family.

Communities require engagement, sharing, commitment, shared values, and, I believe, a love of others. Every community in the world shares these basic tenets, and if you travel you experience the unique personality or culture of a community as you interact with its citizens. Winona is just one community built on a heritage that is rich and robust. We tend to romanticize history, especially the challenges of the time. How those challenges were overcome are the stories great movies are made of. But I like to reflect on what it was that really brought a community through its tough times. In the end, it is always its people. The power of community should not be taken lightly. In fact, it is the very fabric that weathers every storm, shapes every experience and establishes the values upon which a community grows and thrives. While leaders over time may shape and influence the evolution of a community, it is the full engagement of all citizens that make it successful. In direct and indirect ways, we all experienced the full power of community this past August. But I would suggest that we all experience community every day—simply in ways that are not so visible. I see the power of community every single day throughout Winona Health. Our commitment to those we serve is unwavering. It is a privilege for all of us to do what we do, and in the process we strengthen the fabric of our community. We live in fascinating times. I like to think that, in the future, people reflecting on this era of change and uncertainty will consider the engagement of our community to be its greatest strength in steadying the course for those who follow.

Warm regards, Rachelle H. Schultz President/CEO

Winona Health Senior Management Team Rachelle Shultz President/CEO

Nancy Brown Executive Director of Development

Kathleen Lanik, RHIT, CPHQ Chief Quality and Safety Officer

Mike Allen Chief Financial Officer

Sara Gabrick, RN, MSN Chief Nursing Officer/ VP Patient Care

Mary Miller-Hyland, RN Administrator, Winona Senior Services

Loretta Bronson Chief Communication Officer

William Gould Chief People Resources Officer

Charles Shepard, MD Medical Director

Winona Health Community Report 2007


From the Board Chair

Proud to call this region “home”


ithout a doubt, 2007 will go down in the record books as the year of the flood. I’m surprised to be writing that because, having sweated through the record Mississippi flooding of 1965, I would have bet that our area would never again have been so tested—at least in my lifetime. But in August, we were again tested by flooding, this time with even more frightful consequences to our friends and neighbors. But once again our community response—from our social service agencies to our healthcare system—makes us proud to call this region “home.” Within hours, our emergency response personnel were rescuing families from their homes … setting up and staffing shelters … and providing healthcare services and resources both in the hospital and at shelter sites. Most people who don’t live here would have viewed the Herculean effort as unbelievable. As a long-time Winona area resident, though, this response was exactly what I expected, because it is the way we always respond in times of crisis: with unselfish action, dedication, sensitivity, phenomenal resilience and indefatigable spirit. As a Winona Health board member, I know that the efforts that helped so many (so quickly and so thoroughly) didn’t happen by accident. The healthcare community’s reaction to the floods was the product of careful and thorough planning. And with the floods as a sobering backdrop that loudly preached the wisdom of preparation, the Winona Health Board of Directors took several key steps in 2007 to ensure a positive future for local healthcare, including: ~ Purchasing 5.5 acres of land contiguous to the hospital campus to ensure we have space for future growth; ~ Approving the remodeling of the former Winona Clinic building into a state-of-the-art facility known as Sarnia Square, where Urgent Care now serves patients seven days a week and where Outpatient Rehabilitation clients have ample room for needed services in welcoming surroundings; and, ~ Beginning merger talks with our physician partners at the Winona Clinic because members of both organizations realize that a unified system will improve access to local healthcare, strengthen our physician recruitment efforts, and allow us to grow and enhance the services we offer. These actions, we believe, will allow Winona Health to continue serving our community’s healthcare needs for another 113 years—no matter the challenges those years bring to our region. Yes, we live in a wonderful area; and I am exceedingly proud of the efforts all of us who comprise Winona Health deliver— day in and day out— to ensure a better quality of life for our residents.

Sincerely, Gary W. Evans Board Chair

4 Winona Health Board of Directors

Paul Ballweg Director

Gary Evans Chair

Scott Biesanz Director

Joseph J. Greshik Director

Rachelle Schultz President/CEO

David Binius Vice-Chair

Herb Highum Director

Kim Schwab Director

Matt Broghammer, DO Director

Mark Jacobs Director

Carmen Scudiero, MD Director

Vicki Decker Director

Hugh Miller Director

Mark Wagner Director

Ken Mogren Director

Jack “Butch” Walz Director

Reaching all corners of the community


Winona Health Community Report 2007

Flood not able to dampen the spirit A lice Scattum spent Saturday, August 18, sewing in her Rushford home, adding to the eights quilts, six crib blankets and several lap robes ready to donate to wounded soldiers returning from Iraq. Now those quilts, blankets and lap robes; two sewing machines; and yards and yards of fabric for future quilts are gone—along with all her other possessions, all claimed by the flood. But Mrs. Scattum is grateful to still be here.

It was raining when Mrs. Scattum, 85, went to bed Saturday night. She was awakened by the phone at 4:30 a.m. Sunday. Her brother-in-law, Ron, was calling to check on her. “Water was already coming down my hallway,” she remembers. She later learned that she didn’t hear an earlier warning when people pounded on her door. “There was a rumor that my daughter, who lives in Washington state, had come to pick me up, so no one knew for sure that I was home. But Ron knew.” After talking with Ron, Mrs. Scattum called her son Kevin, who lives near St. Paul. He told her to call 911, and she was able to make the call before phone service was cut off. So she knew help would be coming, but she didn’t realize how long it would take rescuers to reach her. “As the water rose, I sat on my dining table. When I felt that start to move, I knew I had to get on something more solid, so I climbed up on the countertop.” Eventually, Mrs. Scattum stood on her counter with cold, contaminated water up to her neck. “In addition to doing a lot of praying and thinking about my family, I remember having one crazy thought. I had collected a lot of things over the years and, as my belongings disappeared, I thought: ‘Okay…now my children won’t have to decide what to do with that!’” said Mrs. Scattum. By the time rescuers reached her—by boat—the water was so high they had to cut a hole in the roof to get her out. “They brought a canoe in through a picture window

Alice Scattum, formerly of Rushford, finds there is still much to be grateful for after the August flood.


and put me into the canoe to take me to where they had cut through the roof,” Mrs. Scattum explained. “I don’t know if I fainted or fell asleep, because I don’t remember being lifted out through the roof. I was so cold and so tired; I don’t think I would have lasted another 15 minutes.” Mrs. Scattum was taken by air boat to a truck, then to an ambulance that took her to the Emergency Department at Winona Health Community Memorial Hospital. Her body temperature was just 91 degrees. “It felt so good to get warm again,” said Mrs. Scattum, who was admitted to the hospital’s Intensive Care Unit. “Everyone was wonderful. The staff was just excellent—so kind and thoughtful. I felt very well cared for.” Fully recovered and staying with family now, Mrs. Scattum said the realization that everything is gone has been difficult. But most difficult has been losing her independence. “I used to have my own home and a car: Now I’m living with family, and I have a driver’s license but no car,” she said. But, always resilient, she added there is also much to be thankful for: “I’m grateful for my family’s support … I’m grateful that I’ve been hearing from my friends … and I’m grateful that I’ve been able to celebrate another birthday. For a while that morning, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to.” Her family, friends, rescuers and those who cared for her at CMH are grateful for that, too.


Winona Health Community Report 2007


Providing educational opportunities enhances community care W inona Health’s mission is to meet the lifelong healthcare needs of the community. In order to do so, the health system provides opportunities for its staff, such as Sandy Paetzel, LPN, to continue their education and training. “I’ve always had an interest in nursing, even as a young girl,” said Sandy, who works on Community Memorial Hospital’s medical floor. “I like helping other people and having people count on me, whether it’s someone who is ill or someone who may need a shoulder to lean on.” So, after 14 years at Winona Knitting Mills, Sandy enrolled in a nursing program at Minnesota State College–Southeast Technical, earned her LPN certification and began working at CMH. But this LPN has another goal—to become a Registered Nurse. And Winona Health and Sandy’s colleagues encouraged her continued education. Sandy applied for and received a Winona Health Auxiliary Carol Hill Scholarship, which “definitely helped,” she stated. Winona Health also supports additional staff training through a tuition reimbursement program, flexible work schedules and mentoring. Sandy credits her co-workers’ “support and encouragement” as she balances her many roles. “As a nurse and as a student, I appreciate the opportunity to work with and learn from other nurses and staff from many departments,” Sandy said. “On a daily basis, I work with respiratory therapists, dietitians, social workers and physicians—all of whom I can learn from while caring for patients.

Winona Health provides opportunities for staff to continue their education and training. Sandy Paetzel, LPN, is caring for people at Community Memorial Hospital while continuing her education to become a registered nurse.

“I work with a very skilled and compassionate staff,” she continued. “It’s important to connect with each patient and to really listen to make sure you’re addressing all their needs and concerns. I admire my co-workers and grow professionally from observing those who have been caring for other people for a very long time.” In 2006, because of her compassion and commitment, Sandy’s co-workers nominated her for a Living Service Excellence Award, given to WH staff who provide exceptional care and service to their patients and colleagues. Sandy was one of six staffers to receive this top honor. Her supervisor, Robin Hoeg, director of Inpatient Services, noted, “In addition to being a student, Sandy is also a positive role model for other students as they see firsthand the impact one nurse can make in the life of a patient.” As for the demands of being a wife, mother, nurse and student, Sandy said it’s all worth the effort. “I feel like I’ve found my purpose and I love my job. It’s given me a greater understanding of life and people and how precious they both are.”


Winona Health Community Report 2007


Social, energetic and engaging, sports fan Dane Reinardy is up for new challenges


f you ask five-year-old Dane Reinardy what he likes best about Physical Therapy at Winona Health, he’ll say “playing baseball or football, because they [physical therapists] are fun to play with.” Dane’s dad, Jeff Reinardy, laughs when he talks about some of the games the physical therapists have invented to challenge Dane and encourage him to reach new goals. “It’s obvious that the staff really love what they do. They’ll have him ‘running the bases’ in his walker, or they’ll play ‘touchdown’ and ‘instant replay’ and he loves it. Most importantly, it motivates him to achieve new goals.” Born nine weeks early by emergency C-section when Jeff and Mindy Reinardy were visiting family in Cannon Falls, Dane was flown from a hospital in Red Wing to St. Mary’s in Rochester. He spent his first seven weeks in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. When Dane was one, doctors diagnosed Cerebral Palsy. “Dane’s Cerebral Palsy is called spastic diapalegic—meaning he has tense muscles in both legs,” noted Jeff. In spring 2007, Dane had surgery at Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare in St. Paul to alleviate some of the muscle spasticity that impedes his ability to control his movement. Now, every day, Dane has physical or occupational therapy to strengthen and learn to control the more functional muscles that he previously was unable to use. Both WSU grads, Jeff and Mindy have careers that are wellsuited to helping Dane meet Cerebral Palsy’s challenges: Jeff is WSU’s director of wellness and fitness, and Mindy is the after-school coordinator for Maxwell Children’s Center. With busy careers and two other children, Rhiannon, 8,

Winona State University Warrior fan, Dane Reinardy, with parents Jeff and Mindy, brother Cole and sister Rhiannon.

and Cole, 6, it was important for the Reinardys to find the level of physical therapy that Dane would require right here in their community. “When we were researching physical therapy options for Dane here in Winona, we talked to Diane [Montgomery] and were comfortable with her level of experience working with this type of therapy,” said Mindy. “Diane understands the strict protocols and expectations for this type of pediatric physical therapy, and we were very comfortable with her and the physical therapy team. Jamie [Thoreson] has experience with pediatric Occupational Therapy, and we like how the Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy teams collaborate.” In addition, the PT staff and Dane’s primary care physician, Sheila Hadaway, DO, can easily consult if necessary. “I’ve been very pleased with the personal attention. The staff really listens,” added Mindy. “They understand our perspective as Dane’s parents and they share our goals.” Jeff and Mindy know that physical therapy will be a long-term part of Dane’s life, and Mindy said that she has come to recognize and appreciate the small milestones: “For example, when Dane got down from his chair all by himself after breakfast—we usually need to help him, but he just got down with no help—that’s progress.”


Winona Health Community Report 2007


New kitchen adds educational ingredient to Food Shelf S

andra Burke, executive director of Winona Volunteer Services, had a vision: Volunteer Services’ Food Shelf provided food to many local families, but Sandra often wondered how many of those taking home bags of flour, sugar and other staples knew how to transform them into nutritious meals. She envisioned adding a demonstration kitchen to the Food Shelf to teach its clients healthy cooking skills.

“Our goal is to educate people about selecting and cooking healthy foods to reduce obesity and other health risks and to improve their health and well-being for a lifetime,” noted Burke. Other goals are to increase awareness and acceptance of different cultures in Winona by exposing them to their traditional foods and to help educate clients about maximizing their limited food dollars.

So Burke applied for a Winona Health Foundation Community Engagement Grant to build that kitchen. She imagined clients “walking into the Food Shelf and being enticed with food samples and seeing a shelf filled with the products necessary to make that meal.” They would attend workshops on meal planning, preparing a food budget and preparing nutritious foods.

A high point for Burke was when a woman brought her granddaughters to a cooking class. She recalls, “The little girls were very excited to learn about making something healthy that tasted good. One of them said, ‘We should show Dad how to make this!’”

Because Burke’s grant request supported Winona Health’s mission to improve the health and well-building of the community, the Winona Health Foundation awarded the grant and Burke’s vision is becoming a reality. Winona Volunteer Services’ kitchen is built and classes are offered to Food Shelf clients and other community members. For example, in October, Minnesota Extension Services presented a class about reading food labels and making seasonal treats with less fat and more nutritional value. In addition, Food Shelf clients who attended a certain number of educational classes received a free turkey before Thanksgiving.

Annette Shepardson, Minnesota Extension Services, conducts a nutrition class at the Winona Volunteer Services’ kitchen. The kitchen was built in part using a Community Engagement Grant from the Winona Health Foundation.

Burke reminds herself that, “We don’t have to change the world overnight, but we can take small steps to make a difference in the lives of individuals. The Winona Health Foundation grant made it possible to take a new approach to encouraging healthy habits.”

Winona Health Family Birth Center Experiences

Like children, each birth is unique Staff prepared for the unexpected “I know the Lord was watching out for me. He put me in the hands of doctors who had the talent to do what they needed to do,” said Wendy Hilke, whose sixth child, Bryce, was born in Community Memorial Hospital’s Family Birth Center in December 2006. All six children, who range from 1 to 17 years old, were delivered by Scott Birdsall, MD, at Community Memorial Hospital. The first Hilke baby, Eric, “was a long and difficult labor— like many first babies,” said Wendy. “Of all the children, Jenna and Shelby were my only easy births.” Wendy had a horrible toothache during Seth’s delivery, and Garrett’s wedged shoulders made his delivery difficult. But those experiences would pale in comparison to the challenges of Bryce’s birth. “I woke up at 2 a.m. in such pain,” said Wendy. “The night before, I had a sharp pain in my side. It was too early for the baby: I wasn’t due until January. But I knew we had to get to the hospital. We found out that I was in labor but the baby was still up high.” Bryce was delivered by an emergency C-section. Back in the Family Birth Center, Wendy felt nauseated and was sick. Nurses called for assistance and testing quickly discovered internal bleeding. Wendy was rushed to surgery. “I can’t imagine the pressure Dr. Birdsall must have felt during surgery, knowing I had six kids to take care of. He’s a very special person in my heart.” While Wendy recovered from surgery, Intensive Care Unit and Family Birth Center nurses made it possible for the baby to nurse. “People have been surprised when I’ve told them that,” noted Wendy. “I don’t know that it would have been possible in a larger hospital, but the nurses in Winona made it happen.” Fully recovered and with six healthy children, Wendy remembers all the ways—big and small—that staff throughout the hospital showed they cared. “You’re not just a number. Everyone really cares,” said Wendy. “Everyone—the doctors, nurses, food service staff and the housekeeping staff—truly cared. People there felt like family.”

These babies, along with their mothers, are among the many who attended Winona Health’s weekly support group for breastfeeding moms.

Seventh of seven Dear nurses at the Family Birth Center, This note is long overdue since our little Anthony is six weeks old already, but we want to thank you all for the wonderful care we received when Anthony was born. We know it was a crazy day—he was the seventh baby born that day (August 24th)—but still everyone was smiling. The Birth Center is a wonderful asset to Winona, and we will tell everyone how great you all are. Sincerely Mark & Julie

Special thanks Family Birth Center Staff, Thank you so much for all the great care we received. We never could have done it without you. A special thanks to Denise and Jenny. We won’t hesitate to come back for number two. Thanks again! Jenna, Joe and baby Jake

Connecting Cornerstones Winona Health Accomplishments 2007

16 Introduction


ince 2005, Winona Health has included a sample of the year’s accomplishments in our annual report. The following pages detail some of our key initiatives and results. This information is organized by our four Cornerstones—Customer Focus, People, Care and Service, and Stewardship. We celebrate our 2007 accomplishments, recognizing that they represent the efforts of our staff, physicians, volunteers and board members. On page 26, you will find our key initiatives for 2008.

Commonly used acronyms

AMM—Adith Miller Manor CMH—Community Memorial Hospital CPOE—Computerized Provider Order Entry ED—Emergency Department HIM—Health Information Management

HIPAA—Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ICU—Intensive Care Unit LWM—Lake Winona Manor RMM—Roger Metz Manor WH—Winona Health WHF—Winona Health Foundation

Winona Health Community Report 2007


2007 Key Initiatives & Results Ancillary Department Satisfaction

Goal: Improve the overall quality of the Laboratory, Imaging and Rehabilitation Departments’ care and service to increase patient loyalty. Winona Health’s Lab, Imaging and Outpatient Rehabilitation Services worked throughout the year to improve their patient satisfaction scores. Their goal was to achieve “green chevrons”—or best in class—in overall satisfaction. To reach this goal, they worked with staff on scripting, made changes to their work space, and researched and adopted other best practices. At year’s end, the three departments jointly achieved green chevrons in the following drivers of satisfaction: sensitivity to patient needs, how and when results were obtained, and the registration process. They remained even with other healthcare organizations in overall satisfaction; they continue to focus on achieving best-in-class scores in this category.

Computerized Provider Order Entry Goal: Launch and fully deploy CPOE in a single Winona Health clinical department.

A team of physicians, nurses, a pharmacist and other healthcare providers worked throughout the year to implement Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) in Winona Health’s Emergency Department (ED). CPOE creates a safer and more reliable healthcare system by standardizing orders around best practices and eliminating steps in the ordering process. In addition, it eliminates errors that result from transcribing providers’ written orders. The CPOE Team’s goal was to have 80% of all physician orders entered electronically. In the first six weeks of this initiative being launched in the ED, 99.7% of orders were entered electronically. The team plans to implement CPOE hospital wide in 2008.

Employee Health and Well-Being

Operating Margin

The Work Injury Management team, which includes directors, managers, therapists, nurses and front-line staff, worked with senior leaders to reduce Winona Health’s incidence of work-related injuries related to patient/ resident handling. The Winona Health Foundation assisted these efforts by funding registration costs for six staff members to attend a national conference on safe patient handling. Selected conference strategies were implemented at Winona Health, including stationary lift equipment at the hospital and ergonomic slides at the nursing home. This team’s work—which reduced 2007 staff injuries by 8%—continues. It now concentrates specific efforts on high-risk departments, as its long-term goal is to eliminate injuries.

As a community-owned healthcare system, Winona Health considers it paramount to provide top quality healthcare services to everyone in the Winona region. At the same time, it must be a careful steward of the community’s resources, ensuring the long-term viability of the organization. WH measures whether it has achieved a balance between its mission to the community and its costs using its “operating margin.” This indicator is calculated by dividing operating income by net revenue. WH reached its operating margin goal of 4% in 2007, which is 8% better than the median score for Standard & Poors A-rated hospitals.

Goal: Decrease employee musculoskeletal incidents related to patient/resident handling and transfers.

Goal: Maintain a solid operating margin to balance Winona Health’s mission and costs.

18 Cornerstone I: Customer Focus Objective #1: To anticipate and exceed patient and resident needs and expectations • The Emergency Department has maintained green chevrons, indicating top level results, in summary scores for initiating care, receiving care, discharge and billing, and overall patient satisfaction for the second consecutive year. • The Outpatient Surgery Department received best-inclass rankings from its patients for overall quality, patientcenteredness, physicians and patient flow. • Winona Health’s ancillary departments—Imaging Services, Laboratory and Outpatient Rehabilitation Services—spent the year focusing on customer satisfaction. By implementing scripting and other best practices, they ended the year with best-in-class results in several satisfaction categories, including sensitivity to patient needs, the registration process and obtaining results.

The new Sarnia Square houses the Urgent Care Clinic and Outpatient Rehabilitation Services. • Eighty-five percent of Dialysis patients rated their care very good or excellent. • Home Care and Hospice generated patient satisfaction scores at 95% or higher, which benchmarks against the top 20% of healthcare peers. • Winona Health’s Assisted Living facilities enjoyed increases in their overall resident satisfaction scores. Watkins scored 81.7% in 2007, versus their peer group average of 78.6%. Adith Miller and Roger Metz Manors, with an increased focus on community opportunities, outings and dedication from caring staff, saw overall satisfaction increase from 83% in 2006 to 88% in 2007. • The Inpatient Psychiatric Unit met its target goal of patient satisfaction with care and service. • Winona Health’s Urgent Care Clinic responded to community needs and now offers services seven days a week at its new Sarnia Square location. • Outpatient Rehabilitation Services moved to expanded facilities in Sarnia Square, providing additional space for physical, occupational, speech and massage therapies.

Winona Health’s Imaging Services received patient satisfaction best-in-class results for sensitivity to patient needs, the registration process and obtaining results.

• Changes to the LWM meal service, including entrée options, improved resident satisfaction with their dining experience from 67% to 85%.

Winona Health Community Report 2007


• LWM completed a landscaping project donated by resident Joseph Greshik that included additional planters and benches for use by residents and their guests. • Religious services are held in LWM’s Tranquility Chapel weekly and simultaneously broadcast over the in-house TV channel for those patients and residents unable to leave their rooms. • Watkins Manor staff listened to their residents and increased the number of learning opportunities by inviting guest speakers to talk to residents and by offering tours to local areas of interest. • Winona Health redesigned its website, increasing unique site visitors by 24.28% and the number of visits by 23.67% from 2006 to 2007. • Winona Health Celebrates Women provided an entertaining, educational morning for about 125 area women. • Cardiac Rehabilitation staff organized the 10th annual Cardiac Rehab Reunion with more than 300 current and former patients and spouses in attendance. • Camp-We-No-Wheeze was held in July for 40 children with asthma. • A family paging system was implemented in the Surgery Department, allowing surgical patients’ family members to move throughout the facility while surgery is in progress.

Children enjoyed many healthy activities at the Healthy Kids Club kick-off event sponsored by Winona Health and other community partners.

Objective #2: To achieve strategic unity with community and tertiary providers • Winona Health worked with its physician clinic partners to recruit the following providers to the community: ~ Carl Szczesniak, MD—Pathologist, WH Laboratory

~Satya Gorty, MD—Anesthesiologist, WH Surgical Services ~ Jerry Smith, DO—General Surgeon, Winona Clinic ~ Bryan Reed, DO—Internal Medicine, Winona Clinic ~ Abdul Oseini, MD—Hospitalist, WH Community Memorial Hospital ~ Amy Christianson, NP—Nurse Practitioner, WH Urgent Care Clinic ~ Howard Gorder, PA-C—Physician Assistant, WH Urgent Care Clinic ~ Christina Nitti Velasquez, NP— Nurse Practitioner, Winona Clinic

• Merger discussions began between Winona Health and Winona Clinic to further enhance our shared goals of improving community access to medical care, successful physician recruitment and growing healthcare services. • Winona Health worked collaboratively with the Matty’s Place Board of Directors to identify an ideal location for this child advocacy center on the WH campus.

Winona resident Richard Kanz enjoys the expanded gym at the new Outpatient Rehabilitation Services facility.

• Working with community partners including physician clinics, school districts and social service agencies, Winona Health launched the Healthy Kids Club to encourage children ages 6-11 to lead healthy lives. More than 150 children registered at the kick-off event, with involvement of more than 500 children anticipated in its first year.

20 Cornerstone II: People Objective #3: To become the employer of choice for top regional talent • The third Employee Pride Survey was conducted to determine staff satisfaction, and, with 77% participation, results improved for the third consecutive survey. • Winona Health launched a new employee Intranet site in April, increasing the number of unique visitors by 58%, the number of visits by 204% and the number of pages viewed by 160% from 2006 to 2007. • Winona Health University was launched, and the percent of hours spent on staff development doubled in the first year to 2.79% of hours worked. This percentage is slightly higher than the national average of 2.75%. • The WH Employee Health Plan, a self-insurance plan, transitioned to a new administration model; for the third straight year, total health insurance expenses remained flat. • More than 360 staff are trained on Lean principles to eliminate work-related waste in processes. New Lean projects launched in 2007 include: Lean on Lean, Employee Annual Appraisal Process, Winona Senior Services Billing and Dialysis Admissions.

The Winona Health Pulse keeps employees up to date on events and announcements and provides a communication network between departments. • Winona Health implemented strategies to eliminate all musculoskeletal injuries to staff related to patient and resident handling and transfers. In the first year of this five-year goal, injuries decreased by 8%. • Nine WH staff members are trained as Minnesota Council for Quality or Malcolm Baldrige Quality evaluators. • WH staff members were recognized for their special expertise and skills. A partial listing of those staff include: ~ Nine physicians participated in the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement’s guideline reviews for three clinical areas: management of breast disease, James Erwin, MD; management of type 2 diabetes, Dan Parker, MD; and changes to antithrombotic therapy supplement, Charles Shepard, MD. Physicians serving on these teams included Richard Ferris, MD; Carlos Morales, MD; Laurel Littrell, MD; Suzanne Jelense, MD; Andrew Edin, MD; and Chris Schubert, MD.

Winona Health installed an overhead lift to improve both staff and patient safety during patient handling and transfers.

~ Patti Volkman, LWM director of nursing, received the Health Care Woman of the Year Award from Winona Area Women in Business.

Winona Health Community Report 2007

~ Darlene Pozanc, Brian Arendt and Cathy Fangman presented at a Lean Conference in Rochester, Minn. ~ Loretta Boyer, RN, participated on the Institute for Clinical Systems Improvement team that created Safe Skin assessment and care guidelines. ~ Greg Rommes, director of Hospitality Services, received the Sodexho General Manager of the Year Award—Environmental Services. He credits Jerry Kouba, manager, Irene Mashak and Tammy Stiever, supervisors, and the staff for Winona Health’s positive housekeeping satisfaction scores. ~ Tanya Tysland, Imaging, completed Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) training and now serves as a State of Minnesota RSO delegate. • Six Winona Health employees received Living Service Excellence Awards in 2007. Nominated by their colleagues and reviewed by a committee of peers, the following employees were recognized for their exceptional service to patients, residents and their co-workers: ~ Brian Arendt, Information Technology ~ Helen Bagshaw, RN, Intensive Care Unit ~ Dawn Martinson, Housekeeping ~ Katie Peterson, Food & Nutrition ~ Amy Pronschinske, RDMS, Imaging Services ~ Holli Wieser, Lake Winona Manor

Living Service Excellence Award recipients, clockwise from bottom left: Brian Arendt; Dawn Martinson; Holli Wieser; Helen Bagshaw, RN; Amy Pronschinske, RDMS; and Katie Peterson.


Winona Health encourages its staff to continue their education and training to receive special certifications or degrees that strengthen their work skills and help Winona Health achieve its strategic objectives. Examples include: • Nikki Kimmerle, Home Care nurse, passed her national board recertification test as a hospice and palliative care nurse. • Cheryl Krage, Assisted Living manager, received Senior Housing-Services Management certification through the Minnesota Health and Housing Alliance. • Carlos Morales, MD, and Brett Whyte, MD, Emergency Department, achieved Board Certification in Emergency Medicine. • Paula Walter, RN, Assisted Living, completed the Nurse Managers in Home Care certification program through the Minnesota Health and Housing Alliance. • Lindsey Haggerty, LPN, Lake Winona Manor, completed her state boards and is now a Licensed Practical Nurse. • Rebecca Lamberty, RN, interim manager for the Emergency Department, achieved her Certification in Emergency Nursing (CEN). • Doug Haberman, Heidi Ramsey and Alicia Lalim, Outpatient Rehabilitation, passed RCEP testing to become exercise physiologists. • Lori Lewis, registered dietitian in Dialysis, completed her doctorate in nutritional education. • Amy Tiedemann, Heather Gross and Paula Shaw, Pharmacy, completed and passed the national pharmacy technician certification exam. • Diane Schumann and Jean Heydt, Laboratory, completed training in handling pandemic and bio-terrorism cases. • Karen Resch, RN, Mari Dufresne, RN, and Helen Bagshaw, RN, ICU, successfully completed and received their certification in Critical Care Nursing. • Jennifer Burmeister, Lori Vietor, Malia Lorenz, Family Birth Center nurses, completed and received certification in Resolve Through Sharing. • Holly Fratzke, RN, Family Birth Center, has successfully completed certification to become a Certified Childbirth Educator. • Lori Vietor, RN, and Robyn Hinz, LPN, Family Birth Center, became International Board Certified Lactation Consultants. • Tim Metz, Imaging, received his Computerized Tomography (CT) ARRT Board Certification. • Kara Hauser, Imaging, is board certified in Bone Densitometry ARRT. • Autumn Herber, volunteer coordinator, earned her certificate in Volunteer Leadership through the Minnesota Association for Volunteer Administration. • Jennifer Ready, Assisted Living, received a PREPARE specialist train-the-trainer certificate; PREPARE is emergency and pandemic preparedness. • Sara Blair and Cassie Longueville, social workers, received FEMA certificates for crisis counseling. • Jeremy Compton and Eric Larson, Biomedical technicians, passed the certification examination for Biomedical Equipment Technicians. • Brian Arendt, director of Data & Planning Analysis, completed the Master’s in Business Administration program at UW-La Crosse. • Bunny Bennick, Assisted Living, received a marketing and sales certificate from the Minnesota Health & Housing Alliance, an association for aging services professionals.

22 Cornerstone III: Care & Service Objective #4: To use integrated systems, Lean principles and technology to achieve optimum clinical outcomes and operational efficiency • Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) launched in the ED with 99% of all orders entered electronically in the first six weeks, exceeding the goal of 80%. • The Electronic Medication Administration Record (eMAR) was implemented for all medications given in the hospital. • PowerNote ED, the Emergency Department physician documentation portion of the electronic medical record, was successfully launched and is being used for 100% of physician documentation of patient care. • WH’s Dialysis patients receive high quality care, achieving better than national benchmark rates in providing patients pneumovax (95%) and influenza (100%) vaccinations, adequate dialysis treatments (95%) and recommended anemia control for chronic kidney disease (92%). • New Surgical and Anesthesia Services pathways were implemented for preoperative care; knee arthroplasty; and hip arthroplasty. New procedures added include: the interstim procedure for female incontinence and laparoscopic-assisted supracervical hysterectomy. • Surgery staff adopted the Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) guidelines, designed to improve surgical outcomes nationwide. Implementing these procedures, Surgery infection rates were reduced from 0.6% to 0.3% in the first year. • The Imaging Services Department implemented PowerScribe speech recognition software for its radiologists, reducing turnaround time from the exam to interpreted results from 3.5 days to 17 minutes. • The state awarded LWM a five-star rating on its quality measures, with the top three improvement areas being caring for residents experiencing weight loss, pain or incontinence.

By implementing speech recognition software for radiologists, the turnaround time for interpreted results went from more than 3 days to 17 minutes. • LWM voluntarily reports some of its quality and safety data on the national Nursing Home STAR website, where its scores for incidents of pressure ulcers (LWM 4.8%, State 7.6%, National 12.8%), pain (LWM 2.1%, State 3.6%, National 4.5%) and use of restraints (LWM 1.6%, State 2.7%, National 5.6%) are better than state and national averages. • LWM staff developed a wound care program and protocols, reducing incidence and severity of pressure ulcers from 8% to 3% within the most recent three quarters. • Outpatient records and Advance Directives now are scanned directly into the electronic medical record, making them readily accessible to a patient’s provider. • Winona Health participates in the Minnesota Hospital Association’s Safe Skin initiative; it is at 94% implementation versus 78% for participants state wide. It also participates in MHA’s Safe from Falls initiative; while the benchmark is 0.30 falls per 100 patient days, CMH’s rate is better at only 0.10.

Winona Health Community Report 2007

• A Rapid Response Team was implemented at the hospital and had 10 calls in its first six months. This best practice places a team that includes a physician, ICU nurse and respiratory therapist at the bedside of an inpatient experiencing shortness of breath in less than five minutes. • WH continued its voluntary participation in the Centers for Medicare/Medicaid Project to improve congestive heart failure (CHF), pneumonia and heart attack (AMI) protocols. With the first decile representing the top 10% of 270 hospital participants, WH’s AMI scores are in the first decile; CHF scores are in the second decile; and pneumonia, third decile. • CMH had zero adverse health events in 2007, while 154 were reported statewide between October 2005 and October 2006. • CMH’s readmission rate—which indicates how many patients return to the hospital for the same or similar conditions—is at 7%, while the average for similar-sized facilities is 20-25%. The readmission index—which is a ratio of the actual versus the expected readmission rate based upon severity of illness—allows hospitals to compare their performance against any facility. An index less than 1 indicates good performance. CMH’s index for CHF matches top national hospital performers with an index of 0.95. Both these exceptional results are due to CMH’s CHF pathway and support from a WHF grant to Home Health, used to purchase CHF monitoring equipment for use in patients’ homes.


• WH’s Lab staff launched new test services for HIV-1/HIV-2 Antibody Screen; Occult Blood, Lower Gastrointestinal; Shiga Toxin Antigens, and Trichomonas Antigens. • Cardiac Rehab Services achieved American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) certification. • Winona Health received numerous awards and recognitions in 2007. Key awards include: ~ Most Wired-Small and Rural Hospitals Award—sixth consecutive year ~ Minnesota Quality Award—Achievement Level ~ Home Care Award of Excellence—top 20% of US home care agencies

~ The Health Information Management Department has been named Best in the Industry for its implementation of Dictaphone with voice recognition capabilities for provider notes. More than 85% of Winona Health providers’ dictation is speechrecognized, compared to the 60% expected average. ~ Winona Health was commended by Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minn. for achieving a perfect audit score. ~ Winona Health’s Communications/Marketing Department was recognized by KidsHealth for effective use of its educational content. • Winona Health also received local, state and national media coverage in 2007, including: ~ Flood recovery efforts were noted in both the Minnesota Health and Housing Alliance and Minnesota Hospital Association newsletters. ~ LWM’s Memories of God program, designed to meet the spiritual needs of dementia-affected residents, was published in Future Age, the magazine of the American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging. ~ An educational article about men’s health was published in Coulee Region Men magazine. ~ Winona Health’s innovative use of e-Health visits was featured in Health Data Management, the Cerner Quarterly and Winona Daily News. ~ William Davis, MD, and Winona Health’s use of technology were featured in HealthLeaders magazine.

In its first year of participation in the Surgical Care Improvement Project, Winona Health decreased its infection rate from 0.6% to 0.3%.

~ Winona Health’s progressive use of filmless radiology was highlighted in Health Data Management magazine.

24 Cornerstone IV: Stewardship Objective #5: To maintain an independent, locally controlled, community healthcare system • Winona Health’s gain from operations was $3 million, a 4% operating margin, outperforming the budget for the fifth consecutive year while funding: ~ Charity Care costs to qualified patients of $300,664 ~ Write-offs of bad debt (unpaid bills) totaling $1,813,000 ~ Flood-related costs ~ Start-up of Orthopaedic, Ophthalmology and Urgent Care Clinics • Operating expenses were within 2% of budget for the fifth consecutive year.

• Hospice Services’ admissions grew 28% in the last two years. • Watkins Manor, an independent assisted living facility, had a 5% increase in occupancy from 2006 to 2007. • Adith Miller and Roger Metz Manors enjoyed nearly 100% occupancy throughout 2007. • Visits to Winona Health’s Physician Clinics increased by 63% from 2006 to 2007, in part due to the opening of the Eye Care Center and expansion of Sports and Orthopaedic Specialists. • Physical therapy and occupational therapy have experienced increased volumes of 17% and 19%, respectively, over 2006. • Surgery volumes increased by 5%.

• WH issued $14.3 million of revenue bonds through • The electronic medical the City of Winona, with record continues to a Standard and Poor’s provide cost savings to the rating of “BBB.” The bonds organization. Refinements funded the purchase of the in its use in the Emergency Northwoods Apartments Department reduced paper The Ben & Adith Miller Classic raised $165,000 for property and renovation of the Patient Care Fund. copies by almost 40,000. Sarnia Square. • As part of its commitment to the community, Winona • $10.8 million of capital was deployed to fund patient Health: care, operations and future expansion, including Sarnia ~ Provided free screenings and medical information at Square renovation; a nuclear medicine camera; upgrades 10 community health fairs to both the sterotactic biopsy and digital imaging ~ Toured 147 individuals through our main campus systems; and cardiac monitoring systems. • WH’s average annual investment return for a 48-month period was 13.6%, better than the benchmark of 9.4%.

~ Spoke to more than 680 people as part of our Speakers Bureau

• An independent audit was completed with a “clean” opinion and no material adjustments made to financial statements, indicating WH’s processes for recording transactions, compiling financial statements and reporting financial information is effective and internal controls are working.

~ Donated conference room space to various nonprofit organizations ~ Offered free Community Health Talks on various health topics, from women’s minimally invasive procedures to balancing work-life commitments

Winona Health Community Report 2007

~ Supported Merchants Bank Ten Days of Giving, Gifts for Winona and American Cancer Society’s Daffodil Sales ~ Exceeded its $22,000 fundraising goal for the Greater Winona Area United Way • Winona Health’s community benefit activities grew in 2007 and include donations to local nonprofits, numerous clinical internships and more. In total, community benefit activities impacted 27,199 people and were valued at $9.7 million. (See page 44) • The Winona Health Auxiliary gifted $49,000 to Winona Health for a patient pager system, wooden door plates and items in the assisted living Manors. In addition, $15,000 in scholarships was awarded to 18 healthcare students, totaling $64,000 in Auxiliary gifts. • The Winona Health Auxiliary’s 378 volunteers contributed a total of 27,435 hours—or $494,927 of service—to Winona Health. Three volunteers contributed more than 500 hours: Mary Brenno, Jan Wanek and Jenny Kahl. Five volunteers have contributed a cumulative total of 5,000 or more hours: Carole Forest (5000), Jan Wanek (5500), Jenny Kahl (9000), Irene Renk (10,500) and the late Rita Sullivan (12,500). • The Auxiliary also conducted its second annual garage sale, raising more than $12,000; held a popular first annual $5 Jewelry Sale; and raised a record-setting $25,000 with its 45th annual Birthday Ball. • The Ben & Adith Miller Classic golf tournament raised $165,000 for the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund, a $15,000 increase over 2006. The fund covered more than $570,000 of medical expenses for 291 patients in 2007. • The Winona Health Foundation awarded $70,130 through its Community Engagement Grant program, including $50,000 to the Disaster Relief Fund of the United Way of the Greater Winona Area. Other projects funded include: ~ Home & Community Options’ E-file program ~ Healthy Kids Club Wellness Journals ~ Good Shepard Lutheran Services’ medical cart wireless notebook system ~ Winona County DAC’s EZ Lift • The WHF also awarded $25,700 to staff projects through its Quality & Excellence Grant program for items such as safe driving equipment, a wheelchair incline, nurse leadership training and more.


• Winona Health Foundation received a $97,800 grant from the Children’s Miracle Network for a centralized fetal monitoring system to enhance its current system and improve patient care in the Family Birth Center. • The Medtronic Foundation awarded Winona Health Foundation a $25,000 grant to help Rushford residents. The Winona Health Foundation set up the Flood Relief Medical Care Fund to help individuals affected by the flood pay for care received at Rushford Clinic. • Individuals, families and businesses donated $575,983 to the Winona Health Foundation in 2007. • Eight new members were inducted into the Circle of Visionaries, signifying they have remembered the Winona Health Foundation in their wills. (See page 41) • In 2007, 100% of both the Winona Health Foundation Board and Winona Health’s Senior Leadership Team contributed to the Winona Health Foundation.

In the 10 days following the August flood, 90 patients sought treatment for flood-related issues in Winona Health’s Emergency Department, with 82 patients treated and released, seven admitted to the hospital and one patient treated and transferred to a tertiary care center. But Winona Health’s efforts went far beyond caring for hospital patients. In addition, Winona Health did the following: • Expanded its Urgent Care Clinic to include weekday hours, shuttling residents from Rushford to Winona for healthcare • Provided 4,500 free immunizations to those affected by the flood and to clean-up workers • Contributed more than $5,000 in medical and personal care supplies to area shelters • Sent medical and mental health professionals to the shelters • Answered 99 calls on the flood hotline • Served breakfast, lunch and dinner to Rushford residents on a Saturday • Donated $50,000 from the Winona Health Foundation to the Disaster Relief Fund of the United Way of the Greater Winona Area. In addition, Winona Health provided its 40 staff members affected by the flood with a week of paid time off, with the Foundation providing each of them with a $100 gift card. Staff also donated $25,000 of paid time off to their colleagues and created a “free store” for them filled with food, bedding, cleaning supplies and clothing. Winona Health has partnered with several local providers in Fillmore and Winona Counties to continue assisting in flood recovery initiatives. The outreach, counseling and other support services are planned to continue into August 2008.

26 2008 Key Initiatives Winona Health and Winona Clinic Merger Goal: Integrate Winona Health and Winona Clinic processes to achieve the shared goals of improved community access to healthcare, successful physician recruitment and growth in healthcare services. Target: Define and improve community access to healthcare services.

Computerized Provider Order Entry Goal: Fully deploy Computerized Provider Order Entry in all Community Memorial Hospital clinical departments. Target: 80% of all orders are submitted electronically.

From the community, For the community

Thanks to our donors


From the Foundation Board Chair

Everyday, basic goodness D

uring those first few days after the August floods, when volunteer labor and flood relief donations seemed to be coming from everywhere, I overheard a cynical person say, “It’s too bad it takes a catastrophe to bring out the good in people.” As an accidental eavesdropper, it didn’t seem right to challenge that statement. In fact, I would have agreed if the remark had been that tragedy and catastrophe bring out the ABSOLUTE BEST in people. But I see plenty of basic human goodness every day and everywhere in our community. I believe the strength of our community lies in this everyday, basic goodness. The long established values of caring about others and sharing of resources are part of our local culture to a degree many communities would envy. This is especially evident at Winona Health. Members of the Winona Health Auxiliary log thousands of volunteer hours each year and also raise funds to purchase hospital equipment. As the following pages show, the Winona Health Foundation has received many gifts during the past year from people who believe quality, local healthcare ought to be one of our core community strengths. On behalf of the Foundation, I want to thank these supporters. A long tradition of generosity has helped Winona Health become the first class healthcare organization it is today, able to do much FOR our community because it has received much FROM our community.

Sincerely, Ken Mogren Foundation Board Chair

Winona Health Foundation Board of Directors

Ellen Alexander-Smith Director

Mike Allen Treasurer

Andy Blomsness Director

Steve Blue Vice Chair

Judy Bodway Director

Nancy Brown Secretary

Bob Gilbertson Director

Jerry Kellum Director

Jim Killian Director

Ken Mogren Chair

John Mulrooney, MD Director

Rachelle Schultz President/CEO

Jack “Butch” Walz Director

Barbara Winbush Director

Winona Health Community Report 2007 To our Benefactors

Thank you for your contributions


The names listed on the following pages reflect gifts made to the Winona Health Foundation between October 1, 2006, and September 30, 2007. Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy. We apologize for any omissions or errors and encourage you to contact Nancy Brown, executive director of development, at 507.457.4342 or [email protected], if you notice any inaccuracies. Al Abrams, Jr. Mrs. Rhoda Abts Miss Betty M. Acheff Ms. Eloise Adank Mr. Richard Adank Mrs. Rosemary Addington Ms. Cheryl Aeling Mrs. Clare Aeling Ms. Joanne Ahrens Lori R. Ahrens Mr. & Mrs. Dave Albrecht Mr. Dennis Albrecht Mr. Mrs. John Albrecht Marcia M. Albrecht Ms. Mary Albrecht Ellen L. Alexander-Smith Mr. & Mrs. James F. Allen Mike & Kim Allen Ms. Lynn Allen Alliance Bank Alliance Card, INC. Beverly J. Allin Bob & Beth Allred Don & Diane Amann American Lung Association of the Upper Midwest Amish Church Fund Eileen E. Amundson Ms. Irma Amundson Rose & Horace Andersen Mrs. Becky Anderson John E. Anderson Jack Andresen Anonymous Harley & Chris Antoff Ms. Barb Appel Mrs. Yvonne E. Appelquist Carol & Steve Appelwick Maxine G. Armitage David & Muriel Arnold Vincent & Lorraine Ashelin Mr. & Mrs. Allan Aspen Isabell Aurdal Mrs. Mary M. Austin Marguerite Baab Mr. & Mrs. Gary Babcock Roger Babcock Robert Babler & Beverly Mueller- Babler Mrs. Dorothy Bachler Mr. & Mrs. Rod Bagniewski Eugene Bagniewski, Jr. Helen & Peter Bagshaw Mrs. Ann Bailey Brent Bailey

Ann E. Baker Ms. Violet Balk Paul Ballweg Bob Bambenek Mrs. Eleanor Bambenek Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bambenek Mary & Greg Bambenek Mr. Jerry Bambenek Mr. Joe Bambenek Phoebe C. Bambenek Mr. Stanley Bambenek Mrs. Ann Banicki Sara B. Barbor Mrs. Diane Barge Mr. Steven Barge Doris & Lowell Barkeim Ms. Betty Barnewitz Mr. & Mrs. Mike Barnholtz Ms. Marilee A. Barrientos Darlene & LaVerne Bartelson Mr. Edmund V. Bartz Charles & Barbara Bass Sandra & Bruce Bauer Lorraine E. Bauer Steven & Debbie Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Mike Baumann Rick Baumann Richard & Mary Lou Baylon Mabel C. Beach Sally A. Beck Mr. & Mrs. Bill Becker Susan M. Becker Arlene & Delbert Bedtka Ms. Betsy Beech Mr. John Beech Mr. & Mrs. Richard Behnke Chris Beirne Sadie E. Beirne Ms. Kristi Bell Leigh & Orlie Bell Mr. Henry E. Benke Ken Benke Susan K. Benke Virginia (Bunny) & Walt Bennick Ms. Judy Benson Randy & Kim Benson Mrs. Roger Benson Ruth Benson Mr. & Mrs. Ted Benson Ronald Benter Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bentley Betty Beranek Coletta M. Berg Mrs. Marie Berg Mr. William “Bill” Bergaus

Mr. & Mrs. John Berger Leonard & Rosemary Bernatz Michael D. Bernatz Ellen E. Berry Vic & Bonnie Bertel Ms. Sandra Berzinski Janice & Galen Betsinger Judith Betsinger Ray & June Beyers Mrs. Mary Jo Beyerstedt Mr. & Mrs. William Beyerstedt Delmar & Marion Bielefeldt Mrs. Betty Lou Bierly Dorothy & Ted Biesanz, Sr. Jane & Scott Biesanz Ted & Patti Biesanz Mrs. Betty Bilder Mrs. Betty Biltgen Ms. Josephine Biltgen Mrs. Norma Biwer Darlene & Lowell Bjoraker Tim Bjork Tony & Sara Blair Peggy Blake Geral Blanchard Marion & Lyle Blanchard Ms. Arlene M. Blank Chuck Bleess Mrs. Janet Block Andy & Jan Blomsness Mrs. Cathy Blood Steve & Ann Blue N.L Bobo Ms. Fran Bockenhauer Carol A. Boden Judith R. Bodway Mr. & Mrs. Les Boelter Mr. & Mrs. Arnold A. Boese Mrs. Hermie Boland Mrs. Rose Boland Shirley A. Boll Mrs. Jeanne Boller Laurel Bollin Ms. Patricia Bollinger Ms. June Bolstad Lorraine F. Bonine Ray J. Bonine Kathy Boone Mary R. Borkowski George Parke & Sabina Bosshard-Parke Ms. Diane Botcher Marilyn Bower Loretta T. Boyer Lyda & Paul Boyer John & Jody Sue Boyle

Ms. Avys Boynton Ms. Sylvia Boyum Mrs. Leona Braatz Mr. Ted Braatz Carl & Deloris Brackett Gail Bradbury & Bernie Frisch Ms. Debbie Brady Ms. Diane L. Branch Mrs. Fumi Brand Myrtle H. Brand Mr. & Mrs. John Brandt Mr. & Ms. Richard Brang Mr. Robert Brang Mr. Thomas Brang Glenn & Janice Bratberg Stephen Bray Betty J. Breitenfeldt Penelope & John R. Breitlow Ms. Jane Bremer Dan & Theresa Brendel Bill & Audrey Brennan Jim & Susan Brett Bernice J. Breza Mr. Jim Breza Mary Breza Mrs. Vanita Breza Ms. Carolee Bronk Mr. & Mrs. Joseph F. Brosig Mr. Bill Brown Nancy M. & James R. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roger Brown, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Browne Allen Brugger & Lorna Fratzke Mrs. Doloris B. Brugger Mr. & Mrs. Troy Brugger Judith A. Brugger Mr. & Mrs. Terry Brugger Carla Bruss Mrs. Gerald Bruss Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Bruss Mr. & Ms. Marlin Bublitz Carl Buck Sharon E. Budnick Mrs. Lorraine Buege Roberta M. Bumann Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bundy Mr. & Mrs. Del Bunke Mrs. Evelyn Bunke Ruth & Frank Bures Mr. Alvin Burfeind Brian & Sandra Burke James E. Burke Ms. Kelley A. Burke Mr. Richard W. Burmeister

Anne E. Burmester Mr. Bruce Burnham Janet & Patrick Burns Mary Burrichter & Robert A. Kierlin John & Irma Burros Mr. & Mrs. Lee Burros Mr. Lewis Burt Ms. Lynda K. Burt Ms. Connie Buswell Carol Byrne Jodie Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Gerald G. Cada Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cada Patricia A. Cada Mr. John Caldwell Mr. & Mrs. Angus R. Callender Mr. & Mrs. Ron Calvert Thelma Canar Lynne Carlisle Allan J. Carlson Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Carpenter Mrs. La Vonne Carroll Peggy A. Carroll Cars-N-Credit, Inc. Hazel Casey Central United Methodist Women Doris P. Chapiewski Mr. & Mrs. Brantly P. Chappell Children’s Miracle Network Mr. Jon E. Christensen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Christensen Kathleen & David Christenson Bob Christie Lavonne J. Christie Mrs. Dorothy J. Chuchna Roger G. Church Russell T. Church Mr. Ronald Cichanowski Kris Cichon Carol & Steve Cichosz Mr. & Mrs. Richard Cichosz Ardelle A. Cierzan Ms. Shirley A. Cirelli Arlene & Francis Cisewski Vincent D. Cisewski Carla Ciszak Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ciszak Max R. Clegg Gayla Clemons Mr. Laurence Clingman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Clobes Mrs. Madeline T. Cole Jill Comara Jeanette B. Combs Gloria & Karl Conrad, Jr.

Barbara J. Conway Janis & Philip Conway Suzanee Cooley & David Echelard Ms. Susan E. Cooper Julie A. Corcoran Mike & Connie Corcoran Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Cordes Barbara A. Corey Mr. & Mrs. Stephen H. Craney Ms. Sandra K. Creeley Jim Crigler & Cheri Eddy Crigler Brenda Cross Margaret A. Cross Linda & Mark Culver Ms. Kay Cumiskey Marty & Donald Cummings Mary Cummings-Hansen Mrs. Marion Cunningham Mr. & Mrs. Pat Cunningham Kevin Cyert Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cyert David C. Czapiewski Mrs. Betty Czaplewski Leroy F. Czaplewski Lois E. Czaplewski Steve & Jeanne Czaplewski Brenda L. Dailey Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Dalton Jim Danneker Betty & Richard Darby Helen E. Davies Ms. Loretta Davis Dr. & Mrs. William E. Davis Susan J. Day Audrey & Henry Deblon Vicki & Dennis Decker Leone H. Deedrick Jim & Anne Deedrick Ms. Ardell Deering Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Degallier Emilio & Monica Degrazia Mr. & Mrs. Tom DeMarais Mr. & Mrs. Eric Denzer Ms. Jacqueline Denzer Mrs. Kristi Deppa Mr. & Mrs. Robert Deter Ms. Diane Dingfelder Rita Dingfelder Judy Dischler Janet & Don Dittrich Irene & Merlin Doblar Mr. Scott Doblar Ms. Anne Dodge Lorraine A. Doehling William J. Doerer Kathleen Doering Colleen Doffeng Lorris L. Dorn Nancy Dorn Rose Dorn James Dotzler Norma & Paul Double Mrs. Beverly Douglas Joann Douglas Clarence Dow

Charles & Loyola Draine Helen R. Drazkowski Janice M. Drazkowski Tim, Jenny, Zachary & Madelyn Drazkowski Helene B. Dreas Mr. & Mrs. Charles Drenckhahn James & Ann Drier Mr. & Mrs. Robert Drumm Mr. & Mrs. Earl Drussell Ms. Karyn Duane Mary & David Duellman Jerry & Marilyn Duellman Mrs. Mary Jo Duellman Mr. & Mrs. Mike Duellman Mr. & Mrs. Greg Duffy Mrs. Harriette Duffy Mr. Jim Duffy Robert & Barbara DuFresne Mrs. Mary K. Dulek Rosemary Duran Mr. Donald Duresky Ms. Judy Durfey Marsha K. Durham Pat & Sue Durnen Ralph Dybing Kent Dzurick Diane M. Ebert Mr. & Mrs. Larry Ebert Yvonne & Donald Echelard Mr. & Mrs. Henry Eckert Mary & Jim Eddy Susan & John Eddy Louis & Geraldine Edelschein Mr. & Mrs. John Edstrom Don & Judy Eger Mr. John E. Ehlers Joyce Ehlers Antoinette Ehmcke Mr. Paule H. Ehmcke Darrell & Angela Ehrlick June M. Eichhorst Shirely & Michael Eide Viola D. Eide Ms. Sheryl Einsman Mr. & Mrs. Ed Ellinghuysen Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Ellinghuysen Carol & Robert Ellings Mr. & Mrs. Donald Elliott Conway & Beth Elton Mr. Douglas J. Emanuel Joseph & Gladys Emanuel Bev Engel Tammi Engen Alvina D. Engler Betty M. Englerth Ms. Vicki Englich Bud & Ramona English Mr. & Mrs. Dale F. Engrav Patricia & Dennis Engrav Diane Erdmann Joan Erdmann Mr. & Mrs. Kent Erdmann Adeline R. Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Erickson

Mrs. Genevieve Erickson Theresa Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Mervill Erickson Mr. Steven L. Erickson Barbara A. Ernster Jim & Gretchen Erwin Jeffery & Beverly Essig Gary & Ellen Evans Ms. Marian Evans Steve Evans & Julie Schreiber Paul & Dorothy Evanson Ms. Marjorie Evens Lyndie L. Fabian Scott & Barb Fabian Duane & Jan Fakler Family of Janice Larson Marian L. Farner Mrs. Betty Farrand Mary E. Farrell Dr. & Mrs. Oran G. Featherstone Arliss & Donna Fedje Philip Feiten Ms. Dolores Felsheim Mr. & Mrs. Ray Felton Dr. & Mrs. Arnold W. Fenske Mr. Ralph Fenske Mr. & Mrs. John Ferden Stanley & Sue Ferguson Mrs. Nell Ficken Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Earl Finden Mrs. Margaret Finkelnburg Boyd First Baptist Church Mr. Richard Fischer Mr. Robert L. Fischer Carol & David Fitzgerald John & Chris Fitzgerald Tim Fitzgerald Anna Fitzmaurice Mr. & Mrs. Steve Fix Bob & Yvonne Fix Pamela Flanagan Sharon & Richard Flatten Ms. Lorraine Flattum Phyllis & Edwin Fletcher Ms. Kay Fliehr Mae Florin Kathy Foley Carole & David Forest Dr. & Mrs. John Forrette Ms. Deborah K. Forstrom Dave & Maryann Forsythe Helen P. Fort Janice F. Fort Jean Ann Fossey Ms. Scherrie Foster Mrs. Robyn Fox Ms. Kathy Frahm Gene & Lois Frank Mr. Roger Frank Robert & JoAnn Franzen Ms. Judith Franzwa Jerry & Patti Franzwa Fraternal Order of Eagles 1243 Mr. & Mrs. Bob Fratzke

Christina E. Friederichs Susan J. Freeman Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Fremling Calvin R. Fremling Cynthia & Mark Fremling Joan & Earl Fritchman Dolores S. Fritz Joanne Fritz Julie & Kevin Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Lavern Fritz Muriel R. Frosch Alethea H. Fugina Mr. & Mrs. Greg Gabbert Sara & Mike Gabrick Mrs. Debbie Gappa Dian Gappa Dr. & Dr. Harry Gardiner Mrs. Carole Gardner Phyllis & Timothy Gaspar Jeannine Geilow Charlotte M. Gepner Judy Gerdes Lois J. Gernes Mr. & Mrs. Jack Gerson Henrietta Gerth Mavis & Richard Gielow Connie A. Giemza Stanley & Diane Gierhan Doris Gierok Mary Ann Gierok Shirley A. Gierok Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gierok Dorothy & Walter Gilbertson Robert & Erika Gilbertson Ms. Susan Gilman Ms. & Mr. Nancy R. Gingras Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Girtler Ms. Doris Girtler Fern M. Girtler GlaxoSmithKlein Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Gleason Mr. Joe Glodowski Mr. Bill Glowczewski Maurice D. Godsey Arlene E. Goetz Ms. Florence Goetzman Gayle B. Goetzman Dr. & Mrs. Steven Goldberg Mr. Neil R. Goltz Mrs. Linda Goodfellow Goodview Activity Group Dennis Goplen Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gora Carole A. Gorden Ms. Candace M. Gordon Mrs. Mary A. Goss Joette & Michael Gostomski Heather & Bill Gould Ms. Madelyn Grabowenski Tom & Peggy Graham Mrs. Elizabeth Grangaard Kendra & Nick Granseth Lois A. Grant Bernelda C. Greden Helen R. Greden

Mr. George W. Greene Ms. Janet Greenslit Al & Debbie Greenwood Julie Gregory Joan & Joseph J. Greshik Joseph S. Greshik Lorraine “Rainy” Griesel Paul Griesel David & Gail Griffin Ms. Denise Griffin Mr. William M. Grochowski Mr. & Mrs. James Gromek Mr. & Mrs. Dale R. Gronewold Donna Groth Ms. Alice K. Grover Mr. & Mrs. Steve Grulkowski Mrs. Florence Grupa Sharon Gudmundson Mrs. Delores H. Guenther Joyce R. Gulbrandsen Gundersen Lutheran Medical Foundation Gene & Jane Gunderson Ms. Jean M. Gunderson Rose & James Gurley Mr. & Mrs. Gale Haase Douglas Haberman Joan M. Hackbarth Patricia M. Haddad Mrs. Orma Hadley Marlis & Clyde Haedtke Elayne & Willard Haedtke Karen Haedtke Mr. & Mrs. Tod Haedtke Mrs. Shirley F. Haesly Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Haessig Mrs. Susan Hahn Mr. Larry Halik Leah Hall Marilyn Hall Lyle & Marlene Halliday Clifford W. Hallum Barbara R. Halvorson Gloria Hammond Ms. Louise Hanks Marilyn & Henry Hansen Mrs. Mardell Hansen Marge Hansen Michael & Carol Hansen Cletus A. Hanson Doris E. Hanson Aurelia Harders Katherine S. Hardt Rev. Tom Hargesheimer Charles & Eleanor Harkness Irene A. Harris Cheryl Hartert Mrs. Helen R. Hartwich Robert R. Hass Ms. Jo Hassinger Mr. & Mrs. Richard Hastings Timothy L. Hatfield Ms. Teresa L. Hauck Ms. Mary Haugen Eileen & Chuck Haugh

Winona Health Community Report 2007 Rita L. Haugh Mr. & Mrs. LaVern Hauschildt Daniel P. Hauser Mrs. Sue Hauser Mrs. June Hawley Mary Lou Hazelton Merrily J. Hazelton Mr. & Mrs. Jim Healy Bernice Heaser John R. Heddle Beverly M. Heftman Mr. Thomas M. Heftman Mr. & Mrs. George Hegard Phyllis & Richard Hegle Hollis & Joanne Heiden Anita R. Hein David & Mary Heise Mr. & Mrs. Bill Heitman Doris M. Helgemoe Mr. & Mrs. Leon Helleland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hemker Mrs. Marlene Hemsey Mr. & Mrs. Dave Henderson Ms. Elizabeth Hengel Geraldine A. Hengel Tom N. Hengel Mike & Linda Hennessy Bob & Mitzie Hennessy Autumn & Brent Herber Mr. & Mrs. Dave Herber Marlene & Harold J. Herber Ms. Ann Hermann Mr. Mike Herzberg Ms. Mary Hewett Carol J. Heyl & Donald Stone Carol & Jim Hill John J. Hilt Larry & Patti Hinkley Mr. & Mrs. Neil Hinkley Ruth Hinton Mrs. Myrtle Hinz Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey R. Hirschey Dolores Hitt Ms. Jean Hixson Ms. Lucretia H. Hobbs Janice M. Hock Robin J. Hoeg Ms. Leone Hoenk George Hoeppner Mr. Herman G. Hoesley Jean Hoesley Arnold Hoffe Marilynn & Bob Hofland Steve & Linda Hogden Gloria & Dennis Hohmann Ms. Linda Hoialmen Ms. Cynthia Hokenson Irene C. Holan Margaret T. Holland Ms. Mary A. Holland Ms. Florence L. Hollingsworth Mr. Kenneth O. Holm Tom Holmay Mr. Gordon Holte Janice M. Holtet

Mrs. Gladys Holty Ms. Pam Holty Ms. Tess Holzer Mr. & Mrs. Walter Holzworth Ms. Carol J. Honsey Marcella Hoover Ruth L. Hopf Carol A. Horman Butch & Joan Hornberg Mr. & Mrs. Roger Horner Mr. Douglas Horsnell & Family Mr. Richard Horst Ms. Claire Horton Ms. Judith Horton-Holm Mrs. Diane Hoseck and Mrs. Judy Hovelson Mr. David Howlett Mr. & Mrs. Joe Howlett

Jim & Mary Jean Ives Joseph Ives Mr. & Mrs. James Jabrosky Nicole Jackels Joanne & Arnold Jackson Ms. Karen Jacobs Mark & Trish Jacobs Mrs. Marian Jacobson Mr. & Mrs. Ordell Jacobson Michael Jacquart Ms. Diane Jameson Mrs. Marlene Jandt Robin Jandt Mrs. Evelyn Janzow Mr. & Mrs. Alvin D. Jarvinen Mrs. Elizabeth Jaszewski Mr. & Mrs. Frank Jaszewski Mr. Jerry Jaszewski

Mr. & Mrs. Brian D. Junker Dragana Jurkovic Mr. & Mrs. Don Justin Mr. Leonard J. Kaczorowski Mr. & Mrs. John Kane Mr. & Mrs. Dick Kanz Ms. Elizabeth Kanz Bernice Karcher Kasson United Methodist Women Evelyn L. Kasten Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kaufman Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kauphusman Mr. & Mrs. Pat Kauphusman Raymond L. Kauphusman Mrs. Mary E. Keeler Shirley & Bruce Keil Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Keilholtz Ms. Virginia Keith


am writing this letter in great appreciation for everything that you have given me. Today I received a letter of acceptance for some assistance with my recent medical bills and, thanks to your wonderful Foundation, I can now focus on a hopefully healthier life. My recent medical needs were very unexpected and couldn’t have come at a worse point in my still young life. Again, I can’t say enough about the gift you have given me and will forever hold in my heart this memory of kindness. Thank you so much. ~ A grateful patient

Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Hoyt Mrs. Jeane Hubbard Wilford & Nancy Huff Rod Hughbanks Dr. Sidney O. Hughes Patricia A. Hulbert Charles R. Huling Mrs. Barbara Hultgren Bertha Hunt Donald & Barbara Hunter Carol M. Hurlburt Jim & Marylou Hurley David D. Husman Rita Husman Mr. & Mrs. James Hutson Holly Hythecker Immanuel United Methodist Women Delores M. Irmscher Ms. Margaret Iverson Dohn

Diane & Kenneth Jereczek Joseph E. Jereczek Susan K. Jertson Lillian A. Jeske James & Cheryl Jick Dr. Curtis M. Johnson Ken & Darlene Johnson Glen O. Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Johnson Mary Johnson Phylliss Mae Johnson Mrs. Darla Jokela Mr. Robert E. Jones Ms. Annah Jonsgaard Dana Jonsgaard Ms. Michelle R. Jost Mr. & Mrs. Alan Joswick Char & Steve Juaire Dennis Julson

Jerry & Patricia Kellum Esther L. Kelm Mrs. Jean R. Kendall Mrs. Marie Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Mike J. Kennedy Mr. & Mrs. Jim Kerkenbush Terri Kersting Michael P. Kertzman Mr. Keith Kieffer Thom & Robyn Kieffer Marcia Hilgendorf & Don E. Kiekbusch Virginia Kiekbusch Robert A. Kierlin & Mary Burrichter Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kilkus Jim & Doris Killian Richard King Mary Kintzle Jean Kinzie Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Kiral


Mr. Raymond Kiral Donna Kirch Dorothy A. Kirch Rosemary A. Kirchner Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kirk Linda L. Kirkeby Ada C. Kittle Kiwanis Sunrisers Delaine Kjos Mary Lou Klagge Mr. & Mrs. Gene Kleinschmidt Kenneth R. Kleist Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Klinger Mr. & Mrs. James Klinger Vickie Klinger Leola P. Kluender Ms. Sheryl Klug Ms. Audre Kluzik Mr. Lambert Kluzik Richard J. Kluzik Mr. & Mrs. Chris C. Knecht Mr. & Mrs. Dave Knight Pauline & Harland Knight Mr. & Mrs. Mike Knox Jean Knutzen Sharon Koch Dr. Gretchen Koehler Arlene J. Kohner Bertha Kohner Steve & Candi Kohner Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kohner Mary R. Kohner Ms. Nancy Kohner Robert S. Kohner Mr. & Mrs. Roger Kohner Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kohner Mary Koisti Mr. & Mrs. John Kolar Patricia A. Kollas Dolores Kolter Marcella Konkel Lorraine M. Konter Linda Kopecky Dave & Becky Korder Mrs. Phyllis Korpal Helen J. Koscianski John E. & Rita Kosidowski George & Julie Kosidowski Tom Kosidowski Mr. & Mrs. George Kostner Pat Kotlarz Bernetta M. Kouba Donna M. Kouba John E. Kouba Mr. & Mrs. Don Kough Joseph G. & Ruthe J. Kowalsky Ms. Irene E. Krackow George W. Krage, Jr. Lynda & Ed Krall Mary Kramer Mike & Sandy Kramer Mr. Robert Kramer Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Kramer Mrs. Dorothy Kratch Gary & Sonya Kratch

32 A Grateful Patient gives back “T

he staff at Winona Health saved my life, and I am very grateful to be alive today,” noted Sara. In the past year she needed three separate surgeries, all performed at Community Memorial Hospital.

While at home one quiet evening, Sara collapsed on her living room floor in severe pain. The ambulance brought her to Winona Health’s Emergency Department, where doctors discovered she had liver and kidney failure and was in septic shock. She was rushed to surgery with Matthew Broghammer, DO. Afterwards, Sara spent nine days in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) recovering. “Dr. Broghammer and nurses Karen Resch, Mari Dufresne and Helen Bagshaw were all so wonderful,” commented Sara. “I had fabulous care; they were all so warm and friendly. They really cared about me.” Two months later Sara found herself back in the Emergency Department. Doctors quickly discovered her gall bladder needed to be removed and rushed her to surgery. “Dr. Broghammer is a wonderful surgeon, so I felt I was in good hands once again,” Sara added. Still recovering from her surgeries, Sara scheduled a colonoscopy, which showed she had a condition that, left

Robert Kratz Mr. & Mrs. Ken Krause Conrad & Catherine Kreidermacher Mrs. Lorraine Krenz Jean W. Kronebusch Mr. & Mrs. Joe Kronebusch Frank & Karen Kropidlowski Chuck & Sherrie Kropp Mrs. Rose Krueger-Weber Mr. & Mrs. Don Kryzer Mr. & Mrs. Leo Kryzer Rosanne Kubicek Ms. Shirley Kubicek Clinton L. Kuhlmann Donald A. Kuhlmann Jeff & Linda Kuhn Cathy Kukla Mr. & Mrs. August Kukowski Mr. & Mrs. Butch Kukowski Ruth H. Kukowski David & Lynne Kulas Genevieve Kulas Joan & Leonard Kulas Katherine & Roger Kulas Mary Kulas Mickey Kulas & Family Ms. Steve Kulas Mr. & Mrs. Wayne M. Kulas Ms. Ginny Kulig Armella Kunda Bob & Ardell Kunst

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kupietz Kwik Trip Stores, Inc. Virgil & Joan Laak Mr. & Mrs. Henry Lacher Mr. Danny Laehn Ms. Lorraine Lager Laird Norton Company LLC Mrs. Claudia Lambert Miss Maggie Lambert Ron Lande Sherry Lange Gary & Bernita Langowski Mrs. Irene Langowski Mr. & Mrs. Jim Langowski Mrs. Marcella Langowski Charles Lanik Kathleen & Jim Lanik Edythe & John Larimer Adam R. Larson & Family Allen D. Larson Blair W. Larson & Family Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Larson Carolyn & Phillip Larson Donald E. Larson, Jr. Garrick Z. Larson & Family Martha E. Larson Mr. Roger Larson Mrs. Doris Laska Richard & Carol Laska Mrs. Jean Lauer Mr. Earl Laufenburger

untreated, would worsen. Sara again needed surgery. “Dr. Broghammer was there for me a third time,” Sara said. “He performed my third surgery in five months, and his care and professionalism were outstanding each time.”

Because of Sara’s deep Sara needed Dr. Broghammer appreciation for the healthcare she received and the surgical staff three times in one year. in Winona, she made a generous gift to the Winona Health Foundation. She explained, “I make charitable contributions to several organizations, but I often don’t have any real connection to them. I wanted to make a contribution to the Winona Health Foundation, because I now have a strong connection to those who cared for me… and for that I am very grateful.”

Lois & Ervin Laufenburger Mrs. Barbara J. Laumb Martha Le Beau Ms. Barbara F. Leaf Bill & Shelly Leaf Bob & Deb Leaf Kevin & Jemay Leahy Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Leahy Ms. Catherine Lecheler Lois A. Ledebuhr Lefty Lee Mr. & Mrs. Roger Lee Ms. Sharon Lee Teresa & Robert Lee Ms. Maxine Lemmer Mr. John Levinski Lewiston Cancer Support Group Ardis Liebenstein Gabriel & Mary Liegey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lietzau Harold & Dorothy Lilla Mr. Jerry Linander Rich & Bev Lindseth Jack & Deborah Lipinski Ms. Brenda Litscher Mrs. Karen Littlejohn Len & Terry Litvan Joyce O. Locks Judy A. Lockwood Mr. & Mrs. Roy Loken Darleen & Roger Loretz

Evelyn & Bud Loshek Mrs. Joseph R. Loshek Mrs. Dorothy Losinski Mrs. Harry Losinski Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Lossen Jerry & Mary Lowery Sandra Lubinski Ms. Laurie R. Lucas Ms. Ann Ludovissie Mary & David Ludwigson Bud & Marge Luedtke Mrs. Audrey Luehmann Lucille I. Luehmann Marjorie Luehmann Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Luhmann Evelyn L. Luinstra Elaine Luksa Ms. Frances D. Lux Mary D. Mack Jackie & David Mahlke Benjamin Mahnkey Ms. Jackie Malay Mr. & Mrs. Mark Malay Dolores E. Malotke Joan J. Malotke Martha A. Marcotte Ms. Cindy Marek & Mr. Doug Loftus Mildred Marg Kelly Marino Brenda Markegard Thomas E. Markey

Greg Markielewski Gervae Marmsoler Mr. & Mrs. Ben Maroushek Ms. Sandy Marshall Kathy Mart Mrs. Doloris Martin Mrs. Lynn Martin Dr. & Mrs. Mark L. Martin Mr. Michael Martin Mr. & Mrs. Tom Martin Mrs. Esther M. Marxhausen Mrs. Joy Mason Ms. Harriet E. Masyga Joseph Matejka Michael Matejka Ms. Eileen Mathison Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Mathot Mrs. Margaret Matson Janette Matthees Sharon Matthees Joy & Holly Mattison Dave Matzke Lois E. Matzke Merle W. Matzke Bryce & Debbie Maus Judith Maus Leone J. & Thomas E. Mauszycki Mrs. Mary Jane May Mr. & Mrs. Bob Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Tim McBeth Mr. & Mrs. R. McChesney

Winona Health Community Report 2007 Dean McClenathan Judy McElmury Becky & Dennis McGann Mr. Daniel J. McGill Joan E. McGill Lila M. McGill Elizabeth S. McGrory Patricia A. McGuire Mr. Donald McLeod Elaine McLeod Elaine McMartin Marian I. McMillan Betty M. McNally Mr. & Mrs. Gerald McNally Mr. & Mrs. Jim McNally Bob & B.J. McQueen Dennis McRaven Medtronic Foundation Mrs. Elaine Meier Mr. Phil Meier Mrs. Rita Meier Don & Patti Meierant Merchants Bank Mr. & Mrs. Frank Merchlewitz Joanie Merchlewitz Dave & Judy Mertes Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Mertes Lucille Messman Charles & Anita Mettille Roger & Ramona Metz Arlene Meyer Mrs. Beverly Meyer Ms. Audrey Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Michalowski Mr. & Mrs. Harold Micheel Mrs. R. E. Miesbauer Curtis & Barbara Mihm Debra Mikelson Mary P. Mikrut Clarise Miller Hugh & Vera Miller Mr. & Mrs. Jack Miller Jerry & Susan Miller Ms. June S. Miller Marian Miller Mr. & Mrs. Nat H. Miller John Hyland & Mary Miller-Hyland Mrs. Harriet Millie Mr. & Mrs. Gary Mills Minnesota Society for Respiratory Care Mrs. David Miranda Mrs. Olga Missell Mr. & Mrs. Andy Modjeski Ms. Evelyn Modjeski Ms. Jeanette Modjeski-Welch Mr. & Mrs. Richard Moe Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Moen Steven M. Moen Dr. Ruth & Mr. James Moes Harold Mogren Ken & Sally Mogren Julie Moldenhauer Connie & Loren Moldenhauer Mr. & Ms. Boyd Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Moore

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Moran Robert Moravec Phyllis& Stanley Morcomb Bruce & Traci Morken Don & Marianne Morrison Evelyn Motschke Estate Ms. Mary J. Moxness Gladys I. Mrachek Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mrachek Ms. Barbara Mrozek Ms. Bev Mueller Mrs. Winnie Mueller Pam & Al Mueller Patti A. Mueller Sharon & Robert Mueller Ronald & Wilma Mueller Shirley A. Mueller Jon Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Marty Mullen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mullen Mr. Sylvester Mullen Dr. John & Marlene Mulrooney Mr. & Mrs. Art Munson Howard R. Munson Joyce E. Murphy Linda L. Murphy Jay & Pat Mutter Mrs. Dolores Myers Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Myhre Mabel Nagle Ms. & Mr. Lynn Nankivil Mr. & Mrs. Steve Napieralski Mr. Mike Nascak Lorraine A. Nash Cheryle M. Nation Gerald & Patricia Neal Ms. Judy A. Neff Nona J. Nehring Harry & Lois Neitzke Janice F. Neitzke Marilyn N. Neitzke Mr. & Mrs. Roger Neitzke Beverly H. Neldner Mr. & Mrs. Ardell Nelsestuen Arnold A. Nelson Carole H. Nelson Jim & Diane Nelson Ken Nelson Leslie H. Nelson Mr. Tom Nelson Mr. Travis Nelson Ms. Rita Nesler Marcie Neumann Mrs. Linda Neville June V. Newcomb John W. Newell Ms. Sandra M. Newhouse Sharon Nichols Richard & Barb Niemeyer Joseph & Susie Nienow Ione Nilsen Jack Nissalke Ms. Donnis Noer Dennis & Pat Nolan Ms. Ruth A. Nordby

Kathleen & Ronald Northrup Randy Northrup Mr. Robert M. Norton Ms. Deborah Novak Mr. & Mrs. Charles Nuzum, Jr. NXC Imaging/Toshiba Bud & Karen Nystrom Clara O’Brien Dawn O’Connor Mr. John O’Connor Jim & Beth O’Dea Kay M. O’Dea Bruce Odell Amparo Oevering Mrs. Hellen Oevering John & Dorothy Overing Gerald Okland Ms. Jeanne Olmstead Ms. Doris Olness Helen B. Olsen Ellen & Jim Olson Keith & Mary Ann Olson Ms. Mari Olson Dr. Paul N. Olson Mr. & Mrs. George O’Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Kevin P. O’Reilly Carol A. Orlowske Grace M. Orlowske Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Orlowske Lorraine A. Orr Kathy & Gordy Overing Mr. & Mrs. Richard Ozmun Bob & Patricia Ozmun Carol B. Pack Ms. Karen Packer Mary L. Pagliarello Mr. & Mrs. Jim Palbicki Ms. Ruth Palbicki Sylvia Palbicki Mr. & Mrs. James Palmer Lyelle & Mary Palmer David & Kathy Palmquist Joseph & Julie Palubicki Mildred Palubicki Tammy & Timothy Palubicki Mrs. Mary Pampuch Carmene Pangrac Ms. Sandra Pankratz Ms. Joan Papenfuss Barbara Parent Mr. & Mrs. Bob Parham Mr. & Mrs. Fred Parpart Larry & Carol Partington Mrs. Janet Pasche Dorothy M. Paskiewicz Ralph & Marjorie Passe Ms. Teresa M. Paszkiewicz Mr. & Mrs. Mark Patterson Mr. George Paul Mr. Robert Pavek Mr. & Mrs. John Pedretti Gabe & Karen Pehler Family Mark & Marie Gernes Ms. Barbara Pellowski Mr. & Mrs. Dave Pellowski

Liz & Donald Pellowski Ms. Becky Pelowski Mr. Dan W. Pelowski Delores Pelowski Richard Pelowski Lisa Pelowski-Black Samantha Pelowski-Black Mr. David Pendleton Ron & Cindy Peplinski Mrs. Nick Perrella Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Peshon Kenneth & Coleen Peterman Mrs. Donna Peterson Judge & Mrs. Duane M. Peterson Mrs. Eloise Peterson Kathy & Bill Peterson Rita M. Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Steve Peterson Normagene M. Pettersen Mrs. Beatrice Petz Ms. Diane V. Petz Ms. Jackie Petz Tom Pfeifer Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Pflughoeft Mr. & Mrs. Richard Pflughoeft Fred & Liz Picha Cindy Pickering Gerry Piechowski Eileen T. Piel Steve & Linda Pierce Fred Pilger Esther E. Pittelko Mr. & Mrs. Tom Plachecki Mr. Joseph E. Plaisance Eileen M. Plinski Margaret & Kenneth Poblocki Cornella P. Podjaski Mac & Rhonda Pohn Ms. Cora-May Polachek Dorothy A. Pollema Nancy Polson Jean Polus Ms. Diann Pomeroy Leonard & Shirley Pomeroy Mr. & Mrs. Ricky Popp Mr. & Mrs. Bob Poss Daryl & Beverly Potter Mr. & Mrs. John M. Potter Darlene Pozanc Mark & Barbara Pozanc Tim Pozanc Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Prenatt Irene M. Price Patricia Price Joyce & Kenneth Prigge William Prill Mrs. Leona Pritchard Mrs. Mary Prochowitz Dave & Nancy Prodzinski Mrs. & Mr. Mike Prondzinski Ms. Lewyelln Prondzinski Judith Pronk Stanley & Arlene Prosen Pearl Prudoehl Mr. & Mrs. Allan Pruka


Mrs. Irene Pruka Jeanette M. Pruka Ms. Karine Pruka Johanna E. Przybylski Mark & Peggy Przybylski John Przytarski Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Putz Mr. & Mrs. Leo Putzier Ms. Bettie Raciti Paul L. Rader Mr. Wayne Radsek Velda G. Rahn Ms. Ruth Rahn Arnett Mr. & Mrs. Donald Rakstad Rita Ramczyk Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Ramsdell James J. Randa Lee Randall Mrs. Carl J. Raphael Russell R. Rattunde Robert & Jean Raz Mrs. Kathy Redig Mr. Wilfrid Redig Bruce & Mary Reeck Mr. & Mrs. Tom Reeck Bruce & Grace Reed Ms. Julie Reed Jacque H. Reidelberger William & Randi Reinarts Rebecca J. Reinarts Jim Reisdorf Dale Reishus Mrs. Polly Renk Mr. & Mrs. Don Repinski Ms. Dorothy Reps Ms. Karen Resch Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ressie Ms. Kathleen Ressie Ms. Elizabeth Rholl Mrs. Romadel Rian Ms. Donna Rice Elizabeth Richter Family Ms. Delores Rieger Doreen Rieger Ms. Eunice H. Rihs Lavonne & Duane Ringler Dan Rinn Ms. Deb Rinn Susan M. Rislove Mrs. Renata Rislow Mrs. Gladys Ristow Dave & Kayla Ritter Barbara T. Rivers Ms. Jodi Rivers Mr. Mike Rivers Sue Rivers Ted & Anne Roberton Mrs. Helen Roberton Mr. & Mrs. John P. Roche Barbara Rockwell & Walter Ayotte Susan & R. Peter Roehl Chris C. Roffler, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Curtis Rohrer Bernard Rolfing Bev Romine

Greg Rommes Mike & Anne Rompa Mrs. Joanne Rompa Rita K. Rompa Mrs. Marjorie Ronnenberg Bob & Darlene Roraff Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Rossa Michael Rossin Robert Rossin Donna Rothbarth Mrs. Florence Rother Selma J. Rott Etta A. Rowan Dr. David & Betsy Rowekamp RTP Company John & Bonnie Ruben Dan & Pat Rukavina Amy & John Rukavina Mara Rukavina Mr. David Rymarkiewicz Kim & Sandy Sackreiter Mr. & Mrs. William Saehler St. John’s Dorcas Society St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church St. Rose of Lima Missionary Society Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Salisbury Mrs. Ralph Salisbury Rollie & Gloria Salling Lila & Elden Salwey Mr. & Mrs. Don Salyards Donna Sammann Ms. Rosemary Sampsell Mrs. Dorothy M. Sanders Mr. & Mrs. Morris N. Sandvig Verlie Sather Carol & Thomas Sauerer Ms. Betsy Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Sawyer Dr. Ann Sawyer & Mr. Neil Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Dale Schaffner Ms. Bonita Scharmer Mrs. Mildred E. Scharmer Craig & Paula Scheevel Mr. Edwin Schell Mrs. Rita Schell Randolph J. Schenkat Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scherer Carol Schewe Mr. & Mrs. Steve Schild Mr. & Mrs. David Schmidtknecht Mrs. B.J. Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Jule Schneider Julie R. Schneider Ms. Lucile Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Schneider Dr. & Mrs. Eugene Schoener Mr. & Mrs. Greg Schoener Doris R. Schoenike Jeanne M. Schoening Estate Ms. Tina Schott Mr. Earl Schreiber Mr. Donald Schroeder John Schueler Harold & Carol Schuh Mrs. Cecilia M. Schuh

Frances K. Schuldt Mrs. Ann Schultz Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Schultz Betty J. Schultz Brian Schultz Joe Schultz, Jr. Karen L. Schultz Rachelle & Bob Schultz Mrs. Sally Schultz Sharon F. Schultz Vivian Schultz Mr. Frank E. Schulz Mrs. Florence Schumacher Kenneth F. Schumann

Betty J. Senty Mr. & Mrs. James Serva Ms. Amy Serwa Jerry & Nita Serwa Mr. & Mrs. Paul Serwa MaryAnn & Tom Severson Mark Sexton David A. Shanrock Mrs. Marvin Shaw Mr. Warren Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shay Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sherman Mrs. Evelyn E. Shiel

Dawn Singer Brian & Betty Singer-Towns Ms. Eleanor Sitek Jim & Barbara Skeels Ms. & Mr. Jean Skime Barb & Steve Slaggie Mr. Tom Slaggie Mr. Darryl Smelser Mr. Keith Smelser Mrs. Anastasia Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gary Smith Judy Smith Lori & Roosevelt Smith Susanne & Donald Smith


ear Friends,

On behalf of all of our neighbors who were negatively impacted by the recent floods in Southeast Minnesota, thank you for your gift of $50,000 to the “Winona Area Flood Disaster Fund.” We appreciate your generosity, but even more, we appreciate your thoughtfulness. It’s been a very difficult time for many people, and knowing that so many people are thinking about us is heartwarming. In partnership with community leaders and our area United Way colleagues, we will use these funds to provide long-term relief for unmet needs of the people who have been affected. On the long road to rebuilding and recovery, we will ensure that people will receive the help they need through organizations who have the ability to provide these services. Again, thank you for your kindness. It is appreciated. Gratefully, Beth Forkner Moe Executive Director United Way of the Greater Winona Area P.S. This incredibly generous gift will make a difference in the lives of many people in this region. We are lucky to have Winona Health as a partner in our community.

Mr. & Mrs. Milton F. Schumann Kim & Pete Schwab Marilyn Schwab Marian Schwantz Richard S. Schwartz Lou Anne Schwarz Dr. Cullen & Julieanne Schwemer Ms. & Mr. Brenda Scott Marcella M. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Charles Scovil Corrie Searles Linda & Jerrie Seibert

Ms. Mae Shortridge Karen & Tom Sibenaller Ms. Lillian T. Siebenaler Lynn Siebenaler Audrey W. Sieracki Ms. Gloria Siewert Ms. Sandra Siewert Mr. & Mrs. Larry Simmons Mr. & Ms. Milton Simon Miss Lois A. Simons Ms. Barbara Sims Leslie A. Sines Sr.

Ms. Sydney Smith Carol Snidarsic & Jody Sue Boyle Dawn E. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Wilfred Snyder Ms. Arlene Sobeck Gene & Shirley Sobeck Ms. Clarice B. Solberg The Sorannos Ms. Lilly Somers Sometimes 8 Catherine B. Sorom Beverly A. Spande

Mr. & Mrs. Art Speltz Ms. Carolyn Speltz Don & Rosemary Speltz Lucille M. Speltz Mr. & Mrs. Pete Speltz Mr. & Mrs. Terry Speltz Lillian E. Spencer Ms. Carol Spiten Mr. & Mrs. Rick Spitzer Kathleen & Bill Squires Mr. Alan Stachowitz Keith Stachowitz Traci L. Stachowitz Donna & Jerry Stackhouse Donna M. Stackhouse Eleanore Stahl Phyllis B. Staige Gerald & Eleanor Stalka Shirley M. Stanford Raelene Stanislawski Robert J. Stark Sr. Ms. Susan Stark Ms. Sis Starzecki Ms. Barbara A. Steele Ms. Mary Steffenhagen Ms. Sondra Steffenhagen Carol Steinfeldt Mr. & Mrs. Warren Steinfeldt Jerry & Jo Stejskal Arlene B. Stender Mr. Calvin Stettler Joel & Joy Stevens Ms. Mary Stevens Ms. Teresa M. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Stier Dr. & Mrs. Tom Stoa Mrs. & Mr. Shirley Stock Shelly L. Stockhausen Ms. Mona Stolpa Terry Stolpa Christine & Larry Stoltman Leona H. Stoltman Mrs. Mary Stoos Mrs. Laura Stover Mrs. Lois E. Streich Bruce Streng James E. Stueve Sharon Stumpf Mary L. Stutzka Ms. Judy Styba Sohail & Feryal Subhani Sugar Loaf Ford Lincoln Mercury Mrs. Mary Jane Sula Dick & Barb Sulack John & Rita Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Raymond A. Sultze Maureen & Larry Sutton Phyllis A. Swanson Ms. Mary E. Swart Patty Sweet Jeanne Tanamachi & Family Ms. Brenda Terpstra Mary Teska Tim & Cindy Teske Mr. & Mrs. William Tews

Winona Health Community Report 2007 The 1953 Lunch Bunch Mrs. Alice F. Theis Mr. James S. Theis Ms. Jean Theis Mr. John F. Theis Shirley A. Theis Shelly L. Theisen Lynn & David Theurer Ms. Ella Thiele Marian R. Thiewes Trust Mrs. Bonnie Thill Rita Thill Kevin Thode Ms. Holly Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Joel Thompson Lorraine Thompson Schelly & Tim Thompson Thomas & Chrisine Thomsen Norma & Russell Thorn Thrivent Financial for LutheransEast Winona County Chapter Mr. David Thrune Mr. & Mrs. Ray Thrune Mr. & Mrs. Al Thurley Phyllis M. Thurley Ms. Lavonne Tibesar Mrs. Rose Tieman Donna E. Ties Mrs. Esther Tillman Mrs. Isabelle Timm Yvonne M. Tindal Mr. & Mrs. Howard Tobak Dave Toepke Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tolleson Mrs. Dorothy Tomashek Patricia Tomforde Elizabeth & Frank Took Alice Torgerson Mrs. Nancy Toulou Dan Jr. & Joanne Trainor Karen & Dave Trickett Family Fund of the Winona Community Foundation Mrs. Evelyn Tripp Hilda Trochta Bela Trubacek Sandra Tschida Edith & Byrle Tschumper Mr. & Mrs. Delwin Tschumper Mrs. Bernice Tulius Marion E. Tulius Gloria Tullius Mrs. Joan Tullius Earl Tumlinson Mr. Brad Turner & Dr. Ellyn English Harriet A. Turner Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner Mrs. Dan Tushner David Tveten Harriet A. Tweedy Diane Ulbrech Kathleen Ulbrich Dorothy K. Ulrich United Methodist Women - Lake City United Way of Greater Winona Karen & Ed Urbick

June Urness June & Frank Utecht Edward & Elaine Valentine Marian Vanderzee Mrs. Cheryl Vaughn Dolores & Myles Vaughn Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vaughn Stephanie Vaughn Drs. Durga & Santhi Vege Penny & Kenneth Venus Ms. Teri Verbeet Verizon Foundation Ms. Judi Veronese Gladys I. Vetsch Lyla M. Vetter Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Vick Ms. Marlene Viestenz Lisa J. Vieth Stuart B. Virnig Carol Voelker Jane & Michael Voelker Darrell & Patti Volkman Mr. & Mrs. Rory Vose Mr. & Mrs. Joe Wachowiak Mildred Wachowiak Beth Wadewitz Betty L. Wadewitz Mr. & Mrs. David Wagner Mark S. Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Charles Waldo Mrs. Ellie Waldorf Wal-Mart Supercenter Kris Walters Doris E. Walther Walz Buick-Pontiac-GMC Jack N. Walz, Sr. Phyllis A. Walz Ms. Renee J. Walz Pat Wanek Dorothy & Edmund Wantock Ms. Betsie Ward Matt & Michelle Wardwell Mr. Owen Warnke & family Mr. & Mrs. David Wason Watkins Incorporated Barbara A. Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Bartlette G. Weaver Mr. Norman Weaver Mr. & Mrs. Ian Webster Eileen Wedge Keri A. Wegman Mrs. Joan B. Wehlage Richard Weilandt Ms. Susan Weiner David & Bette Weinmann Patricia & James Welch Mr. & Mrs. Joseph R. Welch Ms. Jean Welk Cindy & Fred Welke Jack Wera Mrs. Gladys Wershofen Rita & Robert Wessel Loretta Westlund Mrs. Jean Whalen Jeanne Whetstone

Mr. & Mrs. Lyle Whetstone Mary Whillock Arlene White Ms. Sheri White Sharon Wicka Annette F. Wieczorek Mrs. Elaine Wieczorek Mary & William Wieczorek Rosemary Wieczorek Holli & Mark Wieser Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wilke Dick & Jaci Will Ann Williamson Karen Williamson Nancy & Lloyd Williamson, Jr. Mary & Stanley Wilma Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Wilmot Eunice B. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Wilson Ruth Wilson Mrs. Mary J. Wiltgen Barbara & Calvin Winbush Rosemary A. Winczewski Bob & Virginia Winestorfer Mary C. Winkelman Winmar Sleep Center Winnebago Council No. 11 Winona Area Quilter’s Guild Winona Community Foundation Winona Elks Lodge No. 327 Winona Fire Department Relief Association Winona Health Auxiliary Winona Health Cardiac Rehabilitation Staff Winona Health Food & Nutrition Services Winona National Bank Winona Noon Lions Club Winona Rivertown Lions Club Winona Sunset Lions Club Ms. Shirley Wise Mr. & Mrs. Andy Wobschall Wohletz Law Office Dolores Wojciechowski Ms. Francine A. Wojciechowski Ms. Mary Wojciechowski Teresa A. Wojciechowski Duane & Edwina Wolfe Mrs. Marjorie Wolfe Marvin & Pamela Wolfmeyer Alma Wollin Mr. Hilbert Wollin Women’s Fellowship of First Congregational Church Cecelia Wondrow Connie Wood Mr. & Mrs. Jim Wood Beverly F. Wos Minnie Wright Tom Wunderlich Romadel Rian & Warren Wunderlich Xaisoua Xiong Mrs. Eugene C. Young Mark R. Young

James E. Youngs Mr. & Mrs. Jim Zaborowski Ms. Mary J. Zbylicki Kim Dehlin Zeiher Mr. Nick Zeller Mr. & Mrs. Brian Zeller Mr. & Mrs. David Ziegeweid Donald A. Ziegler Ila M. Zieman Ms. Carole Zierden David Zimmerman Brian Zmolek Mrs. Mildred Zolondek Mr. Tom Zukowski

In Honor of Dick Baylon & Mary Lou Stoltman–Wedding Wishes Rosemary & Robert Shoup Celebrating the birth of our two children McLean & Rebecca Benson Betty J. Breitenfeldt Happy Birthday Joyce & Gene Regan Colleen Brenner Happy Birthday Bob Kierlin & Mary Burrichter Mary & William Wieczorek

Bob & Erika Gilbertson Happy Anniversary Mary K. Murphy


Carole A. Gorden Christine & Larry Stoltman Gary L. Haggerty Christine & Larry Stoltman Michelle M. Johanson Christine & Larry Stoltman Mr. & Ms. Richard H. Kalbrener Happy Anniversary Bud & Becky Baechler Family Frani Kieffer Jennifer Olson Mike Knoll Mary Freeman Lake Winona Manor Staff Irene Holden Family Dr. Rebecca Lossen Bev Engel Diane Nelson Rodney Oppriecht

Dr. Thomas J. Casperson Bev Engel

Dr. Peter J. Nelson Community Memorial Hospital Robert & Suzanne Hoodecheck DeeAnn Johnson Ruth & James Moes Winona Health Anesthesia, Surgery, Pre-Anesthesia & Sterilization Staff

Suzanne Cooley & David Echelard Vickie & Jon Cada

Dr. Dennis G. Nolan Christine & Larry Stoltman

Sue Cornwell Community Memorial Hospital

Our Children McLean & Rebecca Benson

Bill Doerer Bob Kierlin & Mary Burrichter

Dr. Daniel Parker August W. Karcher

Linda Duellman–100th Birthday Fern & Joseph J. Greshik

Dr. John R. Peterson Mr. Earl L. Johnson

Louie & Nancy Duellman 50th Anniversary Bob & Duella Murphy

Amy Pronschinske Darleen Loretz

Loretta Bronson Jennifer Olson

Karen & O.J. Fawcett Mary Bergland Jackie & David Mahlke Hugh & Vera Miller RTP Company Robert & JoAnn Franzen 50th Anniversary Lila & Elden Salwey

Dr. Laurel Quinn Bev Engel Dr. Thomas Retzinger Bev Engel Marian Schroeder Jeff T. Breza

36 In memory of the “love of my life” I

ceremony every year and continues to donate in memory of Lois, the “love of his life.”

Schultz, 81, purposely surrounds himself with positive people. For his 80th birthday party, his invitation list was very specific. “I invited all of my friends that knew how to smile,” Schultz chuckled. “I said I didn’t want any long faces.”

Throughout the first year bereavement period, hospice staff follows up with families. During one of Schultz’s visits with Skeels, he experienced just how much she cared. “We were visiting and talking about Lois and my eyes started to mist up. Then I looked at Sheila and her eyes were starting to mist up,” Schultz remembers. “I thought, oh man that is empathy if I have ever seen it!”

n spite of much heartache, Joe Schultz, Jr., has a positive outlook on life. “There is a lot in life to enjoy if you look around,” Schultz said. “If you decide there isn’t, then you’re not going to find it.”

In 2001, Schultz’s wife, Lois, died of cancer, just 13 years after he lost his first wife, Florence, to cancer. Both were nurses for Lake Winona Manor, and both received care from Winona Hospice Services during their final days. Schultz cherishes the care Lois received from hospice, specifically remembering the compassion nurses and friends showed him and his wife during those final moments.

Joe Schultz shares a memory about his beloved wife Lois, a Winona Health nurse.

Their care is just one of the reasons Schultz chooses to donate to hospice through the Tree of Lights campaign. Lois also had served as president of the Hospice volunteers, and Schultz’s special connection with Sheila Skeels, a hospice social worker, are other reasons. Schultz attends the hospice Tree of Lights

Dr. Charles Shepard Rodney Oppriecht

Ms. LeAnn vandenBosch, CNM Vickie & Jon Cada

Karen Sibenaller Jennifer Olson

Kris Walters Jennifer Olson

Albert Smith Anonymous Bev Speltz Mark & Loretta Bronson Betsy Rowekamp Donald & Carol Stone–Wedding Mary & William Wieczorek Dr. James V. Testor Happy Birthday Mary Bergland Carl & Marilou Kiehnbaum Mary K. Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Jake Walther 50th Anniversary Carole Forest Mrs. Shirley Sobeck Winona Health Laboratory Staff Drs. Durga & Santhi Vege Winona Health Physicians Goltz Pharmacy Winona Health Surgery Staff Mark & Loretta Bronson

But, there is one thing he has learned for sure: bitterness about the past only hurts yourself, because no one will want to be around you. “There are two ways that you can look at things,” Schultz said. “You can look back and grow bitter or you can look ahead and grow better; that’s your choice.”

In Memory of Georgine H. Anderson Mary Jane Sula Elizabeth “Betty” Jane Anfinson Florence Bayers Ruth & Frank Bures Dave & Kathy Christenson Dee & George Cipov Margaret A. Cross Judy Durfey Curtis & Barbara Mihm Robert & Marlene Overpeck Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard Christopher & Wendy Sommers Jim & Betsie Wheeler Sophia Arnoldy Ed & Jane Kohner

Schultz enjoys filling his life with positive experiences. He loves to travel and is an avid reader. He volunteers at the local elementary school, listening to first graders read and helping them sound out words. Schultz said that he has a very inquisitive mind, but knows he couldn’t possibly live long enough to learn everything he’d like to know.

Erwin F. Bachler Louise G. & Steven Bachler Raymond Bagniewski, Sr. Mercille Bagniewski Maribeth & Jim Bedtke Brenda & Mark Edwards Ronald & Patricia Pavek Dorothy L. Bangert Susan & Robert Briggs Dee & George Cipov Beth Nelson Grace M. Banicki Dick & LaVonne Ozmun Thomas “Rocco” Barth Community Memorial Hospital Jane & Edward Kohner Jean Polus

Donald W. Bauer Sandy & Bruce Bauer Community Memorial Hospital Gertrude M. Bauer Sandy Newhouse Rosemary A. Bernatz Gloria M. Ames Jack Andresen Eleanor Bambenek Phoebe C. Bambenek Fred R. Bauer, Jr. & Alison Young Lorraine E. Bauer C. Bell Mr. Leonard L. Bernatz Vic & Bonnie Bertel Ed & Linda Blankenberger Betty J. Breitenfeldt Rosetta & Richard Brown Ms. Kelley A. Burke Pat Burke

Winona Health Community Report 2007 Connie Buswell Gloria & Karl Conrad Betty Darby Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Degallier Joyce Ehlers Lynn & Dale Engrav Lyndie L. Fabian Matt & Lori Feuerhelm Kathy A. Fitzgerald Nancy Frenette Bernice Gates-Parkin Charlotte Gepner Tom & Peggy Graham Lorraine Griesel Bergetta & Marvin Gunderson Paul Harvey & Mary King Herbert & Barbara Hultgren Donald, Florence & Annette Kaufman Marilou & Carl Kiehnbaum Stan & Florence Knopick Dorothy & Francis Losinski Donald Matthees Patricia A. McGuire Gary & Linda Meier Mary E. Mueller Mary Nathe Tom Nelson & Joan McGill Joseph & Susie Nienow Judge & Mrs. Duane M. Peterson Kathy & Bill Peterson Liz Picha Marge & Ken Poblocki Joyce & Gene Regan Irene & Richard Renk George & Jerry Schneider Harold & Carol Schuh Frances K. Schuldt Mr. & Mrs. David Selke Rosemary & Robert Shoup Carol Snidarsic & Jody Sue Boyle Dawn Snyder Dr. James & Mary Testor Luella Trites Michael & Jane Voelker

Jack Brandes Carole & David Forest Mickey Kulas, Dave, Karen & Whitney Fern Brandt Sandy & Bruce Bauer Laura Brandt Sandy & Bruce Bauer Tom Brekke His Family Ms. Linda Carlson Jean A. Daniels International Business Machines Corporation William & Colette Miles William Brommerich Michael & Julie Smith Brianna Rose Bronk Mothers of Multiples Joseph Edward Bronk Mothers of Multiples Edna Brose Carol Byrne Community Memorial Hospital Bernice Hayes Dale & Susan Krageschmidt Bernice Matzke Carol & Rich Nelsestuen Michael & Jeanine Ransom Lyall W. Brown Beth Nelson Shirley M. Brown Robert & Suzanne Hoodecheck Arlene Sobeck Jo Dee Bruening Peter Bruening

William F. Beseler Community Memorial Hospital Equality Die Cast, Inc.

Ken Brunn Kris & Rick Cichon

Bert A. Beyerstedt Barbara Ramer

Robert V. Bublitz, Sr. Judy & Jerry Whetstone

Floyd Bischel Doris Anderson Jean Schmidt

Shirley Buchan Judy Benson Wayne Benson Julian Hamerski Anita & Charles Mettille

Greg Bowker Carol Byrne Community Memorial Hospital Bernice H. Brand Jim & Elna Goodman

Jane Buchmiller Bob & Duella Murphy Tim Burchill Gary & Ellen Evans Joyce O. Locks Dennis & Becky McGann

Daniel Burt Community Memorial Hospital Robert W. Byrne Community Memorial Hospital Lacey Cada Vickie & Jon Cada Randy C. Canfield Community Memorial Hospital Rockwell Carlson Herb & Ruby Highum Dr. John R. Peterson Myrtle Carpenter Carole Forest Shirley Sobeck Samuel Cichanowski Mrs. Mary Jane Sula Donald Cieminski Duella & Robert Murphy Gerald ‘Jerry’ Cisewski Mickey Kulas, Dave, Karen & Whitney Dr. John M. Cross Conway & Beth Elton Richard & Nancy Waldo Margaret A. Cross Downtown Dental Joan & Joseph J. Greshik Joseph S. Greshik Betty & Jerry Kruesel Richard & Nancy Waldo Ione Crutchfield Gayla Clemons Michael Daly Edward & Patricia Berkley Vera & Hugh Miller Larry & Margaret Olesen Michael & Julie Smith Winona National Bank Richard Daniels Cletus & Pat Hanson Barbara W. Davis John & Glenda Erdmann Edward G. Davis Community Memorial Hospital Father Dan R. Dernek The Andersen Family Chris & Harley Antoff Carol Byrne Dee & George Cipov Rev. Richard J. Dernek

Tom & Peg Graham Jim & Shannon Hanzel Jaci & Dick Will Carmie Deters Mr. Allen Deters Vivian B. Dickson Jim & Shannon Hanzel Carol & Jim Neppl Richard & Mary Schneider Leon P. Edel Sharon E. Budnick Richard Eichhorst June M. Eichhorst Alvin “Stormy” Ekern Judy K. Barth Audrey Smith Victor W. Erdmann The Erdmann Family: Gladys, Doris, Carol, Jean, Kent, Dean, Vic Jr., Kathy & Families Ann & Brian Junker Rose Eustice Gloria & Karl Conrad Thelma Fischer Phoebe C. Bambenek Jerry & Ruth Dalleska Dee Neal Marcia Hilgendorf & Don Kiekbusch Eugene & Evelyn O’Brien Elly Fitzloff Pete & Betty Fitzloff Linn J. Florin Beth Nelson Helen C. Friese Arlene Neitzke Helen Gora Gora Family Irene Greden Gloria & Karl Conrad Harold & Carol Schuh Edwin Greethurst Louise & Steven Bachler Fern Greshik Joseph S. Greshik Robert Griesel Jeffery & Helga Hegard Wayne Habeck Sharon E. Budnick

Betty Hagan Gerald & Peg Cada


Patricia Hanson John & Monica Abramaitys Sandra Abramaitys Greg & Mary Bambenek Michael & Cathy Bellesbach John & Jacqueline Bertling Hermie Boland Robert & Mary Borgen Jody Boyle Judith A. Brugger Lawrence & Cynthia Burt Locke & John Coleman Community Memorial Hospital Sam Czaplewski Sandy & Don Evanson Family & Friends John & Chris Fitzgerald Sharon & Richard Flatten Ernest & Lorna Fratzke Arlene E. Goetz Kristina Gottschalk Darrin & Kris Graham Richard & Cheryl Graham Peg & Tom Graham David & Elizabeth Guenther Cletus A. Hanson Jeffrey & Shannen Hanson Carol & Jim Hill Celesta Hoffman Jim & Mary Jean Ives Lyle & Margaret Jacobson Dale & Barbara Johnson Kurt & Sandy Kramer Tom & Phyllis Kukowski Francis Lappier Mary & Ron Loftness Steven & Laure Maki Theresa & Peter McCamley Mark & Ann Merchlewitz Roger & Ramona Metz Evelyn Modjeski Geraldine Modjeski William & Beth Moe Deborah Moran Dan L. Mounce Jeffrey & Jill Murphy Gerald & Patricia Neal Beth Nelson Rodney Oppriecht Ivie & Michele Popplewell & Family Robert & Susan Priem Stanley & Arlene Prosen Bruce & Mary Reeck Karen & Ernie Rossa RTP Company Faye Schoen Mike & Darlene Sherman Bob & Rosemary Shoup Rod Sines Nola & Gary Skappel Michael & Julie Smith Carol Snidarsic

Robert & Beverly Stein Christine & Larry Stoltman Michael & Heather Terry Loretta & Norbert Thrune, Jr. Scott & Sharon Tolleson Diane Ulbrech Ed & Karen Urbick Stan & Dorothy Walch Martin & Mary Wanderscheid Amy Welch Dan Welch Joan Welch Joe & Kara Welch Holli & Mark Wieser Michael & Mary Yazvec Yellow Cab of Winona, Inc.

Ruth L. Hopf Jeanne Boller Bergetta & Marvin Gunderson Warren Wunderlich & Romadel Rian Elvira Hoppe Norma Biwer Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Hostettler Ruth, Mark, & Will Streater William Hostettler Ruth, Mark, & Will Streater Rena Hotopp Sandy & Bruce Bauer

Merchants Bank Romey Rian Frances K. Schuldt Virginia Soenke Winona State University Foundation

Logan Kasey Kessler Community Memorial Hospital

Carole Gardner Monica L. Harrell Jane & George Henthorne Gerard & Marie Janikowski Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kalmes Jane & Edward Kohner Florence M. Kohner Jeff & Elaine Kohner Marcella Langowski James & Billymae Leaman Michael Libera Gladys & Gerlad Manion John H. Michalowski Richard & Barb Niemeyer Jane Ochrymowycz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pellowski Pat Przybylski Gene & Phyllis Speltz K.C. Speltz Larry & Karen Stuart Jack & Shirley Walters

E. L. Kintzle Mary Kintzle

Elizabeth Korte Mary Ann Duellman

Mary Jean Kinzie Eileen & Larry Arnoff Penelope Breitlow Greg & Amy Goodland John Goodland & Karen Kinzie Goodland Kay E. Kinzie Pam Kinzie Alan & Mary K. Klein Debra J. Norton Nancy B. & Matthew B. Peoplis Judge & Mrs. Duane M. Peterson Kim Rasmussen Romey Rian Connie & John Roche Dorothy M. Sanders Betsy Sawyer Frances K. Schuldt Jack & Gerri Taylor

Marie Kowahl Cathy Fangman Clarence Kowahl

Bernadine Kammerer Anita & Charles Mettille Harriet J. Kelley Norma Grausnick Eunice H. Rihs Betsy J. Kendrick Downtown Dental Brooke M. Kessler Community Memorial Hospital


would like to thank everyone who is involved in the funding of the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund. It is nice to know that there are such caring people in this world … I will try to contribute to this fund in the future so I can help others. ~A grateful patient

Herbert A. Hassinger Gloria Hassinger Doris M. Helgemoe Mickey Kulas, Dave, Karen & Whitney Clarence J. Hemmelman, Sr. Ivie & Michele Popplewell & Family

Victor K. Huff Virginia Huff Judy & Jerry Whetstone William Hungerholt Dicky Hungerholt Dorothy Husman Sharon E. Budnick

Evelyn A. Hennessy Barb & Carl Bambenek Cletus A. Hanson

Kriste Irverson’s Husband Cletus A. Hanson

Dorothy E. Henry Pearl Prudoehl

Dr. Raymond J. Jahimiak Community Memorial Hospital

Russell & Arvilla Herbert Judy & Jerry Whetstone

Dr. George Joyce, DDS Jim & Shannon Hanzel Bob & Deb Leaf Dennis & Becky McGann

Michael Heth Community Memorial Hospital Irene Holden John & Penny Breitlow Lisa Holden Campos David & Mary Jo Holden

Richard Kaiser Community Memorial Hospital Helen (Nan) A. Kalbrener Bud & Becky Baechler Family Mary K. Glubka Judith Kalbrener

Leon W. Knapp Hermie Boland Emer T. Knutson Community Memorial Hospital Marie Kohner Terry L. Austin Wilma J. Austin Tom & Betty Barth Mal & Patti Becker Jerry & Joan Beier Art & Nancy Bohlsen Raymond & Dyann Cierzan Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Drake Robert & Susan Edel Joan & Harold Engstrom Marvin & Lolly Fritz Michael & Trudie Fruetel Jean Galewski

Rich Kraemer Nora Kraemer Dale A. Krieger Beth Nelson Pat & Paul Kronebusch Paula & Dennis Trevor Delores Kruse Randi & Bill Reinarts Jerry & Joan Zenke Joan ‘Josie’ Kubicek Ann & Jim Drier Gene Kaehler Leona Kujak Carol Snidarsic & Jody Sue Boyle Blanche Kustelski Kustelski Family Carole & David Forest Michael & Denise Mullen Gene & Shirley E. Sobeck Winona County Old Settlers Association William Lander William & Anna Herbert Louis C. Landman Kenneth & Irene Boldt Hazel Larson Community Memorial Hospital

Leland Zebe “Swede” Larson Adam R. Larson & Family Blair W. Larson & Family Garrick Z. Larson & Family Martha E. Larson Olga Lees Richard Brown Anita D. Lind Donna J. Boyum Henry & Audrey Deblon Leone Deedrick Joan Erdmann Family of Anita D. Lind Dan & Erika Lind Dave & Karla Lind Doug & Becky Lind Susie Lind Robin J. Hoeg Virginia “Vicky” Lofquist Ann & Brian D. Junker Lily Lowe Vicki & Dennis Decker Daniel “Pete” Lowery Tom & Rosemary Griffithe Jerry & Mary Lowery Leona Lubinski Billy & Shirley Benedict Hazel Casey Cytec Engineered Materials Inc. Carol & Robert Ellings Dennis & Barbara Hannon Jean Lubinski Bob & Sandy Lubinski Arlene Neitzke Judge & Mrs. Duane M. Peterson Arlene Sobeck Randy & Christine Streukens Andreas Luecke Michael & Julie Smith Leroy ‘Butch’ Luksa Anonymous Eugene Marg RTP Company Beatrice Markey Cletus A. Hanson Rita Martel Nellie Abramaitys Cletus & Pat Hanson Betty Schreiber Betty Martin Clair Martin Family

Winona Health Community Report 2007 Phyllis A. McClenathan Anonymous Lucy Dunn Renee Isakson Lewiston Sportsmen’s Club Dean McClenathan Lois J. McElhiney Linda & Tom McLintock Michael A. Schlossin Frediette E. McKinley Beth Nelson Frank N. Menzel Mickey Kulas, Dave, Karen & Whitney Bob & Virginia Winestorfer Benjamin A. Miller Steven & Laure Maki Ivie & Michele Popplewell & Family Christine & Larry Stoltman Lois M. Miller Robert E. Miller Terry Nilles

Mark Minnie RTP Company

Elizabeth “Betty” R. Murck David & Carole Fratzke

Diane Noeske Susan Hill

Gladys Moger Sharon E. Budnick

Rita Murray Community Memorial Hospital

Lois I. Moran Robert & Muriel Fair Merton Fairchild Mervin & Evelyn Vatland

Marvin J. Mussell Phyllis E. Mussell

Norene A. Oppriecht Rose & Horace J. Andersen William & Sally Baechler Brad & Kathy Benke Penelope Breitlow David & Kathy Christenson Karen & Dennis Cleveland Commonweal Theatre Company Pat & Joan Costello Jane Costello Cyrus Jim & Ann Drier Ruth & James Erickson Karen & O.J. Fawcett Colleen M. Fitzpatrick Kathleen M. Fitzpatrick Tom & Peg Graham Al & Debbie Greenwood Joan & Joseph J. Greshik Bergetta & Marvin Gunderson Carol M. Hanson Jim & Shannon Hanzel Carol & Jim Hill

Stanley Morcomb Phyllis I. Morcomb James E. Morey Community Memorial Hospital

Harry Mutter Vicki & Dennis Decker Paul Nahrgang Extended Family of Irene Nahrgang Diane Newberry Lawrence & Shirley Pflughoeft

Sally Mrozek Sharon & Richard Flatten Donald & Louise Merchlewitz

Erma “Katie” Newman Haryette Newman Family

Von Mueller Vera Mueller

Nellie M. Niemeyer Ed & Jane Kohner


Laura K. Hinson Celesta Hoffman Herbert & Barbara Hultgren Dr. George & Mrs. Mary Joyce Jean & Donald Kalmes Robert A. Kierlin & Mary Burrichter Rich & Bev Lindseth Jackie & David Mahlke Mary Jo McMillan Jane M. Moen Mary K. Murphy Karl & Lila Oppriecht Rodney Oppriecht John & Judith Rethlefsen Dr. David & Betsy Rowekamp Mr. & Mrs. John R. Taylor Karen & David Trickett Carl & Bonnie Troke Earl Tumlinson Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner Keith & Lynne Valiquette Dr. & Mrs. Matt Vetter Richard & Janet Voller Kay & Peter Walsh Richard & Carmella Wittmann

A sense of relief and thankfulness W

orrying about a diagnosis can take its toll on your health, but worrying about how you’re going to pay for medical bills shouldn’t. Finding herself without health insurance, Lisa* was told by her doctor she needed bone and CT scans to help diagnose her medical problem. Before scheduling her tests, Lisa called Winona Health’s Business Office to learn about her payment options. She explained to a patient account representative that she and her husband didn’t have health insurance for the tests she needed, and the representative told Lisa about the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund. This special fund was set up by Benjamin A. Miller in honor of his wife Adith to help individuals cover their medical expenses. Lisa applied to this fund and soon learned she qualified.

In early August Lisa had her first scan at Winona Health, supervised by radiologist Laurel Littrell, MD. “Tanya Carlson, the CT technologist, always told me what to expect and talked with me so I wouldn’t get nervous after each scan,” Lisa said. “Dr. Littrell communicated with my family practice doctor so I knew as quickly as possible what my scan results were.” After Lisa’s scans, Dr. Littrell consulted with a former colleague at Mayo to confirm the results were benign. The special consultation also resulted in financial savings for Lisa who was able to avoid a trip to Mayo for additional testing. Lisa is one of the 291 individuals served by the Ben & Adith Miller Patient Care Fund in 2007. She stated, “For those able to give to the fund, they should know that their gifts are deeply appreciated and needed. My husband and I have never been offered health insurance through our employers, and we simply could not pay for insurance or healthcare on our own.”

“In a time when my family and I were The Ben & Adith Miller Patient worried about what was wrong with Care Fund helped cover the cost me, it was a relief not to add the high of Lisa’s CT scans. cost of my medical bills to our concerns. There were so many decisions to make with little time. Taking In 2007, more than $570,000 was distributed to area away a financial concern freed us up to think about all my individuals and families through the Ben & Adith Miller Patient health questions,” Lisa noted. “I felt such a sense of relief and Care Fund. To learn more about the Ben & Adith Miller Patient thankfulness when I learned I qualified for the Ben & Adith Care Fund, call 507.457.4579. Miller Patient Care Fund.” *To protect the identity of our patient, the name in this story was changed.

Phyllis E. Ordahl Ordahl & Piscitiello Families Pattie Osborne Richard B. Osborne Lucille M. Passehl Sharon E. Budnick David A. Peplinski Ace Self Storage Lori R. Ahrens Chris & Harley Antoff Susan K. Benke Scott & Jane Biesanz Dorothea & Harold Bonertz Boomer’s Quality Plumbing Penelope Breitlow Carol Byrne Dee & George Cipov Hal & Betty Datta Susan J. Day Richard & Martha Drussell Conway & Beth Elton Joseph & Gladys Emanuel Bud & Ramona English Kent & Dawn Erdmann Karen & O.J. Fawcett Philip Feiten Tom & Peg Graham Al & Debbie Greenwood Gertrude & Robert Hahn Cletus A. Hanson Jim & Shannon Hanzel Monica L. Harrell Jeffrey & Cindy Harrison Dennis & Yvonne Johnson Phylliss Mae Johnson Gene Kaehler Karol Kocer Theresa A. Kocer Bob & Deb Leaf Joyce O. Locks Mary Lee & Keith Lovejoy Gary & Linda Meier Stuart & Sheryl Miller Shirley Mounce M. Jerome Nauman Bud & Karen Nystrom Eugene & Evelyn O’Brien Carol A. Orlowske Owen Warneke & Associates Donna Peplinski Kenneth & Coleen Peterman Gordon & Ann Peterson Pleasant Green Townhouse Association Doug & Pattie Potter Dr. David & Betsy Rowekamp John & Nancy Sheridan Barb & Steve Slaggie Carol Snidarsic & Jody Sue Boyle Beverly A. Spande Barbara A. Steele Beverly D. Stein Robert & Beverly Stein

Jerry & Jo Stejskal Dorothy M. Tomten Geraldine S. Williams Jack & Lila Peshon Ken & Mary Kay Peshon Roy E. Peterson Barbara B. Owecke

Roger Przybylski Gerald & Peg Cada Susan J. Day Gary & Ellen Evans Joyce O. Locks Chuck & Patty Nuzum Bud & Karen Nystrom Myrtle C. Rahn Sharon E. Budnick Beth Nelson


am very appreciative to the Miller family as well as to Winona Health [Foundation] for this generous gift. I was at a loss for words when I opened the letter advising me of the determination, and when I recovered, I cried. I must tell you that I am not used to such generosity and understanding. I will never forget the compassion and generosity shown me and will endeavor to donate to the Miller Fund when and if my financial circumstances ever improve. ~A grateful patient Alta M. Polley Phylliss Mae Johnson Eunice H. Rihs

Robert G. Rayfield Dennis & Becky McGann Norman Weaver

James Polley Eunice H. Rihs

Dolis B. Reglin David & Joy Schmidtknecht

John F. Pozanc, Jr. Sharon E. Budnick Merchants Bank

William E. Richter Elizabeth J. Richter & Family

Penny D. Prang Shirley & Michael Eide John & Ramona Litcher Iris M. Pratt Peter & Joyce Woodworth Ervin M. Przybylski Pamela & Marvin Wolfmeyer

Beverly M. Rislove Herb & Ruby Highum Nellye F. Rohlfing Carol Byrne Judith A. Rompa Angel (Pat) Ives Family

Woodrow W. Sasser Carol & Jim Hill

Donald Stellpflug Carol Byrne

Anna Mae Schaffner Doreen Auger Community Memorial Hospital Bev Engel Gary & Ellen Evans Terry Full Dick Gaffron Pam & Al Mueller Scott Van Overbeke Parkview Pharmacy Crew Lindsey Passe Bob & Duella Murphy Leroy H. Schaffner Mary Tarras

Earl Stephans Emily Ofstedahl

Jeanne Schoening Her Family Herb & Ruby Highum

Scott E. Streater Ruth, Mark, & Will Streater

Bill & Beatta Schott Ken & Mary Kay Peshon Freeman Schroeder Barb & Jeff Breza Florence R. Schroth John Scott John J. Schuh Cecilia M. Schuh Sophia Schuh Cecilia M. Schuh La Verne Schwantz Marian Schwantz Kenneth Seebold Susan J. Day LeRoy & Lynn Jasnoch Joyce O. Locks Pearl Prudoehl Todd “Wally” Semling Community Memorial Hospital Amy Rose Sir Sharon & Richard Flatten Donald & Louise Merchlewitz Louise W. Skappel Community Memorial Hospital Jean E. Smith Lois E. Streich Judi Veronese Shirley Smith Normagene M. Pettersen Barbara Rae Starkey Community Memorial Hospital

Dorothy ‘Doris’ Stockhausen Mickey Kulas & Family Hilda L. Storlie Herb & Ruby Highum Joan Strandtmann Sara Beall Mr. & Mrs. Edward G. Streater Ruth, Mark, & Will Streater

Caleb Strobush Community Memorial Hospital Bruce & Mary Reeck Clifford A. Stroinski Sharon E. Budnick Norman Weaver Larry Stuart Bob & Virginia Winestorfer Rita A. Sullivan Yvonne M. Tindal Henrietta Swing Sandra Berzinski Louise Sydlo Armella Pawlak Blanche E. Sydnes Community Memorial Hospital R.G. Mary Keating Walter Tarras, Jr. Cletus A. Hanson William ‘Mr. Tee’ Teegarden, Sr. Gloria M. Ames Jeanne Boller Gretchen Cook Joseph & Gladys Emanuel John & Mary Ann Fuchsel Mr. Eugene Kaehler Rick Murtinger Ruby Teegarden & Family Mary Trautner Bourne Medical Service, Inc. Edna Treder Pearl Prudoehl

Winona Health Community Report 2007 Earl Tumlinson Downtown Dental Carol & Jim Hill Bernice A. Urbick Community Memorial Hospital Jerome Haines & Sherry Reck-Haines Bernice C. Vogel Hermie Boland Vida H. Warnken Cherre & David Pye Anna Marie & Ella Jane Weisbrod Ivie & Michele Popplewell & Family Donald & Lorraine Whetstone Judy & Jerry Whetstone Lorraine Whetstone Family & Friends Ed & Sue Agnew Susan Antoff Diane & Duane Bohn Sharon E. Budnick Carol Byrne Roland & Sharon Clark Community Memorial Hospital Jerry & Marilyn Duellman Alvin Ekern Jean Engler Karen & O.J. Fawcett Marie A. Knoll Pete & Darlene Kuklinski Beth Nelson Mark & Barbara Pozanc Audrey Smith Tammy J. Stiever Carl & Bonnie Troke Norman Weaver Darlene L. Whetstone Gerald Whetstone Marian Whetstone Jaci & Dick Will Winona County Old Settlers Association Ronald Wieczorek Diane M. Becker Beverly Degeorge Doris Drazkowski Derek & Cathryn Espy Richard & Margaret Falls Roger & Ginger Glende Raymond Kamrowski Donald & Louise Merchlewitz Gary & Nila Meyer Don & Liz Pellowski John & Carolyn Vitek Wieczorek Family –Randy, Connie, Kim & Judy Stanley J. Wilma Mary L. Wilma

Wilda Nina Winters LeRoy & Lynn Josnoch

Ben & Adith Miller Classic Contributors

Frances M. Wolfe Community Memorial Hospital Bev Engel

All Trades Service, LLC Arnold-Rukavina Partnership Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. ATR Paul Ballweg Bayer Material Science Bergman Companies, Inc. Cedar Valley Golf Course Cerner Corporation Channel Prime Alliance Corporate Express Digicom, Inc. Donlen Corporation Joseph & Mary Goldberg Steven & Julia Goldberg Goodson Shop Supplies Mike & Joette Gostomski Tom & Peg Graham Grant Thornton, L.L.P. Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center HDR Architecture, Inc. HealthPartners HBC, Inc. JPMorgen Chase Bank

Raymond Yuman John & Dorothy Anderson

Gifts-In-Kind Geral Blanchard Marilyn Bower Kris Cichon Vicki & Dennis Decker Mr. Allen Deters Barb & Scott Fabian First Baptist Church Cletus A. Hanson John R. Heddle Dana Jonsgaard Diane & Jim Kerkenbush Linda Kopecky Judy McElmury Marianne & Don Morrison William Prill RTP Company Ms. Lynn Siebenaler Leona H. Stoltman Betty L. Wadewitz Wal-Mart Supercenter Watkins Incorporated Winona Area Quilter’s Guild Winona County Developmental Achievement Center Winona National Bank

Winona Health Service Gifts

The following Winona Health employees chose to direct a gift to the Winona Health Foundation as a way to celebrate their service anniversaries. Doreen Auger, 5 years Olga Draskoci-Johnson, 10 years Paula Drumm, 20 years Barbara Bass, 20 years Dorothy Evanson, 25 years Jean Ann Fossey, 25 years Julie A. Galewski, 5 years Helen Jacobson, 25 years DeeAnn Johnson, 5 years Kris Lawson, 5 years Lorrie Lewis, 5 years Sarah Melde, 5 years Dr. Carlos Morales, 5 years Pam Mueller, 30 years Dr. John G. Mulrooney, 35 years Sheryl Stockhausen, 10 years Cynthia & Timothy Teske, 10 years Amy Tiedemann, 5 years

Kaplan, Strangis & Kaplan, P.A. Robert A. Kierlin & Mary Burrichter Kraus-Anderson Construction Company Thomas E. Markey Peter & Theresa V. McCamley Merchants Bank Roger & Ramona Metz Hugh & Vera Miller Miller Felpax Corporation Wm. Miller Scrap Iron & Metal Co The Minneapolis Foundation NXC Imaging/Toshiba John & Suzanne Onken PPG Industries, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Curtis Rohrer RTP Company Rachelle & Bob Schultz Schwab LLC SGL Carbon Group Steve & Barb Slaggie Family Sodexho Health Care Services Solvay Advanced Polymers Sport & Spine Physical Therapy of Winona, Inc. Ralph Strangis Travelers Victrex USA, Inc.


Vision Design Group W&C Printing Wells Fargo Bank Wells Fargo Bank Fund of the Winona Community Foundation WHV, Inc. WinCraft, Incorporated Winona Agency Winona Clinic, Ltd. Winona Excavating Company Winona Lighting Winona National Bank Winona Radiology LLC Xcel Energy Zurich American Insurance Company

Circle of Visionaries


he Circle of Visionaries is comprised of individuals who have designated a future gift to the Winona Health Foundation in their estate plans. Through such gifts, members of the Circle of Visionaries help ensure the future of community-based healthcare for the greater Winona area. Jack Andresen Scott & Jane Biesanz Dave & Shirley Binius Steve & Ann Blue Judith R. Bodway Susan J. Day Vicki L. Decker Gary & Ellen Evans Robert & Erika Gilbertson Joseph J. and Joan Greshik Roy H. Knoll Beverly A. Larson Roger & Ramona Metz

Ken & Sally Mogren Joliene W. Olson Jeffrey & Pam Prenatt Ruth & Douglas B. Robinson Susan & R. Peter Roehl Robert & Rachelle Schultz Dr. Charles & Judy Shepard Royal & Lucille Thern Mark S. Wagner Jack M. “Butch” & Barb Walz Jack N. Walz Barbara & Calvin Winbush Leslie R. Woodworth

Gifts from the heart

Contributions to the Winona Health Auxiliary The Winona Health Auxiliary supports the good work of Winona Health through a variety of activities and events including Holiday Happiness, Fantasy of Trees, the Glady D. Miller Gift Shop and more. In addition, the Auxiliary recieves gifts to celebrate happy occasions and to memorialize loved ones. The names listed in this section reflect gifts made between October 1, 2006, and September 30, 2007, to the Winona Health Auxiliary Happy Occasion and Remembrance Funds.

In Memory of

Haryette Newman has volunteered more than 9,500 hours for the Winona Health Auxiliary


aryette Newman feels that volunteering does a great deal for patients, but it does even more for her. She always had been interested in volunteering for Winona Health’s Community Memorial Hospital (CMH) after she retired. An administrative assistant for Benjamin A. Miller almost 30 years ago, Haryette believed in supporting her local healthcare system the same way Ben did. So, at age 64, she began volunteering in the Glady D. Miller Gift Shop, helped set up for Holiday Happiness and worked at the escort desk, where she enjoyed taking patients to surgery and delivering flowers to new moms in the Family Birth Center. When Haryette’s vision problems began to progress, she was determined to continue volunteering. After reading the Volunteer Voice, the Winona Health Auxiliary’s quarterly newsletter, Haryette answered the call to knit hats for the babies born at CMH. Twenty years after responding to that request, Haryette is still knitting baby hats despite her vision problems—knitting by touch rather than sight. “I feel a great sense of satisfaction in doing good for others,” said Haryette. “I’ve always received wonderful care at Winona Health, and I really believe in the importance of supporting your local healthcare system and giving back. Dr. Parker and Dr. Fenske have always been so good to me.” Haryette has volunteered more than 9,500 hours for the Winona Health Auxiliary. Although she has never officially counted, she believes she has knitted more than 1,000 hats for CMH newborns. “Volunteering does a lot for a person,” Haryette emphasized, “because the feeling you get in doing good never leaves your heart.”

Merle Cocker Candi & Steve Kohner Marie Kohner Candi & Steve Kohner Lily Lowe Sharon & Richard Flatten Harry Mutter Sharon & Richard Flatten David A. Peplinski Sharon & Richard Flatten Nellye F. Rohlfing Carol Byrne Etta A. Rowan Candi & Steve Kohner Donald Stellpflug Carol Byrne Mary Trautner Sharon & Richard Flatten Milton J. Wernecke Candi & Steve Kohner

Auxiliary Happy Occasion Fund Dick Baylon & Mary Lou Stoltman–Wedding Eileen E. Amundson Gloria & Karl Conrad Jackie & David Mahlke Cecilia M. Schuh Harold & Carol Schuh Mabel Beach–Happy 90th Birthday Rose & Horace Andersen Betty Breitenfeldt Happy Birthday Tom & Peg Graham Elizabeth & Fred Picha Betty Datta–Happy Birthday Second Wednesday Bridge Lunch Bunch Lyndie Fabian & Angus White–Wedding Leonard & Rosemary Bernatz Donna & Donald Peterson Karen & O.J. Fawcett Diane Barge

Tom & Peggy Graham 50th Anniversary Rose & Horace Andersen Ray Haun–Happy Birthday Harold & Carol Schuh Bob & Rosemary Shoup Jim & Jenny Kahl Happy 65th Anniversary Mrs. R.E. Miesbauer Bill Murphy–Congratulations Pauline & Harland Knight Bruce & Grace Reed Happy 60th Anniversary Lillian E. Spencer Thomas & Bonnie Retzinger Wedding Jim & Gretchen Erwin Carol & Harold Schuh Happy 60th Anniversary Gene & Lois Frank Carrol & Eleanor Terry Bart & Emerine Weaver Jim Theis & Mary Lee Blake Wedding Cecilia M. Schuh Harold & Carol Schuh Bob & Rosemary Shoup

Wesley W. Eckblad Pam & Jeff Prenatt Thelma Fischer Mrs. Thelma Delores Neal Irene Greden Bob & Rosemary Shoup Earl W. Hagberg Dee (Hagberg) Neal, Dwight, Jane & Scott Helen Inman Rose & Horace Andersen Dr. George Joyce Geoff & Julie Gardner Pam & Jeff Prenatt Helen (Nan) A. Kalbrener Phyllis A. Walz Joan ‘Josie’ Kubicek Marian R. Thiewes Louis C. Landman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Doerer William J. Doerer John & Fran Edstrom Jane Nowlan Vincent & Lorraine Ashelin Roger Przybylski Rose & Horace Andersen

Carl & Bonnie Troke Bart & Emerine Weaver

Kenneth Seebold Vincent & Lorraine Ashelin

Marlene & Jake Walther Happy 50th Anniversary Carole Forest Shirley Sobeck

Rita A. Sullivan Diane Barge Mary & Duane Brenno Carol Byrne Glady D. Miller Gift Shop Autumn & Brent Herber Carol & Jim Hill Candi & Steve Kohner Joan Laak Grace Miner George & Jerry Schneider Jan Wanek Winona Health Auxiliary

Remembrance Fund Evelyn Bergsrud Vincent & Lorraine Ashelin Milton L. Boerst Genevieve Kulas Edna Brose Alice Neitzke Arlene Neitzke Tim Burchill John & Fran Edstrom Margaret A. Cross Pam & Jeff Prenatt Dr. Scott & Kathy Turner

Lorraine Whetstone Carole Forest Autumn & Brent Herber Gene & Shirley Sobeck Marilyn J. Volkman Mr. & Mrs. John G. Weinberger

Winona Health Community Report 2007



CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Assets limited as to use Other marketable nonequity securities Receivables ° Patient and resident, net of estimated uncollectibles of $9,050,000 in 2007 and $10,602,000 in 2006 ° Insurance proceeds ° Pledges Supplies Prepaid expenses

Total current assets



$13,349,201 784,837 6,265,103

$9,939,618 1,036,406 5,881,247

11,380,914 899,341 22,267 1,336,279 534,214

11,884,781 — 52,267 1,253,089 592,106









OTHER ASSETS Long-term investments Deferred financing costs, net Other

17,054,943 464,135 377,918

14,724,658 350,174 391,505





Total other assets

Total assets




CURRENT LIABILITIES Current maturities of long-term debt Accounts payable ° Trade ° Construction ° Estimated third-party payor settlements Accrued expenses, primarily salaries, wages, and benefits



2,850,727 1,166,742 269,584 6,398,699

2,558,687 489,126 514,615 5,877,350

Total current liabilities



LONG-TERM DEBT, less current maturities





69,108,546 1,186,851 5,980,980

62,780,956 1,221,927 5,787,455





Total liabilities

NET ASSETS Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted

Total net assets

Total liabilities and net assets

44 Community Benefit Report

Winona Health demonstrates their commitment to community service through community benefit programs, such as community health screenings, community education classes, charity care, student interns and donations to nonprofit organizations. These activities are designed to better the health and well-being of our community. Below is a detailed list of Winona Health’s community benefit activities for Fiscal Year 2007, along with the number of people served by these activities.

Category Description People Served COMMUNITY BENEFITS Community Health Education Education classes, support groups, community health talks and health screenings 14,684 Health Professional Education Clinical training site for nursing and other students 2,615 Contributions to local non-profit organizations for Financial Donations healthcare, youth and other community needs In-Kind Donations Staff expertise, meeting rooms and donated items 901 Community Building Activities Partnering with local organizations to enhance the quality of life in the community 1,211 Flood Recovery Nursing and mental health support, hotline and immunizations 7,455 Charity Care Cost of free or discounted services provided to individuals who qualify 333 Minnesota Care Tax Tax paid by Winona Health to fund the Minnesota Care Health Insurance program Medicaid Surcharge Assessment paid by Winona Health to help fund the Medical Assistance/Medicaid program Medicaid Under-Funding The difference (shortfall) between the cost of providing

Community Benefit Operations

Value of Benefit

$74,653 $135,982 $42,195 $41,658 $21,932 $216,000 $300,664 $770,697 $861,193

care and payments received for providing care to Medical Assistance/Medicaid patients


Costs of management and recordkeeping for community benefit programs


TOTAL COMMUNITY BENEFITS 27,199 OTHER COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS Medicare Under-Funding The difference (shortfall) between the cost of providing care and payments received for providing care to Medicare patients Real Estate Tax Tax assessed on property Bad Debt Amounts for services provided, in which payment is expected but not received TOTAL OTHER COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL COMMUNITY BENEFITS AND OTHER COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS 27,199



$102,531 $1,813,278 $6,184,386 $9,673,950

Winona Health would like to thank the individuals and families who shared their stories with us. If you have a story to share, please send an e-mail to [email protected] or call 507.457.4157. ~ Thank you!

Community Memorial Hospital ~ Winona Senior Services ~ Physician Clinics Parkview Pharmacy ~ Winona Health Foundation

855 Mankato Ave. • Winona, MN 55987


~ A friend for life ~

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