Why We Hate You?

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  • Pages: 35
By: Assous


"Children are dying, but no one makes a move. Houses are demolished, but no one makes a move. Holy places are desecrated, but no one makes a move.... I am fed up with life in the world of mortals. Find me a hole near you. For a life of dignity is in those holes." Arabic poem

Jacob.G.Hormberger said: « After 9/11 many Americans had no idea why there was so much anger and rage in the Middle East, especially against the United States ». But unfortunately Jacob.G.Hormberger didn’t study and analyse all the reasons that created this hatred and resentment and therefore he didn’t give readers the full truth about this thorny issue. I try in this sample study, helping Hoberger to uncover the truth of this hatred as I was born in Arabic country and lived among the Arabs and Muslims since my birth 1967. The sense of Arab and Islamic peoples to America has undergone two stages, The first stage before the first war word 1945 when all Arab and Islamic countries were under the authority of the French and the British colonialism in particular, in these times , all oppressed peoples were proud about America and love it, especially in the era of Woodrow Wilson(19281924) the 28th president of united states. Both Wilson and United states were loved because of the fourteen points in January 8, 1918 , the main point and principle was self-dermination.So America was the hope of these oppressed peoples to achieve independence. 2

In this period United States were hope, light and candle in the time where France and Britain were both colonial. In short, the American Revolution 1776, successive U.S governments, U.S presidents have been the focus of admiration and love of the oppressed peoples, especially the Arab and Islamic peoples, because U.S used to represent freedom and democracy. United states were in Arab and Muslim peoples justice, science ,civilization but unfortunately all that is finished after 1945, and the nice and wonderful image was dead , here is the second stage ,stage of hatred. So why? What are the real reasons which caused death of the beautiful image and led to the birth of this ugly image?

Since my childhood and I hear words Anti-American, in streets, cafes and schools I listened to the sentences that: America is against us, we are with Soviet Union and Soviet Union is with us. It was really strange for me so I wanted to understand better, why U.S is against us, and why Soviet Union is with us? But far from cold war I have understood when I was child that U.S is bad too bad. After the Second World War Harry Truman (1884-1972) the 33rd president of U.S had decided to support Israeli statehood.

H.Truman Truman wrote in his memoirs, "The question of Palestine as a Jewish homeland goes back to the solemn promise that had been made to them [the Jews] by the British in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 - a promise which had stirred the hopes and the dreams of these oppressed people. This promise, I felt, should be kept, just as all promises made by responsible, civilized governments should be kept." Truman didn’t think about Palestinians fate or feelings of Arabs and Muslims. This event was indeed the beginning of hatred. After several massacres committed by Jews against Palestinians since 1948, U.S didn’t intervene and didn’t condemn, which led to the growing 3

of hatred against U.S. the biggest and the worst massacre and carnage was in sabra and shatila September ,16th 1982 .

Massacre of Sabra and Shatila 1982

.who died in this carnage was children, elders, and many isolated from any gun. The leader of this massacre was Ariel Sharon. After this painful event U.S didn’t say any thing, indeed U.S ever reproached Jews governments about their illegal actions.

Palestinian child killed by Israel

Palestinians killed by Israel


Here you are a sadly image about a Palestinian mother between her hands her little kid injured or killed we don’t know exactly by Israeli army

Arabic and Muslim world have hated U.S because it’s positions and policy. Arabs and Muslims worldwide believe that Israel control U.S policy , Hassan El-Najjar wrote in Al-JaZeerah.info ,March 5,2007 an article about How Israel Lobby Controls US Policies: The Arab Bank Case (This is a classical example of how the Israeli lobby controls US policies. In 1967, Israel launched a war of aggression in which it occupied parts of Syria, Egypt, and the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. The Israeli occupation government has adopted policies to evict Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza or to force them to surrender to the slavery of its occupation.

The Israeli occupation government has labelled Palestinians who resisted its illegal occupation as "terrorists." Even charities providing aid to the needy Palestinians have been labelled as "terrorist" too. Supporters of Israel in the US government have adopted the same Israeli terminology in referring to the Palestinian individuals or groups who are victims of the Israeli occupation. The US Congress never condemned the Israeli government as a terrorist entity for killing and injuring Palestinian civilians, destroying their homes, stealing their lands, and building illegal settlements in the occupied territories. At the same time, it passed many laws describing Palestinian 5

groups as "terrorists." It even passed legislation to prevent the executive branch from dealing with the pro-US Palestinian Authority. The US Justice Department has been very active in closing down US charities which used to help needy Palestinians. Almost all of them have been closed during the present Bush administration. At the same time, aid to Israel continues despite Israeli daily violations of international law and daily violations of Palestinian human rights. The case of suing the Arab Bank for facilitating aid from Arab charities to needy Palestinians is a clear example of the tight Israeli control over the US government to do the Israeli bidding. The objective is to help Israelis continue their subjugation of the Palestinian people as long as possible. It is a policy that ultimately serves the continuation of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. It punishes anyone who tries to help needy Palestinians, whose only fault is to desire to be free of Israeli bondage.) This is relation between U.S and Israel in Arabs eyes. In fact, in Arabs and Muslims eyes supporting Israel is supporting terrorism, read this article: Israel's terrorism against whoever speaks of rights Egypt-Palestine, Politics, 4/23/2002 ("The Israelis do not settle for the terrorism they practise against the Palestinians, but they also practise intellectual and moral terrorism against whoever speaks of rights," said Egypt's Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher. In statements Sunday prior to his departure to Valencia, Spain, to lead Egypt's delegation to the European-Mediterranean ministerial conference, due to kick off Monday, Maher said "Israel alleges it withdrew from certain places but we find it back there the next day." "Even if its withdraws, we find it bent on staying in the environs of Palestinian Leader Yasser Arafat's complex and the Church of Nativity, which is totally rejected," said Maher. "We have seen how Israel lashed out at UN representative Terje-Roed Larsen when he visited the Jenin refugee camp and mentioned clearly what he had seen for himself, that the Israeli public prosecutor called for expelling him from Israel," added Maher. 6

Maher expressed hope that a fact-finding commission formed by the Security Council would come to the region to express its opinion over this situation created by Israel and its aggression on the Palestinian people. On the possibility that Israel's membership of the Euro Mediterranean Forum would be suspended, he said "Israel's presence-even if it is something loathsome due to the crimes it perpetrated-offers a good chance to expose its practices against humanity, legitimacy and law." "Some Arab brothers viewed that it would be proper not to attend and we respect their decisions, but the majority viewed it was essential to go anywhere to defend our cause and to take the fig leaf off Israel's manoeuvres and crimes," he said. On whether Maher would meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Shimon Peres on the sidelines of the Valencia conference, Maher said "frankly, I don't want to meet him but if he asks to meet me, I'm ready for it. However, he will not be pleased with what he is going to hear from me." On reports that Israel was considering storming Arafat's headquarters and expelling him from the occupied Palestinian territories, Maher expressed belief that the Israelis-despite their foolishness-would not embark on such act which would lead to serious consequences.). After this travel between Arabs news we can discover why U.S is hated.

In addition, U.S uses Security Council, International monetary fund and world trade organization as instruments to persecute people. Execution of Saddam Hussein still until now the biggest question: Why U.S has chosen November 30th, 2006, date of Eid –Aladha (Religious festival for Muslims), Arabs peoples have named this day of execution (the black day). 7

Choose this day was considered as challenge to all Arabs and Islamic peoples. In fact, President George. W.Bush was able to choose an other day for the execution of Saddam Hussein. This event add more and more hatred against U.S. Take a look on these news in ALJAZZERA.net UPDATED ON: MONDAY, JANUARY 01, 2007 18:01 MECCA TIME, 15:01 GMT (Most newspapers in the Arab world have reflected gloomily over the execution of Saddam Hussein, with some predicting that the repercussions will add to the deteriorating situation in Iraq. The papers considered the timing of the execution, which fell on Eid alAdha that marked the end of the annual Hajj pilgrimage, offensive to Sunnis as Shia celebrated the occasion one day later. The Dubai-based English language daily Gulf News said in an editorial on Monday: "Recent events in Iraq confirm that after three years of occupation by the American-led forces, the issue has become far more problematical and almost insoluble. "The truth is, the US - or more precisely a stubborn Bush - has got itself into a situation in which it sees no honourable way out. "Some would argue, therefore, if it cannot be done honourably (thereby justifying the deaths and injuries of all those young American lives) then it must be done anyway, as long as the US gets out. "There are pundits who claim the inevitable civil war is only being delayed by a US presence, so if it is inevitable, then let the inevitable happen." Qatari Arabic dailies Al-Watan and Al-Sharq said the "unwise and undue" timing of Saddam's execution could further deepen the factional fracture which all concerned parties were keen to avert. The papers said it was not easy for the Iraqis to forget the politicised execution of Saddam, screened worldwide, but urged warring rivals "to resort to tolerance and reconciliation to end sectarian violence". The Lebanese Arabic daily Al-Safir said that Saddam was the first Arab president to be executed under occupation, saying the motivation was political and reflects on the sectarian divide between Sunnis and Shia.


Al Jazeera correspondent Hoda Abd al-Hamid said Baghdad had started to come back to life on Monday, but that traditional New Year's celebrations had not gone ahead. She said mourning tents had been put up in Tikrit and people were demonstrating near the village where Saddam was buried in a family plot next to his two sons.) In New York, the Reverend Jesse Jackson said on Monday that the execution would not make the US safer and would only increase the violence in Iraq. "Killing him intensifies the violence, reduces our moral authority in the world," said Jackson, who has travelled to the Middle East on peace missions. "Today we are not more secure. We're less secure. We've missed a moment to appeal to those in Iraq to break the cycle of violence." The deposed Iraqi president was hanged on Saturday, three years after being captured. He was buried on Sunday. Jackson, who spoke after preaching at the Canaan Baptist Church in Harlem, said Osama bin Laden, not Saddam, was behind the September 11, 2001, attacks. "Saddam Hussein didn't hit us. Bin Laden hit us," he said. "Iraq didn't hit us. The Taliban hit us." Jackson said the US was complicit in the trial and execution of Saddam by the Iraqis "because we held him in our custody, and the government in Iraq today is a government subsidised by the US". In Morocco exactly in Casablanca January 8th, 2007 there was a great march to condemn Saddam execution ( Thousand people on Sunday took to the streets in Casablanca to condemn the execution of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Organized by the Democratic Confederation of Labor (CDT), the demonstration denounced this "assassination" and decried American occupation of Iraq and the situation decline in this country. In Algeria a woman 35 years had suicide just after hanging Saddam 9

Hussein; her family said that the poor woman was shocked about the pictures which showed the tragedy. in the same time many posters about Saddam were offered by the newspaper Echo-chorouk. Brandishing Saddam Hussein photos, the demonstrators condemned "American terrorism that disdains international law". In India a 15-year-old girl from eastern India hanged herself in response to the execution of Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein, police and family members said today. Read this extract from forum http://www.yabiladi.com/forum/read-66-1591766.html "She said they had hanged a patriot,'' the girl's father, Man Mohan Karmakar, said from the town of Kharda. "We didn't take her seriously when she told us that she wanted to feel the pain Saddam did during the execution.'' He said his daughter, called Moon Moon, and had become extremely depressed after watching Saddam's execution on television. "She kept watching the scene over and again and didn't take food on Saturday and Sunday to protest against the hanging,'' he said. Police superintendent Pravin Kumar confirmed the suicide, saying the girl had strung herself up from a ceiling fan and was found dead early on Wednesday. The communist-ruled state of West Bengal has condemned Saturday's execution of Saddam, with thousands of people taking to the streets. In Tunisia: TUNIS (AP) - Hundreds of demonstrators have denounced Friday afternoon in Tunis, the execution of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein, calling it "unfair" the trial that led to the gallows during a rally at the initiative of the Tunisian General Union of Labor (TGUL). "By our soul, our blood, we sacrifice for you Saddam," chanted the demonstrators whose meeting was supervised by a safety device. Mohamed Ali meeting place, the headquarters of the union which was drawn up a giant portrait of the "martyr Saddam", less than 1,000 trade unionists, members of associations and lawyers led by Ben Moussa Bâtonnier Abdessattar resumed slogans hostile to Washington as well as in Tehran. 10

"You lived a hero, you died a hero", "no imperialist interests in Arab land", "honor to the martyrs, glory to the resistance, shame the valets (Arabic)," proclaimed banners around the building TGUL. The President of the Tunisian League for the Defense of Human Rights (LDHR), Mokhtar Trifi, calling it "killing" the execution of Saddam Hussein. However, the meeting was marked by an altercation between Mr. Trifi and Tunisian lawyer for Saddam Hussein, Ahmed Seddik Me, which criticized the LTDH "not having published any release since the arrest of the former Iraqi president.

Tunisia after hanging Saddam

In recent days, other pro-Saddam demonstrations have been held in Tunis at the invitation of the opposition, the Bar and the union of education. AP This execution had led to this picture

child with Gun In fact this child needs a nice toy. So …………Why? In fact, I don’t think that American people had read this news before because of preoccupation with daily life. Jacob.G.Homberger said :( All their lives, Americans had been taught that foreign policy was for federal 11

“experts” and, thus, they had chosen not to concern themselves with what their federal officials were doing to people abroad. Innocently believing that federal overseas personnel, including the CIA and the military, had been helping foreigners for decades; Americans had no reason to doubt the official U.S. pronouncement immediately after 9/11: “We are innocent. The terrorists hate us for our freedom and values. That’s why they have attacked us.”) So American people are not interested in U.S foreign policy, and they trust on their experts politicians.

Manifestation just after Saddam’s execution

These are not the only reasons which make Arabs and Muslims people, the sadly reason the support for the Arab regimes hated by their people.


This is an article was written by Khalid Amayreh, October 2001 (The U.S. has been, and continues to be, the sponsors, the sponsors and the justification for the misery of my people in the last sixty years. The USA are the authors of 60 years of suffering, death, loss, occupation, oppression, deprivation of shelter and bullying. The USA is the usurpers of the right of my people human rights, democracy, civil liberties, development and a dignified life. The U.S. accomplices and financiers of the occupation, segregation, repression, terror, and theft of land by the Israelis. The USA are the protectors, defenders, the engine and guarantors of despotism, dictatorship, dynastic fiefdoms of, and autocracies and theocracies, oligarchies, and monarchies brutal Muslim world. The U.S. is the bad power that refuses to release my person from foreign occupation of Nazi type who kills our children and steal our land. The USA is the tyrant, the global dictatorship that deprives hundreds of millions of Arabs and Muslims of their right to freely elect their government and leaders because U.S fears of big business benefits of democracy in the Muslim world. The U.S. treat us, my people and me as the "children of a God of second class.» In fact, in the final analysis, the USA, I am only alternative: Either accepts docilely enslavement and oppression ever, or I become an Osama bin Laden. Honestly, there is no third way, and if any, show us. I am not exaggerating at all. Everyone knows that politics and U.S. behaviour in the Muslim world encourage extremism and moderation is fail. In fact, I dare say that the first leads inevitably to the second in a direct cause and effect. So, please the U.S., do not make me an Osama bin Laden. I do not want to be. I hate to kill innocent people, because in our religion, 13

to kill an innocent human being is tantamount to killing the entire human race. I know that the "hatred" is not a good thing. I try really not to allow my hatred of the U.S. government and its murderous policy to move from its static to its dynamic form. However, others who may even hate the USA more than me will not be able to keep as much cold-blooded, return their grievances, and remain "wise." Static but hatred is ultimately a frozen anger, waiting the moment to explode. It has already exploded in the face of USA. I know that hatred can be indiscriminate and deadly. But I also know that oppression, as the Quran clearly states, is worse than murder. Therefore, I try; even I try to make my hatred of the USA also reasonable, as constructive, as humane as possible. And it is not because the U.S. should be treated humanely. Extermination of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis, Lebanese and Palestinians do not deserve any respect. They are despicable mass murderers of the same species as Hitler. My goal and my people shall be free, free from Israeli oppression and occupation commissioned and funded by the US. I want to be freed from the Jewish occupation, apartheid and racism Jewish Jew. I want to be freed from a life of roadblocks, checkpoints, detention camps, closed military zones, of "targeted assassinations" of confiscated land, demolition of houses and, yes, daily massacres. I also want to be free from hatred, even hatred toward the USA. But I know too well that I can not be relieved of the effect as I would not be freed from the cause and the cause is the greed, rapacity and hegemony U.S... All we want is to be left in peace and live a normal life by exercising our 14

rights and freedoms given by God. Like other human beings. Is it too much to ask? Please USA; do not make me an Osama Ben Laden.) http://www.tlaxcala.es/pp.asp?reference=1093&lg=fr Israelians ask this question: why Arabs and Muslims hate U.S and Israel too. To understand why an article in the "Das Bild 'in German and translated by Claude Lesselbaum. (They burn the flag of Israel and the United States. They cry: "Death to Jews! USA Death to the devil. The Israeli air raids against Hamas in Gaza push extremist Muslims in the streets, around the globe. Tens of thousands of them violently manifested in the Arab and Islamic capitals. Where does this hatred of Jews and their state? One reason is that Israel is quite different from all its neighbours - it is a democracy, only in the region. This is an open country in the world, happy living, modern, successful, women have equal rights. This creates envy. Especially among those who have nothing. The journalist Michel Friedman: "It is indeed a war by proxy. Israel is the Middle East forward position, the symbol of Western values hated by the Arabs and Islamists: Freedom, Democracy, the consideration for the dignity of man - but also the Instruction. The dominant class of Arab and Islam would keep his youth in poverty and ignorance, because it is more accessible to violence.) Article published on 30 October 2008 on the Internet by "Das Bild," in German and translated by Claude Lesselbaum

Here is an other article was written by a Saudi photographer Reem AlFaisal on Arab news Thursday 26 May 2005 (17 Rabi` al-Thani 1426 (A few weeks ago an American I met at a friends house asked a much repeated query, “Why do you the Muslims hate the Americans?” To which I answered in the same way as all the preceding instances in which this 15

question was posed to me: “We don’t hate the Americans, we might disagree with a certain US policy and dislike recent American actions in the Muslim world but we surely don’t hate the American people.” The American who interrogated me was clearly not convinced with my answer and secretly I wasn’t either. The truth is that at present the Muslims hate America and now, they hate not only its policymakers but most of the American people since they have proven recently without a shadow of doubt that they agree with their elite by voting back into office, by a comfortable majority, the Bush administration inspires of it’s obvious record of lies and abuse of power. The Americans can never claim from now on that they didn’t know that there where no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. They can’t claim that they didn’t know torture wasn’t widespread in American prisons, from Guantanamo to Abu Ghraib, and the thousands of other secret detention canters. They surely can’t claim not to know of this entire episode in which thousands have lost their lives and much more have seen their homes and lands destroyed as a result of the American military and its leaders who don’t hesitate in using the massive destructive power of the US on defenceless civilians. My American friend was right, we do hate them now, but he never asked himself the question “Why?” Why a people living on the other side of the planet should feel any sort of emotion toward the Americans, be it hate or love? Does anyone ever ask if the Muslims hate the Chileans or love the Chinese or dislike the Uruguayans? No, we are forever asked to express some sort of intense emotion toward the Americans. So, I have to admit finally, after decades of relations with the US, that they have convinced us that we should feel something and that our feelings have been boiled down today to pure hate. And why not? What have we as a people seen from the US in the past half century but an absence of respect for Muslim life, culture or religion, contempt and disregard for our rights and finally murder and torture from Afghanistan to Iraq. The US has further driven us to dislike America with its blind support for a colonialist power such as Israel, in fact the only one left in the region. Whenever we have tried in the past to help alleviate the plight of the Palestinians we only got vetoed by the US at the UN Security Council followed by the free flow of arms and money to kill our fellow compatriots from Palestine to Lebanon. And whenever we Arabs try to get arms to defend ourselves against one of the strongest armies in the world, which has never hesitated in using its destructive power with impunity against us, 16

we are blocked by America from acquiring the means by which we could defend ourselves. We have watched America attack us, destroy us, impose embargoes against our nations and then conquer our lands, imprison our people and generally deal with us as though we are savage animals whereby every single law be it international or even American is totally disregarded when it concerns the rights of Arab and Muslim individuals. Then they ask us why we hate them? Tell me why do you hate us? What terrible crime have the Muslims committed against you in the past to deserve your interminable enmity? What have we done to see you rampage through our lands destroying and killing, and then claiming obscenely that it was worth it for the sake of liberty and democracy? Is it worth it for the million and a half Iraqis murdered in the embargo or the thousands of Afghans killed by your ever so “smart” bombs? Or should we ask the Iraqis of today, whom you’ve killed by the thousands? Was all this death and destruction worth it for them? Did you ever bother to ask their opinion before you played God with the lives and destinies of this nation? Finally, you take aim at our religion by humiliating our beliefs. You abuse our book, use our convictions to torture us and degrade us, disregarding your own laws and religion which is as noble as ours and to which torture and humiliation is anathema. What were you thinking when you threw the Qur’an in the toilet or when you used religion as a means of torture? I fail to see the efficacy of such actions in the so-called war on terror. These methods only point to a deep sickness in your society to which it will take decades for us and the rest of the world to understand its cause and to measure its destructive results. No, the question which someday will have to be answered is why, why do you the Americans hate us the Muslims so much?) I try really hard to point out the reasons for this feeling through the presentation of pictures and articles were published across the Arab and Islamic press. There is no doubt that Americans themselves also have this feeling (hatred) towards Arabs and Muslims, and feel that the Arabs and Muslims constitute a real threat to the security and comfort and quiet of their lives. 17

Many articles were published about that subject, and many opinions were made on forums. At a forum site (http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f54/10-reasonsamericans-hate-muslims-414843/)they they fixed 10 points to make Americans hate Arabs and Muslims. Originally posted by melancholy 10 reasons STUPID Americans hate the Muslims 1) the Koran is evil 2) Muslims are hell bent on conquering the world 3) they want to impregnate good Christian women with little habit’s and akbar's 4) they're brown, dress funny and speak a funny language 5) politicians and Hollywood movies say they are bad people 6) they kill civilians and that's bad. Only Christians and Jews are allowed to kill civilians. 8) they're jealous of the US 9) they hate freedom 10) it's a new cool fad to hate Muslims and America is the trend leader of the world

10 reasons SMART Americans hate the Muslims 1) they don't let the US control their oil 2) they refuse to let the US interfere with their domestic policies 3) they dare to think they can act as sovereign people and have self determination 4) they want freedom from Western control 5) they mess with Israel, a strategic ally 6) they're uppity enough to actually CHOOSE something for themselves other than accept democracy like the US told them to 7) the US would be so much richer and more powerful to have them under control 8) they don't buy American products 9) having them as the enemy is a great way to control the American populace 18

10) every empire needs an enemy to stay on top of its game, otherwise the empire decays quicker.

Why do Muslims hate the U.S. government? By Arif Maftuhin 17 January 2006 (Seattle - I was surprised recently when I was going to downtown Seattle. A friend of mine working there told me, "Here is the place we observe Friday prayers". The fact that he was a pious, white American Muslim was pretty surprising; but what made me more surprised was the place he showed me: it was not a mosque, but a church! The church, attended by its congregation mainly on the weekends, provides one of its rooms for Muslims in downtown Seattle to observe Friday prayers. While the Muslim community does rent this room, the fact they can share the church would be unimaginable in the Indonesian context. There are many cases we can learn from. At Boston University, according to Ulil Abshar Abdalla, Muslims observed tarawih last month in a hall called Sacred Place where believers of any faith can observe their prayers and services. During Ramadhan, in the program called Fast-Thon, hundreds of nonMuslim Americans joined the Muslim Student Association in my university to fast for one day. Like Muslims, they did not eat or drink from dawn to dusk. The U.S. is very tolerant of any religious life. Its constitution, particularly the First Amendment, guarantees all citizens the right to have and express their faith. While some Muslims in other parts of the world want an Islamic state to guarantee the right to practice their religion, some American Muslims I have met said they do not need an Islamic state. Why? America gives them most of what they need to be a pious Muslim without it being an Islamic state. For sure, it is not a perfect country. However, has an Islamic state existed and given anything better than what America has? 19

In the U.S., Muslims of Somalia, Cambodia, and Palestine have found asylum and help. They live a better life and are more secure in this nonIslamic country. Thus, why do Muslims hate America? Why is America and its interests the target of Muslim hatred? The answer is that, in fact, Muslims do not hate America, but rather the interventionist policy of the U.S. government. The presence of U.S. troops in the Muslim heartland, Saudi Arabia, after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, was the supposed reason behind the Sept. 11 attacks. The U.S. invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are the main reason for the many suicide bombings in the last three years. It seems that both Muslims and the U.S. government do not pay attention to where their relations intersect. In relation to the Muslim world and the U.S., actually there are four entities involved: the American Government and the American people on the one hand; and the Muslim world and American Muslims on the other. In the country named the United States of America, there is a government that does not necessarily represent Americans as a nation. In the Muslim world, there are American Muslims, the citizens of the hated America. Unfortunately, these four entities have been lazily simplified into two polarised entities: Muslims and the U.S., my side or your side, my interests or your interests. The neglected interconnectivity is complicated and costly to both sides. The beautiful picture of Muslim and U.S. relations mentioned above has been overshadowed by the negative aspects of those two worlds: the bad foreign policy of the American government toward Islamic countries; and the bad reaction of radical Muslims. The victims of neglected interconnectivity, we may expect, are always the good parts of both entities: non-radical Muslims and anti-Bush Americans. The victims of the Sept. 11 terrorist attack were innocent Americans, non20

Muslims as well as American Muslims. They might not agree with their government and they did not deserve to die in the attacks. On the other hand, the victims of the war on terrorism are innocent Muslims. In the U.S., many innocent American Muslims are arrested without due process. In Europe and Australia, a number of mosques were closed by the government. In Indonesia, many pesantren (Islamic boarding schools), orphanages, and Islamic foundations, have lost financial aid from wealthy Middle Eastern countries as the U.S. government has forced its allies to cut the suspected relationship between the flow of riyal and the terrorist network. We should not wait any longer to realise these complexities. The hatred in the Muslim world proliferated by the interventionist policy of the U.S. government in Islamic countries and the overreaction of U.S. government policy triggered by terrorist actions should be stopped right now. The radical Muslims have to realise that their project has brought more disadvantages than benefits to the Muslim world. If they really want to fight for the Muslim world, they need to recalculate what Muslims have experienced after Sept. 11. The U.S. government needs to understand, as many American political experts have recommended, that their interventionist policy has triggered more hatred and induced more young Muslims to become suicide bombers. Muslims may hate Bush for his interventionist and arbitrary policies, but they are not alone in arguing against Bush's policy; many Americans do too. Muslims should not hate America because Americans are not Bush; and because American Muslims do love their country. What should American Muslims do if Muslims in the rest of the world hate their beloved country?) Source: The Jakarta Post, January 5, 2006 Visit the website at www.thejakartapost.com


Muslims Ask: Why Do They Hate Us? By Chris Toensing, AlterNet. Posted September 25, 2001.

(In December 1998, I met a waiter in the quiet Egyptian port of Suez. As I sipped tea in his cafe, he pulled up a chair to chat, as Egyptians often do to welcome strangers. Not long into our amiable repartee, he looked me in the eye. "Now I want to ask you a blunt question," he said. "Why do you Americans hate us?" I raised my eyebrows, so he explained what he meant and, in doing so, provided some insights into why others hate us. Numerous United Nations resolutions clearly define Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem as illegal. Yet Israel receives 40 percent of all US foreign aid, more than $3.5 billion annually in recent years, roughly $500 per Israeli citizen. (The average Egyptian will earn $656 this year.) Israel uses all of this aid to build new settlements on Palestinian land and to buy US-made warplanes and helicopter gunships. "Why do Americans support Israel when Israel represses Arabs?" the waiter asked. He went on: Evidence clearly shows that the US-led economic sanctions on Iraq punish Iraqi civilians while hardly touching Saddam Hussein's regime. A UNICEF study in 1999 backed him up, saying that 500,000 children under five would be alive today if sanctions did not exist. Surely Iraqi children are not enemies of international peace and security, the waiter expostulated, even if their ruler is a brutal dictator. The United States presses for continued sanctions because Hussein is flouting United Nations resolutions, but stands by Israel when it has flouted UN Resolution 242 (which urges Israel to withdraw from land occupied in the 1967 War) for over 30 years. Arabs and Muslims suffer from these and other US policies. The only logic this young Egyptian could see was that America was pursuing a worldwide war against Islam, in which the victims were overwhelmingly Muslim. America is a democracy, he concluded, so Americans must hate Muslims to endorse this war. 22

I groaned inwardly. Here, I thought, was a person as woefully misinformed about America as most Americans are about the Middle East. Painstakingly, in my rusty Arabic, I explained that although the United States is a democracy, we Americans do not choose our government's allies, nor do we select its adversaries. We do not vote on the annual foreign aid budget. There are no referenda on the ballot asking whether the United States should send abundant aid to Israel, or whether the United States should pressure the UN Security Council into maintaining sanctions against Iraq, or whether the Fifth Fleet should prowl the Persian Gulf to protect our oil supply. Americans do have the ability to vote out of office politicians who embrace various foreign policies, but Americans rarely have accurate information about the effect of those policies, in the Middle East or elsewhere. If they knew, I argued, they would speak up in opposition, because Americans have a fundamental sense of fairness. I concurred that it was imperative to debunk Hollywood stereotypes of Arabs and Muslims as wild-eyed, Koranwaving fanatics. These are pernicious ideas that stand in the way of fair judgment. Our conversation lasted for hours. When we reached a pause, the waiter invited me to dinner at his house. There I met his brother, a devout Muslim. He too asked me why America hates Arabs and Muslims. I spent two more hours talking with him. When I left, he told me warmly how happy he was "to connect with an American on a human level." He and I shook hands like old friends, as we agreed that both Americans and Arab Muslims should strive to puncture the myth that "we" are somehow essentially different from "them." A civilized human society cannot afford to think in those tribal terms. That type of thinking leads to despair, and thence to wholly unjustifiable disasters such as Americans have just experienced. Most Americans who have lived or travelled in the Arab world can relate similar experiences: Arabs are entirely capable of differentiating between a people and the actions of its government, or the values of a people and the political agenda of a narrow minority of them. What confuses, and, yes, angers them is that we do not seem to return the favor. Scant days after I returned from Suez to Cairo, President Clinton ordered US fighter-bombers to attack Iraq, ostensibly because Hussein had expelled UN weapons inspectors from his country. The "surgical strikes" of Operation Desert Fox, like previous and subsequent campaigns, maimed 23

and killed defenceless Iraqi civilians. Meanwhile, virtually every news outlet in Egypt ran pictures of grinning US seamen painting "Happy Ramadan" on the missiles destined for Baghdad. Those pictures mocked the suffering of Muslims, just as they mocked my attempts at playing cultural ambassador. To the Arab and Muslim world, Americans project an image of utter indifference to the Iraqi civilian casualties of sanctions and bombing -people who were also "moms and dads, friends and neighbours," as President Bush said of the Americans we mourn today. During Desert Fox, there was no outrage at the callous black humour of the missile-painters, or the purposeful insult to Islam's holy month. Despite the obvious failure of bombing to achieve our stated objective (ridding Iraq of Hussein), and the harm done to innocents in the process, no mass anti-war movement spilled into our streets to force a change in US policy. Hardly anyone has suggested since that US officials should be held accountable for wilful acts of terror, though terror is surely what Iraqis must feel when bombs rain from the sky. Only days after Desert Fox, the Iraq story faded from the front pages entirely, and the nation returned to its obsession with the Monica Lewinsky scandal. What could that waiter in Suez have been thinking of my careful distinctions then? He does not have "links" to Osama bin Laden. He is not a prospective suicide bomber, nor would he defend their indefensible actions. Today I have no doubt that he feels intense sympathy for "us." After watching unjust US policies continue for years without apology, after hearing of incidents of racist anti-Arab backlash following the execrable crimes of Sept. 11, perhaps he also senses great tragedy in that the hijackers spoke to Americans in a language the US government speaks all too well abroad.) Source: Chris Toensing is the editor of Middle East Report, published by the Middle East Research and Information Project, a Washington, DCbased think tank. But do all Arabs and Muslims hate U.S? Not all Muslims hate America


Deseret News (Salt Lake City) , May 9, 2006 by James Sloan Allen Christian Science Monitor (We have grown sadly used to hearing that the rest of the world, particularly the Islamic world, hates America. But here is some good news. It comes from hundreds of firsthand reports by participants in exchange programs under the American Councils for International Education. Here are samples from participants in some Islamic countries. People from these countries who spend time in the United States under exchange programs not only prize the democratic culture they find here; more important, they typically go home bent on instilling the virtues of America in their own nations -- like the teacher who exclaimed: "I was back in Turkmenistan! Back in my home country! I made up my mind to do whatever I could to make my country a better place to live" because "America inspired me and showed me what was possible." Here are some similar examples of this good news from the predominantly Islamic region of the former Soviet Union, a crucial front in the war of ideas with autocracy and Islamic fundamentalism. In Azerbaijan, a young woman declares, "My understanding of the meaning of life has totally changed" since she resided in the United States. Surprisingly, she reports that this is partly because after experiencing America's "freedom of speech and belief and the respect for law and government . . . I started to read the Quran and came to my religion and understanding of it only in the U.S., not in my country." At the same time, touched by "how the American people care about and help" others, she vowed to "do my best to have an open and big heart and help those who need it." Today she is a Muslim with democratic ideals who has thrown herself into the work of securing rights for children. In Kazakhstan, numerous teachers moved by American freedoms and social equality say they are now endeavoring within their schools and among adults outside to create an "open civil society" and make their homeland "a real democratic country" like America. In Tatarstan (a Russian republic north of Kazakhstan), a woman struck by America's ethnic tolerance strives to foster this at home by dissuading her countrymen from quarreling over the question: "Should Tatar people support their Muslim brothers or be united with their Russian neighbors?" 25

To achieve this end, she is creating an ambitious community-wide multicultural educational program. In Uzbekistan, a woman returned from legal studies in the United States and an internship at the United Nations to become an influential law professor and establish innovative courses such as "Constitutional Law" and "Women's Rights under Islam." Another young woman returned to launch a crusade "to improve the status of women," beginning with summer camps for girls to "increase their self- esteem by teaching them their basic rights." Yet another young woman concerned that "terrorism is threatening the peace of the world," is using her American MBA training to instigate "democratic and economic reforms" that will "create a true democratic society and build a bridge of friendship between the USA and Uzbekistan." In Tajikistan, a young man who says he had "become stronger, active, free and more responsible" in the United States set out "to study everything related to human rights" and to serve that cause. He then joined the Republic Bureau of Human Rights and the Rule of Law, a human rights protection organization, where he organizes legal clinics for his fellow Tajiks, reports on human rights violations in prisons, and helps a U.N. agency monitor Tajik laws for their compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In Kyrgyzstan, a teacher says she discovered in America that "democracy is not just a beautiful word that allows everyone to do whatever one likes" but instead means "freedom, but responsibility." She adopted these three words as her motto and now teaches "what a democratic state is," while planning "a new democratic school" devoted to spreading the principles of democracy throughout "the life of the community and the country." Another Kyrgyz person, who proclaims that "the U.S. won an ally in me" when he was an exchange student here, is acting on his commitment by coordinating a coalition of 55 "NGOs for Democratic Civil Society" and by preparing to run for parliament as a vigorous advocate of American democratic ideals. Although these examples are few and anecdotal, they represent hundreds of people who bring us the good news from the war of ideas that America can indeed nurture democratic culture in Islamic and other developing countries without firing a shot. It can do this by inviting to our shores, educating, and otherwise enlightening, ever more of the individuals (many of them women, as the 26

examples here show) who will shape the democratic futures of those countries -- if those countries are to have democratic futures at all.) Source: James Sloan Allen is the author of "Worldly Wisdom: Great Books and the Meaning(s) of Life," to be published next year.

Many European writers had tried to understand why Arabs and Muslims peoples hated U.S. Read Proliferator-in-chief • • •

Leader The Guardian, Thursday 26 July 2001 10.48 BST Article history

(George Bush's administration yesterday blasted another lethal hole in the vital structure of multilateral arms agreements that has so far protected most of the world from the worst dangers of the modern military age. America's lone, wanton wrecking of long-running negotiations to enforce the 1972 treaty banning biological or germ weapons is an insult to the pact's 142 other signatories, a body-blow for the treaty itself and a major setback for international efforts to agree practical curbs on the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. By this action, the US suggests that its national security interests, narrowly defined, and the commercial interests of its dominant biotechnology sector should take precedence over responsible global collaboration to meet a common threat. By rejecting the proposed inspection regime, it further, dangerously, suggests to others that the US is not really worried about germ-warfare controls and wants to develop its own, advanced biological weapons. This in turn could have a serious impact on continuing efforts to bolster the equally important chemical weapons convention. Since Tony Blair's government has been particularly active in promoting the BWC enforcement protocol, it may now be expected to be particularly active in condemning this latest piece of Bush vandalism. Jack Straw should summon the US ambassador, a Bush appointee, to the Foreign Office and demand an explanation. 27

The US move confirms a pattern of reckless, unilateralist behavior on arms control, as on environmental and other issues. Since taking office, Mr. Bush has spoken in grandiose terms of the need for "new thinking" and for a "new strategic framework". But to date, this supposed post-cold war global security "vision" has largely amounted to trashing existing agreements without any clear idea of what to put in their place. Mr. Bush scorns the concept of deterrence, based on mutually assured destruction, but fails to explain how the world can safely live without it. He plans to resume nuclear testing, undermining the comprehensive test ban treaty. He intends to breach the anti-ballistic missile treaty. He wants to develop "bunker-buster" battlefield warheads, ignoring the nuclear nonproliferation treaty. He emasculated recent UN attempts to regulate small arms and light weaponry. Meanwhile, he is dusting off Ronald Reagan's plans to deploy space weapons - plans that Mr. Reagan's former rival, Jimmy Carter, tersely described this week as "technologically ridiculous". Yet all this charging about in the arms control crockery shop does little or nothing to reduce the biggest actual, as opposed to hypothetical, threat: that posed by relatively cheap, easily produced biological and chemical weapons and by "portable" nukes that may be obtained by transnational terrorists. Indeed, by deflecting attention and resources, it makes it worse. In recent days, four instances of smuggling of nuclear-related material have come to light in Europe. This coincides with a review of Clinton era schemes to help Russia safeguard or dispose of stockpiles. One $2.1bn programme, to destroy military plutonium, faces cancellation. Others may be offered with political strings attached. No wonder the black market is booming. The so-called "rogue states" are not the principal problem - and missile defence is certainly no answer. The core problem is proliferation - and the undermining of painstakingly agreed, multilateral arms control structures. Instead of helping, Commander-in-chief Bush is fast becoming the new proliferators-in-chief. )

Today is not Arab and Islamic peoples the only who hate America , on the contrary , America gained new enemies in all the word , that is reflected in many manifestations all over the world , from France to 28

Korea. You can visit internet websites to see millions of pictures and videos about these manifestations. Many caricatures all over the world against U.S policy:

Iran against U.S

Korea against U.S

A South Korean Catholic nun walks by a cutout depicting a caricature of a cow infected with mad-cow disease during a candlelight vigil protesting against U.S. beef imports in front of the Seoul City Hall.


Egyptian caricature

Cheque people against Bush administration

French people against Bush


French people against bush administration

World are plotting against U.S

Fight against US.


At last American people should know the truth, Arabic and Muslims peoples doesn’t hate you, instead every one of us like to live with you because of your generous .Arabic and Muslims people hate U.S government policy. In fact Americans are peaceful people and people of peace, hate wars wherever they are, hate injustice and tyranny. American people was the first people who was against bush administration, we have many pictures about this subject. All these pictures show courage and nobility of Americans:

Picture 1

Picture 2

Caricature 1


Picture 3

Picture 4

Picture 5


We must recognize today that Barrack Obama have to do his best to change this ugly picture of America in Arabs and Muslims minds. And the question will be in the future: why they love us? And I’m sure that all Arab and Muslim peoples will say in all honesty: we love you because you are the bright picture of justice in the entire world. Perhaps Mr.obama will be like George Washington or Woodrow Wilson. In bog edition (http://www.kyle-brady.com/2009/05/11/how-obama-canchange-american-politics-forever/) an American has written (With an approval rating that continues to be the highest seen in our brief American history, Obama is what a large majority of the country seems to have desired – especially among the younger generations. Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and the rest of the GOP are not helping matters by continuing to drive young voters, intellectuals, and the rationallyminded away from the elephantine party. Not necessarily turning Republicans into Democrats, but nonetheless alienating growing numbers of Americans).

All humanity needs love and peace. Remember now together the poem of Fanny Crosby (1820-1915) American hymn writer, this woman who was blind but she was seeing truth by her great brave,and generous heart, and she was hopeful woman. Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd, were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? On the shore dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? 34

Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream: 'T is the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! And where is that band who so vauntingly swore That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion A home and a country should leave us no more? Their blood has wash'd out their foul footsteps' pollution. No refuge could save the hireling and slave From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave: And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand, Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation; Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us as a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust" And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!


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