Who Wrote New Testament Abelar Reuchlin

  • August 2019
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Of Piso’s later writings, Esther, I Chron.~ Daniel, Ecclesiastes (Koh~let), Zacharlah and Ruth appear here in a series for a reason. These were six books on which Aklva was required to place his signature and apparently also to translate into Hebrew. They end with Zachariah jUSt before Piso’s death in llS and before he had the opportunity to also include mention of Zachariah by insertion into Ezekiel. They start a few years after 105 with the writing of Father, wherein Akiva changed his Hebrew name from Yaacov which totals@ 182~ to Akiva which totaled 183. That was in order to insert his signature on the story which Piso had started with an 180 day feast in the third year of Ahas ueros’ reign. By this time a number of thlngahave become increasingly apparest: i. Aklva could not have written all these works alone. All except Ruth and perhaps Esther are massive books. He must have been the administrator of a schoo± of other rabbis and scribes. Th~ is hinted at in b. Me~illah Taanith 7a ~here he appears with two other rabbis, discussing the book of Fsther.. He is the middle one between R. ~leazar and R. Meir. This implies the other two were his collea~ues in the writing, and that he was the middle one in seniority, not the first. 2. Akiva was not the oldest of the rabbis who were writing. He must have been actually at most 80 when 5he Romans murdered him by tearing his flesh with hot combs

after Bar Cochbah’s revolt was crushed

in 135. Thus n? m~st have been born about 60. When he went with four other rabbis to Rome to confer with the certain min about the year 95 (96?), he was tl~ jm~ior rabbi present.

By this time, after i00, the small school was ensconced in Bnal Brak--no doubt too with Roman approval. By then they must have been "encouraged" and asEisted in setting up a scrlptorum in which to do the writings. The ha~adah, ritual book [or the Passover [east, written in the early 700s, mentions a conversation where rabbis had allegedly been up all night studying about the Passover, reclining (in ROman style!) at Bnai Brak. They continued until their pupils came to remind them they ~d re~ched morning and it was time to recite the Shema\~he prays r stressing the oneness o[ Go~ The rabbis named were~ Eliszer, Joshua, glazer the son o[ Azariah, Akiva~ and Tarphon. Jewish scholars have sur~sed they were plotting revolt against Rome.

Thatis incorrect. Theyhavebeenwriting by candlelight th o h the night, meetin~ a ~eadline imposed by Piso. Notice that the great Akiva was still not th~ senior rabbi. H~ had moved up one place [rom when th~ live rabbis went ~c ~ome, but he was only [ourth in precedence.

7. Since he had colleagues assi~ir~ the translations,


older than he~ why were their names not mention~d on their works as was his? H£a older youn~er


days when no dm~h~

had bean impo~ant

~F ~. priests

since their

and teachers

in the


Great Assem~ly~ in the Tsa~a~e.be$or~ ’i~s destruction in 70. The’ Talmud b.Bava ~asrah }~ attributes

~o the men of the G~eat Assemly

~he writin~ of Eeekiel~ the 12 m~-or prophets which included Zacharlah; and Danlel and ~he scroll of ~s~hero

i an l ;w y

bservt tanna


first century), dedicat~n~ his life ~o the preservation o£ the Jewish people and religion, lend his efforts to tranecribln~ ~ictional works by ~he Pisos? Wh7 would he, a man oE faith~ dare ~o write new works which were supposedly written several hundred years pFeviously?

And why would he be so insistent and £oolhard~

to place his names, by various methods~ on all these writin~s? And suddenly the secret pieces fit together. The reason was basically the survival o~ the Jewish people and religion. Akiva and the o~h~r scholars must have been writin~ by ~ommand ~er£ormancs and lit~rally prophetic

so. Piso ~anted

o~ additional

books in the Hebrew bible in which ~o include more


for the prophecies

~hese new ("ancient") concepts

the creation



and including

would seem legitimate,

by Jesus.

That way~

~heir prophetic

in the Hebrew as well as the Greek.

I~ mus~ be stressed ~ha~ Judea was s~ill con~u£red land. Although depleted in population, le~ions were present or close at hand. The head of the school when it was still at Yavneh~ Rsbban G~m]iel of Yavneh, desc=ndan~ of the royal line of Hillel, was an appointee of ~he Romans. But it fell to young Aklva to supervise the writings. And he was required to place his name, in code, on all ~he translations he supervise~. If anyDhin~ was too boldly ane~hema to Piso’s ~reat secret~ he would know whom to blame!

Thus far the question c~se is






~m~ns: why was it Akiva ~om Piso ~r


It sends

us first

of the people"

these b~


to N~d~s.

~d becausee




i~e. His n~s in Greek

of w~m he was based

~a~ "victory

on, was ~c~ of

the Judean defeat at the T~ple in the year 70. Justus first introduces (Jo~

as a ~ of the














in 3.~





~ of

to Jesus, Jesus


a r~er


~ a very




of t~ J~s


~ ~ ~u










~r he is the

"teacher of Israel." Then After

~ Jo~ ~.3~0,



of ~i~thea









~d Nico~mus,

t~t he works







brings spices (19.39) ~d in ~.A~A~ "they" wrap

the bo~ in ~nen

spices ~d lay it in the garden tomb. a figure

why he has inserted


~th Joseph a~eviat~d

with the

T~s Nicodemus

of ~imat~a to N~i,

is ~ imprint

in b~ng

is carried

~he bo~. ~a?d


becom~ o~e of t}~ five pupils whom th~ Talmud a~tributes to Jesus. Also the n~e Nak~mon (a close similarity

to the n~e Nicode~us)

ben Oorion, will appear in the T~mud. Back in his Jewish ~ar in 7~-80, Fiso had ~nored Shimon ~en G~li~ ~amaliel),descender of Hillel ~d leader of t~ besieged Jude~ forces in the Temple, by calling him bar Gioras, ~o~her great ~thagoras like himself. He did no~ c~l him ~n of G~ali~ because he feared to imply the revol~ was ~r religious reasons, which it was. This Shimon ben Gamliel was a fa~us rabbi, accepted by th~ Jud,ans as ~heir Icgitimat~ l~ader. Their


had bee~

h~ been loyal ~o ~om~.



in Judea.



Now the Talmud had given patronymic, Justus’




Shus it had borrowed and the Gorion

And when the Talmud

the Temple


is an insertion


that Nakdimon

ben O~mliel had his prayer continue


What completes


that this

alter ego of Shimon

the circle

to understanding is learning

(an obviously


for the


with him ¯ (Ibid.).



granted when he prayed for the s4~ to


who married young Akiva (b.Nadarim

the %ste£med

when the Romans

ben Gamliel.

the fictional


son Kalba Shabua


was (the

so he could repay a debt he had incurred

~ewi~sh people (b.Taani~h

of Akiva’s

for Shimon

ben Gorlon,

name from


men in Jerusalem

56a), it becomes

of a pseudonym

This Nakdlmon

the Nakdimon

name from Piso’s Gioras.

first) one of the three wealthiest besieged

a form of the same honorable

true identity

that Nakdlmon

ben Gorion’s

name) had in turn a daughter

5Ca). -AkITa’s

Thus Akiva’s

ben Gamliel.

the importance




And even more so, his father

was probably

was in law~

that of the venerable


Gamliel of Yavneh! This accounts at Bnai Brak.

for Piso choosing

It also accounts

been his (emphasis


not formally

unofficial in imposing



and for the fact that the older and directions.

the leader of the Judean

the one through

his will upon them.

the writings

for Bnai Brak being known as having

tannayim would respect his leadership although

him to superintend



whom Piso worked

was the

at the ~ime


Akiva labored m~st assiduously to place his name on these translations. In being required to follow Piso’s Greek phaaseologyp he encountered dlf£iculties. This is perhaps best illustrated by the intricate pattern he was forced to use in I Chronicles with aleph, k~, yUd, plus "9"; and in Daniel with bet and ayin plus "3." He did this in compliancewith the Family’s orders and expecting it to be able to decipher these insertions of his name. And this shows how extensive Piso’s knowledge was, most probably through his Herodi~n k~nsmen~See Romans 16.1~ of the codes used in Hebrew by Akiva and the other tannaylm. Each side knew thoroughly what the other side was saying, secretly as well aa openly, in its writinEs. And thus the Family efforts to supplant the Jewish religion with its own newly-created Faith encompassed a two-front strug~le. There were of course the continuing wars. In addition a secret wa~ o~- literature was being contemporaneously conducted. It involved m~ny scholars, dictation-takers, scribes and messenger~ andscriptora in Bnai Brak as well as Rome. And in that literary struggle Aklva had been delegated by Piso to play a leading role. Piso must have "forgiven" Akiva’s attacks in the book of ~st~er on his great secret. Probably he "appreciated" his overall efforts. For the Family went back and added to Acts the names A~abus and Skevap to "honor" him. And thus it was that these six beautiful "ancient" books have existed and been used by Christians and Jews alike for almost 1900 years. Yet few have realized that Akiva’s name was encoded into the Hebrew versions, and why, when, where, and by whom they had actually been written~.

Yet Akiva’s Piso’s


recent Greek

sole involvement identity


There revolts



in the great



of 115-117. Judean

Tha~ revolt all things


But he was the leading

was supposedly Greek,

And i~ seems


was in~endin~ largely


of his students

to assist

of his life.

in the widespread of Bar

the final great revol~. Emperor


who loved


to support

Bar Oohbah,


Bar ~ochbah family,

to even hint at a connection

Bar Cochbah. sent 25,O00

if he had not some~mw

They Mere the descendants

was nothing,

named Shimon



other than his name Shimon

with the leading family.


of ~abban Gamli~l 1 Yavneh, was believed to have been at Beitar, which was Bar Cochbah’s 2 ~i Alon Vol.II last stronghold durin~ the war. And a Sanhedrin sat there. Akiva


catastrophic imprisoned

the family

as a Greek ci~ye

nor any of ~he Judean

were alternatively

Yet thus far ~here

even " thou~

his son’s secret

the grea~ Kkiva, who supposedly

from the leading


was no5 his


to rebuild


would have followed



inSo Hebrew

and the final, aspect

revolt of 132-135,

The other tannayim


wi~h Piso in translating

is no hint 5ha5 Akiva was involved




had a son named Shimon.

end of the Bar Cochbah



And at the and before

and ~hen murder, d him, he d~livered

for his two sons, Shimon b.~Tb(1)


and (2).

and Ishmael


~2Dp~..6217bid6 the ~omans

a funeral oration

Katan 21b and Semacho~

And we suddenly r~member that Bar Cochb~h’s, name,meaning son of a star, supposedly was taken from the H~brew biblical verse in the OT Numbers 2~.17 that includes "there steppeth forth a star out of Jacob." It is always assumed that the application of~is title to Bar Cochbah meant that he was a descendant of Jacob/Israel, that is of the Jewish people. Yet we suddenly recall that we have met the name Jacob previously: ~hat Akiva’s original name must have been Jacob before it was changed to Akiva. And we perceive that the reason this biblical verse was used as the origin of the meaning of Bar Cochbah’s name was to secretly hint that Bar Cochbah had come from that particular Jacob whose name was later changed to Akiva. That is, that he was Akiva’s son, and therefor~ the ~r~andson of Rabban Oamliel. And this shows that Bar Cochbah’s revolt was the last-gasp military effor~ by the family of Hillel’s descendants.

It was ¯

their last military effort against that other great Family in Rome which rul~d the world and was using its personnel and legions to spread its created Faith.

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