Whitewash As Public

  • October 2019
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  • Words: 578
  • Pages: 2
National Book awards deals in Orwellian double-speak by nominating The 9/11 Commission Report, a work of fiction, for the best non-fiction of the year! Read the following excerpts from “Whitewash as Public Service: How the 9/11 Commission Report defrauds the nation”, published in Harper’s 10-04 issue by Benjamin DeMott and judge for yourself. *









“The plain, sad reality—I report this following four full days studying the work—is that The 9/11 Commission Report, despite the vast quantity of labor behind it, is a cheat and a fraud. It stands as a series of evasive maneuvers that infantilize the audience, transform candor into iniquity, and conceal realities that demand immediate inspection and confrontation.” “In the course of blaming everybody a little, the Commission blames nobody—blurs the reasons for the actions and hesitations of successive administrations, masks choices that, fearlessly defined, might actually have vitalized our public political discourse.” “There’s little mystery about why the Commission is tongue-tied. It can’t call a liar a liar.” “There can be no documented guilt here, no history focused on inquiry into the distinction between the quality and intensity of one administration’s concern and the current of indifference marking the other’s. The narrative line carries the simple dictum: blame must be equally apportioned, and no comparative lessons about conduct are to be drawn.” “Faced with The 9/11 Commission Report, this country’s true need now is to shout Shame!” See full article at http://harpers.org/WhitewashAsPublicService.html. *









Don’t You Want to Know …..? Why the air defense system which functioned perfectly 67 times in the prior year all of a sudden failed on 9/11/01? Why warnings from 11 foreign countries with specific information of attacks were ignored?

Why were Pentagon officials warned not to fly on 9/11? Why were highly suspicious put options made on United and American Airlines, betting on a steep slide in share price which indicated someone had foreknowledge of the attacks? Why did Andy Card, George W. Bush’s chief of staff, just walk away after whispering in his ear “A second plane has hit the trade towers, our nation is under attack”? What was the US role in pipeline development and gas/oil exploration in Afghanistan Why did WTC7 fall at the speed of gravity in a symmetric shape onto it’s own footprint 7 hours after the attacks when it wasn’t hit by any planes? Why was a plane load of Saudi’s evacuated a few days after 9/11 without being thoroughly questioned, when nobody else could fly?

For a comprehensive list of “Blatant Omissions of the 9/11 Report, see http://www.ny911truth.org/articles/blatant_omissions.htm. *









The National Book Award nomination serves to legitimize a fraud, a cover-up of the most horrific event in our nation’s history by an investigative body appointed by the very same political leaders it was entrusted to investigate and hold accountable. We must never settle for anything less than full disclosure and accountability for the crimes of 9/11. All Americans, regardless of political party, must become informed on the critical issues, historical context, and unanswered questions of 9/11. We urge you to read “The New Pearl Harbor” by David Ray Griffin and “The 9/11 Terror Timeline” by Paul Thompson. Also, view excellent alternative analysis which you won’t find in the corporate media at the following web sites: www.911truth.org www.911citizenswatch.com www.911busters.com www.911blogger.com www.wtc7.net

To call for a REAL investigation, go to www.justicefor911.org.

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