Wiesen Te802 Project 3

  • April 2020
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  • Pages: 13
Name: Claire Wiesen Start of Literacy CLT:

Grade Level: 3rd grade

1. Genre and Audience:​ Students will be writing opinion pieces. Their audience will depend on the topic they select. For the first few weeks of the unit, they will be given prompts and told who their audience is. However, this 10 day sequence falls on weeks 3 and 4 where they will be working on creating their final opinion writing piece on a topic of their choice. 2. Writing Sequence Goals: a. Goal 1: Students will write an opinion piece and provide details to support their ideas. i. I chose this goal because it is important for students not only to be able to share their thoughts but also to be able to provide reasons why they feel that way. b. Goal 2: Students will know how to create topic sentence. i. I chose this goal because it is important for students to be able to properly state their opinions and ideas in an appropriate, educated form. c. ​Criteria for Success: Writing Sequence Goal

CRITERIA for Exceeds Target

CRITERIA for Meets Target

CRITERIA for Needs Support

Students will write an opinion piece and provide details to support their ideas.

Student clearly states their opinion and supports their idea with multiple examples and descriptive language.

Student states argument and is able to provide one detail of support towards their idea.

Student is able to state their argument but unable to provide reasons of support.

Writing Sequence Goal

CRITERIA for exceeds target

CRITERIA for meets target

CRITERIA for needs support

Students will know how to create a topic sentence that states their opinion and the information in the rest of the paragraph.

Student clearly introduces the topic and their stance, providing a glimpse into the rest of their writing.

Student introduces idea and states their opinion.

Student is able to share their opinion but does not provide any more details.


Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view with reasons. ​CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.1.I

Produce simple, compound, and complex sentences. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.3.3

Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening. 4. Mentor Text:


Everybody Needs to Recycle

This text was provided in the curriculum. I liked this piece for many reasons. First, we have recently been talking about the importance of recycling so it can relate to their previous knowledge. Also, this piece provides very clear examples of strong leads and topic sentences.

I Wanna Iguana ​by Karen Kaufman Orloff

This lesson (2) we are focusing on details and this book is all about Alex putting his arguments in writing to convince his mom to let him have an iguana. This book is simple and will provide the students clear examples of details and how to support their opinions. We will also use this book in lesson 3 as it is all about knowing who your audience is and using appropriate details based on your audience. The details Alex writes about are all aimed at his mother. ​I Wanna Iguana is catchy and will intrigue the kids as I am sure they can relate to trying to

convince their parent of getting a pet! Should People Be Allowed to Keep Exotic Pets?

This piece was provided in the curriculum. However, I like this piece because it is clearly laid out with an introduction, argument, counter argument, and conclusion. It is important to keep mentor text concrete to ensure student learning. Also, students love animals and many of them have pets of their own so they will be able to relate to this text.

I Wanna New Room by Karen Kaufman Orloff

This book is super relatable for a lot of our students who often come in with stories of their siblings waking them up early or being too loud! It is a light hearted book where not only does Alex give examples of why he needs a new room but also provides details in stories. This is a simple way for students to see examples with details in writing through a situation that they can relate to in their lives.

Kids Should Participate in After-School Activities

Again, this was provided in the curriculum. However, this piece not only talks about after school activities, which many of our students can relate to, but also talks about kids their age making it easy for them to relate to. The ideas are very clearly placed into paragraphs allowing the students to see the importance of spacing out ideas instead of just one big piece of writing. We will also talk about our chapter books we have read and look at

other examples during our daily read alouds. This mentor text will also be used in lesson 7. The idea of reusing a mentor text allows for the children to work with their previous knowledge of the text and use that to support their new knowledge. In this piece, the introduction is not only a grabber but also allows for the reader to understand what the article is about. Also, the author shows a strong conclusion by wrapping it all up in a straightforward manner which is the goal for our students. Excerpts from student work of their piece: My favorite Food

I loved the idea of using student work as a mentor text! These examples will be paragraphs where they talk about their favorite foods and were told to utilize their 5 senses. In these examples we will talk about what were strong word choices and what stood out in each piece. By highlighting student work, it will make them confident in their abilities and make them realize the improvements they have made in their work and also the skills they each possess!

Students Should Wear School Uniforms

This piece was provided with the curriculum. However, our students wear school uniforms so I think they will enjoy reading about the different opinions. Also, the transitional phrases used in this piece are phrases that I have heard the students use in their daily speech.

Students Should Wear School Uniforms and Kids Should Participate in After-school Activities

The idea of reusing mentor texts allows for students to use their previous knowledge of the text to

support the learning of a new concept. By using these two straightforward pieces, the students can see examples of how to pull together their pieces and summarize their ideas into one paragraph.

5. -M.C. will need support to maintain focus and motivation. It is important to check in to make sure writing is being produced and that the writing matches the topic. I will check her work periodically throughout the lesson and after the lesson to make sure we are working in the right direction. -A.T. will need additional support to produce more writing and to use proper sentences, rather than just statements. I will make sure to show examples of proper sentences and leave them in a visible place for all students to refer back to. -K.R. will need linguistic support. I will provide visuals of expectations of writing, remind her to sound out the words, that we aren’t looking at spelling in this piece, and possibly provide sentence frames if necessary. *In general, I think it will be important to continuously check in with the students to make sure they are on the right track. I will be providing multiple anchor charts to support writing expectations and also be checking their progress after each lesson.

Day 1

Day 2/3

Day 4/5

Date: 10/23

Date: 10/24-25

Date: 10/29-30

Daily Objective: Students will be able to use leads to grab the reader.

Daily Objective: Students will be able to support their opinion through details.

Daily Objective: Students will know how writers can support their opinions and give appropriate reasonings based on their audience.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Using leads and proper introductions.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Using details/reasons to support ideas.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Using appropriate reasons based on the audience.

Mentor Text: Everybody Needs to Recycle

Mentor Text: I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff

Mentor Text: Refer back to I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff

Instruction: Read Everybody Needs to Recycle While reading through the mentor text, students are underlining examples of leads and introductions. I do: ​Ask the students how the author of the mentor text began their essay (with an interesting fact) We do: ​Talk about other ways we can start a story (interesting fact, opinion statement, NOT list of facts), go over anchor chart Use student topics to create examples of proper leads relating to the various draft topics. You do: ​Students will write a few possible leads for the essay they drafted. Once they select one, revise their introduction with this proper lead. Share: ​students will share

Instruction: Review what reasons are and why they are important. -on anchor chart, have list of students ideas that were collected earlier. My definition and theirs will be listed. Read I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff, have students raise their hand silently every time they hear an example of a reason I do: ​Ask the students what the authors opinion was and the examples of reasons, ​why he thought that, ​and how the reasons helped support the authors goal of getting an iguana We do:​ Create a board of his reasons for supporting his opinion and how he did it Have group discussion about reasons from the book, how they can think of reasons and use details to support their reasons

Instruction:​ ​Review I Wanna Iguana Ask, “Who do you think was the author’s audience? How do you assume this?” I do: ​Explain that the types of reasonings we use depend on the audience we are writing for. Show examples from other mentor texts. We do: ​Create an anchor chart: opinions and how they are different if you are writing for adults or for children. Talk as a whole group about some of their topics and how based on their audience what they will change. I will ask students to volunteer their topics and we will talk about how to decide on the audience and how that will affect their reasonings. You do: ​Students will think about their audience and revise any of their reasons that are not fitting based on

You do: ​Students will go back to their drafts and revise it. They need to make sure their reasons are different and not repetitive, clear and tied to their statement. Share:​ Students will explain to their partners the revisions they made to their reasons.

their audience. Share: ​think-pair-share of why it is important to consider your audience and how they changed their piece after today’s lesson.

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Meet with Ashli, Meylin

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Meet with Ashli, Meylin, and Isai

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Meet with Ashli, Meylin, Isai, and Luis R.

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): I will collect students’ sheets with their leads, divide work into coded piles of proficient, needs some support, needs to be retaught

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): I will collect writing piece to see if the students were able to revise their pieces to include clear details to support their thoughts.

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): Check in with each student to make sure that they correctly knew their audience and made proper changes.

Teaching Notes/Resources: Anchor chart

Teaching Notes/Resources: Mentor text

Teaching Notes/Resources: Drafts

their lead with their elbow partner.

NEXT DAY.. -Students will work in pairs after they complete their adjustments. In pairs they will go through a checklist of how to decide whether the reasons are appropriate for the chosen audience. -This will allow for more interaction but also another perspective and new eyes to help guide any students will confusion. -This will allow students to help each other and to give each other feedback. -The students will be paired with their 2nd/3rd grade buddies. -I will circulate to scaffold and address any misunderstandings.

Drafts of opinion essay Mentor text

Drafts Anchor chart

Anchor chart Mentor text

Day 6

Day 7

Day 8

Date: 10/31

Date: 11/1

Date: 11/5

Daily Objective: Students will continue learning how to support their opinion and identify opposing opinions.

Daily Objective: Students will be able to give us a reason and details to support their opinions.

Daily Objective: Students will know how to organize their thoughts in their paragraphs.

Mini-Lesson Focus: How to support your opinion, know opposing opinions, and how to argue why opposing opinions are wrong.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Not just giving reasons but also examples of the reasons.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Organizing your thoughts into paragraphs. Knowing introduction, middle, and conclusion.

Mentor Text: ​Should People Be Allowed to Keep Exotic Pets?

Mentor Text: ​I Wanna New Room by Karen Kaufman Orloff

Mentor Text: Kids Should Participate in After-school Activities

Instruction: ​Read​ ​Should People Be Allowed to Keep Exotic Pets? I do: ​“what is the author’s opinion in this piece? Who do you think the author’s audience is? Did you notice anything about paragraph three?” Discuss how the author mentioned the opposing view and why her mentioning it and arguing it made her argument stronger. Discuss/show other mentor texts to reenforce. We do: ​create an anchor chart together, opinion, opposing opinion, and reason. Use student topics in anchor chart. You do: ​Students will add a

Instruction: ​Read I Wanna New Room. I do: ​reread paragraph 2, talk about the details and examples and why that makes the authors argument stronger. I will create a chart as an example on my reasons and the examples i want to provide in my writing​. We do: ​together as a group we will think of different students’ topics, and help think of examples for them to include. Have students reflect/look to the previous reasons and examples sheet in their writing journals. You do: ​Students will revise their essays to include one example for each reason. They can also create a chart

Instruction: ​Display text on ELMO. I do: ​Ask, “Why does the author include spaces in certain parts of the text?” explain the idea of paragraphs, talk about pausing when reading, introducing a topic, organizing ideas into each chunk, and how to wrap it up. We do:​ go back to anchor chart from previous lesson, have students add intro, conclusion numbers to it. You do:​ Have students look at their own piece and decide how they would divide up their essay. Share: Students will share with their table group what a paragraph

reason that is opposing to their piece and argue why that opinion is not correct Share: Students will share with a partner how they revised and added an opposing opinion and how they used this to support their argument.

like the example. Share: Share out with a partner from a different table the example they added to their writing.

is, when they start a new paragraph, and how to end a paragraph. Students will buddy up with an assigned partner and read through each of their drafts and see how their partner divided up their draft. They will give feedback and make needed changes.

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Make sure Ashli, Luis R, and Meylin are paired with partners who can provide language support and are strong writers

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Check in on comprehension with Ashli, Meylin, Isai, Kayla, Cristal

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Meet individually with Ashli, Cristal

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): Collect student work to see the progress made on their pieces to make sure they are on the right track, and properly included a counter argument.

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): Have students meet one on one quickly with me to check their progress and the details they included.

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): Talk and listen to partner talk to make sure the students are on the right track.

Teaching Notes/Resources: Mentor text Anchor chart Drafts

Teaching Notes/Resources: Mentor text Anchor chart drafts

Teaching Notes/Resources: Previous anchor chart Drafts Colored pencils for organizing their paragraphs Mentor text

Day 9

Day 10

Day 11

Date: 11/6

Date: 11/7

Date: 11/8

Daily Objective: ​Students will know how to create topic sentences and conclusion sentences.

Daily Objective: Students will learn to include more descriptive, interesting words.

Daily Objective: Students will learn how to use transitions to make their writing flow.

Mini-Lesson Focus: How to form a topic sentence and a closing sentence that encompass the details.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Focusing on word choice, using descriptive language.

Mini-Lesson Focus: Transition words and phrases

Mentor Text: ​Kids Should Participate in After-school Activities

Mentor Text: ​Student examples from their writing piece “My Favorite Food”

Mentor Text: ​Students Should Wear Uniforms to School

Instruction: ​Have students re-read text with a partner. While reading, have them pay attention to how the author begins and ends her paragraphs. Instruct them to underline or highlight what they notice. I do: ​After students read, go through text on ELMO and highlight topic sentences and why they are good examples of topic sentences. Do the same for conclusion sentences. Talk about why these are good additions to the paper. We do: ​Create an example chart with a topic, an example of a topic sentence, and an example of a concluding sentence using a topic similar to one of the students’. You do: ​Students will revise their essay to have proper topic sentences and conclusion sentences. Share:​ Students will share with the class one of their topic or concluding sentences. As a class, review key factors of topic and conclusion sentences.

Instruction: ​Read over students previous work As a group we will talk about how we go through mentor sentences every week to improve them, to make them more descriptive. Talk about adjectives and how they help improve our writing pieces. I do: ​Talk about the importance of words, point out interesting or descriptive words in pervious mentor texts. We do: ​Ask students to share sentences from their essays that they think could use more description or more interesting words. As a class, improve these sentences. To start, bring out examples from their “My Favorite Food” writing piece. We will edit these as a group and then have more students volunteer. The more exposure, the more they will retain and understand. Keep track of a list of the descriptive words we added/use. This will be displayed on the board as reminders and a good visual aid for our ELL students. You do: ​Have students go back through their essays and edit their sentences to include more details and

Instruction: ​Read Students Should Wear Uniforms to School I do: ​Discuss what a transition is, why they are important We do: ​Together, we will read through and underline the transitional words and phrases we see in the mentor text. I will have students highlight on their own copies of the mentor text the transitional phrases they see. Create list of concluding and starter phrases for an anchor chart. Talk about where we might use some of these phrases. You do: ​Students will look through their pieces and add in some transitional phrases and words. Share: ​Students will share with their tables the changes they made and why. Have them create a list of the phrases/words used by everyone at the table. Students will work with 2nd/3rd grade buddies. (We have found that small group work can be slightly hectic and lead to not as much productive time.) Students will work with buddies, and then briefly share out with their table.

descriptive words. Remind them that they can go back through their writing journal and look at old mentor sentence improvement. Share: ​think-pair-share.. Have students share their changes with a partner. Have 3 students share their new sentences after everyone talks with a partner and shares a new sentence! Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Check in with Ashli, Meylin, Cristal, Jeremy, any students who have been struggling with writing unit at the time

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Check in to make sure Ashli, Meylin, Cristal, and Isai

Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Check in to make sure Ashli, Meylin, Cristal, and Isai

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): I will collect student work to see the progress that has been made.

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): Pass out sticky notes, have each student give an example of the boring word that they changed, i will collect them

Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): I will look at each groups list to make sure they are on the right track. By having students share out with first partners, then tables, and then whole group it will give me time to listen to many of their ideas and track how they are doing before I read over their drafts.

Teaching Notes/Resources: Chart Mentor text

Teaching Notes/Resources: Student work examples sticky notes

Teaching Notes/Resources: Mentor text

Day 12/13 Date: 11/12-13 Daily Objective: Students will know how to create strong and memorable conclusions. Mini-Lesson Focus: How to form a conclusion that wraps up ideas from written above text. Mentor Text: Look back at Students Should Wear School Uniforms and Kids Should Participate in After-school Activities Instruction: ​Talk about the purpose of a conclusion, what its job is. How to wrap up our writing, talk about what makes a strong closing. And how to summarize ideas without directly restating our reasons. I do: ​Go through two conclusion paragraphs in both mentor texts on the ELMO with the students. We do: ​Create an anchor chart of strong conclusions that will be memorable for readers. Together we will construct an ideal conclusion. You Do: ​Have students talk with partners about what they notice in each conclusion paragraph and when making our own together. Look at ways they can work on their own conclusion paragraphs, give them some time to brainstorm. Suggest outlining ideas on a scrap piece of paper. (flipped the order of we do and you do) We do: ​go through mentor text again to show how a part of each paragraph is reflected in the conclusion. Walk students

through how they can do this in their own pieces. You Do:​ Give students time to work on editing and adding. Share: ​Have students share with their partners ways they are going to/have edited and added to their conclusions. Planning for Conferring and/or Small-Group Instruction: Check in to make sure Ashli, Meylin, Cristal, and Isai, check in with any students who seemed to not be on the same page/close to complete with their writing pieces Assessment (How will you quickly evaluate students’ progress?): I will observe conversations among students to make sure they are on the right track and also look at the improvements they have made to their own writing pieces. Teaching Notes/Resources: Previous mentor texts Anchor chart

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