Books / Publishers
ISBN: 0-914778-55-2 / $12.95
● Thinking Holistically! ● Mastering Forms & Processes! ● Producing Quality Goods! ● Building Sensual Appeal into Products! ● Emphasizing Emotional Intelligence!
These skills include:
Boyé Lafayette De Mente, known for his 50plus books on the cultures, business practices and languages of China, Japan, Korea and Mexico, identifies and dissects the cultural factors that created the traditional character of the Japanese and gave them a long list of skills that were responsible for their amazing success in developing the world’s second largest economy in less than thirty years following the debacle of World War II.
Lafayette De Mente
The Advantages of Using Both Sides of Your Brain!
何故日本人は 優秀な人々なのか
Japanese are a Superior
Why the
Why the Japanese Are a Superior People! + Boyé Lafayette De Mente