Winds Of Change

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 6,135
  • Pages: 23
LOST 6.01- Winds of Change Open on wall torch. The wall is dark, orange, exactly as the walls in the foot chamber. shadows flickering in the light. Suddenly we hear footsteps and a shadow of a man passes by the light. The camera begins following him from the back, as he moves down a large hallway. The walls of this champers both have Egyptian writing running along the tops and bottoms of each. The camera is still behind the man as he walks, but we can tell he’s carrying something. He finds the end of the hallway, where it simply stops and enters into a large Hexagon shaped chamber. The chamber seems to be the central room of the structure with five different hallways all leading into this central room. The sixth side is simply a large wall. In the middle of the chamber is a large round hole that goes down far. It is surrounded with an Egyptian fence. Across from the gap, on the wall is a large mural similar to the one found in smokie’s chamber. It depicts the smoke monster, rearing up over a crowd of Egyptians who appear to be on their knees. One of the Egyptians in the mural is lying on his back, with the smoke monster peering down at him. The man kneels down and places what hes carrying onto the red carpet placed on the others side of the gap, across from the mural. We see at once that it’s a young Benjamin Linus! The camera pans around Ben and we see now that he mysterious man is Richard Alpert. Richard gets into a kneeling position looking over Ben. He looks directly at the mural and begins to utter some strange words.

Voice: Hello Richard. Richard turns around and sees that Jacob has entered through one of the hallways. Richard: *Surprised* Hello Jacob. I didn’t expect to see you here. Jacob: *Ignoring the comment* Is That Benjamin Linus? Richard: Yes, someone shot him. Then a couple of people from the Initiative brought him to be. Asked him to be healed by us. Jacob smiles Jacob: Now why would they do a thing like that? Richard: Because, I don’t think these people are from the Initiative, they’re, from somewhere else. Jacob: I see. Richard: They where here quiet a few years ago. When the US army brought the bomb to the island. And When John Locke walked into our camp. Jacob: Yes, John Locke. How is your research into that matter going? Is he really as special as he claimed? Doubt creeps into Richard’s face Richard: Frankly, there doesn’t seem to be anything special about him. But, John disappeared right in front of my eyes. That kind of thing doesn’t happen everyday ether. Jacob: I wouldn’t give up on him yet Richard. If the island chose him, he must be special. Its clear Richard disagrees but doesn’t say so. He looks back toward Ben Richard: Ben is fading fast; I better call it up here quickly and get him healed. Jacob: If you wouldn’t mind Richard, id rather you didn’t. I believe I will heal him personally. Richard: Is he that important? Jacob: He is. Richard: Okay. *Pause* whatever you say.

Richard moves aside and Jacob kneels down next to Ben. He place’s his hand over Ben’s wound. Suddenly a purplish light begins emanating from under Jacob’s hand and a loud buzzing noise is heard, similar to the discharge. This continues for a few seconds before Jacob pulls his hand away and we see that Ben’s wound has been completely healed. Jacob stands again and turns to Richard. Jacob: It’s done Richard: Good, within a few days he will be back on his feet and ready to go back to camp. Jacob: I’m afraid not. I’m afraid He’s going to need to become one of us in time. Richard: But it’s not necessary, you healed him, not the Temple. He isn’t going to be one of us. He’s going to remember everything that happened, how do weJacob: You told me when you met him in the woods that he wanted to leave. After this Incident, I doubt that he changed his mind. You’re going to help him become one of us. I think he could even become Eloise’s replacement. Richard: Replace Eloise? Eloise is doing a fine job? Why would we even need-? Jacob: All I can tell you is that it’s very important that our people believe the temple healed Benjamin. And that he’s one of us. In time he’s going to grow and become strong, I want you to help him find his way. Richard: Is that all you can tell me? Jacob: yes. You know the rules. Richard shakes his head. Richard: I’ll do what you have asked. I’ll insure the rest think he’s really one of us. Who knows, Maybe the island will reach out to him? Jacob gets a look of sadness across his face. Jacob: If it does, then you will know he’s the right one to replace Eloise. Richard picks up Ben and begins heading back through the tunnel when Jacob speaks up again.

Jacob: Richard, it’s very important you make him understand that he must keep what he remembers a secret. The others would find it suspicious if he showed signs of remembering the shooting. Richard is obviously still unsure of the whole thing. Richard: I’ll do my best Richard proceeds to head back down the hallway carrying Ben. Jacob walks towards the red carpet and sits down cross legged on it. He stares toward the mural and begins uttering the same strange words that Richard was previously. Suddenly the room begins to shake, as the monster’s roar is heard. As things continue to shake a rushing sound is heard deep in the hole. Suddenly the massive form of the smoke monster rushes through the top of the hole, and stretches out its neck, staring directly at Jacob. Jacob stares back, a look of extreme seriousness on his face Jacob: So, I believe we have some things to discuss LOST CUT TO: 1977, the Incident DHARMA personal are running around in panic as the leaked energy is dragging everything towards the shaft. Voice: NO!!!! Suddenly we’re back at the moment Juliet was sucked into the shaft. Sawyer has a hold on her SAWYER: where do you think you're going, Blondie? Juliet is screaming for help. SAWYER: Kate! Help me get those chains off!

Kate tries but can’t get a grip SAWYER: Hold on! You hold on! JULIET: *Crying* I can't. Kate: I can't get it off. SAWYER: I got you. JULIET: I can't... The metal creaks SAWYER: Juliet! No! KATE: I can't reach her. SAWYER: You hold on! Juliet begins slipping Sawyer: No! Juliet continues to slip Sawyer: I got you. Creaking and slipping Kate: Sawyer! Sawyer: Don't you leave me. Juliet: *Panting* its okay. Sawyer: Don't you leave me! Juliet: *Sobbing* I love you. Sawyer: No, you don't let go! Juliet: I love you, James. Sawyer: Don't let go.

Juliet: I love you so much. Sawyer: No! No, don't let go! Juliet finally slips through his fingers and falls into the shaft. Juliet: Aah! Sawyer: Juliet! No! Juliet falls down out of sight. Sawyer: Juliet! The Buzzing and humming continues Kate: Sawyer, get off of there! The Metal continues creaking. Kate: we have to go right now. We need to go! Sawyer is still in grief Kate: It's going down! This thing is gonna go! You have to let it go. Kate: You have to go. This thing is going to blow at any second. Sawyer: No! Kate: Jack! Jack, help me get him off. The Buzzing and humming continues as we now move down into the bottom of the shaft where Juliet lies broken and battered. She slowly turns over and notice’s the un-detonated jughead core. She slowly starts inching her way over, and grabs a rock from the nearby dirt. The humming continues from deep underground. Juliet begins banging on the bomb core with the rock. Juliet: Come on! *Bang* Come on! *Bang* No! Come on! *Bang* Come on! *Bang* Come on, you son of a bitch! *BANG*

Suddenly, on that strike, a bright flash The Flash starts moving up through the shaft We move above ground as the light goes out over the top, soon covering the entire Swan sight. Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, Sayid, Jin, and Miles all stare in shock as the bright light covers them. It continues to cover the entire island, as we see an above view of the island being covered by the light. The light pans out completely covering the island, and it soon covers our entire screen as we CUT TO: An eye is opening. We pull back. And see its Jack. He’s standing on the hospital waiting room. We also notice his arm out stretched; we pan around him and see why. He’s reached out to take the candy bar from Jacob. Jack has woken up at the exact second Jacob touched him! Jack suddenly pulls back in shock. Jacob: Is something the matter? Jack is confused and seems to lose his balance Jacob steps forward and helps steady him Jacob: Whoa, hey you okay? Maybe you better sit down. Jacob helps Jack over to one of the nearby hospital wall benches and they both sit down. Jacob: Tough morning eh? Jack: uh…yeah. I guess. Jacob: *laughs* You guess? Jack: *laughs too* Yeah. I uh, I can’t really remember what I was doing here exactly? Jacob: Sometimes I can’t remember everything I’ve done in my life ether.

Jack smile at that comment at first. But then, the strangest of it strikes him and he turns back towards Jack. Jack: What, did…. you say? Jacob smiles and leans forward Jacob: You know what I said. And To answer your next question, no, you didn’t change anything yet. At least not the way you planned. Jack is now paying completely attention. Jack: Who are you? Jacob: My name is Jacob. I don’t have time to explain everything Jack. So let me tell you what you do need to know. The jughead bomb, made a difference. But it didn’t change everything. What I’m doing is giving you a chance to really change things. Un-do your mistakes. Jack: Wait…how am I...Jacob: Theres no time for all your questions. Just listen carefully and everything will be alright. You’re not going to be the only one to remember Jack. You’re probably going to want to find other people that remember things too. Suddenly a loud humming is heard and things start to get bright. Very similar to the time flashes. Jacob: See? You’re moving on already. Jack shields his eyes from the brightness and squints his eyes. Jacob seems unaffected by the light. Jack: Moving on? To Where? Jacob: To somewhere different. Find those who remember Jack, and find out WHAT they remember. Before Jack can ask anything else the light covers the scene again and theres a flash. CUT TO: The light dims down and Jack is looking at himself in the mirror. He’s standing in some type of bathroom wearing the same suit from when he was on flight 815. His eyes are stained, as if he was crying.

Jack turns around, confused, and walks outside. Suddenly, he sees the truth. He’s back at the Sydney airport! People walking back and forth as Jack stares around in shock. He’s walking out slowly into the hussel and bussel of people. Jack sees Boone and Shannon walking by. Shannon obviously dragging Boone quickly to get somewhere. Jack quickly approaches then. Jack:*Obviously testing* Hey, excuse me, do I know you from somewhere? Boone: Uh, no I don’t think so, do I? Jack *Disappointed* No,*pause* sorry you just looked familiar that’s all. Boone: No harm done, maybeShannon: Come ON Boone, we can’t stop and talk to every guy you see or we’re going to be late. Shannon continues to drag Boone. Boone turns to Jack and offers an apologetic shrug before turning back toward Shannon and continuing on their way, Jack notices oddly that they appear to be dressed differently from the original flight day. Voice: Well I can see they haven’t changed a bit eh doc? Jack turns around and sees the voice. Sawyer, also wearing the same outfit he was the day 815 took off. Jack is shocked and walks towards him. Jack: Sawyer, you…*pause* you remember me? Sawyer: Sure do. Looks like your plan worked eh doc? Jack: Yeah, I guess it did. Sawyer seems strangely calm about everything. This confuses Jack. Jack: Look Sawyer…..about Juliet*paused*…I’m… Sawyer: Think nothing of it. I’m gonna be seeing her again real soon.

Jack: See her again? Sawyer, shes on the island. 815 isn’t going to crash. I don’t see howSawyer: That’s not what the blonde haired guy said. Jack: Blonde haired….what are you talking about? Sawyer: After the bomb exploded, and that light started getting brighter and brighter. I didn’t wake up here first. I woke up in the last place I expected. At my parents funereal. This blonde guy had just given me a pen. He sat down beside me and told me he knew why I was crying. Well I thought it was because my parents just died you know? But that’s not what he said. Jack: What did he say? Sawyer: He told me he knew about Juliet. He also told me that if I wanted, id have a chance to see her again when we got back to the island. He told me all I had to do was get back on flight 815 and id be able to see her again. Pretty weird huh? Jack: I saw him too Sawyer. He said his name was Jacob. He told me that the bomb didn’t work, and that id have a chance to change things. Sawyer: Didn’t work*laughs* look around doc, looks like it worked to me. Jack is confused by this. He doesn’t think 815 is going to crash, but clearly doesn’t want to ruin Sawyer’s good mood. Jack: So, why do you think Shannon and Boone didn’t remember me? And why did they look, so different? Sawyer: Beats me, maybe its cause we set the bomb off? Jack: You think that could be it? Sawyer: What else could it be? Jack: I wonder If Locke remembers…. Sawyer: *Suddenly dawning on him* Oh yeah that’s right! If we’re all alive, old Johnny boy is too! Wanna see if we can find him? Jack: Yeah. I do. Sawyer: Besides*beginning to walk towards the terminal* if we’re going back to the island we’re gonna need old Johnny anyway.

Jack: Sawyer I… Suddenly cut off by the announcement speaker Speaker: Attention, Oceanic flight 815 will be boarding in approximately 10 mins. Jack: Looks like that reunions gonna have to wait till the island… Sawyer: Well, what are we waiting for; let’s get to the plane doc Both begin walking towards the busy airline escalator CUT TO: The island-2007 We open up, outside the four toed foot. The others, Richard, Illana’s group, and Sun are gathered around the coffin. Suddenly they hear footsteps as FakeLocke and Ben are exiting the foot. The others look towards them and aim their guns. FakeLocke and Ben both stop and raise their hands. FakeLocke feigns surprise. FakeLocke: Richard, what seems to beSuddenly FakeLocke spies the coffin and understands the problem. FakeLocke goes silent. Richard is about to speak when he notice’s Benjamin is covered in blood. Richard:*Horrified* Ben, what have you done? Ben is seemingly in shock, so FakeLocke speaks for him. FakeLocke: He did what the island asked of him… Ilana walks past Richard, her gun raised right at Locke. Ilana: You are an imposter, how dare you try and speak for this island. FakeLocke: I did what the island asked of me. Of what our guardian asked of me. Ilana: The guardian would never condone such lies

FakeLocke: But he did, *looking toward Ben* Benjamin, tell them exactly what happened when you went below the temple. Ben:*Still slightly in shock, but doing better* I fell into the hole, below the temple wall. I was in this chamber, with Egyptian writing and murals. It was really quiet marvelous. Below this mural of the guardian, where very old, stone vents. The guardian emerged from the vents, and judged me, showing me images of the past. Then I saw*pauses* I saw my daughter. And she told me, she knew I was going to try and kill Locke again…..and that I had to do everything John Locke asked me to do. And that if I didn’t, it would kill me. Richard:*clearly worried* and what did he ask you to do Ben? Ben:*indifferent* He asked me to kill Jacob. The group is silent at this. Richard looks heart broken, while Ilana still looks angry Sun and Frank just look confused. FakeLocke: So there you have it*looks toward Ilana* so, will you risk the wrath of the guardian? Ilana says nothing but doubt it creeping into her face FakeLocke: What about the rest of you? Will you continue to follow these manipulators? Remember, you didn’t even know where Jacob lived until today. They claim to know the secrets of the island, but have no idea what it’s truly capable of. They have you follow false leaders who only die*points towards dead Locke* or are pawns themselves*nods towards Ben*. You have been brought here and lied to over and over again. *pause* But if you join me, all of that will stop. You will all finally have a purpose. So, make your choice, those of you who will follow me, may join me up here. Illana’s group stands firm. But some of Richard’s group begins looking confused and doubtful. Soon, some begin migrating towards the front. Richard: Wait, wait don’t do this, he killed Jacob, he murdered him and you want to trust him?! FakeLocke: *As people continue to mill over to FakeLocke’s side* Jacob was never in tuned with this island. He never understood what it was, what it wanted. I understand it. I’ve heard the heart of this island, heard its message. And I’m not going to hide in a foot and give my orders. If you have something to save, you’re going to be able to say it to my face. Richard: *trying in vein*: He lied to you too remember? He pretended to be Locke when he wasn’t, hes only going to use you all too!

FakeLocke: The only reason I lied, was to show them how pitiful your leadership system really was. None of you even knew it was a lie. Even you Richard, couldn’t say with certainty that It was impossible for John Locke to be walking around. Even you Richard don’t fully understand this place. And that’s why I’m in charge now. Because no one knew the truth. Your system was built on lies. I will give my people the answers they have been looking for. The real secrets of this wonderful place. *smiling* All they need to do is ask me. The final few others have joined FakeLocke and Ben at the foot. Only Ilana, her people, Sun, and Frank remain on Richard’s side. Richard’s now angry and begins walking towards FakeLocke. Richard: I can’t let you do this. I won’t! For the first time wev seen Richard fully pissed. He’s storming towards FakeLocke; Ilana has her rifle trained on FakeLocke too. It looks like the revolt might be over before it began Suddenly deep in the heart of the woods comes the roar of the smoke monster. Richard stops in his tracks and a look of fear sweeps across Ilana’s face. Frank and Sun look towards the woods fearful. Suddenly everyone seems to stop and FakeLocke looks towards the now doubting Richard. FakeLocke: Something must have upset him…. Richard continues to stare at Locke as we cut to: CUT TO: Flight 815- 2004- New Reality. We see Jack aboard flight 815. The plane is in the air and he’s in his seat. Next to him is Rose. She too is wearing slightly different clothing then the original flight. Jack is speaking to the Stewardess. Stewardess: Would you like anything else to drink? Jack: No thanks, I’m fine. The stewardess smiles and nods, and moves on down the rows of seats. Rose: Your not much of a drinker are you Mr. Shepard?

Jack: No, I guess I’m not. Rose is silent for a minute and then begins speaking again. Rose: How long are we going to sit here pretending we didn’t spend nearly 100 days on an island together? Jack is only mildly shocked at this revelation, considering everything that’s happened so far Jack: So you remember too? Rose: Yeah. I do. Jack: What about Bernard? Rose: *laughs* Bernard, he can barely remember what he did three weeks ago, let along in another life. Jack: So what’s the last thing you remember? Rose: Me and Bernard, where with Vincent, tending to our crops in 1977, and suddenly theres this big flash of light. And thenJack: Let me guess. You woke up, and a blonde haired man named Jacob told you that you had a chance to change things, and that you where going to end up on the island? Rose: No. I never met any blonde haired man. I woke up in Australia, when I was meeting with a man Bernard brought me to see. Jack: You never saw Jacob? Rose: Nope. No Jacob. Jack: So who did Bernard take you to see? Rose: A faith healer. Jack: Why would you need a faith healer? Rose: I never told you this on the island Jack but, before I crashed, I had Cancer. I was supposed to die soon. But once I crashed on that island, I felt better, I felt, healed. Jack: You think the island healed your cancer? Rose: Isaac, the faith healer, told me that certain places around the world give off energy that can have healing effects. He tried to give me some of the energy from the place I was

at. It didn’t work. He said that place wasn’t strong enough to heal me, that I had to find a different place. I just assume the island WAS that special place. Jack: So, after talking to him, what happened next? Rose: I went back outside; I talked to Bernard to see if he remembered anything. It was obvious he didn’t, so I figured it’d be best to keep my mouth shut before he had me committed. Jack: You didn’t, go anywhere else after that? Rose: Well we went back to our hotel if that’s what youJack: No, I mean, you didn’t like, flash to someone else? A different time maybe? Rose: No, we went back to our hotel, and continued on with out honeymoon like we always did the first time. I haven’t even talked about the island again until now. Jack is now intrigued. Its obvious Rose remembers everything, but her mind never moved in time twice. She has kept her memories from the past ever sense waking up. Rose: Anyway, I sure hope we DO end up back on the island, or I might not be long for this world Jack. Jack: Rose…I’m sure... Rose: Jack, before I crashed on that island, I had accepted dying. And don’t get me wrong, I know how important it was for you to change things, to save the lives of everyone else. But you have to keep in mind that some of us where happy on the island, and will be pretty mad at you if they find out you where the one that changed things. Jack: I understand that your mad Rose, I’m….sorry. I really am. Rose: Listing isn’t one of your strong suits Jack. I told you I had accepted dying. I’m not the one that’s gonna be mad. The guy you should really be apologizing to is John. Jack: *laughs at the irony* John is going to be much happier here then he was before, trust me. Rose: Somehow I doubt that. Jack: What makes you say that? Rose: *smiling* Tell me Jack, if you spent your life in a wheel chair, and woke up on an island that healed your legs, how would you feel to have that miracle taken away from you?

Jack:*dumbfounded* John was….in a wheel chair? Rose: Didn’t know that either did you? You know I always thought a leader is supposed to know everything about his men. Guess you didn’t know a lot of things about us. Jack is still shocked at this news; the guilt is setting in as he seemingly understands the reasoning behind everything Locke has done. Jack begins shaking his head. Jack: He said ….the Island was a place where miracle’s happened….. Rose: The Island defiantly was. Jack: If…..if the island healed him. How did he end up dead? Rose: *confused* He died? Jack: Yeah, you never knew? Rose: no! Oh my god! What happened? Jack:*bitter laugh* they said he committed suicide Rose: *quieter* Maybe he’s gonna be happier with you then I thought…. Jack is silent for a long time, in deep thought. Jack begins to unbuckle his seat belt. Rose: What are you doing now? Jack: I have to talk to him, see if he remembers anything. Maybe I can find out what happened to him. Jack just gets the buckle free when suddenly the familiar sound of the flashes coming on appears. Jack: *quickly* Rose, do you hear that noise? Rose: *Concerned* No I Jack I don’t hear anything… Jack hears the piercing sound get louder, as the room gets brighter; soon he has to shield his eyes. Rose appears to oblivious to the effect, but for Jack it continues to get worse as we FLASH Open on Jack’s eye, as quickly opens. Pull back and we see him lying on his back in the grass. Exactly like the first day 815 crashed.

Jack gets to his feet, and reaches into his pocket. Shockingly, he pulls out a bottle of alcohol, even though he never asked for any on the reset plane! He looks around in confusion, and quickly begins running towards the scene of the crash. As he finds it, we see the destruction and chaos from the very first episode once again. We see a look of extreme disappointment cross Jack’s face as he seemingly hasn’t stoped anything from happening. Suddenly, just like that fateful day, Jack leaps into action again and begins helping people. Michael: Walt! Walt! Redshirt: Stay away from the gas! Stay there! Shannon is screaming. Jack looks up at her and notices shes wearing the same outfit From the ORIGINAL crash day. Redshirt #2: *trapped under the piece with the still moving engine* Help! Help! Somebody help me! Help! Help! Ahh, my leg! Ah! Ah! Jack: Hey you, just give me a hand! You, come on! Come over here, give me a hand! A group of RedShirts (and Locke) gather around to lift the metal piece that's trapping the man. Jack: On the count of three: One, two, and three. Jack pulls the man out from under. One leg is bloody. Jack starts ripping the man's pants to get to the wound. Jack uses his tie as a tourniquet. Claire: Help! Please help me! Help me, please help me! We see Claire is pregnant and on her hands and knees. Jack sees her. Jack knows what he has to do. Jack: *to the Redshirt* All right, get him out of here! Get him away from the engine! Get him out of here! The Redshirt stumbles away and Jack puts his hand on Locke. Jack: Listen I need you to go and make sure no one gets sucked into that engine over there, go on, and tell everyone you see.

Locke nods and runs off Claire: Help me, please. I'm having, I'm having contractions. Jack stares at Claire for a few seconds, searching her eyes for any sign of recognition. Seeing none he continues on. Jack: How many months pregnant are you? Claire: I'm, I'm nearly eight months. Jack looks over and sees Boone doing CPR on Rose. Rose is in a different outfit from her reset cloths. These resemble her cloths from the first crash. Jack: *to Claire* How far apart are they coming? Claire: I don't know, a-a few just happened. We move over to the Redshirt carrying bad-leg-guy away. Locke is running around and stops a man in a grey shirt who is walking near the engine. Seemingly in a daze. Locke: Stay away from the engines it could be dangerous This seems to shock him back into reality and he nods, moving away. Jack: Listen to me! Look at me! You're going to be okay, do you understand me? But you have to sit absolutely still! Jack looking at Boone giving Rose mouth-to-mouth. Jack: *to Hurley* Hey, you! Come here! I need you to get this woman away from these fumes! Take her over there. Stay with her. If her contractions occur any closer than three minutes apart, call out for me. Hurley: Jack? Jack: *actually happy in the midst of the chaos* Hurley?! You recognise me? Hurley: yeah dude! What happened we where on the plane, and everything started getting all bright and then Jack: Hurley hold on, I don’t have time to explain I have to help these people first and then we’ll talk.

Hurley: Oh right yeah dude. Jack: Watch Claire okay, make sure shes okay Hurley: yeah dude no problem. Claire: Thank you. Jack once again goes running off Jack runs up to Boone and Rose. Jack: Stop! Her head's not tilted far back enough. You're blowing air into her stomach. Boone: You sure? Jack starts giving her mouth-to-mouth. Boone: That's exactly what I was doing. I'm a lifeguard. I'm licensed. Jack: Yeah, well, you need to seriously think about giving that license back. Boone: Maybe we should do one of those hole things. You know, stick the pen in the throat? Jack: Yeah, good idea. You go get me a pen. Boone runs off to get pens. Jack: *doing CPR* Come on. Come on! Come on! Come on! Rose breathes. Jack: Big deep breaths. Take breaths! Sound of metal. Jack looks up to see a big piece of metal high up (the wing) on some of the wreckage starting to wobble. Claire and Hurley however have moved. Jack now turns toward Charlie and yells for him to come over to help him. Jack: Hey you, I need your help! Charlie begins running over as A big piece of burning debris lands near where Charlie was.

Jack and Charlie go back over to Claire Jack: *to Claire* You okay? Claire: Yeah. Jack: *to Hurley* You? *Hurley sort of nods lying on the ground*. Stay with her. Hurley: I know dude I know. I remember. Jack sort of stumbling around the beach, looks into the fuselage. Takes a moment to steady himself, almost crying. Boone: *walking up holding out a handful of pens* I didn't know which one would work best. Jack: They're all good. Thanks. Shot of Jack going through a suitcase, and finding a sewing kit. Jack going to a deserted part of the beach and taking his jacket and shirt off. He has a big gash on his side. Kate comes walking by, doesn't know Jack is there. Kate rubbing her wrist. Kate: Jack? Jack: *Nodding furiously* yeah it’s me Kate runs forward and embraces Jack Jack hugs back confused at why shes so upset. Jack: Kate, what’s wrong, did something happen? Kate: No…*laughs* nothing out of the ordinary anyway Kate steps back and they both share a meaningful look. Jack: Kate what do you remember? After the bomb went off... Kate: I...I woke up…in a convient store, this guy had just paid for something I stole. He looked right at me, and said that if I really wanted to, I would have the chance to save Claire….save lots of people

Jack: He told me the same thing Kate. I think that’s why we’re back here. To change things. Kate: *confused* But what are we supposed to change? Voice: I believe that’s up to us. Kate and Jack turn towards the voice and see its Sayid. Jack: Sayid, your looking better Both embrace in a hug Sayid: Indeed I am. Although things didn’t work out quiet the way we where expecting them to The three are obviously glad to be back together, but Jack I curious what Sayid remembers. Jack: Sayid, after the bomb, do anything strange happen? Sayid: If your asking if I met a man named Jacob as well, then yes. Jack is mildly surprised, but lets Sayid continue Sayid: I woke up on the street. With Nadia. A blonde haired man told me his name was Jacob and that something very bad was about to happen. I turned around, and it was too late. She……*voice shakes* she was hit by the very same car that killed her the first time. Kate looks like she feels very sorry for Sayid at this point. Sayid: He told me….he told me he was sorry. And what just happened, I could not change. But he told me that I could change other things. Bad things that happened on the island. He said it was up to me who I wanted to save. Then things got very bright, like when we where flashed off the Aijra plane, and suddenly I woke up in the Sydney airport. Kate: So what do we change first? *looks at Jack* What happened when we first crashed? Before Jack can speak Sayid speaks up again. Sayid: Two main things happened that I believe are worth trying to change. Jack: What are they?

Sayid: The first, is Claire’s abduction by Ethan. The second*pauses as he’s staring out into the passengers* is the death of Boone. Jack and Kate stare out and see Boone helping other passengers. We cut back to Sayid, Jack and Kate’s faces, watching him, as we Cut away to… CUT TO: Alternate reality-LAX We open on an empty quiet runway. Suddenly a THUD as the wheels of a plane hit the ground, the plane goes speeding down the runway, and finally pulls to a stop. We move in towards it, as we move through the windows, to find John Locke. Still sitting in his chair. The plane is mostly empty, but John still has to wait. He has no wheelchair, The airport having lost the one they use to bring passengers aboard on. He watches familiar faces pass by him, look up and scanning the face’s of each of them. Locke seems deep in thought. Finally the last of the passengers leaves the plane. A stewardess passes by and John reaches out. John: Excuse me, where you able to find another chair? Id like to get off the plane now. Stewardess: oh I’m sorry, I thought someone told you. One of your relatives called and said they’d be meeting you here. I explained how we didn’t have a chair for you, and they said they brought one with them. Lucky for you isn’t it dear? The stewardess moves on down the rows and John is confused. John: *To himself* I don’t have any other relatives that I know of. Suddenly he hears the sounds of a chair being wheeled towards him. He looks up, and doesn’t recognize the person pushing the chair. But we do! It’s Ms Hawking! Hawking brings the chair to a stop next to him. Hawking: Hello John. It’s been a long time John: I’m sorry; I don’t believe wev ever met? Ms Hawking: The last time I we met, I was very young. But you may remember my name John. My name is Eloise Hawking.

John: Eloise….Hawking. Ms Hawking: Does that name sound familiar to you John? John: What businesses is it of yours? Ms Hawking: I want to know John, wither or not you remember me. Wither or not you remember being on an island. A very special island. If you don’t, then I wont trouble you. But if you do remember John, you could still help me. You could help your friends, and you could help save the island. So tell me John, what do you remember? John looks up, a slightly annoyed look on his face. John: I remember dying. Eloise gives a small smile, as she obviously got the right answer. But seeing the angry look on John’s face seems to make it fade, as she realizes convincing Locke of anything, may be very difficult this time around. We cut back to Locke’s stern face….moving in to his eye… LOST

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