Which Branch Of Medicine

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou?

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? Att hi sst agei nyourl i f e,you al r eadyknow t hatyouwant t opur sueaheal t hcar ecar eer f orsur e,butyoumaybe t hi nki ngaheadand wonder i ng–“ whi chbr anchof medi ci newi l lsui tmy per sonal i t ybest ?” Toanswert hi squest i oni n t hebestway,Iwi l lhavet o pr esumet hatyouknow your sel f ,yourper sonal i t y, andyourst r engt hsand weaknesses.I fnot ,now woul dbeagoodt i met o consul tacl i ni calpsychol ogi st f orsomepsychomet r i c t est i ng,andassi st ancewi t h car eergui dance!

Themedi calf i el d of f ersawi de vari et yofcareer opport uni t i eswi t h t heabi l i t yt o sat i sf yawi de vari et yof personal i t yt ypes: TheSci ent i st .Cer t ai n br anchesofmedi ci nel end t hemsel vessuper bl yt o sat i sf yi ngt hesci ent i f i c, i nt el l ect ualmi nd,wi t hmany oppor t uni t i esf orappl yi ng basi csci ent i f i cpr i nci pl esand t hesci ent i f i cmet hodi n dayt odaywor k. Exampl esar e:Medi cal Sci ent i st ,Medi cal Resear cher ,Chemi cal Pat hol ogi st ,al lt hevar i ous di sci pl i nesi nAcademi c

Medi ci ne,Genet i ci stand Opht hal mol ogi st . Al soconsi dert heexci t i ng i nt er phasebet ween medi ci neandengi neer i ng wi t hanumberofspeci al t y car eer si nBi oengi neer i ng ( Engi neer swhodesi gne. g. ar t i f i ci alj oi nt s,dent al i mpl ant s,di agnost i c equi pmentl i keCTscanner s andMRI scanner set c. ) . TheAr t i st .Medi ci nei sbot han ar tandasci ence.I fyour per sonal i t ypr of i l egr avi t at est o ar t i st i ct hi ngsi nl i f e,consi der t hef ol l owi ngmedi calcar eer s: Pl ast i candReconst r uct i ve Sur geon,oraPr ost hodont i st ( aDent i stspeci al i zi ngi n cr ownsandbr i dges,dent ur es andot herf aci alpr ost heses) ,or becomi ngaCosmet ol ogi st maybet hewayt hatt ogo. TheDet ect i ve.Det ect i ve st or i esandmovi esexci t eyou i nt oanot herwor l d!Youl ove t heoppor t uni t yt osol ve i nt r i gui ngmedi calmyst er i es! Consi der :For ensi c Pat hol ogi st ,Physi ci anand Hi st opat hol ogi st ,mostoft he var i oussubspeci al t i esof physi ci ansandsur geons r equi r ehi ghl ydevel oped di agnost i c( det ect i ve)ski l l s! TheAdvent ur er .Youl i vet o exper i enceadr enal i ner ushi ng t hr oughyourbl oodst r eam! Medi ci neof f er sampl e oppor t uni t i esf oryout o conf r ontandcopewi t h emer gencysi t uat i ons. Consi deracar eerasa Par amedi c/ EMT,an

Emer gencyResponseDoct or oraTr aumaSur geon. TheHumani t ar i an.Youhave apost eroft hel at eMot her Ther esaonyourwal landal l youwantoutofl i f ei st he oppor t uni t yt oser veyour f el l owmani nauni queand speci alway.Consi deral l br anchesofCl i ni calNur si ng, Fami l yPr act i t i oner , Communi t yMedi cal Of f i cer / Dent i st ,Communi t y Nur si ngandAI DScounsel l or . TheCompassi onat e I ndi vi dual .Youl ovet ohel p t heunder pr i vi l egedandar e compel l edt omakel i f ebet t er f oral lhur t i ngpeopl e– especi al l ybabi es,chi l dr enand ani mal s!Consi deral lbr anches ofCl i ni calNur si ng, Occupat i onalTher api st ,Publ i c Heal t hOf f i cer ,Oncol ogi st , Pedi at r i ci an,Neonat ol ogi st ( newbor nbabi es) ,andAI DS counci l or .I fyourcompassi on seeksexpr essi ont owar ds ani mal s,consi derbecomi nga Vet er i nar i anorVet er i nar y Assi st ant . Becomi ngamedi cal pr of essi onali smuchmor et han asi mpl ecar eer ,j ob,or occupat i on–r at her ,i ti sa“ l i f e cal l i ng” .Ast r ongdesi r et o succeedi st her ef or et hef i r st andmosti mpor t ant pr er equi si t ef orsuccessi n becomi ngamedi cal pr of essi onal ! Tr yanonl i neassessmentat : ht t p: / / www. Car eer Test . us. vi si twww. t heappr ent i cedoct or . com

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? TheTechni cal l yMi nded.You l ovet owor kwi t hyourhands ANDdemandi nt el l ect ual f ul f i l l mentf r om yourwor k.You woul dpr obabl ydowel l pur sui ngt hef ol l owi ngcar eer s: Sur geon,Dent alLabor at or y Technol ogi standOr t hopt i st . TheCommuni cat or .The oppor t uni t yt oconst ant l y i ncr easeandi mpr oveyour communi cat i onski l l sat t r act s you,asdoest hepr ospectof hel pi ngot herpeopl e.Consi der t hef ol l owi ng:Gener alMedi cal Pr act i t i oner ,Audi ol ogi st , SpeechTher api st ,Cl i ni cal Psychol ogi st ,Psychi at r i stand Tr aumacounci l or .

TheEnt repreneur–al l pr act i t i oner si npr i vat e pr act i ceneedsome ent r epr eneur i alski l l s,and pr i vat epr act i ceof f er sl ot sof scopef orexpr essi ng ent r epr eneur i alspi r i t .Moder n medi ci neaspr act i cedi na pr i vat epr act i cer equi r esbot h st r ongcomponent sof cust omerser vi ce,mar ket i ng ski l l s,manager i alski l l smanagi ngal lt hecomponent s oft hepr act i ce( per sonnel , t i me,f i nanceset c. ) . Pr act i t i oner swi t han ext r emel yhumani st i c/ compassi onat echar act er mayenj oypr i vat epr act i ce i mmensel y,butunf or t unat el y

mayf i ndt hemsel vesunabl et o makef i nanci alsenseoutof t hei rpr act i ceatt heendoft he day!Somebr anchesof medi ci newi l lr equi r ehi gh l evel sofbusi nessski l l s–e. g. Radi ol ogi st sandPat hol ogi st susual l yt hesepr i vat epr act i ces ar ei ncor por at edl ar gegr oup pr act i ceswi t hal ar geamount ofcapi t alt obel ai doutf or equi pment . Thebusi nessmanager .I f youpossesshi ghl ydevel oped or gani zat i onalski l l sor manager i alski l l syoumay consi deracar eerasaHospi t al Manageroramangerofa l ar gegr ouppr act i cee. g. >>

Keept al ki ng. . . Al lbr anchesofmedi ci ner equi r eaboveaver age communi cat i onski l l s.Al waysr emembert hi s:

Ani nf or medpat i enti sahappypat i ent ! Youmayt hi nkt hatpeopl esuesur geonsand doct or sbecauset heyhavebeeni ncompet entor madeami st ake,butt hi si snott r ue. St udi esper f or medi nt heU. S.haveshown,cl ear l y, t hatmedi calpr of essi onal swhot akemor et i me t al ki ngt oandi nf or mi ngt hei rpat i ent sar esued l esst hant hosewhodon’ t . I t ’ snott hatt heydon’ tmakemi st akes. . . Theydo-butpat i ent sr ef uset ol aybl ameona doct ororsur geont hatt heyl i ke,andt heywoul d r at herbl amet her ef er r i ngdoct or ,oranur sewho t r eat edt hem poor l y,orwhodi dn’ tt aket het i met o t al kt hepr obl em t hr oughwi t ht hem.

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? Careersi nmedi ci ne TheBusi nessManager ( cont ) . . .Radi ol ogi st s, Pat hol ogi st sorAnest het i st s. Keepi nmi ndt hat or gani zat i onalski l l sand manager i alski l l sar eacqui r ed ski l l s,whi char ej ustas i mpor t antasnat ur alt al ent .You wi l lhavet opur suef or mal st udi esi nbusi ness managementt osucceedat yourcar eeri nt hepr esent compet i t i vebusi ness envi r onment !Youmayal sodo wel lt oconsi deramanager i al posi t i oni nabusi ness suppl yi ngt hemedi cal pr of essi onwi t hessent i al equi pmentormedi cali t ems.

TheSpor t sandPhysi cal Type.Youl ovespor t s,l i vef or yourdai l ygym sessi on,you t akepar ti nspor tandl i ket o assi stspor t smenandwomen t osucceedandgi vet hei rbest i nt hei rspor t i ngcar eer s.The f ol l owi ngcar eer swi l lpr obabl y i nt er estyou–Spor t sMedi ci ne, Physi ot her apy,Spor t Psychol ogi st ,Bi oki net i ci stand possi bl yaDi et i ci an speci al i zi ngi nspor tnut r i t i on. Tohel pyoumaket her i ght choi cei nyourf ut ur emedi cal car eer ,youshoul dr eal l ydoa pr of essi onalper sonal i t y assesment .

I fyourcar eermat ches yourbel i ef s,ski l l sand passi ons,youwi l lbe mor esuccessf uli nyour wor ki ngl i f e,andf i nd mor ef ul f i l ment .


ThereareTHOUSANDS ofcareeropt i ons i nmedi ci ne! ! !

Her ef ol l owsal i stofsomeoft hecar eer si nmoder nmedi ci neand heal t hcar e,f ol l owedbyashor texpl anat or ynot eoneachone.


Anest het i st Aper sonspeci al l yt r ai nedt o admi ni st eranest het i csand managepai n. Car di acandThor aci c Sur geon Asur geonspeci al i zi ngi nt he or gansandst r uct ur esoft he chestcavi t y. Car di ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n condi t i onsanddi seasesoft he hear t . Communi t yandPubl i c Heal t hPr act i t i oner Amedi calpr act i t i oner speci al i zi ngi nheal t hi ssues af f ect i ngcommuni t i es. Cr i t i calCar ePhysi ci an Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he car eofcr i t i cal l yi l lpat i ent s. Der mat ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n condi t i onsoft heski nand r el at edst r uct ur es.

Endocr i nol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he endocr i nesyst em. Fami l yPhysi ci an Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n f ami l ymedi ci ne. Gast r oent er ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he di gest i vesyst em. Gener alMedi calPr act i t i oner ( GP) Amedi calpr act i t i onerof f er i ng gener almedi calser vi cest oa communi t y. Genet i ci st Aspeci al i sti ngenet i cs. Ger i at r i cMedi ci ne Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he aged/ el der l ypeopl e. Gynecol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n condi t i onsanddi seases af f ect i ngt hef emal egender . Hemat ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he t r eat mentofbl ooddi sor der s. vi si twww. t heappr ent i cedoct or . com

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? Medi calOncol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he t r eat mentofpat i ent ssuf f er i ng f r om cancer .

Opht hal mol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he t r eat mentofdi seasesand condi t i onsoft heeye.

Mi cr obi ol ogi st Asci ent i st / medi calspeci al i st speci al i zi ngi n mi cr oor gani sms.

Or t hopedi cSur geon Asur geonspeci al i zi ngi n di sor der soft heskel et al syst em andassoci at ed muscl es,j oi nt s,andl i gament s.

Neonat ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n newbor nbabi es. Nephr ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n ki dneydi sor der s. Neur ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he ner voussyst em. Neur osur geon Asur geonspeci al i zi ngi nt he br ai nandspi nalcor d. Nucl earMedi ci ne Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi nt he di agnosi sandt r eat mentof condi t i onswi t hr adi oact i ve i sot opes. Obst et r i ci an Aphysi ci anwhospeci al i zesi n t hecar eofwomendur i ng pr egnancy, chi l dbi r t h,andaf t erdel i ver y. Occupat i onalHeal t h Physi ci an Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n heal t hi ssuesassoci at edwi t h var i ousoccupat i ons.

Pedi at r i cCar di ol ogi st Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n condi t i onsanddi seasesoft he hear ti npedi at r i cpat i ent s. Pedi at r i cSur geon Asur geonspeci al i zi ngi n condi t i onsanddi seases af f ect i ngchi l dr en. Pedi at r i ci an Aphysi ci anspeci al i zi ngi n condi t i onsanddi seases af f ect i ngchi l dr en. Pat hol ogi st Adoct orwhospeci al i zesi n medi caldi agnosi sand pr act i ceschi ef l yi nal abor at or y asaconsul t antt ocl i ni cal col l eagues. Physi calMedi ci nePhysi ci an Adoct orwhot r eat s,pr event s, anddi agnosesdi seasesby essent i al l yphysi calmeans. Physi ci an Aper sonwhopr act i ces gener almedi ci neasdi st i nct f r om sur ger y.

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? Pl ast i cSur geon Asur geonwhospeci al i zesi n t her epai rofdef or mi t i esand t her est or at i onofcont ourt o i mpr oveappear anceand f unct i on.

Vascul arSur geon Asur geonspeci al i zi ngi n i nj ur i esandot herdi sor der sof bl oodvessel s.

Psychi at r i st Aphysi ci anwhospeci al i zesi n ment alheal t h.

Communi t yDent i st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi nt he aspect sofdent i st r yaf f ect i ng communi t i es.

Pul monol ogi st Aphysi ci anwhospeci al i zesi n t her espi r at or ysyst em. Radi at i onOncol ogi st Aphysi ci anwhot r eat scancer wi t hr adi at i on. Radi ol ogi st Adoct orwhousesi magi ng t echni quest odi agnoseand t r eatvar i ouscondi t i onsand di seases. Rheumat ol ogi st Aspeci al i sti nt hedi agnosi s andt r eat mentofr heumat i c condi t i ons. Sur geon Aphysi ci anwhospeci al i zesi n sur ger y. Tr aumaSur geon Asur geonspeci al i zi ngi n t r auma( i nj ur i es) . Ur ol ogi st Amedi calspeci al i stwhodeal s wi t ht hedi agnosi sand t r eat mentofdi seasesoft he ur i nar yt r act .


Dent alTher api st Apr act i t i onert r ai nedi nbasi c aspect sofpr event at i veand t her apeut i cdent i st r y. Dent i st( Gener aldent al pr act i t i oner ) Apr act i t i onert r ai nedi n pr event i ng,t r eat i ngand r ecogni zi ngawi despect r um of condi t i ons/ di seasesaf f ect i ng t het eet handor alcavi t y. Endodont i st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi nal lt he aspect sandpr ocesses i nvol vi ngt hei nnerst r uct ur es oft eet h.

Or alandMaxi l l of aci al Radi ol ogi st Adent alspeci al i stwhouses i magi ngt echni quest o di agnoseandt r eatvar i ous condi t i onsanddi seases. Or t hodont i st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi n aspect sr el at edt ot he al i gnmentoft eet handgr owt h oft hej aws. Pedi at r i cdent i st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi nal l aspect sofdent i st r yr el at edt o chi l dr en. Per i odont i st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi nt he suppor t i ngst r uct ur esoft eet h. Pr ost hodont i st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi nt he r est or at i onoft eet handot her st r uct ur esi nt hemout hand f acewi t ht heuseofar t i f i ci al mat er i al s.

Maxi l l of aci alandOr al Sur geon Adent al l y/ medi cal l yqual i f i ed per sonspeci al i zi ngi nsur gi cal aspect sofcondi t i onsaf f ect i ng t hemout h,j awsandf aci al skel et on. Or alPat hol ogi st Adent i stspeci al i zi ngi nt he di agnosi sofdi seases/ condi t i onsaf f ect i ngt het eet h, j awsandsur r oundi ng st r uct ur es. vi si twww. t heappr ent i cedoct or . com

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? ALLI EDDENTAL OCCUPATI ONS:

AI DSCounci l or Aper sont r ai nedi nof f er i ngt he publ i candHI VandAI DS pat i ent swi t hadvi ceand i nf or mat i on.

Dent alLabor at or y Technol ogi st Dent all abor at or yt echnol ogi st s makeandr epai rdent al r est or at i onsandappl i ances suchasdent alcr ownsand br i dges,or t hodont i cs appl i ances,dent ur es,and ot herdent alappl i ances.

Ar omat her api st Ar omat her api st suseessent i al oi l sext r act edf r om pl ant st o i mpr ovephysi caland emot i onalwel l bei ngandhel p pr eventdi sease.

Dent alAssi st ant Dent alassi st ant shel pdent i st s pr ovi dedent alcar e.

Or alHygi eni st Or alhygi eni st spr ovi de pr event i vet r eat mentf oror al heal t hpr obl ems.

Bi oki net i ci st Abi oki net i ci sti sanexer ci se speci al i stwhoi mpr oves peopl e’ sphysi calcondi t i onsby physi calassessmentandt he pr escr i pt i onofi ndi vi dual i zed heal t hexer ci sepr ogr ams.

Emer gencyMedi ci ne Techni ci an ( EMTs)andpar amedi csar e ski l l edmedi calwor ker swho r espondbyambul ancet o medi calemer genci esf ort he i nj ur edandi l l . Fi r stAi dOf f i cer Fi r stai dof f i cer sof f er / or gani ze f i r stai dser vi cesandt r ai ni ng cour sest oi ndi vi dual sand gr oupsi nvar i oussi t uat i ons. Hear i ngAi dAcoust i ci an Audi omet r i st sconducthear i ng assessment s,f i thear i ngai ds andassi stpeopl ewi t h i mpai r edhear i ng. Homeopat h Homeopat hsusesmi nut e quant i t i esofsubst ancesi n di l ut i ont ost i mul at et hebody’ s ownheal i ngpower . Hospi t alAdmi ni st r at or Heal t hcar eadmi ni st r at or s di r ectandmanagehospi t al s andot herheal t hcar ef aci l i t i es.

ALLI EDHEALTHCARE PROFESSI ONALSAND ALTERNATI VE MEDI CI NE PRACTI TI ONERS: Acupunct ur i st s Aper sont r eat i ngdi seases usi ngt r adi t i onalChi nese heal i ngmet hods,l i keusi ng needl est ost i mul at especi f i c ar easoft hebody.

Chi r opr act or Chi r opr act or s,di agnoseand t r eatheal t hpr obl ems associ at edwi t ht hebody’ s muscul ar ,ner vous,and skel et alsyst ems,especi al l y t hespi ne. Di et i ci an Di et i ci anspr ovi deadvi ceand educat i onaboutnut r i t i onand i t saf f ectonheal t h.

Medi calPhysi ci st Medi calphysi ci st sar eheal t h car epr of essi onal swi t h speci al i zedt r ai ni ngi nt he medi calappl i cat i onsofphysi cs e. g.xr ays,ul t r asound, magnet i candel ect r i cf i el ds, i nf r ar edandul t r avi ol etl i ght , heatandl aser s. Medi calPr act i ce Admi ni st r at or MPA’ sar er esponsi bl ef oral l t headmi ni st r at i veand or gani zat i onalt asksi na medi calpr act i ce. vi si twww. t heappr ent i cedoct or . com

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? Medi calTechnol ogi st Medi calt echnol ogi st sper f or m l abor at or ywor kt oi dent i f y, di agnose,andt r eatdi seases. Nur si ngAssi st ant Nur si ngai deswor kundert he di r ect i onofot herheal t hcar e pr of essi onal s,usual l yi n nur si nghomesorhospi t al s. Occupat i onalTher api st Occupat i onalTher api st sassi st pat i ent swhoar ement al l y, emot i onal l y,orphysi cal l y di sabl edt oadj ustt ot hei r handi capsandr egai nabi l i t i es andski l l s. Opt omet r i st Opt omet r i st sexami nepeopl e’ s eyest odi agnosevi si on pr obl emsandeyedi seases. Or t hopt i st Or t hopt i st sdi agnoseandt r eat def ect sofvi si onand abnor mal i t i esofeye movement . Or t hot i st Or t hot i st spr ovi dear angeof spl i nt s,br acesandspeci al f oot weart oai dmovement , cor r ectdef or mi t yandr el i eve di scomf or t . Par amedi c Emer gencymedi cal t echni ci ans( EMTs)and par amedi csar eski l l edmedi cal wor ker swhor espondby ambul ancet omedi cal emer genci esf ort hei nj ur ed andi l l .

Phar maci st Phar maci st sdi spensedr ugs andmedi ci nespr escr i bedby physi ci ansandheal t h pr act i t i oner sandpr ovi de i i nf or mat i ont opat i ent sabout t hesemedi cat i ons. Phar macot her api st Phar macot her api st– speci al i zesi n phar macot her apyandi s r esponsi bl ef ordi r ectpat i ent car e. Physi ot her api st Physi ot her api st shel pandt r eat peopl ewi t hphysi calpr obl ems causedbyi l l ness,acci dentor agei ngwi t hmassage, movement ,exer ci seand t echnol ogy. Podi at r i st Podi at r i st st r eatankl eandf oot pr obl ems,condi t i ons, abnor mal i t i es,di seases, i nj ur i es,def or mi t i es,and i nf ect i ons. Pr ost het i st Pr ost het i st spr ovi det hebest possi bl ear t i f i ci alr epl acement f orpat i ent swhohavel ostor wer ebor nwi t houtal i mb.A pr ost het i cl i mbshoul df eeland l ookl i keanat ur all i mb. Psychol ogi st Psychol ogi st sst udyt hehuman mi ndandhumanbehavi or . Ref l exol ogi st Ref l exol ogi st st r eatar angeof condi t i onsbyappl yi ng pr essur et oar easoft hef eet whi chcor r espondt odi f f er ent par t soft hebody.

Regi st er edNur se Regi st er ednur ses( RNs)wor k t opr omot eheal t h,pr event di sease,andhel ppat i ent s copewi t hi l l ness. SpeechTher api st SpeechTher api st swor kwi t h pat i ent swhohavespeech, l anguage,voi ceorf l uency di sor der s. St af fNur se St af fnur sespr ovi dedi r ect pat i entcar eathospi t al s.

. . . butwi l lt herebe pl acef orme?

5oft he10hot t est Car eer si n2007ar ei n t heHeal t hcar esect or , wi t hgr owt hupwar ds of40% byt heyear 2012.

ht t p: / / www. car eer expl or er . net / t enhot t est c ar eer s. asp

TheWor l dHeal t h Or gani zat i onr ecent l y r epor t edt hatt her ei s a"chr oni cshor t age" of4mi l l i on col l eget r ai ned heal t hcar ewor ker si n 57count r i es.

ht t p: / / www. wor l dwi del ear n. com/ heal t hcar e/ ar t i cl e/ heal t hcar ej obsser vi ngbabyboom er spr omi sesust ai nedgr owt h. php

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Whi chbranchofmedi ci nei sforyou? . . . andf i nal l y-consi deryourf ut ur ewor ki nghour s. Li f easamedi calpr of essi onalr equi r esut t erdedi cat i onandgener al l yal sor equi r esl ongwor ki nghour s. Asanewl yqual i f i edi nt er nyoucoul deasi l ybeexpect edt owor k30hourshi f t s,andi ti sal sonotuncommon f ormostphysi ci anst owor k60hourweeks. Addedt ot hatyouwi l lhavet of acet her eal i t yofaf t er hour semer genci es–onweekendsandi nt hemi ddl e oft heni ght !Whi l et hi smaynotl ookl i keapr obl em t oyounow,l ongandi r r egul arwor ki nghour shavef or ced numer ousdoct or spr emat ur el youtoft hei rmedi calcar eer s,andt heunpr edi ct abl el i f eofaheal t hcar ewor ker hascont r i but edt ot hebr eakdownofmanyamar r i age! I fyouknowt hatyouwon’ tbeabl et ocopewi t hext ensi veaf t er hour scal l out s,consi derDer mat ol ogy, Opht hal mol ogyorpossi bl yDent i st r y.I nt hesamebr eat h–donotbecomeanObst et r i ci an,anAnest het i st ,a Sur geonoraPar amedi c/ EMT! !

Soyou’ r est i l li nt er est ed? St ar twi t ht hebasi cs. . . hat everyourf i nalchoi ce W amongt hevar i ouspossi bl e

1 4

2 3

car eerchoi cesi nheal t hcar e mi ghtbe,youwi l lneedt o begi nbyst udyi ngsomebasi c pr i nci pl es.Medi ci nei sabi t l i kemat hemat i cs–i ti s si mpl e,asl ongasyou under st andandst i ckt ot he basi cpr i nci pl es.

vi si twww. t heappr ent i cedoct or . com c a nnot mi s st hi s ! !

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