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Why Integrate Technology? Sharon Gray, Instructional Technologist

Fostering technology integration  

 

Universal student access Reliable networks Multiple opportunities for training and support Environment which values experimentation and tolerates failures

Source: Spodark

Current state of higher ed tech integration

Never 45%

Frequent (several times/week) 20%

Occasional (once a month) 35%

How are faculty currently using technology? e-mail


work from home


scholarly writing


presentations 40

Internet research


data analysis


online course material Percentage of faculty (n = 33,785)

course instruction

Why bother? 

Access to vast repositories of INFORMATION and RESOURCES

REFLECTION upon (and in some cases transformation of) the way we teach


Opportunities to create ENGAGED learners

Ability to ACCOMODATE varied learning styles

How can faculty know what’s possible? 

Magazines and Journals:   

Conferences and Websites    

http://www.askeric.org EDUCAUSE http://www.educause.edu/ Syllabus http://www.syllabus.com The Collaboration http://www.colab.org

Instructor resource guides with websites 

T.H.E. http://www.thejournal.com/ Syllabus http://www.syllabus.com Converge http://www.convergemag.com


Augie’s own Instructional Technologist!

Technology can support learning by facilitating… EXPLORATION and ANALYSIS of information SIMULATION of events or processes VISUALIZATION of abstract concepts MANIPULATION of variables CONSTRUCTION of knowledge PRACTICE and drilling of skills

Some ideas… 

Instead of writing comments in the margins of students’ papers, you can have students can send papers via e-mail. Then, using a microphone attached to a PC, you can make audio comments on the papers. If you return the papers via e-mail, students can listen to your comments with headphones or speakers.

Or, to save disk space, you can use the annotate feature in Word

You may already know how to create links to Web sites in PowerPoint, but you can also easily create links to the files from within a PowerPoint presentation: Paper www.google.com

Some more ideas…

Use the custom animation feature to animate charts, graphs, and images within Powerpoint to make your message come alive…

This piece represents which artistic style?  Realism  Baroque   Impressionism  Neo-Classicism

Madonna and Child with Saints 1708 Oil on canvas, 406 x 208 cm San Giorgio Maggiore, Venice RICCI, Sebastiano (b. 1659, Belluno, d. 1734, Venezia)

Understanding Cultural Influences North America


South America

Australia Africa

Rainforest ecosystem decline 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

1960 1980 2000

Some more ideas… 

Virtual field trips via Web or interactive CD-ROM

Battle Maps

Field Museum Sounds from the Vault

Tending the Memory: National Digital Archives

More ideas       

Create Web pages that impose visual structure and an expert’s conceptual framework upon complex information Use modeling software to help students visualize molecular structures Provide access to accompaniment software that responds and adjusts to the student’s tempo (and is available anytime!) Create online forums for students to review their classmates’ papers, creating a “writers’ community” Use Word™ to capture classroom discussions for posting and review Use Babelfish or Google to translate phrases from one language to another (and back again, for some interesting comparisons!) Use simulation software, such as SimCity (urban planning) or SimLife (biology) to enable students to manipulate complex variables in a simulated environment

More ideas    

Use biomechanics software and digital video capture to help students in physical education and sports Use digital microscope cameras to allow an entire class to view the same microscopic image Use thermal imaging software to plot thermal fluctuations Use electronic “smart boards” instead of projection screens to run software demonstrations and capture whiteboard images

Virtual Museums Metropolitan Museum of Art: Period Rooms Virtual Tour of the Louvre Vatican Museums

History Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory Virtual Tour of the Pantheon

Science The Orbitron Chemist’s Art Gallery

Other QuickTime Cubic VR Gallery

Finally… While information does not equal knowledge and technology is not a “cure-all”, thoughtful, meaningful, and authentic integration of technology and information resources can enhance learning and lead to development of knowledge.

Sources Sax, L. 2000. “An Overview of the 1998-99 Faculty Norms.” Graduate School of Educational and Information Studies UCLA. (A study of 33,785 family members from 378 colleges. Spodark, E. 2003, “Five Obstacles to Technology Integration at a Small Liberal Arts University”, T.H.E. Journal March: 14-24. Online: http://www.thejournal.com/magazine/vault/A4344.cfm . Cuban, L. 1999. “The Technology Puzzle.” Education Week 4 August: 47,68. Online: www.edweek.org/ew/vol-18/43cuban.h18. Trinkle, D. 1999. “Distance Education: A Means to an End, No More, No Less.” Chronicle of Higher Education 6 August: A60. Maddux, C., Johnson, L., and Willis, J., Educational Computing: Learning with Tomorrow’s Technologies (2nd ed.) Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1997, pp. 17-35.

URLs EXPLORATION – The Exploratorium http://www.exploratorium.edu/ ANALYSIS – EROS http://edc.usgs.gov/ SIMULATION – Amusement Park Physics http://www.learner.org/exhibits/parkphysics/ VISUALIZATION – CalTech Super Computer http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/ismap/image.html

MANIPULATION – Optical Illusions http://www.illusionworks.com/html/hall_of_illusions.html CONSTRUCTION – Northwestern University http://web.mmlc.nwu.edu/projects/ PRACTICE – Yale Cardiothoracic Imaging http://info.med.yale.edu/intmed/cardio/imaging/ Dunhuang QTVR http://smith.mmlc.nwu.edu/~harlan/Merit/latest/qtvr.html

Valley of the Shadow http://jefferson.village.virginia.edu/vshadow2/choosepart.html Virginia Center for Digital History


The Field Museum http://www.fieldmuseum.org/ Sounds from the Vault http://www.fieldmuseum.org/sounds/index.htm

URLs Metropolitan Museum of Art: Period Rooms http://www.metmuseum.org/collections/vr_html/vr/temp_v_thumbnails.htm Vatican Museums http://vrm.vrway.com/issue14/VATICAN_MUSEUMS_IN_VIRTUAL_REALITY.html

Virtual Tour of the Louvre http://www.louvre.or.jp/louvre/QTVR/anglais/ QuickTime Cubic VR Gallery http://www.apple.com/quicktime/gallery/cubicvr/ Great Chicago Fire and the Web of Memory http://www.chicagohs.org/fire/ Virtual Tour of the Pantheon http://www.compart-multimedia.com/virtuale/us/roma/pantheon.htm The Orbitron http://www.shef.ac.uk/chemistry/orbitron/ Chemist’s Art Gallery http://www.csc.fi/chem/gallery.phtml

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