Who Are The Endtime Players?

  • May 2020
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An Excerpt Taken from Chapter Two of "THE FAKE JESUS."

Who Are the Endtime Players?

Our studies intensified in September 2007 when Pam happened to watch a video clip that featured the ministry of an up and coming evangelist by the name of Cindy Trimm. Stunned to watch hundreds of congregants simultaneously fall on top of each other--- slain in the spirit like waves across the entire building, Pam paid particular attention to the words of the evangelist at the moment the hundreds fell. The words were, "I thank you,Father that the spirit of the Ashtar has fallen upon the people."

Troubled by the name "Ashtar", Pam searched the scriptures and found the name of an old testament idol called "Ashteroth." Once led to pursue additional research, she searched the web with the keyword "Ashtar." Shocked that a Christian evangelist would call on Ashtar moments before the congregants fell slain, a Google search opened the door to a plethora of occult websites dedicated to uplifting the teachings of cosmic beings that are referred to as "ascended" masters.

Since September 2007, we have discovered that there are at least 50 ascended masters, perhaps even more. Fifteen of them rank as being the primary players--- fallen angels who first claimed to be aliens, sent to earth to prepare for the advent of a one world religion and the rule of the anti-Christ. Within "The Fake Jesus", we present information about the top 5: Ashtar, Jesus Sananda Immanuel, Mother Mary, St. Germain and most of all Maitreya. As the leader, Maitreya holds the title of "the Master of Masters." The following essential points are presented so that you will have a basic foundation for understanding the material you will read in the rest of the book:

1. Extraterrestrial beings, aka aliens, are not "other life forms." They are fallen angels that Jesus Christ of Nazareth called DEMONS. The Apostle Paul called these cosmic beings "spiritual wickedness in heavenly(high) places, aka the skies that surround us. 2. Most of these demons are "religious." They began their open, telepathic communications with mediums and psychics centuries ago. 3. Knowing that they would not be well received by true followers of Christ, there work in and with the Christian churches has been and continues to be "undercover." 4. There is a fake Jesus. He is not Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the only begotten Son of God.The fake Jesus is a demon that calls himself "The Christ." 5. The fake Jesus identifies himself as the portrait that has hung in many churches for centuries: a Caucasian blue eyed man with long, light brown hair. The fake Jesus calls himself Jesus Sananda Immanuel.

6. With his occult followers, the Fake Jesus boasts of having been the founder of various Christian cults. 7. There is more than one high ranking demon who specializes in false religion. The high ranking demons call themselves "ascended masters." The "leader of leaders" calls himself "Maitreya." 8. Each ascended master has a company of lower ranking demons, at least one demon assigned to every one of the elect.

Discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, very often demons who are under the authority or chain of command of the Fake Jesus come into persons who have experienced being slain in the spirit. We suspect that being slain in the spirit falls under the domain and authority of Ashtar. Whether there is a true manifestationof the speaking in tongues is still being tried to see if it be of God. However, what we have discovered is that there is a counterfeit of the biblical experience of which charismatics have labeled "a prayer language." We are examining whether or not the present day counterfeit of tongues is the actual manifestation of the power of the beast in the book of revelation, where it is written that the beast "calls down fire from heaven." In fact, word of faith, pentecostal and charismatic preachers and teachers often call their conferences "fire from heaven."

These questions and inquiries add understanding to what the real Jesus Christ stated: Some shall prophecy, cast out demons, etc. in His name and He is going to say "I never knew you." Perhaps the reason that Jesus never knew these professing Christians is because they were worshipping, giving praise, singing, sending up prayers, making proclamations, making declarations in the name of "another" Christ. A demon. This could be the reason why the real Jesus does not know those who perform various exploits in the name of yet "another Jesus." The Fake Jesus.

A drama has been unfolding in what we believe to be the final act upon the earth as the world has known it. We have called the main characters who strut upon the world stage of real life "the ENDTIME PLAYERS." Some endtime players are human while others are angels. God's angels and Satan's fallen angels are known as demons: principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world and spiritual wickedness in high or "heavenly" places.(Ephesians Ch. 6) In the book of Revelation, the Apostle John clearly presents the job description of God's angelsin the last days. Simply put, God's angels are the agents of God's wrath and judgment.

Of course the primary human players in the endtimes consist of God's people who are alive on earth when the true Jesus returns. Every one of us who is saved today believed on Jesus Christ through the gospel that the first apostles preached. In this regard, the gates of hell can never make a claim on a born again child of God because any prayer of the Lord's was answered by the

Father. Therefore, the gates of hell have not and shall not prevail against the saved,whether churched or unchurched. However, it is important to point out that the Lord did not pray for the organized church in John 17. He could have, but He didn't. It was about to be formed. No, Jesus prayed for its first leaders, the 11 Apostles, with Paul being the spiritual replacement for Judas.

A serious cause for the confusion over who Jesus was referring to as "the church" is that for centuries, the organized religious system has made no distinction between its own bureaucracy and the eternal body of true believers in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In fact, in many churches, it is assumed and presumed that those who regularly attend on Sundays, pay their tithes and offerings, and partake of the means of grace are members in good standing, and therefore they are considered "saved." This practice began with Catholicism and eventually carried over into the Protestant churches.

Nevertheless, the assumption that every one on the church rolls is saved is certainly without scriptural justification. Some of you might turn to a verse in Ephesians where Paul writes that the Lord is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. Charismatics, particularly those who preach "dominion theology," contend that as long as the organized church is a toothless ole hag in a soiled wedding dress, the Lord is not coming back for her. Dominion theology boasts of present day apostles who are expected to reform the organized church to cause her to be a presentible bride.

Be warned that these folk are seriously deceived because there is not one thing that man can do to affect God's timetable. Some of you "foolish virgins" need to put some oil in your lamps and come to terms with the reality that the Lord is NOT coming back for the organized church. He is coming back for his invisible, eternal kingdom made up of the elect. Once saved, we no longer have "spots or wrinkles or any such thing" because a bonafide Christian has been washed in the blood of the Lamb. Once Jesus Christ returns, we all shall finish out the cleansing by the resurrection ofour dead bodies or the putting on of immortality by those of us who are alive at His coming. The final, miraculous act of the Lord at the end of this age shall be when we who are alive shall meet Him in the air along with the saved who preceded us in death before our time .

This is the gospel of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. There is only one event that I believe determines when the Lord shall come back. I believe He will come back when every name that was written in the Lamb's book of Life before the foundation of the earth was laid, has heard the gospel and has been led to the cross by the Holy Ghost. Jesus prayed that He would have ALL of the elect. If there is one among the elect who has not yet been born, He will wait on that person hearing the gospel and being drawn to Him by the Holy Ghost.

Another group of human endtime players are the false prophets.Today's men and women who call themselves pastors may feed the sheep with sermons, bible studies , even provide some occasional pastoral guidance. They may even do hospital visits. Even so, it is a rare thing to find a real biblical

pastor today, who has on his or her heart not only the 99, but the one who may be in need or even in danger.As a matter of fact, our leader has been in the company of pastors who when they fellowship together in ministerial alliances and committees, they "chew the fat" by "dogging-out" those whom they pastor.

Recently, Pam had a dream that she was in attendance at a conference held by one of the most well known present day megatv evangelists, a pastor of a flock of 25,000 members. As is the custom, there was a room in the convention center set aside for prayer. A woman with a very small storefront church cried out loudly, "Oh, Lord! Our church is defiled. Oh, Lord, we must come before you and repent. To get rid of the uncleanness, we commit ourselves to disbanning our present fellowship and submit all that we are, all that we have been, all that we have obtained to you. We are willing to start over again! Just tell us what to do!"

Then this storefront pastor saw the mega pastor and with genuine empathy and concern bent over him and whispered in his ear, "Brother,your church is defiled. You must repent. You can't clean up the mess yourself. You have to disband and start all over again." The mega pastor looked dismayed and puzzled. He didn't know where to begin. He had so much to lose. He didn't start out this way but with all that he had accumulated from the sheep, he had become a hireling.

Have you considered who is tending the sheep in the churches while they are being spiritually abused by hirelings? How many of today's pastors desire to rescue those who are perishing under the weight of sin? Most present day ministers know little to nothing of the dangers of occult subjection, of seducing spirits that teach and deceive. Religious demons continue to take advantage of the way that the word of God is preached and taught as their foundation for the enactment of spiritual abuse upon the sheep. The spirit of Jezebel armors itself as it seeks out pastors and church leaders who are amenable to deception as well as sheep who are prone to vulnerability. The religious demon sets the stage to preach the word of God into a defiled heart who will also teach a defiled word from the pulpit into spirits that have already been damaged, building a demonic fortress within the organized church.

It appears to be a done deal.

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