Wild And Peaceful

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Fade IN

EXT. SCHOOL PLAYGROUND-DAY Carl is 8 years old There are a group of kids standing around watching him in a fight. Voice over (Carl) This is me. I used to get beat up all the time. I was considered the little boy to pick on. I was always being called a homo or fag. I didn't like that, so to prove I wasn't I would fight. I wasn't any good at fighting as you can see, but I would try. EXT. DIFFERENT SCHOOL PLAYGROUND-DAY Carl is now 10 and there are kids standing around watching him in a fight. Voice Over (Carl) Look at me now two years later. You would think I would have learned how to fight by now. I think I got my ass kicked twice by this guy. He told a girl that I was a fag because I had no brothers and six sisters. To tell you the truth I really didn't know what a homo or fag was. All I knew was that when I was called this everybody laughed. I didn't like being laughed at. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY-DAY A boy seven walking down the hallway. Kids are pointing and laughing. Voice Over (Carl) This is Mark, he is wearing that helmet because he would get seizures and bump his head on the floor. The helmet would prevent him from cracking his skull. Kids picked on him all the time. They threw things at him, pushed him around and laughed at him. Children can be so cruel. He didn't care, you would be surprised what


a person could get use to. What he did care about was that he didn't have a way of defending himself. Mark was 10. EXT. MARK'S MOTHERS HOUSE-DAY

Mark watching his brother Louis talking to five police officers. Voice Over (Carl) This is Mark's brother Louis. This is Louis talking to the police. This is also Louis on his way back to prison for the second time. This time, Strong Arm Robbery. As you can see he is not going to go peacefully. There is a reason they brought five cops to pick up one man. Louis is one of the toughest dudes in the city. He always said "In a fare fight there is no one man or sometimes even two who could take him out''. Mark is just standing there looking at him. You see that look of his face. He’s not upset that his brother was going back to prison. Louis would tell Mark that going to jail is part of the game in what he does. What Louis did was steal. Steal and rob. That look on Mark's face is happiness that Louis is beating the shit out of five cops. They will get him, but never without a fight. This is Mark's biggest conquest is to be feared and respected like Louis.

GARY, INDIANA 1971 INT.CLASSROOM -DAY Carl is sitting at his desk before class starts. Carl is 15 now And in high school .He is watching a girl playing with her hair. There are a bunch of kids talking and playing before the teacher comes into the room. Carl noticed girls (Michelle and Robin) teasing this fat girl (Donna) about her clothes. Michelle Where do you buy your clothes? They look like my grandmother’s curtains.


The whole class laughs. Robin Didn't I see your sister wearing those shoes last year? Again laughter from the class. Donna Why don't you leave me alone? Why do you talk about me every day? Michelle Maybe if you brought some new clothes we wouldn’t talk about you. Oh yea, I forgot you can't by new clothes because your mommy's on welfare. There is laughter from the class again. Carl looks over at Donna and saw the tears forming in her eyes. Carl Why don't you leave her alone? Michelle you wear some nice clothes, but you’re ugly as fuck. Donna is always going to have a pretty face. She may even lose weight some day. You’re always going to be ugly as fuck. One day she will be able to buy nice clothes, but you are ugly for life. Just leave her alone. The class is silent as Michelle turns around in her chair to face Carl. Michelle You know your sisters and me are friends, but don't ever talk to me like that again. Look at your holes in your shoes, hair is never combed, you wear the same clothes every day and they went out 10 years ago. The class breaks out in laughter yet again. Michelle Now I think you better shut up don't you. Carl gets up from his chair and walks out the classroom door. Carl walks into the school bathroom, he stares at himself in the mirror. Voice Over (Carl)


Look at me. I wish for once that I could have money. I did indeed look like shit. I just wish I could have afforded some new clothes, shoes everything. I had to do something. I never wanted to be thought of being poor again. EXT. OUTSIDE OF AN APARTMENT BUILDING A BLOCK AWAY FROM THE SCHOOL DAY Carl is walking toward '’The Apartment’’. A place where his friends would skip school. INT. APARTMENT DOOR-DAY Carl walks in the apartment. Their music playing, seven guys are sitting around getting high on refer. There are also two girls there. Carl’s Sister Linda and Mark's sister Kathy. Voice Over (Carl) This is where I feel most comfortable. Hear with my friends. These guys over hear is Darrell he is kind of the leader of the group. He is known for having the biggest Afro in school. This is Lynn, Dana and Jerrell. They are brothers who lived next door to me. This is their brother’s apartment that we’re in. He’s at work and don't know we’re here. This is Billy and his cousin Myron they live across the street from Darrell. This is Mark, look how big he is. At age 12 for some odd reason Mark just stop having seizures. I met Mark last year when my sister Linda brought his sister Kathy over to my mother’s house. Carl walks into the kitchen; Mark hands him a bottle of wine. Mark I thought you were going to class? Carl Man, this bitch pissed me off. I’m never going back to school again. I am going to go out and find a job. I need some money badly. Mark What kind of job are you going to find? Carl


Anything, I don't give a fuck. Carl and Mark goes in the living room and sit on the couch. Lynn hands Carl the joint. Carl Man your eyes are red as hell. Your mother is going to know you’re high. Lynn Billy open that window, this place is full of smoke.

Darrell Your brother is going to come in and know that somebody has been here. Lynn Come on yawl lets clean up before we leave. We don't want to fuck this up or we'll have nowhere to go.

Carl Lynn, are you cumin here tomorrow. I’m not going to school. I don't think I'm ever going to go back. Mark I know I'm not going back. I can't stand school I'm not learning a fuckin thang. How is learning about English going to get me a job?

Darrell When you get a high school diploma you can get into one of the mills. They are not taken anybody without that diploma. I am taken my ass to school tomorrow. Jerrell If we are going to come here tomorrow we have to get some groceries and some herb, so we can stay here all day. Mark


Jerrell, me you and Billy can get some shit from the store. We should make a list of all the shit we need. Lynn Carl and me will get the herb in the morning. Kathy Yawl can't keep cumin up here every day. Sooner or later Mark mommy is going to know you’re not in school. Linda I have to go to school. I can't come up here every day. Momma finds out she'll kick my ass. Carl I don't remember anyone inviting you. Mark Kathy the only way I'm gonna get caught is if you tell. INT. CARL'S MOTHERS HOUSE-NIGHT Carl is sitting at the dinning room table eating. His mother is yelling at him. Ms. Bailey Why is it that when I come home every night you’re not here? I work until 11pm every night can't you find your way to get in here before I get home. You are going to get in trouble out there in those streets.

Carl Momma I don't want to go back to school. I want to find a job. Ms. Bailey If you live here you're going to go to school. What do you need a job for? You don't pay any bills. Carl For clothes, I had some girl tell me today that I wear the same clothes every day. I need some things and you


can't afford it. Maybe if I left you could have more money for every body else. Ms. Bailey You are going to let something some little fast tail girl say to you make you want to quit school. Carl Yes, I was embarrassed. I need a job. I’m sick of looking like this. Carl walked up the stairs to his room. His mother sat at the dinning room table thinking. INT.MARK'S MOTHERS HOUSE-DAY Mark and Angel are sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. Mark Angel goes and asks momma for some money. Angel Why don't you ask her? Mark I already did. She is not going to give me anymore. Come on I'll do something for you. Angel I'll give you some money if you take me with you and Kathy to the apartment today. Mark How do you know about the apartment? Angel Kathy told me last night. Can Rosalind and me come over there? We don't want to go to school today. Mark Hell no! You can't come over there you don't know what we do there. No, I don't care how much money you give me, I better not ever see you over there.


Angel Carl's sister Na Na is going and she is the same age I am. You don't tell me what to do I go where I want to go. Angel jumps up and run out of the room. Mark tries to catch her. He couldn’t. Mark Angel I better not catch you over there!!! Mark's mother comes into the kitchen. Mark is heading for the door to go to school. Mrs. Jones Mark where are your books? Why don't you ever take books to school? Mark I let my books in my locker momma. I didn't have any homework. Bye momma. EXT. OUTSIDE THE GROCERY STORE- DAY Mark and Billy are waiting for Jerrell who is now walking towards them. Mark Jerrell you got the bags?

Jerrell Yea, I got'em. Billy you got the list? I gonna get some meat and cheese. Billy I'll get the bread, mayonnaise and pop. Don’t get a lot of stuff or they will look at us. Mark


I'll get some Wild Irish Rose. Don’t move the cart this time until I'm done. INT.GROCERY STORE Jerrell walks into the store first. He grabs a grocery cart and heads down the isle. Mark walks into the store next with the grocery bags he brought from his house. He lays the bags open on the floor at the end of each isle. Billy walks in and one by one they start filling up the bags with lunchmeat, cheese, wine, bread, mustard, mayonnaise, fruit pies, pop etc. Then one by one they pick up the bags and put them inside the grocery cart. Jerrell takes the cart and pushes it out of the store. INT. THE APARTMENT-DAY Carl and Lynn walk into the apartment. Mark, Jerrell, Dana, Billy and Myron are there. Mark Carl, did you tell Nana she could come up here? Carl No, I don't even want her to know I'm here. I didn't want Linda to know but I know she won't tell. Mark Linda and Kathy told Nana and Angel and now they want to come up here too. Carl I told you I didn't want them to come up here now every one is going to know about this place and we’re going to get caught. Lynn We can't have to many people over here; my brother is going to find out.


INT.METHODIST HOSPITAL-NIGHT Mrs. Bailey a nurse goes into patient’s room. Mrs. Bailey How are you today Mr. Hill? I heard you were leaving us soon. Mr. Hill I got to get out of here. I have to get back to work before my whole department goes under. I had to have my manager fire two guys for stealing. If I don't hire someone quick I'm going to end up doing the work. Ms. Bailey You’re a manager at Kmart aren't you? Mr. Hill Yes, I run the automotive department. You know someone looking for a job? Ms. Bailey Yes, my son. He’s fifth teen. I want him to keep going to school. He wants to quit school and look for a job. Mr. Hill I get out of here tomorrow. You send him to me after school on Monday. I will tell him if he stays in school I will give him a job. If he can get to work everyday by 4pm he could work until 9 and some day shifts on the weekends. Mrs. Bailey You don't have to do that Mr. Hill.

Mr. Hill No that would be helping me out. I really do need someone in there soon. Send him to me Monday. I will let you know how it turns out. Ms. Bailey Thank you. He will be so happy. I won't tell him your going to give him the job. I will just tell him to come and meet with you. Thank you again.


Mrs. Brodie walks out of the room with a smile on her face. INT.SCHOOL CLASROOM-DAY Voice over (Carl) Look at me now. My first few paychecks all I did were buy clothes and shoes. I had girls talking to me all the time. I even had Michelle ask my sister did I have a girl friend. I did and there she is. Her name is Pam. Pam is one of the best looking girls in school. I met her at the grocery store and followed her home like a lost puppy. This was my girl and we were always together. This is all I wanted is to have girls notice me. Pam is a short woman with a big red Afro. She is wearing a mini skirt. INT. PAM'S HOUSE IN THE BASEMENT-DAY Pam and Carl are sitting on the couch kissing. Carl has his hand down her blouse caressing her breast. Pam My father is going to be home soon. We better stop before he gets here. Carl He’s not here yet. We can hear him when he comes through the back door. Come on just until he gets here. They continue kissing until they here the back door open. Mr. Miller Pam you down there? Pam Yea daddy. I’m hear but Cindy isn’t home yet Mr. Miller Is Carl down there with you? Carl takes his hand out of Pam's blouse. They look at each other. Pam Yea, we were just going over some stuff from school.


Carl Hi Mr. Mills Mr. Miller Hi Carl. Pam get this kitchen done before your mother gets home. Pam Ok, we won't be long. Carl You know your father don't like me. Pam He thinks you're trying to get his oldest daughter into bed. Carl We’ll I’m not. I think he wants to shoot me. Pam Why haven't you tried to have sex with me? I know you've had sex with other girls so what's wrong with me. Carl There is nothing wrong with you and what girl do you know I had sex with? Pam That girl Marie you use to go with before me. I think we should have sex. I want to do more then just kiss. Carl looks at her with this shocked expression on his face. Carl What, first of all I never had sex with Marie. We just lay in bed and she would just you know, touch me. Pam Touched you where! Wait I don't want to know. Don’t ignore me tell me. Why can't we have sex? Carl


I want us to, but suppose you get pregnant. Do you really want a baby? Pam I thought about that. So we have to be careful. I don't want a baby. My father would shoot you. Pam looks at Carl and laughs. Carl That’s not funny. What do you mean you thought about that? How long have you been thinking about this sex thing? Pam I don't know, a long time. I don't want to be with any one else and I want to do it with you. Carl I do too. But how, when, where. We got to really think about this. I don't want to get caught. They start kissing again. Carl Pam this will be my first time. Pam I know. I just wanted to see if you were going to lie. I already talked to Marie. That’s ok I'll show you what to do. Pam is laughing again. Carl looks at her showing no expression at all. Carl How are you going to show me? This is your first time too isn’t it? Pam Sure, I don't know what I'm doing but I know that I know more then you. Pam Laughs Carl Funny, funny. I better go before your father comes down here. Call me tonight. Pam


No you call me. Carl Do you want to talk to me? Pam Yes. Carl Than what different does it make if you call me first. Pam If you call me I know you have been thinking about me. Besides one of your sisters are always on the phone. Carl Fine, I’ll call you. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY-DAY Carl and Darrell are talking by there lockers. Pam walks up and hands Carl a note. Carl Hi, do you want me to walk you home? Pam Yes, meet me after my last class. Read this first and tell me what you think. I gotta go. Darrell Hi Pam. Pam Darrell I didn't see you. Hi Darrell, Bye Darrell Pam walks away to her next class. Darrell looks at the note in Carl's hand. Darrell What's that? A love note? Carl I don't know. I got to go too. I’ll see you after school.


Darrell walks one way and Carl the other. INT. SCHOOL CLASS ROOM-DAY Carl is sitting at his desk opening up this three page letter. Voice over (Carl) This was not just a note this is a letter of instructions. Pam wrote me this letter telling me exactly what was going to happen when we get in bed together. I mean exactly where the most sensitive parts on her body were diagramed. It showed where I would be touching her and where she would have her hands. This was going to be nowhere but on my back. At the end of that letter she showed another diagram of the complete reproductive system. Complete with ovaries, eggs, little sperms that look like tadpoles every thing. This was to show me what could happen if we were not careful. After reading this I don't remember if I wanted to laugh or cry. I think I wanted to cry. I wasn't ready for this. I was a virgin and I was scared. Every body thought that I was experienced but I wasn’t. This letter was making me more nervous. Not only that, but we were supposed to do this on Friday and today was Wednesday. The letter said we would skip school at lunch hour and go back to her house. Carl is sitting at his desk with his hand over his mouth, his head held back. EXT. 8TH AVE A BLOCK AWAY FROM PAM'S HOUSE-DAY Carl walking Pam home from school. Pam Did you read it? I know you read it? Tell me what you think? Carl You are going to skip school. And we are going to do this at your house. Your house where anyone of your bothers or sisters could walk in? Are you crazy? Pam


We have to do it there. My parents will be at work and everybody will be at school. Carl Suppose they come home? Pam Do they ever come home? NO! You do want to do this don't you? Carl Yes, I just don't know if I want to this at your house. Pam Are we going to do this on Friday? Carl Yea, ok I will come over on my lunch hour. Carl and Pam get to the front door of her house. Pam Are you going to come in for a while? Carl No, I'm going to go home. Pam Come on there’s no one here yet.

INT. PAM'S HOUSE-DAY Carl has Pam penned against the front door kissing. Pam has her arms around him pulling him closer and closer. Carl is grinding his hips hard against hers. There is a sound of the back door opening. Carl turns around to see Pam's father standing there watching them. Pam’s father looks down at Carl's pants and sees that his penis is hard. Carl follows Pam's father’s eyes down. He looks at Pam who now also


sees the out print of his hard penis. Pam I think you should leave now. Carl Bye, I’ll see you tomorrow. INT.MARK'S HOUSE KITCHEN-NIGHT Mrs. Jones Mark I got a letter today from school. You haven’t been there in weeks. Where have you been going? You are going to go to school tomorrow or you're going to get out of this house. Mark I'm not going, so I might as well leave now. Ms. Jones Where do you plan on living? And don't go to your sister Paula’s. She is not going to have you there and not going to school. Mark I wasn't going to go there. I’ll go somewhere, but I'm not going to school. INT.MARK'S SISTER PAULA'S HOUSE-DAY Carl and Mark are talking in the living room.

Carl You coming up to the apartment tomorrow? Lynn and me are going to get some weed from that dude down the street. Mark No, I might go up there tomorrow afternoon. I have to go somewhere with my father tomorrow morning. Carl Where?


Mark I don't know he just told me to be ready in the morning. I thought you were going to go over to Pam's tomorrow. Carl Tomorrow is not Friday is it? Oh shit it is. But I'm not going there until lunch. Hey man are you ever going to go back home? Mark No, if I don't go to school I can't live there. Carl You know your mother will let you come back. She was just mad. Your ass didn't go to school for weeks. Mark You just started going back for Pam. You didn't go for weeks either. I’m not going back. Carl I did go back along time ago. She didn't make me go back. Mark Fuck you, you know that if Pam wasn't going there you would still be going back to the apartment, everyday. Does Pam know about the apartment? Carl Yea she knows. I told her that’s where I go when I'm not in school. Mark Bullshit, then why haven't you brought her up there? Carl What I want her around all you hard legs for. I only see Pam at her house. Besides you know she is never going to skip school and come up there. Mark Come on let’s go outside and smoke a square. INT.PAM'S BASEMENT-DAY Carl and Pam are on the couch kissing.


Carl Are you sure your parents or nobody is coming home? Pam Nobody is coming. Come on let's go in here. Pam and Carl go into her brothers bedroom in the basement. Carl Why are we in your brother’s room? Pam Just incase someone comes we can hear them at the back door. We can't go to my room we can't hear from there. Carl So someone could come? I don't think we should do this in here. Pam Would you stop and lay down? Come on. I promise you nobody is going to come home. Carl and Pam are lying down in the bed kissing. Carl has his hand under her shirt caressing her breast. Pam Go out and sit on the couch until I tell you to come back in. Carl Why? Pam Just go. I’ll call you in a few. Go now go. Carl goes out and sits on the couch. A few minutes later Pam calls him back into the room. Carl walks into the room and Pam is lying on the bed naked. Carl stops at the head of bed and just looks at her. Pam’s eyes are closed. Pam's arms are behind her head. Her hair is a big reddish afro.


Voice Over (Carl) Look at that beautiful young woman. This was the first time I had ever seen a naked woman in person. I was so scared but the only thing I could think about was how the pubic hair was the same color as the hair on her head. I just stood there looking at her. I didn't know what to do. I wasn't ready for this, so this is what I did. Carl turns around and walks out of the room and leaves the house. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY -DAY Carl is in the hallway talking to Darrell at his locker. The bell rings for the next class to start. Darrell hits Carl on the shoulder and points to Pam. Pam is standing at Carl's locker. Pam I guess you told Darrell what happen. Did you have a good laugh? Carl I didn't tell Darrell anything and I don't see anything funny. Look Pam I just wasn't ready. I was too nervous that someone was going to come in and I just wasn't ready. Pam You know you made me feel really stupid. I have never felt so hurt. Carl Why are you hurt? Nobody knows about this, but you and me. Pam hands Carl a note and walks away from him. INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM-DAY Carl opens the note and reads it. Carl raises his hand. Carl


Mr. Davis I have to go to the bathroom. Mr. Davis Go ahead, next time go before class. Carl goes out of the classroom and leaves the school.

Voice Over (Carl) That note she gave me told me that she didn't want to see me any more. I saw her in school that following week talking to a basketball player. He was a year younger then us but all the girls wanted him. That was the last time I saw Pam and also the last time I went to school. INT.THE APARTMENT-DAY Carl walks into the apartment to see his little sister Nana and Mark's sister Angel there. Carl Mark I thought you didn't want them here! Mark How can I stop them? If I make them leave they'll tell on me. Carl Nana get your mother fucken ass back to school. I better not catch you up here again.

Nana I can come up here whenever I want to. If you can be here so can I. Carl goes over and pulls Nana out of her chair. Nana screams. Nana Let me go, what is wrong with you. Mark


Carl what is wrong with you. She is here now let them stay. Carl No. Man I told her not to bring her ass up here! Mark Come on man lets go get some Rose. What the fuck is wrong with you. Carl Pam and me broke up. Mark Why, what happen? Carl looks at Mark and then Nana and walks out the door. EXT. CARL'S MOTHERS HOUSE (PORCH)-DAY Carl is sitting on the steps, drinking a beer.

Voice Over (Carl) I couldn't go back to school again. I hated seeing Pam with someone else. I knew they were having sex, everybody did. A guy like this, a basketball player I knew he wasn't any virgin. Yea, but that is what everybody said about me. For the rest of the school year I didn't go to school. Buy the time school was out in the summer my mother had found out I wasn't going. INT. CARL'S MOTHERS HOUSE-NIGHT Mark's brother Byron and Carl's sister Linda are sitting on the couch. Carl and Mark walk into the room. Byron Mark, momma is going to let me rent out our old house. It has three bedrooms and I think you and Carl should move in there with me.


Carl Where is it? Mark Momma knows I'm moving there. No, but you can't stay at Paula’s. You can't smoke herb there, you can't drink there. It's our crib, we can do whatever we want to. Carl Where is it? Byron 16th in Grant. Carl Mark, you seen it? Mark I saw it a long time ago. Byron Mark momma had the man that remolded her basement remolded the old house. It looks nice. INT. CARL AND MARK'S APARTMENT-DAY Voice Over (Carl) This is me and Mark’s new apartment. Our rent was $35 a month. This was the summer of 1976.The Bicentennial year. We now had our own home. This was a summer of fun. I was still working at Kmart and Mark was working at a Shell Gas Station with Benny. This is Benny he lives across the street with his parents. Mark and Byron knew the family when they lived here when they were younger. Byron was a year older then I. Mark was now 17 and I was 18. Byron, after graduating from Job Core started working at U.S.Steal. The biggest Steal Mills in this area. Byron bought this 1976 Ford Maverick and as you can see it is beautiful. Mark and me were riding around in this old 70 Dodge his father gave him. We always had people over to our apartment every day. We sold refer for a little extra money on the side. We had two or three chessboards going to see who was the best. This was nice I still was a virgin, but now things would change.


INT. TERRYTOWN PAVILLION-NIGHT Carl, Lynn and Al are at a party. Al has a date with him, Doreen. Voice Over (Carl) This is a party where I don't anybody. Al is a friend of Lynn's from school and they asked me to come. This woman is a friend of Al's from work. She does not know anybody here either. Well since we are both sitting there together why not talk. Al and Lynn seem to be at the bar talking to there old friends. Carl Why did I come here, I don't know any of these people. Do you? Dorlene No, Al just didn't want to come with out a date. Carl He didn’t. For the last hour Lynn has been his date. Doreen Laughs. Carl How long have you and Al been seeing each other? Dorlene We don't see each other. We just work together. Carl Oh, you work at Penny's too. What do you do there?

Dorlene I work in cosmetics. I sell perfume and cologne and beauty products. Carl Good, can you get me a discount on some good cologne? Al has got me to buy all these suits and shit. He wants me to dress like he does. Dorlene I think you look nice.


Doreen smiles and quickly turns her head away from Carl. Carl Thank you. You still didn't answer me about that discount. Dorlene Yes, I can get you a discount. You have to tell me what you want, you give me the money and I'll pay for it, I’ll use my employee discount.

Carl I think you should give me your number so you can let me know when you're working and I'll come up there. Dorleen Ok, I'll be home tomorrow night. Carl You sure Al is not going to get mad? Dorlene No, I told you we were just friends. Carl I'm going to ask him anyway. Dorlene Ask him what? For his permission for you to call me? Carl I don't know, I just don't want to be stealing his date. Dorlene OK, you talk to him and I hope to hear from you tomorrow.

INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-NIGHT Carl and Doreen are lying on his bed kissing.


Dorlene I am not going to have sex with you on a first date. Carl Did I ask you to have sex with me? Did any one mention sex? First of all this is not a date. I called you and you asked to come over hear. Doreen looks at Carl and smiles Dorlene We are getting pretty frisky. How long did you want me to stay over here? Carl All night. Why do you have to go home? Dorlene No, but I'm going to stay here all night and we are not going to have sex? Carl What is wrong? Why does every woman think that’s all I want from them? Dorlene I'm sorry. I don't want you mad at me. Carl I'm not mad. Carl and Dorlene start kissing. Dorlene takes her hand and puts it down his pants. Dorlene stands up and takes off her clothes. Carl You don't have to do that. Dorlene I want to. Carl and Dorlene make love. INT. CARL BEROOM-DAY Mark walks in room yelling.


Mark Get your ass up we have to go. Oh shit, I didn't know you had somebody in here. Carl Are you goanna leave or stand there looking? Mark I’m leaving, I’m leaving. I'll go by myself. I'll talk to you later. Dorlene Is that your roommate? Carl Yea, that’s my brother. He is one of my roommates. Dorlene I thought you didn't have any brothers. How many roommates do you have? Carl I don't have any brothers, but Mark is the closes thing to a brother I will ever have. Him and his real brother Byron live here with me. We live here together. Dorlene Why did he look at me like that? Carl I have never had a woman in here before. You are the first one. Dorlene What do you mean first, are there going to be more? Carl No, no, no that’s not what I mean. I mean that I have never had a woman spend the night with me here. I never wanted any one to stay over night until now. Dorlene smiles Dorlene I better get up and go. Will I see you later?


Carl Of course EXT. SHELL GAS STAION-DAY Mark and Benny are working the car wash. Mark is motioning a car to go through. The owner of the gas station comes walking over to Mark. Mr. Watson Mark, when you and Benny are done with these last two cars come inside. I want to talk to you. Mark Yea ok. I'll go and get Benny. Mark runs over to the cash booth where Benny is working. Mark Hey man, Mr. Watson wants to talk to us. Benny About what? Mark I don't know. He just said come in his office when we’re done. You think he knows. Benny How, unless somebody snitched on us. I bet you it was that fuckin Wayne.

Mark Man if he told on me I'm gonna kick his ass. I'm not bullshitten. I bet that mother fucker told. INT. MR. WATSON'S OFFICE-DAY Mr. Watson is sitting behind a desk, Mark and Benny walk in. Mr. Watson


A few days ago a guy that works here came and told me that you two have been stealing money from me, from the car wash. Benny That's bullshit, we haven stole anything. Who said that bring them in here. Let them say that in my face. Mr. Watson No, I'm not going to tell you who it is. I'm only going to say that I have known this boy and his family for years. Besides that, I have been watching the cars come in for two days and the money just don't add up. I can't see how you are doing it but the money just doesn’t add up. I got to fire both you boys. Since I can't prove how you did this I want call the police, but if you start any trouble I will, so just leave. Mark and Benny walks out of the office to the garage. This guy Wayne is standing there laughing at them. Benny I told you that motherfucker told. Look at his ass. Mark Wayne what the fuck is so funny. Did you tell Mr. Watson I stole some money? Wayne is walking over to Mark pointing his finger in Mark’s face. Mark looks at him with a mean stare. Wayne Yea, I told him motherfucker. What the fuck you gonna do about it. You got fired so get the fuck away from here. Wayne walks up to Mark and Mark hits him in the face. Benny Kick his ass Mark. Kill that motherfucker. Three guys from the garage came over to watch the fight.


Benny This is their fight. Nobody jumps in. Let them fight. Kick that motherfucker’s ass Mark. Mark has his fist balled up and keeps ducking and swinging and hitting Wayne. Wayne cannot get a hit in. Mark has knocked him on the ground and kicking him. Wayne gets up and runs into the garage where he grabs a shovel. He starts swinging it waiting for Mark to get closer. Mark stands back and yells at him. Mark Put the shovel down motherfucker. You talk all that shit, but you are not gonna do nothing. Mr. Watson runs from the office. He has a pistol in his hand. Mr. Watson Mark get your ass out of here. I will shoot both of you motherfuckers. Benny Mark come on this fool got a gun. Mark turns around and looks at Mr. Watson who is pointing the gun at Mark’s head. Mark doesn't move just looks straight into Mr. Watson's eyes without blinking. Mr. Watson Boy you better get yo ass up from around here fo I blow your head off. Mark looks at Mr. Watson. Mark Do it. Benny Mark come on lets go. Benny grabs Marks arm and pulls him away. Mr. Watson lowers his arm with the gun and looks at Mark walking


away. Mr. Watson That motherfucker is crazy. When a man is not afraid to die that means he's crazy. Wayne get you dumb ass cleaned up. INT. CARL AND MARK'S APARTMENT-NIGHT Carl is sitting on the couch with Dorlene. Mark and Benny come in the apartment. They both have been drinking. Mark Carl that motherfucker fired me. Carl Who fired you, why? Benny That fucking Wayne told Mr. Watson that we were stealing. Carl From the car wash? Mark Yea, that motherfucker told on us. Where is Byron's gun? That motherfucker pulled a gun on me I'm gonna pull one on him. Carl Who pulled a gun on you? Benny Mr. Watson put a gun right to Mark's head. Mark Where is Byron's gun? I'm gonna get that mother fucker. Carl Doreen maybe you should go. I'll call you later. Carl walks Dorlene to her car. Dorlene Are you going to go with them to shoot some man?


Carl They are not going anywhere, they just drunk and talking shit. Mark is just drunk and he's mad I've seen him like this many times. Just go home I'll call you later. Carl walks back into the apartment. Mark has the gun in his hand. Benny is sitting in the couch drinking some wine. Carl Benny let me get some of that Rose? Benny hands Carl the bottle of wine. Carl sits on the couch and drinks the wine watching Mark play with the gun. Carl So now you gonna go out and kill this man for firing you. You know you were stealing from him. So what, you got caught. Mark I didn't get caught. Wayne told on me. I'm not gonna kill Mr. Watson for firing me. Fuck him and that job. I’m gonna kill him for pointing a gun at me. Louie always said to me never point a gun at somebody unless you're going to use it. If you don't use it then that man can come back and kill you. So I'm goin back. Carl Mark you are not Louie. Louie would have taken the gun out of this mans hand and killed him right there. You didn't so forget it. It's over. Byron fines out you got his gun he's gonna kick your ass. Mark I'm not tryin to be Louie. I'm me and that motherfucker is dead. Carl So when are you goin? Is he there now? Mark No. I'll get his ass tomorrow. Carl


If you are not going till tomorrow then put Byron's fuckin gun back in there before he comes home. Mark and Carl are sitting on the couch smoking refer and drinking. Mark falls asleep on the couch. Carl takes the gun from Mark's waist and puts it back in Byron's room. Carl walks to his bedroom sits on the edge of the bed. Voice Over (Carl) Mark was always trying to compare himself to Louie. I don't know how many times we have stayed up all night drinking while he told me stories about Louie. I had never met Louie. I had seen him in pictures. Mark and the family made this man seem like he was superman. Mark was kind of excited about Louie getting out of prison next month. This was close this time. Mark could have really shot somebody tonight. He wanted respect from everyone. He would demand it. INT. CARL'S MOTHER'S HOUSE Carl and his mother are in the dinning room. Ms. Bailey I got a call today. Do you know how much it took for that man to give you that job? I asked him to give you a job and now you don't show up. You have missed a week Carl It is cold out there now. I have to catch two buses to get there. I'm not going to stand out there in the cold every day. I'm going to try to find a job closer. I want to buy a car. Ms. Bailey Why don't you keep this job and buy a car? Carl This job don't pay enough for me to save up enough money to buy a car. Ms. Bailey


That doesn’t make since. Just keep the job until you find another one. Carl Ok, I'll go back tomorrow. INT. CARL'S APARTMENT-NIGHT Carl and Dorlene and Mark and his girl Sylvia smoking and drinking. Dorlene (Upset) Carl why do you drink so much? All you and Mark do is drink and smoke refers.

Carl I drink because I want to. Just because you don't drink don't try to stop me. Dorlene Are you going to work tomorrow? Carl You know how cold it's going to be tomorrow. I’m not going out there and wait for that damn bus. Fuck that job. Dorlene jumps up and walks down the steps to Carl's bedroom. Carl comes behind her she is sitting on his bed. Carl What in the fuck is wrong with you? If you don't want to see me drinking then just leave. Dorlene Do want me to leave? Carl No, but I don't want to hear this shit tonight. I got to go and find another job tomorrow. Please leave me alone tonight please. Dorlene


I'm pregnant. Carl What! Dorlene I'm pregnant. Carl sits on the bed and holds Dorlene. Carl We'll be ok I'll find another job.

Voice Over (Carl) I didn't know what to think. I was happy and scared and happy and scared. I was going to be a father. The only thing I thought of was that I knew I had to be there for her and never let her down. With my mothers help again I got a job at the same hospital she worked in. I was now an x-ray orderly. I transported patients from the emergency room to the radiology department on third shift. From 11pm to 8am. It was good money and I finally got a car. I got this bright red 1976 Red Ford Pinto. It wasn't great but it was mine. It got me around. Mark and Benny had their own little thing going. They were doing break ins. Houses, stores, cars any way they could make money. They did make quite a bit. Life was now good again for a while. My daughter was born in February. She was named after me Carla. Now that the baby was born Doreen was driving me crazy about spending time with her and the baby. I wanted to go out and play. So I did. INT. HOSPITAL X-RAY DEPT-DAY 7:45AM Carl is at the front desk where a receptionist Mariah is standing. Carl Michelle why do you stare at me every morning? Mariah I am not staring at you. I'm looking. Carl


Why are you looking at me? Mariah I don't know. I used to think you were cute until you started talking. Mariah laughs. Carl Funny. Why don't you give me your telephone number so I can call you? Mariah I see all these girls who you talk to, why do you want to talk to me? I also heard you have a girl friend and a baby. Carl There are no all these girls that I talk to, and I do have a baby. Her name is Carla and I still want your number. Mariah writes her number on a piece of paper and hands it to Carl. INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-NIGHT Carl is sitting on the bed talking to Mariah on the phone. Voice Over (Carl) I called Mariah and made plans to go to Chicago with her and Al and his date. This girl was different. She was in college and shy. She was a virgin and I just wanted to show her a good time. Mariah had this low self-esteem because I guess because she looked so plan. I found that kind of attractive. I wanted to show her how beautiful she really was. EXT. CARL' S APARTMENT-DAY Carl and Al are talking outside waiting for Mariah to show up. Mariah pulls up and gets out of the car. She is wear this old fashion green teal dress with matching coat. She is walking toward Carl.


Carl Al what the hell is she wearing? That looks like something my mother would wear. Al Shut up you better not tell her that, be nice. Carl HI, Michelle this is Al. AL Hi, you look nice. Carl We have to go and pick up Al's date. INT. MARINA TOWERS-CHICAGO Carl, Mariah, Al and his date. Sitting at a bar. There is also a bowling alley view. Al and his date walk over to watch the bowlers. Carl Did you like the movie? Mariah The movie was good but I thought it had too much violence. Carl Saturday Night Fever. It had too much violence? What kind of movies do you like? Mariah The kind where there’s a happy ending. Where the couple goes off together and lives happily ever after. Carl You know that shit don't happen in real life. What couple do you know stay together? Are your parents still together? Mariah Kind of. Carl


What does that mean, kind of, either they are together or there not. Mariah You'll find out when you meet them Friday. Carl I don't want to know that badly. Do you want something to drink? Mariah White wine. Don't change the subject. Can you come over Friday night, they want to meet you. Carl You only drink white wine? Mariah No, but I want white wine. Why don't you drink wine? Carl Yea, but you wouldn't like the wine I drink. Carl turns and looks at the bartender. Carl Hey can I get a white wine and a beer. Do you have malt liquor? Bartender Yea we got-um, Slitz and Colt 45 Carl Let me have the Colt 45. Mariah What kind of wine do you drink? Carl I drink Rose. Wild Irish Rose. Why you ever tried it? Mariah No I haven't. Are you going to keep ignoring me? Can you come over for dinner Friday night?



Oh now it's dinner. First you want me to come over to meet your parents, now you want me to sit down and eat with them. After a short pause Carl (count.) I’ll think about it, ok. Mariah Can you let me know by Monday? Carl Man, what is the fuckin hurry. Mariah Do you know what it takes to plan a dinner party? Carl Now it's a dinner party. You know your making me very nervous. I'll let you know by Monday. Come on lets get Al we got to get out of here. INT. CARL'S APARTMENT-NIGHT Carl and Mariah are walking in the front door. Carl Have a seat. I have to use the bathroom. Carl runs down the steps. Mariah sits at the end of the couch. Carl walks up the steps towards her. Mariah is sitting on the edge of the couch. Her legs are closed and her purse is on her lap. Her face looks as if she is scared and frighten. Carl goes and sits at the other end of the couch. Carl Are you ok? Mariah I'm fine, is there anybody here with us. Carl No, there is nobody here. We are all alone. I am not going to do anything to you, you don't want me to.


A long silence. Carl Maybe I should walk you to your car. Mariah quickly jumps up and heads towards the door. Carl follows behind her. He stops her at the door and turns her around toward him. He gives her a long passionate kiss. Mariah You know I don't have to go. I could stay for awhile. Carl No, come on let me walk you to your car. Carl kisses her again before she gets in the car. Carl I'll call you later Ok. Mariah Yea, ok I'll talk to you later. INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-SAME NIGHT Carl is lying on the bed smoking a joint. Byron and Mark are home playing music and talking upstairs. The phone rings. Carl Hello Mariah Hi, it's me. I know you told me you were going to call me but you don't have to. I'm really sorry about the way I acted tonight. Carl Mariah, it's only been a half an hour. I told you I would call you and I will. Mariah


Look, I just wanted to tell you that I was sorry about asking you to come over for dinner. I know you don't know me that well. I no I'm not your type. I've seen the girls that you talk to. I just wanted to thank you for taking me out. Carl You don't have to thank me. Mariah, I'm kind of busy right now but I'll call you later ok. Is that ok. Mariah Ok, I didn't mean to bother you. I’ll see you at work tomorrow. Good Bye Carl You are not bothering me. But I will call you later. OK Bye. Carl hangs up the phone and takes a look at his watch. After Five minuets go buy he picks up the phone and calls Mariah. Mariah Hello Carl I told you I would call you didn't I. Mariah laughs. Carl Now tell me why are you so nervous around me? Mariah lies back in her bed and smiles. They talk on the phone for an hour. Carl looks at his watch. Carl You know it's late. I have gotta go to bed. I will talk to you tomorrow. Mariah You promise you'll call me. Carl Don't start that shit again. I will call you. Good-bye.


Mariah laughs Mariah Good night I'll talk to you tomorrow. Carl hangs up the phone and goes upstairs. Mark and Byron and Byron's girlfriend are smoking a joint talking. There is a bang at the door. Carl turns around and open up the door. It is Mark's sister Paula. Paula Byron come on we gotta go over to Phyllis house. Her boyfriend hit her. Louie and momma are on their way. Byron jumps up and grabs his gun. We all jump in the car. Paula is following us closely behind. Voice Over (Carl) I didn't know what was going to happen, but this was big. Nobody fucks with this family. That was just that. If they did they would have to pay. Byron was getting madder and madder with every stoplight he came to. I was kind of excited too. Louie had been out of prison for two months and I still had never met him. This would be the first time. I will see the true Gladiator, I've been told so much about. EXT. DRIVEWAY OF PHYLLIS HOUSE-NIGHT Byron and Paula's car pulls up and they all get out of the car. Mrs. Jones and Louis are standing in the driveway. Byron Louie where is that motherfucker! Louie He's in the house. Phyllis won't let us in she thinks we’re going to kill him. Byron bangs on the door.


Byron Phyllis open this fuckin door! Mrs. Jones Byron stop it. Yawl just go home Phyllis is ok now. We will take care of it. Louis is walking around in the driveway in circles. Voice Over (Carl) This is Louis. He looks like and larger virgin of Mark. Same eyes, hair and build. Only Louis has a handlebar mustache and a nickel-plated 45 in his waist, that seem to show even brighter, because of the white turtle neck sweater he was wearing. He was angry. I didn't want to introduce myself. This wasn't the right time. Byron Momma tell Phyllis to get that motherfucker out here before I break down that fuckin door. Mrs. Jones Phyllis, just open up the door we just want to see if you’re alright. Phyllis Ok, but they better not do anything to him. INT. PHYLLIS LIVING ROOM-NIGHT Phyllis opens the door and Byron and Louie ran inside to find this guy hiding in the closet. Byron grabs him pulling him out. Mark and me stand back watching. Byron and Louie are beating the shit out of this guy. The guy is now on the floor and Byron is still kicking him. Louie grabs Byron and takes him outside. Phyllis is screaming at both of them. Phyllis Louie, get Byron out of here. Louis Phyllis, you Ok? Phyllis


I'm find he just slapped me when I was of the phone talking to momma. Will you just get everybody out of here before the neighbors call the police? Louie Mark, you and Carl get Byron home. We think the police are coming. Mark Come on Byron get in the car! Voice Over (Carl) Hey, what can I say? You just don't fuck with this family. They take that shit serious. I was surprised that Louie knew who I was and my name. Mark had been writing him in prison and told him about me. To me this was just like it was my family. I felt like I was a part of this family. This is the way they all treated me. I truly have the brothers I never had. INT. MARIAH'S HOUSE-DAY Me, Mariah and her mother and father are sitting at the dinning table eating dinner. Mrs. Hudson Well, Carl how long have you been working at the hospital. Carl I've been there about nine months. Mrs. Hudson Did Mariah tell you that she just accepted a fulltime position there? Carl turns toward Mariah Carl Good, why didn't you tell me? Mrs. Hudson No, that’s not good. I want her to go to school fulltime. If your grades start to fall, you know your going to quit that job, don't you? Mr. Hudson


Do we have to talk about this now, please can we just eat? Mariah Carl, I was going to tell you tonight. And mother I'm not going to quit. I told you that. Carl are you done? Carl Yea, yes I am. Mrs. Hudson thank you for inviting me. Mariah We’re going to go down in the basement ok. Michelle grabs Carl’s arm and pull’s him up from the table. He follows her to the basement. INT. MARIAH'S BASEMENT-NIGHT Carl is sitting at the bar and Michelle walks behind the bar. Mariah My mother drives me crazy. She should be happy that I am making more money now to pay her. Carl do you want a drink. Carl Yea sure, what is it that you are paying your mother for?

Mariah puts two glasses on the bar and a bottle of Cutty Stark. She pours and hands Carl the glass. Michelle I pay her everything. I use her car for work, so I pay the car payments and the insurance. I live here, so I pay her rent. I really got this job, so I can move out of here. Carl When are you planning on moving? Mariah As soon as I can save enough money.


Carl Mariah, I got to go. Mariah Don't leave me here. Can I come with you? Carl I'm just going home. I got to get some rest before I go to work. So if you want to come you have to drive, cause I won't have time to bring you back. Mariah Ok. Let me tell my mother. Mariah goes towards the steps as her father is coming down. Mr. Hudson Mariah, I'm leaving ,I'll call you later this week. Carl it was nice to meet you. Carl Ok Mr. Hudson I'll see you later. INT. CARL'S BEROOM-NIGHT Carl and Mariah are lying on the bed kissing. Mariah I wish I could stay here with you tonight. I don't want to go back home to that woman. Carl Well, where did you father go? Does he work nights too? Mariah No, he went home. He doesn't live there. He and my mother are still together, but he moved into an apartment a few months ago. He comes over to spend the night sometime. Or, he used to, but he hasn't done that in awhile. I have got to get out of there. Mariah and Carl start kissing again. Mariah Remember when I told you I was a virgin?


Carl Hey. Mariah Well, after tonight I don't want to be. Carl Are you serious? Mariah Yea, come on. Carl Why now, all the times I tried, you told me no. Why now? Mariah I'm ready; I want to now. Come on! Carl You are just not going to let me rest are you? Mariah You can rest. I'll leave. Carl Now, I didn't say that did I? Carl and Michelle make love. INT. METHODIST HOSPITAL X-RAY DEPT-NIGHT Carl is sitting behind the desk. The phone rings. Byron Carl? Carl Byron, what’s up? Byron Mark is in jail. Carl Why, what happen.


Byron He was crawling out of the store around the corner and the police caught him. Carl What store? Was he by himself? Byron The corner store on 16th in Grant. Benny was with him. Carl Where is Benny? Did he get caught too? Byron Benny is right here. He ran and got away. He said, Mark didn't want to leave the store. They couldn't find the safe. Mark stayed to get some steaks and shit. Carl You know how much his bail is going to be? Byron No, momma and me are going to court with him in the morning. Carl All right, I'll be home in the morning, but wake me up when you come back from court. Byron All right, I'll talk to you later. INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-DAY Carl is awaken by the phone. Carl Hello. Byron His bail is 25 hundred! Carl 25 hundred what the hell did he steal!!


Byron He was charged with breaking and entering and assault on a police officer. Carl He tried to fight the police? Did he get hurt? Byron He tried to fight one of them, but he didn't get hurt. Carl That fool is lucky they could have fucked him up. Byron I'm not coming home, I’m goin with momma to get the money. A knock at the door. Carl All right, I'll talk to you later. There is somebody at the door. Byron Tell me who it is first. Carl All right, hold on.

INT. CARL'S LIVING ROOM Carl answers the door. It's Benny he walks in the door and sits on the couch. Carl Byron its Benny. Byron Alright, later. Carl Later. Carl hangs up the phone and sits on the couch with Benny.


Carl What the fuck where yawl doin trin to break into the fuckin store? You fools should know there’s no fuckin money in there. Benny I tried to tell Mark that, but he wanted to go in and see. Carl How did you get in? Benny He broke out the bottom glass in the door. The police caught Mark coming out. Carl Where the hell where you? Benny He kept handing me steaks and meat and I was putting it in the car. When I saw the police I was going to get in the car and drive away, but I thought they would see me, so I went through the alley and ran over here. Carl You motherfuckers are crazy. Mark's bail is 25 hundred. He hit one on the cops and got another charge. Benny Is his mother goin to get him out? Carl Yea, they are goin to get the money now. Carl laughs Carl Yawl, go in a store to steal some steaks, yawl crazy. Benny Man that shit is not funny. I’m not doin shit with Mark. Man I got to go look at this apartment. Carl


What apartment? Benny My girl and me are moving in together. We got to find an apartment this week. Carl Hold on let me get dressed. I want to come with you. INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-NIGHT Carl is lying on the bed dialing the phone. Carl Hello, may I speck to Mariah? Mariah Hi, this is me. Carl You’re off tomorrow right? Mariah Yea why? Do you want me to come over tonight? Carl No, I want you to come to work in the morning when I get off and pick me up.

Mariah Why, what is wrong with your car? Carl Nothing, just come, I have a surprise for you. Mariah I don't want to get up that early in the morning. I wanted to sleep in tomorrow. Just let me come tonight. Carl No, I need you to come tomorrow. Look it is really a big surprise, you better come. Mariah


Ok, I'll be there at eight. EXT. 11TH IN WASHINGTON-DAY Carl and Mariah pull up to a house. Mariah Is this my surprise? Who lives here? Carl Just wait here. I’ll be right back. Carl exits the car and walks to the door. He talks to a man. The man hands him some keys. He turns around and motions for Michelle to come. She follows him to a side door and they walk up the steps of a hallway. Carl Where you serious when you said you wanted to move out. Mariah Yea, why? Who lives here? INT. MARIAH'S APARTMENT-DAY Carl puts the key in the lock and opens the door. Carl This is your apartment. Mriah What are you talking about? Carlton It's $300 a month and $100 for deposit. I already gave him the deposit now all you have to do is right a check for $300 dollars and here. These are the keys. Mariah walks around the empty apartment from room to room looking around.


Mariah This is ours. Are you serious? Carl No. This is yours. If you want it. Mariah You are not going to move in here with me? Carl No, I have an apartment. Little house down in the basement, you've been there. Mariah I'm 18. I've never lived alone before. Carl I am not moving in here with you. Do you want the place? If you want the place it's yours. Just go down stairs and talk to the man and if you don't want it tell him. Then get my money back. I’ll be in the car. EXT. MARIAH'S APARTMANT-DAY Carl is sitting in the car smoking. Mariah comes out to the car and gets in. Mariah I did it. I wrote him a check. I can't believe I'm doing this. Here take this. Mariah hands Carl a key. Carl I don't want the key. This is your apartment. You live here not me. Mariah You don't even want a key? Then you'll be able to come in when ever you want. Carl If I want to come in I'll call you first. This is your apartment. Mariah


I don't know how I’m going to be able to tell my mother. The first thing she is going to ask me is are you moving in with me. Carl Now, you can honestly tell her no. Mariah She is going to really hate you now. Carl Can you take me back to my car? Mark got out of jail last night. I got to go fuck with him. INT. CARL'S APARTMENT-DAY Carl goes to Mark's room to wake him up. Carl kicks Mark's bed. Carl Wake up motherfucker! Did you drink all my beer? Mark Leave me alone. I'll buy you some more. Carl How, today is Sunday. The liquor stores not open on Sunday. Mark Wake me up in an hour and we'll go to the state line. Carl You wake me up in three hours. I got to get some sleep. I got to work tonight. Mark is not listening. He falls back asleep. Carl kicks the bed again. Carl Wake up!! You gonna wake me up? Mark Yea motherfucker quit kickin my bed. Carl turns to leave the room. Then turns back toward Mark.


Carl Mark, what kind of bird can't fly? Mark What, what the fuck you talking about. Carl A Jailbird. Carl laughs and walks out the room. EXT. 15TH AVE HAMMOND IND.-DAY Carl and Mark driving down the street going toward the Illinois state line to get some liquor. Near a apartment complex they see a Carnival. Mark Hey man look at that shit. Carl What the fuck is that? Mark A Carnival. Pull over and lets go in there. Carl No, man I don’t have time for that shit. We got to go right back. I got to see Dorlene and my baby before I go to work. Mark Come on man, I want to have some fun. Carl Ok, but we cannot stay Mark. Ok! Mark Ok, come on pull in right here. Carl Mark, we cannot stay. Mark


All right I heard you. Fuck I just want to go on a few rides. Then we can leave. EXT. OUTSIDE ENTRANCE OF CARNIVAL-DAY Carl and Mark walking toward carnival entrance. Mark Come on lets go over here to this ride. Carl No man I'm gonna go over here to these games. I don't fuck with them rides. Mark (Mark laughs) You scared of some fuckin rides. Carl Hell yea, them fuckin rides go to fast. You want me to throw up? Now I’m gonna go over here to these games. Just find me when you get done riding.

Carl walks over to a game. There are a lot of people playing. Carl looks up at the tent where the game is being played. He sees a huge St. Bernard stuffed animal. Carl Hey man how you play dis. Carnival attendant You take the stick and try to stand the coke bottle straight up. You do that you win whatever is up here. First you got to give me a dollar. Carl hands the man a dollar and on the first try he stands the bottle straight up. Every body claps. Carl


You mean like that? Carnival Attendant You did it, which one you want? Carl Give me that St. Bernard. Carl walks away with this big stuffed animal under his left arm. People are staring at him. He hears someone yell out his name. He turns to see who it is. Two young woman are walking toward Carl. Marilynn and Spanky. Marilynn is dressed in tight jeans and button down shirt tied around her waist. Spanky is dressed the same way. Marilynn Carl, is that you. Carl Marilynn? Marilynn Yea Marilynn, how you doin? Carl Damn, you look different. Marilynn Yea, I grew up. I'm not that little girl you knew a long time ago. Carl No. You’re not a little girl anymore. You look nice. Carl stands there staring at Marilynn when her friend walks up. Marilynn Hey, do you remember Spanky?


Carl Yea I remember Spanky. What’s up Spanky I haven’t seen you in awhile? Spanky Hey Carl, what you doin way out here. I haven’t seen you in a long time. Carl Mark and me were going to the state line and saw the carnival and just stopped. Spanky Mark, Mark Jones he out here with you. Carl Yea, you remember Mark? He went over there on some rides. Spanky Yea, I remember Mark lets go find him. Come on Marilynn. All three start to walk away. Carl and Marilynn are walking behind Spanky. Carl Marilynn I haven’t seen you in about three years. Marilynn Yea I know. You win that St. Bernard for me? Carl No, I'm gonna give this to my daughter. Marilynn You got a daughter? You married too? Carl I got a daughter, but me and her mother are not together. Spanky I see him ,there he is. Hey Mark. Mark walks toward the three and Spanky puts her arms around his


neck. Mark Damn, where did yawl come from? Marilynn We saw a man walkin with a big stuffed animal so we was going to follow him and kick his ass and take it. Every one laughs. Carl Yea right. So yawl was going to kick my ass and take my dog. So where yawl goin? Marilynn We was just walkin around. Why where yawl goin? Mark We was goin to the state line and going back to the house. Yawl wanna come with us? Marilynn Yea, we can come with yawl. Spanky you wanna go? Spanky Yea, but are you going to bring us back? Mark We’ll bring you back come on lets go. Spanky We gotta go tell our friend first. Stay right here, we'll be right back. Spanky and Marilynn walk away. Carl Man, what the fuck wrong with you. I told you I gotta go over Doreen’s and then go to work. You goin bring them back buy yourself. Mark I'll bring um back. Come on man I'm tryin to get some pussy. Carl


Why can't you just take Spanky? Why Marilynn gotto come? Mark You know she not gonna come buy herself. Come on they won't stay long just a couple hours. Carl You know you fuckin me up don't you. Mark Come on just this one time. Carl Come on lets go. Two hours that’s it. INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-NIGHT Carl goes to his room to make a telephone call. The door opens, it's Marilynn. Carl I thought you were upstairs. Where’s Mark and Spanky. Marilynn sits on his bed. Marilynn They went to his bedroom. Why did you only go out with me one time and never called me?

Carl I didn't think you liked me you never called me. You were just so young. You were a cheerleader. I just didn't think I was your type. Marilynn I am not a little girl anymore. Marilynn takes off her shirt and Carl lays with her on the bed. TWO HOURS LATER


There is a knock at Carl's door. He goes to the door, sweat dripping off him, with a sheet around his waist. He opens the door. Carl What, what do you want. Mark looks at Carl and laughs. Mark Look at you; you want me to take them back now? Carl No she don't want to go back right now. Carl steps out the door and close it behind him. Mark Man, Dorlene has called three times and Mariah has called twice. What do you want me to tell them? Carl I'll call them and tell them some shit but for now I’m goin get me two beers and go back in there. Man this girl is tryin to fuck the shit out of me. Mark laughs. Mark You still want me to take them home. Carl Why does Spanky want to go home? Mark No, she wants to stay all night. Carl All right give me a joint. We'll take them back in the morning. Mark You not goin to work? Carl No this is too good. I’m not going anywhere tonight.


Mark Yo ass is crazy. Carl Bye I'm goin back in there. Mark laughs and walks back to his bedroom. INT-APARTMENT (5 AM)-DAY Carl walks out of his bedroom up the stairs. Mark is drinking a beer sitting on the couch. Spanky is lying on his lap sleep. Carl You still drinking beer? Mark YEP! Carl You been up all night? Mark YEP! You ready to go now? Carl Yea, she’s coming. You gonna drive. Mark No, I'm going to sleep all the way there and back. Carl All right, wake her up let's go. EXT.OUTSIDE MARILYNN'S APARTMENT BUILDING-DAY Mark walks Spanky to her apartment. Carl and Marilynn standing outside the car. Carl has his arms around Marilynn kissing her good bye. Marilynn You gonna call me later?


Carl Yea, I'll give you a call when I wake up. Marilynn So are we like a couple now? Carl We'll talk about that later. Marilynn I know you're seeing someone and I know they called you last night. I don't care. I just want to see you again. Carl Lets just talk about it tonight. I have got to get home and get some sleep. They kiss again and Carl gets in the car. Mark and Carl are driving down the street. Mark starts laughing loudly. Carl What the fuck you laughing about. Mark Cause Dorlene and Mariah going to kick your ass. They both start laughing. Carl I really fucked up last night. I was supposed to go over Dorlene’s last night. I didn't go to work. I was supposed to go over Mariah’s this morning. This shits not funny. I’m gonna have to tell a whole lotta lies to get out of this shit. Mark laughs again. Carl Shut up. You the one who got me into this shit. I told you not to bring them back. Mark I didn't tell you to fuck her all night. (Singing)


You gonna get your ass kicked. You gonna get your ass kicked. Carl Fuck you. INT. HOSPITAL (X-RAY DEPT.)-NIGHT Carl is at work and the phone rings. Carl Hello Dorlene Where were you yesterday? Carl Can you say hello first. Dorlene Hello, where in the hell where you yesterday. Carl I went out to the state line with Byron and the car broke down. We ended up walking to this carnival in Hammond. We ran into one of his friends and I ended up getting drunk and stranded out there. I didn't even make it to work last night. I did win you something at the carnival. Dorlene I know you didn't go to work I called you there last night. What did you win for me? Carl I'm not telling you. It's a surprise. You'll find out when I see you in the morning. I got to get back to work. I'll see you in the morning. Dorlene You promise you’re coming over? Carl I'll be there in the morning. I promise ok. Dorlene Ok, I love you.


Carl I love you too baby. Bye. Carl hangs up with a smile on his face. The phone rings. Carl X-ray this is Carl may I help you. Mariah Where were you yesterday? Carl Mariah? Mariah I tried calling you at work last night and you were not there. Where were you? Carl Byron and me went to the state line.........

INT. LYNN'S HOUSE-DAY Carl is sitting at the table of a smoke filled kitchen will Darrell, Lynn and Dana playing a card game. (Bid whisk). Billy and Jarrell are waiting for the winner to get up. Jerrell Who's winning? Darrell We are. Don't worry when yawl sit down here we gonna run a Boston on your ass too. Carl You did not run a Boston yet. Dana Come on Carl play something. Carl


I don’t have shit to play. A knock at the door. Mark and Benny walk in the door. Mark What’s up? Carl We gettin our ass whipped. Dana won’t play shit. Mark Guess what? Carl What? Mark Momma got me a job working at Blow Knocks with her. Carl You bullshittin. Mark I start tomorrow, nine dollars an hour. Lynn Good now your ass can stop breakin into stores. Everyone laughs Mark Look what I got. Mark opens up his jacket and shows Carl a gun. A 38. Carl Mark what the fuck is that? What you need that shit for? Mark Everybody else got one. Now, I got one too. Carl Let me see it.


Mark I don’t have any bullets in it. Mark hands Carl the gun. Carl takes the gun and opens it up. He then point the gun at Mark and pulls the trigger. Mark (Yelling) What the fuck is wrong with you. I told you don't ever point a gun at somebody unless you gonna use it. Carl I was just fuckin playin. You know it don’t have no bullets in it. Mark Yea, that’s why so many people are dead now. They always say they didn't think there was know bullets in the gun. You play to fuckin much. Carl You know there are no bullets in it. It's yo fuckin gun. Mark snatches the gun from Carl's hands and walks out the door. Benny following behind him. INT. HOSPITAL (EMERGENCY ROOM)-NIGHT Carl is at work. There is a nurse talking to him. Nurse Darlene Carl can you keep an eye on this patient. Her parents bought her in because she kept telling them she wanted to kill herself. Carl What am I suppose to do? Nurse Darlene Just watch her if she tries to leave don't stop her just tell us and we'll call security. Carl


I don't have to talk to her. You just want me to watch her. Nurse Darlene No, you can talk to her if you like. Carl No, I don't want to talk to her. Nurse Darlene Just watch her. She’s in the last curtain by the wall. Carl walks down to where she is. He looks in the curtain. This beautiful young woman is lying on the cot crying. Carl Hey, how are you. You don't look sick to me. You want to get out of that bed, so that we can give it to a bleeding patient. Marlene Ok, I'll get up. Can you give me a minute? Carl I'm just kidding you don't have to go anywhere. What’s your name? Marlene Marlene. Do you know what they’re going to do with me? Carl No I don't. I was just asked to come back here to keep you company. My name is Carl if I'm bothering you I can leave. Marlene No. Do you know why I'm here?

Carl Yea, one of the nurses told me. I don't understand. You are so young and very pretty why would you want to hurt yourself.


Marlene My boyfriend got shot last month and died. He was my baby's father. Carl You have a baby? You look like you’re about 15. Marlene I'm 17. I was 16 when Brady got me pregnant. I have a daughter. Her name is Nicole. Carl I have a daughter named Carla Nicole. Did you say Brady? Marlene Yea. Carl Brady, Brady Williams? Marlene You know Brady? Carl Yea, we grew up together. I heard he died.

Marlene I loved him and now he's gone. I don't want to live anymore. Carl What about Nicole? Who will take care of her if you're gone? Marlene My mother will. Carl But, you're her mother. Suppose you do kill yourself. One day Nicole is going to find out about it. Lets say one day she is filling badly. She saw that her mother killed herself and maybe it would be ok if she did it to. Marlene


No, she would never do that. She's a happy baby. Carl She’s a happy baby now. I bet you were a happy baby too. You are her mother and you have to teach her how to deal with problems. Not to want to give up every time she has one. Children learn from their mother. You don't want to teach her this. Marlene No I don't. I love my baby. Carl Then stick around and watch her grow up. She needs you now. Nurse Darlene walks in the stall. Nurse Darlene Carl, can I see you a second. Marlene there going to be taking you up to a room in a minute. Carl walks down to the nurse’s station with the nurse. Nurse Darlene I heard what you said to her. That was good. Can you take her up to the mental ward? Carl They are going to put her into the forth floor. Those people up there are crazy and locked in. Nurse Darlene The doctor makes that decision. I know your mother I'm going to tell her what you did. That was really nice what you said to her. You made her think that there was a reason why she should live. Carl I'll take her up there. Carl goes back to Marlene. Carl I'm going to be taking you upstairs. Do you know where you're going?


Marlene Yea, forth floor. I've been up there a few times. Would you come and see me? Carl Sure, I'll come up there tomorrow to see how you’re doing. INT-HOSPITAL MENTAL WARD -DAY Carl is sitting in Marlene’s hospital room. Carl (voice over) This was the beginning of a big mistake. I went to see this girl for six nights before I started working. I knew she was getting too attached to me. She called me every night at work. I knew she would be getting out the next day, so I was coming to say good-bye. She would go back to school and I would go on with my life. INT. HOSPITAL X-RAY DEPT.-DAY Carl is on his way to punch out for the night when Mariah comes in.

Mariah How did the night go? Carl Quite. It was so boring. I went to sleep as soon as we hung up. Mariah Are you going to have breakfast with your mother? Carl I'm going to the cafeteria to have breakfast, but not with my mother. I don't like sitting with her and her friends. Mariah Am I going to see you tonight? Carl


What did I tell you last night? Mariah Do you know how many times you told me you where coming and never showed up? Carl I told you I was coming and I'll be there. Mariah Ok, but I'm not going to wait up for you. Do you want this key to get in? Carl No, I'll be there early, before you go to sleep. OK Mariah OK, go home and get some rest. Carl Bye, Mariah INT-HOSPITAL (CAFETERIA)-DAY Carl is sitting at a table reading a paper eating breakfast. He looks up and Mariah is standing there with Marlene. He puts his head down and then turns around and looks at his mother who is sitting behind him. He looks back at Mariah and she is pointing at him. Marlene walks over to his table and sits down. Carl What are you doing here? You are supposed to be in school. Marlene I wanted to see you. Carl Marlene you just can't come in here like that. You are going to get me in trouble. Marlene Get you in trouble for what. Carl


If one of the nurses from the floor you were on sees us together and it gets out that we are seeing each other then I will get fired. Marlene Nobody here dates the patients? Besides we are not doing anything. Carl You're 17, I'm 20. You're supposed to be in school. You were a patient in the mental ward. That’s not enough. We have got to get out of here. I'm taking you to school. Carl was about to get up when his mother walks over to the table. Mrs. Bailey HI, can you call my later? I need to talk to you? Carl I'll call you when I wake up. This is Marlene. Mrs. Bailey Carl. Carl Yes. Mrs. Bailey Carl look at me. Carl What! Mrs. Bailey NO!!!!!!! Carl's mother turns and walks back to her table. Carl looks at her and leaves with Marlene. INT. CARL'S BEDROOM-DAY Carl is lying in his bed smoking a joint and drinking beer, listening to music.


Voice Over (Carl) See this shit. My intensions were to take Marlene to school. But before that I could explain to her that there was no way that we could have a relationship. Marlene walks out of the bathroom with a t-shirt on. She lies down next to Carl and takes the joint. Voice Over (Carl) This is how stupid I was. See what had happen was when we got in the car she started touching me and kissing me and I just couldn’t say no. Besides that she told me that if I took her back to school she wasn’t going to go in anyway. I just didn't want the poor girl walking the streets in the cold. That's bullshit. I wanted to fuck her from the first time I saw her. I saw the chance and I took it. Dumb ass! I took her home that day and promised myself I would not ever see her again. INT. THE APARTMENT - DAY Mark and Benny are upstairs drinking and smoking refers. Carl wakes up and goes upstairs to join them. Carl What the hell are yawl doin maken all this noise. Benny Mark got his first paycheck today. Mark Hey, you need some money? Carl Mark, you better slow yo ass down. Don't you have to go to work tonight? Mark Why you always trying to tell me what to do. I know I gotto go to work. I'm gonna go. Carl How when you sitting here gettin fucked up three hours before you go.


Mark Why don't you leave me the fuck alone? I'm going. Benny Man, why yawl always fighting? Why don't yawl quit that shit.

Carl Benny you are not helping with this shit. You know this motherfucker got to take his ass to work. You just sitting here with him getting high with him. You go to work in the morning. You got time to sleep, he don't. Benny So what, I done seen you get high before you go to work. Mark Yea, you even get high at work sometimes. So leave me alone. I know what I'm doin. Carl Mark, I been there a long time I work with maybe two people unless the emergency room is full. You work around machines and shit you work around a lot of people. You can't go to work like that. Look at you. Yo eyes are all red and shit. Just call and say your sick or some thing. Mark looks over at Benny and they both start laughing. Benny Man your eyes are fucking red. Mark Fuck yawl I'm going to work. Those motherfuckers are not goin to know I'm high. Mark takes another drag off the joint and blows the smoke out slowly. Carl just looks at him. EXT. BLOWKNOCKS - NIGHT


Mark walks up to the gate to be buzzed in the security gate. He stops checking his pockets for his badge. The security guards notice him. Security Guard #1 You can't find your badge? Mark Yea man, I got it. Security Guard #2 You ten minutes late man I can't let you in. Mark Man I got me badge. It’s right here. The first security guard comes toward Mark to look at his badge. Mark See I got it so let me in.

Security Guard #1 Mr. Jones have you been drinking? You can't come in here smelling like alcohol. Mark Man I was drinking earlier. I just woke up. I'm fine let me in. Security Guard #2 Mr. Jones just go home and sleep it off and come back tomorrow. Mark I told you I'm fine, I showed you my badge. I'm going to work. Security Guard #1 I told you I'm not letting you in so turn around and go home. Security guard #1 grabs Mark's


arm and tries to turn him around. Mark pulls away from him and hits him in the face. The second guard comes to asset the first. Mark sees him and hits him. Both guard try to restrain Mark. Mark is swinging and hitting them both. Both guards fine there way back behind the booth where Mark can't get to them. One guard calls the police. Mark (Yelling) You should have never put your hand on me and I would have just left. Security Guard #2 I'm calling the police Mr. Jones. You're going to jail. Mark Call'em you put yo hands on me first. INT. EAST CHICAGO POLICE STATION Mrs. Jones and Byron are walking out. Carl walks up with Benny. Carl Are they going to let him out? Byron We can come get him in the morning. There're going to let him sleep it off. Carl Is he fired? Mrs. Jones Yes he's fired and they sure not going to press charges on him. I've been working with those guards for ten years. They will do it for me. Carl Fuck! Benny I told you not to let him go to work. Didn’t I. Benny


I can't tell Mark what to do. You the one who kept fuckin with him. If you had not told him he had to go, he would have stayed at home. Carl walks away. INT. CARL'S MOTHER HOUSE-DAY Carl walks into his mother’s house. In the kitchen he heard voices and walk in. His sister Renee is there with Marlene. Carl Marlene what are you doing here? Nana She came home with me. Marlene you know my brother? Marlene Hey, I know him. I told you I met him at the hospital. Nana You didn't tell me that. Carl Marlene come out here and talk to me. Nana You don't have to go with him. Carl Nana shut-up. Marlene come here. Carl and Marlene goes in the living room. Carl What are you doing here with my sister? Marlene I found out who she was and we became friends. Carl Friends, you and my little sister are friends, has my mother seen you. Marlene


No, she's not here. I tried calling you at work. You don't want to talk to me. I came to your house a couple of times and you were not there. Why don't you want to see me again? Carl Marlene I can't. You're 17 and you were a patient. Please stay away from my sister and this house. Come on I'll take you home. Marlene I'm not going to tell anybody. We can still see each other. I love you. I think about you every day. Carl What! You are crazy. Come on before my mother gets here. Marlene Bye NaNa your brother is going to take me home. Nana You’re going home? I thought you were going to stay awhile? Carl NaNa she can't be here when momma comes home. I'm taken her home. Nana Why? Carl I'll tell you later. Marlene let's go. INT. CARL'S BEROOM-NIGHT Carl is lying in bed with Marlene. She is lying on his chest under the blanket. Carl is looking at the ceiling. Voice Over (Carl) What had happen was She got into the car with me and all the way to her house she kept telling me she loved me. She kept putting her hand down my pants and I


could not resist. Well that was it I couldn't keep her away. Now I had to find the time to see her Mariah and Dorlene. There was just some thing about the way she made love to me. She did everything I wanted her to do in bed. No one ever did these things before. One day I mentioned to her I wanted to be with two women in bed. Marlene called me at work one night and told me to come to her mothers when I get off. INT. MARLENE'S BEDROOM-DAY Marlene is lying in bed and Carl walks into the room. Carl takes off his clothes and lays in bed with her. He hears a noise in the bathroom. Marlene laughs. Carl looks towards the bathroom and a naked woman walks out. She gets in bed with them. Voice Over (Carl) This is Marlene's friend Brenda. Marlene wanted to surprise me and she did. Man did I have a good time that day. I was messing up. My mother found out about Marlene and so did everybody at work. I was missing days from work to be with Marlene and getting drunk with Mark and Benny. So after my job just couldn’t take it anymore they fired me. Now what was I going to do for money. This is what I did. INT. SKYLINE MOTEL (BAR)-NIGHT Carl is sitting at the bar drinking talking to a woman he just met. Carl So why are you hear by yourself? Diane I was supposed to meet some friends her but they never showed up. Why, can't I sit with you? Carl Hey, I just didn't know what you were doing here by yourself. Do you know if they are still coming? Diane Yea, they'll show up sooner or later.


Carl So when they show up you’re just going to leave me right. Diane No, do you want me to stay here with you. You know we can go somewhere else? Carl Like where? Diane I don't know. Where do you live? Carl No, we can't go to my house. Diane Why, you got a girlfriend? I know you got at least one girlfriend. Carl What makes you think that? Diane Cause a man who looks like you is going to have a girlfriend or a wife. Carl Well, I don't have a wife and I don't want one. Why can't we go to your house? You got a boyfriend? Diane Yea, I do and we are not going there. You know we are at a motel. Why don't we get a bottle and a room? Carl I tell you what you get the room and I'll get the bottle. Diane I'll meet you outside. INT. SKYLINE MOTEL (ROOM)-DAY Carl is sleeping in the bed and Diane is getting dressed.


Diane Wake up I gotto go. Carl What time is it? Diane It's eight thirty in the morning. I have to get out of here. Can you meet me at the bar on Friday? Carl What time Friday? Diane About nine o'clock. I gotto go you can stay here and sleep. Just turn in the key for me when you leave. Diane kisses Carl on the cheek and leaves. Carl calls Mark on the phone. Mark Hello. Carl Hey what's up? Did anybody call me? Mark Everybody called you. Where the fuck are you? Carl I'm at the Skyline. Mark Who are you at the Skyline with? Carl Some woman I met last night. Did Marlene call? Mark Yea, she called the most times. Hey, are you going to the state line with Benny and me. Carl Yea, I'm coming now. Don't leave me. Mark


I'm not going to leave you, you driving. ENT. CARL'S CAR-DAY Carl, Mark and Benny are heading for the state line. Mark On the way back lets stop so I can see Spanky. Carl Hell no. You not getting me caught up in that shit again. I don't want to see Marilynn. Mark You don’t have to see Marilynn. She’s mad at you anyway. Spanky said she is so mad at you. She don’t wanna see you. Carl Why is she mad at me? Mark You fucked her all night long and then never called her. Carl I never told her I would call her. Now, I want to go over there. Mark Spanky told me you had that girl sitting by the phone waiting for you to call her for days. You had her crying over you. Don't go over there. EXT. SPANKY'S APARTMENT COMPLEX-DAY Mark is talking to Spanky in front of her building. Carl and Benny are sitting in the car. Spanky walks over to the car. Spanky I called Marilynn and told her you where over here. Carl So, I don't want to see her. Spanky


She wants to see you. She's in the back in the parking lot washing the car. Carl Benny walk over there with me. Benny and Carl walk over to the parking lot where they see three girls and Marilynn in bikinis washing a car. Marilynn turns and looks at Carl. Marilynn Hey, yawl that’s him. Marilynn's friends turn to look at Carl. One of them picks up a rock and threw it at him. Carl jumps out of the way of the rock that just missed him. Benny starts laughing. The other two friends all start throwing rocks at Carl. One hits Benny and he stops laughing. Carl starts laughing. Marilynn tries to get her friends to stop. Marilynn walks over to Carl. Carl What the fuck wrong with your friends? Benny I'm gonna kick that bitches ass she hit me with another rock. Marilynn I told them what you did to me. Carl I didn't do shit to you. You the one who wanted to come home with me. You’re not a little girl anymore remember. You knew what you were doing. I don't want to hear that shit. Benny Man, I'm going back to the car. Carl You not leaving me hear by myself. I'm coming with you. Bye Marilynn.


Marilynn You know I loved you don't you. Bye Carl How can you love me? We were together for one night. That’s not love. Come here let me talk to you? Marilynn Nope, you could have called me you know. Bye Carl Carl watches Marilynn walk away. EXT. CARL'S CAR-DAY Carl is driving down the road quite. Mark I told you a month ago that girl was looking for you. Carl Man, fuck that bitch. Carl looks through his pocket for matches to light his cigarette. He sees the motel key, he never turned in. Carl Hey man, I gotto stop at the Skyline for a minute. Mark Man come on lets go home. What the fuck were you doing at this truck stop last night. Carl I just stopped to get a drink and met this girl and we got a room. I'm just going to be one minute. Carl pulls up to the bar of the motel. He walks around to the room that he was in the night before. He knocks on the door. No answer. He goes back to the car.


Carl Mark come here. Watch out for me. If you see someone leave the bar honk the horn. Mark What in the fuck are you doing? Carl I'm about to go into that room. Just honk the horn if you see anybody come to the room. Carl goes back to the door and knocks on the door again. No answer. He takes the key and opens the door. He sees a fat white man sleep in a chair. The man is in his underwear. There are bottles of alcohol on the table and a wallet. There is a big black duffel bag on the floor. He goes in and takes everything. He goes back to the car. Throws the duffel bag in the back seat with Benny and jumps in the car. Carl Mark, go take off. Mark drives down the road. Carl looks in the wallet. There are ten one hundred dollar bills. Mark Man, look at that shit. Benny check that bag. Carl Man, that motherfucker was in the room sleep in a chair. Benny There are six CB radios in here. They’re brand new, still in the boxes.

Carl I'm giving yawl one hundred a piece and yawl can keep the CB's. I'm only given yawl that cause you was with me.


Benny Man these trucker’s be caring a lot of shit. We should do this again. Mark Oh we will. Carl Man we got to get some more keys. Mark You got that room in your name they gonna know it's you. Carl My name is not on that room. That room is in that girl’s name. The motel is so cheap they don't change the locks just give the next person another key. EXT. MOTEL ROOM-NIGHT Mark and Carl going from room to room, taking things out of every room. Voice Over (Carl) For the next few months Mark and me would steal from three different motels. I would get different woman to check out the rooms in someone else’s name and just kept the keys. We made some money. We stole everything that wasn't nailed down and a few things that were. TV’s, wallets, watches, guns, radios, stereos and sometimes even money. Truckers would hide money in there room just incase they would bring back a hooker and she wanted to rob him. This was ok for a while until we started seeing a lot of police cars around the motels. Mark and Benny moved on to something else. Strong-arm robbery. I just wasn't into that. I couldn’t pull a gun on anyone. They hit gun shops, stores but their main thing was gas stations. Mark said gas stations were quick and easy. I was just to scared to do that shit. I would let them use my car so they still gave me a little sometime. INT. THE APARTMENT (LIVING ROOM)-DAY Carl and Marlene are sitting on the couch. Mark and Benny walks in the


door. Mark Man come on, I went to this gas station and they carry the cash in their pockets. Pockets full. It won't take us that much time. Benny No, I got to go some where with this woman tonight. I already told her and her mother I was going. Why don't you save that shit till next week? Mark Today is Friday, payday every body is gettin paid and putting gas in there car. I need this money. Benny Mark, you got more money then everybody. I got a girlfriend I spend mine on, you don't. Why do you need more money now? Mark Fuck that I'm going by myself. Carl Do yawl see me sitting here with somebody? Can yawl keep that shit down? Mark Carl come on, go with me? Carl Man, I told you I don't do that shit. I'm not going to pull a gun on anyone. Mark You don’t have to shot nobody. I have done this a lot of times and I never even pulled the trigger. Carl But suppose I see somebody pulling a gun on you. Then I’m going to have to shot them. Hell no. There is no way I’m going. You don’t know what could happen. Benny Carl you should go. If you park in the back of that alley then all you have to do is drive.


Carl Are you fucking crazy? I'm not going. Mark Yea, but when I come back with the money your going to want some right? Carl Yea and you going to give it to me too. Mark If you go with me you'll get half. I'm talking maybe two or three thousands dollars. Marlene You are not going nowhere with no gun. What happens if you get shot? Mark Shut the fuck up bitch. Marlene You going to let him talk to me like that? Carl Man don’t be talking to her like that. Marlene shut the fuck up. I'm the only one who can talk to her like that. Mark and Benny laugh. Mark You going to let your bitch tell you what to do? Carl Mark why don't you just forget about tonight. I'm not going. Benny’s not going. You can't do this by yourself. Mark I'm going. I'll find somebody to go with me. INT. LOUIE'S APARTMENT-NIGHT Carl, Mark, Louie and a friend of Louie's (Michael) are sitting at a table smoking a joint and drinking.


Mark All man its gotten dark. Louie go with me somewhere? Louie Man. I'm to fucked up. I'm not going anywhere tonight. Carl Mark why don't you just leave that shit alone? Mark I'm going by myself. Louie What, what happen? Where you going? Carl He wants to go hit this gas station in East Chicago by his self. Mark Louie they got big wads of cash, it's payday everybody goes up there.

Louie Mark they always have at least two guys working together and one always has a gun. You can't go by yourself. Mark That’s why I need some body to go with me. This motherfucker is to scared to go. Carl You damn right I'm scared. I am not going to shoot nobody. Michael I'll go with you. Mark You got a piece. Michael pulls out a very large 357 magnum out of his waist.


Louie No Mike, you are not getting my little brother in trouble. Mark What Louie, what’s wrong with him? Louie Mike likes shooting. Michael I’m not going to shoot nobody unless they shoot at me. Come on Mark you want to go or not? Mark Come on man; I'm going. Louie Mike don't get my little brother caught up in no shit. I'm telling you that now. Michael It's his thing Louie. I'm just going to do whatever he tells me to do. Mark and Michael stand up to leave. Carl Louie who the fuck is this Michael? Louie He is this fool who I use to do stick ups with along time ago He all right, he just likes to shoot and take to many chances. EXT. MICHEALS CAR-NIGHT Mark and Michael driving down the street. Mark Man, we got nine hundred a piece. Michael


You see that skinny motherfucker. He looks like he was going to start crying. Mark I was about to laugh until that motherfucker start handing me all this cash. Michael Hey man you want to go over here in Delaney and pick up some weed? Mark Yea come on. Michael pulls up to the curb. On the side of The Delaney Housing Project. 15th in Harrison across the street from Roosevelt High School football field. Michael Man I'll go in there and get it. I'll be right back. Michael gets out of the car. Mark looks over to see a couple kissing on the front porch. Michael walks a few doors down from the couple. Michael knocks on the door. Old Man Who is it? Michael Hey let me get a sack? The old man opens the door. Michael walks in. INT-OLD MANS APARTMENT-NIGHT There is an old man in a wheel chair with a blanket on his lap. Old Man Hey Mike, how much you need? Michael


Let me get about three of them dimes. The old man reaches under his blanket and pulls out a big baggie of dime bags of marijuana. He hands Mike three bags and Mike gives him a fifty-dollar bill. The old man reaches back under the blanket to bring out a big wad of bills. Michael How much you got their old man? Old Man I got enough, don't worry about it. Michael pulls out his gun. Michael Why don't you give it all to me old man? I want the weed and the money. Old Man You better be playin motherfucker. Michael cocks the gun. Michael No I'm not playin, now give it all to me. Hurry up. The old man reaches under his blanket. Michael goes over to the door and looks outside. He still has the gun pointed at the old man. The old man pulls a sawed off single barrel shot gun from under his blanket. Michael turns around to look at him and the old man fires the gun. Michael falls through the door and lands in the front yard. The blast was so loud that Mark turns around in the car to see Michael fall. People start running from everywhere. A crowd was forming and Mark looks at the ignition, no keys.


Mark gets out the car and walks across the football field. The couple that were kissing runs over to one of the old mans grandsons. Grandson #1 Who is this motherfucker? Does anybody know him? Couple (girl) There were two of them; they got out of that car over there. The two-grandson run over to the car. Grandson #2 There were two of them where did the other one go? Couple (man) He walked across the football field. Grandson #1 Come on man lets get to guns and find this motherfucker. They ran off across the foot ball field. The old mans son looks through the car and finds two wallets in the glove department. Mark is at his grandmother house who lives on the other side of the school. INT. MARK'S GRANDPARENTS KITCHEN-NIGHT Mark is sitting at a table alone. He is holding his head in his hands talking to himself. Mark Man. What did that motherfucker do? What did that motherfucker do? Voice Over (Carl)


They didn't find Mark that night. They did know who he was. One of the tricks he learned from Louie was to always leave their ID in the car just in case they got caught. When Mark got out of the car he was so nervous he forgot it and now they had it. INT. THE APARTMENT-DAY Mark, Carl and Benny are drinking and smoking refer. Benny Mark you should have never went with that crazy fool. Mark Man I didn't try to rob no old man. Mike did that shit. I didn't know what he was doing. I thought he was going to get some weed. Carl You just had to go do that gas station didn't you? Mark I didn't know he was going to do that shit.

Benny Now that motherfucker Michael is in the hospital with a hole in his chest and these fools are looking for you. Mark Why they looking for me I didn't do shit. Who are these motherfuckers? I'll just tell them Mike did that shit by hisself. I was just with him. Benny I know these motherfuckers. You are not going to tell them nothing. They got your drivers license picture passing it around the projects asking everybody do they know you. Man just stay away from the projects. Mark I'm not going over there. If I see them I'll talk to them. Only I don't even no who they are. Carl You got your Roscoe right?


Mark Yea, I got it. Carl Keep it on you all the time. Mark Man fuck them motherfuckers. I didn't do shit. Anybody come to me talking shit. I'm going to kill them. Carl You got to be so motherfucken tough don't you. Just keep the gun with you. You see somebody you don't know just watch out for them. Better still why don't you just stay at your mothers for awhile. Mark I'm not running from nobody I didn't do shit. Carl Would you stop saying that, they don't know you didn't do shit. They think you were with Mike.

Benny Stay at your mothers for awhile. If anybody fines out where you are there not coming there. Mark My address was on my ID. It was my mothers address not this one. I don't want to lead anyone to my mother’s house. Carl Everbody over there knows your father is a police officer. There is nobody going to come over there fuckin with you. Benny Mark just stay at your mothers for awhile. Mark All right I'll go. EXT. BENNY'S CAR-DAY


Mark, Carl and Benny driving toward the liquor store on 15th Ave. The music is playing loud. Carl is sitting in the back seat. Mark passes him a joint. Carl sees white smoke coming from under the dashboard. Carl Stop it! Stop it! Benny pulls over to the curb. All three jump out the car. They run over to the side walk looking at the car. Benny (Laughing) Stop it! Stop it! They all three begin to laugh. Benny looks back into the car. Benny It's this fucking radio. I put the wires wrong. Mark Stop it! Stop it! They all laugh again and get back into the car. The music is playing loud again as they drive down the street. INT. MARIAH'S APARTMENT-DAY Mariah and Carl are lying in bed. The phone rings. Mariah Hello. Mark


Hey Mariah this Mark. Is Carl there? Mariah Telephone, its Mark. Carl What's up? Mark Let me use your car? Carl When? Mark Tonight. I'm going to East Chicago to hit a gas station with Danny and Roger. Carl Roger, why in the hell you going anywhere with Roger?

Mark Roger just going to drive. He got a new car. I just need your car so I don't have to hang out with them all night. I can come back to mommas house. Carl All right um, you going to have to get a ride over here to get the keys. Mark Ok, I'll be over there in about an hour. Carl Hey if I'm a sleep Mariah will give them to you. Make sure your ass comes over here and gets me in the morning. Mark All right, later. Voice Over (Carl) Mark just couldn't keep his ass still. I really didn't care if he went out with Danny. Danny was a friend. Danny was about 6'1 and over 200 pounds and all muscle. If anything went down he would be there. Now Rodger


was different. Rodger is some one I meet through Mark. They grew up together. There parents lived right across the street from each other since they were kids. I just didn't like Rodger. He was this little loud mouth knot head fool. EXT. RODGER'S CAR-NIGHT Rodger is driving, Danny is in the passenger seat and Mark is in the back seat. The car is headed back to Gary from East Chicago. Danny Man we only got about 200 dollars a piece. That shit wasn't even worth it. Mark how did you find this place? Mark I didn't Rodger found this place. I just came with him. Rodger pass me that joint.

Rodger Man, I thought they were going to have more money then this. Roger passes by two hitchhikers on the road. Rodger Man I know them. Danny Man you don't know them keep goin. Rodger pulls the car over and the two guys get in. One on one side of Mark and one on the other. Rodger Hey man yawl going to the crib. Man #1 Yea man thanks for picking us up. Where the hell you been I haven’t seen you in a long time.


Rodger I been around. What the hell yawl doin out here? Man #2 Man my car got stuck over this girl’s house so I was just going to walk till we got a ride. Mark Hey man yawl want to hit this joint. Man #1 Hell yea man let me hit that. Now I got some good shit. Man #1 hands Mark a joint and Mark lights it up. Mark Here Danny hit this, this shit is good. Mark hands Danny the joint. Mark Rodger turn that up, I like this song. Rodger drives on. Mark leans back and listens to the radio. Mark's eyes are closed and the car stops. Mark opens his eyes. Rodger pulls up to the same spot at the curb at Delaney projects where Mark was with Michael. Mark Hey man yawl no this old motherfucker in a wheelchair that lives there. Man #2 Yea we know him. Man #2 pulls out a gun a shoots Danny in the neck. Mark is looking for his gun he placed on the floor. Man #1 points a gun at his head and tells him to get out the car. Rodger puts the car


in park and runs across the football field. Man #1 fires a shot at him but misses. Rodger keeps running. Mark is lead in between two of the apartment buildings. Mark What the hell yawl shoot Danny for. He wasn't even there. Man, Michael robbed your grandfather. I was just with him. I didn't know what he was going to do. Man #1 Fuck you, you were with him. Mark jumps toward the man was closes to him. The other man shoots him between his eyes. Mark falls to the ground and they keep shooting until their guns were empty. Mark dies instantly. The two men run away. Danny is sitting in the car unable to move. He watches the whole thing. After seeing the men run away Danny puts the car into drive and begins to drive the car from the passengers seat. He hits a number of cars until he gets two blocks from the hospital hits a tree and passes out. INT. MARIAH'S APARTMENT-DAY Carl is walking to the phone to make a call. Mrs. Jones Hello. Carl Can I speak to Mark? Mrs. Jones Carl Mark is dead. Carl Angel quit playin and put Mark on the phone.


Mrs. Jones Carl this is Mrs. Jones. Mark got shot last night. Carl drops the phone and runs out the door. Voice Over (Carl) To this day I don't remember getting to Mark's house but I know I ran all the way there. EXT. OAK HILL CEMETARY- RAINY DAY Carl is one of the pallbearers. He is standing there with Darrell, Lynn, Brian and Byron. Carl pulls out a bottle of Wild Irish Rose. He opens the bottle and pours a little on Mark's casket as it is lowered to the ground. The song "One Sweet Day" is playing. By Mariah Carey and Boys II Man. Voice Over (Carl) We never did find out if Rodger set the whole thing up. After this happened Rodgers parents got him out of town. Danny stayed in the hospital for two months, but was released with the bullet still in his neck. After eighteen years the bullet moved and Danny died. The two men who shot Mark and Danny said they tried to rob them. They both never spent a day in jail. I must say they both are dead today. You don't want to know how they died. Mark was my brother and my friend. He died for no reason. Mark Wayne Jones will always be remembered. I hope to see you again someday. As for me. I became a serious drug addict. That lasted for 15 years. Today I am clean and wrote a few novels and a few screenplays including this one. Fade Out




CARLTON J BRODIE WGA REGISTRATION NO. 945120 219 Acapulco Dr. Imperial , CA 92251 Home 7063552429


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