Why Water Bottlers Are Bad For Your Community

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WATER Why Water Bottlers Are Bad for Your Community Fact Sheet • October 2009


ompanies that want to make billions of dollars selling bottled water are looking for new sources of water and new sites to build their plants — and they may be coming to your town next. Multinational corporations may promise benefits to the area, but they will probably fail to mention the reasons that many communities are fighting to keep water bottlers away from their homes. Here are six reasons why:

1. Watersheds suffer

5. Less local control

Pumping groundwater can cause underground water levels to drop, along with water levels in nearby wells, streams, lakes and wetlands. This can mean less water for drinking, fishing, recreation and other uses. In Mecosta County, Michigan, water levels in a nearby stream dropped when Nestlé built a water bottling plant. In McCloud, California, a community group feared that a bottling plant would put their historic fisheries at risk.

As multinational bottled water corporations like Nestlé put their straws in aquifers, local communities have less control over water resources in their own backyard. Pumping decisions reside in a far-off board room. If a corporation gains access to a town’s water rights, residents may not be able to access local water in times of drought.

2. Hidden costs to community

Once bottled water companies set up shop in a town, they are very difficult to get rid of, even if local residents want them to leave. In Michigan, a community group has battled for years to shut down a Nestlé plant, to no avail. In McCloud, Nestlé wanted a contract to access community water for 100 years.

While the company profits, the community pays for the negative side effects of the industry. For example, increased heavy truck traffic can cause wear and tear on local roads that towns must pay to fix. Towns can also lose money from tourism revenues if bottling plants make their previously pleasant location less attractive to visit.

3. Noisy neighbors Water bottlers specifically target new sources of water in rural areas. They bring with them trucks, traffic, noise and pollution that can affect the quality of life in these communities. In Hollis, Maine, truck traffic nearly doubled when Poland Springs opened a plant, and residents reported crashes, speeding violations and noise keeping them up at night. Plants can operate at all hours of the day, with trucks coming and going every few minutes.

4. Poor jobs Companies that want to bottle water try to sell their plants to local officials by promising jobs. But bottled water plants often supply only a couple dozen jobs, many of which do not go to local community members. They also pay, on average, less than similar manufacturing jobs — by as much as $10,000 a year.

6. There’s no turning back

Take Action Contact Food & Water Watch for information on how to keep your local water resources safe from water bottling. You can also read more about community experiences with water bottling in Food & Water Watch’s reports, including All Bottled Up: Nestlé’s Pursuit of Community Water; Take Back the Tap: Why choosing tap water over bottled water is better for your health, your pocketbook and the environment; and The Unbottled Truth About Bottled Water Jobs, available at www.foodandwaterwatch.org. For more information: web: www.foodandwaterwatch.org email: [email protected] phone: (202) 683-2500 (DC) • (415) 293-9900 (CA) Copyright © October 2009 Food & Water Watch

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